Simultaneous Localization and Planning of Cooperative Air Munitions via Dynamic Programming Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This thesis does not include proprietary or classi ed information. Emily A. Doucette Certi cate of Approval: John E. Cochran Department Head and Professor Aerospace Engineering Andrew J. Sinclair, Chair Assistant Professor Aerospace Engineering David A. Cicci Professor Aerospace Engineering Joe F. Pittman Interim Dean Graduate School Simultaneous Localization and Planning of Cooperative Air Munitions via Dynamic Programming Emily A. Doucette A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Ful llment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama May 10, 2008 Simultaneous Localization and Planning of Cooperative Air Munitions via Dynamic Programming Emily A. Doucette Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this thesis at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date of Graduation iii Vita Emily Ann Doucette, daughter of Roland Jr. and Judith (Cusimano) Doucette, was born September 30, 1984, in Metairie, Louisiana. She graduated from Pope John Paul II Catholic High School as Valedictorian in 2002. She attended Auburn Univer- sity in Auburn, Alabama, where she was chapter president of her sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, and graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering degree in May 2006. She entered Graduate School at Auburn University, in August 2006. iv Thesis Abstract Simultaneous Localization and Planning of Cooperative Air Munitions via Dynamic Programming Emily A. Doucette Master of Science, May 10, 2008 (B.A.E., Auburn University, 2006) 80 Typed Pages Directed by Andrew J. Sinclair This work centers on the real-time trajectory planning for the cooperative con- trol of two aerial munitions in a planar setting. One munition strikes the stationary ground target and the other will serve as an observer. Sensor information from each munition is assumed available, and the individual target-location estimates are fused in a weighted least squares solution. The variance of this combined estimate is used to de ne a cost function. The problem is posed to design munition trajectories that minimize this cost function. This work describes the solution of the problem by a dynamic-programming method. The dynamic-programming method establishes a set of grid points for each munition to traverse based on the initial position of the mu- nition relative to the target. The method determines the optimal path along those points to minimize the value of the cost function and consequently decrease the value of uncertainty in the estimate of the target location. The method is validated by com- parison to known solutions computed by a variational method for sample solutions. v Numerical solutions are presented along with computational run times to indicate that this method is e ective in trajectory design and target location estimation. vi Acknowledgments The author would like to acknowledge Dr. Andrew Sinclair for his guidance and support throughout this work. The author would also like to thank Dr. David Je coat and the Munitions Directorate of Air Force Research Laboratory for the opportunity to investigate this problem, and the Aerospace Engineering Department at Auburn University for its support and nancial assistance. Finally, the author would like to bestow many thanks to her family and friends for their constant encouragement and unwavering support. vii Style manual or journal used Journal of Approximation Theory (together with the style known as \aums"). Bibliograpy follows van Leunen?s A Handbook for Scholars. Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (speci cally LATEX) together with the departmental style- le aums.sty. viii Table of Contents List of Figures x List of Tables xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Optimal Control Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2.1 Convexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3 Dynamic-Programming and Graph Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 Development and Validation of Dynamic-Programming Routine 12 2.1 Method Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2 Validation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3 Problem Definition 17 4 Application of Dynamic-Programming Approach 25 5 Estimation Performance 30 5.1 Estimation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.1.1 Problem 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.1.2 Problem 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5.2 Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6 Conclusions 34 Bibliography 36 Appendices 38 A FORTRAN Code Used for Dynamic-Programming 39 B MATLAB Code Used for Plots and Error Estimation 65 ix List of Figures 1.1 (a) Convex set (b) Nonconvex set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2 Convex function f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.3 Results from Textbook Example Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1 Results from Single Degree of Freedom Validation . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.1 Measurement of the target by the ith munition and the associated error probability ellipse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.2 Investigation of cost function convexity with constant tF . . . . . . . 24 3.3 Investigation of cost function convexity with constant heading, 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.1 Example of (a) path grids and (b) DAG where n = 64 and m = 168 . 26 4.2 DAG where n = 64 and m = 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.3 Problem 1 SLAP trajectories from (a) variational and (b) DP methods. 28 4.4 Problem 2 SLAP trajectories from (a) variational and (b) DP methods. 28 5.1 Estimation errors using (a) Variational Method and (b) DP trajectories with x2(0) = 100 ft, and y2(0) = 2000 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5.2 Estimation errors using (a) Variational Method and (b) DP trajectories with x2(0) = 0 ft, and y2(0) = 2000 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 x List of Tables 3.1 Cost of Trial Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.1 Cost for sample SLAP trajectories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.1 Area of one-sigma uncertainty ellipse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 xi Chapter 1 Introduction Research is in progress on the cooperative control of air armament designed to detect, identify, and attack ground targets with minimal operator oversight. One class of this type of armament is wide-area search munitions, which can be deployed in an area of unknown targets. Current development is focused on possibilities of enhancing munition capabilities through cooperative control. This problem of de- signing an attack trajectory that enhances the ability to estimate the target location will be referred to as simultaneous localization and planning (SLAP). Previous work by Sinclair et al. solved the SLAP problem by variational methods [1]. This work presents a method to drastically reduce the computational expense incurred in vari- ational approaches to the SLAP problem by use of the dynamic-programming (DP) method. The methods presented in this work will be illustrated for a planar problem with two munitions and one stationary target. In Chapter 2, the steps taken during the development of the dynamic-programming routine will be discussed and the results of the validation process will be analyzed. Chapter 3 presents models for the munition motion and sensor performance. Next in Chapter 4, the SLAP trajectory design is posed as a DP problem. The performance cost sensitivity to grid resolution is then investigated. Finally, the performance of a target-location estimation algorithm is evaluated along the SLAP trajectories and compared to alternative trajectories. This chapter presents past investigations of co- operative control problems that played a role in the motivation for the DP approach, 1 an overview of general optimal control problems, the dynamic-programming method, and graph theory used in this work. 1.1 Literature Review Several aspects of the cooperative control of unmanned air vehicles have been investigated. Important work exists in the literature on the problem of cooperative search. In 2002, Chandler et al. presented the cooperative use of eight vehicles to maximize the probability of correct target classi cation through the development of templates and combination of views over various aspect angles. In this work, a hierarchical distributed decision system is used to sequentially perform task assign- ments through a market based bidding scheme, coordinate cooperative tasks, and plan the optimal paths to view the targets. This method demonstrated signi cant improvement in classi cation performance than that achieved when the vehicles oper- ate independently [2]. The e ect of cueing on the probability of target detection was investigated by use of two searchers through the derivation from rst principles using a Markov chain analysis [3]. Additionally in 2005, Frew et al. developed guidance laws for tracking a ground vehicle by an autonomous team of two air vehicles by the construction of Lyapunov vector elds. This method used a second Lyaponuv vector eld to produce advantageous phasing of aircraft to follow an agile target [4]. The problem of cooperative search is related to that of the often investigated problem of designing optimal trajectories for single observers. Fawcett used the Cramer-Rao lower bound to investigate the e ect of course maneuvers on bearings- only range estimation. Although optimal observer trajectories were not designed, it was shown by Monte Carlo simulations that for small amounts of noise, the variance 2 of the maximum likelihood estimator range estimate follows the Cramer-Rao lower bound [5]. Hammel et al. derived observer paths in the context of continuous-time bearing measurements with a performance index based on the determinant of the Fisher information matrix (FIM). Because that formulation resulted in an optimal control problem not suited for standard solution methods based on the minimum principle, an approximate numerical solution based on the direct maximization of the FIM was used [6]. Oshman and Davidson investigated Hammel?s problem by use of direct optimal control numerical schemes, including two gradient-based numerical procedures and di erential inclusion. In addition to improving results, state con- straints were also imposed on the observer trajectory to simulate the defense system of a target [7]. Logothetis et al. compared two groups of suboptimal optimization techniques for computing observer trajectories in bearings-only tracking. It was shown that the approximate DP strategy yielded smaller range errors than one-step-ahead suboptimal strategies, the smallest range error being produced by the DP method that minimized the trace of the error covariance matrix at each time instant [8]. Passerieux and Van Cappel generalized the constant speed observer trajectories to nonrectilinear segments and computed the true optimal observer maneuvers for bearings-only tracking. The Euler equations were established and resolved by a combination of analytical and numerical methods and the performance index was based on minimizing an accuracy criterion from the FIM [9]. Additional single observer trajectory optimization problems involve vision based guidance. Frew and Rock recognized the strong relationship between the performance of monocular vision based target tracking and camera motion. Camera paths were 3 designed in real time based on the predicted target state error covariance using a pyramid, breadth- rst search algorithm [10]. Wantanabe et al. studied vehicle guid- ance design that utilized sensor trajectory optimization for monocular vision based guidance. This method improved mission performance by minimizing a weighted sum of guidance performance cost, control cost, and estimation cost [11]. The problem of planning optimal trajectories for cooperative observers has been studied using collocation. Ousingsawat and Campbell developed a receding horizon optimal control formulation to solve for trajectories that maximize information gath- ered by the sensing vehicles. Important notes in this work were that nonsymmetric sensors tend to triangulate as they approach the target and that the addition of a third vehicle does not yield large performance improvement but does add redundancy [12]. Grocholsky also de ned information gathering as an optimal control problem to quantify his results that explain the coupling and coordination of decentralized decision makers. It was also shown that the use of static information structures lead to sub-optimal yet e cient control strategies for the team [13]. The problem of cooperative attack was previously investigated using variational methods [1]. This method yielded encouraging results, but was too computationally expensive for online implementation. Coupled with the need for reduced compu- tational expense and the results from Logothetis, it was determined that the ef- fectiveness of the dynamic-programming method on the SLAP problem should be investigated. 4 1.2 Optimal Control Theory The primary focus of Applied Optimal Control Theory is the analysis and design of complicated dynamic systems and the determination of e ective ways to control such systems. The mathematical statement of the optimal control problem consists of descriptions of the system to be controlled, system constraints, the task to be accomplished, and the criterion against which the performance is to be judged and determined optimal [14]. The system to be controlled is expressed in a set of di erential equations known as the state equations. The state equation is typically a function of the state, x, the control variable, u, and time, t, as shown in Eq. (1.1). Constraints often exist on allowable values of state and control variables. _x = f(x;u;t) (1.1) The task is often dictated by a boundary condition on Eq. (1.1), such as a state transition from a known initial state to a speci ed nal state. The task is frequently speci ed implicitly by the performance criterion, also known as the cost function. The general form of a continuous cost function is given by Eq. (1.2). J = (x(tF);tF) + Z tF 0 L(x;u;t)dt (1.2) In Eq. (1.2), is a scalar-valued function of the cost associated with the terminal state at time tF. The cost function L is also a scalar-valued function and depends on the transient states and control e ort. These functions are selected to emphasize 5 the importance of terminal condition, transient behavior, and the expended control e ort in the total cost function, J. The next step to optimization is the de nition of the Hamiltonian. This scalar- valued function is important due to Pontryagin?s minimum principle that states the optimal control u (t) is a member of the admissible control set U which minimizes H at every time. The Lagrange multipliers are referred to as costates and measure the sensitivity of the cost to the current value of the states. H = L(x;u;t) + Tf(x;u;t) (1.3) After de ning the Hamiltonian, Eq. (1.3) is substituted into Eq. (1.2) to form the augmented cost function Ja. Ja = (x(tF)) + Z tF 0 H(x;u; ;t) T _x dt (1.4) Expanding the augmented cost function by taking the variation due to the states x and control u yields Ja. Ja = @ @x(tF) T x(tF) + Z tF 0 @H @x T x+ @H@u T u+ @H@ T _xT T _x dt 6 This result can be integrated by parts. Ja = @ @x(tF) T x(tF) T x tF 0 + Z tF 0 " @H @x + _ T x+ @H@u T u+ @H @ _x T # dt By requiring the expressions in the integrand to go to zero for arbitrary variations x and u, necessary conditions known as the Euler-Lagrange equations are formed. _ = @H @x @H @u = 0 (1.5) _x = @H@ The terms outside the integral yield the boundary conditions on the problem. Solution of these necessary and boundary conditions is referred to as solving the optimal control problem by indirect or variational methods. 1.2.1 Convexity It is important to note the role of convexity in optimal control problems. If an optimal control problem is convex, an optimal solution should yield a global mini- mum, whereas the solution of a nonconvex optimal control problem may yield only a local minimum. Convex sets and convex functions must be de ned to determine the convexity of an optimal control problem. 7 (a) (b) Figure 1.1: (a) Convex set (b) Nonconvex set A set C is convex if a line segment between any two points in the set lies in the set, i:e: for any x1;x2 2 C and any where 0 1, convexity requires x1 + (1 )x2 2C, as illustrated by Fig. 1.1. A function f , shown in Fig. 1.2, is convex if and only if: 1. the domain of f is a convex set, 2. and the function evaluation of a linear interpolation of x1 and x2 must be less than or equal to the linear interpolation of f(x1) and f(x2). Given an optimization problem of minimizing the objective function f0(x) subject to inequality constraints fi(x) 0 and equality constraints aTi x = bi, the problem is convex if and only if: 1. f0 and fi are convex, 2. and the equality constraints are linear. Given these de nitions of convex sets, functions, and optimization problems, the convexity of an optimal control problem may be determined. The general form of 8 Figure 1.2: Convex function f an optimal control problem is to minimize the cost function J(x;u;t) subject to state equations _x = f(x;u;t), equality constraints Ce(x;u;t) = 0, and inequality constraints Ci(x;u;t) 0. The control variable u(t) is continuous in time, therefore making this an in nite-dimensional optimization problem. If the states are written as a function of the controls, the optimal control problem more closely resembles the previous optimization problem. Therefore, the optimal control problem is convex if J(u) and Ci(u) are convex and Ce(u) is linear [15]. 1.3 Dynamic-Programming and Graph Theory The dynamic-programming method was developed by Richard Bellman and oth- ers in the 1950?s as a mathematical theory of multi-stage decision processes and is used in economic, industrial, engineering, and military domains. This approach was based on using functional equations and the principle of optimality during the onset of the ever-growing eld of digital computing. It provided versatility and numerical solutions where the classical technique of the calculus of variations was lacking. The 9 calculus of variations and DP are complementary theories. The DP theory regards the extremal curve as an envelope of tangents and attempts to determine the optimal direction at each point on the extremal, while the calculus of variations considers the extremal curve to be a locus of points and attempts to determine this curve by means of a di erential equation [16]. At the time of the inception of DP theory, there were two classes of methods to solve nonlinear di erential equations. The rst class depended on a discrete ap- proximation to the exact solution, while the second depended on deriving an exact equation for a discrete approximation to the original continuous process. The latter class of methods calls for choosing the values of a function y(x) at speci c points over the desired interval as opposed to choosing the function y(x) over a given interval. This process is used in the DP method for trajectory optimization [16]. The dynamic-programming method discussed herein is based on a simple trajec- tory optimization problem discussed by Bryson and Ho [17]. This problem, illustrated by the grid in Fig. 1.3, requires a path from A to G that yields the minimal cost. The grid is divided into vertical groupings of nodes referred to as subsets, here labeled by the letters A-G. The optimal path will stem from A through subsets B-F, moving always to the right, to G, the terminal point. Each possible path segment has an associated cost, indicated by the number along each edge of the grid. The algorithm uses a recursive summation of the costs to determine the optimal path from the initial to the nal position. The recursive summation technique begins at G and marches backward to the next subset of nodes, F, storing the optimal cost from each node in F to G. In this rst case, these are trivially computed: traveling from the upper point in F to G has a cost of 10 while 10 Figure 1.3: Results from Textbook Example Validation the cost of traveling from the lower node in F to G yields a cost of 11. This process is repeated at subset E. The upper, middle, and lower nodes of E have costs of 18, 16, and 20 respectively. For each node, the optimal path through F is also stored. For example, for the middle node of E the optimal path passes through the upper node of F. This process of determining the optimal path to the terminal point continues backward through each subset until the initial point A is reached, and therefore the optimal path and cost are determined. In this algorithm, each path segment is only evaluated once. The graph formed by the n vertices and m edges of Fig. 1.3 is known as a directed acyclic graph. A directed graph is obtained if a vertex p is connected to another vertex q by edge e and the order of the vertices is prescribed, meaning the vertex p is the tail of e and q is the head of e. Directed graphs containing no directed circuits, or non-isolated vertices, are called acyclic graphs. The directed acyclic graphs (DAG) resulting from DP trajectory optimization problems have solutions that can be computed in O(m) time. In the next chapter, the concept of DP is compared to the variational method in application to a single degree of freedom dynamic system. 11 Chapter 2 Development and Validation of Dynamic-Programming Routine 2.1 Method Development Throughout the development of this routine, it was assumed that a xed target and variable initial conditions for each munition were to be considered. It should be noted that in this method, a summation from a given node to the end point was used. However, a summation from the initial point to a given node could have been implemented, as both approaches yield the same path from A to B. Given the duality of this problem, the backward-marching method was chosen based on the problem to which it was to be applied, in which the target was xed. 2.2 Validation Process The dynamic programming algorithm was subjected to a dual validation process. First, it was shown to reconstruct the correct optimal path and nal cost from an example grid with known costs. The solution is illustrated by the bold solid line in Fig. 1.3. The next step in the validation process was to apply the algorithm to a dynamic system. A single degree of freedom system was chosen with a linear state equation, 12 quadratic cost function, and given initial and nal states and times. _x = ax+bu (2.1) J = Z tF 0 qx2 +ru2 dt (2.2) For this problem, the optimal solution was computed analytically by the variational method. By substituting the cost function de ned in Eq. (2.11) into Eq. (1.3), the Hamiltonian was determined. H = 12(qx2 +ru2) + (ax+bu) (2.3) Using the optimal control principles in Eq. (1.6), the necessary conditions for the single degree of freedom problem were determined. _ = (qx+ a) (2.4) 0 = ru+ b (2.5) _x = ax+bu (2.6) Equation (2.5) was solved for the control u and the solution was substituted into Eq. (2.6). This resulted in di erential equations for the state, x, and costate, , in 13 terms of only x, , and the scalars a, b, q, and r. 2 64 _x _ 3 75 = 2 64 a b 2 r q a 3 75 2 64 x 3 75 (2.7) The solution of this linear di erential equation was used for comparison with the DP solution. For implementation in the DP algorithm, constant control was assumed along each edge of the grid. Using the given initial and nal conditions on the state and time, the state equation Eq. (2.1) was solved in terms of a constant k and the control u. xh = keat ; xp = bua (2.8) x = keat bua (2.9) Also, the path grid was symmetric about a reference line from the initial to the nal state. This allowed for the geometric determination of physical grid points and the time step between grid points. Consequently, the constant k and the control u necessary to travel between two grid points were determined by solving Eq. (2.10). 2 64 x1 x2 3 75 = 2 64 eat1 ba eat2 ba 3 75 2 64 k u 3 75 (2.10) 14 The substitution of the constant control u and Eq. (2.9) into Eq. (2.11) provided an analytical expression for the costs. J = 12ru2(t2 t1) + 12q Z t2 t1 keat bua 2 dt (2.11) The integral in Eq. (2.11) may be expanded to obtain an expression of known variables that was used to calculate the cost along each grid segment. J = 12ru2 (t2 t1) + 12q k2 2ae 2at2 2k b a2ue at2 + b 2 a2u 2t2 12q k2 2ae 2at1 2k b a2ue at1 + b 2 a2u 2t1 Following the determination of the cost along each segment of the path grid, the optimal path was determined by the DP method. Fig. 2.1 illustrates the solutions for when the scalar variables a, b, q, and r are unity and the initial and nal states and times were x = 1 and 0 and t = 0 and 10, respectively. The DP trajectory follows the same trend as that of the variational method. The true optimal cost in the this case is J = 2.410. The solution found from the DP was J = 2.518. The performance cost increase of 4.43% is relatively minor. Additionally, the computational run-time was less than one second. In Fig. 2.1, the circles illustrate the path de ned by the dynamic programming algorithm, and the solid line is a third order curve t used for visualization. It is clear that the DP method trajectory captures the trend of the variational method trajectory, which is illustrated by the dashed line. Following such tests and validation, the algorithm had been demonstrated in application to a dynamic system and in 15 Figure 2.1: Results from Single Degree of Freedom Validation correct generation of a path with cost on the same order as known true solutions. This motivated its application to the previously investigated complex dynamic system described in the following chapter. 16 Chapter 3 Problem Definition A scenario will be considered with the two-dimensional plane populated by two munitions and a single xed target. The state of each munition is given by its position in two dimensional space, x1 = [x1 y1]T and x2 = [x2 y2]T. A constant-speed kine- matic model is used to describe the motion of the munitions. The heading angles of the munitions are 1 and 2, and the speed of each munition is v. Here, the heading angles are treated as control variables. _x1 = vcos 1 ; _x2 = vcos 2 _y1 = vsin 1 ; _y2 = vsin 2 (3.1) _xi = fi ( i) ; i2f1;2g (3.2) Additionally, each munition is considered to carry a sensor that is capable of measuring the target location in the xy plane. To design trajectories that improve the estimation of the target location, a model is needed of the sensor measurements and their uncertainties. The target has a position described by xT = [xT yT]T. The measurement of this target location by each munition, ~z1 = [~xT;1 ~yT;1]T and ~z2 = 17 [~xT;2 ~yT;2]T, is modeled as shown below. ~xT;1 = xT +wx;1(0; x;1) ; ~xT;2 = xT +wx;2(0; x;2) ~yT;1 = yT +wy;1(0; y;1) ; ~yT;2 = yT +wy;2(0; y;2) (3.3) The measurement errors from each munition are assumed to be independent of the errors from the other munition. The x and y measurement errors from each indi- vidual munition, however, are treated as correlated Gaussian random variables with zero mean and standard deviations of x;i and y;i, where i2f1;2g. It is these un- certainties that will drive the trajectory design, and they can be selected to model a particular sensor design. The error in the target-location measurements from an individual munition is treated as following a zero-mean jointly-Gaussian distribution that is uncorrelated in the down-range and cross-range directions, relative to the true target and munition locations. The errors in these directions, wd;i(0; d;i) and wc;i(0; c;i), can therefore be treated as independent Gaussian random variables. The standard deviations in the down-range and cross-range directions are modeled as functions of the range from the munition to the target. d;i = 0:1ri ; c;i = 0:01ri (3.4) This models a sensor that is more accurate when close to the target and more accurate in the transverse direction than in the radial direction. The uncertainty in the measurement of the target location by the ith munition is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. 18 Figure 3.1: Measurement of the target by the ith munition and the associated error probability ellipse. From the down-range and cross-range variables, the errors and the covariance matrix in the x and y coordinates can be found. 2 64 wx;i wy;i 3 75 = 2 64 cos i sin i sin i cos i 3 75 2 64 wd;i wc;i 3 75 (3.5) Pi = 2 64 2x;i xy;i xy;i 2y;i 3 75 = 2 64 cos i sin i sin i cos i 3 75 2 64 2d;i 0 0 2c;i 3 75 2 64 cos i sin i sin i cos i 3 75 (3.6) Here, i is the bearing angle of the target relative to the ith munition. The range and bearing angle for each target-munition pair are computed as shown below. ri = q (xT xi)2 + (yT yi)2 (3.7) 19 i = tan 1 y T yi xT xi (3.8) The measurements provided by both munitions can be fused into a single in- stantaneous estimate of the target location. This is done using a minimum-variance least-squares estimator (MVLSE) [18, 19]. The measurements of the target location from each munition are grouped into a measurement vector ~z = [~xT;1 ~yT;1 ~xT;2 ~yT;2]T. This produces a linear measurement model in terms of the target location. z = HxT +w (3.9) H = 2 64 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 75 T ; w = wx;1 wy;1 wx;2 wy;2 T (3.10) Here, w is the vector of measurement errors. The covariance of this error vector is given by arranging the covariances from each munition. R = 2 64 P1 0 0 P2 3 75 (3.11) The instantaneous MVLSE of the target location and the associated covariance are given by the following. ^xT = HTR 1H 1HTR 1 ~z (3.12) 20 P = HTR 1H 1 (3.13) Considering the rst of Eqs. (3.10), the MVLSE reduces to the following. ^xT = 2 64 ^xT ^yT 3 75 = P 1 1 +P 1 2 1 P 1 1 ~z1 +P 1 2 ~z2 (3.14) More importantly for the current purposes, the covariance of this combined estimate is related to the individual covariances of the measurements from each munition. P = 2 64 2x xy xy 2y 3 75 = P 1 1 +P 1 2 1 (3.15) The covariance P now models the uncertainty in the combined target-location es- timate based on the positioning of the two munitions relative to the target. The task of designing trajectories for the munitions in order to enhance the estimation performance can now be posed as the following optimal control problem. Consider the state vector x = [x1 y1 x2 y2]T. The heading angles of the munitions can be organized into a control vector u = [ 1 2]T. The state vector evolves according to the state equation found by grouping Eq. (3.2), _x = f(u) = [fT1 fT2 ]T. For boundary conditions, the initial positions of the munitions will be considered a given, and the nal position of munition 1 is required to be the target location, x1(tF) = xT and y1(tF) = yT. The nal position of munition 2 is free. 21 The goal will be to nd the trajectories that minimize the following cost function, which is based on the MVLSE covariance. J = Z tF 0 2 x + 2 y dt (3.16) The variances of each target location are functions of the states describing the mu- nition con guration. Clearly, this cost function emphasizes the uncertainty over the entire trajectory. Given the cost function in Eq. (3.16) subject to the state equation in Eq. (3.2) and the equality constraints x1(tF) = xT and y1(tF) = yT, the convexity of the SLAP problem may be determined. For the SLAP problem to be convex, the cost function must be convex and the equality boundary conditions must be linear. The convexity of the cost function will be numerically investigated for ve trial solutions, although these solutions will not satisfy the boundary conditions. For the trial solutions, the given conditions are(xT;yT) = (0;0), (x1;y1) = (0; 2000), (x2;y2) = (2000;0), v = 300, and 1 and 2 are constant during a trial. Table 3.1 lists the resultant costs associated with each trial solution. Cases 1-3 exhibit convex behavior because the cost of Case 2 is below the linear interpolation of the costs of Cases 1 and 3. However, when the nal time is varied while the heading angles remain the same between cases as in Cases 1, 4, and 5, the function evaluation of Case 4 is greater than the linear interpolation of the costs of Cases 1 and 5. Therefore, the cost function J is found to be nonconvex. Figures 3.2 and 3.3 illustrate this behavior. 22 Table 3.1: Cost of Trial Solutions. Case 1 2 tF Cost 1 =2 5 1:7326733 103 2 =2 0:05 0:05 5 1:7363854 103 3 =2 0:1 0:1 5 1:7475124 103 4 =2 5:1 1:7373327 103 5 =2 5:2 1:7414337 103 Also, the equality constraints, which are functions of sine and cosine in Eq. (3.17), are nonlinear by inspection. These characteristics demonstrate the nonconvexity of the SLAP problem. v Z tF 0 cos 1dt = xT x1(0) v Z tF 0 sin 1dt = yT y1(0) (3.17) The next chapter describes the process of applying the DP method to the SLAP problem. 23 Figure 3.2: Investigation of cost function convexity with constant tF Figure 3.3: Investigation of cost function convexity with constant heading, 1 and 2 24 Chapter 4 Application of Dynamic-Programming Approach The SLAP problem has previously been solved by applying the variational method discussed in Section 1.2, and the purpose of this work is to compare the results of the DP method to those of the variational method [1]. The optimal control problem was converted to a two point boundary value problem and solved by determining the ini- tial costates with an iterative numerical solver in MATLAB. Although these solutions yielded the optimal solution and demonstrated that signi cant improvements in the target-location estimate could be achieved, the method was too computationally ex- pensive for real-time implementation. This section describes solution of the problem by dynamic programming, with the goal of reducing computational expense. Whereas variational methods consider a continuous range of heading angles at any instant in time, the approach considered here only allows a discrete number of possible heading at discrete instants in time. The trajectories were limited to two possible heading angles at each decision instant. Between decision points, the trajectories follow constant headings. This discretization generates a grid of possible trajectories, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1. This grid of physical points through which the munitions may travel is referred to as the path grid. The path grids were laid out for each munition and were structured such that they were symmetric about a reference line from the initial state to the target location. The expansion of this grid is variable about the reference line by an angle, . Because the results of the variational method showed that the munitions tended to approach the target at orthogonal headings, the path grid was of variable width to allow for outward 25 (a) (b) Figure 4.1: Example of (a) path grids and (b) DAG where n = 64 and m = 168 sweeps. The degree of expansion was determined based on the initial positions of the munitions relative to the target. Munition 1 is constrained to hit the target, but the grid for Munition 2 allows multiple possible terminal points. The nodes were organized into subsets of nodes that could be reached in a given amount of time. The time increment between layers was also assumed constant over all layers. This time increment is calculated from the initial range of the munition that will strike the target, which is assumed to always be the closer of the two munitions. The same time step is used for both munitions in order to preserve synchronized motion of the munitions. This DP routine implements the Bellman-Ford model for trajectory optimiza- tion through dynamic-programming in Fortran 77 on a 2GHz PC. The combinatorial possibilities of physical node locations for the two munitions were used to form the vertices of a DAG with n vertices and m edges. Each vertex represents a particular location for each munition at a particular instant in time, and each edge corresponds to the cost value associated with the munitions traveling between those particular locations. These costs are calculated according to Eq. (3.16). The graph is directed and acyclic because the paths must follow the ow of time. 26 Figure 4.2: DAG where n = 64 and m = 168 The vertices are arranged into subsets, where each subset represents a particular instant in time. Once the cost along each edge of the DAG is computed, the algorithm marches backward in time from the last layer of vertices to the rst vertex to determine the lowest possible cost and the path that produces it. At each subset, the optimal path is computed by comparing the costs to proceed forward. That path and cost is then stored and the algorithm works backwards to the preceding subset, continuing this process until it reaches the initial vertex. The DAG associated with the path grids in Fig. 4.1 is shown in Fig. 4.2. Because the DAG in Fig. 4.2 has seven terminal vertices due to the free nal state of Munition 2, the DP routine was run multiple times, in each run one of the vertices was assumed to be the true terminal vertex. The lowest resulting cost of the seven runs was then chosen as the optimal. Example trajectories produced by the DP method are shown in Figs. 4.3 and 4.4 using n = 64 and m = 168. The DP trajectories are also compared to trajectories 27 (a) (b) Figure 4.3: Problem 1 SLAP trajectories from (a) variational and (b) DP methods. (a) (b) Figure 4.4: Problem 2 SLAP trajectories from (a) variational and (b) DP methods. computed from the variational method. A third-order curve t was used to obtain the smooth trajectories from the grid points of the path grids. The trends of the DP trajectories capture those of the variational method. This is also evidenced in minor increase in the nal cost of approximately 7.75% in each problem, as shown in Table 4.1. When paired with a computational run-time of 0:1 sec, compared to many minutes for the variational method, these cost values con rm the e ectiveness of this method in solving the SLAP problem. 28 In implementing the DP method, the resolution of the path grids and the re- sulting DAG must be selected. In order to determine an appropriate resolution, the sensitivity of the cost to grid resolution was investigated. A lower resolution DAG with n = 27 and m = 70 was created. The resulting increase in performance cost for the considered problem was less than 1%, as shown in Table 4.1. Because the process of re ning the grid resolution would be nontrivial, this low sensitivity to grid resolution did not motivate the investigation of resolutions greater than n = 64. Table 4.1: Cost for sample SLAP trajectories. Problem DP Method Cost DP Method Cost Variational Method Cost n = 64 n = 27 1 1:7181 104 1:7209 104 1:59 104 2 2:0317 104 2:0318 104 1:89 104 29 Chapter 5 Estimation Performance The impact of the trajectories on the target-location estimation can now be eval- uated. Although the trajectories were designed using a cost function based on the variances from a continuous MVLSE algorithm, the estimation performance will be evaluated using a recursive minimum-variance least squares estimation (RMVLSE) algorithm with discrete measurement updates. The estimates computed using the DP trajectories are compared to estimates using the variational-method trajectories and following trajectories from the initial conditions straight to the target location (STT trajectory). In each case, noisy measurements were simulated using the measure- ment model in Eq. (3.4). The measurements were generated by use of the RANDN command in MATLAB to generate a normal distribution of random numbers. The munition sensors were assumed to collect measurements of the target location at a rate of 10 Hz. The RMVLSE algorithm operated as follows to determine the estimate and the uncertainty at the kth time step [18, 19]. The current estimate is computed as follows. Kk = Pk 1HT HPk 1HT +R 1 (5.1) ^x(T)k = ^x(T)k 1 +Kk ~zk H^x(T)k 1 (5.2) 30 The current covariance matrix is computed as shown. Pk = 2 64 2x;k xy;k xy;k 2y;k 3 75 = P 1 k 1 +H T kR 1 k Hk 1 (5.3) To compare the estimation performance along the di erent trajectories, the size of the one-sigma uncertainty ellipsoid in the target-location estimate can be used as a metric. At the kth time step, this is given by the product of with the square root of the product of the eigenvalues of Pk. In particular, the ellipsoid size at tF 2 sec will be highlighted. Although tF is di erent for each trajectory, at this point in time munition 1 is roughly 600 ft from the target. Estimation performance will be compared for STT trajectories and SLAP trajec- tories computed by the variational and dynamic-programming methods at two sets of initial conditions. All DP results were computed with a mesh expansion angle of =4. 5.1 Estimation Results 5.1.1 Problem 1 Using the initial condition of x1(0) = 0 ft, y1(0) = 2000 ft, x2(0) = 100 ft, and y2(0) = 2000 ft, two munitions on STT trajectories generate a one-sigma uncer- tainty ellipse at with an area of 39:7 ft2 at tF 2 sec, with tF = 6:67 sec. When the two munitions follow the SLAP trajectories shown in Fig. 4.3, the nal times increase to 8:09 sec and 9:43 sec for the variational method and DP method, respec- tively. However, the area of the error ellipse is reduced as shown in Table 5.1. The 31 Table 5.1: Area of one-sigma uncertainty ellipse. Problem STT Variational Method DP Method 1 39:7 ft2 9:1 ft2 24:5 ft2 2 40:8 ft2 9:3 ft2 23:5 ft2 (a) (b) Figure 5.1: Estimation errors using (a) Variational Method and (b) DP trajectories with x2(0) = 100 ft, and y2(0) = 2000 ft. error histories for a sample simulation with noisy measurements and three-sigma er- ror bounds ( 3 x;k and 3 y;k) generated by the RMVLSE algorithm are shown in Fig. 5.1. Figure 5.1(a) shows the errors in the x and y estimates of the target location using the variational method trajectories. Figure 5.1(b) show the errors using the DP trajectories. 5.1.2 Problem 2 Moving munition 2 to the initial condition x2(0) = 0 ft, and y2(0) = 2000 ft results in an uncertainty ellipse with an area of 40:8 ft2 for the STT trajectories, 9:3 ft2 for the variational method trajectories, and 23:5 ft2 for the DP trajectories. 32 (a) (b) Figure 5.2: Estimation errors using (a) Variational Method and (b) DP trajectories with x2(0) = 0 ft, and y2(0) = 2000 ft. The nal time for the STT trajectories and the DP trajectories remained the same while that of the variational method increased to 8:21 sec. For these initial conditions, the error histories for a sample simulation with noisy measurements and three-sigma error bounds generated by the RMVLSE algorithm are shown in Fig. 5.2. 5.2 Discussion of Results It is signi cant to note that in problems 1 and 2, the area of the estimation uncertainty ellipse is decreased by the SLAP trajectories as compared to that of the STT trajectories. However, the variational method trajectories improve the target- location estimate more than the DP trajectories, as the DP trajectories have a slower convergence rate. Although the performance cost of the DP trajectories was within 8% of that of the variational method, the area of the DP method?s uncertainty ellipse was more than twice the size of that of the variational method at tF 2 sec. This shows the sensitivity of the size of the uncertainty ellipse to trajectory design and the e ect of the course grid structure used in the DP method. 33 Chapter 6 Conclusions Careful trajectory design can have a signi cant impact on target-location estima- tion. In this work, the DP approach was used to demonstrate that SLAP trajectories are practical for real-time implementation. The advantage of this approach is that discretization in both time and spatial coordinates results in a DAG that can be solved in a deterministic amount of computation. This allows grid resolution to be selected based on the available computational resources and desired performance. The trajectories output by the DP method captured the trends of the variational method and thus produced very similar performance costs. Both trajectories give similar good performance in estimating the target location compared to the STT trajectories, however the DP trajectory has slightly slower convergence than the vari- ational method trajectories. This is due to the constant control between grid points and course grid structure requiring the trajectory to remain symmetric. The work described here also demonstrated several limitations to the DP method of solving the SLAP problem. The need of keeping the motion of the muntions syn- chronized forced the selection of a xed nal time. Also, even though the DP trajec- tories were very similar in cost to the variational-method trajectories, the estimation performance was very sensitive to the slight increase in cost. More accurate target-location estimation could allow more accurate strike capa- bility of targets that are di cult to detect. Further work is needed to demonstrate the impact of these estimation enhancements on guidance and control performance. In future implementations, heuristic methods may be developed based on insight gained 34 from solutions of the optimal control problem. The DP approach will still be a useful development tool to cheaply investigate various solutions. 35 Bibliography [1] Sinclair, A.J., Prazenica, R.J., and Je coat, D.E., \Simultaneous Localization and Planning for Cooperative Air Munitions", In Murphey, R., Pardalos, P.M., eds.: 7th International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization, Springer, New York (2007) [2] P. R. Chandler, M. Pachter, K. E. Nygard, and D. 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do i = 1,2 !number of vehicles theta(i) = atan((yT-y(i))/(xT-x(i))) if ( then if ( then theta(i) = pi + theta(i) elseif ( then theta(i) = -pi + theta(i) else theta(i) = pi end if elseif (yT.eq.y(i)) then if (xT.le.x(i)) then theta(i) = pi end if end if end do !determine mesh expansion angle, a 40 !================================================================! diff = abs(theta(1))-abs(theta(2)) !write(*,*) diff*180.d0/pi if (abs(diff).eq.pi/2.d0) then a = pi/7.d0 else a = pi/3.d0 end if !write(*,*) ?a?, a*180.d0/pi !================================================================! param(1) = xT param(2) = yT param(3) = v param(4) = a !Time step is based on vehicle that strikes target, Veh1 dt = sqrt(x(1)**2.d0 + y(1)**2.d0)/6.d0/(v*cos(a)) dtcost = dt/20.d0 !Determine Heading Angle, Psi !================================================================! do i = 1,NV if ( then if ( then psi(i,1) = theta(i) + a psi(i,2) = theta(i) - a elseif ( then psi(i,1) = theta(i) + a psi(i,2) = theta(i) - a else psi(i,1) = theta(i) + a psi(i,2) = theta(i) - a end if elseif ( then if ( then psi(i,2) = theta(i) - a 41 psi(i,1) = theta(i) + a elseif ( then psi(i,2) = theta(i) - a psi(i,1) = theta(i) + a else psi(i,1) = -pi + a psi(i,2) = pi - a end if end if do j = 1,2 if (psi(i,j).lt.-pi) then psi(i,j) = pi - (abs(psi(i,j))- pi) end if if (psi(i,j).gt.pi) then psi(i,j) = -pi + (psi(i,j)-pi) end if end do end do !First Time Step, A to B !================================================================! do i = 1,2 !heading choice for veh1 do j = 1,2 !heading choice for veh2 Xsend(1) = x(1) Xsend(2) = y(1) Xsend(3) = x(2) Xsend(4) = y(2) Xsend(5) = cost0 param(5) = psi(1,i) param(6) = psi(2,j) do jj = 1,20 call RK4(t,dtcost,NEQ,Xsend,param,D1,D2,D3) end do 42 t = t - dt if (j.eq.1) then grid(i+1,1) = Xsend(1) grid(i+1,2) = Xsend(2) end if if (i.eq.2) then grid(j+17,1) = Xsend(3) grid(j+17,2) = Xsend(4) end if CostA2B(1,1,i,j) = Xsend(5) end do end do !Second Time Step, B to C !================================================================! do i = 1,2 do j = 1,2 do m = 1,3 do n = 1,3 CostB2C(i,j,m,n) = -1.d0 end do end do end do end do t = t + dt do i = 1,2 !initial point veh1 do ii = 1,2 !initial point veh2 do j = 1,2 !heading choice for veh1 do k = 1,2 !heading choice for veh2 x1 = grid(i+1,1) y1 = grid(i+1,2) x2 = grid(ii+nmax**2+1,1) y2 = grid(ii+nmax**2+1,2) Xsend(1) = x1 Xsend(2) = y1 Xsend(3) = x2 43 Xsend(4) = y2 Xsend(5) = cost0 param(5) = psi(1,j) param(6) = psi(2,k) do jj = 1,20 call RK4(t,dtcost,NEQ,Xsend,param,D1,D2,D3) end do t = t - dt if (j.eq.1.and.k.eq.1) then costB2C(i,ii,i,ii) = Xsend(5) end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.1) then costB2C(i,ii,i+1,ii) = Xsend(5) end if if (k.eq.2.and.j.eq.1) then costB2C(i,ii,i,ii+1) = Xsend(5) end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.2) then costB2C(i,ii,i+1,ii+1) = Xsend(5) end if if (i.eq.1) then if (k.eq.1) then grid(j+3,1) = Xsend(1) grid(j+3,2) = Xsend(2) end if if (ii.eq.1) then grid(k+19,1) = Xsend(3) grid(k+19,2) = Xsend(4) end if end if if (i.eq.2) then if (j.eq.2) then grid(j+4,1) = Xsend(1) grid(j+4,2) = Xsend(2) end if 44 if (ii.eq.2) then grid(k+20,1) = Xsend(3) grid(k+20,2) = Xsend(4) end if end if end do end do end do end do !Third Time Step, C to D !================================================================! do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 do m = 1,4 do n = 1,4 CostC2D(i,j,m,n) = -1.d0 end do end do end do end do t = t + dt do i = 1,3 !initial point veh1 do ii = 1,3 !initial point veh2 do j = 1,2 !heading choice of veh1 do k = 1,2 !heading choice of veh2 x1 = grid(i+3,1) !i+#start points y1 = grid(i+3,2) x2 = grid(ii+19,1) !i+nmax**2+#start points y2 = grid(ii+19,2) Xsend(1) = x1 Xsend(2) = y1 Xsend(3) = x2 Xsend(4) = y2 Xsend(5) = cost0 param(5) = psi(1,j) 45 param(6) = psi(2,k) if (i.eq.3.and.j.eq.1) then end if do jj = 1,20 call RK4(t,dtcost,NEQ,Xsend,param,D1,D2,D3) end do t = t - dt if (j.eq.1.and.k.eq.1) then costC2D(i,ii,i,ii) = Xsend(5) end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.1) then costC2D(i,ii,i+1,ii) = Xsend(5) end if if (k.eq.2.and.j.eq.1) then costC2D(i,ii,i,ii+1) = Xsend(5) end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.2) then costC2D(i,ii,i+1,ii+1) = Xsend(5) end if if (i.eq.1) then if (k.eq.1) then grid(j+6,1) = Xsend(1) grid(j+6,2) = Xsend(2) end if if (ii.eq.1) then grid(k+22,1) = Xsend(3) grid(k+22,2) = Xsend(4) end if end if if (i.eq.3) then if (k.eq.1) then grid(j+8,1) = Xsend(1) grid(j+8,2) = Xsend(2) end if if (ii.eq.3) then grid(k+24,1) = Xsend(3) grid(k+24,2) = Xsend(4) 46 end if end if end do end do end do end do !Fourth Time Step, D to E !================================================================! do i = 1,4 do j = 1,4 do m = 1,3 do n = 1,5 CostD2E(i,j,m,n) = -1.d0 end do end do end do end do t = t + dt do i = 1,4 !initial point veh1 do ii = 1,4 !initial point veh2 do j = 1,2 !heading choice veh1 do k = 1,2 !heading choice veh2 if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1) then goto 75 end if if (i.eq.4.and.j.eq.2) then goto 75 end if x1 = grid(i+6,1) y1 = grid(i+6,2) x2 = grid(ii+22,1) y2 = grid(ii+22,2) Xsend(1) = x1 Xsend(2) = y1 47 Xsend(3) = x2 Xsend(4) = y2 Xsend(5) = cost0 param(5) = psi(1,j) param(6) = psi(2,k) do jj = 1,20 call RK4(t,dtcost,NEQ,Xsend,param,D1,D2,D3) end do t = t - dt if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.2) then costD2E(i,ii,i,ii-1+k) = Xsend(5) goto 76 end if if (i.eq.4.and.j.eq.1) then costD2E(i,ii,i-1,ii-1+k) = Xsend(5) goto 76 end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.1) then costD2E(i,ii,i,ii) = Xsend(5) goto 76 end if if (k.eq.2.and.j.eq.1) then costD2E(i,ii,i-1,ii+1) = Xsend(5) goto 76 end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.2) then costD2E(i,ii,i,ii+1) = Xsend(5) goto 76 end if if (j.eq.1.and.k.eq.1) then costD2E(i,ii,i-1,ii) = Xsend(5) goto 76 end if 76 continue 48 if (i.eq.1) then if (ii.eq.1) then grid(k+26,1) = Xsend(3) grid(k+26,2) = Xsend(4) end if if (k.eq.1) then grid(k+10,1) = Xsend(1) grid(k+10,2) = Xsend(2) end if end if if (i.eq.3) then if (k.eq.1) then grid(j+11,1) = Xsend(1) grid(j+11,2) = Xsend(2) end if if (ii.eq.3) then grid(k+28,1) = Xsend(3) grid(k+28,2) = Xsend(4) end if end if if (i.eq.4.and.ii.eq.4) then grid(i+27,1) = Xsend(3) grid(i+27,2) = Xsend(4) end if end do 75 continue end do end do end do !Fifth Time Step, E to F !================================================================! do i = 1,3 do j = 1,5 do m = 1,2 do n = 1,6 CostE2F(i,j,m,n) = -1.d0 49 end do end do end do end do t = t + dt do i = 1,3 !starting point veh1 do ii = 1,5 !starting point veh2 do j = 1,2 !heading for veh1 do k = 1,2 !heading for veh2 x1 = grid(i+10,1) y1 = grid(i+10,2) x2 = grid(ii+26,1) y2 = grid(ii+26,2) if(i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1.or.i.eq.3.and.j.eq.2) then goto 26 end if Xsend(1) = x1 Xsend(2) = y1 Xsend(3) = x2 Xsend(4) = y2 Xsend(5) = cost0 param(5) = psi(1,j) param(6) = psi(2,k) do jj = 1,20 call RK4(t,dtcost,NEQ,Xsend,param,D1,D2,D3) end do t = t - dt if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.2) then costE2F(i,ii,i,ii-1+k) = Xsend(5) goto 77 end if if (i.eq.3.and.j.eq.1) then costE2F(i,ii,i-1,ii-1+k) = Xsend(5) goto 77 50 end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.1) then costE2F(i,ii,i,ii) = Xsend(5) goto 77 end if if (k.eq.2.and.j.eq.1) then costE2F(i,ii,i-1,ii+1) = Xsend(5) goto 77 end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.2) then costE2F(i,ii,i,ii+1) = Xsend(5) goto 77 end if if (j.eq.1.and.k.eq.1) then costE2F(i,ii,i-1,ii) = Xsend(5) goto 77 end if 77 continue if (i.eq.2) then grid(j+13,1) = Xsend(1) grid(j+13,2) = Xsend(2) end if if (ii.eq.1.or.ii.eq.3.or.ii.eq.5) then grid(ii+30+k,1) = Xsend(3) grid(ii+30+k,2) = Xsend(4) end if end do 26 continue end do end do end do !Sixth Time Step, F to G !================================================================! t = t + dt do i = 1,2 51 do j = 1,6 !do m = 1,3 do n = 1,7 CostF2G(i,j,1,n) = -1.d0 end do end do end do do i = 1,2 !initial point veh1 do ii = 1,6 !initial point veh2 do j = 1,2 !heading choice veh1 do k = 1,2 !heading choice veh2 x1 = grid(i+13,1) y1 = grid(i+13,2) x2 = grid(ii+31,1) y2 = grid(ii+31,2) if(i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1.or.i.eq.2.and.j.eq.2) then goto 27 end if Xsend(1) = x1 Xsend(2) = y1 Xsend(3) = x2 Xsend(4) = y2 Xsend(5) = cost0 param(5) = psi(1,j) param(6) = psi(2,k) do jj = 1,20 call RK4(t,dtcost,NEQ,Xsend,param,D1,D2,D3) end do t = t - dt if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.2) then costF2G(i,ii,i,ii-1+k) = Xsend(5) goto 78 end if if (i.eq.2.and.j.eq.1) then 52 costF2G(i,ii,i-1,ii-1+k) = Xsend(5) goto 78 end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.1) then costF2G(i,ii,i,ii) = Xsend(5) goto 78 end if if (k.eq.2.and.j.eq.1) then costF2G(i,ii,i-1,ii+1) = Xsend(5) goto 78 end if if (j.eq.2.and.k.eq.2) then costF2G(i,ii,i,ii+1) = Xsend(5) goto 78 end if if (j.eq.1.and.k.eq.1) then costF2G(i,ii,i-1,ii) = Xsend(5) goto 78 end if 78 continue if (i.eq.2.and.j.eq.1) then grid(j+15,1) = Xsend(1) grid(j+15,2) = Xsend(2) end if if (ii.eq.1.or.ii.eq.3.or.ii.eq.5.or.ii.eq.6) then grid(ii+k+36,1) = Xsend(3) grid(ii+k+36,2) = Xsend(4) end if end do 27 continue end do end do end do do i = 1,44 write(30,*) grid(i,1), grid(i,2) end do 53 !================================================================! !DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING !================================================================! t = t + dt !Cost G2F costA(1,1,1) = -1.d0 do k = 1,2*nmax-1 !G point for veh2 !================================================================! do i = 1,2 !F points veh1 do j = 1,6 !F points veh2 costF(i,j,1) = -1.d0 tempcost = costF2G(i,j,1,k) if(costF(i,j,1) costF(i,j,1) = tempcost costF(i,j,2) = 1 costF(i,j,3) = k elseif(,j,1))then costF(i,j,1) = tempcost costF(i,j,2) = 1 costF(i,j,3) = k end if end do end do !Cost F2E !================================================================! do i = 1,3 do j = 1,5 costE(i,j,1) = -1.d0 do m = 1,2 do n = 1,6 if(costE2F(i,j,m,n).eq.-1.d0.or.costF(m,n,1).eq.-1.d0)then tempcost = -1.d0 else tempcost = costE2F(i,j,m,n)+costF(m,n,1) end if if(,j,1).eq.-1.d0)then costE(i,j,1) = tempcost 54 costE(i,j,2) = m costE(i,j,3) = n costE(i,j,4) = costF(m,n,2) costE(i,j,5) = costF(m,n,3) elseif(,j,1))then costE(i,j,1) = tempcost costE(i,j,2) = m costE(i,j,3) = n costE(i,j,4) = costF(m,n,2) costE(i,j,5) = costF(m,n,3) end if end do end do end do end do !Cost E2D !================================================================! do i = 1,4 do j = 1,4 costD(i,j,1) = -1.d0 do m = 1,3 do n = 1,5 if(costD2E(i,j,m,n).eq.-1.d0.or.costE(m,n,1).eq.-1.d0)then tempcost = -1.d0 else tempcost = costD2E(i,j,m,n) + costE(m,n,1) end if if(,j,1).eq.-1.d0)then costD(i,j,1) = tempcost costD(i,j,2) = m costD(i,j,3) = n costD(i,j,4) = costE(m,n,2) costD(i,j,5) = costE(m,n,3) costD(i,j,6) = costE(m,n,4) costD(i,j,7) = costE(m,n,5) elseif(,j,1))then costD(i,j,1) = tempcost costD(i,j,2) = m 55 costD(i,j,3) = n costD(i,j,4) = costE(m,n,2) costD(i,j,5) = costE(m,n,3) costD(i,j,6) = costE(m,n,4) costD(i,j,7) = costE(m,n,5) end if end do end do end do end do !Cost D2C !================================================================! do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 costC(i,j,1) = -1.d0 do m = 1,4 do n = 1,4 if(costC2D(i,j,m,n).eq.-1.d0.or.costD(m,n,1).eq.-1.d0)then tempcost = -1.d0 else tempcost = costC2D(i,j,m,n) + costD(m,n,1) end if if(,j,1).eq.-1.d0)then costC(i,j,1) = tempcost costC(i,j,2) = m costC(i,j,3) = n costC(i,j,4) = costD(m,n,2) costC(i,j,5) = costD(m,n,3) costC(i,j,6) = costD(m,n,4) costC(i,j,7) = costD(m,n,5) costC(i,j,8) = costD(m,n,6) costC(i,j,9) = costD(m,n,7) elseif(,j,1))then costC(i,j,1) = tempcost costC(i,j,2) = m costC(i,j,3) = n costC(i,j,4) = costD(m,n,2) 56 costC(i,j,5) = costD(m,n,3) costC(i,j,6) = costD(m,n,4) costC(i,j,7) = costD(m,n,5) costC(i,j,8) = costD(m,n,6) costC(i,j,9) = costD(m,n,7) end if end do end do end do end do !Cost C2B !================================================================! do i = 1,2 do j = 1,2 costB(i,j,1) = -1.d0 do m = 1,3 do n = 1,3 if(costB2C(i,j,m,n).eq.-1.d0.or.costC(m,n,1).eq.-1.d0)then tempcost = -1.d0 else tempcost = costB2C(i,j,m,n) + costC(m,n,1) end if if(,j,1).eq.-1.d0)then costB(i,j,1) = tempcost costB(i,j,2) = m costB(i,j,3) = n costB(i,j,4) = costC(m,n,2) costB(i,j,5) = costC(m,n,3) costB(i,j,6) = costC(m,n,4) costB(i,j,7) = costC(m,n,5) costB(i,j,8) = costC(m,n,6) costB(i,j,9) = costC(m,n,7) costB(i,j,10) = costC(m,n,8) costB(i,j,11) = costC(m,n,9) elseif(,j,1))then costB(i,j,1) = tempcost costB(i,j,2) = m costB(i,j,3) = n 57 costB(i,j,4) = costC(m,n,2) costB(i,j,5) = costC(m,n,3) costB(i,j,6) = costC(m,n,4) costB(i,j,7) = costC(m,n,5) costB(i,j,8) = costC(m,n,6) costB(i,j,9) = costC(m,n,7) costB(i,j,10) = costC(m,n,8) costB(i,j,11) = costC(m,n,9) end if end do end do end do end do !CostB2A !================================================================! tcostA(1,1,1) = -1.d0 i = 1 j = 1 do m = 1,2 do n = 1,2 if(costA2B(i,j,m,n).eq.-1.d0.or.costB(m,n,1).eq.-1.d0)then tempcost = -1.d0 else tempcost = costA2B(i,j,m,n) + costB(m,n,1) end if if(,1,1).eq.-1.d0)then tcostA(i,j,1) = tempcost tcostA(i,j,2) = m tcostA(i,j,3) = n tcostA(i,j,4) = costB(m,n,2) tcostA(i,j,5) = costB(m,n,3) tcostA(i,j,6) = costB(m,n,4) tcostA(i,j,7) = costB(m,n,5) tcostA(i,j,8) = costB(m,n,6) tcostA(i,j,9) = costB(m,n,7) tcostA(i,j,10) = costB(m,n,8) tcostA(i,j,11) = costB(m,n,9) tcostA(i,j,12) = costB(m,n,10) 58 tcostA(i,j,13) = costB(m,n,11) elseif(,1,1))then tcostA(i,j,1) = tempcost tcostA(i,j,2) = m tcostA(i,j,3) = n tcostA(i,j,4) = costB(m,n,2) tcostA(i,j,5) = costB(m,n,3) tcostA(i,j,6) = costB(m,n,4) tcostA(i,j,7) = costB(m,n,5) tcostA(i,j,8) = costB(m,n,6) tcostA(i,j,9) = costB(m,n,7) tcostA(i,j,10) = costB(m,n,8) tcostA(i,j,11) = costB(m,n,9) tcostA(i,j,12) = costB(m,n,10) tcostA(i,j,13) = costB(m,n,11) end if end do end do if(costA(1,1,1).eq.-1.d0)then do i = 1,13 costA(1,1,i) = tcostA(1,1,i) end do elseif(tcostA(1,1,1).lt.costA(1,1,1))then do i = 1,13 costA(1,1,i) = tcostA(1,1,i) end do end if end do !k loop costmin = costA(1,1,1) write(*,*) ?The minimum cost is ?, costmin B1 = int(costA(1,1,2)) B2 = int(costA(1,1,3)) C1 = int(costA(1,1,4)) C2 = int(costA(1,1,5)) Dp1 = int(costA(1,1,6)) Dp2 = int(costA(1,1,7)) 59 E1 = int(costA(1,1,8)) E2 = int(costA(1,1,9)) F1 = int(costA(1,1,10)) F2 = int(costA(1,1,11)) G1 = int(costA(1,1,12)) G2 = int(costA(1,1,13)) Bptx = grid(B1+1,1) Bpty = grid(B1+1,2) Cptx = grid(C1+3,1) Cpty = grid(C1+3,2) Dptx = grid(Dp1+6,1) Dpty = grid(Dp1+6,2) Eptx = grid(E1+10,1) Epty = grid(E1+10,2) Fptx = grid(F1+13,1) Fpty = grid(F1+13,2) V2Bx = grid(B2+17,1) V2By = grid(B2+17,2) V2Cx = grid(C2+19,1) V2Cy = grid(C2+19,2) V2Dx = grid(Dp2+22,1) V2Dy = grid(Dp2+22,2) V2Ex = grid(E2+26,1) V2Ey = grid(E2+26,2) V2Fx = grid(F2+31,1) V2Fy = grid(F2+31,2) V2Gx = grid(G2+37,1) V2Gy = grid(G2+37,2) write(30,*) grid(1,1), grid(1,2) write(30,*) Bptx, Bpty write(30,*) Cptx, Cpty write(30,*) Dptx, Dpty write(30,*) Eptx, Epty write(30,*) Fptx, Fpty write(30,*) xT, yT write(30,*) grid(17,1), grid(17,2) 60 write(30,*) V2Bx, V2By write(30,*) V2Cx, V2Cy write(30,*) V2Dx, V2Dy write(30,*) V2Ex, V2Ey write(30,*) V2Fx, V2Fy write(30,*) V2Gx, V2Gy write(30,*) costmin, t close(30) open(unit=10,file=?timeroff.txt?) close(10) stop end !################################################################! !--------------------------SUBROUTINES---------------------------! !################################################################! !RK(4,4) Subroutine !================================================================! subroutine RK4(T,DT,NEQ,X,param,D1,D2,D3) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer NEQ dimension X(NEQ),D1(NEQ), D2(NEQ), D3(NEQ),param(10) call deriv(X,D1,NEQ,param) do i = 1,NEQ D1(i) = D1(i)*DT D2(i) = X(i) + 0.5d0*D1(i) end do ! TT = T + 0.5d0*DT call deriv(D2,D3,NEQ,param) 61 do i = 1,NEQ D3(i) = D3(i)*DT D1(i) = D1(i) + 2.0d0*D3(i) D2(i) = X(i) + .5d0*D3(i) end do call deriv(D2,D3,NEQ,param) do i = 1,NEQ D3(i) = D3(i)*DT D1(i) = D1(i) + 2.0d0*D3(i) D2(i) = X(i) + D3(i) end do T = T + DT call deriv(D2,D3,NEQ,param) do i = 1,NEQ X(i) = X(i) + (D1(i) + D3(i)*DT)/6.0d0 end do return end !Derivative Subroutine !================================================================! subroutine deriv(X,DX,NEQ,param) implicit double precision (a-h,m-z) integer NEQ dimension X(NEQ), DX(NEQ),param(10) v = param(3) psi1 = param(5) psi2 = param(6) xT = param(1) yT = param(2) param(7) = X(1) param(8) = X(2) param(9) = X(3) 62 param(10)= X(4) r1=sqrt((xT-X(1))**2.d0+(yT-X(2))**2.d0) theta1=atan((yT-X(2))/(xT-X(1))) !bearing measured by vehicle1 r2=sqrt((xT-X(3))**2.d0+(yT-X(4))**2.d0) theta2=atan((yT-X(4))/(xT-X(3))) !bearing measured by vehicle2 call thetafix(param,theta1,theta2) sigmaxT =(101.d0*r1**2.d0*r2**4.d0+99.d0*r1**2.d0*r2**4.d0*cos( &2.d0*theta1)+101.d0*r1**4.d0*r2**2.d0+99.d0*r1**4.d0*r2**2.d0*cos( &2.d0*theta2))/(-980100.d0*r1**2.d0*r2**2.d0*cos(2.d0*theta1-2.d0* &theta2)+20000.d0*r1**4.d0+20000.d0*r2**4.d0+1020100.d0*r1**2.d0* &r2**2.d0) sigmayT =(99.d0*r1**2.d0*r2**4.d0*cos(2.d0*theta1)-101.d0*r1**2.d0 &*r2**4.d0+99.d0*r1**4.d0*r2**2.d0*cos(2.d0*theta2)-101.d0*r1** &4.d0*r2**2.d0)/(980100.d0*r1**2.d0*r2**2.d0*cos(2.d0*theta1-2.d0* &theta2)-20000.d0*r1**4.d0-20000.d0*r2**4.d0-1020100.d0*r1**2.d0 &*r2**2.d0) DX(1) = v*cos(psi1) !xdot1 DX(2) = v*sin(psi1) !ydot1 DX(3) = v*cos(psi2) !xdot2 DX(4) = v*sin(psi2) !ydot2 DX(5) = sigmaxT + sigmayT !Jdot return end !Theta and Psi Subroutine !================================================================! subroutine thetafix(param,theta1,theta2) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension param(10) xT = param(1) yT = param(2) x1 = param(7) 63 y1 = param(8) x2 = param(9) y2 = param(10) pi = acos(-1.d0) if ( then if ( then theta1 = pi + theta1 else theta1 = -pi + theta1 end if end if if ( then if ( then theta2 = pi + theta2 else theta2 = -pi + theta2 end if end if return end 64 Appendix B MATLAB Code Used for Plots and Error Estimation function coop2(pr,pb) clc close all format long dlmread('CoopControl.txt'); x = ans(1:58,1); y = ans(1:58,2); x01 = x(1); y01 = y(1); x02 = x(17); y02 = y(17); c = ans(59,1); t = ans(59,2); T = t; clear ans; for m = 1:6 if x(m+45) x(m+44) > 0 f(m) = 1; else f(m) = 1; end end if sum(f) == 6 j sum(f) == 6 polym = polyfit(x(45:51),y(45:51),pr); xim = linspace(min(x(45:51)),max(x(45:51)),10*T); yim = polyval(polym,xim); else polym = polyfit(y(45:51),x(45:51),pr); yim = linspace(min(y(45:51)),max(y(45:51)),10*T); xim = polyval(polym,yim); end for n = 1:6 if x(n+52) x(n+51) > 0 g(n) = 1; else 65 g(n) = 1; end end if sum(g) == 6 j sum(g) == 6 polyn = polyfit(x(52:58),y(52:58),pb); xin = linspace(min(x(52:58)),max(x(52:58)),10*T); yin = polyval(polyn,xin); else polyn = polyfit(y(52:58),x(52:58),pb); yin = linspace(min(y(52:58)),max(y(52:58)),10*T); xin = polyval(polyn,yin); end xT = 0; yT = 0; % Create polynomial curve fit for vehicle one. hold on plot(xim,yim,'k','Linewidth',2) s1 = [xim; yim]'; % Create polynomial curve fit for vehicle two. hold on plot(xin,yin,'k ','Linewidth',2) s2 = [xin;yin]'; % Recreate graph figure xlim([min(x) abs(min(x) max(x))/20 max(x)+abs(min(x) max(x))/20]) ylim([min(y) abs(min(y) max(y))/20 max(y)+abs(min(y) max(y))/20]) xlabel('x (ft)'); ylabel('y (ft)'); movie(ans) xT = 0; yT = 0; x11 = xim; y11 = yim; x22 = xin; y22 = yin; numxs = length(x11); step = T/(numxs 1); %Properly order state from x0 to xT if and(y02 > yT, y01 < yT) for jj = 1:numxs x2(jj) = x22(numxs jj+1); y2(jj) = y22(numxs jj+1); x1(jj) = x11(jj); y1(jj) = y11(jj); 66 end end if and(y01 > yT, y02 < yT) for ii = 1:numxs x1(ii) = x11(numxs ii+1); y1(ii) = y11(numxs ii+1); x2(ii) = x22(ii); y2(ii) = y22(ii); end end if and(y01 > yT, y02 > yT) for ii = 1:numxs x1(ii) = x11(numxs ii+1); y1(ii) = y11(numxs ii+1); x2(ii) = x22(numxs ii+1); y2(ii) = y22(numxs ii+1); end end if and(y01