ITERATION METHODS FOR APPROXIMATION OF SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACES Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this dissertation is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This dissertation does not include proprietary or classified information. Chukwudi Chidume Certificate of Approval: Asheber Abebe Associate Professor Mathematics and Statistics Geraldo Soares de Souza, Chair Professor Mathematics and Statistics Narendra Govil Professor Mathematics and Statistics Yonsheng Han Professor Mathematics and Statistics George T. Flowers Interim Dean, Graduate School ITERATION METHODS FOR APPROXIMATION OF SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACES Chukwudi Chidume A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama August 9, 2008 ITERATION METHODS FOR APPROXIMATION OF SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACES Chukwudi Chidume Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this dissertation at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date of Graduation iii Dissertation Abstract ITERATION METHODS FOR APPROXIMATION OF SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACES Chukwudi Chidume Doctor of Philosophy, August 9, 2008 (DICTP, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy 2004) (BSBA, University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2002) (B.S., University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2000) 87 Typed Pages Directed by Geraldo Soares de Souza The objective in this manuscript is to study some iterative methods used to approxi- mate solutions of nonlinear equations in Banach Spaces. In particular, we study a Halpern- type iterative scheme in relation to nonexpansive and asymptotically nonexpansive map- pings and prove convergence theorems in both of these cases. We also study a hybrid steepest descent iterative scheme in relation to the variational inequality problem, and us- ing this process, we prove convergence theorems for the approximation of the solution of the variational inequality problem in certain Banach spaces, in particular for Lp spaces. iv Acknowledgments I would like to start by thanking God for making all this possible. I would like to thank my advisor and major professor Geraldo deSouza for his constant advice and guidance. He has shared his great knowledge and expertise with me throughout this endeavor. He was patient and understanding and without his support I would have had a difficult time here at Auburn University. My sincere appreciation and modest gratitude goes to Professor Abebe, Professor Govil and Professor Han the members of my PhD academic committee for their scientific support and direction. I also want to thank Professor Chidume, Professor Li and Dr. Ali for reading this manuscript countless number of times and offering their insight and helpful corrections. This work is dedicated to my father Professor C.E. Chidume. Without his love, influ- ence and support, I would not be on this career path. Thank you dad. Special thanks to my mother Dr. Ifeoma Chidume, my sister Ada and my brothers Kene and Okey and all my family for their continued support. Of all, I am most thankful to my lovely children Gabriel and Michael and I am extremely grateful to my wife Tiffani for the unconditional love, care, patience and understanding. I definitely would not be where I am today without her invaluable support throughout my graduate studies here at Auburn University. v Style manual or journal used Journal of Approximation Theory (together with the style known as ?aums?). Bibliograpy follows van Leunen?s A Handbook for Scholars. Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (specifically LATEX) together with the departmental style-file aums.sty. vi Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2 Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings 18 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.3 Convergence Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3 A Strong Convergence Theorem for Fixed Points of Asymptotically Nonex- pansive Mappings in Banach Spaces 27 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.2 Convergence Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4 Convergence of a Hybrid Steepest Descent Method for Variational Inequal- ities in Banach Spaces 34 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.3 Convergence Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.4 The case of Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5 Approximation of Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings and Solutions of Variational Inequalities 53 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5.2 Convergence Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5.3 The case of Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Bibliography 73 vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction The contributions of this thesis fall within the general area of nonlinear operator theory, an area with vast amount of applicability in recent years, as such becoming the object of an increasing amount of study. We devote our attention to an important topic within the area: iterative methods for approximating fixed points and solutions of variational inequality problems for nonexpansive and accretive-type nonlinear mappings. Let K be a nonempty subset of a real normed linear space E and let T : K ? K be a map. A point x ? K is said to be a fixed point of T if Tx = x. We shall denote the set of fixed points for an operator T by F(T). Now, consider the differential equation du dt + Au(t) = 0 which describes an evolution system where A is an accretive map from a Banach space to itself. At equilibrium state, dudt = 0 and so a solution of Au = 0 describes the equilibrium or stable state of the system. This is very desirable in many applications in, for example, ecology, economics, physics, to name a few. Consequently, considerable research efforts have been devoted to methods of solving the equation Au = 0 when A is accretive. Since, in general A is a nonlinear operator, there is no closed form solution to this equation. The standard technique is to replace A by an operator (I?T) where I is the identity map on E and T maps E to itself. Such a map T is called a pseudo-contraction (or is called pseudo-contractive). It is then clear that any zero of A is a fixed point of T. As a result of this, the study of fixed point theory for pseudo-contractive maps has attracted the interest of numerous scientists and has become a flourishing area of research, especially 1 within the past 30 years or so, for numerous mathematicians. A very important subclass of the class of pseudo-contractive mappings is the class of nonexpansive mappings. In this dissertation, we shall devote attention particularly to this class of mappings. Interest in, and the importance of this class of mappings will become evident in the sequel. One of the most important fixed point theorems in applications is the classical contrac- tion mapping principle, or, in other words, the Banach-Cacciopoli [14] fixed point theorem which is the following: Theorem 1.1.1 (Banach Contraction Mapping Principle) Let (X,?) be a complete metric space and let T : (X,?) ? (X,?) satisfy ?(T(x),T(y)) ? ??(x,y) (1.1) for some nonnegative constant k < 1 and for each x,y ? X. Then, T has a unique fixed point in X. Moreover, starting with arbitrary x0 ? X, the sequence {xn} defined by xn+1 = Txn = Tnx0, n ? 1, (1.2) converges strongly to the unique fixed point. The iterative technique of Theorem 1.1.1 is due to Picard [69]. A mapping T satisfying (1.1) is called a strict contraction. If ? = 1 in the relation (1.1), then T is called nonexpan- sive. If however, ? is an arbitrary fixed positive constant, then T is called a Lipschitz map or a ?-Lipschitzian map. 2 For the contractive condition (1.1), it was observed that if the condition ? < 1 on the operator T is weakened to ? = 1, the operator T may no longer have a fixed point and even when it does have a fixed point, the sequence {xn} defined by (1.2) may fail to converge to such a fixed point. This can be seen by considering an anti-clockwise rotation of the unit disc of R2 about the origin through an angle of say, pi4. This map is nonexpansive with the origin as the unique fixed point, but the Picard sequence fails to converge with any starting point x0 negationslash= (0,0). Krasnosel?skii [58], however, showed that in this example, if the Picard iteration formula is replaced by the following formula, x0 ? K, xn+1 = 12(xn +Txn),n ? 0, (1.3) then the iterative sequence converges to the unique fixed point. In general, if E is a normed linear space and T is a nonexpansive mapping, a generalization of (1.3) which has proved successful in the approximation of a fixed point of T (when it exists) was given by Schaefer [74] : x0 ? K, xn+1 = (1??)xn +?Txn, n ? 0, ? ? (0,1). (1.4) However, the most general iterative formula for approximation of fixed points of nonex- pansive mappings, which is called the Mann iteration formula (in the light of [63]), is the following: x0 ? K, xn+1 = (1??n)xn +?nTxn, n ? 0, (1.5) 3 where {?n} is a real sequence in the interval (0,1) satisfying the following conditions: (i) limn???n = 0 and (ii) ?summationdisplay n=1 ?n = ?. The recursion formula (1.4) is consequently called the Krasnoselskii-Mann (KM) formula for finding fixed points of nonexpansive mappings. This iterative process has become very important and applicable as noted below. ? ?Many well-known algorithms in signal processing and image reconstruction are it- erative in nature .... A wide variety of iterative procedures used in signal processing and image reconstruction and elsewhere are special cases of the (Krasnoselskii-Mann) iteration procedure, for particular choices of the (nonexpansive) operator....? (Charles Byrne , [13]). Apart from being an obvious generalization of the contraction mappings, nonexpansive maps are important, as has been observed by Bruck [9], mainly for the following two reasons: ? Nonexpansive maps are intimately connected with the monotonicity methods devel- oped since the early 1960?s and constitute one of the first classes of nonlinear mappings for which fixed point theorems were obtained by using the fine geometric properties of the underlying Banach spaces instead of compactness properties. ? Nonexpansive mappings appear in applications as the transition operators for initial value problems of differential inclusions of the form 0 ? dudt +T(t)u, where the opera- tors {T(t)} are, in general, set-valued and are accretive or dissipative and minimally continuous. 4 Nonexpansive maps have been studied, and are still being studied, extensively by numerous authors (see e.g., Bauschke [2], Belluce and Kirk [3], Browder [4], Bruck [7, 8], Chidume [19, 18], Chidume and Ali [21, 26], Chidume and Chidume [27], Chidume et al. [28, 34], Chidume and Shahzad [33], De Marr [43], G?ohde [47]. Jung and Kim [49], Jung [50], Jung et al. [51], Khan and Fukharu-ud-din [53], Kirk [56], Lim [59], Matsuhita and Kuroiwa [64], O?Hara et al. [67], Oka [68], Reich [68], Senter and Dotson [77], Shahzad [78], Shahzad and Al-dubiban [79], Takahashi and Tamura [85], Takahashi and Kim [86], Tan and Xu [88], Xu and Yin [94], Zeng and Yao [100] and a host of other authors). Let E be a real Banach space, K a closed convex subset of E and T : K ? K a non- expansive mapping. For fixed t ? (0,1] and arbitrary u ? K, define a map Tt : K ? K by Ttx := tu + (1 ? t)Tx, x ? K. Then Tt is a strict contraction for every fixed constant t ? (0,1]. Denote the unique fixed point of Tt by zt ? K, and assume F(T) := {x ? K : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. In 1967, Browder [5] proved that if E = H, a Hilbert space, then limt?0zt exists and is a fixed point of T. In 1980, Reich [71] extended this result to uniformly smooth Banach spaces. In 1981, Kirk [57] obtained the same result in arbitrary Banach spaces under the additional assumption that T has pre-compact range. We have mentioned that every nonexpansive mapping is a pseudo-contractive mapping. Following this, in 2000, Morales and Jung [65] proved the same result for T a continuous pseudocontraction in a real reflexive Banach space with uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm. For a sequence {?n} of real numbers in [0,1] and an arbitrary u ? K, let the sequence {xn} 5 in K be iteratively defined by x0 ? K, xn+1 = ?nu+ (1??n)Txn,n ? 0. (1.6) The recursion formula (1.6) was first introduced in 1967 by Halpern [48] with u = 0, in the framework of Hilbert spaces. Under appropriate conditions on the domain of T, and some restrictions on the parameter {?n} (?n = n?a, a ? (0,1)), he proved strong convergence of {xn} to a fixed point of T. Iteration formulas of the form (1.6) are now said to be of the Halpern-type. Lions [62] considered a more general parameter {?n} and improved the result of Halpern, still in Hilbert spaces. He proved strong convergence of {xn} to a fixed point of T where the real sequence {?n} satisfies the conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?; C3 : lim |?n ??n?1|?2 n = 0. In 1980, Reich [71] proved that the result of Halpern remains true when E is uniformly smooth. It was observed that both Halpern?s and Lions?s conditions on the real sequence {?n} excluded the canonical choice ?n = 1n+1. This was overcome in 1992 by Wittmann [93] who proved, still in Hilbert spaces, the strong convergence of {xn} to a fixed point of T if {?n} satisfies the conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?; C4 : summationdisplay |?n+1 ??n| < ?. In 1994, Reich [72] extended the result of Wittmann to Banach spaces which are uniformly smooth and have weakly sequentially continuous duality maps (e.g., lp spaces, 1 < p < ?), where {?n} satisfies C1 and C2 and is also required to be decreasing (and hence also satisfies 6 C4). These spaces exclude Lp spaces, 1 < p < ?,p negationslash= 2. Shioji and Takahashi [80] extended Wittmann?s result to real Banach spaces with uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norms and in which each nonempty closed convex and bounded subset has the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings (e.g., Lp spaces, 1 < p < ?). In 2002, Xu [95] (see also [96]) improved the result of Lions twofold. First, he weakened the condition C3 by removing the square in the denominator so that the canonical choice of ?n = 1n+1 is possible. Secondly, he proved the strong convergence of the scheme (1.6) in the framework of real uniformly smooth Banach spaces. Xu also remarked ([95], Remark 3.2) that Halpern [48] observed that conditions (C1) and (C2) are necessary for the strong convergence of algorithm (1.6) for all nonexpansive mappings T : K ? K. It is not clear if they are sufficient. This brought about the following question which has been open for many years: Question 1: Are the conditions C1 : lim?n = 0 and C2 : summationtext?n = ? sufficient for the strong convergence of algorithm (1.6) for all nonexpansive mappings T : K ? K? In Chapter 2 of this dissertation, we modify the recursion formula (1.6) by introducing an auxiliary operator that has the same set of fixed points as T. With the help of this operator, we prove that conditions C1 and C2 are sufficient for the modified iteration al- gorithm to converge strongly to a fixed point of T, even in the more general setting where E is a real Banach space with uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm. Consequently, our theorems in Chapter 2 (also see [27]), provide a partial answer to Question 1. The general question still remains open. 7 One important class of nonlinear mappings more general than the class of nonexpansive mappings which has been studied extensively by various authors is the class of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. This class of mappings was introduced in 1972 by Goebel and Kirk [46]. Definition 1.1.2 Let K be a nonempty subset of a normed linear space, a mapping T : K ? K is called asymptotically nonexpansive if there exists a sequence {kn} ? [1,?) with limn??kn = 1 such that bardblTnx?Tnybardbl ? knbardblx?ybardbl for all x,y ? K and n = 1,2,.... It was proved in [46] that if K is a nonempty closed, convex and bounded subset of a uniformly convex real Banach space and T is an asymptotically nonexpansive self-mapping of K, then T has a fixed point. It is clear that every nonexpansive mapping is asymptotically nonexpansive. The following example shows that the class of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings properly contains the class of nonexpansive mappings. Example 1.1.3 (Goebel and Kirk, [46]) Let B be a unit ball of the real Hilbert space l2 and let T : B ? B be defined by T({x1,x2,...}) = {0,x21,a2x2, a3x3,...} where {an} is a sequence of numbers such that 0 < an < 1 and ?productdisplay n=2 an = 12. Then T is Lipschitzian and bardblTx ? Tybardbl ? 2bardblx ? ybardbl, for all x,y ? B and moreover, bardblTnx ? Tnybardbl ? knbardblx ? ybardbl, with kn := 2 nproductdisplay i=2 ai. Observe that T is not nonexpansive and that limn??kn = 1, so that T is asymptotically nonexpansive map. In Chapter 3, we prove a strong convergence theorem for a Halpern-type iteration sequence for approximation of a fixed point of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Our main theorem in Chapter 3 (also see [35]) is proved in a real Banach space which has a uni- formly G?ateaux differentiable norm. The main theorem extends some important known 8 results from the class of nonexpansive mappings to the more general class of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. In the second half of this manuscript, we turn attention to the approximation of a solution of a variational inequality problem. Definition 1.1.4 Let E be a real normed linear space and E? be its dual space. For some real number q (1 < q < ?), the generalized duality mapping Jq : E ? 2E? is defined by Jq(x) = {f? ? E? : ?x,f?? = bardblxbardblq,bardblf?bardbl = bardblxbardblq?1}, where ?.,.? denotes the duality pairing between elements of E and elements of E?. If q = 2, then J2 is called the normalized duality map on E. Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of E and S : E ? E be a nonlinear operator. The variational inequality problem is formulated as follows: Find a point x? ? K such that VI(S,K) : ?jq(Sx?),(y ?x?)? ? 0 ?y ? K. (1.7) If E = H, a real Hilbert space, the variational inequality problem reduces to the following: Find a point x? ? K such that VI(S,K) : ?Sx?,y ?x?? ? 0 ?y ? K. (1.8) 9 Definition 1.1.5 A mapping G : E ? E is said to be accretive if ?x,y ? E, there exists jq(x?y) ? Jq(x?y) such that ?Gx?Gy,jq(x?y)? ? 0. (1.9) Definition 1.1.6 For some real number ? > 0, G is called ??strongly accretive if ?x,y ? E, there exists jq(x?y) ? Jq(x?y) such that ?Gx?Gy,jq(x?y)? ? ?bardblx?ybardblq. (1.10) In Hilbert spaces, accretive (strongly accretive) operators are called monotone (strongly monotone) where inequalities (1.9) and (1.10) hold with jq replaced by the identity map of H. Applications of variational inequalities span as diverse disciplines as differential equations, time-optimal control, optimization, mathematical programming, mechanics, finance and so on (see, for example, Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia [55], Noor [66] for more details). It is known that if S is Lipschitz and strongly accretive, then problem VI(S,K) has a unique solution. An important problem is how to find a solution of the problem VI(S,K) whenever it exists. Considerable efforts have been devoted to this problem (see, e.g. Xu [98] , Yamada [99] and the references contained therein). 10 It is known that in a real Hilbert space, the problem VI(S,K) is equivalent to the fol- lowing fixed point equation x? = PK(x? ??Sx?), (1.11) where ? > 0 is an arbitrary fixed constant and PK is the nearest point projection map from H onto K, i.e., PKx = y, where bardblx ? ybardbl = inf u?K bardblx ? ubardbl for x ? H. Consequently, under appropriate conditions on S and ?, fixed point methods can be used to find or approximate a solution of problem VI(S,K). For instance, if S is strongly monotone and Lipschitz then a mapping G : H ? H defined by Gx = PK(x ? ?Sx), x ? H with ? > 0 sufficiently small is a strict contraction. Hence, the Picard iteration, x0 ? H, xn+1 = Gxn, n ? 0 of the classical Banach contraction mapping principle converges to the unique solution of the problem VI(K,S). In applications, however, the projection operator PK in the fixed point formulation (1.11) may make the computation of the iterates difficult due to possible complexity of the convex set K. In order to reduce the possible difficulty with the use of PK, Yamada [99] recently introduced a hybrid descent method for solving the problem VI(K,S). Let T : H ? H be a map and let K := {x ? H : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let S be ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitz on H. Let ? ? (0, 2??2) be arbitrary but fixed real number and let a sequence {?n} in (0,1) satisfy the following conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?; and C3 : lim?n ??n+1?2 n = 0. 11 Starting with an arbitrary initial guess x0 ? H, let a sequence {xn} be generated by the following algorithm xn+1 = Txn ??n+1?S(Txn), n ? 0. (1.12) Then, Yamada [99] proved that {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution of VI(K,S). In the case that K = r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?, where {Ti}ri=1 is a finite family of nonexpansive map- pings, Yamada [99] studied the following algorithm, xn+1 = T[n+1]xn+1 ??n+1?S(T[n+1]xn), n ? 0, (1.13) where T[k] = Tk mod r, for k ? 1, with the mod function taking values in the set {1,2,...,r}, and where the sequence{?n}satisfies the conditionsC1, C2 andC4 : summationtext|?n??n+N| < ?. Under these conditions, he proved the strong convergence of {xn} to the unique solution of the VI(K,S). Recently, Xu and Kim [98] studied the convergence of the algorithms (1.12) and (1.13), still in the framework of Hilbert spaces, and proved strong convergence with condition C3 replaced by C5: lim?n??n+1?n+1 = 0 and with condition C4 replaced by C6 : lim?n??n+r?n+r = 0. These are improvements on the results of Yamada. In particular, the canonical choice ?n := 1n+1 is applicable in the results of Xu and Kim but is not in the result of Yamada with condition C3. 12 In Chapter 4, we prove theorems that extend the results of Xu and Kim [98] (and con- sequently those of Wang [91], Xu and Kim [98], Yamada [99], Zheng and Yao [100]) from real Hilbert spaces to the more general real q?uniformly smooth Banach spaces, q ? 2. In particular, our theorems are applicable in Lp spaces, 2 ? p < ?. (see e.g., Chidume et al. [28]). The condition q > 2, however, excludes the Lp spaces, 1 < p < 2. In Section 4.4, we employ another tool to prove convergence theorems that extend the results of Xu and Kim to Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2 (see Chidume and deSouza [36]). These theorems complement those of the first part of Chapter 4 to provide convergence theorems valid in all Lp spaces, 1 < p < ?. In Chapter 5, we continue our interest in fixed points of nonexpansive mappings and so- lutions of variational inequality problems. In this chapter, we introduce a new recursion formula and prove strong convergence theorems for the unique solution of the variational inequality problem VI(K,S) of Chapter 4, requiring only conditions C1 and C2 on the parameter sequence {?n}. Furthermore, in the case Ti : E ? E, i = 1,2,...,r is a family of nonexpansive mappings with K = r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?, we prove a convergence theorem where condition C6 is replaced with limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ? T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. An example satisfying this condition is presented by Chidume and Ali in [22]. All our theorems in Chapter 5 (see also [29]) are proved in q?uniformly smooth Banach spaces, q ? 2. In particular, they are applicable in Lp spaces, 2 ? p < ?. 13 As in chapter 4, we also use a different tool to extend our theorems to include Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2. Our theorems in Chapter 5 (see also [30]) still extend the results of Xu and Kim [98] (and consequently those of Wang [91], Xu and Kim [98], Yamada [99], Zheng and Yao [100]) from real Hilbert spaces to, in particular, the more general real Lp spaces, 1 < p < ?. Moreover, in this more general setting, the iteration parameter {?n} is required to satisfy only conditions C1 and C2. 1.2 Preliminaries Definition 1.2.1 Let S := {x ? E : ||x|| = 1} denote the unit sphere of the real Banach space E. The space E is said to have a G?ateaux differentiable norm if the limit limt?0 ||x+ty||?||x||t exists for each x,y ? S; and E is said to have a uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm if for each y ? S, the limit is attained uniformly for x ? S. Definition 1.2.2 We shall denote a Banach limit by ?. Recall that ? is an element of (l?)? such that bardbl?bardbl = 1, liminfn?? an ? ?nan ? limsup n?? an and ?nan = ?n+1an for all {an}n?0 ? l? (see e.g. Chidume et al. [31], Chidume [17]). To motivate the definition of modulus of smoothness which will be used in the sequel, we begin with the following definition. Definition 1.2.3 A real Banach space is called smooth if for every x in X with bardblxbardbl = 1, there exists a unique x? in X? such that bardblx?bardbl = ?x,x?? = 1. 14 Assume now that X is not smooth and take x in X and u?, v? in X? such that bardblxbardbl = bardblu?bardbl = bardblv?bardbl = ?x,u?? = ?x,v?? = 1 and u? negationslash= v?. Let y in X be such that bardblybardbl = 1, ?y,u?? > 0 and ?y,v?? < 0 . Then for every t > 0 we have 1 +t?y,u?? = ?x+ty,u?? ? bardblx+tybardbl, 1?t?y,v?? = ?x?ty,v?? ? bardblx?tybardbl which imply 2 < 2 +t(?y,u????y,v??) ? bardblx+tybardbl+bardblx?tybardbl or equivalently 0 < t(?y,u ????y,v?? 2 ) ? bardblx+tybardbl+bardblx?tybardbl 2 ?1. With this motivation we introduce the following definition. Definition 1.2.4 Let E be a normed space with dimE ? 2. The modulus of smoothness of E is the function ?E : [0,?) ? [0,?) defined by ?E(?) := sup braceleftbiggbardblx+ybardbl +bardblx?ybardbl 2 ?1 : bardblxbardbl = 1;bardblybardbl = ? bracerightbigg . The space E is called uniformly smooth if and only if lim t?0+ ?E(t) t = 0. Definition 1.2.5 For some positive constant q, E is called q?uniformly smooth if there exists a constant c > 0 such that ?E(t) ? ctq, t > 0. 15 Lp spaces, 1 < p < ? are p?uniformly smooth (see e.g., Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri [61]). In fact, it is known that Lp(or lp) spaces are ?? ???? ? ??? ??? 2? uniformly smooth, if, 2 ? p < ?, p? uniformly smooth, if, 1 < p ? 2, (see e.g., Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri [61]). It is well known that if E is smooth then the duality mapping is singled-valued, and if E is uniformly smooth then the duality mapping is norm-to-norm uniformly continuous on bounded subset of E. Definition 1.2.6 Let E be a real Banach space and K be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of E. Let P be a mapping of E onto K. Then, P is said to be sunny if P(Px+t(x? Px)) = Px for all x ? E and t ? 0. A mapping P of E into E is said to be a retraction if P2 = P. Definition 1.2.7 A subset K of E is said to be sunny nonexpansive retract of E if there exists a sunny nonexpansive retraction of E onto K. A retraction P is said to be orthogonal if for each x, x?P(x) is normal to K in the sense of James [54]. It is well known (see Bruck [10]) that if E is uniformly smooth and there exists a nonexpan- sive retraction of E onto K, then there exists a nonexpansive projection of E onto K. If E is a real smooth Banach space, then P is an orthogonal retraction of E onto K if and only if P(x) ? K and ?P(x)?x,jq(P(x)?y)? ? 0 for all y ? K. It is also known (see e.g., Shioji and Takahashi [81]) that if K is a convex subset of a uniformly convex Banach space whose norm is uniformly G?ateaux differentiable and T : K ? K is nonexpansive with F(T) negationslash= ?, 16 then, F(T) is a nonexpansive retract of K. Let K be a nonempty closed convex and bounded subset of a Banach space E and let the diameter of K be defined by d(K) := sup{bardblx ? ybardbl : x,y ? K}. For each x ? K, let r(x,K) := sup{bardblx ? ybardbl : y ? K} and let r(K) := inf{r(x,K) : x ? K} denote the Chebyshev radius of K relative to itself. The normal structure coefficient N(E) of E (see e.g. [12]) is defined by N(E) := inf braceleftBigd(K) r(K) : K is a closed convex and bounded subset of E with d(K) > 0 bracerightBig . A space E such that N(E) > 1 is said to have uniform normal structure. It is known that all uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces have uniform normal structure (see e.g., [60]). 17 Chapter 2 Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings 2.1 Introduction Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a real Banach space E which has a uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm and T : K ? K a nonexpansive mapping with F(T) negationslash= ?. In this chapter, we prove that the conditions C1: lim?n = 0 and C2: summationtext?n = ? which are known to be necessary are, under appropriate conditions, also sufficient for the strong convergence of a Halpern-type iterative scheme to a fixed point of a nonexpansive mapping T. Our result gives a partial answer to Question 1 mentioned in the introduction. We begin with the following well known theorem. Theorem 2.1.1 (Morales and Jung [65], Reich [71]) Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a Banach space E which has uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm and T : K ? K a nonexpansive mapping with F(T) negationslash= ?. Suppose that every nonempty closed convex bounded subset of K has the fixed point property for nonexpansve mappings. Then there exists a continuous path t ? zt,0 < t < 1 satisfying zt = tu + (1?t)Tzt, for arbitrary but fixed u ? K, which converges to a fixed point of T. Recently, Shioji and Takahashi [80] proved the following theorem. Theorem 2.1.2 (Shioji and Takahashi [80]) Let E be a real Banach space whose norm is uniformly G?ateaux differentiable and let K be a closed convex subset of E. Let T : K ? K be a nonexpansive mapping with F(T) := {x ? K : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let {?n} be a sequence 18 which satisfies the following conditions: (i) 0 ? ?n ? 1, lim?n = 0; (ii) summationtext?n = ?; (iii)summationtext?n=0 |?n+1 ??n| < ?. Let u ? K and let {xn} be defined by x0 ? K, xn+1 = ?nu+ (1??n)Txn,n ? 0. (2.1) Assume that {zt} converges strongly to z ? F(T) as t ? 0, where for 0 < t < 1, zt is the unique element of K which satisfies zt = tu+(1?t)Tzt. Then, {xn} converges strongly to z. Xu [96] (see also [95]) proved the following theorem. Theorem 2.1.3 (Xu [96], Theorem 3.1) Let E be a uniformly smooth real Banach space, K a closed convex subset of E, and T : K ? K a nonexpansive mapping with a fixed point. Let u,x0 ? K be given. Assume that {?n} ? [0,1] satisfies the conditions: (1) lim?n = 0; (2) summationtext?n = ?; (3) lim ?n??n?1?n = 0. Then the sequence {xn} generated by x0 ? K, xn+1 = ?nu+ (1??n)Txn,n ? 0, converges strongly to a fixed point of T. 19 It is our purpose in this chapter to prove a significant improvement of Theorem 2.1.2 and Theorem 2.1.3 in the following sense. We prove the strong convergence of the algorithm (2.1) in the framework of real Banach spaces E with uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norms and without condition (iii) of Theorem 2.1.2. Our theorem then also extends Theorem 2.1.3 to the more general real Banach spaces with uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norms and at the same time dispenses with condition (3) of that theorem. Furthermore, our theorem gives a partial affirmative answer to Question 1 mentioned in Chapter 1. 2.2 Preliminaries Lemma 2.2.1 Let E be a real normed linear space. Then, the following inequality holds: ||x+y||2 ? ||x||2 + 2?y,j(x+y)? ? x,y ? E, ? j(x+y) ? J(x+y). In the sequel, we shall also make use of the following lemmas. Lemma 2.2.2 (Suzuki, [83]) Let {xn} and {yn} be bounded sequences in a Banach space E and let {?n} be a sequence in [0,1] with 0 < liminf?n ? limsup?n < 1. Suppose xn+1 = ?nyn+(1??n)xn for all integers n ? 0 and limsup(||yn+1?yn||?||xn+1?xn||) ? 0. Then, lim||yn ?xn|| = 0. Lemma 2.2.3 (Xu, [96]). Let {an} be a sequence of nonnegative real numbers satisfying the relation: an+1 ? (1??n)an +?n?n +?n,n ? 0, where, (i) {?n} ? [0,1], summationtext?n = ?; 20 (ii) limsup ?n ? 0; (iii) ?n ? 0; (n ? 0), summationtext?n < ?. Then, an ? 0 as n ? ?. 2.3 Convergence Theorems Theorem 2.3.1 (C.E.Chidume and C.O.Chidume [27]) Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a real Banach space E which has a uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm and T : K ? K be a nonexpansive mapping with F(T) negationslash= ?. For a fixed ? ? (0,1), define S : K ? K by Sx := (1 ? ?)x + ?Tx ? x ? K. Assume that {zt} converges strongly to a fixed point z of T as t ? 0, where zt is the unique element of K which satisfies zt = tu+(1?t)Tzt for arbitrary u ? K. Let {?n} be a real sequence in (0,1) which satisfies the conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationtext?n = ?. For arbitrary x0 ? K, let the sequence {xn} be defined iteratively by xn+1 = ?nu+ (1??n)Sxn. (2.2) Then, {xn} converges strongly to a fixed point of T. Proof. Observe first that S is nonexpansive and has the same set of fixed points as T. Define ?n := (1??)?n +? ? n ? 0; yn := xn+1 ?xn +?nxn? n , n ? 0. Observe also that ?n ? ? as n ? ?, and that if {xn} is bounded, then {yn} is bounded. Let x? ? F(T) = F(S). One easily shows by induction that ||xn ? x?|| ? max{||x0 ? 21 x?||,||u?x?||} for all integers n ? 0, and so, {xn},{yn}, {Txn} and {Sxn} are all bounded. Also, ||xn+1 ?Sxn|| = ?n||u?Sxn|| ? 0, n ? ?. (2.3) Observe that from the definitions of ?n and S, we obtain that yn = ?nu+ (1??n)?Txn? n , which implies ||yn+1 ?yn|| ? ||xn+1 ?xn|| ? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+1? n+1 ? ?n? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle.||u||+ (1??n+1)? n+1 ? ||Txn+1 ?Txn|| + vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle1??n+1? n+1 ? 1??n? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ? ||Txn||?||xn+1 ?xn||. Since {xn} and {Txn} are bounded, we obtain (for some constants M1 > 0, and M2 > 0) that, limsup(||yn+1 ?yn|| ? ||xn+1 ?xn||) ? limsup braceleftBigvextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+1? n+1 ? ?n? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle.||u|| + vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle(1??n+1)? n+1 ? ?1 vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle M1 + vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle1??n+1? n+1 ? 1??n? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?M2 bracerightBig ? 0. 22 Hence, by Lemma 2.2.2, ||yn ?xn|| ? 0 as n ? ?. Consequently, lim||xn+1 ?xn|| = lim?n||yn ?xn|| = 0. Combining this with (2.3) yields that ||xn ?Sxn|| ? 0 as n ? ?. We now show that limsup?u?z,j(xn ?z)? ? 0. For each integer n ? 0, let tn ? (0,1) be such that tn ? 0, and ||xn ?Sxn||t n ? 0, n ? ?. Let ztn ? K be the unique fixed point of the contraction mapping Stn given by Stnx = tnu+ (1?tn)Sx, x ? K. Then, ztn ?xn = tn(u?xn) + (1?tn)(Sztn ?xn). 23 Using the inequality of Lemma 2.2.1, we compute as follows: ||ztn ?xn||2 ? (1?tn)2||Sztn ?xn||2 + 2tn?u?xn,j(ztn ?xn)? ? (1?tn)2(||Sztn ?Sxn||+||Sxn ?xn||)2 + 2tn(||ztn ?xn||2 + ?u?ztn,j(ztn ?xn)? ? (1 +t2n)||ztn ?xn||2 +||Sxn ?xn||? (2||ztn ?xn||+||Sxn ?xn||) + 2tn?u?ztn,j(ztn ?xn)?, and hence, ?u?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)? ? tn2 ||ztn ?xn||2 + ||Sxn ?xn||2t n ?(2||ztn ?xn||+||Sxn ?xn||). Since {xn},{ztn} and {Sxn} are bounded and ||Sxn?xn||2tn ? 0,n ? ?, it follows from the last inequality that limsup?u?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)? ? 0. Moreover, we have that ?u?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)? = ?u?z,j(xn ?z)?+?u?z,j(xn ?ztn)?j(xn ?z)? + ?z ?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)?. (2.4) 24 But, by hypothesis, ztn ? z ? F(S), n ? ?. Thus, using the boundedness of {xn} we obtain that ?z ?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)? ? 0, n ? ?. (2.5) Also, ?u?z,j(xn ?ztn)?j(xn ?z)? ? 0, n ? ?, since j is norm-to-weak? uniformly continuous on bounded subsets of E. Hence, we obtain from (2.4) and (2.5) that limsup?u?z,j(xn ?z)? ? 0. Furthermore, from the recurrence relation (2.2) we get that xn+1 ? z = ?n(u ? z) + (1 ? ?n)(Sxn ?z). It then follows that ||xn+1 ?z||2 ? (1??n)2||Sxn ?z||2 + 2?n?u?z,j(xn+1 ?z)? ? (1??n)||xn ?z||2 +?n?n, where ?n := 2?u?z,j(xn+1 ?z)?; ?n ? 0 ? n ? 0. Thus, by Lemma 2.2.3, {xn} converges strongly to a fixed point of T. a50 Remark 2.3.2 We note that every uniformly smooth Banach space has a uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm and is such that every nonempty closed convex and bounded subset of E has the fixed point property for nonexpansive maps (see e.g., [1]). 25 Remark 2.3.3 Theorem 2.3.1 is a significant generalization of Theorem 2.1.2 and of The- orem 2.1.3 as has been explained in the introduction. Furthermore, our method of proof which is different from the method of Shioji and Takahashi [80] is of independent interest. Let Sn(x) := 1n summationtextn?1k=0 Skx. With this definition, Xu also proved the following theorem. Theorem 2.3.4 (Xu [96], Theorem 3.2) Assume that E is a real uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach space. For given u,x0 ? K, let {xn} be generated by the algorithm: xn+1 = ?nu+ (1??n)Snxn,n ? 0. (2.6) Assume that (i) lim?n = 0; (i) summationtext?n = ?. Then, {xn} converges strongly to a fixed point of S : K ? K nonexpansive. Remark 2.3.5 Theorem 2.3.1 is also a significant improvement of Theorem 2.3.4 in the sense that the recursion formula (2.2) is simpler and requires less computer time than the recursion formula (2.6). Moreover, the requirement that E is also uniformly convex imposed in Theorem 2.3.4 is dispensed with in Theorem 2.3.1. Furthermore, Theorem 2.3.1 is proved in the framework of the more general real Banach spaces with uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norms. 26 Chapter 3 A Strong Convergence Theorem for Fixed Points of Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, we extend the result of Chapter 2 from the class of nonexpansive mappings to the class of asymptotically nonexpansive ones. Recall that a mapping T : K ? K is called asymptotically nonexpansive if there exists a sequence {kn},kn ? 1, such that limn??kn = 1 and ||Tnx?Tny|| ? kn||x?y|| holds for each x,y ? K and for each integer n ? 1. This class of mappings has been studied extensively by various authors (see e.g.,Chidume and Ali [20],[22], [24], Chidume et al.[32, 33], Chang et al. [15], Falset et al. [45], Kaczor [52], Oka [68], Schu [75, 76], Wang [92], Qihou [70], Shioji and Takahashi [81], Sun [82],Tan and Xu [89, 87] and the references contained therein). Suppose now K is a nonempty closed convex subset of real uniformly smooth Banach space E and T : K ? K is an asymptotically nonexpansive mapping with sequence kn ? 1 for all n ? 1. Fix u ? K and define, for each integer n ? 1, the contraction mapping Sn : K ? K by Sn(x) = parenleftBig 1? tnk n parenrightBig u+ tnk n Tnx, 27 where {tn} ? [0,1) is any sequence such that tn ? 1. Then, by the Banach contraction mapping principle, there exists unique xn such that xn = parenleftBig 1? tnk n parenrightBig u+ tnk n Tnxn. The question now arises as to whether or not this sequence converges to a fixed point of T. A partial answer was given in 1994 by Lim and Xu who proved the following theorem: Theorem 3.1.1 (Lim and Xu [60] ) Suppose E is a real uniformly smooth Banach space and suppose {tn} is chosen such that limn??parenleftbig kn?1kn?tnparenrightbig = 0. Suppose, in addition, the follow- ing condition holds: lim||xn ?Txn|| = 0. Then, the sequence {xn} defined, for a fixed u ? K, by xn = parenleftBig 1? tnk n parenrightBig u+ tnk n Tnxn (3.1) converges strongly to a fixed point of T. Remark 3.1.2 Observe that equation (4.10) can be re-written as follows: xn = ?nu+ (1??n)Tnxn where ?n := 1? tnkn and ?n ? 0 as n ? ?. It is our purpose in this chapter to extend Theorem 2.3.1 of Chapter 2 to the more general class of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. 28 3.2 Convergence Theorems Theorem 3.2.1 (Chidume and de Souza [35]) Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a real Banach space E which has a uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm and T : K ? K be an asymptotically nonexpansive mapping with sequence {kn},kn ? 1 and limkn = 1 such that summationtext(k2n ? 1) < ? and F(T) := {x ? K : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. For a fixed ? ? (0,1), define Sn : K ? K by Snx := (1 ? ?)x + ?Tnx ? x ? K. Assume that {zt} converges strongly to a fixed point z of T as t ? 0, where zt is the unique element of K which satisfies zt = tu + (1 ? t)Tnzt for arbitrary u ? K. Let {?n} be a real sequence in (0,1) which satisfies the following conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationtext?n = ?. For arbitrary x0 ? K, let the sequence {xn} be defined iteratively by xn+1 = ?nu+ (1??n)Snxn. Assume {xn} is bounded and bardblxn ? Txnbardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. Then, {xn} converges strongly to a fixed point of T. Proof. Observe first that bardblSnx?Snybardbl ? (1??)bardblx?ybardbl+?bardblTnx?Tnybardbl ? (1?? +kn?)bardblx?ybardbl. Furthermore, Snx = x if and only if Tnx = x, and hence S is asymptotically nonexpansive and has the same set of fixed points as T. Define ?n := (1??)?n +? ? n ? 0; yn := xn+1 ?xn +?nxn? n , n ? 0. (3.2) 29 Observe that ?n ? ? as n ? ?, and that {xn}, {yn}, {Txn} and {Sxn} are all bounded. Observe also that from the definitions of ?n and Sn, we obtain that yn = ?nu+(1??n)?Tnxn?n so that, ||yn+1 ?yn|| ? ||xn+1 ?xn|| ? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+1? n+1 ? ?n? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle .||u||+ (1??n+1)? n+1 ? ||Tn+1xn+1 ?Tnxn|| + vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle(1??n+1)? n+1 ?Tn+1xn ? (1??n)? n ?Tn+1xn + (1??n)? n ?Tn+1xn ? (1??n)? n ?Tnxn vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+1? n+1 ? ?n? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ||u||+ (1??n+1)? n+1 ?kn+1 ||xn+1 ?xn|| + vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle parenleftBig(1??n+1) ?n+1 ? (1??n) ?n parenrightBig ? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ||Tn+1xn|| + vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle(1??n+1? n+1 ? 1??n? n ) ?Kn vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ||xn ?Txn||. Hence we have for some constant M1 > 0, ||yn+1 ?yn|| ? ||xn+1 ?xn|| ? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+1? n+1 ? ?n? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle.||u||+ vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle(1??n+1)? n+1 ?kn+1 ?1 vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ||xn+1 ?xn|| + parenleftBig1??n+1 ?n+1 ? 1??n ?n parenrightBig ?M1 + parenleftBig1??n ?n parenrightBig ?kn||xn ?Txn||, and so, limsup(||yn+1 ?yn||?||xn+1 ?xn||) ? 0. 30 Hence, by Lemma 2.2.2, ||yn ? xn|| ? 0 as n ? ?. Consequently, lim||xn+1 ? xn|| = lim?n||yn ? xn|| = 0. Furthermore, ||xn+1 ? Snxn|| = ?n||u ? Snxn|| ? 0 as n ? ?. Hence, ||xn ?Snxn|| ? ||xn ?xn+1||+||xn+1 ?Snxn|| ? 0 as n ? ?. Claim: limsup?u?z,j(xn ?z)? ? 0. For each integer n ? 0, let tn ? (0, ?n1??n) be such that k2n ?1 tn ? 0, and ||xn ?Sxn|| tn ? 0, n ? ?. (3.3) Clearly tn ? 0 as n ? ?. Now observe that ztn = tnu+ (1?tn)Snztn so that ||ztn ?xn||2 ? (1?tn)2||Snztn ?xn||2 + 2tn?u?ztn,j(ztn ?xn)? ? (1?tn)2 bracketleftBig ||Snztn ?Snxn||+||Snxn ?xn|| bracketrightBig2 + 2tn||ztn ?xn||2 + 2tn?u?ztn,j(ztn ?xn)? ? (1?tn)2kn2||ztn ?xn||2 + 2||Snztn ?Snxn||||Snxn ?xn|| + ||Snxn ?xn||2 + 2tn||ztn ?xn||2 + 2tn?u?ztn,j(ztn ?xn)? 31 and because ?u?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)? ? 12 bracketleftBig(1?tn)2k2 n + 2tn ?1 tn bracketrightBig ||ztn ?xn||2 + ||S nxn ?xn||M tn , for some constant M > 0, this yields that limsup?u?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)? ? 0. Moreover, ?u?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)? = ?u?z,j(xn ?z)?+?u?z,j(xn ?ztn)?j(xn ?z)? + ?z ?ztn,j(xn ?ztn)?, and since j is norm-to-weak? uniformly continuous on bounded sets and ztn ? z, we obtain that limsup?u?z,j(xn ?z)? ? 0, establishing the claim. From xn+1 = ?nu+ (1??n)Snxn we have ||xn+1 ?z||2 ? (1??n)2k2n||xn ?z||2 + 2?n?u?z,j(xn+1 ?z?. Since tn ? (0, ?n1??n), there exists an integer N0 > 0 such that, ||xn+1 ?z||2 ? (1??n)||xn ?z||2 +?n?n, 32 for all n ? N0, where ?n := 2?u ? z,j(xn+1 ? z)? ? n ? 0. Thus, by Lemma 2.2.3, {xn} converges strongly to a fixed point of T. a50 Corollary 3.2.2 Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a real Banach space E which has a uniformly G?ateaux differentiable norm. Let T : K ? K be a nonexpansive mapping with F(T) negationslash= ?. For a fixed ? ? (0,1), define S : K ? K by Sx := (1??)x+?Tx, ? x ? K. Assume that {zt} converges strongly to a fixed point z of T as t ? 0, where zt is the unique element of K which satisfies zt = tu + (1 ? t)Tzt for arbitrary u ? K. Let {?n} be a real sequence in (0,1) which satisfies the conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationtext?n = ?. For arbitrary x0 ? K, let the sequence {xn} be defined iteratively by xn+1 = ?nu+ (1??n)Sxn. (3.4) Then, {xn} converges strongly to a fixed point of T. Proof. It is easy to see from equation (3.4) that {xn} is bounded and lim||xn ?Txn|| = 0. Hence, the result follows from Theorem 3.2.1. Remark 3.2.3 Theorem 3.2.1 extends Theorem 2.3.1 (and consequently, extends Theorem 2.1.2, Theorem 2.1.3 and Theorem 2.3.4, (see Remarks 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4 of [27]) to the more general class of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. 33 Chapter 4 Convergence of a Hybrid Steepest Descent Method for Variational Inequalities in Banach Spaces 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, we extend the results of Xu and Kim [98] from real Hilbert spaces to q?uniformly smooth real Banach spaces which are much more general than Hilbert spaces. In particular, our theorems will be applicable in Lp spaces, 1 < p < ?. 4.2 Preliminaries We shall make use of the following lemmas. Lemma 4.2.1 (Shoiji and Takahashi, [80]) Let (a0,a1,...) ? l? such that ?n(an) ? 0 for all Banach limit ? and limsup n?? (an+1 ?an) ? 0. Then, limsup n?? an ? 0. Lemma 4.2.2 (Xu, [97]) Let E be a q-uniformly smooth real Banach space for some q > 1, then there exists some positive constant dq such that bardblx+ybardblq ? bardblxbardblq +q?y,jq(x)?+dqbardblybardblq ? x,y ? E and jq(x) ? Jq(x). Lemma 4.2.3 ((Lim and Xu,) [60], Theorem 1) Suppose E is a Banach space with uniform normal structure, K is a nonempty bounded subset of E, and T : K ? K is uniformly k?Lipschitzian mapping with k < N(E)12. Suppose also there exists a nonempty bounded 34 closed convex subset C of K with the property (P) : (P) x ? C implies ?w(x) ? C, where ?w(x) is the ??limi set of T at x, i.e., the set {y ? E : y = weak?limj Tnjx for j ? ?}. Then, T has a fixed point in C. Lemma 4.2.4 Let X be a real reflexive Banach space and f : X ?? R?{+?} be a convex proper lower semi-continuous function. Suppose lim bardblxbardbl?? f(x) = +?. Then, ? ?x ? X such that f(?x) ? f(x), x ? X, i.e., f(?x) = inf x?X f(x). 4.3 Convergence Theorems Lemma 4.3.1 (Chidume et al. [28]) Let E be a q?uniformly smooth real Banach space with constant dq, q ? 2. Let T : E ? E be a nonexpansive mapping and G : E ? E be an ?? strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian map. For ? ? parenleftBig 0, 2q(q?1) parenrightBig and ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig q 4?,( q? dq?q) 1 (q?1) bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a map T? : E ? E by T?x = Tx ? ??G(Tx), x ? E. 35 Then, T? is a strict contraction. Furthermore, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl ? x,y ? E, (4.1) where ? := q2 ? radicalBig q2 4 ??(q? ??q?1dq?q) ? (0,1). Proof. For x,y ? E, using Lemma 4.2.2, we have: bardblT?x?T?ybardblq = bardblTx?Ty ???(G(Tx)?G(Ty))bardblq ? bardblTx?Tybardblq ?q???G(Tx)?G(Ty),jq(Tx?Ty)? + dq?q?qbardblG(Tx)?G(Ty)bardblq ? bardblTx?Tybardblq ?q???bardblTx?Tybardblq +dq?q?q?qbardblTx?Tybardblq ? bracketleftBig 1???parenleftbigq? ?dq?q?1?q?1?qparenrightbig bracketrightBig bardblx?ybardblq ? bracketleftBig 1???parenleftbigq? ?dq?q?1?qparenrightbig bracketrightBig bardblx?ybardblq. Define f(?) := 1???(q? ?dq?q?1?q) = (1???)q, for some ? ? (0,1), say. By Taylor development, there exists ? ? (0,?) such that 1???(q? ?dq?q?1?q) = 1?q??+ 12q(q ?1)(1???)q?2?2?2. Using ? ? parenleftBig 0, 2q(q?1) parenrightBig which implies 12q(q ?1)? < 1, we obtain that 1???(q? ?dq?q?1?q) < 1?q??+ 12q(q ?1)?2?2 < 1?q??+??2, 36 so that ?2 ?q? +?(q? ?dq?q?1?q) > 0. Solving this quadratic inequality in ?, we obtain, ? < q2 ? radicalBig q2 4 ??(q? ?dq?q?1?q). Now, set ? := q2 ? radicalbigg q2 4 ??(q? ?dq? q?1?q). Observe that q2 4 ??(q? ?dq? q?1?q) = parenleftBigq2 4 ??q? parenrightBig +dq?q?1?q > 0, since ? < q4?. Moreover, since q ? 2 and ? < 2q(q?1) < 2q, we have 1??? = 1? ?q2 + radicalbigg q2?2 4 ?? 2?(q? ?dq?q?1?q) ? (0,1). The proof is complete. We note that Lp spaces, 2 ? p < ?, are 2?uniformly smooth and the following inequality holds (see e.g., [97]): For each x,y ? Lp, 2 ? p < ?, bardblx+ybardbl2 ? bardblxbardbl2 + 2?y,j(x)?+ (p?1)bardblybardbl2. It then follows that by setting q = 2, dq = (p?1) in Lemma 4.3.1, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 4.3.2 Let E = Lp, 2 ? p < ?. Let T : E ? E, be a nonexpansive map and G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian map. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,1 parenrightBig and ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2?, 2? (p?1)?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a map T? : E ? E by T?x = Tx ? ??G(Tx), x ? E. 37 Then, T? is a strict contraction. In particular, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl, x,y ? E, (4.2) where ? := 1?radicalbig1??(2? ?(p?1)??2) ? (0,1). By setting p = 2 in Corollary 4.3.2, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 4.3.3 Let H be a real Hilbert space, T : H ? H be a nonexpansive map and G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitzian map. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,1 parenrightBig and ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2?, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a map T? : H ? H by T?x = Tx???G(Tx), x ? H. Then, T? is a strict contraction. In particular, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl, x,y ? H, (4.3) where ? := 1?radicalbig1??(2? ???2) ? (0,1). Remark 4.3.4 Corollary 4.3.3 is a result of Yamada [99] and is the main tool used in Wang [91], Xu and Kim [98], Yamada [99], Zheng and Yao [100]. Lemma 4.3.1 and Corollary 4.3.2 which extend this result to q-uniformly smooth spaces, q ? 2, and Lp spaces, 2 ? p < ?, respectively, are new. We prove the following theorem for family of nonexpansive maps. In the theorem, dq is the constant which appears in Lemma 4.2.2. Theorem 4.3.5 (Chidume et al. [28]) Let E be a q?uniformly smooth real Banach space with constant dq, q ? 2. Let Ti : E ? E, i = 1,2,...,r be a finite family of nonexpansive 38 mappings with K := r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive map which is also ??Lipschitzian. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] satisfying C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?; C6 : lim?n ??n+r? n+r = 0. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig q 4?,( q? dq?q) 1 (q?1) bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by x0 ? E, xn+1 = T?n+1[n+1]xn = T[n+1]xn ???n+1G(T[n+1]xn), n ? 0, (4.4) where T[n] = Tn mod r. Assume also that K = F(TrTr?1...T1) = F(T1Tr...T2) = ... = F(Tr?1Tr?2...Tr). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality VI(G,K). Proof. Let x? ? K, then the sequence {xn} satisfies bardblxn ?x?bardbl ? max braceleftBig bardblx0 ?x?bardbl, ??bardblG(x?)bardbl bracerightBig , n ? 0. 39 It is obvious that this is true for n = 0. Assume it is true for n = k for some k ? N. From the recursion formula (4.4) and condition C1, we have bardblxk+1 ?x?bardbl = bardblT?k+1[k+1]xk ?x?bardbl ? bardblT?k+1[k+1]xk ?T?k+1[k+1]x?bardbl+bardblT?k+1[k+1]x? ?x?bardbl ? (1??k+1?)bardblxk ?x?bardbl+?k+1?bardblG(x?)bardbl ? max braceleftBig bardblx0 ?x?bardbl, ??bardblG(x?)bardbl bracerightBig , and the claim follows by induction. Thus the sequence {xn} is bounded and so are {T[n+1]xn} and {G(T[n+1]xn)}. Using the recursion formula (4.4) we get, bardblxn+1 ?T[n+1]xnbardbl = ?n+1?bardblG(T[n+1]xn)bardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. Also, bardblxn+r ?xnbardbl = bardblT?n+r[n+r]xn+r?1 ?T?n[n] xn?1bardbl ? bardblT?n+r[n+r]xn+r?1 ?T?n+r[n+r]xn?1bardbl+bardblT?n+r[n+r]xn?1 ?T?n[n] xn?1bardbl ? (1??n+r?)bardblxn+r?1 ?xn?1bardbl + ??n+r parenleftBig|?n+r ??n| ??n+r ?bardblG(T[n]xn?1)bardbl parenrightBig . By Lemma 2.2.3 and condition C6, we have bardblxn+r ?xnbardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. (4.5) 40 In particular, bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. (4.6) Replacing n by n+r ?1 in (4.4) we have, ||xn+r ?Tn+rxn+r?1|| = ??n+r||G(T[n+r]xn+r?1)|| ? 0, n ? ?. Using the fact that Ti is nonexpansive for each i, we obtain the following finite table: xn+r ?Tn+rxn+r?1 ? 0 as n ? ?; Tn+rxn+r?1 ?Tn+rTn+r?1xn+r?2 ? 0 as n ? ?; ... Tn+rTn+r?1...Tn+2xn+1 ?Tn+rTn+r?1...Tn+2Tn+1xn ? 0 as n ? ?; and adding up the table yields xn+r ?Tn+rTn+r?1...Tn+1xn ? 0 as n ? ?. Using this and (4.5) we get that limn??||xn ?Tn+rTn+r?1...Tn+1xn|| = 0. (4.7) Define a map ? : E ? R by ?(y) = ?nbardblxn+1?ybardbl2, where ?n denotes a Banach limit. Then, ? is continuous, convex and ?(y) ? +? as bardblybardbl ? +?. Thus, since E is a reflexive Banach 41 space, there exists y? ? E such that ?(y?) = min u?E ?(u). So, the set K? := {x ? E : ?(x) = min u?E ?(u)} negationslash= ?. We now show Ti has a fixed point in K? for each i = 1,2,...,r. We shall assume, from equation (4.7), that ?i , limn??||xn ?Tixn|| = 0. (4.8) We shall make use of Lemma 4.2.3. If x is in K? and y := ? ? limj Tmji x, belongs to the weak ? ? limit set ?w(x) of Ti at x, then, from the w-l.s.c. of ? and equation (4.8), we have, (since equation (4.8) implies ||xn ? Tmi xn|| ? 0 as n ? ?, this is easily proved by induction), ?(y) ? liminfj ? parenleftBig Tmji x parenrightBig ? limsup m ? parenleftBig Tmi x parenrightBig = limsup m parenleftBig ?n||xn ?Tmi x||2 parenrightBig = limsup m parenleftBig ?n||xn ?Tmi xn +Tmi xn ?Tmi x||2 parenrightBig ? limsup m parenleftBig ?n||Tmi xn ?Tmi x||2 parenrightBig ? limsup m parenleftBig ?n||xn ?x||2 parenrightBig = ?(x) = inf u?E ?(u). So, y ? K?. By Lemma 4.2.3, Ti has a fixed point in K? ? i and so K? ?K negationslash= ?. Let x? ? K? ? K and t ? (0,1). It then follows that ?(x?) ? ?(x? ? tG(x?)). Using the inequality of Lemma 2.2.1, we have that bardblxn ?x? +tG(x?)bardbl2 ? bardblxn ?x?bardbl2 + 2t?G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))?. 42 Thus, taking Banach limits over n ? 1 gives ?nbardblxn ?x? +tG(x?)bardbl2 ? ?nbardblxn ?x?bardbl2 + 2t?n?G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))?. This implies, ?n??G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))? ? ?(x?)??(x? ?tG(x?)) ? 0. This therefore implies that ?n??G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))? ? 0 ? n ? 1. Since the normalized duality mapping is norm-to-norm uniformly continuous on bounded subsets of E, we obtain, as t ? 0, that ??G(x?),j(xn ?x?)????G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))? ? 0. Hence, for all ? > 0, there exists ? > 0 such that ?t ? (0,?) and for all n ? 1, ??G(x?),j(xn ?x?)? < ??G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))?+?. Consequently, ?n??G(x?),j(xn ?x?)? ? ?n??G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))?+? ? ?. 43 Since ? is arbitrary, we have ?n??G(x?),j(xn ?x?)? ? 0. Moreover, from the norm-to-norm uniform continuity of j on bounded sets, we obtain, that limn?? parenleftBig ??G(x?),j(xn+1 ?x?)????G(x?),j(xn ?x?)? parenrightBig = 0. Thus, the sequence {??G(x?),j(xn ?x?)?} satisfies the conditions of Lemma 4.2.1. Hence, we obtain that limsup n?? ??G(x?),j(xn ?x?)? ? 0. Define ?n := max {??G(x?),j(xn+1 ?x?)?,0}. Then, lim?n = 0, and ??G(x?),j(xn+1 ? x?)? ? ?n. From the recursion formula (4.4), and Lemma 2.2.1, we have, bardblxn+1 ?x?bardbl2 = bardblT?n+1[n+1]xn ?T?n+1[n+1]x? +T?n+1[n+1]x? ?x?bardbl2 ? bardblT?n+1[n+1]xn ?T?n+1[n+1]x?bardbl2 + 2?n+1???G(x?),j(xn+1 ?x?)? ? (1??n+1?)bardblxn ?x?bardbl2 + 2?n+1???G(x?),j(xn+1 ?x?)? and by Lemma 2.2.3, we have that xn ? x? as n ? ?. This completes the proof.a50 The following corollaries follow from Theorem 4.3.5. 44 Corollary 4.3.6 Let E = Lp, 2 ? p < ?. Let Ti : E ? E, i = 1,2,...,r be a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K = r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive map which is also ??Lipschitzian. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1, C2 and C6 as in theorem 4.3.5. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2?, 2? (p?1)?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by (4.4). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality VI(G,K). Corollary 4.3.7 Let H be a real Hilbert space. Let Ti : H ? H, i = 1,2,...,r be a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K = r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone map which is also ??Lipschitzian. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1, C2 and C6 as in theorem 4.3.6. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2?, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in H by (4.4). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality VI(G,K). Theorem 4.3.8 (Chidume et al. [28]) Let E be a real q?uniformly smooth Banach space with constant dq, q ? 2. Let T : E ? E be a nonexpansive map. Assume that K := F(T) = {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian map. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] satisfying the following conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?; C5 : lim|?n ??n+1|? n+1 = 0. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig q 4?,( q? dq?q) 1 (q?1) bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by x0 ? E, xn+1 = T?n+1xn = Txn ???n+1G(Txn), n ? 0. (4.9) Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality VI(G,K). 45 Proof. Take T1 = T2 = ... = Tr = T in Theorem 4.3.5 and the result follows. The following corollaries follow from Theorem 4.3.8. Corollary 4.3.9 Let E = Lp, 2 ? p < ?. Let T : E ? E, be a nonexpansive map. Assume that K := F(T) = {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian map. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1, C2 and C5 as in theorem 4.3.8. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2?, 2? (p?1)?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by (4.9). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality VI(G,K). Corollary 4.3.10 Let H be a real Hilbert space. Let T : H ? H, be a nonexpansive map. Assume that K := F(T) = {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitzian map. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1, C2 and C5 as in theorem 4.3.8. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2?, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in H by (4.9). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality VI(G,K). 4.4 The case of Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2. We begin with the following definition. Definition 4.4.1 A Banach space E is called a lower weak parallelogram space with con- stant b ? 0 or, briefly, E is LWP(b), in the terminology of Bynum [12] if ||x+y||2 +b||x?y||2 ? 2(||x||2 +||y||2) (4.10) 46 holds for all x,y ? E. It is proved in [12] that lp space, 1 < p ? 2, is a lower weak parallelogram space with (p?1) as the largest number b for which (4.10) holds. Furthermore, if Lp, (1 < p ? 2) has at least two disjoint sets of positive finite measure, then it is a lower weak parallelogram space with (p ? 1) as the largest number b for which (4.10) holds. We shall assume, without loss of generality, that Lp, (1 < p ? 2) has at least two disjoint sets of positive finite measure. In the sequel, we shall state all our theorems and lemmas only for Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2, with the understanding that they also hold for lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2. In terms of the normalized duality mapping, Bynum [12] proved that a real Banach space is a lower weak parallelogram space if and only if for each x,y ? E and f ? J(x), the following inequality holds: ||x+y||2 ? ||x||2 +b||y||2 + 2?y,f?. (4.11) In particular, for E = Lp, 1 < p ? 2, the following inequality holds: ||x+y||2 ? ||x||2 + (p?1)||y||2 + 2?y,j(x)? ? x,y ? E. (4.12) We now prove the following lemmas which will be central in the sequel. Lemma 4.4.2 Let E = Lp,1 < p ? 2. Then, for all x,y ? E, the following inequality holds: (p?1)||x+y||2 ? ||x||2 + 2?y,j(x)?+||y||2. (4.13) 47 Proof. Observe first that E is smooth so that the normalized duality map on E is single- valued. Now, replacing x by (?x) and y by (x+y) in inequality (4.12), we obtain ||y||2 ? ||x||2 + 2?x+y,j(?x)?+ (p?1)||x+y||2, which implies (p?1)||x+y||2 ? ||y||2 ?||x||2 + 2?x+y,j(x)? = ||x||2 + 2?y,j(x)?+||y||2, establishing inequality (4.13) and completing proof of the lemma.a50 Lemma 4.4.3 (Chidume and de Souza [36]) Let E = Lp, 1 < p ? 2, T : E ? E a non- expansive mapping and G : E ? E an ??strongly accretive and ?- Lipschitzian mapping. For, ? ? parenleftBig 0, 1p?1 parenrightBig , and ? ? parenleftBig 0 , min braceleftBig2?(p?1) ?2 , (p?1)2 ? bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a map T? : E ? E by: T?x := Tx ? ??G(Tx), x ? E. Then, T? is a strict contraction. Furthermore, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl ? x,y ? E, (4.14) where ? := (p?1)? radicalbig (p?1)2 ??[2? ??(p?1)?1?2] ? (0,1). 48 Proof. For x,y ? E, using Lemma 4.4.2, we have, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl2 = bardblTx?Ty ???(G(Tx)?G(Ty))bardbl2 ? 1(p?1) bracketleftBig bardblTx?Tybardbl2 ?2???G(Tx)?G(Ty),j(Tx?Ty)? + ?2?2bardblG(Tx)?G(Ty)bardbl2 bracketrightBig ? 1(p?1) bracketleftBig bardblTx?Tybardbl2 ?2???bardblTx?Tybardbl2 +?2?2?2bardblTx?Tybardbl2 bracketrightBig ? 1(p?1) bracketleftBig 1???[2? ??(p?1)?1?2] bracketrightBig bardblx?ybardbl2, since ? < 1(p?1). Define f(?) := 1(p?1) bracketleftBig 1???[2? ??(p?1)?1?2] bracketrightBig . If f(?) = (1 ? ??)2 for some ? ? (0,1) then, ?2 ? 2(p ? 1)? + ? ? 0, where ? := ?[2? ??(p?1)?1?2]. Thus we obtain that ? ? (p?1)? radicalbig (p?1)2 ??[2? ??(p?1)?1?2] ? (0,1). Now set ? := (p?1)? radicalbig (p?1)2 ??[2? ??(p?1)?1?2] ? (0,1), and the proof is complete. a50 Remark 4.4.4 In Hilbert space, by putting p = 2 and observing that ? can always be as- sumed to be arbitrarily small, without any loss of generality, we get, min braceleftBig2?(p?1) ?2 , (p?1)2 ? bracerightBig = 2? ?2. Thus, we have the following corollary. 49 Corollary 4.4.5 Let H be a real Hilbert space, T : H ? H a nonexpansive mapping, G : H ? H an ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitzian map. For ? ? (0,1) and ? ? (0, 2??2), define a map T? : H ? H by: T?x = Tx ? ??G(Tx), x ? H. Then, T? is a strict contraction. In particular, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl ? x,y ? H, (4.15) where ? := 1?radicalbig1??(2? ???2) ? (0,1). Proof. Set p = 2 in Lemma 4.4.3 and the result follows. Remark 4.4.6 Corollary 4.4.5 is a result of Yamada [99] and is the main tool used in Wang [91], Xu and Kim [98], Yamada [99] and Zheng and Yao [100]. Consequently, Lemma 4.4.3 is an important extension of these results to Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2. We now prove the following theorems. In the theorem, F(Ti) := {x ? E : Tix = x}. Theorem 4.4.7 (Chidume and de Souza [36]) Let E = Lp, 1 < p ? 2, T : E ? E a nonexpansive mapping. Assume K := {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] satisfying the following conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?;C3 : lim?n ??n+1? n+1 = 0. For ? ? parenleftBig 0, min braceleftBig2?(p?1) ?2 , (p?1)2 ? bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by x0 ? E, xn+1 = T?n+1xn = Txn ???n+1G(Txn), n ? 0. (4.16) 50 Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Proof. This follows using Lemma 4.4.3. The following corollary follows from Theorem 4.4.7. Corollary 4.4.8 Let H be a real Hilbert space, T : H ? H a nonexpansive mapping. Assume K := {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1, C2 and C3 as in Theorem 4.4.7. For ? ? (0, 2??2), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in H by (4.16). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Following the method of section 4.3 and using Lemma 4.4.3, the following theorem and corollary are easily proved. Theorem 4.4.9 Let E = Lp, 1 < p ? 2, Ti : E ? E,i = 1,2,...,r a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K := r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] satisfying the conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?; C6 : lim?n ??n+r? n+r = 0. For ? ? parenleftBig 0, min braceleftBig2?(p?1) ?2 , (p?1)2 ? bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by: x0 ? E, xn+1 = T?n+1[n+1]xn = T[n+1]xn ???nG(T[n+1]xn), n ? 0, (4.17) 51 where T[n] = Tn mod r. Assume also that K = F(TrTr?1...T1) = F(T1Tr...T2) = ... = F(Tr?1Tr?2...Tr) and limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ? T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Corollary 4.4.10 Let H be a real Hilbert space, Ti : H ? H, i = 1,2,...,r a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K := r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1, C2 and C6 as in Theorem 4.4.9 and let limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ?T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. For ? ? (0, 2??2), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in H by (5.9). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Remark 4.4.11 Our theorems in this chapter which are extensions of the results of Yamada [99], Wang [91], Xu and Kim [98], Zeng and Yao [100] from real Hilbert spaces to Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2 complement the theorems earlier in the chapter (see also Chidume et al. [28]) to provide convergence theorems, for the problems considered here, in all Lp spaces, 1 < p < ?. 52 Chapter 5 Approximation of Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings and Solutions of Variational Inequalities 5.1 Introduction In Chapter 4, we extended the results of Xu and Kim [98] to q?uniformly smooth Banach spaces, q ? 2. In particular, we proved theorems which are applicable in Lp spaces, 1 < p < ? under conditions C1,C2 and C5 or C6 (as in the result of Xu and Kim). In this chapter, we introduce new recursion formulas and prove strong convergence theorems for the unique solution of the variational inequality problem VI(K,S), requiring only conditions C1 and C2 on the parameter sequence {?n}. Furthermore in the case Ti : E ? E i = 1,2,...,r is a family of nonexpansive mappings withK = r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?,we prove a convergence theorem where condition C6 is replaced with limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ? T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. An example satisfying this condition is given in [21]. All our theorems are proved in q?uniformly smooth Banach spaces, q ? 2. In particular, our theorems are applicable in Lp spaces, 1 < p < ?. 5.2 Convergence Theorems We first prove the following lemma which will be central in the sequel. Lemma 5.2.1 (Chidume et al. [29]) Let E be a q?uniformly smooth real Banach space with constant dq, q ? 2, T : E ? E a nonexpansive mapping and G : E ? E an 53 ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig q 4??,( q? dq?q) 1 (q?1) bracerightBigparenrightBig , ?,? ? (0,1), define a mapping T? : E ? E by: T?x := (1??)x+?[Tx???G(Tx)], x ? E. Then, T? is a strict contraction. Furthermore, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl x,y ? E, (5.1) where ? := q2 ? radicalbigg q2 4 ???(q? ?? q?1dq?q) ? (0,1). Proof. For x,y ? E, using the convexity of ||.||q and Lemma 4.2.2, we have, bardblT?x?T?ybardblq = bardbl(1??)(x?y) +?[Tx?Ty ???(G(Tx)?G(Ty))]bardblq ? (1??)bardblx?ybardblq +? bracketleftBig bardblTx?Tybardblq ?q???G(Tx)?G(Ty),jq(Tx?Ty)? + dq?q?qbardblG(Tx)?G(Ty)bardblq bracketrightBig ? (1??)bardblx?ybardblq +? bracketleftBig bardblTx?Tybardblq ?q???bardblTx?Tybardblq + dq?q?q?qbardblTx?Tybardblq bracketrightBig ? bracketleftBig 1????parenleftbigq? ?dq?q?1?q?1?qparenrightbig bracketrightBig bardblx?ybardblq ? bracketleftBig 1????parenleftbigq? ?dq?q?1?qparenrightbig bracketrightBig bardblx?ybardblq. 54 Define f(?) := 1????(q? ?dq?q?1?q) = (1???)q, for some ? ? (0,1), say. Then, there exists ? ? (0,?) such that 1????(q? ?dq?q?1?q) = 1?q??+ 12q(q ?1)(1???)q?2?2?2, and since q ? 2, this implies 1????(q? ?dq?q?1?q) ? 1?q??+ 12q(q ?1)?2?2, which yields, ?2 ?q? +?? parenleftBig q? ?dq?q?1?q parenrightBig > 0, since ? ? parenleftBig 0, 2q(q?1) parenrightBig . Thus we have, ? ? q2 ? radicalbigg q2 4 ???(q? ?? q?1dq?q) ? (0,1). Set ? := q2 ? radicalbigg q2 4 ???(q? ?? q?1dq?q) ? (0,1). and the proof is complete. a50 We note that in Lp spaces, 2 ? p < ?, the following inequality holds (see e.g., [17]): 55 For each x,y ? Lp, 2 ? p < ?, bardblx+ybardbl2 ? bardblxbardbl2 + 2?y,j(x)?+ (p?1)bardblybardbl2. It then follows that by setting q = 2, dq = p?1 in Lemma 5.2.1, the following corollary is easily proved. Corollary 5.2.2 Let E = Lp, 2 ? p < ?, T : E ? E a nonexpansive mapping and G : E ? E an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. For ?, ? ? (0,1), and ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? (p?1)?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a mapping T? : E ? E by: T?x := (1??)x+?[Tx???G(Tx)] ? x ? E. Then, T? is a strict contraction. In particular, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl x,y ? H, (5.2) where ? := 1?radicalbig1???(2? ?(p?1)??2) ? (0,1). We also have the following corollary. Corollary 5.2.3 Let H be a real Hilbert space, T : H ? H a nonexpansive mapping, G : H ? H an ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitzian mapping. For ?,? ? (0,1) and ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a mapping T? : H ? H by: T?x = (1??)x+?[Tx???G(Tx)] ? x ? H. 56 Then, T? is a strict contraction. In particular, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl ? x,y ? H, (5.3) where ? := 1?radicalbig1???(2? ???2) ? (0,1). Proof. Set p = 2 in Corollary 5.2.2 and the result follows. We now prove the following convergence theorems. Theorem 5.2.4 (Chidume et al. [29]) Let E be a q?uniformly smooth real Banach space with constant dq, q ? 2 and T : E ? E a nonexpansive mapping. Assume K := {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] satisfying the conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig q 4??,( q? dq?q) 1 (q?1) bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by x0 ? E, xn+1 = T?n+1xn = (1??)xn +?[Txn ???n+1G(Txn)], n ? 0. (5.4) Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality VI(G,K). Proof. Let x? ? K := F(T), then the sequence {xn} satisfies bardblxn ?x?bardbl ? max braceleftBig bardblx0 ?x?bardbl, ??bardblG(x?)bardbl bracerightBig , n ? 0. 57 It is obvious that this is true for n = 0. Assume it is true for n = k for some k ? N. From the recursion formula (5.4), we have bardblxk+1 ?x?bardbl = bardblT?k+1xk ?x?bardbl ? bardblT?k+1xk ?T?k+1x?bardbl+bardblT?k+1x? ?x?bardbl ? (1??k+1?)bardblxk ?x?bardbl+?k+1?bardblG(x?)bardbl ? max braceleftBig bardblx0 ?x?bardbl, ??bardblG(x?)bardbl bracerightBig , and the claim follows by induction. Thus the sequence {xn} is bounded and so are the sequences {Txn} and {G(Txn)}. Define two sequences {?n} and {yn} by ?n := (1??)?n+1 +? and yn := xn+1?xn+?nxn?n . Then, yn = (1??)?n+1xn +?[Txn ??n+1?G(Txn)]? n . Observe that {yn} is bounded and that bardblyn+1 ?ynbardbl?bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl ? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ?? n+1 ?1 vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl + vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ?? n+1 ? ?? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsinglebardblTxnbardbl+ ?n+2(1??)? n+1 bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl + (1??) vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+2? n+1 ? ?n+1? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsinglebardblxnbardbl+ ?n+1??? n bardblG(Txn)?G(Txn+1)bardbl + ?? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+1? n ? ?n+2? n+1 vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsinglebardblG(Txn+1)bardbl. 58 This implies, limsup n?? (||yn+1 ?yn||?||xn+1 ?xn||) ? 0, and therefore by Lemma 2.2.2, limn??||yn ?xn|| = 0. Hence, ||xn+1 ?xn|| = ?n||yn ?xn|| ? 0 as n ? ?. (5.5) From the recursion formula (5.4), we have that ?bardblxn+1 ?Txnbardbl ? (1??)bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl+?n+1??bardblG(Txn)bardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. which implies, bardblxn+1 ?Txnbardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. (5.6) From (5.5) and (5.6) we have bardblxn ?Txnbardbl ? bardblxn ?xn+1bardbl+bardblxn+1 ?Txnbardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. (5.7) We now prove that limsup n?? ??G(x?),j(xn+1 ?x?)? ? 0. Define a map ? : E ? R by ?(x) = ?nbardblxn ?xbardbl2 ? x ? E, 59 where ?n is a Banach limit for each n. Then, ?(x) ? ? as bardblxbardbl ? ?, ? is continuous and convex, so as E is reflexive, there exists y? ? E such that ?(y?) = min u?E ?(u). Hence, the set K? := braceleftBig x ? E : ?(x) = min u?E ?(u) bracerightBig negationslash= ?. We now show T has a fixed point in K?. We know limn??||xn ?Tixn|| = 0. (5.8) We shall make use of Lemma 4.2.3. If x is in K? and y := ? ? limj Tmjx, belongs to the weak ? ?limit set ?w(x) of T at x, then, from the w-l.s.c. (since ? is l.s.c. and convex) of ? and equation (5.8), we have, ?(y) ? liminfj ? parenleftBig Tmjx parenrightBig ? limsup m ? parenleftBig Tmx parenrightBig = limsup m parenleftBig ?n||xn ?Tmx||2 parenrightBig = limsup m parenleftBig ?n||xn ?Tmxn +Tmxn ?Tmx||2 parenrightBig ? limsup m parenleftBig ?n||Tmxn ?Tmx||2 parenrightBig ? limsup m parenleftBig ?n||xn ?x||2 parenrightBig = ?(x) = inf u?E ?(u). So, y ? K?. By Lemma 4.2.3, T has a fixed point in K? and so K? ?K negationslash= ?. By Lemma 4.2.3, K? ? K negationslash= ?. Let x? ? K? ? K and let t ? (0,1). Then, it follows 60 that ?(x?) ? ?(x? ?tG(x?)) and using Lemma 2.2.1, we obtain that bardblxn ?x? +tG(x?)bardbl2 ? bardblxn ?x?bardbl2 + 2t?G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))? which implies, ?n??G(x?),j(xn ?x? +tG(x?))angbracketrightbig? 0. The rest now follows exactly as in the proof of Theorem 4.3.5 to yield that xn ? x? as n ? ?. This completes the proof. a50 The following corollaries follow from Theorem 5.2.4. Corollary 5.2.5 Let E = Lp, 2 ? p < ?, T : E ? E a nonexpansive mapping. Assume K := {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1 and C2 as in theorem 5.2.4. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? (p?1)?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by (5.4). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Corollary 5.2.6 Let H be a real Hilbert space, T : H ? H a nonexpansive mapping. Assume K := {x ? H : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone ??Lipschitzian mapping. Further, let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies con- ditions C1 and C2 as in Theorem 5.2.4. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in H by (5.4). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Finally, we prove the following theorem for a finite family of nonexpansive mappings. 61 Theorem 5.2.7 (Chidume et al. [29]) Let E be a q?uniformly smooth real Banach space with constant dq, q ? 2, Ti : E ? E, i = 1,2,...,r a finite family of nonexpan- sive mappings with K := r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping, and {?n} a real sequence in [0,1] satisfying the conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?. For a fixed real number ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig q 4??,( q? dq?q) 1 (q?1) bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by x0 ? E, xn+1 = T?n+1[n+1]xn = (1??)xn +?[T[n+1]xn ???nG(T[n+1]xn)], n ? 0, (5.9) where T[n] = Tn mod r. Assume also that K = F(TrTr?1...T1) = F(T1Tr...T2) = ... = F(Tr?1Tr?2...Tr) and limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ? T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Proof. Let x? ? K, then the sequence {xn} satisfies bardblxn ?x?bardbl ? max braceleftBig bardblx0 ?x?bardbl, ??bardblG(x?)bardbl bracerightBig , n ? 0. 62 It is obvious that this is true for n = 0. Assume it is true for n = k for some k ? N. From the recursion formula (5.9), we have bardblxk+1 ?x?bardbl = bardblT?k+1[k+1]xk ?x?bardbl ? bardblT?k+1[k+1]xk ?T?k+1[k+1]x?bardbl+bardblT?k+1[k+1]x? ?x?bardbl ? (1??k+1?)bardblxk ?x?bardbl+?k+1?bardblG(x?)bardbl ? max braceleftBig bardblx0 ?x?bardbl, ??bardblG(x?)bardbl bracerightBig , and the claim follows by induction. Thus the sequence {xn} is bounded and so are {T[n]xn} and {G(T[n]xn)}. Define two sequences {?n} and {yn} by ?n := (1??)?n+1 +? and yn := xn+1?xn+?nxn?n . Then, yn = (1??)?n+1xn +?[T[n+1]xn ??n+1?G(T[n+1]xn)]? n . Observe that {yn} is bounded and that bardblyn+1 ?ynbardbl?bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl ? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ?? n+1 ?1 vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl + ?? n+1 bardblT[n+2]xn ?T[n+1]xnbardbl+ vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle ?? n+1 ? ?? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsinglebardblT[n+1]xnbardbl + ?n+2(1??)? n+1 bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl+ (1??) vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+2? n+1 ? ?n+1? n vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsinglebardblxnbardbl + ?n+1??? n bardblG(T[n+1]xn)?G(T[n+2]xn+1)bardbl + ?? vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsingle?n+1? n ? ?n+2? n+1 vextendsinglevextendsingle vextendsinglebardblG(T[n+2]xn+1)bardbl. 63 This implies, limsup n?? (||yn+1 ?yn||?||xn+1 ?xn||) ? 0, and by Lemma 2.2.2, limn??||yn ?xn|| = 0. Hence, ||xn+1 ?xn|| = ?n||yn ?xn|| ? 0 (5.10) as n ? ?. From the recursion formula (5.9), we have that ?bardblxn+1 ?T[n+1]xnbardbl ? (1??)bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl+?n+1??bardblG(T[n+1]xn)bardbl ? 0, as n ? ?, which implies, bardblxn+1 ?T[n+1]xnbardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. (5.11) Note that from (5.10) and (5.11) we have bardblxn ?T[n+1]xnbardbl ? bardblxn ?xn+1bardbl+bardblxn+1 ?T[n+1]xnbardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. (5.12) Also, bardblxn+r ?xnbardbl ? bardblxn+r ?xn+r?1bardbl+bardblxn+r?1 ?xn+r?2bardbl+???+bardblxn+1 ?xnbardbl and so, bardblxn+r ?xnbardbl ? 0 as n ? ?. (5.13) 64 Using the fact that Ti is nonexpansive for each i, we obtain the following finite table: xn+r ?Tn+rxn+r?1 ? 0 as n ? ?; Tn+rxn+r?1 ?Tn+rTn+r?1xn+r?2 ? 0 as n ? ?; ... Tn+rTn+r?1 ???Tn+2xn+1 ?Tn+rTn+r?1 ???Tn+2Tn+1xn ? 0 as n ? ?; and adding up the table yields xn+r ?Tn+rTn+r?1 ???Tn+1xn ? 0 as n ? ?. Using this and (5.13) we get that limn??||xn ?Tn+rTn+r?1 ???Tn+1xn|| = 0. Carrying out similar arguments as in the proof of Theorem 5.2.4, we easily get that limsup n?? ??G(x?),j(xn+1 ?x?)? ? 0. From the recursion formula (5.9), and Lemma 2.2.1 we have bardblxn+1 ?x?bardbl2 = bardblT?n+1[n+1]xn ?T?n+1[n] x? +T?n+1[n+1]x? ?x?bardbl2 ? bardblT?n+1[n+1]xn ?T?n+1[n+1]x?bardbl2 + 2?n+1????G(x?),j(xn+1 ?x?)? ? (1??n+1?)bardblxn ?x?bardbl2 + 2?n+1????G(x?),j(xn+1 ?x?)? 65 which by using Lemma 2.2.3, gives that xn ? x? as n ? ?, completing the proof. a50 The following corollaries follow from Theorem 5.2.7. Corollary 5.2.8 Let E = Lp, 2 ? p < ?, Ti : E ? E, i = 1,2,...,r a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K = r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1 and C2 as in Theorem 5.2.7 and let limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ? T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? (p?1)?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by (5.9). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Corollary 5.2.9 Let H be a real Hilbert space, Ti : H ? H, i = 1,2,...,r a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K = r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1 and C2 as in theorem 5.2.7 and let limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ? T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in H by (5.9). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). 5.3 The case of Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2. We first prove the following lemmas. We begin with the following definition. A Banach space E is called a lower weak paral- lelogram space with constant b ? 0 or, briefly, E is LWP(b), in the terminology of Bynum 66 [11] if ||x+y||2 +b||x?y||2 ? 2(||x||2 +||y||2) (5.14) holds for all x,y ? E. It is proved in [11] that lp space, 1 < p ? 2, is a lower weak parallelogram space with (p?1) as the largest number b for which (5.14) holds. Furthermore, if Lp, (1 < p ? 2), has at least two disjoint sets of positive finite measure, then it is a lower weak parallelogram space with (p?1) as the largest number b for which (5.14) holds. We shall assume, without loss of generality, that Lp, (1 < p ? 2), has at least two disjoint sets of positive finite measure. In the sequel, we shall state all our theorems and lemmas only for Lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2, with the understanding that they also hold for lp spaces, 1 < p ? 2. In terms of the normalized duality mapping, Bynum [11] proved that a real Banach space is a lower weak parallelogram space if and only if for each x,y ? E and f ? J(x), the following inequality holds: ||x+y||2 ? ||x||2 +b||y||2 + 2?y,f?. (5.15) In particular, for E = Lp, 1 < p ? 2, the following inequality holds: ||x+y||2 ? ||x||2 + (p?1)||y||2 + 2?y,j(x)? ? x,y ? E. (5.16) We now obtain the following lemmas which will be central in the sequel. 67 Lemma 5.3.1 Let E = Lp,1 < p ? 2. Then, for all x,y ? E, the following inequality holds: (p?1)||x+y||2 ? ||x||2 + 2?y,j(x)?+||y||2. (5.17) Proof. Observe first that E is smooth so that the normalized duality map on E is single- valued. Now, replacing x by (?x) and y by (x + y) in inequality (5.16), we obtain ||y||2 ? ||x||2 + 2?x+y,j(?x)?+ (p?1)||x+y||2, so that (p?1)||x+y||2 ? ||y||2 ?||x||2 + 2?x+y,j(x)? = ||x||2 + 2?y,j(x)?+||y||2, establishing the lemma. a50 Lemma 5.3.2 (Chidume et al. [30]) Let E = Lp, 1 < p ? 2, T : E ? E be a nonexpansive mapping and G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ?- Lipschitzian mapping. For, ? ? (0,1), ? ? (0,1), ? ? parenleftBig 0 , min braceleftBig2? ?2 , (p?1)2 2?? bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a map T? : E ? E by T?x := (1??)x+? bracketleftBig Tx???G(Tx) bracketrightBig , x ? E. Then, T? is a strict contraction. Furthermore, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl ? x,y ? E, (5.18) 68 where ? := (p?1)? radicalbig (p?1)2 ???(2? ???2) ? (0,1). Proof. For x,y ? E, using the convexity of ||.||2, and Lemma 5.3.1, we have, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl2 = bardbl(1??)(x?y) +?[Tx?Ty ???(G(Tx)?G(Ty))]bardbl2 ? (1??)bardblx?ybardbl2 + ?(p?1) bracketleftBig bardblTx?Tybardbl2 ? 2???G(Tx)?G(Ty),j(Tx?Ty)?+?2?2bardblG(Tx)?G(Ty)bardbl2 bracketrightBig ? (1??)bardblx?ybardbl2 + ?(p?1) bracketleftBig bardblTx?Tybardbl2 ?2???bardblTx?Tybardbl2 + ?2?2?2bardblTx?Tybardbl2 bracketrightBig ? bracketleftBig 1 +? parenleftBig 1 p?1 ?1 parenrightBig ? 2????(p?1) + ??? 2?2 (p?1) bracketrightBig bardblx?ybardbl2, (? < 1). Define f(?) := 1 +? parenleftBig 1 p?1 ?1 parenrightBig ? 2????(p?1) + ??? 2?2 (p?1) = (1???) 2, for some ? ? (0,1), say. Since parenleftBig 1 p?1 ?1 parenrightBig > 0, and ?(p?1) ? 1, this implies, ? 2???(p?1) + ?? 2?2 (p?1) ? ?2? +? 2, which yields ?2 ?2(p?1)? + 2??? ???2?2 ? 0, implying that ? ? (p?1)? radicalbig (p?1)2 ???(2? ???2) ? (0,1). 69 Now set ? := (p?1)? radicalbig (p?1)2 ???(2? ???2) ? (0,1), and the proof is complete. a50 Remark 5.3.3 In a Hilbert space, by putting p = 2 and observing that ? can always be as- sumed to be arbitrarily small, without any loss of generality, we get, min braceleftBig2?(p?1) ?2 , (p?1)2 ? bracerightBig = 2? ?2. By Remark 5.3.3, we have the following corollary. Corollary 5.3.4 Let H be a real Hilbert space, T : H ? H be a nonexpansive map- ping, G : H ? H be an ??strongly ??Lipschitzian mapping. For ? ? (0,1) and ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a mapping T? : H ? H by: T?x = (1??)x+?[Tx? ??G(Tx)], x ? H. Then, T? is a strict contraction. In particular, bardblT?x?T?ybardbl ? (1???)bardblx?ybardbl ? x,y ? H, (5.19) where ? := 1?radicalbig1???(2? ???2) ? (0,1). Proof. Set p = 2 in Lemma 5.3.2 and the result follows. We now prove the following theorem. Theorem 5.3.5 (Chidume et al. [30]) Let E = Lp, 1 < p ? 2, T : E ? E be a nonexpansive mapping. Assume K := {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] 70 satisfying the conditions: C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationdisplay ?n = ?. For ? ? (0,1), and ? ? parenleftBig 0, min braceleftBig 2? ?2 , (p?1)2 2?? bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by x0 ? E, xn+1 = T?n+1xn = (1??)xn +?[Txn ???n+1G(Txn)], n ? 0. (5.20) Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Proof. This follows exactly as in the proof of theorem 5.2.4, using Lemma 5.3.2. The following corollary follows from Theorem 5.3.5. Corollary 5.3.6 Let H be a real Hilbert space, T : H ? H be a nonexpansive mapping. Assume K := {x ? E : Tx = x} negationslash= ?. Let G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1 and C2 as in theorem 5.2.4. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in H by (5.4). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality VI(G,K). Following the method of Section 5.2, the following theorem and corollary are easily proved. Theorem 5.3.7 Let E = Lp, 1 < p ? 2, and Ti : E ? E,i = 1,2,...,r be a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K := r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : E ? E be an ??strongly accretive and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] satisfying the conditions: 71 C1 : lim?n = 0; C2 : summationtext?n = ?. For ? ? (0,1), and ? ? parenleftBig 0, min braceleftBig 2? ?2 , (p?1)2 2?? bracerightBigparenrightBig , define a sequence {xn} iteratively in E by x0 ? E, xn+1 = T?n+1[n+1]xn = (1??)xn +?[T[n+1]xn ???nG(T[n+1]xn)], n ? 0, (5.21) where T[n] = Tn mod r. Assume also that K = F(TrTr?1...T1) = F(T1Tr...T2) = ... = F(Tr?1Tr?2...Tr) and limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ? T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Corollary 5.3.8 Let H be a real Hilbert space, Ti : H ? H, i = 1,2,...,r be a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K := r?i=1F(Ti) negationslash= ?. Let G : H ? H be an ??strongly monotone and ??Lipschitzian mapping. Let {?n} be a real sequence in [0,1] that satisfies conditions C1 and C2 as in theorem 5.3.7 and let limn??bardblT[n+2]xn ? T[n+1]xnbardbl = 0. For ? ? parenleftBig 0,min braceleftBig 1 2??, 2? ?2 bracerightBigparenrightBig , ? ? (0,1), define a sequence {xn} iteratively in H by (5.21). Then, {xn} converges strongly to the unique solution x? of the variational inequality problem VI(G,K). Remark 5.3.9 Our theorems in this chapter are extensions of the results of Yamada [99], Wang [91], Xu and Kim [98], Zeng and Yao [100] from real Hilbert spaces to Lp spaces, 1 < p < ?. Moreover, in this our general setting, the iteration parameter is required to satisfy only conditions C1 and C2. 72 Bibliography [1] J. B. Bailon, Quelques aspects de la theorie des points fixes dans les espaces de Banach I, II. (in French). Seminaire d?Analyse Fonctionelle (1978-1979), Exp. No. 7-8, 45 pp., Ecole Polytech., Palaiseau, 1979. [2] H. H. Bauschke, The approximation of fixed points of compositions of nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 202 (1996), 150-159. [3] L. P. Belluce and W. A. 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