Factorwise rigidity involving hereditarily indecomposable spaces Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this dissertation is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This dissertation does not include proprietary or classifled information. Kevin B. Gammon Certiflcate of Approval: Piotr Minc Professor Mathematics and Statistics Krystyna Kuperberg, Chair Professor Mathematics and Statistics Gary Gruenhage Professor Mathematics and Statistics George Flowers Dean Graduate School Factorwise rigidity involving hereditarily indecomposable spaces Kevin B. Gammon A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulflllment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama December 19, 2008 Factorwise rigidity involving hereditarily indecomposable spaces Kevin B. Gammon Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this dissertation at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date of Graduation iii Vita Kevin Brian Gammon, son of William and Brenda Gammon, was born on August 16, 1982. He attended Gordon Lee High School in Chickamauga, Georgia where he graduated seventh in his class in May, 2000. He entered Berry College under an academic scholarship and graduated Magna cum Laude in May, 2004 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. He then entered Auburn University in August, 2004 and was awarded a Master of Science degree in 2006. He then enrolled in the Doctorate of Philosophy program at Auburn University. iv Dissertation Abstract Factorwise rigidity involving hereditarily indecomposable spaces Kevin B. Gammon Doctor of Philosophy, December 19, 2008 (M.S., Auburn University, 2006) (B.S., Berry College, 2004) 60 Typed Pages Directed by Krystyna Kuperberg The Cartesian product of two spaces is called factorwise rigid if any self home- omorphism is a product homeomorphism. In 1983, D. Bellamy and J. ?Lysko proved that the Cartesian product of two pseudo-arcs is factorwise rigid. This argument relies on the chainability of the pseudo-arc and therefore does not easily generalize to the products involving pseudo-circles. In this paper the author proves that the Cartesian product of the pseudo-arc and pseudo-circle is factorwise rigid. v Acknowledgments The author would like to thank his advisor, Krystyna Kuperberg, for her patience and guidance. He would also like to thank the members of his advisory committee for their useful suggestions and corrections during the course of this research. The author would also like to thank the faculty and stafi at Berry College for encouraging him to pursue mathematics. The author is also would like to recognize his family for their continued encouragement throughout the years. vi Style manual or journal used Journal of Approximation Theory (together with the style known as \aums"). Bibliography follows van Leunen?s A Handbook for Scholars. Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (speciflcally LATEX) together with the departmental style-flle aums.sty. vii Table of Contents List of Figures ix 1 Introduction 1 2 Definitions and preliminary information 6 3 Covering spaces of the pseudo-circle 14 3.1 The connected k-fold covering space of a pseudo-circle . . . . . . . . . 14 3.2 Additional Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.3 The inflnite, connected covering space of a pseudo-circle . . . . . . . . 23 4 An application of the covering spaces of the pseudo-circle 26 4.1 Lifting homeomorphisms to the covering space . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.2 Proof of non-homogeneity of the pseudo-circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5 The cartesian product of the pseudo-arc and pseudo-circle is factorwise rigid 30 5.1 Factorwise rigidity of P ?C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 6 Other notes on factorwise rigidity 40 6.1 Factorwise rigidity of a cartesian product with one factor space hered- itarily indecomposable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 6.2 Homogeneous flber bundles of Menger Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 6.2.1 Homogeneity of the flber bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Bibliography 49 viii List of Figures 2.1 An example of a crooked chain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2 A circular chain which is crooked inside another circular chain. . . . . 11 2.3 Checking the conditions for a circular crooked chain. . . . . . . . . . 12 3.1 Circular chains in the construction of a pseudo-circle . . . . . . . . . 21 3.2 The lift of circular chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.3 First approximation of the inflnite covering space . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.4 Second approximation of the inflnite covering space . . . . . . . . . . 25 ix Chapter 1 Introduction The following dissertation focuses primarily on two topological spaces. The flrst, the pseudo-arc, was originally discovered by B. Knaster in [19] in 1922. In 1948, E.E. Moise constructed a pseudo-arc as an indecomposable continuum homeomorphic to each of its non-degenerate subcontinua [34]. He was the flrst person to use the term pseudo-arc because the arc also has this property. Moise believed, but did not prove, that the hereditarily indecomposable continuum given by B. Knaster in 1922 is a pseudo-arc. In 1948, R.H. Bing [3] proved that Moises example is homogeneous. In 1951, Bing [4] proved that every hereditarily indecomposable chainable continuum is a pseudo-arc and that all pseudo-arcs are homeomorphic. In an attempt to classify homogeneous planar continua, Bing [5] gave another characterization of the pseudo- arc in 1959 as a non-degenerate homogeneous chainable continuum. The pseudo-arc has been the subject of many interesting research questions. The history of many other aspects of the pseudo-arc can be found in survey papers by W. Lewis [30] and [31]. The second space which will be discussed is the pseudo-circle. In 1951, Bing [4] described the pseudo-circle as a planar hereditarily indecomposable circularly chain- able continuum which separates the plane. From this deflnition, it is apparent that every proper subcontinuum of the pseudo-circle is a pseudo-arc. Through a series of papers, L. Fearnley also proved that the pseudo-circle is unique ([9], [10], [12], [13]). 1 It has been shown by L. Fearnley in [11] and J. T. Rogers, Jr. in [40] that the pseudo- circle is not homogeneous. This answered the question of whether a continuum in which every subcontinuum was homogeneous must itself be homogeneous. The purpose of the dissertation is to explore the factorwise rigidity on the Carte- sian product of the pseudo-arc and pseudo-circle. Factorwise rigidity has also been studied in spaces with a more well behaved local structure. In [25], K. Kuperberg, W. Kuperberg, and W. Transue proved that the Cartesian product of two Menger universal curves is factorwise rigid. This result was later extended to products whose factors consisted of a combination of Menger universal curves and Sierpi?nski universal curves by J. Phelps [37]. The question of whether pseudo-arcs have this property is due to W. Lewis [27]. This was answered by D. Bellamy and J. ?Lysko in [8] and extended to arbitrary products of pseudo-arcs in [7] by D. Bellamy and J. Kennedy. As a result, it has been asked by W. Lewis in [29] if the Cartesian product of any hereditarily indecomposable spaces has this property. The second chapter of this dissertation contains the deflnitions and background information required to understand the main result. This includes the deflnitions of a pseudo-circle and a pseudo-arc. The author assume that the reader has a basic back- ground in topology. For a more in depth introduction to topology and covering spaces than that which is presented, the author recommends the introductory topology book by J. Munkres [35]. 2 The third chapter discusses covering spaces of the pseudo-circle. Since the pseudo-circle is neither path connected or locally path connected the usual theo- rems regarding covering spaces do not apply. This chapter explores how a sequence of circularly crooked chains lift to a connected covering space. This chapter ofiers an alternative proof of a result due to J. Heath [16] which states that the k-fold con- nected covering space of a pseudo-circle is a pseudo-circle. In [16], J. Heath focused on properties of con uent maps and not crooked chains to prove this results. Using the methods developed in the alternative proof one can also easily prove a result of D. Bellamy and W. Lewis [6] which states that a Hausdorfi two point compactiflcation of the inflnite connected covering space of a pseudo-circle is a pseudo-arc. The fourth chapter illustrates a creative use of the covering spaces developed in Chapter 3. These covering spaces allow for a very short and accessible proof of a well known result: the pseudo-circle is not homogeneous. The original proofs of this result are due to L. Fearnley in [11] and J. T. Rogers, Jr. in [40]. The result also follows from more general theorems by other authors in [15], [18], [28], and [38]. Chapter 4 is joint work with K. Kuperberg discovered while discussing the research involved in this dissertation. It is originally published in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society [23]. Chapter 5 contains the main result of this dissertation: the Cartesian product of the pseudo-arc and pseudo-circle is factorwise rigid. It is known that the Carte- sian product of two pseudo-arcs is factorwise rigid. As previously mentioned, this 3 result is due to D. Bellamy and J. ?Lysko in [8]. Since the pseudo-arc and pseudo- circle share many properties it was suspected that the result could be generalized to include pseudo-circles. However, the proof developed by D. Bellamy and J. ?Lysko relied on the fact that the pseudo-arc is chainable while the pseudo-circle does not have this property. D. Bellamy and J. Kennedy later extended this result to the arbitrary product of pseudo-arcs. This proof requires the fact that the pseudo-arc is homogeneous. It is not known at this time if the main theorem in this chapter can be extended to arbitrary products of pseudo-arcs and pseudo-circles. In Chapter 6, the author includes other observations made during the research of the main result. These observations include some results on factorwise rigidity where one factor is hereditarily indecomposable. This chapter also includes a generalization of a result due to K. Kuperberg in [21]. In this paper, K. Kuperberg creates homoge- nous spaces by making certain identiflcations on the Menger Universal curve. These spaces are topologically distinct from the Cartesian product of Menger manifolds. The author explores this result using higher dimensional Menger manifolds. These manifold are another example of how factorwise rigidity relates the study of homo- geneous continua. The question whether every homogeneous space is bihomogeneous was originally raised by B. Knaster approximately around 1921. The question was restated to continua in 1930 by D. van Dantzig. The pre- vious mentioned example by K. Kuperberg in [21] is locally connected. G. Kuper- berg [20] constructed another in order to make an example of a homogeneous, non- bihomogeneous Peano continuum which is both simpler and of lower dimension than 4 that described by K. Kuperberg in [21]. The example constructed by G. Kuperberg uses the notion developed in [25] that certain Cartesian products with the Menger manifolds as one of the factors has a certain rigidity which must be preserved by home- omorphisms. Several of these results depend on the characterization of the Menger Curve developed by R.D. Anderson and k-dimensional Menger compacta developed by M. Bestvina in [1] and [2], respectively. Another example was given by Minc in [33] of a homogeneous, non-bihomogeneous continuum. However, this example is not locally connected. 5 Chapter 2 Definitions and preliminary information All topological spaces in this dissertation will be metric spaces. It will also be assumed that any sets are subsets of a metric space. A topological space is compact provided that every open cover has a flnite subcover. A space X is connected if X is not the union of two disjoint sets which are both open and closed. A continuum is a compact connected metric space. Unless speciflcally stated otherwise, it will also be assumed that a continuum is non-degenerate. If A ? X and A is a continuum, A is called a subcontinuum of X. A continuum is indecomposable if it is not the union of two proper subcontinua. A continuum is hereditarily inde- composable if every subcontinuum is indecomposable. The following is a useful, well known Lemma regarding hereditarily indecomposable continua: Lemma 2.1. If X is hereditarily indecomposable and W;M are two subcontinua of X such that W \M 6= ;, then W ? M or M ? W. If X is a continuum and x 2 X, the composant of x in X is the union of all proper subcontinua of X which contain the point x. The composant of x will be denoted by K(x). Note that an indecomposable space has uncountably many pairwise disjoint composants (see [26] Theorem 7, page 212.) In a indecomposable continuum, any two points in the same composant are contained in a proper subcontinuum. 6 A homeomorphism h : X ? Y ! X ? Y is called a product homeomorphism if h(x;y) can be written as 1. h(x;y) = (f(x);g(y)) where f : X ! X and g : Y ! Y are homeomorphisms or 2. h(x;y) = (f(y);g(x)) where f : Y ! X and g : X ! Y are homeomorphisms. If h is a product homeomorphism, such as Case 2, h will often be written as h = (f;g). The Cartesian product X?Y of two continua is called factorwise rigid provided that if h : X?Y ! X?Y is a homeomorphism, then h is a product homeomorphism. A space is k-homogeneous for some integer k > 0 provided that given any two collections consisting of k distinct points there is a self homeomorphism which maps one collection onto the other. A homogeneous space is a 1-homogeneous space. The study of k-homogeneity and factorwise rigidity are closely related. For example, a Cartesian product which is factorwise rigid can not be k-homogeneous for any k > 1. A chain is a flnite collection of open sets U = fu1;u2;???umgsuch that uj\uk 6= ; if and only if ji?jj? 1. If U is a chain, then the subchain of U consisting of the links fui;???;ukg will be denoted by U(i;k). An ?-chain is a chain in which each link has diameter less than ?. A continuum X is chainable if given any ? > 0, there exists a ?-chain covering X. The following is a well known theorem (see, for example, section 2.5 and 12.5 of [36]). Theorem 2.2. The following conditions are equivalent for a continuum X: 1. X is chainable. 7 2. X can be written as the inverse limit of arcs. 3. For every ? > 0, there exists an ?-map from X into an arc. A space X is chainable between the points p and q provided that p and q are elements of X and X is chainable in such a way that p is always in the flrst link and q is always in the last link. The following is a well known Lemma: Lemma 2.3. If X is chainable between p and q, then no proper subcontinuum of X contains p and q. X is said to be irreducible between the points p and q. A chain E = fe1;e2;???;emg is crooked inside of the chain D = fd1;d2;???;dmg if the following are true: 1. Every link of E is contained inside of a link of D and 2. If ej and ek are contained inside of dJ and dK, respectively, where jJ ?Kj > 3 then the subchain E(j;k) can be written as the union of three proper subchains E(j;r);E(r;s); and E(s;k) where (s ? r)(k ? j) > 0 and er is in the link of D(J;K) adjacent to dK and es is in the link of D(J;K) adjacent to dJ. This deflnition is due to R.H. Bing [3]. Figure 2.1 gives an example of two chains. The flrst chain, D1, is the larger chain consisting of the large circular links. The second chain, D2, is a flnite covering of the arc drawn inside of D1 using connected open sets so that D2 is contained inside of D1. 8 Figure 2.1: An example of a crooked chain. LetZdenote the integers. A circular chain U = fuigi2Z is a collection open sets so that for some positive n 2 Z, where ui = uj if and only if i mod n = j mod n and ui \uj 6= ; if and only if there exists a k 2 Z so that ui = uk and jk ?jj ? 1. A circular ?-chain is a circular chain in which each link has diameter less than ?. A continuum X is circularly chainable if given any ? > 0, there exists an circular ?-chain covering X. The following theorem is well known. Again, the details can be found in the reference book [36]. Theorem 2.4. The following conditions are equivalent for a continuum X: 1. X is circularly chainable. 2. X can be written as the inverse limit of simple closed curves. 3. For every ? > 0, there exists an ?-map from X into a simple closed curve. The number of distinct links in a chain or circular chain U will be called the length of U. If U is a chain or circular chain of length n, a proper subchain F of U is a chain whose links are links of U and whose length is less than n. Let F be a circular chain contained inside of the circular chain U where U has length n. Suppose that F1 is a proper subchain of F so that for some flxed 9 j, F1 has a link that intersects uj and if F1 has a link which intersects um, then j mod n ? m mod n. Next, suppose that F1 intersects a link uk such that if F1 has a link which interests ul for some l this implies j mod n ? l mod n ? k mod n. If k is the least such integer greater than j which satisfles these conditions, then F1 is said to have span jk ?jj inside of U. The circular chain E is crooked inside the circular chain D if given any proper subchain F of D, each chain of E contained inside of F is crooked inside of F. This deflnition is also due to R.H. Bing [4]. The following illustration (Figure 2.2) gives an example of two circular chains. The flrst chain, D, is represented by the large links and the second chain, E, is a flnite covering of the arc drawn inside of the picture using connected open sets which are contained inside of the flrst circular chain. The smaller chain is crooked inside of the larger chain. In order to check that the E is crooked inside of the chain D, remove a link from D (see Figure 2.3) to create a chain F. Then check each chain inside of E which is contained inside of F to see if it is crooked inside of F. In the following picture, any chain of E which passes through enough links of F to not be trivially crooked must pass through the subchain emphasized by the red links. The chain emphasized by the red links is crooked inside of F, therefore any subchain of E contained inside of F is crooked inside of F. A pseudo-arc is any non-degenerate hereditarily indecomposable chainable con- tinuum. The reader should see Chapter 1 for more details on the history of the 10 Figure 2.2: A circular chain which is crooked inside another circular chain. pseudo-arc. In [3], Bing described the pseudo-arc as the intersection of chains Di between two points p and q satisfying the conditions that 1. Di+1 is crooked inside of Di 2. Di is an ?i-chain 3. ?i approaches zero as i increases without bound. Through the remainder of this paper, P will be used to denote the pseudo-arc. Apseudo-circleisahereditarilyindecomposablecircularlychainablenon-chainable continuum which is emendable inside of the plane. The pseudo-circle was described by R.H. Bing in [4] as a hereditarily indecomposable continuum which separates the 11 Figure 2.3: Checking the conditions for a circular crooked chain. plane. In terms of circular chain, Bing described this space as the intersection of circular chains Di where 1. Di+1 is crooked inside of Di 2. Di+1 has winding number ?1 3. Di is an ?i-chain 4. ?i approaches zero as i increases without bound. Throughout the paper, C will denote the pseudo-circle. The flnally chapter brie y explores Menger manifolds. Given n, let K be a PL- manifold of dimension 2n + 1. Let X1 = K. For i > 1 deflne Xi to be a regular 12 neighborhood of the n-skeleton of a triangulation of Xi?1. Then ?nK = \iXi is called a n-dimensional Menger manifold. 13 Chapter 3 Covering spaces of the pseudo-circle It has been shown by J. Heath [16] that the connected k-fold covering space of a pseudo-circle is itself a pseudo-circle. This proof involved using properties of con uent mappings and did not focus on the lifting of circularly crooked chains. In this chapter it will be shown that given a sequence of circular chains deflning a pseudo-circle there is a speciflc subsequence of circular chains such that the inverse image under a 2k-fold covering map produces a pseudo-circle. This alternative technique used to prove the result of J.Heath provides extra insight to covering spaces of pseudo-circles that can be used in other applications. 3.1 The connected k-fold covering space of a pseudo-circle Throughout this chapter, let fDigi?0 will be a collection of circular chains Di = fdijgj2Z contained inside of a planar annulus which consists of connected open sets satisfying the following conditions: 1. D0 contains at least 6 links 2. Di+1 is crooked inside of Di 3. Di+1 has winding number 1 inside of Di 4. d(i+1)0 is contained inside of di0 14 The flrst assumption is used to avoid trivialities. The second and third assump- tions are typical when describing a pseudo-circle. The fourth assumption is used to ease notation in the following proofs. The length of Di will be denoted by n(i). Let p denote the 2-fold covering map from the annulus A onto itself. Denote p?1(Di) by Fi = ffijgj2Z and assume that Fi is enumerated so that p(fij) = dij. Then Fi is a circular chain of length 2n(i) where p(fij) = p(fik) if and only if j mod n(i) = k mod n(i). It will be shown that in the sequence fDigi?0, as n grows without bound, the span of proper subchains of Di+n becomes so large inside of Di that for some N, the inverse image of Di+N must be crooked inside of the inverse image of Di. When considering the inverse image of Di+1 inside of the inverse image of Di, there is a minimum number of links in p?1(Di) that one subchain U ? p?1(Di+1) of length n(i + 1) must intersect. The following two lemmas flnd this number by constructing a speciflc proper subchain of Di+1 which has a large span inside of Di. Lemma 3.1. There is a subchain V = fv1;v2;???;vmg of Fi+1 such that 1. V contains the link fi+10 2. p(V) = fp(v1);p(v2);???;p(vm)g is a proper subchain of Di+1. 3. p(vi) = p(vj) if and only if i = j. 4. V has span at least 2n(i)?3 inside of Fi. Proof. Since Di+1 has winding number 1 inside of Di, there exists a proper subchain Fi+1(j;m) so that 0 < j < m < n(i+1)?1, fi+1m intersects fin(i)?1, fi+1j intersects fi1, 15 and Fi+1(j;m) is contained inside of Fi(1;n(i)?1). Since the chain p(Fi(1;n(i)?1) is a proper subchain of Di and Fi+1(j;m) is contained inside of Fi(1;n(i)?1), the chain Fi+1(j;m) must be crooked inside of Fi(1;n(i)?1). This implies that Fi+1(j;m) can be written as the union of three subchains 1. Fi+1(j;k) where fi+1j \fi1 6= ; and fi+1k ? fin(i)?2 2. Fi+1(k;l) where fi+1k is as above and fi+1l ? fi2 3. Fi+1(l;m) where fi+1l is as above and fi+1m \fin(i)?1 6= ; where 0 < j < k < l < m. Let r be an integer such that ?n(i + 1) < r < 0 and r mod n(i+1) = l mod n(i+1) = l. The chain V will consist of the links Fi+1(r;k). The chain p(V) is proper because it does not contain each link of p(Fi+1(k;l)). A chain of Fi which contains Fi+1(r;?1) must contain at least n(i) ? 2 links. Likewise, a chain of Fi which contains Fi+1(0;k) must contain at least n(i)?1 links. Therefore, V intersects every link of a subchain of Fi which contain at least 2n(i)?3 links. The chain V mentioned in the above proof has an additional property that will be used in subsequent proofs. As mentioned previously, the lift of p(V) consist of two distinct, disjoint chains. Each of which intersects all but at most three links of Fi. Since Fi contains at least 12 distinct links, there must be at least 6 links which both of these chains intersect. In particular, the following corollary is true: 16 Lemma 3.2. Let V be the chain described in Lemma 3.1. Then there exists a subchain G of Di consisting of three adjacent links so that for each link g of p?1(G), both chains of p?1(p(V)) have a link contained inside of g. Lemma 3.3. For any l 2Z, there is a proper subchain V = fv1;v2;???;vmg of Fi+1 such that 1. V contains the link fi+1l 2. p(V) = fp(v1);p(v2);???;p(vm)g is a proper subchain of Di+1. 3. p(vj) = p(vk) if and only if j = k. 4. V has span at least 2n(i)?3 inside of Fi. Proof. The chains Di, Di+1, Fi and Fi+1 may be renumbered so that Lemma 3.1 may be applied. The following two lemmas show that one proper subchain of length n(i + 2) in the inverse image of Di+2 must intersect every link in the inverse image of Di. This is done by applying the previous lemma to the circular chains Di+1 and Di+2. Lemma 3.4. There is a subchain V of Fi+2 containing the link fi+20 such that 1. V intersects each element of Fi 2. p(V) = fp(v1);p(v2);???;p(vm)g is a proper subchain of Di+2 3. p(vj) = p(vk) if and only if j = k. 17 Proof. Let V1 be a subchain of Fi+1 as described in Lemma 3.3 chosen in such a way that di0 is the middle link of a chain G as described in Corollary 3.2. Next, apply Lemma 3.1 to the link fi+20 and the circular chain Fi+1 to obtain a chain V which intersects all but at most three elements of Fi+1. Notice that since d(i+2)0 ? di0 and di0 is the middle link of the chain G, the three links which V may not intersect in Fi+1 must be contained inside of p?1(G). However, since V must intersect the other links of both chains of p?1(p(V1)), it follows that V must still intersect every element of Fi. Lemma 3.5. For l 2Z, there is a subchain V of Fi+2 containing the link fi+2l such that 1. V intersects each element of Fi 2. p(V) = fp(v1);p(v2);???;p(vm)g is a proper subchain of Di+2 3. p(vj) = p(vk) if and only if j = k. Proof. The circular chains Di+1, Di+2, Fi+1, and Fi+2 may be renumbered so that Lemma 3.4 may be applied. The following Theorem uses the large span of proper subchains in Di+2 to show that the inverse image of Di+3 must be crooked inside of the inverse image of Di. Theorem 3.6. Fi+3 is crooked inside of the circular chain Fi. Proof. Let E be a proper subchain of Fi and let G be a subchain of Fi+3 which is contained inside of E. Let H be a subchain of Fi+2 which contains G. From Lemma 18 3.5, H is contained inside of a chain in the lift of a proper subchain of Di+2 which intersects each element of Fi. Hence G must be crooked inside of H and therefore also crooked inside of E. Theorem 3.7. The sequence of circular chains fF3(i)gi?0 deflnes a pseudo-circle. In particular, the connected 2-fold cover of the pseudo-circle is a pseudo-circle. Proof. This is a consequence of Theorem 3.6. The remaining theorems in this section are used to extend the previous result to n-fold covering spaces for n > 2. Theorem 3.8. If p : A ! A denotes the 2k-fold covering of the annulus onto itself, then the sequence of circular chains fF3k(i)g deflnes a pseudo-circle. In particular, the connected 2k-fold covering of the pseudo-circle is a pseudo-circle. Proof. This follows from the fact that the 2k-fold covering space is a 2-fold covering space of the 2(k?1)-fold covering space. This leads to the following alternative proof of J. Heath?s result originally pre- sented in [16]: Corollary 3.9. Let p be j-fold covering map of the annulus to itself, where 2k < j ? 2k+1 for some k. Then for each i, there exists a n such that 3k(i) < n ? 3k+1(i) and Fn is crooked inside of Fi. In particular, the j-fold connected covering space of the pseudo-circle is a pseudo-circle. 19 3.2 Additional Remarks As in the previous section, let p : A ! A be the 2-fold covering map of the annulus onto itself. A simple example shows that given a sequence of circular chains fDigdeflning a pseudo-circle, i+1 and i+2 will not necessarily produce circular chains whose inverse image is crooked inside of p?1(Di). In Figure 1, D0 is represented by large circular links and has length 6. D1 consists of the smaller links. The flrst link of D1 is drawn as a solid black link to easily distinguish where the circular chain begins to repeat. D2 is not entirely graphed. It consist of a chain which uses the minimal number of connected links in order to be crooked inside of D1 with one additional property: Assume that D2 is enumerate so that increasing the index corresponds to a positive orientation inside of D1. In the flgure, the small dots labeled by p, q, r, and s are links of D2. Let s be the flrst link by increasing index which intersects d03 and let t be the flrst link which intersects d04. Let p be the last link between 1 and t which intersects d01. By the minimality of D2, this implies that 0 < s < p. The context in which the letter p is used will easily distinguish between the link p and the map p. Consider removing the gray link of D1 in Figure 1. In order to be crooked, the a subchain of D2 whose flrst link is labeled by p and last link is labeled by s must be able to be written as the union of three subchains of D2: One that will go from the link p to the link q, where q is a subset of d02, one from the link q to link r, where r is 20 a subset of d02, and then from link r to link s. Denote this subchain by D2(p;s). The additional property that D2 requires is that q does not intersect d03. 0 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 q s rp Figure 3.1: Circular chains in the construction of a pseudo-circle 21 Figure 2 shows the lift of the circular chains D0 and D1 to the 2-fold covering space of the annulus. 0 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 p r q q s Figure 3.2: The lift of circular chains 22 Notice that removing link number 11 in Figure 2 provides a proper subchain, F, of p?1(D0). Let G be a subchain of p?1(D2) containing the indicated lift of D2(1;s) which also contains a link which intersects the link 10 of p?1(D0). In order to be crooked inside of F, G would flrst have to travel to the 9th link of p?1(D0), then back to the link 2, and then to the link 10. However, since D2 was chosen to used the least amount of links possible in order to be crooked inside of D1 and q does not intersect d03, it is only possible to reach the 8th link and still be able to return to link 2. This can be done by considering the lift of D2(p;s). Therefore, G can no be crooked inside of F and p?1(D2) is not crooked inside of p?1(D0). This also implies that p?1(D1) is not crooked inside of p?1(D0). 3.3 The inflnite, connected covering space of a pseudo-circle The methods of this proof can also be used to provide more insight into a re- sult due to D. Bellamy and W. Lewis in [6] which states that the Hausdorfi two point compactiflcation of the inflnite, connected covering space of the pseudo-circle is a pseudo-arc. The proof provided by D. Bellamy and W. Lewis uses a speciflc construction of the pseudo-circle which controls the span of the proper subchains of Di+1 inside of Di. While the underlying idea of the following proof is the similar to the original proof in [6], the author utilizes the methods developed in section 2 to avoid a speciflc construction of the pseudo-circle and provide more detail to the proof developed by Bellamy and Lewis. 23 In the following, let eA denote the universal covering space of the annulus with covering map p and ^A the two points compactiflcation of eA obtained by adding points a and b. Then eA contains an inflnite, connected covering space of the pseudo-circle. Let fDigi?0 be a sequence of circular chains deflning a pseudo-circle satisfying the four conditions listed in Section 2. Theorem 3.10. The two points compactiflcation of the inflnite, connected covering space of the pseudo-circle is a pseudo-arc. Proof. For each i, p?1(Di) is an inflnite chain consisting of inflnitely many copies of Di. Assume, without loss of generality, that proceeding through the links of p?1(Di) in the direction of a corresponds to traveling through D(i) with a negative orientation. Arbitrarily select a point x 2 p?1(C) such that d01 contains p(x) and select a copy of D0 in p?1(D0) which contains x in the flrst link. Denote this copy by E00. Then E0?1 will consist of the copy of D0 that intersect E00 and travels towards a and E01 will consist of the copy of D0 that intersect E00 and travels towards b. In general, number the copies of D0 inductively by subtracting one while moving towards the point a and adding one while moving towards the point b. Let F0 be the chain from a to b whose links consist of the links of E00 except the flrst link and E01 except the last two links (See Figure 3). The neighborhood of a will consist of the union of the elements of those chains Ei where i < 0 and the flrst link of E00. The neighborhood of b will consist of the union of those copies of Ei where i > 1 and the last two links of E1. Then this chain has length 2n(0)?1, which is one less than the length of the 2-fold cover of D0. 24 a bx Figure 3.3: First approximation of the inflnite covering space In a similar fashion, let E10 be a copy of D3 contained inside of p?1(D3) whose flrst link is contained inside of the flrst link of E00. The copies of D3 will be enumerated inductively similar to the copies of D0. Let F1 be a chain from a to b whose links consist of the links of E1?1 except the flrst link, the links of E10, the links of E11, and the links of E2 except the last two links. The links of containing a and b are deflned in a similar fashion to those in F0. Applying the proof of Theorem 2, F1 is crooked inside of the chain F0. Notice that F1 has length 4n(3)?1 which is one less than the length of the 4-fold covering of D3. a bx Figure 3.4: Second approximation of the inflnite covering space In general, if Fi has already been constructed using p?1(Dj) for some j, then Fi+1 will consist of 2i+1 copies of D(3i+j) selected in a similar fashion as those in F1. Neighborhoods of a and b are also constructed in a similar fashion. Again, by the proof of Theorem 2, Fi+1 is crooked inside of the chain Fi. Notice that Fi+1 will have length 2(i+1)n(3i + j)?1 which is one less than the length of the 2(i+1)-fold cover of D(3i+j). Since the mesh of the links of Fi goes to zero as i increases without bound, if follows that \Fi is a pseudo-arc. 25 Chapter 4 An application of the covering spaces of the pseudo-circle The following work is joint work with K. Kuperberg and is originally published in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society [23]. It provides an interesting application of the inflnite covering space of the pseudo-circle described in the previous chapter. The author would like to thank D. Bellamy, W. Lewis, and J. T. Rogers for their useful comments on the results presented in this chapter. Let A be an annulus and eA be the universal covering space of A with projection p. Let bA be the two-point compactiflcation of eA and denote the two added points of the compactiflcation by a and b. Throughout this chapter, consider the pseudo-circle C to be essentially embedded inside of the annulus A. As in the previous Chapter, the inflnite connected covering space of C contained in eA will be denoted by eC. 4.1 Lifting homeomorphisms to the covering space Since the pseudo-circle is neither path connected nor locally path connected, the usually Theorems regarding liftings of continuous maps to covering spaces do not apply. In this section we will show how using covering spaces of nice spaces such as the annulus can be used to derive similar lifting lemmas for complicated spaces. This idea will also be used in the following Chapter. 26 Lemma 4.1. Let f : C ! C be a homeomorphism. For any ex 2 eC and ey 2 p?1(f(p(ex))) there is a map ef such that the diagram ef eC ?! eC p # # p C ?! C f commutes and ef(x) = y. Proof. Since the annulus is an Absolute Neighborhood Retract, f can be extended to a continuous map F : U ! A, where U is a closed, connected annular neighborhood of the pseudo-circle. Let r be a retraction of the annulus onto U. Then F ? r is a map from the annulus into itself. Since F ?r agrees with f on the pseudo-circle C, the map F ? r induces an isomorphism of the fundamental group of A. Therefore, a lift of F ? r exists which maps eA into eA (see Theorem 16.3 in [17].) Denote the restriction of F ?r to p?1(C) by ef. The commutativity of the diagram holds because F ?r agrees with f on the pseudo-circle. Let P = eC [ fa;bg, a two-point compactiflcation p?1(C). As mentioned in Theorem 3.10, this compactiflcation is a pseudo-arc. Then ~f extends uniquely to a map H from P to P. Lemma 4.2. H is a homeomorphism from P to P. 27 Proof. Since eA is the universal covering of A and F ? r induces an isomorphism of the fundamental group, the lift of F ? r maps flbers bijectively onto flbers (see for example Theorem 54.4 of [35]). Therefore ~f maps flbers bijectively onto flbers. Since f is a homeomorphism and the diagram in Lemma 4.1 commutes, it follows that ~f is a bijection. Therefore, the unique extension is also a bijection. Since H is a continuous bijection between continua, H is a homeomorphism. It is important to note that the homeomorphism in Lemma 4.2 has the property that the set fa;bg is invariant. 4.2 Proof of non-homogeneity of the pseudo-circle Theorem 4.3. The pseudo-circle is not homogeneous. Proof. Let K(a) and K(b) be the composants of a and b, respectively, in the pseudo- arc P. Let ex and ey be two points in P such that ex 2 (K(a) [ K(b)) ?fa;bg and ey 2 P?(K(a)[K(b)). IfC werehomogeneous, thentherewouldbeahomeomorphism h of the pseudo-circle such that h(x) = y. Therefore, the induced map H as described in Lemma 4.2 maps the set p?1(x) onto p?1(y) and leaves the set fa;bg invariant. Since eC is contained inside of the universal covering of the annulus, given any two points in p?1(y) there exists a deck transformation which maps one onto the other. This deck transformation extends uniquely to a homeomorphism of P onto P and leaves the set fa;bg invariant. In particular, there is a homeomorphism which maps ex onto ey and leaves the set fa;bg invariant. 28 However, if the set fa;bg is invariant under the homeomorphism, then K(a) [ K(b) would also be invariant. Therefore, this is a contradiction. The use of a deck transformation induced by the universal covering space of the annulus can be used to show another interesting result related to the structure of the flbers of the covering space of the pseudo-circle. Theorem 4.4. If for some x 2 C, the composant K(a) intersects the flber p?1(x), then it contains p?1(x). Proof. If y 2 p?1(x)\K(a), then by the deflnition of a composant, there is a proper subcontinuumW ofP thatcontainsbothaandy. Letf beadecktransformationsuch that p?1(x) = ffn(y)gn2Z, Z being the set of integers. Denote by F the extension of f to P. The set Wn = Fn(W) is a continuum containing a and fn(y). Thus p?1(x) ? K(a). 29 Chapter 5 The cartesian product of the pseudo-arc and pseudo-circle is factorwise rigid In the following, the projection from a Cartesian product A?B to the flrst factor space will be denoted by ?1. Likewise, ?2 will denote the projection to the second factor space. ?H1(Y) will denote the flrst ?Cech homology group of the space Y. Let G be a relation on P ?P which collapses the flber P ?ffig to a single point and P?fflgto a single point and consider the quotient space (P?P)=G with quotient map q. It is useful to notice that if W ? (P ? P)=G such that q?1(W) intersects P ?ffig (or P ?fflg), then q?1(W) contains P ?ffig (or P ?fflg.) Lemma 5.1. If B ? (P ?P)=G is a continuum, then q?1(B) is a continuum. Proof. If B does not intersectfq(P?ffig);q(P?fflg)g, then q?1(B) is homeomorphic to B and hence a continuum. Suppose that B contains q(P?ffig) and assume that q?1(B) is not a continuum. In particular, since q is continuous, this means that q?1(B) is not connected. Then q?1(B) can be written as two disjoint sets which are both closed and open in q?1(B). Let q?1(B) = U [V where U \V = ;. Assume that P ?ffig is contained inside of U. Then, since V does not intersect P ?ffig, the sets q(U) and q(V) are disjoint so that B is not connected. A similar argument hold if q?1(B) contains P ?fflg or both of the flbers. 30 Let X = P ? C. Then X can be essentially embedded inside of the cartesian product, Y, of an annulus A and the disk D2. Let eY denote the universal covering space of Y, which contains an inflnite, connected covering space eX of X. bY will denote the two points compactiflcation of eY by adding points ?a and ?b. Likewise, bX will denote the two points compactiflcation of eX contained inside of bY. Lemma 5.2. (P ?P)=G is homeomorphic to bX. Proof. In [6], D. Bellamy and W. Lewis have shown that two point compactiflcation of the inflnite covering space, ~C, of the pseudo-circle obtained by unwrapping the pseudo-circle is a pseudo-arc. This implies that there is a homeomorphism f1 from the covering space ~C to P?ffi;flg. Then the map h1(x;y) = (f1(x);idP(y)), where idP is the identity map on P, is a homeomorphism from eX to (P?P)?(P?ffig[P?fflg). Then this map extends uniquely to a homeomorphism H : bX ! (P ?P)=G. Let g : X ! X be a homeomorphism. Then there exists a lift ~g such that the following diagram commutes: eg eX ! eX # p # p X ! X g The argument that such a lift exists is similar the lifting argument used by K. Kuperberg and the author in the [23]. First note that since A is an absolute 31 neighborhood retract, g extends to a continuous map f from a closed, connected neighborhood of X homeomorphic to A ? D2 into A ? D2. Then A ? D2 can be retracted to this neighborhood of X. The composition of these maps has a lift, the appropriate restriction of this lift provides the lift of g. Then eg extends uniquely to a map H : bX ! bX. This map is a continuous bijection and hence a homeomorphism. Any such homeomorphism has the property that the set fa;bg is invariant. In particular, since bX is homeomorphic to (P ?P)=G, thehomeomorphismg : X ! X uniquelyinducesaselfhomeomorphismof(P?P)=G. In this section, it will be shown that if h : (P ? P)=G ! (P ? P)=G is such an induced homeomorphism then h has the additional properties that for any points a 2 P 1. [q?1 ?h?q](P ?fag) = P ?fbg for some b 2 P and 2. [q?1 ?h?q](fag?P) = (P ?ffig)[(P ?fflg)[(fbg?P) for some b 2 P. Throughout this section ' will denote the set (P ?ffig) [ (P ?fflg). Notice that q(') is an invariant set under the induced homeomorphism h. The following Lemma in [8] will be needed: Lemma 5.3. [Bellamy and ?Lysko, [8], Lemma 6] Suppose X and Y are indecompos- able continua, and a 2 X and h : X?Y ! X?Y is a homeomorphism. Then either ?1(h(fag?Y)) = X or ?2(h(fag?Y) = Y. The following Theorem of J. T. Rogers, Jr. will also be used: 32 Theorem 5.4. [Rogers, [39], Theorem 14] The pseudo-circle is not the continuous image of the pseudo-arc. Lemma 5.5. Let a 2 C. Then ?1(g(P ?fag)) = P. Proof. Notice that ?2 ?g(P ?fag)) is a continuous mapping of a pseudo-arc into a pseudo-circle. From Theorem 5.4, the pseudo-circle cannot be the continuous image of a pseudo-arc. Therefore that ?2?g(P ?fag)) cannot be onto. Thus, from Lemma 5.3, it follows that ?1(g(P ?fag)) = P. Lemma 5.6. Let a 2 P. Then ?1(g(fag?C)) = C. Proof. Since ?H1(P) is trivial, the restriction gjfag?C : fag ? C ! P ? C induces an isomorphism between the groups ?H1(fag? C) and ?H1(P ? C). Likewise, since ?H1(P) is trivial, ?2 : P ? C ! C induces an isomorphism between ?H1(P ? C) and ?H1(C). Therefore, the composition of these two maps induces an isomorphism between ?H1(fag?C) and ?H1(C). In particular, this implies that ?2?g(fag?C must be onto. Since the homeomorphism h : (P?P)=G ! (P?P)=G is uniquely determined by the homeomorphism g : P ?C ! P ?C, the following two corollaries are immediate from the previous two lemmas: Corollary 5.7. [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fag) = P for every a 2 P. Corollary 5.8. For every point a 2 P, [?i ?q?1 ?h?q](fag?P) = P for i 2f1;2g. 33 For the following proofs it will be necessary to adapt a Lemma of Bellamy and ?Lysko in [8]: Lemma 5.9. [Bellamy and ?Lysko, [8], Corollary 3] Let X and Y be chainable continua and suppose W and M are subcontinua of X ? Y such that ?1(W) ? ?1(M) while ?2(M) ? ?2(W). Then W \M 6= ;. Lemma 5.10. Suppose that W and M are subcontinua of (P ? P)=G such that ?1 ?q?1(W) ? ?1 ?q?1(M) and ?2 ?q?1(M) ? ?2 ?q?1(W), then M \N 6= ;. Proof. Since the inverses image under q of a continuum is a continuum, the inverse image satisfles the conditions of Lemma 5.9. With the previous Lemmas in mind, it will now be proven that the induced homeomorphism h : (P ?P)=G ! (P ?P)=G has the additional properties that for any points p 2 P 1. [q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg) = P ?fag for some a 2 P and 2. [q?1 ?h?q](fpg?P) = '[(fbg?P) for some b 2 P. Theorem 5.11. For every p 2 P, [q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg) = P ?fbg for some b 2 P. Proof. If p 2 ffi;flg, the result follows because the set q(') is invariant under the homeomorphism h. If p =2ffi;flg, then the observations of the previous Lemmas allow the use of the proof of the main Theorem in [8] developed by Bellamy and ?Lysko. Suppose that 34 ?2(q?1 ? h ? q(P ? fpg)) is non-degenerate. Let Z denote the set of non-negative integers and let < Wn >n2Z be a sequence of non-degenerate, decreasing subcontinua of P such that \Wn = fpg. Since this is a decreasing sequence, assume without loss of generality that Wn \ffi;flg = ; for each n. Let a 2 P and notice that \ (fag?Wn) = f(a;p)g? P ?fpg therefore \ [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](fag?Wn) = [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](a;p) 2 [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg) In particular, [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](a;p) is an element of [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg)\[?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](fag?Wn) for each n. Since P is hereditarily indecomposable, this implies that for each n either 1. [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](fag?Wn) ? [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg) or 2. [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg) ? [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](fag?Wn). 35 Since \([?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](fag?Wn)) is degenerate, condition (1) can not be true for each n. Therefore, there exists some N such that [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](fag?WN) ? [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg). Let x1 2 WN such that x1 6= p. From the above remarks, [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ? fx1g)\[?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg) 6= ;. This implies that either 1. [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fx1g) ? [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg) or 2. [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fpg) ? [?2 ?q?1 ?h?q](P ?fx1g) We will prove the flrst case, the proof of the second case is similar. Notice from Lemma 5.7, [?1?q?1?h?q](P ?fx1g) = P = [?1?q?1?h?q](P ?fpg), therefore the conditions of Lemma 5.10 are satisfled. Hence [h?q](P ?fx1g)\[h?q](P ?fpg) 6= ;. However, this is a contradiction since [q?1 ? h ? q] restricted to (P ? P) ? ' is a homeomorphism. Theorem 5.12. [q?1 ?h?q](fag?P) = '[(fbg?P) for some b 2 P. Proof. Let x 2 P such that K(x) does not contain the set ffi;flg. Such a point exists because an indecomposable continuum has uncountably many pairwise disjoint composants (see, for example, K. Kuratowski, [26], Theorems 5 and 7, p. 212). It will flrst be shown that [q?1 ?h?q](fag?K(x)) ?fbg?P for some b 2 P. Let P1 be a non-degenerate subcontinuum of K(x). Note that P1 is a pseudo- arc and consider the subcontinuum of P ? P1 of P ? P. From Lemma 5.11, for 36 every point x1 2 P1, the map [q?1 ? h ? q](P ?fx1g) is mapped homeomorphically onto P ?fx2g for some x2 2 P. Note that x2 can not equal fi or fl. In particular, [q?1 ? h ? q](P ? P1) is mapped bijectively onto P ? P2 where P2 is a proper, non- degenerate subcontinuum of P and therefore a pseudo-arc. Similar to the proof of Theorem 5.11, the proof of the main result by Bellamy and ?Lysko in [8] can be applied to show that [q?1?h?q] restricted to P ?P1 also preserves horizontal flbers. In particular, [q?1 ?h?q](fag?P1) ?fbg?P for some b 2 P. Let p 2 P and consider fpg? P1. Let < Wn >n2Z be sequence of decreasing, non-degenerate subcontinua of P such that \Wn = fpg. Next, Let a 2 P1 and notice that \(Wn ?fag) = f(p;a)g2fpg?P1 In particular, \[?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](Wn ?fag) = [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](p;a) is an element of [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fpg?P1). Therefore, [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](Wn ?fag)\[?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fpg?P1) 6= ; for each n. This implies that for each n, either 1. [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](Wn ?fag) ? [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fpg?P1) or 2. [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fpg?P1) ? [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](Wn ?fag). 37 However, since \([?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](Wn ?fag)) is degenerate, condition 2 cannot hold for every n. Thus, there exists some N so that [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](WN ?fag) ? [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fpg?P1). Let x1 2 WN such that x1 6= p. From the above remarks, [?1?q?1?h?q](fx1g? P1)\[?1?q?1?h?q](fpg?P1) 6= ;. Since the pseudo-arc is hereditarily indecomposable this implies that either 1. [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fx1g?P1) ? [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fpg?P1) or 2. [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fpg?P1) ? [?1 ?q?1 ?h?q](fx1g?P1). The flrst case will be proven, the second case is similar. Since [?2 ? q?1 ? h ? q](fx1g ? P1) = P2 = [?2 ? q?1 ? h ? q](fpg ? P1), the conditions of Lemma 5.10 are satisfled. Therefore, [h?q](fx1g?P1)\[h?q](fpg?P1) 6= ;. This contradicts the fact that [q?1 ?h?q] restricted to (P ?P)?' is a homeomorphism. Therefore [q?1 ?h?q](fag?P1) ?fbg?P for some b 2 P. Next, notice that since P is hereditarily indecomposable any two points in K(x) can be joined by a proper subcontinuum. Therefore, [q?1?h?q](fag?K(x)) ?fbg?P. However, note that h ? q(fag ? P) = h ? q(cl(fag ? K(x)), since composants in an indecomposable space are dense. From the previous paragraphs, this implies that h?q(fag?P) = q(fbg?P). Therefore it follows that [q?1 ?h?q](fag?P) = (fbg?P)['. 38 5.1 Factorwise rigidity of P ?C As in the previous section, let X = P ?C and let bX will denote the two points compactiflcation of the inflnite covering space eX of X. Theorem 5.13. The Cartesian product P ?C is factorwise rigid. Proof. Let h : X ! X be a homeomorphism. Then there exists a lift ~h such that the following diagram commutes: eh eX ! eX # p # p X ! X h Then eh extends uniquely to a map H : bX ! bX. This map is a continuous bijection and hence a homeomorphism. Any such homeomorphism has the property that the set fa;bg is invariant. Note that bX is homeomorphic to (P ? P)=G and therefore the results of the previous section apply. In particular, for x 2 C, h(P ? fxg) = p ? H ? p?1(P ?fxg). However, from Theorem 5.11, H ? p?1(P ?fxg) = p?1(P ?fyg) for some y 2 C. Hence h(P ?fxg) = P ?fyg. Likewise, from Theorem 5.12, it follows that h(frg?C) = p?H?p?1(frg?C) = fsg?C for some s 2 P. Therefore, the cartesian product P ?C is factorwise rigid. 39 Chapter 6 Other notes on factorwise rigidity The following chapter consist of observations made during the research of the main result in this dissertation. As in the previous chapter, if X ?Y is the cartesian product of two spaces, ?1 : X?Y ! X will denote the projection onto the flrst factor space. Likewise, ?2 will denote the projection onto the second factor space. 6.1 Factorwise rigidity of a cartesian product with one factor space hered- itarily indecomposable This sections deals with the Cartesian product where one factor is hereditarily indecomposable and the other factor space contains arc components. For example, this section shows that if S is the solenoid and C is the pseudo-circle, the S ?C is factorwise rigid with respect to S. Theorem 6.1. If X is arcwise connected and Y is hereditarily indecomposable, then any homeomorphism h : X ?Y ! X ?Y preserves X-flbers (i.e. is factorwise rigid with respect to X). Proof. Let b 2 Y and let (m1;b) 2 X ? fbg. Let b1 be the second coordinate of h(m1;b). Suppose that there exists a point (m2;b) 2 X ?fbg such that the second coordinate of h(m2;b) is b2 and that b1 6= b2. Since X is arcwise connected, there exists an arc Am1;m2 from (m1;b) to (m2;b), so that h(Am1;m2) is an arc from h(m1;b) 40 to h(m2;b). By assumption ?2(h(Am1;m2)) is a non-trivial continuous image of an arc, and hence contains an arc. However, since Y is hereditarily indecomposable, this is a contradiction. Remark 6.2. The same proof shows that if X contains any arc A and b 2 Y, then h(A?fbg) ? X ?fcg for some c 2 Y. Theorem 6.3. If a space X has a dense arc component and Y is hereditarily inde- composable, then X ?Y is factorwise rigid with respect to X. Proof. Let h : X ?Y ! X ?Y be a homeomorphism and let a 2 Y. Let R ? X be a dense arc component of X. Then R is arcwise connected, hence by Theorem 6.1, it follows that h(R?fag) = R?fbg? X?fbg for some b 2 X2. Since X?fbg is closed and h a homeomorphism, it follows that h(X ?fag) = h(cl(R?fag) ? X ?fbg. Applying the result to h?1(X ?fbg), it follows that h?1(X ?fbg) ? X ?fag. Therefore, h maps X ?fag one-to-one and onto X ?fbg. 6.2 Homogeneous flber bundles of Menger Manifolds The following section is another application of how factorwise rigidity relates to the study of homogeneous continua. Let n ? 1 be an integer. A point of ?n(S2n?I) will be denoted (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y) where (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1) 2 S2n and y 2 I. Let fi ? 1 be an integer and let W be a compact, connected manifold of dimension 2fi + 1. A point of ?fiW ? ?n(S2n?I) will be denoted (a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)), where 41 a 2 ?fiW and (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y) 2 ?n(S2n?I). For c 2 [0;1], let Ac be the subset of ?n(S2n?I) consisting of the collection of points of the form (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;c). Let G denote the quotient space obtained from ?n(S2n?I) by identifying the points (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;0) 2 A0 with(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;1) 2 A1. ThepointinGcorrespond- ing to (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y) 2 ?n(S2n?I)?A1 will be denoted (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)G. The space G is homeomorphic to ?nS2n+1. The subsets of G corresponding to Ac will be denoted fAc. Let h : ?fiW ! ?fiW be a flxed point free action of period k > 1. The quotient space obtained from ?fiW??n(S2n?I) by identifying a point (a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;0)) with (h(a);(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;1)) is a flber bundle determined by the monodromy h whose base space is homeomorphic to ?nS2n+1 and whose flber is ?fiW. Denote this space by ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1. A point of ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 will be denoted (a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)). 6.2.1 Homogeneity of the flber bundles For each c 2 [0;1), deflne an embedding ?c : ?fiW ?(G?fAc) ! ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 by ?c(a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)G) = 8 >< >: (a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) if y < c (h?1(a);(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) if y > c Denote the image of ?c by Im(?c). 42 Theorem 6.4. The space ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 is homogeneous. Proof. Suppose that p = ( pa; p(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yp)) and q = ( qa; q(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yq)) are two distinct points of ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1. Then there exists a point c 2 [0;1) such that yp and yq are both less than c. In particular, both p and q are in Im(?c). Then G?fAc is connected. Since G is strongly locally homogeneous, there exists a homeomorphism g : G ! G such that g( p(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yp)G) = q(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yq)G and g((x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)G) = (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)G for (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)G 2 fAc. Deflne ? : ?fiW ?G ! ?fiW ?G by ?(a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)G) = (a;g((x1;x2;:::;x2n;y)G)): Let h1 : ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 ! ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 be deflne by 43 h1(x) = 8> < >: x if y < c ?c ?????1c (x) if y > c Then h1(p) is equal to 1. ( pa; q(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yq)) or 2. ( h( pa); q(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yq)) or 3. (h?1( pa); q(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yq)). Let U be a flnite open over of connected sets such that if U 2 U, then the collection fhi(U)gi=1;2;::k is pairwise disjoint. For each U 2U, the set f(a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) : a 2 k[ i=1 hi(U)g is homeomorphic to U ??nS2n+1. It is su?cient to show that for any U 2 U and any two points s and t in U, that there is a homeomorphism h2 : ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 ! ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 such that h2(s; q(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yq)) = (t; q(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;yq)). Let ?2 : ?fiW ! ?fiW be a homeomorphism such that ?2(s) = t and ?2(x) = x for all x =2 U. Next, deflne h2(a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) = 44 8> < >: (a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) if a =2[ki=1 hi(U) (hi ??2 ?h?i(a);(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) if a 2 hi(U) Then h2 has the desired properties. It will now be shown that the flber bundles created using the above method are not homeomorphic to the trivial flber bundle. The following lemma of K. Kuperberg appears in [21] as Lemma 1 and will be useful for the proof. Lemma 6.5. Let X = X1 ? X2, where Xi is homeomorphic to ?n for some n and i = 1;2. Let Ui ? Xi be a connected open set for i = 1;2. If ` : U1 ?U2 ! X is an open embedding, then 1. `(x;y) = (`1(x);`2(y)), where `1 : U1 ! X1 and `2 : U2 ! X2, or 2. `(x;y) = (`1(y);`2(x)), where `1 : U2 ! X1 and `2 : U1 ! X2. Let p = ( pa; p(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) be a point of ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1. Deflne the sets Mp = f(a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) 2 ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 : a = hi( pa) for i = 1;::;kg Np = 45 f(a;(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)) 2 ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 : (x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y) = p(x1;x2;:::;x2n+1;y)g Op = Mp \Np Note that Op contains k elements. The following Lemma appears in [21] as Lemma 1 where the outline for a proof is mentioned. For completeness, a detailed proof is provided and follows the proof given of Lemma 5 in [22], in which K. Kuperberg proved the result for the speciflc case fi = n = 1. Lemma 6.6. If ` : ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 ! ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 is a homeomorphism, then either 1. `(Mp) = M`(p) and `(Np) = N`(p) for all p 2 ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1, or 2. `(Mp) = N`(p) and `(Np) = M`(p) for all p 2 ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1. Proof. Since every point of ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an open subset of ?fiW ??nS2n+1, every point of ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 has a closed neighborhood homeomorphic to a set of the form X1 ? X2 where X1 is homeomorphic to ?fi and 46 X2 is homeomorphic to ?n. Moreover, for every x1 2 X1 and x2 2 X2, if follows that fx1g?X2 and X1 ?fx2g are in some set Mp or Np. Since ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 is compact, there exists a flnite collection fV1;:::;Vkg of neighborhoods of the above form such that ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 ?[ki=1int(Vi). Likewise, there exists a flnite collection of connected open subsets fW1;:::;Wlg such that for each j 2f1;:::;lg, there exists an i where h(Wj) ? Vi. By 6.5, if p 2 ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1, for every j 2 f1;:::;lg there exists an i such that `(Np \Wj) ? N`(p) \Vi ? N`(p) or `(Np \Wj) ? M`(p) \Vi ? M`(p). Therefore, `(Np) ? N`(p) or `(Np) ? M`(p). In either case, equality is obtained by applying the result to `?1. Since ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 is connected, if the above holds for one point it must hold for each point in the space. A similar argument holds for Mp. Therefore, since the map is one-to-one, the result follows. The following is a corollary of the above lemma: Corollary 6.7. If ` : ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 ! ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 is a homeomorphism, then `(Op) = Op or `(Op)\Op = ;. Theorem 6.8. If h is a flxed action free homeomorphism of period k > 1, then ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1 is not homeomorphic to ?fiW ??nS2n+1. Proof. Let fxj : j = 1;:::;kg be a flnite collection of distinct points in ?fiW ??nS2n+1. Let pi;i = 1;2 denote the projection from ?fiW ??nS2n+1 to the flrst and second factor space, respectively. By assumption, at least one of the sets fp1(xj) : j = 1;:::;kg and 47 fp2(xj) : j = 1;:::;kg contains more than one element. Without loss of generality, assume that it is fp1(xj) : j = 1;:::;kg. Let p1(xn) and p1(xm) be two distinct element, and let U be an open set about p1(xn) which does not contain p1(xm) or any other distinct elements of fp1(xj) : j = 1;:::;kg. Let y be a point of U other than p1(xn) and let h : ?fiW ! ?fiW be a homeomorphism such that h(p1(xm)) = y and h(x) = x for all x =2 U. Deflne H : ?fiW ??nS2n+1 ! ?fiW ??nS2n+1 by H(x;y) = (h(x);y). Then fH(xj) : j = 1;:::;kg 6= fxj : j = 1;:::;kg and fH(xj) : j = 1;:::;kg\fxj : j = 1;:::;kg 6= ;. Therefore, by 6.7, ?fiW ? ?nS2n+1 can not be homeomorphic to ?fiW ?h ?nS2n+1. 48 Bibliography [1] R. D. Anderson, A Characterization of the Universal Curve and a Proof of Its Homogeneity, The Annals of Mathematics, 2nd Ser. Vol. 67, (1958), No. 2, 313- 324. [2] M. Bestvina, Characterizing k-dimensional universal Menger compacta, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 71, 1988. [3] R.H. Bing, A homogeneous indecomposable plane continuum, Duke Math. J., 15 (1948), 729-742. [4] R.H. 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