A HARDWARE-SOFTWARE PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE USING PIPELINE STALLS FOR LEAKAGE POWER MANAGEMENT Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This thesis does not include proprietary or classi ed information. Khushboo Sheth Certi cate of Approval: Adit D. Singh James B. Davis Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Vishwani D. Agrawal, Chair James J. Danaher Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Victor P. Nelson Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering George T. Flowers Dean Graduate School A HARDWARE-SOFTWARE PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE USING PIPELINE STALLS FOR LEAKAGE POWER MANAGEMENT Khushboo Sheth A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Ful llment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama May 9th, 2009 A HARDWARE-SOFTWARE PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE USING PIPELINE STALLS FOR LEAKAGE POWER MANAGEMENT Khushboo Sheth Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this thesis at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date of Graduation iii Vita Khushboo U. Sheth, daughter of Mr. Umeshkumar R. Sheth and Mrs. Nisha U. Sheth, was born in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. She attended L. D. College Of Engineering, Gujarat University in 2001 and graduated with Bachelor of Engineering degree in Instru- mentation and Control Engineering in 2005. At the same year August, she entered the Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate program at Auburn University, Alabama. iv Thesis Abstract A HARDWARE-SOFTWARE PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE USING PIPELINE STALLS FOR LEAKAGE POWER MANAGEMENT Khushboo Sheth Master of Science, May 9th, 2009 (B.E., Gujarat University, 2005) 109 Typed Pages Directed by Vishwani D. Agrawal In recent years, power consumption has become a critical design concern for many VLSI systems. Nowhere is this truer than for portable, battery-operated applications, where power consumption has perhaps superseded speed and area as the overriding implementation constraint. But since last few years as the greater emphasis is put on miniaturization, in future technologies, the problem of subthreshold leakage power in CMOS circuits will grow in signi cance. The leakage current is exponentially dependent on the value of the threshold voltage such that if the threshold voltage is reduced (as it will be in the future technologies), the leakage current registers an exponential increase. Responding to this challenge, several low power techniques at levels ranging from technology to architecture have been proposed to reduce both dynamic and static power for processors and make them more energy- e cient. Some of these techniques can be applied to hardware whereas others are software based techniques. In this thesis, we propose a combined hardware-software technique which will potentially show considerable leakage energy reduction when power-performance trade- o s are made in higher-leakage technologies. v A simple method to reduce the power consumption in a processor is to slow down the clock frequency. The dynamic power reduces in proportion to the frequeny reduction. However, the leakage power remains the same. Because a computing task will require the same number of clock cycles it will now take more time. The leakage energy will therefore increase, although the dynamic energy will remain the same. It is the reduction of leakage power and energy that is targeted in the present work. The main idea introduced and investigated is that the power-performance trade-o is accomplished by inserting empty (no-op) cycles while the clock rate is kept unchanged. The hardware units are especially designed to save leakage power while processing a no- op instruction. As an illustration, the hardware of a ve-stage pipeline RISC processor is redesigned to reduce power consumption of the no-op cycles using sleep modes. This largely eliminates the leakage in those cycles. The expected result is that as more empty cycles are inserted, the performance would drop similar to the conventional clock frequency reduction. However, the computing task that now takes more cycles has only a marginal increase in the leakage energy. In addition, the empty cycles may eliminate many of the pipeline hazards and thus reduce the performance penalty. In this work, power supply for the active (i.e., non-empty) cycles is not changed and that aspect is left for the future investigation. The control unit of the processor has been designed to interpret an external power man- agement signal. Based on the power and performance requirements, this signal speci es a performance slowdown factor. The power block has been added in the processor architec- ture that inserts no-ops in proportion to the slowdown factor in the instruction stream. The normal clock rate is maintained. The control also generates the power signals for dif- ferent blocks of the processor along with the other control signals. These power signals are vi applied to various hardware blocks (register le, ALU, and instruction and data caches) of the processor, which on the basis of the required activity are put into one of the low power modes such as drowsy or sleep mode. These modes are chosen for the best leakage power reduction. We have simulated a modi ed 32-bit MIPS pipelined processor for 22nm and 65nm technologies using the Berkeley Predictive Technology Models. vii Acknowledgments I thank my adviser Dr. Vishwani D. Agrawal for his constant support. Without his patient guidance and encouragement, this work would not be possible. His technical advice made my master studies a meaningful learning experience. I thank my advisory committee members, Dr. Victor P. Nelson and Dr. Adit D. Singh for being on my thesis committee and for their invaluable advice on this research. I thank all my professors in Auburn University for their guidance and support, its been a privilege learning from them. I would like to acknowledge with gratitude and a ection, encouragement and support given by my parents and my brother during my graduate study. I thank my research mates and friends in Auburn for their assistance and company. I acknowledge with thanks a teaching assistantship at Auburn, which allowed me to take a closer look at microprocessors. My work was additonally supported by the NSF Grant 421128. viii Style manual or journal used Journal of Approximation Theory (together with the style known as \aums"). Bibliograpy follows van Leunen?s A Handbook for Scholars. Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (speci cally LATEX) together with the departmental style- le aums.sty. ix Table of Contents List of Figures xii List of Tables xiv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 Contribution of Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Organization of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Background 5 2.1 SOURCES OF POWER CONSUMPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 DEGREES OF FREEDOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2.1 Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2.2 Physical Capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.2.3 Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3 RECURRING THEMES IN LOW POWER DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.4 TECHNOLOGY LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.4.1 Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.4.2 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.5 LAYOUT LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.6 CIRCUIT LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.6.1 Dynamic Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.6.2 Pass-Transistor Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.6.3 Asynchronous Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.6.4 Transistor Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.6.5 Design Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.6.6 Dynamic Voltage Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.6.7 Dual Threshold Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.6.8 Dynamic Power Cuto Technique (DPCT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.6.9 Retiming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.7 GATE LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.7.1 Technology Decomposition and Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.7.2 Activity Postponement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.7.3 Glitch Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.7.4 Input Vector Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.7.5 Concurrency and Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.8 ARCHITECTURE AND SYSTEM LEVELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 x 2.8.1 Concurrent Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.8.2 Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.8.3 Memory Partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.8.4 Programmability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 2.8.5 Data Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.9 ALGORITHM LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 2.10 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 3 Hardware - Software Technique using Pipeline stalls to reduce leak- age power 53 3.1 Hardware-Software Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4 Theoretical and Experiment Results 60 4.1 THEORETICAL RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4.1.1 Clock Slow-Down Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4.1.2 Instruction Slow-Down Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.1.3 Comparison of Clock Slow-Down and Instruction Slow-Down Methods 68 4.2 MIPS PROCESSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4.2.1 MIPS Instruction Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 4.2.2 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 4.2.3 Pipeline Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.3 MODIFIED MIPS PROCESSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 4.4 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.4.1 Blocks of the Original Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.4.2 Power Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.4.3 Comparison between the original and modi ed processors . . . . . . 84 4.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5 Conclusion 87 Bibliography 88 xi List of Figures 1.1 Power density for the Intel-32 family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Projected development of power consumption over technology generations [44] 3 2.1 Circuit transition currents (left: charge, right: discharge) . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Short circuit currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 Leakage Currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4 Energy and Delay as a function of supply voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5 Primary sources of device capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.6 Sources of interconnect capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.7 Interpretation of switching activity in synchronous systems . . . . . . . . . 14 2.8 Static and Dynamic implementations of F = (A+B)C . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.9 Complementary pass transistor implementation of F = (A+B)C . . . . . . 26 2.10 Asynchronous circuits with handshaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.11 Input Reordering for activity reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.12 Cascaded versus Balanced tree gate structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.13 Voltage Scaling and Parallelism for low power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.14 Voltage Scaling and Pipelining for low power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.1 Using Headers for Power Gating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3.2 Supply Voltage Control Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.1 Power Saving Ratio for Clock Slow-Down Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 xii 4.2 Energy Saving Ratio for Clock Slow-Down Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 4.3 Distribution of Instruction Energy and NOP Energy for a given time period 66 4.4 Power Saving Ratio for Instruction Slow-Down Method . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.5 Energy Saving Ratio for Instruction Slow-Down Method . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4.6 Clock Slowdown Method Vs. Instruction Slowdown Method for = 1 (No Sleep Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 4.7 Clock Slowdown Method Vs. Instruction Slowdown Method for = 0.5 (Sleep Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 4.8 Clock Slowdown Method Vs. Instruction Slowdown Method for = 0.1 (Sleep Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4.9 General Architecture of the Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.10 Modi ed Architecture of the Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 4.11 Schematic of the Power Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 xiii List of Tables 2.1 Leakage current values for di erent input combinations of a 3-input NAND gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.1 MIPS Instruction Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 4.2 Format and the meaning of the supported Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 4.3 A Sequence of Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4.4 External 3-bit signal conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.5 Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (65nm CMOS technology, clock period 10ns) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.6 Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (22nm CMOS technology, clock period 10ns) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.7 Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (65nm CMOS technology, clock period 20ns) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.8 Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (65nm CMOS technology, clock period 40ns) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.9 Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (22nm CMOS technology, clock period 20ns) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.10 Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (22nm CMOS technology, clock period 40ns) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.11 Estimated power in microwatts for power block of the processor (65nm CMOS technology) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.12 Estimated power in microwatts for power block of the processor (22nm CMOS technology) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.13 Comparing the original and modi ed processors for 22nm technology for 1 NOP (power in microwatts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.14 Comparing the original and modi ed processors for 65nm technology for 1 NOP (power in microwatts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 xiv Chapter 1 Introduction The invention of a transistor was a giant leap forward for low-power electronics that has remained unequaled to date. The operation of vacuum tubes required several hundred volts and several watts of power. In comparison the transistor required only milliwatts of power. Since the invention of the transistor, decades ago, through the years leading to the 21st century, power dissipation, though not entirely ignored, was of little concern. The greater emphasis was on performance and miniaturization. Applications powered by batteries - pocket calculators, hearing aids and, most importantly, wristwatches - drove low-power electronics. In all such applications, it is important to prolong the battery life as much as possible. Especially now, with the growing trend towards portable computing and wireless communication, power dissipation has become one of the most critical factors in the continued development of the microelectronics technology. There are two reasons for this: 1. One of the most signi cant low-power design ideas of the last century, the comple- mentary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology [111], has served us well for several decades. However, to make the best cost-performance trade-o [82] we con- tinue to integrate more functions onto a chip by shrinking the features to the smallest size permitted by the manufacturing technology. As a result, the dissipation of power per unit area grows and the accompanying problem of heat removal and cooling wors- ens. Examples are the general-purpose microprocessors used in desktop computers and servers. Even with the scaling down of the supply voltage, power dissipation has 1 Figure 1.1: Power density for the Intel-32 family not come down. Figure 1.1 shows the power density for several commercial processors. As it is shown in the gure, the trend is to increase the power density to levels where the cooling mechanisms are unlikely to be e ective enough. 2. Portable battery-powered applications of the past were characterized by low com- putational requirements. The last few years have seen the emergence of portable applications that require a greater amount of processing power. Two vanguards of this processing model are the notebook computer and the personal digital assistant (PDA). As a result, today, it is widely accepted that power e ciency is a design goal at par in importance with miniaturization and performance. In spite of this acceptance, the practice of low-power methodologies is being adopted at a slow pace due to the widespread changes 2 Figure 1.2: Projected development of power consumption over technology generations [44] called for by these methodologies. Minimizing energy consumption and power dissipation calls for conscious e ort at each abstraction level and at each phase of the design process. While technology scaling has made it possible to put more transistors onto a single chip, at the same time allowing them to run faster, new complications continue to arise [1]. The supply voltage, being one of the critical parameters, has been reduced according to the characteristics of the shrinking MOS device. Therefore, to maintain the transistor switch- ing speed, the threshold voltage is also scaled down at the same rate as the supply voltage. As a result, leakage currents increase dramatically with each technology generation. Some researchers predict a 7.5-fold increase in the leakage current and a 5-fold increase in total energy dissipation for every new microprocessor chip generation [64]. As the leakage cur- rent increases faster, it will become the major component in the total power dissipation. Figure 1.2 shows that static power consumption reaching the level of dynamic power con- sumption within a few years time. Leakage power is becoming a serious problem that needs handling at all levels of abstraction. 3 1.1 Problem Statement In the presence of non-negligible leakage power, the way to design architectures for low power consumption may have changed. This master?s thesis represents one step towards exploring low power design again. It concentrates on trying to reduce the leakage power at the architectural level. 1.2 Contribution of Research We have developed a new Hardware-Software Architecture for the processors that helps in leakage power reduction for future higher-leakage technologies by using pipeline stalls. The architecture includes a power block that inserts NOPs in the processor in order to reduce the frequency of operation. Simultaneously when the NOP is inserted the di erent blocks of the processor are put into low-power mode, such as sleep mode or drowsy mode, by power-gating technique given in the literature. 1.3 Organization of the thesis The thesis is organised as follows. In chapter 2, we survey the di erent power reduction techniques that has been used at di erent abstraction levels such as technology level, layout level, circuit level, gate level, architecture level and algorithm level. Chapter 3 explains the new hardware-software technique for leakage power reduction. The modi ed low-power architecture of the processor and the results are discussed in chapter 4. The thesis is concluded with the insight on the future work in chapter 5. 4 Chapter 2 Background This chapter describes low-power design techniques at abstraction levels ranging from layout and technology to architecture and system. By reading this chapter, it should become clear that high-level design decisions - those made at the architecture or system level - have the most dramatic impact on power consumption. 2.1 SOURCES OF POWER CONSUMPTION Power dissipated in CMOS circuits consists of several components as indicated be- low [15] [112]: Ptotal = Pswitching +Pshortcircuit +Pstatic +Pleakage (2.1) The individual components represent the power required to charge or switch a capacitive load (Pswitching), short circuit power consumed during output transitions of a CMOS gate as the input switches (Pshortcircuit), static power consumed by the input switches (Pstatic), and leakage power consumed by the device (Pleakage). Components Pswitching and Pshortcircuit are present when a device is actively changing state, while the components Pstatic and Pleakage are present regardless of state changes. The largest active component is Pswitching. It is caused due to the logic transitions. As the transistors in the digital CMOS circuit transition back and forth between the two logic levels, the parasitic capacitances are charged and discharged. Current ows through the channel resistance of the transistors, and electrical energy is converted into heat and dissipated away (Fig. 2.1) 5 Figure 2.1: Circuit transition currents (left: charge, right: discharge) Pswitching is de ned as, Pswitching = C Vdd Vswing f (2.2) Where C represents the capacitance being switched, Vdd is the supply voltage, Vswing corresponds to the change in the voltage level of the switched capacitance, represents a switching activity factor based on the probability of an output transition and, f represents the frequency of operation. The product C is also referred to as the e ective switched capacitance, or Ceff. In most circuits, Vswing is equal to Vdd, so (2.2) is commonly written as Pswitching = Ceff V2dd f (2.3) The term Pshortcircuit occurs when short-circuit currents ow directly from supply to ground when both n-subnetwork and p-subnetwork of a CMOS gate conduct simultaneously (Fig.2.2). With the input(s) to the gate stable at either logic level, only one of the two subnetworks conduct and no short-circuit currents ow. But when the output of the gate is changing in response to the change in the input, both subnetworks conduct simultaneously for a brief interval. The duration of the interval and the short circuit dissipation both depend on the input and the output transition (rise or fall) times. 6 Figure 2.2: Short circuit currents Pshortcircuit has a complicated derivation, but in a simpli ed form can be written as [16], Pshortcircuit = Imean Vdd (2.4) Where Imean represents the average current drawn during the input transition. Imean is minimized for a single gate with short input rise and fall times, and with long output tran- sition times, thus presenting a trade o in device sizing. When a set of gates is considered, it is generally optimal to target equal input and output transition times. For large devices such as input-output (I/O) bu ers or clock drivers, special design considerations are often used to minimize the overlap current [109]. For properly sized and ratioed gates, the contri- bution to overall dynamic power due to Pshortcircuit is on the order of 10 % -20 %, although this factor may increase with increased device scaling [110]. Pstatic is not usually a factor in pure CMOS designs, since static current is not drawn by a CMOS gate, but certain circuit structures such as sense ampli ers, voltage references, and constant current sources do exist in CMOS systems and contribute to overall power. Pleakage is due to leakage currents from reversed biased PN junctions associated with the source and drain of MOS transistors, as well as subthreshold conduction currents. The leakage current ows when the input(s) to, and therefore the outputs of, a gate are not 7 changing (Fig. 2.3). The leakage component is proportional to device area and temperature. The subthreshold leakage component is strongly dependent on device threshold voltages, and becomes an important factor as power supply voltage scaling is used to lower power. For systems with a high ratio of standby operation to active operation, Pleakage may be the dominant factor in determining overall battery life as lower the threshold voltage, the lower the degree to which MOSFETs in the logic gates are turned o and the higher is the standby leakage current. Figure 2.3: Leakage Currents Minimization of these components of power dissipation is important in designing low- power systems, and there are complex interactions that require trade o s to be made in- volving each. 2.2 DEGREES OF FREEDOM Active power minimization involves reducing the magnitude of each of the components in equation (2.2): voltage, physical capacitance, and activity. Optimizing for power in- variably involves an attempt to reduce one or more of these factors. Unfortunately, these parameters cannot be optimized independently as they are not completely orthogonal. This 8 section brie y discusses each of the factors, describing their relative importance, as well as the interactions that complicate the power optimization process [22]. 2.2.1 Voltage With its quadratic relationship to power, voltage reduction o ers the most direct and dramatic means of minimizing energy consumption. Without requiring any special circuits or technologies, a factor of two reduction in supply voltage yields a factor of four decrease in energy (see Figure 2.4(a) [18]). Furthermore, this power reduction is a global e ect, experienced not only in one sub-circuit or block of the chip, but throughout the entire design. Because of this quadratic relationship, designers of low-power systems are often willing to sacri ce increased physical capacitance or circuit activity for reduced voltage. Unfortunately, supply voltage cannot be decreased without bound. In fact, several factors other than power in uence selection of a system supply voltage. The primary factors are performance requirements and compatibility issues. As supply voltage is lowered, circuit Figure 2.4: Energy and Delay as a function of supply voltage delays increase (see Figure 2.4(b)) leading to reduced system performance. To the rst order, device currents are given by: 9 Idd = Cox2 WL (Vdd Vt)2 (2.5) This leads to circuit delays of the order: t = CVddI dd / Vdd(V dd Vt)2 (2.6) So, for Vdd >> Vt delays increase linearly with decreasing voltage. In order to meet system performance requirements, these delay increases cannot go unchecked. Some tech- niques must be applied, either technological or architectural, in order to compensate for this e ect. As Vdd approaches the threshold voltage, however, delay penalties simply become unmanageable, limiting the advantages of going below a supply voltage of about 2Vt. Performance is not, however, the only limiting criterion. When going to non-standard voltage supplies, there is also the issue of compatibility and inter-operability. Unless the entire system is being designed completely from scratch it is likely that some amount of communications will be required with components operating at a standard voltage. This dilemma is lessened by the availability of highly e cient (> 90%) DC-DC level converters, but still there is some cost involved in supporting several di erent supply voltages [98]. This suggests that it might be advantageous for designers to support only a small number of distinct intrasystem voltages. For example, custom chips in the system could be designed to operate o a single low voltage (e.g., 2Vt) with level shifting only required for communication with the outside world. To account for parameter variations within and between chips, the supply would need to be set relative to the worst-case threshold, Vt;max. 10 To summarize, reducing supply voltage is paramount to lowering power consumption, and it often makes sense to increase physical capacitance and circuit activity in order to further reduce voltage. There are, however, limiting factors such as minimum performance and compatibility requirements that limit voltage scaling. These factors will likely lead designers to x the voltage within a system. Once the supply has been xed, it remains to address the issues of minimizing physical capacitance and activity at that operating voltage. The next two sections address these topics. Figure 2.5: Primary sources of device capacitance 2.2.2 Physical Capacitance Dynamic power consumption depends linearly on the physical capacitance being switched. So, in addition to operating at low voltages, minimizing capacitance o ers another tech- nique for reducing power consumption. In order to properly evaluate this opportunity we must rst understand what factors contribute to the physical capacitance of a circuit. Then we can consider how those factors can be manipulated to reduce power. The physical ca- pacitance in CMOS circuits stems from two primary sources: devices and interconnect. For devices, the most signi cant contributions come from the gate and junction capacitances as shown in Figure 2.5. The capacitance associated with the thin gate oxide of the transistor 11 is usually the larger of the two. This term can be approximated as a parallel-plate (area) capacitance between the gate and the substrate or channel: cg = WLCox = WL oxt ox (2.7) In addition, source/drain junction capacitances contribute to the overall device capaci- tance. These capacitances have both an area and a perimeter component and are non-linear with the voltage across the junction: Cj(V) = ACj0(1 V 0 ) m +PCjsw0(1 V 0 ) m (2.8) Where A and P are the source/drain area and perimeter, Cj0 and Cjsw0 are equilibrium bottomwall and sidewall capacitances, 0 is the junction barrier potential,and m is the junction grading coe cient. Figure 2.6: Sources of interconnect capacitance Often, this non-linear capacitance is approximated by a large-signal equivalent lin- earized capacitance given by: 12 Cjeq = R V1V 0 Cj(V)dV V1 V0 (2.9) Where V0 and V1 describe the range of typical operating voltages for the junction. In past technologies, device capacitances dominated over interconnect parasitics. As technologies continue to scale down, however, this no longer holds true and we must consider the con- tribution of interconnect to the overall physical capacitance. For the interconnect, there is the capacitance between each metalization layer and the substrate, as well as coupling capacitances between the layers themselves (see Figure 2.6). Each of these capacitances in turn has two components: a parallel-plate component and a fringing component: Cw = WLCp + 2(W +L)Cf (2.10) Historically, the parallel-plate component, which increases linearly with both the width and the length of the wire, has been dominant. The fringing component starts to become signi cant, however, as the interconnect width becomes narrower and narrower relative to the wire thickness [13]. With this understanding, we can now consider how to reduce physical capacitance. From the previous discussion, we recognize that capacitances can be kept at a minimum by using small devices and short wires. As with voltage, however, we are not free to optimize capacitance independently. For example, reducing device sizes will not only reduce physical capacitance, but will also reduce the current drive of the transistors, making the circuit operate more slowly. This loss in performance might prevent us from lowering Vdd as much as we might otherwise be able to do. In this scenario, we are giving up a possible quadratic reduction in power through voltage scaling for a linear reduction 13 Figure 2.7: Interpretation of switching activity in synchronous systems through capacitance scaling. So, if the designer is free to scale voltage it does not make sense to minimize physical capacitance without considering the side e ects. Similar arguments can be applied to interconnect capacitance. If voltage and/or activity can be signi cantly reduced by allowing some increase in physical interconnect capacitance, then this may result in a net decrease in power. The key point to recognize is that low-power design is a joint optimization process in which the variables cannot be manipulated independently. 2.2.3 Activity In addition to voltage and physical capacitance, switching activity also in uences dy- namic power consumption. A chip can contain a huge amount of physical capacitance, but if it does not switch then no dynamic power will be consumed. The activity determines how often this switching occurs. As mentioned above, there are two components to switching ac- tivity. The rst is the data rate, f, which re ects how often, on average, new data arrives at each node. This data might or might not be di erent from the previous data value. In this sense, the data rate f describes how often on average switching could occur. For example, in synchronous systems f might correspond to the clock frequency (see Figure 2.7). 14 The second component of activity is the data activity, . This factor corresponds to the expected number of transitions that will be triggered by the arrival of each new piece of data. So, while f determines the average periodicity of data arrivals, determines how many transitions each arrival will spark. For circuits that don?t experience glitching, can be interpreted as the probability that a transition will occur during a single data period. For certain logic styles, however, glitching can be an important source of signal activity and, therefore, deserves some mention here [17]. Glitching refers to spurious and unwanted transitions that occur before a node settles down to its nal, steady-state value. Glitching often arises when paths with unbalanced propagation delays converge at the same point in the circuit. Since glitching can cause a node to make several power consuming transitions instead of one (i.e. > 1) it should be avoided whenever possible. The data activity can be combined with the physical capacitance C to obtain an e ective capacitance, Ceff = C=2, which describes the average capacitance charged during each 1=f data period. This re ects the fact that neither the physical capacitance nor the activity alone determines dynamic power consumption. Instead, it is the e ective capacitance, which combines the two, that truly determines the power consumed by a CMOS circuit: P = 12 CVdd2f = CeffVdd2f (2.11) This discussion provides the rst indication that data statistics can have a signi cant e ect on power consumption. As with voltage and physical capacitance, we can consider techniques for reducing switching activity as a means of saving power. For example, cer- tain data representations, such as sign-magnitude, have an inherently lower activity than 15 two?s-complement [27]. Since sign-magnitude arithmetic is much more complex than two?s- complement, however, there is a price to be paid for the reduced activity in terms of higher physical capacitance. This is yet another indication that low-power design is truly a joint optimization problem. In particular, optimization of activity cannot be undertaken inde- pendently without consideration for the impact on voltage and capacitance. 2.3 RECURRING THEMES IN LOW POWER DESIGN Sections 2.1 and 2.2 have provided a strong foundation from which to consider low- power CMOS design. Speci cally, Section 2.1 derived the classical expression for dynamic power consumption in CMOS. This led to the realization that three primary parameters: voltage, physical capacitance, and activity determine the average power consumption of a digital CMOS circuit. Section 2.2 then went on to describe each of these factors in- dividually, while emphasizing that design for low-power must involve a joint rather than independent optimization of these three parameters. The upcoming sections present speci c power reduction techniques applicable at various levels of abstraction. Many of these tech- niques follow a small number of common themes. The three principle themes are trading area/performance for power, avoiding waste, and exploiting locality. Probably the most important theme is trading area/performance for power. As mentioned in Section 2.2.1, power can be reduced by decreasing the system supply voltage and allowing the perfor- mance of the system to degrade. This is an example of trading performance for power. If the system designer is not willing to give up the performance, he can consider apply- ing techniques such as parallel processing to maintain performance at low voltage. Since many of these techniques incur an area penalty, we can think of this as trading area for 16 power. Another recurring low-power theme involves avoiding waste. For example, clocking modules when they are idle is a waste of power. Glitching is another example of wasted power and can be avoided by path balancing and choice of logic family. Other strategies for avoiding waste include using dedicated rather than programmable hardware and reducing control overhead by using regular algorithms and architectures. Avoiding waste can also take the form of designing systems to meet, rather than beat, performance requirements. If an application requires 25 MIPS of processing performance, there is no advantage gained by implementing a 50 MIPS processor at twice the power. Exploiting locality is another important theme of low-power design. Global operations inherently consume a lot of power. Data must be transferred from one part of the chip to another at the expense of switching large bus capacitances. Furthermore, in poorly partitioned designs the same data might need to be stored in many parts of the chip, wasting still more power. In contrast, a design partitioned to exploit locality of reference can minimize the amount of expensive global communications employed in favor of much less costly local interconnect networks. While not all low-power techniques can be classi ed as trading-o area/performance for power, avoiding waste, and exploiting locality these basic themes do describe many of the strategies that will be presented in the remainder of this chapter. The organization of these upcoming sections is by level of abstraction. Speci cally, beginning with Section 2.4 and ending with Section 2.9, they cover low-power design methodologies for the technology, layout, circuit, gate, architecture, and algorithm levels, respectively. 17 2.4 TECHNOLOGY LEVEL At the lowest level of abstraction we can consider low-power design strategies in the context of both packaging and process technologies. 2.4.1 Packaging Often a signi cant fraction of the total chip power consumption can be attributed not to core processing but to driving large o -chip capacitances. This is not surprising since o -chip capacitances are on the order of tens of picofarads while on-chip capacitances are in the tens of femtofarads. For conventional packaging technologies, Bakoglu suggests that pins contribute approximately 13-14 pF of capacitance each (10 pF for the pad and 3-4 pF for the printed circuit board traces) [13]. Since dynamic power is proportional to capacitance, I/O power can be a signi cant portion of overall chip power consumption. The notion that I/O capacitance at the chip level can account for as much as 1/4 to 1/2 of the overall system power dissipation suggests that reduction of I/O power is a high priority in multi-chip systems. If the large capacitances associated with inter-chip I/O were drastically reduced, the I/O component of system power consumption would be reduced proportionally. Packaging technology can have a dramatic impact on the physical capacitance involved in o -chip communications. For example, multi-chip modules or MCM?s o er a drastic reduction in the physical capacitance of o -chip wiring. In an MCM, all of the chips comprising the system are mounted on a single substrate, and the entire module is placed in a single package. Utilizing this technology, inter-chip I/O capacitances are reduced to the same order as on-chip capacitances [20]. This is due not only to the elimination of the highly capacitive PCB traces, but also to the minimization of on-chip pad driver capacitances due 18 to reduced o -chip load driving requirements. Thus, utilizing MCM technology, the I/O component of system power consumption can be kept at a minimum, shifting the focus of power optimization from I/O considerations to chip core considerations [23]. Actually, low-power operation is only one of the advantages of MCM technology. In addition, MCM?s with their reduced chip-level interconnect lengths and capacitances can signi cantly reduce system delays resulting in higher performance, which can then be traded for lower power at the designer?s discretion [13]. So, selection of a packaging technology can have an important e ect on system power consumption. 2.4.2 Process In addition to packaging considerations, process (or fabrication) technology plays an important role in determining power consumption. This section presents two important process-based techniques for reducing power consumption: technology scaling and threshold voltage scaling. TECHNOLOGY SCALING Scaling of physical dimensions is a well-known technique for reducing circuit power consumption. Basically, scaling involves reducing all vertical and horizontal dimensions by a factor, S, greater than one. Thus, transistor widths and lengths are reduced, oxide thicknesses are reduced, depletion region widths are reduced, interconnect widths and thick- nesses are reduced, etc. The rst-order e ects of scaling can be fairly easily derived [12, 35]. Device gate capacitances are of the form Cg = W L Cox. If we scale down W, L, and tox by S, then this capacitance will scale down by S as well. Consequently, if system data rates 19 and supply voltages remain unchanged, this factor of S reduction in capacitance is passed on directly to power: Fixed Performance;Fixed Voltage : P / 1S (2.12) To give a concrete example, at the 1994 International Solid-State Circuits Conference, MIPS Technologies attributed a 25% reduction in power consumption for their new 64b RISC processor solely to a migration from a 0.8 m to a 0.64 m technology [114]. The e ect of scaling on delays is equally promising. Based on (eq 2.5), the transistor current drive increases linearly with S. As a result, propagation delays, which are proportional to capacitance and inversely proportional to drive current, scale down by a factor of S2. Assuming we are only trying to maintain system throughput rather than increase it, the improvement in circuit performance can be traded for lower power by reducing the supply voltage. In particular, neglecting Vt e ects, the voltage can be reduced by a factor of S2. This results in a S4 reduction in device currents, and along with the capacitance scaling leads to an S5 reduction in power: Fixed Performance;Variable Voltage : P / 1S5 (2.13) This discussion, however, ignores many important second-order e ects. For example, as scaling continues, interconnect parasitics eventually begin to dominate and change the picture substantially. The resistance of a wire is proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its thickness and width. Since in this discussion we are considering the impact of technology scaling on a fixed design, the local and global wire lengths should 20 scale down by S along with the width and thickness of the wire. This means that the wire resistance should scale up by a factor of S overall. The wire capacitance is proportional to its width and length and inversely proportional to the oxide thickness. Consequently, the wire capacitance scales down by a factor of S. To summarize: Rw/S and Cw/ 1S (2.14) twire/RwCw/1 (2.15) This means that, unlike gate delays, the intrinsic interconnect delay does not scale down with physical dimensions. So at some point interconnect delays will start to dominate over gate delays and it will no longer be possible to scale down the supply voltage. This means that once again power is reduced solely due to capacitance scaling: Parasitics dominated : P / 1S (2.16) Actually, the situation is even worse since the above analysis did not consider second- order e ects such as the fringing component of wire capacitance, which may actually grow with reduced dimensions. As a result, realistically speaking, power may not scale down at all, but instead may stay approximately constant with technology scaling or even increase: Including 2nd order effects : P /1 or more (2.17) 21 The conclusion is that technology scaling o ers signi cant bene ts in terms of power only up to a point. Once parasitics begin to dominate, the power improvements slack o or disappear completely. So we cannot rely on technology scaling to reduce power inde nitely. We must turn to other techniques for lowering power consumption. THRESHOLD VOLTAGE REDUCTION Many process parameters, aside from lithographic dimensions, can have a large impact on circuit performance. For example, at low supply voltages the value of the threshold voltage (Vt) is extremely important. Section 2.2.1 revealed that threshold voltage places a limit on the minimum supply voltage that can be used without incurring unreasonable delay penalties. Based on this, it would seem reasonable to consider reducing threshold voltages in a low-power process. Unfortunately, subthreshold conduction and noise margin considerations limit how low Vt can be set. Although devices are ideally \o " for gate volt- ages below Vt, in reality there is always some subthreshold conduction even for Vgs < Vt. The question is especially important for dynamic circuits for which subthreshold currents could causes erroneous charging or discharging of dynamic nodes. The relationship between gate voltage and subthreshold current is exponential. Each 0.1V reduction in Vgs below Vt reduces the subthreshold current by approximately one order of magnitude [74]. Therefore, in order to prevent static currents from dominating chip power and to ensure functionality of dynamic circuits, threshold voltages should be limited to a minimum of 0.3-0.5V. Unfor- tunately, dimensional and threshold scaling are not always viable options. Aside from the drawbacks of interconnect non-scalability, submicron e ects, and subthreshold conduction, chip designers often don?t have complete freedom to arbitrarily scale their fabrication tech- nology. Instead, economic factors as well as the capabilities of their fabrication facilities 22 impose limits on minimum lithographic dimensions. For this reason, in order to achieve widespread acceptance, an ideal low-power methodology should not rely solely on technol- ogy scaling or specialized processing techniques. The methodology should be applicable not only to di erent technologies, but also to di erent circuit and logic styles. Whenever possible, scaling and circuit techniques should be combined with the high-level methodology to further reduce power consumption; however, the general low-power strategy should not require these tricks. 2.5 LAYOUT LEVEL There are a number of layout-level techniques that can be applied to reduce power. The simplest of these techniques is to select upper level metals to route high activity signals. The higher level metals are physically separated from the substrate by a greater thickness of silicon dioxide. Since the physical capacitance of these wires decreases linearly with increasing tox, there is some advantage to routing the highest activity signals in the higher level metals. For example, in a typical process metal three will have about a 30% lower capacitance per unit area than metal two [84]. The DEC Alpha chip takes advantage of this fact by routing the high activity clock network primarily in third level metal [36]. It should be noted, however, that the technique is most e ective for global rather than local routing, since connecting to a higher level metal requires more vias, which add area and capacitance to the circuit. Still, the concept of associating high activity signals with low physical capacitance nodes is an important one and appears in many di erent contexts in low-power design. For example, we can combine this notion with the locality theme of Section 2.3 to arrive at a general strategy for low-power placement and routing. The placement and 23 routing problem crops up in many di erent guises in VLSI design. Place and route can be performed on pads, functional blocks, standard cells, gate arrays, etc. Traditional placement involves minimizing area and delay. Minimizing delay, in turn, translates to minimizing the physical capacitance (or length) of wires. In contrast, placement for power concentrates on minimizing the activity-capacitance product rather than the capacitance alone. In summary, high activity wires should be kept short or, in a manner of speaking, local. Tools have been developed that use this basic strategy to achieve about an 18% reduction in power [31, 108]. 2.6 CIRCUIT LEVEL Many circuit techniques can lead to reduced power consumption. In this section, we go beyond the traditional synchronous fully-complementary static CMOS circuit style to consider the relative advantages and disadvantages of other design strategies. This section will consider topics related to low-power circuit design. 2.6.1 Dynamic Logic In static logic, node voltages are always maintained by a conducting path from the node to one of the supply rails. In contrast, dynamic logic nodes go through periods during which there is no path to the rails, and voltages are maintained as charge dynamically stored on nodal capacitances. Figure 2.8 shows an implementation of a complex boolean expression in both static and dynamic logic. In the dynamic case, the clock period is divided into a precharge and an evaluation phase. During precharge, the output is charged to Vdd. Then, during the next clock phase, the NMOS tree evaluates the logic function and discharges the 24 Figure 2.8: Static and Dynamic implementations of F = (A+B)C output node if necessary. Relative to static CMOS, dynamic logic has both advantages and disadvantages in terms of power. Dynamic design styles have reduced device counts, do not experience short-circuit power dissipation, and are guaranteed to have a maximum of one transition per clock cycle unlike static gates which experience glitching, However, each of the precharge transistors in the chip must be driven by a clock signal requiring a dense clock distribution network and its associated capacitance and driving circuitry, which contributes signi cant power consumption to the chip. Also as each gate is in uenced by the clock the issues of skew become important and di cult to handle. 2.6.2 Pass-Transistor Logic As with dynamic logic, pass-transistor logic o ers the possibility of reduced transistor counts. Figure 2.9 illustrates this fact with an equivalent pass-transistor implementation of the static logic function of Figure 2.8. Once again, the reduction in transistors results in 25 Figure 2.9: Complementary pass transistor implementation of F = (A+B)C lower capacitive loading from devices. This might make pass-transistor logic attractive as a low-power circuit style. Like dynamic logic, however, pass-transistor circuits su er from several drawbacks, at the voltages attractive for low-power design; the reduced current drive of pass-transistor logic networks becomes particularly troublesome. Low threshold processes can lessen this problem, but it is at the expense of robustness and static power dissipation. 2.6.3 Asynchronous Logic Asynchronous logic refers to a circuit style employing no global clock signal for syn- chronization. Instead, synchronization is provided by handshaking circuitry used as an interface between gates (see Figure 2.10). While more common at the system level, asyn- chronous logic has failed to gain acceptance at the circuit level. This has been based on area and performance criteria. It is worthwhile to re-evaluate asynchronous circuits in the context of low power. The primary power advantages of asynchronous logic can be clas- si ed as avoiding waste. The clock signal in synchronous logic contains no information; therefore, power associated with the clock driver and distribution network is in some sense 26 Figure 2.10: Asynchronous circuits with handshaking wasted. Avoiding this power consumption component might o er signi cant bene ts. In addition, asynchronous logic uses completion signals, thereby avoiding glitching, another form of wasted power. Finally, with no clock signal and with computation triggered by the presence of new data, asynchronous logic contains a sort of built in power-down mechanism for idle periods At the small granularity with which it is commonly implemented, the overhead of the asynchronous interface circuitry dominates over the power saving attributes of the design style. It should be emphasized, however, that this is mainly a function of the granularity of the handshaking circuitry. It would certainly be worthwhile to consider using asynchronous techniques to eliminate the necessity of distributing a global clock between blocks of larger granularity. 2.6.4 Transistor Sizing Regardless of the circuit style employed, the issue of transistor sizing for low power arises. The primary trade-o involved is between performance and cost - where cost is measured by area and power. Transistors with larger gate widths provide more current drive than smaller transistors. Unfortunately, they also contribute more device capacitance 27 to the circuit and, consequently, result in higher power dissipation. Moreover, larger devices experience more severe short-circuit currents, which should be avoided whenever possible. In addition, if all devices in a circuit are sized up, then the loading capacitance increases in the same proportion as the current drive, resulting in little performance improvement beyond the point of overcoming xed parasitic capacitance components. In this sense, large transistors become self-loading and the bene t of large devices must be re-evaluated. A sensible low-power strategy is to use minimum size devices whenever possible. Along the critical path, however, devices should be sized up to overcome parasitics and meet performance requirements. Care should be taken in this sizing process to avoid the waste of self-loading [24]. By following this approach, Nagendra et al. found that the average power dissipation of a signed-digit adder could be reduced by 36% with a delay penalty of only 0.3% [76]. 2.6.5 Design Style Another decision which can have a large impact on the overall chip power consumption is the selection of a design style, e.g., full custom, gate array, standard cell, etc. Not surpris- ingly, full-custom design o ers the best possibility of minimizing power consumption. In a custom design, all the principles of low-power including locality, regularity, and sizing can be applied optimally to individual circuits. Unfortunately, this is a costly alternative in terms of design time, and can rarely be employed exclusively as a design strategy. Other possible design styles include gate arrays and standard cells. Gate arrays o er one alternative for reducing design cycles at the expense of area, power, and performance. While not o ering the exibility of full-custom design, gate-array CAD tools could nevertheless be altered to 28 place increased emphasis on power. Standard cell synthesis is another commonly employed strategy for reducing design time. Current standard cell libraries and tools, however, o er little hope of achieving low power operation. In many ways, standard cells represent the antithesis of a low-power methodology. First and foremost, standard cells are often severely oversized. Most standard cell libraries were designed for maximum performance and worst- case loading from inter-cell routing. As a result, they experience signi cant self-loading and waste correspondingly signi cant amounts of power. 2.6.6 Dynamic Voltage Scaling The other technique that is considered for power reduction at the circuit level is dy- namic voltage scaling where a component is run at a less-than-maximum voltage in order to conserve power. Dynamic voltage scaling is most commonly used in laptops and other mobile devices, where energy comes from a battery and thus is limited. As explained in Section 2.2.1, the switching power dissipated by a chip decreases quadratically with voltage. A problem with this technique in embedded devices is that batteries have a certain voltage so extra circuitry must be introduced to scale the voltage down from the original value. This circuitry may take a while to settle at the desired voltage, hence adding a time-cost in the s range on reducing the supply voltage. Dynamic frequency scaling is another power conservation technique that works on the same principles as dynamic voltage scaling. Both dynamic voltage scaling and dynamic frequency scaling can be used to prevent computer system overheating, which can result in program or operating system crashes, and possibly hardware damage. The speed at which a digital circuit can switch states - that is, to go 29 from "low" (VDD) to \high" (VSS) or vice versa - is proportional to the voltage di eren- tial in that circuit. Reducing the voltage means that circuits switch slower, reducing the maximum frequency at which that circuit can run. This, in turn, reduces the rate at which program instructions that can be issued, increasing program runtime. 2.6.7 Dual Threshold Voltage It may be expected that dynamic voltage scaling will always reduce dynamic power dissipation in a long period of operating time since when the workload is reduced the supply voltage could also be reduced to save power. However, in deep submicron technologies, we need to begin to take leakage power consumptions into account as well, especially when design with dual threshold voltage cells are becoming widely adopted. A recent report [43] gives a comprehensive analysis of the consequences of applying Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) to dual Vt cell design. A typical design scenario could be as follows. In the initial design, all cells used are low leakage (LL) cells to minimize power consumption. Then we could replace cells along critical paths by high-speed (HS) cells in order to shorten the delay. Thus we get a mixed cells design. And now DVS could be used to further decrease dynamic power dissipation when a larger delay could be tolerated. When applying DVS, we only get power gains if total power consumption in the mixed cell design is less than that in the original single LL cell design. According to the author M. Hans, subthreshold leakage is supply voltage dependent. An example [43] shows that after applying DVS the dynamic power dissipation is indeed decreased. However, the leakage consumption is increased at the same time. This tells us that DVS could have a negative impact on leakage consumption under certain circumstances and thus careful analysis needs to be done before making design 30 choices. The literature [10, 25, 33, 41, 52, 54, 70, 81, 95, 101, 107] gives more information on di erent experiments that has been tried using DVS, Transistor Sizing and Dual Threshold Voltage Techniques. 2.6.8 Dynamic Power Cuto Technique (DPCT) Dynamic Power Cuto Technique (DPCT) is an active leakage power reduction tech- nique. In this technique rst the switching window for each gate, during which a gate makes its transitions, is identi ed by static timing analysis. Then, the circuit is optimally partitioned into di erent groups based on the minimal switching window (MSW) of each gate. Finally, power cut o transistors are inserted into each group to control the power connections of that group. Each group is turned on only long enough for a wavefront of changing signals to propagate through that group. Since each gate is only turned on during a small timing window within each clock cycle, this signi cantly reduces active leakage power. This technique can also save standby leakage and dynamic power. Results on ISCAS?85 benchmark circuits modeled using 70nm Berkeley Predictive Models show up to 90% active leakage, 99% standby leakage, 54% dynamic power, and 72% total power savings [115, 116]. However, this technique being new, its e ect on the noise margin, power grid design and layout is still not known. 2.6.9 Retiming Retiming is a classic logic optimization technique for synchronous circuits. Retiming is the technique of moving the structural location of latches or registers in a digital circuit to improve its performance, area, and/or power characteristics in such a way that preserves 31 its functional behavior at its outputs. When originally introduced [58, 59, 60], its empha- sis was on the application to systolic systems. A subsequent paper [61] fully revisits the concept of retiming and shows how generic synchronous circuits can bene t from it under three main optimality criteria: (1) minimize the circuit clock period by adding/removing storage elements, (2) minimize the circuit area by reducing the number of storage elements, and (3) minimize circuit area under a maximum clock-period constraint. In the last two decades, Retiming has been adopted as a key optimization technique within every major logic synthesis tool both in academia and industry. The other circuit level techniques have been discussed several authors [26, 30, 63, 100]. 2.7 GATE LEVEL As in the case of the circuit level, there are gate-level techniques that can be applied successfully to reduce power consumption. Once again these techniques re ect the themes of trading performance and area for power, avoiding waste, and exploiting locality. In this section we discuss a number of gate-level techniques and give some quantitative indication of their impact on power. In particular, this section presents techniques for technology mapping, glitching and activity reduction, input vector control technique and methods for exploiting concurrency and redundancy in the context of low-power design. 2.7.1 Technology Decomposition and Mapping Technology decomposition and mapping refers to the process of transforming a gate- level boolean description of a logic network into a CMOS circuit. For a given gate-level 32 network there may be many possible circuit-level implementations. For instance, a three- input NAND can be implemented as a single complex CMOS gate or as a cascade of simpler two-input gates. Each mapping may result in di erent signal activities, as well as physical capacitances. For example, complex gates tend to exhibit an overall lower physical capac- itance since more signals are con ned to internal nodes rather than to the more heavily loaded output nodes. The concept of technology mapping for low-power is to rst decom- pose the boolean network such that switching activity is minimized, and then to hide any high activity nodes inside complex CMOS gates. In this way, rapidly switching signals are mapped to the low capacitance internal nodes, thereby reducing power consumption. Mak- ing a gate too complex, however, can slow the circuit, resulting in a trade-o of performance for power. Several technology mapping algorithms for low power have been developed and o er an average power reduction of 12% [102] to 21% [104]. 2.7.2 Activity Postponement While technology mapping attempts to minimize the activity-capacitance product, other gate-level strategies focus on reducing activity alone. For example, an operation as simple as reordering the inputs to a boolean network can in some cases reduce the total network activity (see Figure 2.11) [56]. The basic concept is to postpone introduction of high activity signals as long as possible. In this way, the fewest gates are a ected by the rapidly switching signals. 2.7.3 Glitch Reduction Other gate-level activity reduction techniques focus on avoiding the wasted transitions associated with glitching. Figure 2.12 shows two implementations of the same logic function. 33 Figure 2.11: Input Reordering for activity reduction One implementation employs a balanced tree structure, while the other uses a cascaded gate structure. If we assume equal input arrival times and gate delays, we nd that the cascaded structure undergoes many more transitions than the tree structure before settling at its steady-state value. In particular, the arrival of the inputs may trigger a transition at the output of each of the gates. These output transitions may in turn trigger additional transitions for the gates within their fan-out. This reasoning leads to an upper-bound on glitching that is O(N2), where N is the depth of the logic network. In contrast, the path delays in the tree structure are all balanced, and therefore, each node makes a single transition and no power is wasted. This concept can be extended to derive optimum tree structures for the case of unequal arrival times as well [75]. Some studies have suggested that eliminating glitching in static circuits could reduce power consumption by as much as 15-20% [17]. Techniques for reducing glitch power have been described by several authors [5, 6, 49, 50, 66, 67, 68, 69, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 105, 106]. A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) technique [68] is used to minimize the leakage as well as glitch power consumption of a static CMOS circuit for any speci ed 34 Figure 2.12: Cascaded versus Balanced tree gate structures input to output delay. Using dual-threshold devices the number of high-threshold devices is maximized and a minimum number of delay elements are inserted to reduce the di erential path delays below the inertial delays of incident gates. The key features of this method are that the constraint set size for the MILP model is linear in the circuit size and power- performance trade o is allowed. Experimental results for this technique shows 96%,40% and 70% reductions of leakage power, dynamic power and total power respectively for the benchmark circuit C7552 implemented in the 70nm BPTM CMOS technology. In a CMOS circuit, energy consumption per signal transition at a node with capacitance C is 0.5CV2. Keeping the gate delays, internal to standard cells, xed the authors of [106] determine the values of necessary routing delays to eliminate all glitches by either path delay balancing or inertial ltering. To implement these delays they insert the required amounts of resistances as customized feedthrough cells. In spite of the increased resistance in the circuit, the overall power is reduced because the resistive delays suppress glitches without increasing the 0.5CV2 power per transition, and no increase in the critical path delay is incurred. For the ISCAS ?85 benchmark circuit, c2670, 30% saving has been achieved in average power consumption with 14% increase of the chip area. 35 Table 2.1: Leakage current values for di erent input combinations of a 3-input NAND gate Input State Subthreshold leakage (nA) Gate Leakage (nA) Total Leakage (nA) 000 0.49 6.58 7.07 001 0.81 19.68 21.49 010 0.81 6.79 7.60 011 2.68 34.78 37.46 100 0.81 3.15 3.96 101 2.68 16.8 19.48 110 2.68 1.84 4.52 111 16.85 45.3 62.15 2.7.4 Input Vector Control Much research has been done to model and estimate the nominal leakage current of a circuit. Due to the stacking e ect, the leakage of a circuit depends on its input combina- tions [3]. Table 2.1 shows the leakage components for all input combinations of a 3-input NAND gate. Thus by nding a minimum leakage vector (MLV) and applying it to the circuit, we can guarantee the circuit turns into its low leakage state. Abdollahi et al. [3] have proposed a technique to identify the MLV and discussed several ways to apply the vector to the circuit. They rst construct a Boolean network to compute the total leakage and then they use the SAT solver to nd an input vector that results in the minimum leakage of the whole circuit. However, the e ectiveness of the method does not rely on nding the MLV solely. Due to the limited access to internal nodes, it is very di cult to put the ideal value to every node especially for very complex circuits. Therefore the authors tried two ways to increase controllability of the internal nodes, namely adding multiplexers and modifying gates. Since both methods change the circuit to some extent, new Boolean networks need 36 to be constructed. Although the authors found an e cient way to identify the MLV and gured out ways to increase controllability, we could see that the actual application of input vector control is still limited by the primary inputs. And to put a sleep circuit back to normal will require extra memory elements to store the original states, thus incurring both area and delay penalty. Another controllability increasing method is given by Rahman and Chakrabarti [85]. 2.7.5 Concurrency and Redundancy The nal technique discussed in this section is the use of concurrency and redundancy at the gate level in low-power design. The principal concept is to use concurrency and redundancy to improve performance and then to trade this performance for lower power by reducing the voltage supply. In some sense, path balancing, which was found to be useful for reducing glitching activity, can be thought of as a form of gate-level concurrent processing. Referring to Figure 2.12, the path balanced tree structure is characterized by several logic gates computing in parallel, with the gates in their fan-out combining the results. In contrast, for the linear, cascaded structure computations must take place sequentially since the results from the initial stages are needed to compute the output of the later stages. So by using concurrency, the tree structure achieves a shorter critical path than the cascaded structure - quantitatively, logarithmic as opposed to linear. This reduced critical path can be used to improve performance, or this performance can be traded for power by reducing the operating voltage until the delay of the logarithmic structure matches that of the linear structure.The majority of the techniques employing concurrency or redundancy incur an inherent penalty in area, as well as in physical capacitance and switching activity. At rst 37 glance, a carry-select adder with 50 % more physical capacitance and activity than a ripple- carry adder might not seem low power at all. The key concept is to identify the design paradigm under which you are working: xed voltage or variable voltage. If the voltage is allowed to vary, then it is typically worthwhile to sacri ce increased physical capacitance and activity for the quadratic power improvement o ered by reduced voltage. If, however, the system voltage has been xed, then there is nothing gained by employing a carry-select adder in place of a ripple-carry adder, unless the slower adder does not meet the timing constraints. So in such situation its better to use the least complex adder that meets the performance requirements. This falls under the category of avoiding waste [76]. 2.8 ARCHITECTURE AND SYSTEM LEVELS This chapter has repeatedly suggested that decisions made at a high level (architecture or system) will have a much larger impact on power than those made at a lower level (e.g., gate or circuit). This section provides some evidence to support this claim. In the termi- nology of this thesis, architecture refers to the register-transfer (RT) level of abstraction, where the primitives are blocks such as multipliers, adders, memories, and controllers. This level of abstraction is also referred to as the micro-architecture level. Having de ned the terminology, this section discusses architectural or RT-level techniques for reducing power consumption. 2.8.1 Concurrent Processing Perhaps the most important strategy for reducing power consumption involves employ- ing concurrent processing at the architecture level. This is a direct trade-o of area and 38 Figure 2.13: Voltage Scaling and Parallelism for low power performance for power. In other words, the designer applies some well-known technique for improving performance such as parallelism or pipelining, and then swaps this higher performance for lower power by reducing the supply voltage. PARALLELISM As a quantitative example, consider the use of parallelism to perform some complex operation, A (see Figure 2.13(a)). The registers supplying operands and storing results for A are clocked at a frequency f. Further assume that algorithmic and data dependency constraints do not prevent concurrency in the calculations performed by A. When the computation of A is parallelized, Figure 2.13(b) results. The hardware comprising block A has been duplicated N times, resulting in N identical processors. Since there are now N processors, a throughput equal to that of sequential processor, A, can be maintained with a clocking frequency N times lower than that of A. That is, although each block will produce a result only 1=Nth as frequently as processor A, there are N such processors producing results. Consequently, identical throughput is maintained. 39 The key to this architecture?s utility as a power saving con guration lies in this factor of N reduction in clocking frequency. In particular, with a clocking frequency of f=N, each individual processor can run N times slower. Since to the rst order, delays vary roughly linearly with voltage supply, this corresponds to a possible factor of N reduction in supply voltage. Examining the power consumption relative to the single processor con guration, we see that capacitances have increased by a factor of N (due to hardware duplication), while frequency and supply voltage have been reduced by the same factor. Thus, since P = CV2f, power consumption is reduced by the square of the concurrency factor, N: N way Concurrency : P /1=(N)2 (2.18) Hardware parallelism also has its disadvantages. For instance, complete hardware duplication entails a severe area penalty. In addition, there is hardware and interconnect overhead related to signal distribution at the processor inputs and signal merging at the outputs. These contribute to increased power consumption and tend to limit the utility of excessive parallelism. Also, the area requirements of full parallelism can be a limiting factor. Still, other forms of concurrent processing o er some of the power savings of parallelism at reduced cost. PIPELINING Pipelining is another form of concurrent computation that can be exploited for power reduction. An example of pipelining for low power is shown in Figure 2.14(b). In this situation, rather than duplicating hardware, concurrency is achieved by inserting pipeline registers, resulting in an N-stage pipelined version of processor A (assuming processor A can be pipelined to this extent). In this implementation, maintaining throughput requires 40 Figure 2.14: Voltage Scaling and Pipelining for low power that we sustain clocking frequency, f. Ignoring the overhead of the pipeline registers, the capacitance, C, also remains constant. The advantage of this con guration is derived from the greatly reduced computational requirements between pipeline registers. Rather than performing the entire computation, A, within one clock cycle, only 1=Nth of A need be cal- culated per clock cycle. This allows a factor N reduction in supply voltage and,considering the constant C and f terms, the dynamic power consumption is reduced by N2. Thus, for both concurrency techniques - pipelining and parallelism - consumption is reduced by N, resulting in a rst-order quadratic reduction in power consumption. As with parallelism, pipelining incurs some overhead, though not nearly as much. In a pipelined processor, for example, the pipeline registers represent an overhead in both power and area. First, each register must be clocked, adding to the capacitive loading of the clock network. As the pipeline depth increases, the area and capacitance associated with the pipeline registers approaches that of the actual processor stages. At that point, further pipelining becomes unattractive. Still, the overhead associated with pipelining is typically 41 much less than that of parallelism, making it a useful form of concurrent processing for power minimization. A lot of other techniques have been combined with pipelining to reduce power in processors. Software constitutes a very important part of the system these days and a large portion of the functionality of the systems is in the form of instructions as opposed to gates so analyzing power consumption from the point of view of instructions is equally important. Pipelined processors frequently insert NOP instructions into the pipe for generating delay or resolving dependency. NOP instruction is a No-Operation Instruction. It consumes only 1 clock cycle compared to other instructions and consumes the minimum power but the NOP energy signi cantly varies depending upon its position in the program. [77] presents an approach for power virus generation using behavioral models for digital circuits. The technique presented converts the given behavioral model automatically to an integer (word-level) constraint model and employs an integer constraint solver to generate the required power virus vectors. Experiment results on the DLX processor showed two power virus sequences that consumed maximum power and the NOPs were predominant in these sequences which show that NOP energy signi cantly varies depending upon its position in the program as well as the instructions preceding and succeeding it. P. Kamran et al. [65] describe a technique to optimize dynamic power consumption by eliminating useless transitions that are generated by the pipeline when a stall happens. For the NOP instruction to generate as few transitions as possible, the data part of the instruction is kept as the preceding instruction and in this way as a NOP instruction passes through a pipe, relative to the previous cycle, the same operations are performed on the 42 same data in all stages of the pipeline, therefore only a small number of transitions is generated as a result of the NOP insertion and propagation. By this technique the authors demonstrate up to 10% reduction in power consumption for some benchmarks at a cost of negligible performance and area overhead (below 0.1%). 2.8.2 Power Management Any power consumed by a system that does not lead to useful results is wasted. For previous generations of chips, where power was not a major concern, this source of waste was typically ignored. Strategies for avoiding wasted power in systems are often called power management strategies. Some power management techniques available to designers include selective power down, sleep mode, and adaptive clocking/voltage schemes. Selective power down refers to deactivating processing modules that are not doing any useful work. A selective power down strategy requires additional logic to monitor the activity of the various modules within a system. Control lines signaling idle periods are then used to gate the clocks to the various system modules. As a result, idle modules are not clocked and no power is wasted. Some care must be taken in applying this strategy to dynamic circuits, for which clocking is used to maintain information stored on dynamic nodes. Two of the other methods that could be considered instead of complete power down are as follows: CLOCK GATING: Instead of switching o the power supply, the clock signal may be halted in idle devices. This reduces switching activity and therefore dynamic power consumption to zero. Inserting clock gates is not as great of an interference to the design as power supply shutdown and is applicable for applications where power shut down is no alternative. Clock gating won?t 43 lessen power dissipation to zero since leakage power is una ected. The designer has to take into account that the gate increases clock skew and makes testing more complicated. Lastly, it should be seen that glitches on the switch?s control signal is prevented. For example, a glitch could cause a temporarily false clock turn o /on, which might add an extra rising edge to the clock signal behind the gate and as a result the behavior of the circuit is not preserved. ENABLED FLIP-FLOPS: As clock gating can be seen as a softer alternative to power supply shut down, enabled ip- ops are the next less aggressive (and less e ective) strategy. Registers are replaced by a representative with an enable signal. By enabling these representatives, they behave like general registers. Disabled, the ip- ops? outputs are not changing, which reduces switching activity in the circuit. The most active signal, the clock, is still active though, ensuing a great deal of power dissipation. It can be said that power management based on enabled ip- ops can be bene cial, but an implementation based on gated-clocks is fundamentally superior. LOW-POWER MODES: Sleep mode is an extension of the selective power-down strategy. Here, the activity of the entire system is monitored rather than that of the individual modules. If the system has been idle for some predetermined time-out duration, then the entire system is shut down and enters what is known as sleep mode. During sleep mode the system inputs are monitored for activity, which will then trigger the system to wake up and resume processing. Since there is some overhead in time and power associated with entering and leaving sleep 44 mode, there are some trade-o s to be made in setting the length of the desired time-out period. To reduce leakage power drowsy mode is another option under power-down strategy. When in drowsy mode, the information in the cache line is preserved; however, the line must be reinstated to a high-power mode before its contents can be accessed. A recent paper [40] shows that with simple architectural techniques, about 80%-90% of the cache lines can be maintained in a drowsy state without a ecting performance by more than 1%. At ISSCC?94, Intel, MIPS Technologies, and IBM all reported microprocessors that include selective power down and sleep-mode capabilities [14, 83, 94, 114]. IBM estimated that selective clocking saved 12-30 % in the power consumption of their 80MHz super- scalar PowerPC architecture [83]. In addition, Intel estimated that the combination of both techniques resulted in an overall 2x reduction in average power when running typical applications on their design [94]. Another power management strategy involves adapting clocking frequency and/or sup- ply voltage to meet system performance requirements. Since the performance requirements of a system typically vary over time as the task it is performing changes, it is wasteful to run the system at maximum performance, even when a minimum of compute power is required. Adapting the clocking frequency or supply voltage of the system to reduce per- formance (and power) during these periods can result in substantial power savings. Since it is di cult to directly measure how much performance is actually required at a given point in time, some indirect performance feedback scheme must be devised. This can be in the form of clock slow-down instruction issued by the software application. MIPS Technologies 45 takes this approach in their 64b RISC processor, achieving a 4x reduction in power through reduced clock frequency [114]. To summarize, without careful management, large amounts of system power can be wasted by continuing computations during idle periods. A power-conscious system will avoid this source of waste either by powering down inactive modules or processors or by adapting the processing power of the system to meet, rather than exceed, the current requirements. Many other and similar power saving techniques at the architectural level have been discussed by several authors [19, 32, 37, 47, 48, 57, 62, 71, 72, 73, 79, 91, 92, 96, 97, 99, 113]. 2.8.3 Memory Partitioning Farrahi et al. [39] propose a memory partitioning (also called segmentation) scheme that reduces power by exposing idleness in memory access. The functionality of memory is to store data when it is written and return it when read. Farrahi suggests to view memory not as a monolithic resource but as a collection of independent memory segments. Each segment has its own clock and refresh signals. Whenever a memory segment is idle, it can be put in a sleep mode where the clock is halted or no refreshes are transmitted. Memory is idle, when no useful information is stored in it. It should be kept in mind that memory is not idle, when it is not accessed. It might store vital information which would be lost when the memory is turned o . It might store unimportant information though. A lifetime can be assigned to each variable in a memory element. It de nes a time interval which starts when a variable is written, and ends when the variable is last read. A segment is called idle, when it contains no live variables. The partitioning technique attempts to store 46 variables which have overlapping lifetimes in the same segment. Due to this approach, idle time of memory segments is increased and power dissipation is reduced. As with processing hardware, a distributed array of small local memories is often more power e cient than a shared, global memory subsystem. In particular, the energy consumed in accessing a memory is approximately proportional to the number of words stored in that memory. If this number can be reduced by partitioning the memory, then the total power associated with memory accesses will also be reduced. For example, assume 10 independent processors need to access one piece of data each. A single, shared memory will need to contain 10 words and each access will take 10 energy units for a total of 100 units of energy. On the other hand, if each processor utilizes a local memory containing the one piece of data it requires, then each of the 10 accesses will consume only one unit of energy for a total of 10 units - a factor of 10 savings in power. This example, though idealized, suggests the advantage of local or distributed memory structures over global or shared memories. 2.8.4 Programmability The previous section suggested that distributed processors, which can be optimized for speci c tasks, might consume less power than general-purpose, programmable proces- sors that must execute many di erent tasks. This observation was made in the context of distributed versus centralized processing; however, it brings up the important issue of programmable versus dedicated hardware. As an example, consider the implementation of a linear, time-invariant lter. Such lters involve multiplication of variables by constants. All required constant multiplications could be implemented on a single array multiplier. This is a programmable scenario since the multiplier can be programmed to execute any of 47 the di erent constant multiplications on the same hardware. Alternatively, we can consider implementing each of the constant multiplications on dedicated hardware. In this case, since the multipliers each need to perform multiplication by a single, xed coe cient, the array multipliers can be reduced to add-shift operations with an adder required only for the 1 bits in the coe cient and the shifting implemented by routing. For coe cients with relatively few 1?s, this dedicated implementation can result in a greatly reduced power consumption, since the waste and overhead associated with the programmable array multiplier is avoided. This approach was taken by Chandrakasan for the implementation of a video color space converter for translating YIQ images to RGB [29]. The algorithm consists of a 3 3 constant matrix multiplication (i.e., nine multiplications by constant coe cients). Chandrakasan not only replaced the array multipliers with dedicated add-shift hardware, but also scaled the coe cients to minimize the number of 1 bits in the algorithm. The resulting chip consumed only 1.5 mW at 1.1V. As this example demonstrates, avoiding excessive or unnecessary programmability in hardware implementations can lead to signi cant reductions in power. Programmability does, however, o er some advantages. For instance, dedicated hardware typically imposes some area penalty. In the above case, the nine multiplications would each require their own unique hardware blocks. In contrast, in a programmable implementation a single array multiplier could be used to perform all nine multiplications. Another advantage of programmable hardware is that it simpli es the process of making design revisions and extensions. The behavior of a programmable component can be altered merely by changing the instructions issued by the software driving the device. A version of the chip relying primarily on dedicated hardware, however, might require extensive redesign e orts. 48 2.8.5 Data Representation Another architectural decision that can impact power consumption is the choice of data representation. In making this decision, the designer typically has several di erent alternatives from which to choose, e.g., xed-point vs. oating-point, sign-magnitude vs. two?s-complement, and uncoded vs. encoded data. Each of these decisions involves a trade- o in accuracy, ease of design, performance, and power. This section discusses some of the issues involved in selecting a data representation for low power. The most obvious trade- o involves deciding upon a xed- or oating-point representation. Fixed-point o ers the minimum hardware requirements and, therefore, exhibits the lowest power consumption of the two. Unfortunately, it also su ers the most from dynamic range limitations and must be incorporated into the processor micro-code, which results in some runtime over- head. Floating-point, in contrast, alleviates the dynamic range di culties at the expense of extensive hardware additions. This increased hardware leads to correspondingly higher capacitances and power consumption. As a result, oating-point should be selected only when absolutely required by dynamic range considerations. Decisions involving selection of the word length for the datapath and the accuracy of the oating point should be taken after a careful analysis of the requirements of an application, rather than the desired for an e cient low-power implementation. Aside from issues of accuracy and word length, the designer must also select an arithmetic representation for the data. For example, two?s- complement, sign-magnitude, and canonical signed-digit are all possible arithmetic repre- sentations for data. Two?s-complement is the most amenable to arithmetic computation and, therefore, is the most widely used. In this representation, the least signi cant bits (LSB?s) are data bits, while the most signi cant bits (MSB?s) are sign bits. As a result, the 49 MSB?s contain redundant information, which can lead to wasted activity (and power) for data signals that experience a large number of sign transitions. In contrast, sign-magnitude data uses a single bit to describe the sign of the data and so sign transitions cause toggling in only one bit of the data [27]. A related issue is that of data encoding. Logarithmic companding can be used instead of oating-point to achieve similar results. Unfortunately, as with sign-magnitude, many computations (such as additions) don?t have straightforward implementations in the logarithmic domain; however, some computations actually become simpler and less power consuming in this domain, e.g., multiplications translate to additions. Applications requiring a large number of multiplications can take advantage of this fact by using logarithmically encoded data. Clearly, there are many trade-o s involved in selecting a data representation for low-power systems. It is unlikely that any one choice would be ideally suited for all applications. Instead, a careful analysis of the application requirements in terms of performance and accuracy should be done before selecting the appropriate repre- sentation. Moreover, it might be bene cial to use di erent data representations in di erent parts of the systems at the expense of some data conversion overhead. 2.9 ALGORITHM LEVEL Algorithmic-level power reduction techniques focus on minimizing the number of op- erations, weighted by the cost of those operations. Selection of an algorithm is generally based on details of an underlying implementation such as the energy cost of an addition versus a logical operation, the cost of a memory access, and whether locality of reference, both spatial and temporal can be maximized. The presence and structure of cache mem- ory, for example, may cause a di erent set of operations to be selected, since the cost of a 50 memory access, relative to that of an arithmetic operation, changes. In general, reducing the number of operations to be performed is a rst-order goal, although in some situations, recomputation of an intermediate result may be cheaper than spilling to and reloading from memory. Techniques used by optimizing compilers, such as strength reduction, common subexpression elimination, and optimizations to minimize memory tra c are also useful in most circumstances in reducing power. Loop unrolling may also be of bene t, as it results in minimized loop overhead as well as the potential for intermediate result reuse. Number representations o er another area for algorithmic power trade-o s. For example, the choice of using a xed point or a oating-point representation for data types can have a signi cant di erence in power consumption during arithmetic operations. Selection of sign-magnitude versus two?s complement representation for certain signal processing applications can result in signi cant power reduction if the input samples are uncorrelated and dynamic range is minimized [28]. Operator precision, or bit length, is another trade o that can be selected to minimize power at the expense of accuracy. For some oating point algorithms, full precision can be avoided, and mantissa and exponent width reduced below the standard 23 and 8 bits, respectively, for single precision IEEE oating point standard. In [103], the authors show that for an interesting set of applications involving speech recognition, pattern classi cation, and image processing, mantissa bit width may be reduced by more than 50% to 11 bits with no corresponding loss of accuracy. In addition to improved circuit delays, energy consumption of the oating point multiplier was reduced 20% - 70% for mantissa reductions to 16 and 8 bits, respectively. Truncation of low-order bits of partial sum terms when performing a 16-bit xed-point multiplication has been shown to result in power sav- ings of 30% due mainly to reduction in area [93]. Adaptive bit truncation techniques for 51 performing motion estimation in a portable video encoder are shown to save 70% of the power over a full bit width implementation [45]. 2.10 SUMMARY In previous sections we discussed the mechanisms of power dissipation. We discussed various existing techniques of power reduction at di erent abstraction levels ranging from layout and technology to architecture and system and outlined the bene ts and limitations of those techniques. 52 Chapter 3 Hardware - Software Technique using Pipeline stalls to reduce leakage power In the previous chapter we discussed the mechanisms of power dissipation and various techniques used at di erent abstraction levels to reduce power. In this chapter we describe a new Architecture and System level technique to reduce leakage power. 3.1 Hardware-Software Technique We already discussed the impact of the technology scaling on power dissipation in Chapter 1. In particular, due to the scaling down of the threshold voltage, an exponential growth in subthreshold leakage current is expected with every cranking of the technology wheel [21]. Similarly, scaling down of the gate geometry (and in particular, oxide thickness) is resulting in a very rapid growth of the gate leakage current [42]. Without corrective measures at the device, circuit and/or microarchitecture level, the total standby (leakage) power may well become the dominant part of the total power consumed by a microprocessor chip in the future technologies. To solve this problem of increasing leakage power consumption in the high-leakage technologies we have proposed a hardware-software technique to reduce leakage power of microprocessors at the architecture level. We present a simulated experiment to evaluate this technique for a pipelined processor. A simple and obvious way to reduce power consumption is to decrease the clock fre- quency f. Decreasing f causes a proportional decrease in the dynamic power dissipation. 53 The power consumption over a given period of time is reduced but slowing the clock also results in slower computations, hence the rate of useful work done is reduced and the system then operates for a longer period of time to execute the given task. Two of the limiting con- straints of the clock frequency reduction technique are throughput and peak-performance. So for the peak-performance constrained and throughput constrained systems, clock fre- quency reduction is not a viable alternative for power optimization. As the clock frequency is reduced, the amount of work done in a given period of time is reduced and this leads to reduction in the dynamic power but the leakage power remains unchanged. So, for the future technologies where leakage power is of concern this will lead to very high leakage energy dissipation. In order to reduce this leakage power dissipation, instead of reducing the clock frequency of the processor we reduce the execution rate of the processor by inserting NOPs in the pipeline after every instruction. According to the performance needed we can add as many NOPs after each instruction as is possible. This does a ect the throughput of the processor and so can be applied to processors when they are not throughput constrained. This technique is more e cient in the case where the programs executed on the normal processor have lots of hazards. Such programs will take longer time to execute in the normal processor and will need to add bubbles in the pipeline to remove the hazards, but in the case where the NOPs are added after every instruction, many hazards will get resolved and the execution time will be less compared to the normal processor. Once a NOP is inserted in the pipeline the control unit decodes the NOP instruction and generates power signals for the hardware components of the processor that consume most power and puts them into sleep mode. In the sleep mode the power supply is either 54 completely or partially cut o . The power signals thus allow signi cant saving of power during the cycles when NOPs are being executed. Power-gating is a technique for reducing leakage power by shutting o the idle blocks. Implementation of power-gating requires a multi-threshold CMOS process. Logic blocks are implemented using low-Vt, high-performance transistors whereas high-Vt transistors (called sleep transistors) connect the gated blocks to the power supply [78]. Microarchitectural technique for power gating of the Execution Units is explained in [51]. In that paper, parameterized analytical equations that estimate the break-even point for application of power-gating techniques are rst developed. The potential for power gated execution units is then evaluated, for the range of relevant break-even points determined by the analytical equations, using a state-of-the-art out-of-order superscalar processor model. The power gating potential of the oating-point and xed-point units of this processor is then evaluated using three di erent strategies to detect opportunities for entering sleep mode, namely, ideal, time-based, and branch-misprediction-guided. In the ideal technique, power gating is achieved by using a suitably sized header (Fig. 3.1) or footer transistor for a circuit block that is deemed to be a power-gating candidate. When the logic detects the onset of a su ciently long idle period of a target circuit block, a "sleep" signal is applied to the gate of the header or footer transistor to turn-o the supply voltage of the circuit block. Similarly, once it is determined that the circuit block is being requested for use, the "sleep" signal is de-asserted to restore the voltage at the virtual Vdd. In the time-based technique, the execution unit is power-gated after observing prede- termined number of idle cycles and restarting the execution unit with a performance penalty once a pending operation is detected. 55 Figure 3.1: Using Headers for Power Gating The other technique given by the author [78], the branch prediction mechanism guides the gating of execution units. An execution unit is turned o as soon as the branch mis- prediction is detected. The results show that using the time-based approach, oating-point units can be put to sleep for up to 28% of the execution cycles at a performance loss of 2%. For the more di cult to power-gate xed-point units, the branch misprediction guided technique allows the xed-point units to be put to sleep for up to an additional 40% of the execution cycles compared to the simpler time-based technique, with similar performance impact. For the caches, the preservation of cache states during standby mode is often desirable, which means it would be good if data stored in caches were not destroyed so that we won?t need to access secondary memories on recovery. The other thing is that memory access time should not be greatly degraded, which means recovery time should be as small as possible, otherwise it will severely compromise the system performance. Two most widely cited methods are decay cache and drowsy cache [64]. Decay cache utilizes the gated-Vdd technique. This technique reduces the leakage power by using a high threshold (high-Vt) transistor to turn o the power to the memory cell when 56 Figure 3.2: Supply Voltage Control Mechanism the cell is set to low-power mode. This high-Vt device drastically reduces the leakage of the circuit because of the exponential dependence of leakage on Vt. While this method is very e ective at reducing leakage, its main disadvantage lies in that it loses any information stored in the cell when switched into low-leakage mode. This means that a signi cant performance penalty is incurred when data in the cell is accessed and more complex and conservative cache policies must be employed. This technique reduces energy-delay by 62% with minimal impact on performance. Drowsy cache, as described by Kim et al. [55], provides a better solution. It also uses transistors to separate virtual Vdd from Vdd supply line but still supplies a very low voltage to the cell when it is turned into low power mode. The cell implementation is shown in Figure 3.2. According to the authors [55], the wake up latency is only a few clock cycles and thus does not have a major impact on the system performance. For data caches, all cache lines except the active one are put into drowsy mode every n clock cycles. The integer n depicts 57 the window size of how often should the cache be put into drowsy mode and they found 4000 is an adequate number for the benchmark they run on. Since programs typically only access a small portion of the entire data in the memory, the drowsy cache method could gain a signi cant reduction in leakage power consumption in the long run. By this method 80%-90% of the data cache lines can be maintained in a drowsy state without a ecting the performance by more than 0.6%, even though moving lines into and out of a drowsy state incurs a slight performance loss. For instruction caches, the situation is slightly di erent due to the instruction access characteristics. Therefore putting all cache lines into drowsy mode every n cycles does not work well for instruction caches. However, the spatial locality property can still be utilized. Kim et al. [55] proposed a low leakage instruction cache architecture based on the subbank method. The basic idea of subbank is to divide the cache into several subbanks and turn those inactive subbanks into low power mode. The proposed architecture extends the subbank method and adds Next Subbank Prediction Techniques to it. A prediction bu er keeps track of predicted subbank index and other information for the instruction fetched one cycle earlier. Thus if the instruction (e.g., a jump instruction) is going to access a subbank in drowsy mode, that subbank could be woken up one cycle earlier to enhance the performance. There are also other techniques for instruction caches such as the one described by Kalla et al. [53]. The authors perceived that programs, especially multimedia applications, tend to spend most of their time in loops and execute only a sequence of instructions for most of their computations. Based on this observation, they propose a novel cache replacement policy for instruction caches, which forces instructions in a loop to be placed in the same subbank and are not the rst candidates to be replaced into secondary 58 memories when misses occur. In such a way, only one subbank will stay active and other subbanks can stay in the drowsy mode most of the time. Power-aware compilation for register le energy reduction has been discussed in a recent paper [11]. Power-gating techniques as mentioned above can be applied to the di erent components of the processor which are not in use when the NOP instruction is inserted into the pipeline of the processor. Power gating techniques are discussed by other authors as well [4, 34]. 3.2 Conclusion A software approach of inserting NOPs after every instruction, combined with a hard- ware approach of power-gating the processor components that are not in use when the NOP is executed, is explained in this chapter to gain the leakage power savings. Because clock period is not changed for the non-NOP instructions, we have not assumed any reduction in the supply voltage, which would have slowed down the hardware. However, there has been reported work on speculative hardware speed reduction for power saving [38]. Here, voltage reduction may cause some errors, which are detected and the instructions are reexecuted. As long as the error rate is small, one can obtain power saving with negligible performance penalty. Using such procedures with the NOP insertion may be investigated in the future. 59 Chapter 4 Theoretical and Experiment Results In the previous chapter, a hardware-software technique for reducing the leakage power was explained. The theoretical results as well as practical results are discussed in this chapter. The technique was applied to a 32-bit MIPS pipelined processor using CMOS circuitry. We assumed the Berkeley Predictive Technology Models for 65nm and 22nm CMOS technologies [2]. Though this demonstration uses one particular processor, the technique can be applied to other processors as well. 4.1 THEORETICAL RESULTS 4.1.1 Clock Slow-Down Method As we discussed in the previous chapter we are using the clock frequency reduction method as our reference method. To reduce power when we slow down the clock, dynamic power is reduced in proportion to clock rate whereas leakage power remains unchanged. However, the computing task now takes longer to complete. This results in the same dynamic energy consumption whereas the leakage energy consumed is more. For normal operation, we assume: Rated clock frequency as: f Dynamic power as: Pd Static power as: Ps 60 Then, Total power consumedP(1) = Dynamic power +Static power = Pd+Ps (4.1) and, Energy consumedby anN cycletaskE(N;1) = Power Time = (Pd+Ps)N=f (4.2) For power saving mode where the clock frequency is reduced by factor n: Clock frequency = f=n Dynamic Power = Pd=n, as dynamic power is reduced in proportion to clock rate Static Power = Ps, as static power remains unchanged Therefore, in this case, Total power consumedP(n) = Pd=n+Ps (4.3) and, Energy consumed by an N cycle taskE(N;n) = (Pd+nPs)N=f (4.4) Using equations 4.1 and 4.3, the power saving ratio is obtained as follows: P ratio = P(1)=P(n) (4.5) P ratio = n(Pd+Ps)=(Pd+nPs) (4.6) P ratio = n(k + 1)=(k +n) where k = Pd=Ps (4.7) 61 For low leakage technologies where static power consumption is negligible compared to dynamic power consumption, k >> 1. In this case, P ratio = n (4.8) For high leakage technologies where static power consumption is higher and of concern, assuming k 2, power ratio we obtain for di erent values of k is as follows: P ratio = 3n=(n+ 2) for k = 2 (4.9) where k = 2 means dynamic power consumed is double the static power consumption. Further, P ratio = 2n=(n+ 1) for k = 1 (4.10) where k = 1 means dynamic power consumed is equal to the static power consumption. Also, P ratio = 3n=(2n+ 1) for k = 0:5 (4.11) where k = 0:5 means dynamic power consumed is half of the static power consumption. These results are plotted in the graph shown in Figure 4.1. From Figure 4.1, we observe that for low-leakage technologies, the power saving ob- tained is linear with the clock slow-down factor n but as the static power increases in proportion to the dynamic power, as is the case for the future high-leakage technologies, the power savings obtained by this method shall reduce. 62 Figure 4.1: Power Saving Ratio for Clock Slow-Down Method Similarly, calculating energy saving ratio from equations 4.2 and 4.4 we get: E ratio = E(N;1)=E(N;n) (4.12) E ratio = (Pd+Ps)=(Pd+nPs) = n P ratio (4.13) E ratio = (k + 1)=(k +n) where k = Pd=Ps (4.14) For low leakage technologies where static power consumption is negligible compared to dynamic power consumption, k>> 1. In this case, E ratio = 1 = constant (4.15) 63 Figure 4.2: Energy Saving Ratio for Clock Slow-Down Method For high leakage technologies where static power consumption is higher and of concern, assuming k 2, energy ratio we obtain for di erent cases of k is as follows: E ratio = 3=(n+ 2) for k = 2 (4.16) where k = 2 means dynamic power consumed is double the static power consumption. Further, E ratio = 2=(n+ 1) for k = 1 (4.17) where k = 1 means dynamic power consumed is equal to the static power consumption. Also, E ratio = 3=(2n+ 1) for k = 0:5 (4.18) where k = 0:5 means dynamic power consumed is half of the static power consumption. These results are plotted in the graph shown in Figure 4.2. 64 From Figure 4.2, we observe that for low-leakage technologies, there is no increase in energy and hence the energy saving obtained is constant but as the static power increases in comparison to the dynamic power, as for the future high-leakage technologies, the energy consumption will go on increasing. 4.1.2 Instruction Slow-Down Method To di erentiate from the clock slow-down methodology, we will call the NOP insertion as the instruction slow-down method. In this new energy saving method the rated clock frequency (f) is maintained. Power management hardware inserts nops after each instruc- tion. Let this instruction slowdown factor be m, where m = 0 for normal operation. Once the nops are inserted the management unit provides hardware sleep modes to reduce NOP power. Power control signals are generated by control logic for each individual unit of the processor to set them into their individual low-power modes as discussed in Chapter 3. To analyze this technique, let P = power consumed by instruction cycles, P=f = energy consumed per instruction cycle, P=f = energy consumed per NOP cycle, where = reduction factor (0 1) due to power down/sleep modes. Hence, for this new technique, for a given time period as illustrated in Figure 4.3, we get Power = P(1 +m )=(m+ 1) (4.19) For the normal operation mode in the new instruction slow-down method we have, Rated clock frequency, f and m = 0 (as no NOP is inserted) 65 Figure 4.3: Distribution of Instruction Energy and NOP Energy for a given time period Assuming, Dynamic power: Pd Static power: Ps Total power consumed = Pd+Ps (4.20) and, Energy consumed by N cycle task = (Pd+Ps)N=f (4.21) For the power saving mode where the rated clock frequency f is maintained, using equation 4.19, we get Dynamic Power = Pd(1 +m )=(m+ 1) (4.22) Static Power = Ps(1 +m )=(m+ 1) (4.23) Hence, Total powerP(m) = (Pd+Ps)(1 +m )=(m+ 1) (4.24) However, now a given N-cycle task will take longer to complete as NOPs are inserted after each instruction. The energy consumed by the N-cycle task is given by, E(N;m) = (Pd+Ps)[(1 +m )=(m+ 1)]N(m+ 1)=f = (Pd+Ps)(1 +m )N=f (4.25) 66 Figure 4.4: Power Saving Ratio for Instruction Slow-Down Method From equations 4.20 and 4.24 the power saving ratio for the instruction slow-down method can be obtained as: P ratio = P(0)=P(m) (4.26) P ratio = (m+ 1)=(1 +m ) (4.27) The plot of the P ratio as obtained from equation 4.27 is shown in Figure 4.4. For the case = 1, where the NOP cycle consumes the same power as the instruction cycle we see no power saving and this method is not e ective. When the NOP cycle consumes less power compared to an instruction cycle, we observe power savings. For the case where = 0, which is the ideal case where NOP cycle consumes no power at all, we observe the power saving linear with the instruction slow-down factor m. Next, from equations 4.21 and 4.25, we get the energy saving ratio as follows: E ratio = E(N;0)=E(N;m) (4.28) 67 Figure 4.5: Energy Saving Ratio for Instruction Slow-Down Method E ratio = 1=(1 +m ) (4.29) A plot of the E ratio, obtained by equation 4.29, is shown in Figure 4.5. For the case = 1, where the NOP cycle consumes the same power as the instruction cycle we see the energy consumed increases linearly with the instruction slow-down factor m. However, when the NOP cycle consumes less power compared to instruction cycle we observe that the energy consumption decreases. For = 0, which is the ideal case where NOP cycle consumes no power at all, we observe that there is no increase in energy. Hence, for the ideal case, where NOP cycle consumes no power, there is no increase in the energy whereas the power saving is linear to the instruction slow-down factor m. 4.1.3 Comparison of Clock Slow-Down and Instruction Slow-Down Methods From equations 4.4 and 4.25, we compute the energy ratio comparing the two methods as follows: 68 Figure 4.6: Clock Slowdown Method Vs. Instruction Slowdown Method for = 1 (No Sleep Mode) Energy (Clockslowdown)=Energy (Instructionslowdown) = (k+m+1)=[(k+1)(1+m )] (4.30) where, n = m + 1 and k = Pd=Ps. This ratio can be plotted for di erent values of as shown in Figures 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8. From Figure 4.6 we observe that for = 1, when there is no sleep mode applied and the NOP cycle consumes the same power as instruction cycle, the new instruction slow-down technique is not too e cient for high-leakage technologies and it provides no bene t for the low-leakage technologies. Instruction slow-down shows advantage for k = Pd=Ps = 0:5, i.e., when static power is twice that of dynamic power, but that is only because of the ine ciency of the clock slow-down method. 69 Figure 4.7: Clock Slowdown Method Vs. Instruction Slowdown Method for = 0.5 (Sleep Mode) For = 0:5, where NOP cycle consumes 50% less power than the instruction cycle, in Figure 4.7 we observe a break-even point for the case where k = Pd=Ps = 1. That is, for a technology where dynamic power is equal to the static power, the instruction slow-down technique shows the same energy consumption as the clock slow-down technique. For this case too the instruction slow-down technique provides no signi cant bene t for low-leakage technologies. For = 0.1, where NOP cycle consumes 90% less power than the instruction cycle, in Figure 4.8 we observe signi cant advantage from instruction slow-down except when leakage is very small (k = Pd=Ps>> 1). Hence, the instruction slow-down technique is more e cient for high-leakage technolo- gies than the clock-slow down technique for the case where NOP cycle consumes 50% or less power than the normal instruction cycle. 70 Figure 4.8: Clock Slowdown Method Vs. Instruction Slowdown Method for = 0.1 (Sleep Mode) The new technique was applied to a 32-bit MIPS processor [8, 9]. The architecture of the processor is discussed in next section. 4.2 MIPS PROCESSOR The MIPS architecture [46, 80] is a widely supported processor architecture, with a vast infrastructure of industry-standard tools, software and services that help ensure rapid, reliable and cost-e ective system-on-chip (SoC) design. The MIPS processor, designed in 1984 by researchers at Stanford University, uses a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Com- puter) instruction set. Compared with their CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) counterparts (such as the Intel?s Pentium processors), RISC processors typically support fewer and much simpler instructions. 71 Table 4.1: MIPS Instruction Formats Format Bits 31-26 Bits 25-21 Bits 20-16 Bits 15-11 Bits 10-6 Bits 5-0 R op rs rt rd shamt funct I op rs rt imm J address 4.2.1 MIPS Instruction Formats The meanings of the elds in MIPS instructions presented in Table 4.1 are as follows: op : opcode. basic operation of the instruction. rs : the rst register source operand. rt : the second register source operand. rd : the register distination operand. It gets the result of the operation. shamt : shift amount. funct : function. This eld selects the speci c variant of the operation in the op eld. A compromise choice made by the MIPS designers is to keep all instructions the same length, thereby requiring di erent kinds of instruction formats for di erent kinds of in- structions. The format above is called R-type (for register), I-type (for immediate), and J-type(for jump). For the particular processor used for the experiment the supported instructions are load word (LW), store word (SW), add (ADD), subtract (SUB), branch on equal (BEQ), jump (J), and no operation (NOP). LW and SW use the immediate-format (I-format); the operands are the destination/source register address, the register address storing the base memory address, and an immediate value for the data memory address o set. BEQ also follows the I-format such that it takes two register addresses to test for equality and an 72 Table 4.2: Format and the meaning of the supported Instructions Name 6 Bit 5 Bit 5 Bit 5 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit Assembly Meaning lw 35 2 1 100 lw$1, 100($2) $1 <= DMem[$2+100] sw 43 2 1 100 sw$1, 100($2) DMem[$2+100] <= $1 add 0 2 3 1 0 32 add $1, $2, $3 $1 <= $2 + $3 sub 0 2 3 1 0 34 sub $1, $2, $3 $1 <= $2 - $3 beq 4 1 2 25 beq $1, $2, 100 if($1 == $2), then PC <= PC+4+100 j 2 2500 j 10000 PC <= 10000 nop 0 nop Do Nothing immediate value to add to the program counters value should the equality test pass. ADD and SUB follow the register-format (R-format) where the operands are the destination register address and two source register addresses. Finally, J uses the jump-format (J- format); its operand is an immediate value to store into the program counter. Table 4.2 summarizes the instruction formats. 4.2.2 Architecture The processor datapath has ve stages: instruction fetch (IF), instructions decode (ID), execute (EX), data memory (M), and write-back (WB). INSTRUCTION FETCH: The IF stage involves keeping track of the current/next instruction as well as retrieving the current instruction from memory. In this scenario, memory is split into separate instruction and data memories in order to avoid a structural hazard. That is, simultaneous access to memory, one for instructions and the other for data, is possible in the architecture shown in Figure 4.9. INSTRUCTION DECODE: In the next cycle, the fetched instruction moves into the ID stage. There, the instruction is broken up into several elds and inputs into the control logic and register le. Various control signals, register values, and intermediate values are 73 Figure 4.9: General Architecture of the Processor 74 handed to the EX stage where arithmetic operations are performed (in this case, integer add and subtract). In addition, the register addresses will be forwarded to the hazard detector in this stage. If there is potential hazard in the system, this stage will perform a stall. EXECUTE: This is the main stage where most of the ALU operations are performed. Also, this is where the registers addresses are forwarded back to the ID stage for hazard detection. DATA MEMORY: In the M stage, data is retrieved and/or stored into memory. WRITE BACK: Finally, in the WB stage, applicable control signals and results, either from data memory or arithmetic calculations, are fed back to the register le. 4.2.3 Pipeline Hazards There are situations, called hazards, that prevent the next instruction in the instruction stream from being executing during its designated clock cycle. Hazards reduce the perfor- mance from the ideal speedup gained by pipelining. There are three classes of hazards: Structural Hazards: They arise from resource con icts when the hardware cannot support all possible combinations of instructions in simultaneous overlapped execution. Data Hazards: They arise when an instruction depends on the result of a previous instruction in a way that is exposed by the overlapping of instructions in the pipeline. Control Hazards: They arise from the pipelining of branches and other instructions that change the PC. Hazards in pipelines can make it necessary to stall the pipeline. The processor can stall on di erent events: 75 Table 4.3: A Sequence of Instructions AND R1 , R2 , R3 SUB R4 , R5 , R1 AND R6, R1 , R7 A cache miss: A cache miss stalls all the instructions on pipeline both before and after the instruction causing the miss. A hazard in pipeline: Eliminating a hazard often requires that some instructions in the pipeline to be allowed to proceed while others are delayed. When the instruction is stalled, all the instructions issued later than the stalled instruction are also stalled. Instructions issued earlier than the stalled instruction must continue, since otherwise the hazard will never clear. The problem with data hazards, introduced by the sequence of instructions as shown in table 4.3, can be solved with a simple hardware technique called forwarding. The key insight in forwarding is that the result is not really needed by SUB until after the ADD actually produces it. The only problem is to make it available for SUB when it needs it. If the result can be moved from where the ADD produces it (EX/MEM register), to where the SUB needs it (ALU input latch), then the need for a stall can be avoided. Using this observation, forwarding works as follows: The ALU result from the EX/MEM register is always fed back to the ALU input latches. If the forwarding hardware detects that the previous ALU operation has written the register corresponding to the source for the current ALU operation, control logic selects the forwarded result as the ALU input rather than the value read from the register le. 76 Figure 4.10: Modi ed Architecture of the Processor 4.3 MODIFIED MIPS PROCESSOR The architecture of the given MIPS processor is modi ed in order to get low-power consumption. In the modi ed architecture, a Power Block is added in the fetch cycle of the Processor as shown in the Figure 4.10. This Power Block has an externally controlled 3-bit signal that is controlled by the user. According to the performance required, the 3-bit signal can be set to the number of NOPs that is inserted into the pipeline after every instruction. With the 3-bit signal, maximum of 7 NOPs can be inserted into the pipeline with the bit condition as shown in Table 4.4. A schematic of the power block is shown in Figure 4.11. 77 Figure 4.11: Schematic of the Power Block 78 Table 4.4: External 3-bit signal conditions 000 Normal Processor Operation 001 1 NOP inserted after every instruction 010 2 NOPS inserted after every instruction 011 3 NOPS inserted after every instruction 100 4 NOPS inserted after every instruction 101 5 NOPS inserted after every instruction 110 6 NOPS inserted after every instruction 111 7 NOPS inserted after every instruction In this architecture the instruction memory instead of feeding to the pipeline register for the decode stage is fed to this Power Block. The Power Block then performs two operations. It reads the external instruction slowdown signal and decides whether the normal stream of instructions should be executed or the NOPs should be inserted in the pipeline after every instruction. The second operation it performs is to maintain the program counter pointing at the same instruction until the NOPs are executed. Once the NOPS are inserted into the pipeline the control unit decodes the NOP instruction and generates the power signals and puts the data-memory, register le and the ALU into low-power mode by power- gating techniques as discussed in Chapter 3. A low-power mode can also be applied to the instruction memory when the pipeline is executing the inserted NOP instruction. Once the NOPs are executed the program counter fetches the next instruction in instruction memory, which is then executed followed by NOPs again. 79 4.4 RESULTS 4.4.1 Blocks of the Original Processor Firstly the power consumption of di erent blocks of the processor was found out in order to understand which block of the processor consumes the most power and needs to be put down into low-power mode. For getting the power estimation of these blocks the structural Verilog netlist of the blocks was taken and converted into the Rutger?s mode gate-level netlist. This netlist was then estimated for power by the tool developed by Jins Alexander at Auburn University [7]. The power results for the blocks were obtained by applying 1000 random input vectors with the vector period of 100ns and rise time of 1ns for a combinational circuit and the vector period of 200ns with rise time of 1ns for sequential circuit. Operating voltage applied is 1V. Fanout wire load delay format was used with delay of each gate in ns. Each of these blocks was power estimated for two di erent technologies, 65nm and 22nm technology and the clock period used is 10ns. The results are in microwatts. The results obtained are shown in Tables 4.5 and 4.6. From Tables 4.5 and 4.6 we observe that as the technology is scaled down to 22nm from 65nm, the leakage power increases and the dynamic power decreases. The leakage power is relatively high in 22nm technology and forms the major part of the total power consumption. We also observe that for this particular processor the data memory, register le and ALU consume more power and so power-gating techniques can be applied to these units to put them into low-power mode when the NOP is executed. However, the results of Tables 4.5 and 4.6 show that the expected ratio of dynamic and leakage power is not maintained as the Berkeley Predictive Technology Model les available may have been modi ed to account for certain industry processes. 80 Table 4.5: Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (65nm CMOS technology, clock period 10ns) Block Name Number of gates Avg Leakage Power Avg Dynamic Power Total Avg Power add-1-word 58 1.30247 0.371326 1.673802 add-nbits 142 3.310713737 1.322882 4.633595 alu 126 3.760219442 2.584336 6.344556 comparator 43 1.174578188 0.288572 1.463151 control-logic 12 0.221470117 0.111679 0.333149 data-mem 649 5566.433072 0.044306 5566.47731 inst-mem 63 0.99482736 0.061841 1.056669 hazard 30 0.754764244 0.17651 0.931275 forward 39 0.919369882 0.223469 1.142839 ex-m 73 3142.959671 4.311972 3147.271695 id-ex 123 5176.235456 6.456847 5182.692315 if-id 150 4201.080184 4.525968 4205.605946 m-wb 71 2997.391392 4.288376 3001.679666 pc 60 1690.834528 2.002712 1692.837221 reg le 4178 78306.37693 19.659017 78326.03902 Table 4.6: Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (22nm CMOS technology, clock period 10ns) Block Name Number of gates Avg Leakage Power Avg Dynamic Power Total Avg Power add-1-word 58 61.57274038 0.287966 61.860708 add-nbits 142 160.1353579 0.678731 160.814088 alu 126 183.8257594 1.278279 185.104043 comparator 43 57.45039016 0.075063 57.525453 control-logic 12 10.12932989 0.074958 10.204288 data-mem 649 7573.0565 0.011231 7573.067676 inst-mem 63 54.12064638 0.016018 54.136664 hazard 30 35.5 0.047986 35.560068 forward 39 44.38890755 0.059332 44.448239 ex-m 73 8541.498333 3.325714 8544.824086 id-ex 123 14295.63016 4.974914 14300.60528 if-id 150 8512.405679 1.761546 8514.16681 m-wb 71 8259.585127 3.308923 8262.894116 pc 60 3808.628768 0.910683 3809.539368 reg le 4178 146416.0234 5.043241 146421.06 81 Table 4.7: Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (65nm CMOS technology, clock period 20ns) Block Name Number of gates Avg Leakage Power Avg Dynamic Power Total Avg Power ex-m 73 3147.808369 2.225534 3150.033997 id-ex 123 5183.414556 3.332566 5186.747294 if-id 150 3977.928776 2.623281 3980.551846 m-wb 71 3001.879202 2.213355 3004.09249 pc 60 1686.125412 1.033658 1687.159063 reg le 4178 78049.01153 15.659671 78064.67265 Table 4.8: Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (65nm CMOS technology, clock period 40ns) Block Name Number of gates Avg Leakage Power Avg Dynamic Power Total Avg Power ex-m 73 3150.349716 1.131009 3151.480807 id-ex 123 5187.182222 1.693599 5188.875832 if-id 150 3976.784647 1.333143 3978.117835 m-wb 71 3004.232887 1.12482 3005.357692 pc 60 1683.653332 0.525302 1684.178598 reg le 4178 78611.9774 8.016249 78619.99422 To examine the e ect of clock frequency on the blocks of the processor we again apply 1000 random vectors to the sequential blocks of the processor with the vector period of 200ns and rise time of 1ns. Operating voltage applied is 1V. Fanout wire load delay format is used with delay of each gate in ns. Results were obtained for two di erent frequencies 20ns and 40ns. The results for 65nm technology are shown in Tables 4.7 and 4.8 From Tables 4.7 and 4.8 we observe that as the clock frequency is reduced to half the dynamic power is reduced by half, whereas the leakage power is not stable. Even though the dynamic power reduces to half, the leakage power being too high results in the total average power increasing with the reduction in clock frequency. 82 Table 4.9: Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (22nm CMOS technology, clock period 20ns) Block Name Number of gates Avg Leakage Power Avg Dynamic Power Total Avg Power ex-m 73 8547.215723 1.716498 8548.93215 id-ex 123 14304.46375 2.567698 14307.03141 if-id 150 8355.727419 0.991802 8356.719278 m-wb 71 8264.964446 1.707831 8266.672492 pc 60 3804.834792 0.47003 3805.304877 reg le 4178 146260.038 4.038493 146264.0762 Table 4.10: Estimated power in microwatts for di erent blocks of the processor (22nm CMOS technology, clock period 40ns) Block Name Number of gates Avg Leakage Power Avg Dynamic Power Total Avg Power ex-m 73 8550.218306 0.872319 8551.090956 id-ex 123 14309.11012 1.304896 14310.4149 if-id 150 8356.056176 0.50403 8356.560022 m-wb 71 8267.787285 0.867914 8268.655278 pc 60 3802.842693 0.238868 3803.081578 reg le 4178 146664.9324 2.018337 146666.944 Similarly, the clock frequency e ects for the blocks of the processor for 22nm technology are shown in Tables 4.9 and 4.10. 4.4.2 Power Block For the modi ed processor the new block added in the architecture is the power block. The power results for this new block are obtained by applying 1000 random input vectors with the vector period of 200ns, rise time of 1ns and operating voltage of 1V. Fanout wire load delay format was used with delay of each gate in ns. Power is estimated for two di erent 83 technologies, 65nm and 22nm technology, and the clock periods used are 10ns, 20ns and 40ns. The results are in microwatts and are shown in Tables 4.11 and 4.12. Table 4.11: Estimated power in microwatts for power block of the processor (65nm CMOS technology) Number of gates Clock period Avg Leakage Power Avg Dynamic Power Total Avg Power 49 10 43.57989 6.246311 49.826202 49 20 44.52892 3.089169 47.618098 49 40 46.42725 1.512446 47.939706 Table 4.12: Estimated power in microwatts for power block of the processor (22nm CMOS technology) Number of gates Clock period Avg Leakage Power Avg Dynamic Power Total Avg Power 49 10 335.59347 3.457777 339.051243 49 20 336.11856 1.712433 337.831007 49 40 337.27590 0.840803 338.116719 For the power block too we observe that the leakage power is more for 22nm technology compared to 65nm technology. We also observe that as the clock frequency is reduced the dynamic power reduces, whereas the leakage power increases and, leakage power being too high and a major fraction of the total power, the total power increases with reduction in clock frequency. Even this results contradicts our expectations as the leakage power increases instead of remaining stable with the reduction in the clock frequency. 4.4.3 Comparison between the original and modi ed processors When the power block is added into the architecture, and comparing it with the original processor when just 1 NOP is inserted after every instruction into the processor, the results 84 Table 4.13: Comparing the original and modi ed processors for 22nm technology for 1 NOP (power in microwatts) Processor No. of gates Clock Period Avg Leakage Pwr Avg Dynamic Pwr Total Avg Pwr Original 6684 20ns 235042.2 3.352106 235045.5521 Modi ed 6787 10ns 225510.6 3.533928 225514.1339 Original 6684 40ns 237590.5 1.670603 237592.1706 Modi ed 6787 20ns 226043.6 1.746964 226045.347 Table 4.14: Comparing the original and modi ed processors for 65nm technology for 1 NOP (power in microwatts) Processor No. of gates Clock Period Avg Leakage Pwr Avg Dynamic Pwr Total Avg Pwr Original 6684 20ns 116676.4 13.29557 116689.6956 Modi ed 6787 10ns 111695.1 14.057876 111709.1579 Original 6684 40ns 118611.3 6.529785 118617.8298 Modi ed 6787 20ns 113055.2 6.828938 113062.0289 obtained for 22nm technology are as shown in Table 4.13 and the results obtained for 65nm technology are as shown in Table 4.14. From Tables 4.13 and 4.14 we observe that an average of about 4.46% of power savings is obtained for the modi ed processor when 1 NOP is inserted into the pipeline after each instruction. The power savings obtained from these results is not as much as expected. This might be because the technology les used for the experiment were not reliable. Also the tool used to obtain the results was not capable enough to simulate large designs and operated only for constant inputs whereas the design required pulsed inputs. 85 4.5 Summary This chapter discusses the theoretical results, which show that the new energy saving instruction slow-down technique is better than the reference clock slow-down technique for higher leakage technologies for the case where NOP cycle consumes 50% or less power than the normal instruction cycle. The architecture of a 32-bit MIPS processor and the modi ed architecture of the new processor are also explained in this chapter. However, the practical results obtained were not as expected because of the unreliable technology les used for the experiment and the tool used to simulate the design was not e cient. 86 Chapter 5 Conclusion Leakage power is a major concern in current and future microprocessor designs, since as with the technology scaling the leakage power is becoming a major component of the total power consumption. In this thesis, to reduce this leakage power for the higher-leakage technologies, we propose a new hardware-software technique where pipeline stalls are in- serted into the processor after every instruction while maintaining the clock rate of the processor. The hardware units are designed to save leakage power while processing NOP instruction by putting the idle blocks into sleep mode. This technique is more e ective when NOP cycle consumes less than 50% power than the regular instruction cycle. 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