Three-Dimensional Hybrid Simulation Of Dayside Magnetic Reconnection by Binying Tan A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial ful llment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama May 9, 2011 Keywords: magnetic reconnection, magnetospheric physics, hybrid simulation Copyright 2011 by Binying Tan Approved by Yu Lin, Chair, Professor of Physics Satoshi Hinata , Professor of Physics Stephen Knowlton, Professor of Physics J. D. Perez, Professor of Physics Abstract With a 3-D global hybrid simulation model, we investigate magnetopause reconnection and the energy spectra of cusp precipitating ions under di erent IMF conditions. First, the magnetic con guration and evolution of Flux Transfer Events (FTE) and the associated ion density and ion velocity distribution at various locations on the magnetopause are investigated under a purely southward IMF. The results reveal: (1) Multiple X lines are formed during the magnetopause reconnection, which lead to both FTEs and quasi-steady type reconnection under a steady solar wind condition. The resulting bipolar signature of local normal magnetic eld of FTEs is consistent with satellite observations. (2) A plasma temperature rise is seen at the center of an FTE, compared to that of the upstream plasma in the magnetosheath. The temperature enhancement is mainly in the direction parallel to the magnetic eld due to the mixing of ion beams. (3) Flux ropes that lead to FTEs form between X lines of nite lengths and evolve relatively independently. The ion density is enhanced within FTE ux ropes due to the trapped particles, leading to a lamentary global density. (4) Di erent from the previous understanding based on the asymmetric density across the magnetopause, a quadrupole magnetic eld signature associated with the Hall e ects is found to be present around FTEs. (5) A combination of patchy reconnection and multiple X-line reconnection leads to the formation of reconnected eld lines from the magnetosphere to IMF, as well as the closed eld lines from the magnetosphere to the magnetosphere in the magnetopause boundary layer. Secondly, both the spatial and temporal energy spectra of cusp precipitating ions are computed by tracing trajectories of the transmitted magnetosheath ions under a southward IMF. The spatial spectrum shows a dispersive feature consistent with satellite observations, with higher energy particles at lower latitudes and lower energy particles at higher latitudes. ii The simulation reveals (1) how and where particles are transmitted from the solar wind into the magnetosphere via direct magnetic reconnection on the dayside; (2) how the features of the spectra are related to ongoing magnetic FTEs; (3) how the motion of the cusp, particularly the latitudinal variation of the open/closed eld line boundary, is correlated with the dayside reconnection and re ected in the spectra, energy ux due to precipitating ions as a function of time. Third, the energy spectra of cusp precipitating ions and magnetopause reconnection under an IMF of a nite By component are investigated. It is found that component recon- nection is the reconnection process at the dayside magnetopause. Dispersive feature is also shown in spatial spectra for precipitating ions in the cusp, compared to that under a purely southward IMF. When IMF clock angle is larger than 180 , the heaviest precipitation shifts to the dawn side. iii Acknowledgments I want to thank my supervisor Dr. Lin whose advice and encouragement guided me in the process of research and writing of this thesis. At the Physics Department, I owe a debt of gratitude to all the professors and sta . Thanks in particular to Dr. J. D. Perez and Dr. Xueyi Wang for invaluable discussions, and to Dr. Ming-kuo Lee, Dr. Stephen Knowlton, Dr. Satoshi Hinata for taking the time to review my thesis. I would also like to thank my family and all my dear friends for their precious support through this. iv Table of Contents Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv 1 An Introduction to Magnetopause Reconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 A Brief Overview of Magnetic Reconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Basics of the Solar Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Magnetospheric Con guration and Reconnection at the Magnetopause . . . . 11 1.3 Types of Simulation Model in Space Plasma Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1.4 Objectives and Outline of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2 Global-Scale Hybrid Simulation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.1 The Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.2 Curvilinear Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.3 Simulation Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3 Data Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4 Dayside Magnetic Reconnection Under a Purely Southward IMF: Structure and Evolution of Reconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.2 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4.2.1 Magnetic Field Line Con guration under Southward IMF . . . . . . 44 4.2.2 Structure and Evolution of Flux Transfer Events (FTEs) . . . . . . . 49 4.2.3 Magnetic Field Signature and Ion Velocity Distributions in FTEs . . 55 v 4.2.4 Wal en Test of Rotational Discontinuity in a Quasi-Steady Reconnection 58 4.2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5 Global Hybrid Simulation of Dayside Magnetic Reconnection Under a Purely Southward IMF: Cusp Precipitating Ions Associated With Magnetopause Recon- nection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 5.2 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.2.1 Reconnection Events and Spatial Energy Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.3 Precipitating Ions at Low-energy Cuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 5.3.1 Precipitating Ions at Low-energy Cuto Associated with Region A . . 71 5.3.2 Precipitating Ions at Low-energy Cuto Associated with Region B . . 73 5.3.3 Precipitating Ions at Low-energy Cuto Associated with Region C . . 75 5.3.4 Energy Flux due to Precipitating Ions as a Function of Time . . . . . 76 5.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 6 Dayside Magnetic Reconnection under an IMF with a Finite Guide Field By . . 79 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 6.2 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 6.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 7 Summary and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 A Fundamental Plasma Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 B Maxwell?s Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 C Sample Subroutine in MATLAB: GUI of Finetuning Field Line . . . . . . . . . 104 D Sample Subroutine in MATLAB: Finetuning Field Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 E Sample Subroutine in MATLAB: 2-D Contours Plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 vi List of Figures 1.1 Frozen-in theorem of ideal MHD: a closed loop of plasma elements l(t) at time t moves to l(t+dt) at time t+dt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 Illustration of magnetic reconnection in the x z plane. Magnetic eld strength and current density variation along the z axis, corresponding to the current sheet shown in the upper right plot (upper left); Initial conditions of magnetic recon- nection, which consists of a current sheet in the y direction, the in ow of magnetic ux as well as the plasma towards the z = 0 plane (upper right); Illustration of magnetic reconnection occurrence near an X line (lower panel). Adapted from Hughes [1995] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3 An event of emerging coronal matter ejection. Adapted from Patsourakos and Vourlidas [2011] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.4 Geometry of a ow (or ux) tube de ned by radial streamlines, adapted from Hundhausen [1995] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.5 (Upper left) Magnetic eld lines drawn by the radially expanding solar wind, assuming the Sun is not rotating; (Upper right) The spiral eld lines illustrate the impact of the rotation of the Sun on the magnetic eld geometry. Vw is the radial velocity of the uid. (Bottom) the Earth?s orbit in the spiral magnetic eld lines from the Sun. This gure is adapted from [Meyer-Vernet, 2007] . . . 9 1.6 Illustration of the interaction of fast and slow solar wind as the substructure of solar wind, adapted from Pizzo [1985] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 vii 1.7 Deformation of the current sheet (the shadowed surface) by a tilt angle of the Sun?s magnetic axis (M) with respect to the rotation axis ( ) with a constant solar wind radial velocity, adapted from Meyer-Vernet [2007] . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.8 Magnetospheric con guration in the noon-midnght meridian plane under a south- ward IMF, showing the convection of plasma within the magnetosphere driven by the magnetic reconnection. The eld lines are numbered to show the succes- sion of eld line con guration. The inset (lower right) shows the position of the footprint of the numbered eld lines in the northern high latitude ionosphere. Adapted from Hughes [1995]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.9 Magnetic eld during a clear example of an FTE, where the magnetic eld is expressed in boundary normal coordinates with Bn outward along the bound- ary normal, Bl along the projection of the eld in the magnetosphere and Bm completing a right-handed set. Adapted from Russell et al. [1995] . . . . . . . 14 1.10 Schematic diagram of the structure of an FTE, proposed by Russell and Elphic [1978]. On the left a bundle of ux tubes is shown having become connected between the magnetosheath (foreground) and magnetosphere (background), and on the right the bulge in the magnetosheath and magnetospheric elds is illus- trated. A virtual satellite passing as marked with the red line leads to the bipolar signature of Bn. Adapted from Russell and Elphic [1978] . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.11 Six possible patterns of eld lines con guration of the magnetic ux rope that can generate signatures of FTEs. The heavy bars denote the reconnection X lines. The solid and dashed lines are used to distinguish eld lines on di erent side of the current sheet. Adapted from Lee et al. [1993] . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 viii 1.12 (a) Petschek?s symmetric reconnection model which consists of the in ow region, the out ow region, and the small central di usion region as shown in the dark area. (b) Magnetic eld lines and stream lines of plasma ow in a MHD simula- tion [Yan et al., 1992]. Adapted from Lin and Lee [1994] . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.13 Asymmetric reconnection model by Levy et al. [1964]. A rotational discontinuity and a slow expansion wave are presented in the reconnection layer. Note that the plasma density decreases slowly to zero at right hand side of the current sheet. Adapted from Lin and Lee [1994] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.14 A series of simultaneous snapshots of 2-D ion (above) and electron (below) ve- locity distribution functions during an outward traversal of the earthward edge of the LLBL on August 12, 1978. The distribution are shown as contours of con- stant phase-space density separated logarithmically, (two contours per decade). Numbers on the dotted circles indicate the velocity scale in km/s. Vectors drawn represent the projection of the magnetic eld onto the xy plane. Adapted from Gosling et al. [1990] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1.15 Sketch of the magnetopause region for quasi-stationary reconnection. Adapted from Gosling et al. [1990] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1.16 Illustration of velocity space distributions of ions expected just inside the mag- netopause in the magnetosphere for a quasi-steady single X-line reconnection case. The contours are of constant distribution functions marked with value of log10f(s3m 6)), the accelerated D-shaped distributions are simply taken to be a mirror image of the in owing distributions, re ected in the plane Vk = VF, where the de Ho mann-Teller velocity VF has been taken to be 200kms 1:Adapted from Cowley [1982] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ix 1.17 Example that for the same event, two groups inferred the reconnection sites to di erent locations. Adapted from Fuselier et al. [2000] and Russell et al. [2000] 25 2.1 A coordinates cell showing the position and orientation of curvilinear components of the magnetic and electric elds. Adatped from [Swift, 1996] . . . . . . . . . 33 2.2 Simulation domain in the GSM system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.1 Graphic user interface of the visualization package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.2 An example of 3-D data visualization: The contours are the total magnetic eld in the noon meridian and equatorial planes, supposed with the isosurface of B = 4:5 in the simulation units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.3 Slice plotting integrated the 3-D data visualization package. . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.4 Isosurface plotting integrated the 3-D data visualization package. . . . . . . . . 40 3.5 Graphic user interface of ne tuning magnetic eld lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.1 Magnetic eld line con guration in a global view obtained in case 1 at t = 5 (top left), t = 15 (top right), t = 25 (bottom left), and t = 35 (bottom right), respectively. The closed dipole eld lines are in black. Yellow lines are open eld lines before magnetic reconnection. Field lines in other colors are reconnected eld lines between the IMF and dipole eld in di erent regions. Contours in the equatorial plane show the ion density. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.2 (Left) Four eld lines of di erent topologies in case 1 at t = 55. (Right) Illustra- tion of how the patchy reconnection and multiple reconnection can explain the coexistence of the four eld lines in the left plot [Lee et al., 1993]. . . . . . . . 47 x 4.3 Three dimensional plots ( rst row) illustrate how X line is de ned, with Vz con- tours in the noon meridian plane. Two dimensional intensity plots of By (second row), ion density (third row), total magnetic eld (fourth row), parallel temper- ature ( fth row) and perpendicular temperature (bottom row) are also in the noon-midnight meridional plane, zoomed around the dayside magnetopause at t = 15, 25, 35, 65, respectively (from left to right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.4 Ion density laments inside FTEs of case 1. The upper panel shows ion density contours at x = 9:5 and t = 80, superposed onto a eld-line plot, and the lower panel is a close-up of the same plane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 4.5 Ion density laments inside FTEs of case 1. The upper panel shows ion density contours at x = 9:5 and t = 80, superposed onto a eld-line plot, and the lower panel is a close-up of the same plane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4.6 Top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right show the ion velocity distri- butions at four chosen locations centered at D1, D2, D3 and D4 in Figure 4.5, respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.7 Wal en test in case 2 in the northern hemisphere at t = 100. The top left contour plot shows the ion ow velocity Vz in the noon meridian plane, in which E1-E2 is a line segment in the r direction across a rotational discontinuity. Spatial cuts of eld components Bl, Bm, Bn and ion ow velocities Vl, Vm, Vn along E1-E2 are shown in the top right plot. The result of Wal en test is shown in the bottom left. The ion velocity distribution at location D5 between E1 and E2 is shown in the bottom right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 xi 5.1 (Upper) The 3-D plot in the left shows reconnection X lines in blue dots and red line segment at t = 15 with ion bulk ow contours in the noon meridian plane. The contours in the right show By component in the noon meridian planes and projected magnetic eld lines at t = 15;25;35, respectively. (Lower) Spatial energy spectrum of cusp precipitating ions in the logarithmic scale showing a dispersive feature. The black, white, and red dots indicate energies of some typical ions at low-cuto energies of parts A, B, and C, respectively, which are related to three reconnection events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.2 Particle speed as a function of time for typical ions associated with reconnection A, B, and C, shown by the red, orange, and blue curves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5.3 The trajectories in colored tubes of particles at low-energy cuto from region A and the magnetic eld con guration in black lines at t = 5 (upper left), 25 (upper right), 35 (bottom left) and 40 (bottom right) in the GSM system. Axis direction is shown in the left of either row. The trajectories are color-coded with their current kinetic energy. Also shown are the contours of ion density N . . . 70 5.4 The trajectories in colored tubes of particles at low-energy cuto from region B and the magnetic eld con guration in black lines at t = 5 (upper left), 25 (upper right), 35 (bottom left) and 40 (bottom right) in the GSM system. Axis direction is shown in the left of either row. The trajectories are color-coded with their nal energy. Starting from 52:5 , particles at low-energy latitude in the part B of spectrum have nal energies of 12:37;4:65;2:47;1:47 and 0:82, respectively. Also shown are the contours of ion density N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.5 (Top) Particle energy spectrum in the logarithmic scale as a function of time at a xed position of r = 7:5 RE and latitude of 52:5 . (Bottom) latitudinal position of the dayside open/close eld boundary, at r = 7:5 RE, as a function of time. . 77 xii 6.1 The con guration of magnetic eld just inside the virtual magnetopause (small black arrows), the reconnecting component magnitude (color scale), and resul- tant X line (XL) when integrated away from the point of maximal reconnecting component. Boundary layer ow (white and black vectors) for eld lines rooted in each hemisphere, on each side of the XL, as projected on the plane normal to a view from the Sun. Individual plots represent the results for various interplan- etary magnetic eld clock angles according to their labels. Adapted from [Moore et al., 2002] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 6.2 Solid black lines shows magnetic merging line of the compound eld [Hu et al., 2009], superposed y the Earth?s dipole eld and the IMF of strength 10nT, pro- jected in the 0 planes for several typical IMF clock angles, where 0 stands for the longitude so that 0 = 0 corresponds to the noon meridian plane and for the latitude. By symmetry, the merging line for a clock angle of 225 , the clock angle in our simulation is expected as the red dashed line. . . . . . . . . . 82 6.3 Illustration of the location of component magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause when the IMF is Bx0 = 0,By0 = 0:707 and Bz = 0:707 as indi- cated by the red arrow. The red eld lines are reconnected eld lines. The eld lines of the Earth?s dipole and the IMF are shown as black lines. The contours of ion density are shown in three planes, the equatorial plane, the noon meridian plane and the maridian plane of 0 = 20 , or = 70 . The two boundary regions featuring sharp ion density are the bow shock and magnetopause. . . . 84 6.4 Typical spatial energy spectrum of cusp precipitating ions in the logarithmic scale for r = 7:5RE, Latitude = 57:5 and t = 40, recorded in the plane of 0 = 20 (upper) and 0 = 0 (lower) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 xiii 6.5 Spatial energy spectrum of cusp precipitating ions of r = 7:5RE and t = 40 in the plane 0 = 20 under a IMF of Bx0 = 0,By0 = 0:707 and Bz = 0:707. The low energy cut-o in the logarithmic scale indicated by a black line . . . . . 85 xiv List of Abbreviations 1-D One Dimensional 2-D Two Dimensional 3-D Three Dimensional ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange AU Astronomical Unit CME Coronal Mass Ejection FTE Flux Transfer Event HDF Hierarchical Data Format LLBL Low Latitude Boundary Layer MHD Magnetohydrodynamic PIC Particle-in-cell xv Chapter 1 An Introduction to Magnetopause Reconnection The purpose of this chapter is to provide background knowledge to prepare readers for the following chapters by trying to make the thesis a self-contained piece. Magnetopause reconnection is referred to magnetic reconnection that occurs near the outermost boundary of the Earth?s magnetic eld in this thesis. In the next few sections, we rst give a brief overview of magnetic reconnection and some basics of solar wind as the external plasma source for reconnection, then we will review current progress on dayside magnetopause reconnection, e. g., ux transfer events (FTEs). The last section of this chapter compares di erent simulation models used in space plasma physics. 1.1 A Brief Overview of Magnetic Reconnection Magnetic reconnection, namely, is the process that two magnetic eld lines bend towards each other and fuse to create new eld lines. The concept of motion of magnetic eld lines is closely connected with the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) description of plasmas as follows [Priest and Forbes, 2000a]. As we all know, Faraday?s law gives @B @t = r E; (1.1) where B is the magnetic eld, E is the electric eld and t is time. With the displacement current omitted, Amp ere?s law gives r B = 0J; (1.2) 1 where B is the magnetic eld, J is the current density. The Ohm?s law in the resistive MHD can be written as, E + V B = eJ; (1.3) where e represents the scalar electrical resistivity. Combine Equation 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, the magnetic induction equation is obtained as @B @t =r (V B) + r 2B; (1.4) where = e 0 is the magnetic di usivity. The rst term on the right hand side of Equation 1.4 is the contribution to @B@t from eld convection, and the second term is the contribution from eld di usion. The ratio of the two terms, the magnetic Reynolds number, is de ned as Rm = L0V0 ; (1.5) where L0, and V0 are typical length and velocity scales, respectively. If Rm 1 , the convection dominates over the di usion and Equation 1.4 becomes @B @t =r (V B); (1.6) which leads to the ?frozen-in? theorem of the ideal MHD as describe below. In Figure 1.1, a closed loop of plasma elements l(t) at time t moves to l(t+dt) at time t+dt, where t+dt and t are two successive instants. During this process, the change of the magnetic ux enclosed by the closed loop of plasma at t can be written as d dt Z B dS = Z @B @t dS + I B (V dl); (1.7) 2 where S is the vector area enclosed by the loop. The rst term on the right hand side of Equation 1.9 is due to the time variation of the magnetic eld, and the second term is due to the motion of the plasma loop. Since the vector identity gives B (V dl) = (B V) dl; (1.8) Equation 1.7 can be written as d dt Z B dS = Z @B @t dS + I (B V) dl: (1.9) Recall Equation 1.6, we have d dt Z B dS = Z r (V B) dS I (V B) dl: (1.10) Applying Stokes? theorem, we nd that the right side of Equation 1.10 is identically equal to zero. In another word, the magnetic eld and the plasma elements are ?frozen-together? so that the plasma elements move with magnetic eld lines and the plasma within a magnetic ux tube always stays inside the same ux tube. If the ?frozen-in? condition always holds, magnetic reconnection never happens, which is de ned below. Let us consider another limit. When Rm 1, the di usion dominates over the convec- tion, and Equation 1.4 becomes @B @t = r 2B; (1.11) which is actually a di usion equation that implies the magnetic eld variation di uses away the same as the heat di uses when a temperature gradient exists. However, we see a more complicated behavior of magnetic eld than a simple di usion process when the ?frozen-in? condition no longer holds, where eld lines are no longer frozen-in the plasma elements. 3 Figure 1.1: Frozen-in theorem of ideal MHD: a closed loop of plasma elements l(t) at time t moves to l(t+dt) at time t+dt 4 Figure 1.2: Illustration of magnetic reconnection in the x z plane. Magnetic eld strength and current density variation along the z axis, corresponding to the current sheet shown in the upper right plot (upper left); Initial conditions of magnetic reconnection, which consists of a current sheet in the y direction, the in ow of magnetic ux as well as the plasma towards the z = 0 plane (upper right); Illustration of magnetic reconnection occurrence near an X line (lower panel). Adapted from Hughes [1995] 5 Figure 1.2 illustrates the concept of magnetic reconnection in the Cartesian coordinate system, where the magnetic eld possess anti-parallel components across the current sheet. As shown in the upper right plot, the plane of the current sheet lies in the y direction at z = 0 while the in ow of magnetic ux as well as plasma towards the z = 0 plane. The upper left plot gives the variation of the corresponding magnetic eld strength and current density along the z axis. The lower panel of Figure 1.2 illustrates the occurrence of magnetic reconnection. The plasma and magnetic eld convect in from the top and bottom uniform plasma region and towards the z = 0 plane. At the center of the current sheet, there is a di usion region, where Rm < 1 and plasma elements are not tied to eld lines. Note that Rm is proportional to L0 so that the thinner the current sheet is, the smaller Rm is. Because electrons have much smaller mass than ions do, the di usion region of electrons during reconnection is of smaller size than the di usion region of ions. At the center of the di usion region, the intersection of the X-type separatrices is the X point in the xy plane. The X point is the projection of a singular line (X line) in the 3-D space onto the xy place, near which reconnection occurs and the magnetic eld has an X-type con guration. A more rigorous de nition will be given in Chapter 4. So qualitatively, the reconnection process is such that magnetic eld lines from di erent magnetic domains are spliced to one another, changing their patterns of connectivity with respect to the sources. The in ow plasma slide across the eld lines in the di usion region, leading to the formation of an out ow region where the plasma ows out towards the left and right. In the MHD description, magnetic reconnection occurs on timescales intermediate between the slow resistive di usion of the magnetic eld and the fast Alfv enic timescale. During magnetic reconnection, stored magnetic energy is released in the form of thermal energy and kinetic energy of plasm particles. Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process in in both space and laboratory plasmas. In solar physics, it is believed that magnetic reconnection explains the ejection of coronal 6 Figure 1.3: An event of emerging coronal matter ejection. Adapted from Patsourakos and Vourlidas [2011] matter from the Sun [Antiochos et al., 1999]. Figure 1.3 shows an event of emerging coronal matter ejection. In magnetospheric physics, reconnection is believed to be closely connected with the aurora intensi cation under some circumstances, Flux Transfer Events (FTEs) in the current sheet at the dayside magnetopause [Russell and Elphic, 1978; Lee and Fu, 1985; Russell et al., 1995; Scholer et al., 2003; Raeder, 2006; Dorelli and Bhattacharjee, 2009] and in the magnetotail plasma sheet. For laboratory plasmas, reconnection is important to the science of controlled nuclear fusion because it may cause the failure of magnetic con nement. 1.1.1 Basics of the Solar Wind The rst source of plasma, solar wind, is a fully ionized plasma that carries the inter- planetary magnetic eld (IMF) and streams continuously outward from the Sun into the solar system. In this section, some basics of the solar wind are introduced. 7 Figure 1.4: Geometry of a ow (or ux) tube de ned by radial streamlines, adapted from Hundhausen [1995] The Sun can be seen as a magnetohydrodynamic dynamo, which generates magnetic eld and plasmas ow outwardly from the base of the corona sphere. If we do not consider the rotation of the Sun rst, the classical picture of an outwardly moving solar wind should be the one shown in Figure 1.4. According to the frozen-in eld line condition, the magnetic structure is consistent with the plasma ow. In another word, if a plasma ux tube exists, the corresponding identical magnetic ux tube exists too. The simple picture in Figure 1.4 becomes more complicated as the Sun rotates with an average period of 25:4 days. The upper left plot of Figure 1.5 illustrates the magnetic eld con guration around the sun if there is no rotation, while the upper right plot of Figure 1.5 illustrates the magnetic eld con guration around the sun, considering the rotation of the Sun. The lower panel of Figure 1.5 shows the Earth?s orbit in the spiral magnetic eld lines from the Sun. Also shown in the lower panel of Figure 1.5, the magnetic eld B is 8 Figure 1.5: (Upper left) Magnetic eld lines drawn by the radially expanding solar wind, assuming the Sun is not rotating; (Upper right) The spiral eld lines illustrate the impact of the rotation of the Sun on the magnetic eld geometry. Vw is the radial velocity of the uid. (Bottom) the Earth?s orbit in the spiral magnetic eld lines from the Sun. This gure is adapted from [Meyer-Vernet, 2007] 9 Figure 1.6: Illustration of the interaction of fast and slow solar wind as the substructure of solar wind, adapted from Pizzo [1985] approximately radial at small distances while at large distances, the azimuthal component of B becomes dominant. Across the equatorial plane, B changes direction dramatically and gives rise to a current sheet. Note that in reality the solar dipole eld is not aligned to the rotation axis, which causes the deformation of the current sheet so that the current sheet has a similar shape to a twirled ballerina skirt as shown in Figure 1.7. As a result, the Earth moves above and below the warped current sheet alternatively at a distance to the Sun of 1 astronomical unit (AU). Note that 1 AU is approximately the mean Earth-Sun distance. In another words, the IMF at the Earth could possibly be in any directions, including both ?northward? and ?southward?. The speed of the solar wind usually measures as low as 300 400km s 1 at sector boundaries while the fast solar wind measures as high as 700km s 1. The interaction of fast and slow solar wind is shown in Figure 1.6, which is one of the major perturbations in the solar wind. Other important perturbations in the solar wind include shocks, which form when the solar wind is compressed at speeds greater than the phase speed of the related waves, and coronal mass ejections (CME) . 10 Figure 1.7: Deformation of the current sheet (the shadowed surface) by a tilt angle of the Sun?s magnetic axis (M) with respect to the rotation axis ( ) with a constant solar wind radial velocity, adapted from Meyer-Vernet [2007] Hydrodgen is not the only element in the solar wind. Helium is the second most abun- dant element. The ratio na=np is about 0:04 0:05, where na is the number of helium ions per unit volume and np is number density of protons [Meyer-Vernet, 2007]. 1.2 Magnetospheric Con guration and Reconnection at the Magnetopause The rst concept of the Earth?s magnetosphere was deduced by Sydney Chapman and his student Vincenzo Ferraro in the early 1930s [Akasofu, 1974]. The rst concepts of open magnetosphere and magnetic reconnection were proposed by Dungey [1961], which explained why the convection pattern of plasma in the high latitude is dependent on the direction of the IMF. Figure 1.8 shows the magnetospheric con guration in the noon-midnght meridian plane under a southward IMF, implying the convection of plasma within the magnetosphere driven by the magnetic reconnection. The Earth?s intrinsic eld is approximately a magnetic dipole in the rst order. As solar wind ows against the dipole eld, the bow shock and magne- topause shown in dashed lines are the two boundaries. Note that the bow shock is the curved, 11 stationary shock wave where the super sonic solar wind past the Earth. The magnetopause is the boundary between the solar wind and the geomagnetic eld. Inside the magnetopause, the region is called magnetosphere, while the region between the magetopause and the bow shock is the magnetosheath. The magnetosheath is the shocked solar wind. In Figure 1.8, the red cross near the subsolar region of the magnetopause current sheet indicates the location of the eld neutral point at the dayside magnetopause under a south- ward IMF, where favors magnetic reconnection. Some eld lines are numbered to show the succession of eld line con guration. Under the southward IMF, a new eld line (2) forms after reconnection between eld line (1) and (1?) at the dayside magnetopause. The newly reconnected eld lines convect tailward. As the reconnection proceeds, more originally "closed" geomagnetic eld lines become "open". There is another reconnection site where eld line (6) and (6?) reconnects in the tail. Magnetic reconnection at the dayside primarily leads to magnetic energy storage rather than the covert of magnetic energy into kinetic and thermal energy as it does at the night side [Cowley, 1980]. The inset shows the foot print of the numbered eld lines in the norther high-latitude ionosphere. The solid line with arrows in the inset indicate high-latitude plasma ows correspondingly antisunward in the polar cap and returns to the dayside at lower latitude. Now, magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause is believed to be a fundamental pro- cess that leads to the transfer of the solar wind mass, momentum, and energy into the Earth?s magnetosphere [Cowley, 1996]. Satellite observations have identi ed both transient and quasi-steady reconnection at various locations on the magnetopause under various IMF conditions [Russell and Elphic, 1978; Paschmann et al., 1982; Sonnerup et al., 1981; Fuselier et al., 1991; Lockwood and Smith, 1992; Scholer, 1989a; Phan et al., 2005]. A ux transfer event (FTE) is a characteristic set of perturbations in the magnetic eld observed by spacecraft in the vicinity of the terrestrial magnetopause , which was rst observed by the International Sun-Earth Explorer-1 and -2 satellites in 1978 [Russell and Elphic, 1978]. Because of their regular appearance and easy identi cation, FTEs attract 12 Figure 1.8: Magnetospheric con guration in the noon-midnght meridian plane under a south- ward IMF, showing the convection of plasma within the magnetosphere driven by the mag- netic reconnection. The eld lines are numbered to show the succession of eld line con g- uration. The inset (lower right) shows the position of the footprint of the numbered eld lines in the northern high latitude ionosphere. Adapted from Hughes [1995]. 13 Figure 1.9: Magnetic eld during a clear example of an FTE, where the magnetic eld is expressed in boundary normal coordinates with Bn outward along the boundary normal, Bl along the projection of the eld in the magnetosphere and Bm completing a right-handed set. Adapted from Russell et al. [1995] a lot of attention. Figure 1.9 shows the magnetic eld during a clear example of an FTE [Russell et al., 1995], where the magnetic eld is expressed in boundary normal coordinates with Bn outward along the boundary normal, Bl along the projection of the eld in the magnetosphere and Bm completing a right-handed set. The signatures of an FTE include a bipolar variation in the magnetic eld component normal to the magnetopause Bn and simultaneous de ection in the tangential components [Uberoi, 2003]. An FTE is limited in space and the quasi-period of the reoccurrence is around 8 minutes [Rijnbeek et al., 1984] . So far, an FTE is thought to be a typical transient magnetic reconnection occurrence because of its strong control by the direction of the IMF [Russell, 1995]. Once the IMF turns southward, the occurrence rate of FTEs increases sharply. Figure 1.10 shows a simple schematic model proposed by Russell and Elphic [1978], which explains the main magnetic signatures of FTEs. FTEs were thought to be ux tubes 14 Figure 1.10: Schematic diagram of the structure of an FTE, proposed by Russell and Elphic [1978]. On the left a bundle of ux tubes is shown having become connected between the magnetosheath (foreground) and magnetosphere (background), and on the right the bulge in the magnetosheath and magnetospheric elds is illustrated. A virtual satellite passing as marked with the red line leads to the bipolar signature of Bn. Adapted from Russell and Elphic [1978] 15 that connect geomagnetic eld and the IMF. If the satellite ies through the ux tube with a path in red lines in Figure 1.10, the variation of the normal component of the magnetic eld in the local normal coordinates has a bipolar signature. Later, Lee et al. [1993] argued that FTEs could be generated in the process of multiple X-line reconnection(MXR). As shown in Figure 1.11, the ux rope that generates the signatures of FTEs is formed between X lines denoted with heavy bars, which have nite length and in parallel with the current sheet. There are six possible patterns of eld lines con guration of the magnetic ux rope. And even today, people have not stopped asking questions about FTEs since then. Is there any possibility that an FTE is not caused by reconnection? Can we divide FTEs into di erent categories? What is the internal structure of FTEs? What trigger FTEs? What is the relationship between FTEs and the separatrices of magnetic reconnection? How do FTEs evolve? Do reconnection rate vary during the life cycle of an FTE? Overall, FTEs are transient reconnection occurrences. Another category of reconnection events have a much longer time scale, which are considered to be steady, or quasi-steady. Except for the time scale, they also have a magnetic eld con guration as they are usually associated with a single X line. P. A. Sweet and E. N. Partker in 1950s [Priest and Forbes, 2000a] were the rst to develop a simple MHD model of steady-state reconnection in a current sheet formed at a null point, which is often referred to as a model for slow reconnection. Petschek [Petschek, 1964] later developed an alternative model with a current sheet whose length is many order of magnitude smaller than the Sweet-Parker model. Petschek?s reconnection model can predict a faster reconnection rate than that predicted by the Sweet-Parker model, also for steady-state reconnection with a single X line. As shown in the upper plot of Figure 1.12, Petschek?s [Petschek, 1964] reconnection models a symmetric case with equal plasma density, equal magnetic strength, and antiparallel magnetic elds on the two sides of the current sheet. Plasma particles are accelerated through 16 Figure 1.11: Six possible patterns of eld lines con guration of the magnetic ux rope that can generate signatures of FTEs. The heavy bars denote the reconnection X lines. The solid and dashed lines are used to distinguish eld lines on di erent side of the current sheet. Adapted from Lee et al. [1993] 17 Figure 1.12: (a) Petschek?s symmetric reconnection model which consists of the in ow region, the out ow region, and the small central di usion region as shown in the dark area. (b) Magnetic eld lines and stream lines of plasma ow in a MHD simulation [Yan et al., 1992]. Adapted from Lin and Lee [1994] 18 the two slow shocks in the current layers. Note that the slow shocks are located downstream of the sparatrices as indicated in the lower panel of Figure 1.12. The steady reconnection at the dayside magnetopause is an asymmetric case as rst modeled by Levy et al. [1964]. In this model, the magnetic eld strength on one side is larger than that on the other side, and the plasma density is set to be zero on the side of a higher eld. The result is shown in Figure 1.13, where the two slow shocks are replaced by a rotational discontinuity and a slow expansion wave. The magnetic eld changes direction cross the rotational discontinuity (an MHD discontinuity) , and high speed plasma ow along the current layer. Note that an MHD discontinuity is a thin transition region, across which the plasma density, magnetic eld, ow velocity etc. satisfy a set of jump conditions [Lin and Lee, 1994]. Besides theoretical work for steady reconnection, observations [Gosling et al., 1990] pointed out that quasi-steady reconnection indeed occurs at the dayside magnetopause. Figure 1.14 shows a series of simultaneous 2-s snapshots of 2-D ion (above) and electron (below) velocity distribution functions during an outward traversal of the earthward edge of the low latitude boundary layer (LLBL) from the magnetosphere, which is identi ed as a quasi-steady reconnection event. As shown in the lower row, the evolution of the hotter population is consistent with their escape into the magnetosheath on newly reconnected eld lines with the most eld-aligned electron escaping rst. Note that the vector (black arrow) shows the projection of the magnetic eld onto the xy plane. More analysis on this event shows that the electron edge of the LLBL lies closer to the separatrix of the corresponding reconnection site that does the ion edge, which is consistent with the fact that the electron di usion region of reconnection is samller than ion di usion region. Thus, the author drew a diagram, showing the magnetopause region for quasi-stationary reconnection as in Figure 1.15 For a quasi-steady single X-line reconnection case, the velocity space distributions of ions just inside the magnetopause in the magnetosphere are expected to have a D-shaped 19 Figure 1.13: Asymmetric reconnection model by Levy et al. [1964]. A rotational discontinu- ity and a slow expansion wave are presented in the reconnection layer. Note that the plasma density decreases slowly to zero at right hand side of the current sheet. Adapted from Lin and Lee [1994] 20 Figure 1.14: A series of simultaneous snapshots of 2-D ion (above) and electron (below) velocity distribution functions during an outward traversal of the earthward edge of the LLBL on August 12, 1978. The distribution are shown as contours of constant phase-space density separated logarithmically, (two contours per decade). Numbers on the dotted circles indicate the velocity scale in km/s. Vectors drawn represent the projection of the magnetic eld onto the xy plane. Adapted from Gosling et al. [1990] 21 Figure 1.15: Sketch of the magnetopause region for quasi-stationary reconnection. Adapted from Gosling et al. [1990] 22 Figure 1.16: Illustration of velocity space distributions of ions expected just inside the mag- netopause in the magnetosphere for a quasi-steady single X-line reconnection case. The contours are of constant distribution functions marked with value of log10f(s3m 6)), the accelerated D-shaped distributions are simply taken to be a mirror image of the in owing distributions, re ected in the plane Vk = VF, where the de Ho mann-Teller velocity VF has been taken to be 200kms 1:Adapted from Cowley [1982] 23 distribution for magnetosheath transmitted ions, which is illustrated in Figure 1.16. Since only the particles with parallel velocity toward the magnetosphere in the reference frame of eld line convection can penetrate to the Earth, the accelerated D-shaped distributions have a low Vk cut-o at Vk = VF, where VF is the de Ho mann-Teller velocity. Except for the magnetosheath sourced ions, ion populations of cold magnetospheric ion of ionosphere origin is also one of the main ion populations [Cowley, 1982] at the location as shown in Figure 1.16. As shown above, satellite data supports the argument that reconnection could be a very important process in magnetospheric physics. But in most cases, the satellite crossings not through the electron di usion region of reconnection directly. Thus, although various observations have implied reconnection sites under various IMF and solar wind conditions [Marcucci and Polk, 2000; Trattner et al., 2007] based on certain models/methods, there has been few observations simultaneously in both the di usion and the out ow regions that justify the implied location of reconnection. Plus, observations of the magnetopause reconnection have often generated contradictory opinions [Fuselier et al., 2000; Russell et al., 2000]. Figure 1.17 shows an example that for the same event, Fuselier et al. [2000] connected the event with component reconnection equatorward of the cusp and considered a negative cut-o velocity as an artifact at location M while [Russell et al., 2000] treated the negative cut-o velocity as valid data, which indicated a slow-drifting of plasmas outside the current sheet. As a result, two groups inferred the reconnection sites to di erent locations as shown in the cartoons of Figure 1.17. The controversy is whether component reconnection occurred equatorward of the cusp. For complex plasma process in the magnetosphere, computer simulation are often used to help scientist to understand the process of reconnection at the magnetopause. 24 Figure 1.17: Example that for the same event, two groups inferred the reconnection sites to di erent locations. Adapted from Fuselier et al. [2000] and Russell et al. [2000] 25 1.3 Types of Simulation Model in Space Plasma Physics Today computers are utilized to solve equations to address problems in space plasma physics, which deal with multi-scale, multi-species, complex systems of plasmas. Generally, simulation models in space plasma physics fall into several categories: magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models, 2- uid or hall MHD models, hybrid models and fully kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) models. In a kinetic model, a distribution function f(x;v;t) of the kinetic species is introduced, where the variables x,v and t are position, velocity and time, respectively. Ki- netic models work in a way that the charges and currents are determined by the distribution functions self-consistently via Maxwell?s equations. In an MHD model, all plasma species are treated as a single or multiple uid. MHD simulations have been carried out for the uid properties and eld line topology associated with reconnection [Scholer, 1989a,b; Shi and Lee, 1990; Lin and Lee, 1999]. Since the kinetic e ects have been fully neglected, the behavior of kinetic waves generated in reconnection [Chaston et al., 2005; Lin and Lee, 1994; Kraussvarban and Omidi, 1995], signature of non- Maxwellian particle transports as observed by satellites at the dayside magnetopause can not be explained by MHD models. The upside of using MHD models for global scale simulation is that MHD requires less computing resources, and thus can be used to investigate large scale structure of the magnetosphere. In a PIC model, electrons and ions are treated as individual particles that move in imposed electric and magnetic eld, where no approximations are made to the basic laws of mechanics, electricity and magnetism. The PIC models have been utilized to investigate the triggering mechanism of reconnection process [Terasawa, 1981; Price et al., 1986; Hoshino, 1987; Shay et al., 2001; Hesse and Winske, 1998]. It is found that the reconnection rate is insensitive to the mechanisms that initiate the reconnection at the X line [Drake et al., 2003; Birn et al., 2005; Birn and Hesse, 2001; Shay et al., 2001; Pritchett, 2001; Drake et al., 2005]. Due to the limited computing resources, most PIC models address reconnection problem in a way that the simulation domain is at the vicinity of the reconnection X line 26 and boundary conditions are applied locally. This may not be correct when it comes to the magnetopause reconnection as it is of a multi-scale, long-term evolution of the global system. Another concern of using PIC models for magnetopause reconnection is that some artifacts are introduced to expedite the simulation in PIC models. For example, proton to electron mass ratio much less than 1836 is adopted. Hybrid models are between MHD and PIC models, in which one or more plasma species are treated as a single or multiple uids, while the remaining species are treated kinetically as particles. The hybrid model in this thesis treats ions as particles, while electrons are treated as massless uid. Sometimes electron inertial and non-gyrotropic pressure e ects are also included in hybrid models [Kuznetsova et al., 2000]. In general, the hybrid models are valid in studying the physics with wave frequency ! i, and have been successful in explaining the structure of magnetic eld, kinetic waves and the ion signatures observed in reconnection at the magnetopause [Gosling et al., 1986]. 1-D and 2-D hybrid simulations have shown the presence of slow shocks and rotational discontinuities [Lin and Lee, 1994; Lin, 2001; Lin and Swift, 1996; Nakamura and Scholer, 2000] in collisionless reconnection and the structure of FTEs [Karimabadi et al., 2005; Omidi and Sibeck, 2007]. 1.4 Objectives and Outline of the Thesis As shown in previous sections, magnetic reconnection is very important physical pro- cess at the dayside magnetopause when the magnetic shear across the magnetopause is large enough. The challenge to the understanding of FTEs in the magnetopause reconnection is that they are of 3-D nature, embedded in a multi-scale solar wind-magnetosphere global system, in which the ion physics is a very important. Inclusion of plasma kinetic physics is necessary for the modeling of the generation and evolution of magnetopause reconnection as well as the understanding of their internal structure. Although local simulations provide better resolution for processes which involve small scales, the 3-D global approach accom- modates the interaction of di erent parts of the magnetosphere. So far, there has been no 27 such a model in the investigation of magnetic reconnection in the magnetosphere. Given the importance of magnetic reconnection in the global transport of the magnetosphere, it is expected that such a study will push forward our understanding of the transport process. By using a global-scale hybrid model, we aim to investigate: (1) The magnetic eld con guration under a southward IMF with or without the guide eld By. (2) The evolution and internal structure of FTEs caused by reconnection process after their onset. (3) The quasi-steady reconnection under a purely southward IMF. (4) The spectra of cusp precipitating ions associated with the dayside magnetopause reconnection. In Chapter 2, our simulation model, initial and boundary conditions are explained in detail. In Chapter 3, the package for data visualization is introduced brie y. Starting from Chapter 4, we presents the simulation results from di erent IMF conditions. In Chapter 4, we represent the simulation results from 2 cases with a purely southward IMF, focusing on the eld con guration and the evolution and internal structure of FTEs caused by reconnection. In Chapter 5, we explains the dayside magnetopause reconnection impact on the spectra of cusp precipitating ions under a purely southward IMF. In Chapter 6, we report preliminary simulation results from a case with a nite guide eld By. In Chapter 7, we summarize and give a glimpse of future work. 28 Chapter 2 Global-Scale Hybrid Simulation Model The global hybrid simulation scheme is described by Swift [1996] and implemented by Lin and Wang [2005] for 3-D simulations of the dayside magnetosphere. Note that our simulation addresses the reconnection processes within the dayside convection time scale and not for the entire global magnetosphere. 2.1 The Scheme Except for the inner magnetosphere of r < 7RE, the ions (protons) are fully kinetic particles, and the equation in the simulation units for ion motion, is given by dvi dt = E + vi B (Vi Ve); (2.1) where vi is the ion particle velocity, E is the electric eld in units of ion acceleration, B is the magnetic eld in units of the ion gyrofrequency [Swift, 1996] while Ve is the bulk ow velocities of the electrons and Vi is the particle ion bulk ow velocity. A small ad hoc current-dependent collision frequency, ?0:01 J=J0, is imposed in order to model ad-hoc anomalous resistivity and trigger magnetic reconnection in the simulation, where is the local ion gyrofrequency and J0 = B0= 0 0 (here 0 is the ion inertial length of the solar wind). A uid approximation is used to model the inner magnetosphere of r < 7RE, given that the uid plasma in this region is not expected to a ect the kinetics in the region of the magnetopause. 29 The electrons are treated as a massless uid, and quasi charge neutrality is assumed in the calculation. The electric eld is determined by the electron momentum equation E = Ve B (Ve Vti) rPe=N; (2.2) where Ve is the electron bulk ow velocity, Vti is the total bulk ow velocity, Pe is the thermal pressure of electrons and N is the electron number density. The total ion bulk ow velocity Vti in Equation 2.2 is given by Vti = nin Vi + nfn Vf; (2.3) where the subscripts i an f stand for discrete particle and uid, respectively and the n?s are the densities. Note that at the radial distance r 7 and as r increases, the particle ion bulk ow velocity Viis the dominant component for total ion bulk ow velocity. The equation for uid ion velocity is given by dVf dt = E + Vf B (Vf Ve) (2.4) The electron ow speed is evaluated from Ampere?s law Ve = Vti r B n ; (2.5) where a constant = (4 e2=mic2) is introduced. Note that ( n) 12 is the ion inertial length. The magnetic eld is updated by Faraday?s law @B @t = r E: (2.6) The equations above then are written in a form more convenient for time-stepping, where magnetic eld, particle motion and uid term are kept while electric eld E is eliminated. 30 The particle equations are advanced with one time step dt and the uid and magnetic eld equations are advance using 0:1dt, one tenth of the time step used for the particle motion. Note that magnetic eld B is expressed as B = B0 + B1; (2.7) where B0 is a time independent and curl-free portion and only B1 is updated. As for the time-stepping algorithm, the velocities are known at the half time step, and the positions and elds are at the even time step. The fourth order Ronger-Kutta Method and the leapfrog technique are the two options for the subcycle update of the magnetic elds. Interpolation has been used for the update of both elds and particles. Second-order accuracy have been obtained in the discretization. 2.2 Curvilinear Coordinates This section describes the use of the curvilinear coordinates. The corresponding Carte- sian positions of the curvilinear grid points can be calculated through a table of geometrical coe cients. Figure 2.1 shows a curvilinear coordinate cell, of which the center is at the grid point i, j, k, while the coner point is at i+ 12, j+ 12, k+ 12 and i+ 12, j+ 12, k 12, etc. Corre- spondingly, a dual cell is de ned as a cell with centers at the half grid points and corners at the whole grid points, i, j, k. The magnetic eld components are shown as vectors on cell faces with the components pointing normal to the faces while the electric eld resides on the cell edges. The magnetic eld components can be presented by taking the scaler product of B with the unit vector normal to the cell surfaces. In another word, the magnetic eld can be presented in contraviant components. B = l1^B1 + l2^B2 + l3^B3; (2.8) 31 where l1, l2,and l3 are tangent vectors, while ^B1, ^B2, and ^B3 are contravarient tensor components. Note that a set of reciprocal basis vectors !?s can also be de ned so that the magnetic eld can be expressed as B = !1^B1 +!2^B2 +!3^B3; (2.9) where !i lj = ij. Applying this to the right-facing face of the parallelepiped cell, which is centered at (i+ 12;j;k), the discretization of Farady?s law gives [( ^B1)n+1 ( ^B1)n t l1 l1 A 1] i+12;j;k =(^E n+12 l3) i+12;j 12;k (^E n+12 l3) i+12;j+12;k + (^En+12 l2)i+1 2;j;k+ 1 2 (^En+12 l2)i+1 2;j;k 1 2 ; (2.10) where l2;3 are lengths of the cell edges and reside at the center of the edges. A1 = l2 l3 is the area of the correspoing cell surface and l1 is the correspoding dual cell tangent vector. The length of tangent vectors (l?s) are the di erence between coordinates points speci ed in the coe cient table as mentioned previously. I.e., (l2)i+1 2;j;k+ 1 2 = (r)i+1 2;j+ 1 2;k+ 1 2 (r)i+1 2;j 1 2;k+ 1 2 ; (2.11) where the r?s are the position of the coordinate points. The particle position is updated from (qi)n+1 = (qi)n + tMi vn+12; (2.12) where the vector tensor Mi convert v into particle position qi in a contravariant form. Note that the positions of particles are also position dependent and so they are interpolated from the grid to the particle position using PIC weighting. 32 Figure 2.1: A coordinates cell showing the position and orientation of curvilinear components of the magnetic and electric elds. Adatped from [Swift, 1996] 2.3 Simulation Domain The simulation domain contains the system of the bow shock, magnetosheath, and magnetosphere in the dayside region with x > 0 as shown in Figure 2.2 and a geocentric distance 4 r 24:5. The Earth is located at the origin (x;y;z) = (0;0;0). Out ow boundary conditions are utilized at x = 0, while in ow boundary conditions of the solar wind are applied at r = 24:5. The inner boundary at r = 4 is perfectly conducting. Spherical coordinates are used in the simulation. The polar angle is measured from the positive z axis, and the azimuthal (longitudinal) angle from the negative y axis. 2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions Initially, a geomagnetic dipole eld plus a mirror dipole is assumed in r < 10RE [Lin and Wang, 2005], and a uniform solar wind with the IMF B0 of Bx0 = 0, By0 = 0 and Bz0 = 1 is imposed for r > 10RE. The mirror dipole in the initial setup is to speed up the formation of the bow shock and magnetopause. The bow shock, magnetosphere and magnetosheath are formed by interaction between the solar wind and the dipole eld. 33 Figure 2.2: Simulation domain in the GSM system 34 We choose a uniform solar wind with i = e = 0:5 and an Alfv en Mach number MA = 5. The solar wind ows into the system along the x direction with an isotropic drifting-Maxwellian distribution. The ion number density in the solar wind is set to be N0 = 11;000R 3E for macro particles in this kinetic simulation, and a total of 4 108 particles are used in a run. For a typical ion gyrofrequency of 0:1 s 1, the corresponding IMF is ?10 nT. Non-uniform grid spacing r is used to produce a higher resolution near the magne- topause, where r ? 0:09RE. A total grid of 160 104 130 is used. The time step to advance the positions of ions is 0:05 10 , where 10 is the inverse of the solar wind ion gyrofrequency ( 10 ). In the presentation below, the magnetic eld B is scaled by the IMF B0; the ion number density N by the solar wind density N0; the time t by the inverse of the solar wind ion gyrofrequency ( 10 ); the ow velocity V by the solar wind Alfv en speed VA0; the temperature by V2A0; the length in units of the Earth?s radius RE. In order to accommodate to the available computing resources, a larger-than-reality ion inertial length 0 = 0:1RE of the solar wind is chosen in the simulation. Note that VA0 = 0 0. In an e ort to examine the e ects of various values of 0, we have also run a case with 0 = 0:05RE, although still about 3 times larger than that in reality. The resulting structures of the magnetopause reconnection are qualitatively the same as that shown in this thesis. Three cases are presented in this thesis. In case 1, the dipole axis is tilted sunward by 15 , so that the northern cusp region is well within the simulation domain. Case 2 is similar to case 1, except that the dipole tilt angle is equal to zero. Case 3 is also similar to case 1, except that the IMF is Bx0 = 0, By0 = 0:707 and Bz0 = 0:707. 35 Chapter 3 Data Visualization The raw data generated from supercomputers are processed and visualized, using desk- top computers. As a joint e ort with Dr. Wang Xueyi, the visualization tool of 3-D data is developed in MATLAB, which is a numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language. Note that a certain fraction of open source code mainly from the website of Mathworks is also included in the package. Figure 3.1 shows the main graphic user interface of the visualization package. As seen in Figure 3.1, the data processing consists of two parts. The rst part is data conversion and data reading, as shown in the upper part of the main interface. There are several options for data format, including ?BOX-DATA?, ?RAW-DATA? and ?COV-DATA?. ?RAW-DATA? is the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) out- put from Fortran 90 program, which is in spherical coordinates. The icon ?RAW-DATA CONVERSION? provides a function to convert the raw data to a HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) format, namely, the format of ?COV-DATA? as shown in the interface. Note that the ?COV-DATA? is in the Cartesian coordinate system. The lower part of the main interface are the main menu for plotting. Most of our data are 3-D. After reading data, clicking icon ?3D PLOT? leads to the 3-D data plotting menu. Figure 3.2 showcases an example of 3-D data visualization. The contours are the total magnetic eld in the noon meridian and equatorial planes, supposed with the isosurface of B = 4:5 in the simulation units. Figure 3.3 shows the capability of slice plotting integrated in the the 3-D data visual- ization package. Not only planes of a constant x;y or z in the GSM system but also planes with a rotation around the three principle axes can be chosen to plot contours. 36 Figure 3.1: Graphic user interface of the visualization package Figure 3.3 shows the capability of isosurface plotting integrated in the the 3-D data visualization package. Lighting and transparency can be adjusted as needed. Both scaler data sets such ion density, temperature and vector data sets such as velocity and magnetic eld can be visualized in the 3-D frame. For magnetic eld, eld lines can be plotted interactively. In the eld line plotting mode, clicking a point inside a plotted slice within the 3-D visualization frame will enable the package to plot a eld line through that point. Figure 3.5 is the graphic user interface of ne tuning magnetic eld lines. Clicking the icon ?x-? changes the position of the point through which the visualization package plots the magnetic eld line by a small step, e.g., 0:1, in the negative x direction. In addition to the general 3-D plotting capability, new graphic objects such as particle trajectories can be plotted within the same 3-D gure. The package also has relatively independent functions for one dimensional (1-D) plotting and 2-D (two dimensional) plotting as indicated in the main interface. 37 Figure 3.2: An example of 3-D data visualization: The contours are the total magnetic eld in the noon meridian and equatorial planes, supposed with the isosurface of B = 4:5 in the simulation units. 38 Figure 3.3: Slice plotting integrated the 3-D data visualization package. 39 Figure 3.4: Isosurface plotting integrated the 3-D data visualization package. Figure 3.5: Graphic user interface of ne tuning magnetic eld lines. 40 The sample source code in the appendix is the function in MATLAB for contours plotting and ne tuning eld lines, which contain frequently used technique in the package. 41 Chapter 4 Dayside Magnetic Reconnection Under a Purely Southward IMF: Structure and Evolution of Reconnection 4.1 Introduction As we discussed in Chapter 1, magnetic reconnection is believed to play an important role in geomagnetic and magnetospheric plasma processes. Without magnetic reconnection, the magnetosphere of the Earth is a relatively ?isolated? space from the solar wind. With the magnetospheric eld lines opened up by the reconnection process, solar wind plasma is able to penetrate through the magnetopause; momentum and energy can also be transferred from the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic eld (IMF) into the magnetosphere as the connectivity of the magnetic eld lines changes. One of the important questions about magnetic reconnection is the magnetic con g- uration of connectivity associated with it, i.e., whether the reconnection occurs through a single X line or multiple X lines [Winglee et al., 2008]. According to the time scales of the in-situ observation results, magnetic reconnection events fall into two categories: (1) quasi- stationary magnetic reconnection; (2) transient magnetic reconnection. A quasi-stationary magnetic reconnection might have a time scale of hours [Gosling et al., 1982], which is dominated by a single X-line. The transient counterpart usually has a quasi-period around 8 minutes [Rijnbeek et al., 1984]. Flux transfer events (FTEs), which are widely considered to be associated with transient magnetic reconnection nearby[e.g., Hasegawa et al., 2006; Kuznetsova et al., 2009], were rst discovered by Russell and Elphic [1978]. Initially, FTEs were thought to be ux tubes that are the products of single-X-line, patchy reconnection [Russell and Elphic, 1978]. Due to complicated geometries and the multi-scale nature of re- connection, numerical simulations have been utilized to investigate the reconnection physics. 42 Lee and Fu [1985] suggested that FTEs are multiple-X-line ux ropes with helical internal structures, in which a magnetic eld line is reconnected at two or more reconnection sites. Alternative models were also proposed to account for the formation of FTEs. For example, Scholer [1988] suggested that the variation of reconnection rate could give rise to a loop-like eld lines based on the single X-line reconnection. Since local simulation models have strong dependence on the boundary conditions, three- dimensional (3-D) global simulations using modern computers have become a powerful tool to study the reconnection and the associated structure of the dayside magnetopause. The latest work includes global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations by Fedder et al. [2002], Raeder [2006], Dorelli and Bhattacharjee [2009], Kuznetsova et al. [2009] and Winglee et al. [2008]. Dorelli and Bhattacharjee [2009] point out that it is likely that the resistive MHD Ohm?s law may fail to capture much of the physics relevant to the FTE generation when the model assumption is no longer valid under certain circumstances. The challenge to the understanding of FTEs in the magnetopause reconnection is that they are of 3-D nature, embedded in a multi-scale solar wind-magnetosphere global system, in which the ion physics is a very important. Inclusion of plasma kinetic physics is necessary for the modeling of the generation and evolution of magnetopause reconnection as well as the understanding of their internal structure. For the rst time, here we present a numerical simulation of dayside reconnection using a 3-D global scale hybrid model, in which fully- kinetic ion physics is solved in a self-consistent electromagnetic eld [Lin and Wang, 2005]. The reconnection events are identi ed by the connectivity change of magnetic eld lines and supported by the presence of reconnection jets away from the reconnection sites. Both multiple X-line and single X-line type structures are examined, where the term ?X lines? is de ned in the context of local 3-D eld con guration [e.g., Priest and Forbes, 2000;]. The detailed de nition will be given in section 3.2. Note that our de nition of X line is di erent from the one used by Dorelli and Bhattacharjee [2009], which de nes the X line as a separator line, the intersection of two north pole, and closed eld lines. Based on a 43 global MHD simulation, Dorelli and Bhattacharjee [2009] have found that the instability associated with FTEs is triggered by a movement of the ow stagnation point away from the magnetic separator, which modi es the subsolar stagnation point ow. In this chapter, two cases with a purely southward IMF are investigated. In the presence of a strong southward IMF, the Earth?s dipole eld is anti-parallel to the IMF around the equatorial plane, leading to the occurrence of magnetic reconnection at the low latitude mag- netopause. Statistical studies show that majority of FTEs are observed during a southward IMF [Rijnbeek et al., 1984; Sibeck and Lin, 2010]. 4.2 Simulation Results 4.2.1 Magnetic Field Line Con guration under Southward IMF We rst present results from case 1, with a 15 dipole tilt angle and a purely southward IMF. As the solar wind ions convect earthward carrying the IMF, the bow shock, magne- tosheath, and magnetopause form gradually in a self-consistent manner. Most magnetic reconnection events originate in the equatorial region, which are related to X-lines of nearly anti-parallel magnetic eld reconnection. Flux ropes are generated above and below the equator and reconnected magnetic eld lines are approximately symmetric about the noon meridian plane. Figure 4.1 shows the magnetic eld line con guration obtained from case 1 in a global view, emphasizing eld lines in the northern hemisphere at t = 5, 15, 25 and 35. The blue sphere at the origin represents the Earth. The contours in the equatorial plane show the ion density. Outward from the Earth, the boundary region with a sharp ion density increase is the magnetopause, at a stando distance of r?9:5 10. The bow shock is the boundary region with a sharp density decrease. The black lines are the closed eld lines of the geomagnetic dipole eld. The yellow lines are open eld lines of the shocked IMF before magnetic reconnection. Field lines in other colors are reconnected eld lines with one end 44 Figure 4.1: Magnetic eld line con guration in a global view obtained in case 1 at t = 5 (top left), t = 15 (top right), t = 25 (bottom left), and t = 35 (bottom right), respectively. The closed dipole eld lines are in black. Yellow lines are open eld lines before magnetic reconnection. Field lines in other colors are reconnected eld lines between the IMF and dipole eld in di erent regions. Contours in the equatorial plane show the ion density. 45 connecting to IMF and the other end to the magnetosphere, where the colors are used to distinguish di erent regions of magnetic reconnection as in the description below. The upper left plot of Figure 4.1 shows the magnetic con guration of the initial phase at t = 5, or t?25 1 with 1 being the local ion gyrofrequency. There appears to be no signi cant evidence of magnetic reconnection at this time. At t = 15 (Figure 4.1, upper right), looped ux ropes (FTEs), form in between two neighboring X lines, while the X lines of nite length lie in the dawn-dusk direction. The axial extent of the ux ropes is limited as seen in the plot. Around the equator, there are both looped ux ropes and adjacent single X-line magnetic reconnection shown by the red eld lines. FTEs are found to be localized looped ux ropes corresponding to multiple X-line reconnection (MXR) [Raeder, 2006; Hasegawa et al., 2006] with helical internal structures, which generate signatures consistent with in situ observations. The bipolar FTE signature of Bn, the local normal component of magnetic eld, will be discussed below. A Wal en test will also be performed for the single X-line reconnection to investigate the presence of relevant MHD discontinuities, using the data from case 2. The blue eld lines in the mid latitudes show another layer of looped ux ropes (FTEs), while the green eld lines in the northern high latitudes show the occurrence of a single X-line-type reconnection with no obvious looped eld lines. At t = 25 (Figure 4.1, lower left), or t?125 1, the looped ux ropes illustrated by the red eld lines of t = 15 have moved poleward with a noticeable expansion of their azimuthal size. The blue FTEs at t = 15 have also propagated towards the cusp and tailward, and meanwhile toward dawn/dusk side. At t = 35 (Figure 4.1, lower right), part of the red ux ropes around the equator at t = 15 have moved to the middle latitudes, so have segments of X lines adjacent to the FTEs. The blue FTEs in the middle latitudes at t = 15 also continue moving tailward and poleward, and part of them have disintegrated during the interaction with the cusp while the rest have convected past the pole. 46 Figure 4.2: (Left) Four eld lines of di erent topologies in case 1 at t = 55. (Right) Illustra- tion of how the patchy reconnection and multiple reconnection can explain the coexistence of the four eld lines in the left plot [Lee et al., 1993]. 47 In our simulation, the magnetopause reconnection is found to generate not only the reconnected eld lines connecting the IMF to the dipole eld, but also other topologies due to 3-D e ects, including both purely closed reconnected eld lines as well as purely open reconnected eld lines. The color plots in Figure 4.2 show four eld lines of case 1 at t = 55, in which the ux ropes are mainly located at x ? 9:5-10, y ? 0:6- 1:8 and z? 0:5-1. In addition to the blue and black eld lines that are between the magnetosphere and the magnetosheath, there also exist the green closed eld lines that are connected from the magnetospheric eld to the magnetospheric eld, threading from the northern cusp to the southern cusp, as well as the red open eld line from the magnetosheath to the magnetosheath. The rectangular contour slice shows ion density at z = 0:5 around the reconnection site. Note that the sliver of green density on the slice is adjacent and on the sunward side of the ux ropes. The green and red eld lines in Figure 4.2 are associated with the FTE ux ropes, and thus are di erent from the unperturbed closed geomagnetic eld lines and open solar wind eld lines. A previous 3-D MHD simulation of Lee et al. [1993] shows that due to the non-uniformity along the plane of the current sheet, four possible topologies of FTE eld lines can be generated. They are the eld lines connected (1) from IMF to the Earth?s dipole eld ( eld lines between solar wind and north pole); (2) from the Earth?s dipole eld to the Earth?s dipole eld; (3) from the Earth?s dipole eld to IMF ( eld lines between solar wind and south pole); and (4) from IMF to IMF. The right plots (a)-(d) in Figure 4.2 ( Right) [Lee et al., 1993] can be used to illustrate how the patchy, multiple reconnection events can explain the coexistence of the four types of eld lines obtained from our 3-D simulation as shown in the color plots of Figure 4.2. The patchy reconnection indicates that the size of the reconnection region has a fairly limited extent in space [Kan, 1988; Pinnock et al., 1995]. At the initial stage (a), ux tubes AA0 and BB0 are two bundles of magnetosheath elds and CC 0 and DD0 are of magnetospheric elds. At the second stage (b), reconnection takes place at two patches. At the third stage (c), the reconnected ux tubes BD0 and CA0 move 48 toward each other so that at the fourth stage (d) a re-reconnection has occurred, leading to the formation of closed ux tube CD0. Flux tubes CD0 and BA0 correspond to the green (closed) and red (open) eld lines in the color plots of Figure 4.2. Since ux ropes form between multiple X lines, a position shift of neighboring X lines relevant to ux ropes can also play a critical role in determining the connectivity of eld line [Lee et al., 1993]. The existence of reconnected eld lines from the magnetosphere to the magnetosphere or from IMF to the IMF, in addition to the opened magnetospheric eld lines and the unperturbed magnetosheath eld lines, has also been suggested by Lui et al. [2008] and Kuznetsova et al. [2009]. We note that our study is the rst global simulation that shows these four types of eld lines. The reason why a 3-D global hybrid simulation ?shows? but a 3-D global MHD simulation does not deserves further investigation. In our simulation, localized ux ropes at low latitudes with dominant purely closed eld lines do not occur often and can not survive more than 20 10 . Further investigation is needed to address how long their life time is for more general cases with a nite IMF By component. 4.2.2 Structure and Evolution of Flux Transfer Events (FTEs) The structure and evolution of FTEs are illustrated in Figure 4.3 around the dayside magnetopause. Here, we give our de nition of the reconnection X line before the discussion on physical quantities associated with 3-D reconnection. We adopt a procedure like the one described by Priest and Forbes [2000b], which de nes reconnection in a general way. We seek a set of singular lines, near which the magnetic eld has an X-type con guration. The rst row of Figure 4.3 illustrates how a singular line, or in another word, "X line" is de ned, which is the intersection of two surfaces that separate distinct eld lines of four di erent local regions (earthward side of the magnetopause current sheet, sunward side of the current sheet, from the sunward side to the earthward side, and from the earthward side to the sunward side following the magnetic eld direction). The black tubes are eld lines traced in the 3-D space. The X-type con guration is determined by mapping the 3-D eld 49 Figure 4.3: Three dimensional plots ( rst row) illustrate how X line is de ned, with Vz contours in the noon meridian plane. Two dimensional intensity plots of By (second row), ion density (third row), total magnetic eld (fourth row), parallel temperature ( fth row) and perpendicular temperature (bottom row) are also in the noon-midnight meridional plane, zoomed around the dayside magnetopause at t = 15, 25, 35, 65, respectively (from left to right). 50 lines into an x-z reference plane. An X point of the X line that separates local areas of four di erent magnetic connectivity types is found, shown as a blue dot. By connecting the X points in a series of such planes, an X line segment naturally forms. Other supporting evidence of the X line, such as the existence of opposite ow jets and the quadrupole magnetic eld structure in the guide eld, is given below. The FTEs to be discussed in this chapter are of an O-line that requires two X-lines. As shown in the left plot of the rst row, there are two X-line segments as in blue dots at t = 15. There are also two X lines at t = 65. But the previous two at t = 15 are not seen at t = 65 as they have moved northward. The northern X line segment at t = 65 was below the plane of z = 1 at t = 15 before it moves to its present location in this case with a tilted dipole axis. In order to illustrate the presence of reconnection jets from the X lines, the contours in the rst row of Figure 4.3 show Vz, the z component of ion bulk ow velocity in the noon-midnight meridional plane obtained from case 1. Our de nition of the 3-D magnetic reconnection is consistent with observations that plasma jets are moving away from X lines due to reconnection. At t = 65, two opposite jets with Vz of opposite sign occur inside the FTE ux ropes between the two X lines. The Vz of magnetosheath plasmas near FTEs increases as the latitude increases. Although two opposite jets are expected from an X line, the southward jet at t = 15 appears missing, due to the the non-zero northward background Vz of the ambient magnetosheath plasmas. Meanwhile, strengths of the two opposite jets from two adjacent X lines inside one FTE are not necessarily equal to each other. As in the case at t = 15 shown in the top left plot of Figure 4.3, one direction of ion acceleration is dominant inside the FTE between the two X lines. The intensity plots in Figure 4.3 show By (second row), ion density N (third row), mag- netic eld strength B (fourth row), parallel ion temperature Tk ( fth row), and perpendicular ion temperature T? (bottom row) in the noon-midnight meridional plane at t = 15;25;35 and 65. The black lines superposed on the contours are two dimensional (2-D) eld lines 51 projected onto the noon meridian plane. Note that the density of 2-D eld lines shown here does not represent the magnetic eld strength. The locations of FTEs can be identi ed from the magnetic islands traced by the eld lines in the contour plots. The center of a highlighted FTE island is marked with arrows in the plots from t = 15-35. The FTE marked in Figure 4.3 forms around t = 15 at the subsolar region, and moves poleward as time proceeds. The FTE speeds up as it moves away from the equator. Att = 65, another FTE forms near the subsolar region, which re ects the quasi-periodic generation of FTEs. Between t = 35 and t = 65, there is a relative quiescent period, and magnetic reconnection remains single X-line-like in the region. Perturbations in By are obtained in the vicinity of X lines, as indicated by the black rectangles in Figure 4.3. Because the initial By in the solar wind is set to be zero, the intensity of By in the plot can be viewed as a perturbation. The By pattern is consistent with the Hall e ects due to the ion kinetic e ects [Sonnerup, 1979; Terasawa, 1983; Pritchett, 2001; Shay et al., 2001]. In a simple 2-D reconnection model, plasma ows into the vicinity of an X line. Electrons are frozen-in to the eld lines and ions lag behind due to their larger inertia, which produces a net current and a corresponding By perturbation. This leads to a negative By above and a positive By below the X line on the magnetosheath side, with a negative By below and a positive By above the X line on the magnetospheric side. For the dayside magnetopause, it is expected that the polarity on the magnetosheath side dominates the Hall pattern due to the much larger density on the magnetosheath side, which is di erent from the quadrupole structure of By for a nearly symmetric current sheet [Karimabadi et al., 1999; Pritchett, 2001; Birn et al., 2008]. In contrast to a dominant polarity on the magnetosheath side, By perturbations with near equal strength are seen in the multiple X-line reconnection at t = 25, 35 and 65 in our simulation, as shown in Figure 4.3. The quadrupole By perturbations are within a boundary layer, of which the sunward thickness is 0:5RE 1:0RE. The plasma density level in the boundary layer adjacent to the magnetosphere is about 1.0, comparable to 2.0, in the 52 ambient magnetosheath. The local plasma density adjacent to the magnetosphere may be enhanced by the trapped ions around the nearby O line of an FTE. The presence of near quadrupole By may be due to the thick boundary layer around the FTEs. The third row of Figure 4.3 reveals that the FTEs are associated with ion density enhancements at the core. Note that the low density region at t = 15, x = 10-11 and z = 5-6 are in the solar wind. Corresponding to the density enhancement, the magnetic eld strength is found to dip in the core of the FTE as seen in the fourth row of Figure 4.3. Such results are consistent with the 2-D hybrid simulation results of Omidi and Sibeck [2007] for a similar case of a purely southward IMF, in which the reconnection is mainly of anti-parallel eld type. It has been suggested [e.g., Hasegawa et al., 2006; Scholer et al., 2003] that whether an FTE possesses a strong core eld may be associated with whether the reconnection is an anti-parallel or component merging. In the upper panel of Figure 4.4, ion density contours at x = 9:5 at t = 80 are shown as well as eld lines, while a close-up plot around three FTEs at the magnetopause is shown in the lower panel. The ux ropes are seen to wrap around a lament of relatively higher ion density. The peak density is about 2 times that of the ambient plasma inside the boundary layer. Our results indicate that the density at the FTE core may be larger than that near the edge, and that the spatial pro le of the density along a path through the core may be very di erent from that through the edge. Ion heating is found in the FTEs, as shown in the bottom two rows of Figure 4.3. Stronger enhancement in the parallel ion temperature Tk is seen inside FTEs, while the perpendicular temperature T? shows a mild increase compared with that in the ambient magnetosheath. The enhancement of Tk=T? in magnetic reconnection has also been reported in satellite observations[Klumpar et al., 1990] and numerical simulations[Birn and Hesse, 2001]. Note that the fading of the ion temperature in the closed eld line region between t = 15 and t = 65 is due to the loss of ion particles in the magnetosphere because the returned 53 Figure 4.4: Ion density laments inside FTEs of case 1. The upper panel shows ion density contours at x = 9:5 and t = 80, superposed onto a eld-line plot, and the lower panel is a close-up of the same plane. 54 Figure 4.5: Ion density laments inside FTEs of case 1. The upper panel shows ion density contours at x = 9:5 and t = 80, superposed onto a eld-line plot, and the lower panel is a close-up of the same plane. ions from the magnetotail are not included in the simulation model. Only the transmitted ions from the magnetosheath are emphasized in the simulated magnetopause reconnection. 4.2.3 Magnetic Field Signature and Ion Velocity Distributions in FTEs Bipolar signature of the normal component of magnetic eld, Bn, has been considered a typical signature of the observed FTEs [e.g., Russell and Elphic, 1978; Dorelli and Bhat- tacharjee, 2009]. Viewed in the local normal coordinates, satellites traveling through an FTE along the magnetopause usually observe a transient magnetic eld structure in which Bn changes either from + to or from to +. The ux ropes obtained in our simulation indeed produce the bipolar signature similar to satellite observations. The rightmost plot in Figure 4.5 shows the spatial variation of the magnetic eld and ion density along a virtual satellite path through the magnetospheric edge of an FTE at t = 40 in the simulation of case 1. In the contour plots of Figure 4.5, the path is from point P1 to point P2 along the magnetopause, illustrated by the thick black line. The contours are of N, By and Vz in the noon meridian plane, with 2-D black eld lines superposed on. The top three panels in the rightmost plot of Figure 4.5 show the spatial variations of Bn, Bl, and Bm components of magnetic eld, where the local normal direction ^n of the 55 lmn local coordinate system is determined by the minimum variance method [Sonnerup and Cahill, 1967]. In this coordinate system, three directions^l, ^m and ^n complete a right-handed orthogonal system with ^l de ned as (^z ^n(^n ^z))=j^z ^n(^n ^z)jand ^m as the vector product ^n ^l. The local normal direction ^n is found to be (0:8259;0:0139;0:5636) and ^m is nearly ^y in the GSM system. As shown in the top panel, Bn changes from positive near P1 to negative as the virtual satellite ? ies? toward P2, consistent with the typical bipolar magnetic eld signature of FTE. The Bl component remains a positive magnetospheric value during the crossing. The magnitude of Bm is approximately equal to By. The two bipolar enhancements of Bm are due to two parts of the adjacent Hall eld perturbations from two X-lines as illustrated in the contours of By. Near the center of the FTE, the ion density goes up as the virtual satellite cuts through the density lament inside the ux ropes as shown in the contours of N. The bottom panel shows the eld strength B, which exhibits a pattern that is not of a simple anti-phase relationship with ion density. To investigate the properties of ion particles around FTEs, we ?probe? in Figure 4.6 the ion velocity distributions at the speci c FTE highlighted with white dots in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.6 plots the parallel velocities (relative to the local magnetic eld) vik of ion particles versus one of the two perpendicular ion velocities, vi?1. Here, the perpendicular direction ^e?1 is chosen to be in the direction of B ^y. The top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right plots of Figure 4.6 show the distributions at four chosen locations centered at D1, D2, D3 and D4, respectively, which are marked in the contours of Figure 4.5. The top left of Figure 4.6 corresponds to locationD1 centered at (x;y;z) = (8:08;0;2:62). Among the four locations, D1 is the closest to the magnetosphere but still on open eld lines. The velocity distribution features a tenuous ion population, and the majority of ions pos- sess near zero bulk velocity. The bottom left plot of Figure 4.6 corresponds to location D3 centered at (x;y;z) = (9:48;0;4:02) in the magnetosheath outside the FTE. This dense ion population convects northward with the bulk Vik< 0, opposite to the southward IMF. 56 Figure 4.6: Top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right show the ion velocity distribu- tions at four chosen locations centered at D1, D2, D3 and D4 in Figure 4.5, respectively. 57 The top right plot of Figure 4.6 corresponds to location D2, centered at (x;y;z) = (8:69;0;3:03), which is well inside the ux ropes. The bottom right plot of Figure 4.6 corresponds to location D4, centered at (x;y;z) = (8:83;0;3:27), which is near the center of the ux ropes. Mixtures of multiple ion beams transmitted from the magnetosheath are seen in the vik-vi?1 plane. The presence of multiple ion beams in FTEs has also been reported from satellite observations [e.g., Hasegawa et al., 2006]. The velocity distributions at D2, D4 feature the highest ion temperatures among the selected locations, with Tk > T? as indicated by the larger extent of the contours in vik than that in the perpendicular velocity space of vi?1 and vi?2 (not shown). The majority of ions possess a large positive velocity vik at D2 while the majority of ions at D4 possess a large negative velocity vi?1. Positive vik at D2 and negative vi?1 at D4 both indicate that these ions are accelerated northward away from the X line south to the FTE that the four locations are associated with. Several other locations to the north of D2 and D3 and inside the FTE were "probed" and the results show that ions are also accelerated northward away, which is consistent with the positive Vz shown in the contour plot. 4.2.4 Wal en Test of Rotational Discontinuity in a Quasi-Steady Reconnection To evaluate the in uence of the tilt angle of the Earth?s dipole eld, we have run case 2 with the same parameters except that the tilt angle is chosen to be zero. It is found that under the new condition, X lines also form and move poleward. Although the time scale of the reconnection in case 2 is of the same order as in case 1, the average time of reoccurence of FTEs from the subsolar region in case 2 is longer. The top left plot of Figure 4.7 shows an example of case 2 at t = 100, where that the magnetic reconnection structure north to the subsolar looped ux ropes is ?single-X-line-like?. The semi-transparent contour plot shows Vz, the z component of the ion ow velocity in the noon meridian plane, illustrating plasma jets away from X lines. As the plot in fact is a 3-D one with a view from dawn to dusk, the black tubes that sometimes pass through the noon meridian plane are true 3-D eld lines. 58 Figure 4.7: Wal en test in case 2 in the northern hemisphere at t = 100. The top left contour plot shows the ion ow velocity Vz in the noon meridian plane, in which E1-E2 is a line segment in the r direction across a rotational discontinuity. Spatial cuts of eld components Bl, Bm, Bn and ion ow velocities Vl, Vm, Vn along E1-E2 are shown in the top right plot. The result of Wal en test is shown in the bottom left. The ion velocity distribution at location D5 between E1 and E2 is shown in the bottom right. 59 While the FTE ux ropes are forming at the subsolar region in the northern hemisphere, a rotational discontinuity is found north to the subsolar looped ux ropes, associated with a single X line. Note that in case 1 with a dipole tilt of 15 , the magnetopause is dominated by FTEs as also found in the 3-D global MHD simulation of Raeder [2006]. No clear rotational discontinuities are found in case 1. Both theoretical models [e.g., Lin and Lee, 1994], and observations [Phan et al., 1994] show that a large amplitude rotational discontinuity, an intermediate-mode MHD disconti- nuity, may exist in out ow regions of quasi-steady reconnection at the magnetopause. Here, we examine the existence of a rotational discontinuity in the magnetopause boundary layer in our 3-D global scale hybrid simulation. The Wal en relation is applied to identify the rotational discontinuity [Sonnerup et al., 1981], which states that across the rotational dis- continuity the tangential plasma ow velocity Vt changes, as Vt = VAt0 = VAt[1 ( k ?)=2]1=2; (4.1) where Vt is the change of the tangential ow velocity across the rotational disconti- nuity and VAt0 is the corresponding change in the tangential Alfv en velocity corrected by a temperature anisotropy factor. The plus (minus) sign is applied to discontinuities with a normal component of the upstream in ow velocity parallel (anti-parallel) to the normal component of the magnetic eld [Paschmann et al., 1986]. In satellite observations [Son- nerup et al., 1981; Phan et al., 1996] and a previous hybrid simulation [Lin, 2001], equation (4) is not exactly satis ed. Instead, Wal en ratio A j Vtj=j( VAt[1 ( k ?)=2]1=2)j usually ranges from 0.6 to 0.9 for ions, and for electrons the Wal en relation can be nearly satis ed [Scudder et al., 1999]. Figure 4.7 shows an example of Wal en test around a single X line reconnection site in case 2 in the northern hemisphere at t = 100. The contour plot on the upper left side of Figure 4.7 shows the Vz component of ion bulk ow velocity in the noon meridian plane, in which 60 the black tubes are 3-D eld lines. The magnetic eld lines in this plot sometimes cross the noon meridian plane, indicating a non-zero By component. E1-E2 is a line segment in the r direction across the discontinuity to be studied below, while E1 is at (x;y;z) = (7:926;0;7:3) and E2 at (x;y;z) = (7:059;0;6:55). Point D5 is centered at (r; ; ) = (9:8;47 ;90 ), also on the path E1-E2. A rotational discontinuity is identi ed along the line cut, of which the local normal direction to the discontinuity, ^n, is determined by the minimum variance method used in Section 3.3. The ^l, ^m, ^n are ( 0:6643; 0:2307;0:7110), (0:3281; 0:9446; 0:0000) and (0:6716;0:2333;0:7032) in the GSM coordinate system, respectively. Spatial cuts of magnetic eld components Bl, Bm, Bn and ion ow components Vl, Vm, Vn along E1-E2 are shown in the top right plot Figure 4.7. Whereas the rotational discontinuity is identi ed between the two blue vertical lines, across the magnetopause current layer. From E1 to E2, the normal component of magnetic eld remains nearly constant while Bl changes sign. The Bm component, although possessing a sign change too, is dominated by Bm > 0, or By < 0, unlike the quadrupole By pattern shown around the case 1 FTEs (Figure 4.3). Through the sharp kinks of eld lines from E1 to E2 across the magnetopause, the dominant ow component Vl is accelerated from 2:5 in the magnetosheath to 5:3 in the boundary layer, a change of ?1:46 local Alv en speed, by the eld tension force. The bottom left plot of Figure 4.7 shows the result of the Wal en test. Throughout the points from E1 to the right blue vertical line along the path E1-E2, Vt is obtained by calculating the di erence between local Vt and that at E1 on the upstream side of the discontinuity, and the change in Alfv?en velocity V0At is calculated similarly [Paschmann et al., 1986]. The blue, green and red hexagrams represent the change ofx, y andz component of electron tangential ow velocity versus the change of V0Atx, V0Aty and V0Atz, respectively. The star-shaped markers show the data for ions. Linear tting based on the method of least squares is performed to obtain the Wal en ratio. The red line is the line tting result for ions while the black line for electrons. Both slopes are positive because the in ow velocity is 61 parallel to the normal component of magnetic eld. The Wal en ratio for the electron uid is about 0:83, shown as the slope of black line, and for ions the number is 0:80, shown as the slope of the red line. This rotational discontinuity is not fully developed as expected for discontinuities not far enough from the X line [Lin, 2001]. As a result of our simulation, the perturbation in By is small and the slopes of ions and electrons are not well separated as predicted by the two- uid theory [Wu and Lee, 2000]. The bottom right plot of Figure 4.7 shows the ion velocity distributions at location D5 in the magnetopause boundary layer. The main population of ions have a positive parallel velocity with a fairly clear cut along a constant minimum vik, and the distributions in the vik-vi?1 plane appears to be a D-shaped distribution [Cowley, 1982; Fuselier et al., 1991]. A small fraction (5:2%) of ions, which possess near zero average velocities, are the cold ions initially loaded in the magnetosphere. In contrast, no clearly D-shaped velocity distributions of transmitted magnetosheath ions are found at locations around the FTEs in case 1. Along the path E1-E2, the perpendicular ion temperature T? is larger than the parallel ion temperature Tk on the magnetosheath side while Tk again, increases signi cantly in the boudary layer near D5. 4.2.5 Summary The main results of this 3-D self-consistent global scale hybrid simulation for cases under a steady, purely southward IMF are summarized below. 1. As a result of magnetic reconnection, magnetic eld line con guration in the case with a 15 dipole tilt angle exhibits multiple reconnection sites around the equator and mid- latitude. Flux ropes form spontaneously in between multiple X lines of nite length, which are able to generate clear bipolar signatures of the local normal magnetic eld, which has been used to identify FTEs in observations. Around the noon meridian plane, contours of the By component show a nearly quadrupole Hall signature near FTEs due to ion kinetic e ects. There usually appears an ion density enhancement of plasma core inside the ux 62 ropes, leading to a lamentary density structure along the reconnected ux tube. Heating and multiple beams of magnetosheath ions are found inside FTEs. 2. Four types of topologies of reconnected magnetic eld lines (magnetosphere-to-IMF, IMF-to magnetosphere, IMF-to-IMF, magnetosphere-to-magnetosphere) are obtained in the simulation, which can be explained by combinations of patchy single reconnection and mul- tiple X-line reconnection. 3. In the case in which the dipole tilt angle is 0 , single X line reconnection coexists with multiple-X-line reconnection, while the single X-line process produces 1-D like structures. A Wa len test is performed to con rm the existence of a rotational discontinuity, which is expected for a quasi-steady like reconnection. A D-shaped ion velocity distribution with a cuto at minimum vik is obtained, whereas no clear D-shaped distributions are developed in the region trailing an FTE closely. Finally, it should be noted that the scale length 0 used in our simulation is about 6 times larger than that in reality. The solar wind convection speed in the simulation is thus 6 times faster than the typical value in reality due to the larger Al fen speed used in the simulation. The larger convection speed is expected to lead to a faster magnetic ux removal and a shorter reoccurrence period of FTEs at the magnetopause. In the simulation, the average time of reoccurrence of FTEs at the subsolar region is found to be 60 10 , where 10 1s is the ion gyroperiod in the solar wind. Considering the 6 times di erence of the convective from reality, the recurrence period of FTEs is estimated to be 6 60s 6min, which is comparable to that inferred from magnetosphere observations. 63 Chapter 5 Global Hybrid Simulation of Dayside Magnetic Reconnection Under a Purely Southward IMF: Cusp Precipitating Ions Associated With Magnetopause Reconnection 5.1 Introduction The dayside cusp is the region where downward precipitating ions re ect magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause. The precipitating cusp particles as observed by satellites inside the magnetosphere often show an energy-latitude dispersion, i.e, decreasing energy with increasing latitude [Rosenbauer et al., 1975; Rei et al., 1977]. The observed, dispersive structure exhibits ?stepped? ion signatures with variations in ux levels and sudden changes in the energy [Newell et al., 1991]. Two-dimensional models have associated the observed dispersive energy spectra [Onsager et al., 1993; Lockwood et al., 1994] with ongoing magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause. And statistical research shows that the cusp precipitation depends on the magnetopause merging rate in both quantitative and qualitative ways [Newell et al., 2007]. Although researchers have made a lot of e orts to understand them, in some cases ambiguity cannot be eliminated in the interpretation of observed energy spectra of precipitating ions because of limited spatial coverage of spacecrafts [Onsager et al., 1995; Trattner et al., 2007]. Thus, a simulation study will provides a new perspective as it shows direct and clear connection between the large scale magnetic eld con guration and local structures of the cusp ion signatures due to magnetopause reconnection. In Chapter 4, we presented a numerical simulation case of dayside magnetic reconnection during southward interplanetary magnetic eld (IMF) with the dipole tilt angle of 15 , focusing on the magnetic con guration and evolution of FTEs. A 3-D global hybrid model was utilized in the simulation, in which the fully-kinetic ion physics is solved in the self- consistent electromagnetic eld. In this chapter, we analyze the precipitating ions in the 64 cusp region from that simulation. In section 2, we brie y describe the simulation model, and the results are presented in section 3, followed by a summary in section 4. 5.2 Simulation Results 5.2.1 Reconnection Events and Spatial Energy Spectrum Although the frequency of FTEs generation in the northern hemisphere are not exactly the same as that in the southern hemisphere, it is found that the 15 degree sunward dipole tilt does not introduce qualitative interhemispheric asymmetry. In this chapter, we continue to focus on the magnetic reconnection in the northern hemisphere. As the solar wind ions convect carrying the IMF, the bow shock, magnetosheath, and magnetopause gradually form approximately t > 10 in a self-consistent manner. The reconnection events discussed in Chapter 4 as well as in this chapter are identi ed by the connectivity change of magnetic eld lines. The upper panel of Figure 5.1 is basically part of Figure 4.3 in Chapter 4, which illus- trates the magnetic eld con guration around the magnetopause in the northern hemisphere before t = 40. The left 3-D plot shows the magnetic eld con guration at t = 15. The black lines are magnetic eld lines. Note that the magnetic eld lines are approximately symmetric about the noon meridian plane. There are two X-line segments shown as in blue dots. Note that other supporting evidence of X lines include the existence of opposite ow jets and the quadrupole magnetic eld structure in the guide eld, which is discussed in detail as in Chapter 4. Under the purely southward IMF, X line segments are approximately parallel to the equatorial plane along the dayside magnetopause. In addition to the two X lines illustrated by blue dots, there is another X line below all the FTEs in the 3-D gure and illustrated by red line segments. The reconnection events that we will discuss in this chapter are associated with these three X lines. The contours in the upper panel of Figure 5.1 show Vz, the z component of ion bulk ow velocity in the noon-midnight meridional plane obtained from case 1. Although two opposite 65 Figure 5.1: (Upper) The 3-D plot in the left shows reconnection X lines in blue dots and red line segment at t = 15 with ion bulk ow contours in the noon meridian plane. The contours in the right show By component in the noon meridian planes and projected magnetic eld lines at t = 15;25;35, respectively. (Lower) Spatial energy spectrum of cusp precipitating ions in the logarithmic scale showing a dispersive feature. The black, white, and red dots indicate energies of some typical ions at low-cuto energies of parts A, B, and C, respectively, which are related to three reconnection events. 66 jets are expected from an X line, the southward jet at t = 15 appears missing as seen in the gure for the ux ropes in the middle, due to the the non-zero northward background Vz of the ambient magnetosheath plasmas. The ux ropes that can generate the bipolar signature of FTEs are of an O-line that requires two X lines. The two X lines seen in the 3-D plot of Figure 5.1 move northward as well as the FTEs, which are illustrated by the looped black eld lines, as time proceeds. The three contour plots in the upper panel of Figure 5.1 correspond to By components in the noon meridian plane at t = 15;25;35. The black lines are projected eld lines. The boundary region with a dramatic eld direction change is the magnetopause. The arrows indicate that the same FTE at the lowest latitude in the 3-D gure of Figure 5.1 is moving northward. The lower panel of Figure 5.1 shows the typical energy ux spectrum of the precipitating transmitted magnetosheath ions obtained from case 1 during the magnetopause reconnection, where the latitudes are related to the spherical polar angle. Near eld-aligned particles with pitch angle less than 10:0 are shown for r = 7:5 RE. The critical pitch angle is chosen so that it is as close as possible to zero degree while the recorded spectrum includes enough particles. The energy gaps at constant latitudes in the energy spectrum are due to the limited number of ?particles? at the position where ion uxes are recorded. It is found that three parts of the spectrum, A, B, and C, shown in the lower panel of Figure 5.1, are related to the entrance areas of the cusp precipitating particles associated with the three reconnection X lines on the magnetopause, as indicated with three lines along the low-energy cuto , i.e., the minimum energy at each latitude in the spatial spectrum. To interpret observation data, the low-velocity cuto has been used to infer the reconnection sites on the magnetopause [Trattner et al., 2007] by tracing particles at the low-energy cuto back along the magnetic eld lines. Overall, the resulting particle spectrum in each of the three parts roughly replicates the dispersive feature in spacecraft data under similar IMF conditions [Onsager et al., 1995] that shows higher energy particles at lower latitudes and 67 lower energy particles at higher latitudes, under IMF conditions similar to the ones in the case shown here. Notice the overlap and ?step? between the low-energy cuto parts B and C in the spectrum, between latitudes 60 - 70 . 5.3 Precipitating Ions at Low-energy Cuto In this subsection, we will explain how and where precipitating ions at low-energy cuto are transmitted from the solar wind into the magnetosphere via direct magnetic reconnection related to the three X lines shown in Figure 5.1, by tracing the trajectory of the ions. One reconnection region is associated with the X line shown in red line segments, which we will refer to as region A as it is the source region of the ions at the low-energy cuto in part A of the spectrum we show in Figure 5.1. Similarly, ions at the low-energy cuto in part B of the spectrum come from the reconnection region associated with the X line in the blue dots at middle latitudes in Figure 5.1. This region is de ned as region B. As for ions at the low-energy cuto in part C of the spectrum, they are found to be from reconnection region associated with the X line in blue dots at high latitudes in Figure 5.1, which is de ned as region C. Figure 5.2 shows the total speed, not the parallel speed only, of precipitating ions as a function of time for typical precipitating ions associated with the reconnection in region A (red curve), region B (orange curve), and region C (blue curve). As indicated by the y axis label, the speed is normalized to the magnitude of Al ven velocity in the solar wind jVA0j. In the following subsections, we will describe magnetic reconnection in each region as well as their impact on the spatial spectrum shown in Figure 5.1, and explain in Figure 5.2 how the particles at low-energy cuto accelerate and decelerate during the reconnection process. 68 Figure 5.2: Particle speed as a function of time for typical ions associated with reconnection A, B, and C, shown by the red, orange, and blue curves. 69 Figure 5.3: The trajectories in colored tubes of particles at low-energy cuto from region A and the magnetic eld con guration in black lines at t = 5 (upper left), 25 (upper right), 35 (bottom left) and 40 (bottom right) in the GSM system. Axis direction is shown in the left of either row. The trajectories are color-coded with their current kinetic energy. Also shown are the contours of ion density N 70 5.3.1 Precipitating Ions at Low-energy Cuto Associated with Region A Figure 5.3 shows in the GSM system particle trajectories of the two particles at low- energy cuto from reconnection in region A, which possess the highest nal energies at t = 40 and reach the lowest latitudes of 47:5 and 50 at t = 40. The trajectories are colored tubes coded logarithmically with the kinetic energies of the particles at each time step. The starting positions of particles are marked with a star. The current positions of particles are marked by colored balls along the trajectories while the black balls indicate the nal positions. The kink of a particle trajectory that is the closest to the nal position, marked with a yellow pyramid, is where the corresponding particle enters the magnetopause due to magnetic reconnection. The entry region of these particles is well localized near the noon-midnight meridian. The black eld lines illustrate magnetic eld con guration near the two particles at t = 5;25;35 and 40. The contours show ion density in the noon meridian and equatorial planes. The particle ending at the latitude of 47:5 has a nal kinetic energy of 64:3, while that ending at the latitude of 50 has a nal kinetic energy of 32:4. Note that an ion possessing a speed ofjVA0jhas kinetic energy of 0:5 in the simulation units. Particles at low-energy cuto tend to be at locations close to the X lines when magnetic reconnection occurs because a short distance of ight compensates a low parallel speed. At t = 5, both particles are on open eld lines, shown in the upper left plot of Figure 5.3. The red curve in Figure 5.2 corresponds the ion at the low-energy cuto that ends at the latitude of 47:5 in Figure 5.3, has a speed of vp 4:5 around t = 5 before entering the magnetopause boundary layer. In the upper left plot of Figure 5.3, the trajectory of the ?red curve? particle has been marked with a black arrow. At t?11, the ?red curve? particle undergoes gyro-motion plus drift motion as seen from the wiggles in Figure 5.2. It is slightly accelerated to vp 7 at t?16 when being trapped in the ux rope shown in the upper right plot of Figure 5.3. The ux rope forms between 71 the two X lines we mentioned previously. Note that the two X lines have moved northward, compared to their location at t = 15 shown in the upper panel of Figure 5.1. At t ? 35 and later, the ?red curve? particle is gradually accelerated to vp 12:5 at t ? 35 as seen in Figure 5.2 when passing the entry point on the magnetopause marked by the yellow pyramid in Figure 5.3. The entry point is near the X line that is previously shown as red line segments. The speed is increased by nearly twice the local Alfv en speed while reconnected eld lines convect with an average speed of 0:9 local Alfv en speed of 1:7, as expected for acceleration in Alfv en type large-amplitude waves in magnetic reconnection [Lin and Lee, 1994]. Over all, near the entry point at the magnetopause, the particles are accelerated, while deceleration occurs when they come into the magnetosphere. The acceleration in the FTE is caused by the E B motion, where the reconnection electric eld E = Ve B is nearly in the +y direction. Note that ions become magnetized again after they leave the reconnection sites. The particle then remains at nearly the same speed while traveling in the boundary layer toward high latitudes until it is slightly decelerated to vp 11:4 at t = 40 in the magnetosphere earthward of the kinked eld line region of the boundary layer. Because the ion picks up speed mainly in the direction of E B force, which is perpendicular to the magnetic eld, it is decelerated when the eld line convection speed (plasma perpendicular speed) drops in the cusp at the nal position of the ion. The average speed of this particle after the entry point at t = 34 is about 12.3, which is larger than an average speed of 9.3 for the other particle at the low-energy cuto and ending at the latitude of 50 . The particle ending at the latitude of 50 enters the magnetopause at t? 31, a slightly earlier time than the particle ending latitude 47:5 . A longer time of ight for the slower particle compensates an energy di erence of 32.4, which is consistent with the time of ight or velocity lter e ect suggested by Shelley et al. [1976] and Rei et al. [1977]. Note that only particles moving with a positive parallel velocity relative to the poleward convecting eld lines can enter the magnetosphere [Cowley, 1982], which should 72 lead to a D-shaped ion velocity distribution of the transmitted magnetosheath ions if the eld line convection speed is nearly a constant, as in quasi-steady reconnection [Tan et al., 2010]. 5.3.2 Precipitating Ions at Low-energy Cuto Associated with Region B In this subsection, we discuss the precipitating ions at low-energy cuto associated with region B, of which the trajectories are shown in Figure 5.4. The format of Figure 5.4 is similar with Figure 5.3, except that the trajectories are color coded with the nal energy of each particle. Particles precipitating at these latitudes have been accelerated at the middle latitudes in the pre-noon ank of the magnetopause. The ion ending at a latitude of 60 and associated with reconnection B is used as an example in Figure 5.4 to illustrate how the precipitating ions at low-energy cuto associated with region B enter the magnetopause and reach their nal position, of which the speed is shown as the ?orange curve?. In the upper left plot of Figure 5.4, the trajectory of the ?orange curve? particle has been marked with a black arrow. At t = 5, all the particles are on open eld lines, shown in the upper left plot of Figure 5.4. As in Figure 5.2, the ?orange curve? ion has an initial speed about the same as that of the ?red curve? particle from region A. Di erent from the ?red curve? particle, the ?orange curve? particle is originally moving tailward with the magnetosheath bulk ow but then dragged sunward by a reconnected eld line on the ank side of the magnetopause, resulting in a deceleration at t?10, as shown in Figure 5.3. At t = 15, one of the particles from region B has passed the entry point and been inside the magnetopause as seen in the upper right plot of Figure 5.4. The ?orange curve? particle enters the magnetopause at t? 25 and is then accelerated by a much smaller factor than that of region A due to the weaker kink in the eld line and thicker boundary in the higher latitude, reaching only vp 6 around t? 31, as shown in Figure 5.2. The motion is then followed by a deceleration in the magnetosphere when the particle loses the perpendicular 73 Figure 5.4: The trajectories in colored tubes of particles at low-energy cuto from region B and the magnetic eld con guration in black lines at t = 5 (upper left), 25 (upper right), 35 (bottom left) and 40 (bottom right) in the GSM system. Axis direction is shown in the left of either row. The trajectories are color-coded with their nal energy. Starting from 52:5 , particles at low-energy latitude in the part B of spectrum have nal energies of 12:37;4:65;2:47;1:47 and 0:82, respectively. Also shown are the contours of ion density N. 74 speed due to a reduced eld line convection speed. It is also found that the site in the cusp where the number of precipitating particles peaks is correlated with region B. Over all, the mechanism for part B of the dispersive spectrum appears to be quite di erent from that for part A. The particles at low-energy cuto enter from region B with a smaller average speed of 4:4, compared to the average speed of 10:8 for region A. The standard deviation of their average energy after entering is less than 5:0, compared with the energy range of 32:4 for region A as we mentioned earlier. Thus, the energy di erence is not enough to account for the latitudinal separation in the corresponding cusp spectrum. Rather, particles ending at di erent latitudes over the spectral range enter the magnetosphere at di erent times from t = 15 to t = 31, as the X line moves poleward and sunward and thus the entry points of particles appear to have shifted accordingly. Note that the X line corresponding to region A is located near the equator, of which the poleward movement is less signi cant than that for the X line of region B. Particles ending at lower latitudes enter the magnetopause at later times so that by t = 40 the corresponding eld lines have convected shorter latitudinal distances. The energies of these particles, therefore, must be higher in order to reach the same cusp altitude within the shorter time intervals. Moreover, the foot point of the latest-reconnected eld line shifts equatorward with time due to the erosion of magnetospheric eld lines within one generation quasi-period of FTEs at the low latitudes under the purely southward IMf as we will show in Figure 5.5, which also contributes to the appearance of higher low-energy cuto at lower latitudes. 5.3.3 Precipitating Ions at Low-energy Cuto Associated with Region C Particles associated with reconnection region C have entry points localized in the pre- noon ank of the high-latitude magnetopause. The trajectories for the precipitating ions at the low-energy cuto from region C are not shown because they are similar with that from 75 region B while the typical speed change is shown in Figure 5.2 as the blue curve, which corresponds to the particle that reaches a nal position at a latitude of 70 . Similar to the ?orange curve? particle for region B, the ?blue curve? particle also undergoes a deceleration and then acceleration in the magnetopause, followed by a nal deceleration in the magnetosphere. Since the particle enters the magnetosphere from a higher latitude, it is accelerated in an even wider layer at the magnetopause. The particles in part C of the spectrum are around the highest latitudes in the cusp. The eld line convection speed (perpendicular plasma speed) becomes small in the northern cusp at the nal position of the region C ions, where the radial distance is smaller and the eld lines are close to 90 degree of geomagnetic latitude, compared to that at the dayside subsolar region. Thus the energy of the ?blue? particle thus quickly drops back to its original value before the acceleration as the acceleration are mainly perpendicular to the magnetic eld due to E B motion. The fact that three part of the ion spectrum are associated with the three independent X line segments, as in our discussion for Figure 5.1 previously, explains the independency of each part of the spectrum. During the time dependent reconnection, di erent locations and extensions of the X line segment cause "energy plateaus" and "energy step" between the three parts in the spectrum shown in the lower panel of Figure 5.1. 5.3.4 Energy Flux due to Precipitating Ions as a Function of Time For satellite observations, energy spectrum is a combination of both spatial and temporal e ects. In this section, we focus on the impact of temporal e ect on energy spectrum of the cusp precipitation. The upper panel of Figure 5.5 plots energy spectrum as a function of time while our virtual satellite is stationed at the xed location of r = 7:5 RE and latitude of 52:5 in the noon meridian plane. The y axis is the particle energy on a logarithmic scale, while the color represents the energy ux levels, also on a logarithmic scale. The reoccurred of precipitating ions and the trend of the low-energy cuto in the spectrum are found to be associated with the oscillation of the open/close eld line boundary. 76 Figure 5.5: (Top) Particle energy spectrum in the logarithmic scale as a function of time at a xed position of r = 7:5 RE and latitude of 52:5 . (Bottom) latitudinal position of the dayside open/close eld boundary, at r = 7:5 RE, as a function of time. The lower panel of Figure 5.5 plots the latitudinal position of the dayside open/close eld line boundary in the noon meridian plane at r = 7:5 as a function of time, from t = 0 to t = 80. The open/closed eld line boundary is determined by the reconnection at the lowest latitude (region A) and oscillates with time due to the time variation of the reconnection rate there. Our analysis focuses on the spectrum after t = 15 because the spectrum collected in the ?cusp? at earlier stage might be associated with the initialization. From t = 15 to t = 40, the probe location is well inside the cusp while the open/close eld boundary is located at 41 latitude, and a continuous temporal spectrum of ion precipitation is observed. When the open/close eld boundary of the low-latitude cusp moves to a higher latitude around t = 50, the ion precipitation becomes scarce and then disappears at the speci c location. This is because as the cusp moved poleward of the stationary "virtual satellite" so that no precipitating ions are recorded at that location following the poleward motion of the cusp. Later at t = 70, the eld-aligned ion ux recurs as the open/close eld boundary retreats to lower latitudes again. The low-energy cuto at t> 15, after the formation of the bow shock, magnetosheath, and magnetopause, clearly trends down in the temporal spectrum when the open/closed eld boundary of the cusp moves to lower latitudes, and up when the boundary moves to higher 77 latitudes. Our simulation shows that as the subsolar reconnection (region A) gets weaker, which results in a high-latitude shift of the open/closed eld boundary, the magnetopause reconnection is dominated by events at higher latitudes. As reconnection site moves to the higher latitudes, it corresponds to a shorter time of ight for particles ending at the speci c cusp latitude, leading to an increased low-energy cuto of particles. 5.4 Summary In summary, cusp ion injections associated with magnetopause reconnection are investi- gated with 3-D hybrid simulation. Under a purely southward IMF, both spatial and temporal energy spectra of cusp precipitating ions are obtained. The spatial spectrum of eld-aligned particles at a constant geocentric radius in the cusp replicates the observed dispersive feature of particles. Multiple parts of the spectrum, however are found to be associated with multiple reconnection events at the dayside mag- netopause. Both the multiple X-line reconnection with ux ropes and single-X line type reconnection events result in similar dispersive ion spectra. In the temporal energy spectrum recorded at a certain location, the occurrence and disappearance of ion precipitation re ect the latitudinal oscillation of the open/closed eld line boundary of the cusp. Data from satellite crossings of the cusp are expected to be a combination of the spatial and temporal e ects. The simulations reported here show that the dispersive ion spectra of particles entering the cusp observed by satellites is more involved than the 2-D pictures based upon time of ight e ects. It has been shown that (1) the reconnection responsible for the particle entry is neither steady in time nor localized in space; (2) the particle acceleration does not occur at a single point in space and time as the particle crosses a thin magnetopause distinguished by a kink in the eld line, but is a much more involved process; and (3) di erent degrees of acceleration for particles entering the magnetopause at di erent latitudes also contribute to the latitudinal energy dispersion. 78 Chapter 6 Dayside Magnetic Reconnection under an IMF with a Finite Guide Field By 6.1 Introduction It is well accepted that the antiparallel reconnection may occur at or near the locus at the dayside magnetopause along which magnetosheath and magnetospheric elds are antiparallel. For purely southward IMF condition, we have shown in Chapter 4 that in our simulation antiparallel reconnection is the dominant reconnection process at the dayside magnetopause, where the reconnecting component of the magnetic eld is maximal. Besides anti-parallel reconnection, the component reconnection (or, component merging) hypothesis states that that reconnection can occur at the locations where the shear angle of the magnetic eld across the magnetopause is less than 180 . Recently, observations pointed to that the component reconnection is a competitive process for non-zero By conditions. Chandler et al. [1999] presented an reconnection event where the spacecraft detected D-shaped ion distributions, which has been considered as a signature of reconnection. In this event, the absence of ions in the antiparallel direction to the upstream magnetic eld is taken as the evidence that component reconnection was occurring at a location southward of the spacecraft and equatorward of the Southern Hemisphere cusp under a northward IMF. But so far, when and where the component reconnection occurs at the dayside magnetopause is still not completely understood. To model the location of reconnection under an IMF of a nite By, Moore et al. [2002] developed a method to calculate the dayside reconnection X line under di erent IMF direc- tions. Their hypothesis is that reconnection occurs along a locus determined by integrating the local X line direction away from that region with the largest reconnecting eld mag- nitude. They developed a description of the magnetospheric and magnetosheath magnetic 79 elds at the magnetopause, compute the angle between the sheath and boundary layer elds, the reconnecting component, and the orientation of the local reconnection X line everywhere on the magnetopause. The direction of local X line is the direction normal to which the two reconnecting elds have equal and opposite component. The last step of Moore?s method is to integrate the local X line across the magnetopause from a starting point or points where the reconnecting component is maximal. In this step, to trace the local X line from that point or points is as one would trace the streamlines of any vector eld. Moore?s result is shown in Figure 6.1, where the white curve represents the X line on the dayside Magentopause. Note that the clock angle of the IMF is de ned as the angle from z direction in the GSM system to the direction of the IMF while the x component of the IMF is zero. Thus, the purely northward IMF has a clock angle of 0 and an IMF of Bx0 = 0,By0 = 0:707 and Bz = 0:707 has a clock angle of 135 . A more recent work regarding to the location of dayside reconnection is done by [Hu et al., 2009] through a global MHD simulation. The merging line (black solid line) for di erent IMF clock angles are projected in the 0 planes as in Figure 6.2, where is the latitude, and 0 is related to (de ned in Chapter 2) by 0 = 90 . Fiugre 6.1 and Figure 6.2 show that the merging line always pass through the subsolar for a non-zero IMF By. This indicates that both work support that component reconnection is the reconnection process under a non-zero IMF By as the magnetic elds across the subsolar magnetopause are not anti-parallel to each other. For a clock angle of 135 , both Moore and Hu infer that the merging line is located south to the equator plane in the dawn side and north to the equator plane in the dusk side. But over all, the merging line inferred by Moore?s group signi cantly deviated from Hu?s result. Under a northward IMF with the clock angle of 45 , the merging lines calculated by Moore have a di erent shape, compared with Hu?s calculation. Under a southward IMF when the clock angle is not 180 , the merging line are in di erent locations at the ank of the magnetopause in the two models. 80 Figure 6.1: The con guration of magnetic eld just inside the virtual magnetopause (small black arrows), the reconnecting component magnitude (color scale), and resultant X line (XL) when integrated away from the point of maximal reconnecting component. Boundary layer ow (white and black vectors) for eld lines rooted in each hemisphere, on each side of the XL, as projected on the plane normal to a view from the Sun. Individual plots represent the results for various interplanetary magnetic eld clock angles according to their labels. Adapted from [Moore et al., 2002] 81 Figure 6.2: Solid black lines shows magnetic merging line of the compound eld [Hu et al., 2009], superposed y the Earth?s dipole eld and the IMF of strength 10nT, projected in the 0 planes for several typical IMF clock angles, where 0 stands for the longitude so that 0 = 0 corresponds to the noon meridian plane and for the latitude. By symmetry, the merging line for a clock angle of 225 , the clock angle in our simulation is expected as the red dashed line. Since the location of reconnection under a nite By at the dayside magnetopause is still an unsolved issue, in this chapter a simulation for a case under a nite By is carried out to investigate the location of the reconnection. The related spectra of precipitating ions at the high latitudes are also obtained and compared with that for a purely southward IMF. 6.2 Simulation Results As the third case (case 3) presented in this thesis, the initial condition of the simulation is the same as case 1, except that the IMF is Bx0 = 0, By0 = 0:707 and Bz = 0:707. The corresponding IMF clock angle is 225 . Figure 6.3 illustrates the typical magnetic eld topology near the dayside magnetopause under the given IMF condition. The red eld lines are reconnected eld lines. The contours of ion density are shown in three planes, the equatorial plane, the noon meridian plane and the meridian plane of 0 = 20 , or = 70 . It is found that component magnetic reconnection occurs at a location that magnetic eld has a shear angle less than 180 at the 82 dayside magnetopause, indicated by the red arrow. Furthermore, the dominant location of component reconnection is on the dawn side of the dayside magnetopause (around the plane of 0 = 20 ) in the north hemisphere, near the red reconnected eld lines. This nding is qualitatively consistent with the merging line at the subsolar magnetopause found by Hu et al. [2009] and Moore et al. [2002] under the current IMF clock angle. To understand the ion dynamics associated with reconnection in case 3, we also com- puted the energy spectra of precipitating cusp ions as a function of time in di erent planes of 0 = constant. Figure 6.4 shows the temporal spectra in a format similar to that in the upper pannel of Figure 5.5 in the two planes of 0 = 20 and 0 = 20 . As shown in Figure 6.4 in the northern hemisphere, ion precipitation is much heavier in the plane of 0 = 20 than that of 0 = 20 . We argue that this can be explained with the location of merging line, which is located in the northern hemisphere in the dawn side magnetopause ( 0 < 0 ) and in the southern hemisphere in the dusk side magnetopause ( 0> 0 ). The out ow ions from the reconnection sites in one hemisphere are much easier to reach the cusp in the same hemisphere than the opposite hemisphere, given that the plasma convection speed increases as the latitude increases in both hemispheres. Compared with a typical energy spectrum as a function of time in the upper panel of Figure 5.5, the low energy cut-o of cusp precipitating ions in the By case is generally lower than that in case 1, a case of purely southward IMF. As for spatial energy spectrum of cusp precipitating ions, we choose a virtual satellite path atr = 7:5RE andt = 40 in the meridian plane 0 = 20 . As in Chapter 5, precipitating ions with a pitch less than 10 are used to compute the spectrum in Figure 6.5. It is found that the ions at the low energy cut-o in the logarithmic scale indicated by a black line may also exhibit a dispersive feature. 83 Figure 6.3: Illustration of the location of component magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause when the IMF is Bx0 = 0,By0 = 0:707 and Bz = 0:707 as indicated by the red arrow. The red eld lines are reconnected eld lines. The eld lines of the Earth?s dipole and the IMF are shown as black lines. The contours of ion density are shown in three planes, the equatorial plane, the noon meridian plane and the maridian plane of 0 = 20 , or = 70 . The two boundary regions featuring sharp ion density are the bow shock and magnetopause. 84 Figure 6.4: Typical spatial energy spectrum of cusp precipitating ions in the logarithmic scale for r = 7:5RE, Latitude = 57:5 and t = 40, recorded in the plane of 0 = 20 (upper) and 0 = 0 (lower) Figure 6.5: Spatial energy spectrum of cusp precipitating ions of r = 7:5RE and t = 40 in the plane 0 = 20 under a IMF of Bx0 = 0,By0 = 0:707 and Bz = 0:707. The low energy cut-o in the logarithmic scale indicated by a black line 85 6.3 Summary The investigation of the dayside magnetopause reconnection under the IMF of Bx0 = 0,By0 = 0:707 and Bz = 0:707 reveals that the component reconnection is the dominant reconnection process, especially near the noon meridian plane, which is con rmed by the location shift of cusp precipitating ions. When the IMF clock angle is larger than 180 , the heaviest precipitation shifts to the dawn side of the dayside magnetopause in the northern hemisphere and to the dusk side of the dayside magnetopause in the southern hemisphere. As for spatial spectra, dispersive feature is also shown in for precipitating ions in the cusp. 86 Chapter 7 Summary and Future Work In this work, 3-D global hybrid simulations have been carried out to investigate mag- netic reconnection at the magnetopause, using massively parallel computation. Substantial visualization package has been developed to illustrate the 3-D results. (1) For a case under a purely southward IMF and a tilt angle of 15 , it is found that: a. FTEs are dominant in a case with a tilt angle of 15 degree. In this case, FTEs can be generated from multiple X line reconnection. b. There are four types of reconnected eld lines, which is con rmed by a recent observation. c. Quadrapole-like signature of By perturbation exists near X lines. d. There is ion density and parallel ion temperature enhancement inside FTEs. Heating and multiple beams of magnetosheath ions are found inside FTEs. (2) For a case under a purely southward IMF and a tilt angle of 0 , it is found that: a. Single X line reconnection is found to be quasi-steady. b. Rotational Discontinuities (RDs) is identi ed in quasi-steady reconnection with Walen relation satis ed in RDs. c. D-shaped ion velocity distributions exists in single X line reconnection, but not in FTEs. d. The presence of D-shaped and RDs is consistent with observations and previous local hybrid simulations (3) Energy spectra of cusp precipitating ions are investigated in a case with a purely southward IMF and a tilt angle of 15 and it is found that: 87 a. Dispersive feature in the low energy cuto for spatial energy spectra consistent with observations. b. Di erent parts in spatial spatial spectra could be associated with di erent reconnec- tion events and time of ight e ect still hold in the 3-D reconnection process, but particle acceleration does not occur at a single point in space/time as the particle crosses the kinked eld lines, but is a much more involved process. c. Di erent degrees of acceleration for particles entering the magnetopause at di erent latitudes also contribute to the latitudinal energy dispersion. (4) IMF By e ects: a. The reconnection under an steady southward IMF of a nite By is dominated by component reconnection. b. When the IMF clock angle is larger than 180 , the heaviest precipitation shift to the dawn side of the dayside magnetopause in the northern hemisphere. c. Dispersive feature is also shown in spatial spectra for precipitating ions in the cusp. As seen in the previous chapters, the current work only address the impact of the uniform IMF conditions to the magnetosphere. There are a still a lot of questions that demand answers in magnetospheric physics. The following lists a few that we can do. 1. Understand how perturbations in the solar wind such as shocks interacts with the magnetosphere. 2. Time-dependent structures of FTEs: how FTEs decay, where those trapped particles go, how to distinguish a newly formed FTE from an old one? 3. Wave behavior: Alfv en waves? compressional waves? 4. Extend the global scale model to the night side of the Earth. This improvement will enable the model to tackle the problems such as reconnection at the tail, and mechanism of substorms and etc. 5. In the long run, explore the possibility of new models, or incorporate new physics into the current model. Couple the current model to the model that describe the ionosphere 88 (inside the current domain) and the model that describe the solar wind (outside the current domain), which will expand the applications. 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(All quantities are in Gaussian cgs units except that temperature expressed in eV and ion mass in units of the proton mass.) 102 Appendix B Maxwell?s Equations Name SI Gaussian Faraday?s law r E = @B@t r E = 1c @B@t Ampere?s law r H = @D@t + J r H = 1c @D@t + 4 c J Poisson equation r D = r D = 4 [Absence of magnetic monopoles] r B = 0 r B = 0 Lorentz force on charge q q(E + v B) q(E + 1cv B) Constitutive relations D = E D = E B = H B = H Table B.1: Maxwell?s equations, adapted from Huba [2009]. In a plasma 0 = 4 10 7Hm 1 (Gaussian units: 1). The permittivity satis es 0 = 8:8542 10 12Fm 1 (Gaussian units: 1) 103 Appendix C Sample Subroutine in MATLAB: GUI of Finetuning Field Line function MyGui(action) global Field; global param; global myplt; global Handle0 Handle1 Handle2 Handle3; % Generates GUI menu popup index = get(Handle1.popupmenu, ?Value?); switch popup index case 1 % Call the subroutine of Field Line Finetuning BlineFineTuneGui; case 2 minimum variance; case 3 return; end 104 Appendix D Sample Subroutine in MATLAB: Finetuning Field Line function BlineFineTune(step,direction) global Field; global param; global myplt; global c info; global V3D HANDLES; global Handle0 Handle1 Handle2 Handle3; gure handle=V3D HANDLES. gure handle; axis handle=V3D HANDLES.axis handle; handles=V3D HANDLES.handles; gure( gure handle) ; gure(handles. gure1); hold on; if ( && && ,;;; return; else switch direction case 1;;; case 2;;; case 3;;; end; end; 105 [n1,n2]=size(myplt.Bline.numexist); if n2>=1 ; delete(myplt.Bline.h1(myplt.Bline.numexist(1))); end; %[sx, sy, sz]: the starting point where we begin to trace the eld lines.;;; x=myplt.plot3D.x3; y=myplt.plot3D.y3; z=myplt.plot3D.z3; u=myplt.plot3D.u; v=myplt.plot3D.v; w=myplt.plot3D.w; verts1 = stream3(x,y,z,u,v,w,sx,sy,sz); verts2 = stream3(x,y,z,-u,-v,-w,sx,sy,sz); w=myplt.tubewidth; verts3=[]; aa=verts11,1?; nn=size(aa); aa(:,1:nn(1,2))=aa(:,nn(1,2):-1:1); verts3=[verts3 aa]; verts3=[verts3 verts21,1?]; verts3=verts3?; nn=size(verts3); verts = mat2cell(verts3, nn(1,1), nn(1,2)); h1=streamtube(verts,w); colorBline = str2num(get(Handle1.editHandle77, ?string?)); if(colorBline > 1); colorBline=1; end; color= param.fmin+colorBline*(param.fmax-param.fmin); newcolor=get(h1,?CData?); cmin=min(min(newcolor)); cmax=max(max(newcolor)); if(colorBline >= 0); cnew=newcolor.*0+color; end; if(colorBline < 0); cnew=param.fmin+(newcolor-cmin)/(cmax-cmin)*(param.fmax-param.fmin); end; if(colorBline <=-1); cnew=ones([size(newcolor) 3]); value = get(Handle1.popupmenuHandle7, ?Value?); colorselect = get(Handle1.popupmenuHandle7, ?String?); 106 colorselect = colorselectvalue; switch colorselect; case ?red?, cnew(:,:,1) = 1; cnew(:,:,2) = 0; cnew(:,:,3) = 0; % [1 0 0]; red case ?green?, cnew(:,:,1) = 0; cnew(:,:,2) = 1; cnew(:,:,3) = 0; % [0 1 0]; green case ?blue?, cnew(:,:,1) = 0; cnew(:,:,2) = 0; cnew(:,:,3) = 1; % [0 0 1]; blue case ?yellow?, cnew(:,:,1) = 1; cnew(:,:,2) = 1; cnew(:,:,3) = 0; % [1 1 0]; yellow case ?cyan?, cnew(:,:,1) = 0; cnew(:,:,2) = 1; cnew(:,:,3) = 1; % [0 1 1]; cyan case ?magenta?, cnew(:,:,1) = 1; cnew(:,:,2) = 0; cnew(:,:,3) = 1; % = [1 0 1]; magenta case ?pink?, cnew(:,:,1) = 1; cnew(:,:,2) = 0; cnew(:,:,3) = 0.5; % = [1 0 .5]; pink case ?orange?, cnew(:,:,1) = 1; cnew(:,:,2) = 0.5; cnew(:,:,3) = 0; % [1 .5 0]; orange case ?lime green?, cnew(:,:,1) = 0.5; cnew(:,:,2) = 1; cnew(:,:,3) = 0; %[.5 1 0]; lime green case ?aquamarine?, cnew(:,:,1) = 0; cnew(:,:,2) = 1; cnew(:,:,3) = 0.5; %[0 1 .5]; aquamarine case ?sky blue?, cnew(:,:,1) = 0; cnew(:,:,2) = 0.5; cnew(:,:,3) = 1; %[0 .5 1]; sky blue case ?violet?, cnew(:,:,1) = 0.5; cnew(:,:,2) = 0; cnew(:,:,3) = 1; %[.5 0 1]; violet case ?black?, cnew(:,:,1) = 0; cnew(:,:,2) = 0; cnew(:,:,3) = 0; %[.5 0 1]; violet case ?white?, cnew(:,:,1) = 1; cnew(:,:,2) = 1; cnew(:,:,3) = 1; %[.5 0 1]; violet end; end; set(h1,?CData?,cnew,?FaceColor?,?interp?,... ?EdgeColor?,?none? ,... ?FaceLighting?,?phong?,... ?BackFaceLighting?,?lit?,?visible?,?on?); h2=h1; myplt.Bline.h1(myplt.Bline.numexist(1))= h1; myplt.Bline.h2(myplt.Bline.numexist(1))= h2; myplt.Bline.start(myplt.Bline.numexist(1),:)=[]; return; 107 Appendix E Sample Subroutine in MATLAB: 2-D Contours Plotting function diag2Dplot global Field; global param; global myplt; global Handle0 Handle1 Handle2 Handle3; global gure handle; global V3D HANDLES; streamline option=1; movie2d=struct(?cdata?,[],?colormap?,[]);; for jj=1:param.nt titlestring= get(Handle1.popupmenuHandle2, ?Value?); if param.nt==1 a le=param. lenames else a le=param. lenames(1,jj) ; end a lename=[param.pathname,char(a le)]; plotName=char(a le); if(jj = 1); %case ?checkDATAbox? value= get(Handle1.checkboxHandle1, ?Value?); if value ==1 param.dataType =1; set(Handle1.checkboxHandle2, ?Value?, [0]); set(Handle1.checkboxHandle3, ?Value?, [0]); %read Boxdata text le(a lename) read hy3d box data(0,jj) end %case ?checkDATAcov? value= get(Handle1.checkboxHandle3, ?Value?); if value ==1 param.dataType =3; set(Handle1.checkboxHandle1, ?Value?, [0]); set(Handle1.checkboxHandle2, ?Value?, [0]); read hy3d convert data(a lename) 108 end end; reset plot3D p Handle2. gureHandle1= gure( ... ?Name?,?2?, ?NumberTitle?,?o ?, ... ?Visible?,?o ?, ?BackingStore?,?o ?); gure(Handle2. gureHandle1); set(Handle2. gureHandle1,?Units?,?centimeters?,... ?PaperPositionMode?,?Auto?,?Position?,[2, 5 ,12, 12]); reset 2d param if streamline option==1; x=myplt.plot3D.x3; y=myplt.plot3D.y3; z=myplt.plot3D.z3; u=myplt.plot3D.u; v=myplt.plot3D.v; w=myplt.plot3D.w; daspect([1 1 1]) my streamslice=streamslice(x,y,z,u,v,w,[],[0],[],0.25); set(my streamslice,?Color?,?k?); hold all; my slice=slice(x,y,z,myplt.plot3D.p,[],[0],[]); caxis([-5 5]); set(my slice, ?EdgeColor?,?None?,?FaceColor?,?Interp?) temp= ndobj(gca,?type?,?surface?); my x=get(temp(1,1),?xdata?); my y=get(temp(1,1),?ydata?); my z=get(temp(1,1),?zdata?); my c=get(temp(1,1),?cdata?); my x=interp2(my x,3); my y=interp2(my y,3); my z=interp2(my z,3); my c=interp2(my c,3); set(temp(1,1),?xdata?,my x,?ydata?,my y,?zdata?,my z,... ?cdata?,my c); this axis= ndobj(gca,?type?,?axes?); xlim(this axis,[7.5 10.5]); zlim(this axis,[0 6]); view(0,0); set(gcf,?color?,[1,1,1]) set(gcf,?outerposition?,[1, 3 ,10.9,10.9]); set(gca,?FontWeight?,?bold?,?FontSize?,14,... ?FontName?,?Arial?,... ?FontAngle?,?italic?); zlabel(?Z?,?FontWeight?,?bold?,?FontSize?,14,... ?FontName?,?Arial?,?FontAngle?,?italic?); 109 xlabel(?X?,?FontWeight?,?bold?,?FontSize?,14,... ?FontName?,?Arial?,?FontAngle?,?italic?); colorbar(?location?, ?eastoutside?); colorbar(?delete?); else colormap jet; contourf(myplt.plot2D.xaix,myplt.plot2D.yaix,... myplt.plot2D.p,20,?LineColor?,?none?); caxis([-1 1]); colorbar; shading at; title(titlestring); end end lename=?movie2d.avi?; d=fopen( lename,?w?); if d < 0 warndlg([?Selected le, "?, lename, ... ? ", cannot be created or exists alreadey ... and is used by another program.?]); else movie2avi(movie2d, lename,?fps?,4,... ?compression?,?none?,?quality?,100); try fclose( d); catch; end; end; % to add black regtangular option=0; option1 tag=25; if option==1, switch option1 tag case 15 width=1; length=2; angle=15; rectangle xi=[0 width width 0 0] rectangle zi=[0 0 length length 0] rectangle xf=cos(angle*pi/180).*rectangle xi... -sin(angle*pi/180).*rectangle zi rectangle zf=sin(angle*pi/180).*rectangle xi... +rectangle zi*cos(angle*pi/180) line(rectangle xf+9.5,rectangle zi*0,... rectangle zf,?Linewidth?,2,?Color?,?k?); case 25 width=1; 110 length=3; angle=20; rectangle xi=[0 width width 0 0] rectangle zi=[0 0 length length 0] rectangle xf=cos(angle*pi/180).*rectangle xi... -sin(angle*pi/180).*rectangle zi rectangle zf=sin(angle*pi/180).*rectangle xi... +rectangle zi*cos(angle*pi/180) line(rectangle xf+9.18,rectangle zi*0,... rectangle zf+1.1,?Linewidth?,2,?Color?,?k?); case 35 width=1; length=3; angle=0; rectangle xi=[0 width width 0 0] rectangle zi=[0 0 length length 0] rectangle xf=cos(angle*pi/180).*rectangle xi... -sin(angle*pi/180).*rectangle zi rectangle zf=sin(angle*pi/180).*rectangle xi... +rectangle zi*cos(angle*pi/180) line(rectangle xf+9,rectangle zi*0,... rectangle zf-1.5,?Linewidth?,2,?Color?,?k?); case 65 width=1; length=3; angle=20; rectangle xi=[0 width width 0 0] rectangle zi=[0 0 length length 0] rectangle xf=cos(angle*pi/180).*rectangle xi... -sin(angle*pi/180).*rectangle zi rectangle zf=sin(angle*pi/180).*rectangle xi... +rectangle zi*cos(angle*pi/180) line(rectangle xf+9.2,rectangle zi*0,... rectangle zf+1,?Linewidth?,2,?Color?,?k?); end end return 111