Finitely Generated Modules Over Noncommutative Chain Rings by Greggory M. Scible A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial ful llment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama Decemeber 12, 2011 Keywords: right chain ring, right duo ring Copyright 2011 by Greggory M. Scible Approved by Ulrich Albrecht, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Pat Goeters, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Georg Hetzer, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Abstract The notion of a right chain ring, a ring whose lattice of right ideals is linearly ordered by inclusion, is a generalization of a valuation ring. In this work we investigate properties of right chain rings and the structure of modules over such rings. Several results that have been established for modules over valuation rings and domains are extended to modules over non-commutative right chain rings. In this discussion the notion of a right duo ring, a ring whose right ideals are two-sided, arises naturally. ii Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Ulrich Albrecht for his patient encouragement throughout the course of my Graduate studies. He has \lead from the front" as all good leaders do, and has exempli ed how a professional mathematician should conduct oneself. Thanks also go to my committee members Dr. Georg Hetzer and Dr. Pat Goeters for their assistance and encouragement. I would also like to thank my family members, especially my parents Jim and Joan for always believing in me and pushing me to explore the limits of my ability. I am deeply appreciative of their guidance and support throughout my life. Thanks also go to my sister Jennifer who has always been a source of support and whose belief in me has given me the freedom to try new things. Finally, I could not have accomplished anything without my wife Lynette. She gave me the freedom to pursue my goals and has been a rock of support throughout our marriage. iii Table of Contents Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Background Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1 Ring Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2 Skew Polynomial Rings and Power Series Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Right Chain Rings and Duo Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.1 Examples of Right Chain Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.2 Basic Properties of Right Chain Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.3 Right Duo Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4 Modules Over Right Duo Right Chain Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.1 Finitely Annihilated Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.2 Ideal Structure of Right Chain Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.3 Modules over Right Chain rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5 Finitely Generated Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.1 RD-submodules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.2 RD-Composition Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5.3 Equivalence of Relative Divisibility and Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5.4 A Jordan-H older Type Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5.5 Essential Pure Submodules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6 Duo Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 6.1 Quasiprojective Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 iv 6.2 Duo Modules and Strongly Right Bounded Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 6.3 Duo Modules over Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 6.4 Maximal RD-submodules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 v Chapter 1 Introduction When one undertakes the study of noncommutative rings, it rapidly becomes apparent that the mathematical landscape has changed signi cantly from that which one encounters in the commutative setting. Things that are obvious in the commutative setting can often turn into di cult problems without commutativity. One of the best examples of this is the construction of the eld of fractions of a ring R. When R is a commutative integral domain the process is relatively straightforward. The extension of this concept to noncommutative rings, however, is highly nontrivial and is indeed still a topic of current research. In this work, we will investigate the class of noncommutative rings known as right chain rings, which can be described as rings having the property that, for every a, b2R, either aR bR or bR aR. These rings are the obvious extension of the concept of a valuation ring to the noncommutative setting. The study of valuation rings has a very extensive literature. The structure of modules over these rings has been investigated in detail in [15] and [16]. Much of this interest arises from the fact that many results and techniques arising from the study of abelian groups can be extended to the study of modules over valuation domains. Chain rings appear in a surprising number of areas of noncommutative ring theory. In [5], references are provided showing that such rings appear as the coordinate rings of Hjelm- slev planes and as building blocks for the localizations of Dedekind prime rings. Further, a domain having a distributive lattice of right ideals is characterized by the property that their localizations at maximal right ideals are right chain rings. As a nal example, in 1968 Osof- sky [30], extending work of Caldwell [11], established that local rings whose cyclic modules have cyclic injective hulls are right and left chain rings. 1 Chapter 2 contains a summary of the ring and module theory that is utilized throughout the work to follow. In Chapter 3, we begin the study of right chain rings and right duo rings. Smith and Woodward introduced the concept of a nitely annihilated module in [35]. In this chapter we introduce cyclically and strongly cyclically annihilated modules and establish the following result: Theorem 1.1. Suppose R is a ring. The following statements are equivalent: 1) R is a right chain ring such that all cyclic right R-modules are cyclically annihilated. 2) R is a right duo, right chain ring. 3) Every nitely generated right R-module is strongly cyclically annihilated. We utilize this result to obtain conditions on a ring R guaranteeing that R is right duo and every homomorphic image of R is strongly right bounded. In the remainder of the Chapter we investigate the ideal structure of right duo right chain rings and show that many of the results from [15] and [16] concerning ideals of valuation rings can be extended to this class of rings. In Chapter 4 we begin the investigation of modules over right duo chain domains. A natural place to begin studying the structure of modules over any ring R is the class of nitely generated modules. In this study, RD-submodules (relatively divisible) play a distinguished role. A submodule N of a right R-module M is RD if N\Mr = Nr for every r 2 R. For Abelian groups, this is the usual de nition of a pure subgroup. For modules over more general rings, we have: De nition 1.2. Let R be a ring and A a right R-module. A submodule B of A is said to be pure if every nite system of equations over B mX j=1 xjrij = bi (i = 1;:::;n); with rij2R and unknowns x1;:::;xm, has a solution in B whenever it is solvable in A. 2 Note that B is an RD-submodule of a right R-module A if and only if, whenever b2B and the equation xr = b is solvable in A, then it is solvable in B. From this we see immediately that pure submodules are RD for an arbitrary ring R. The investigation into the rings for which the converse holds is more di cult. Indeed, we have the following open question. Open Question: If R is a right semihereditary ring, then every RD-submodule of a right R-module is pure. War eld has shown in [39] that an integral domain R is Pr ufer if and only if the RD- property is equivalent to purity. We establish in this chapter that over right duo chain domains, purity and relative divisibility are equivalent. In [14], Fuchs and Salce show that every nitely generated module over a valuation domain has a pure composition series, that is a nite chain 0 = M0 < n = dim(B). Remark 2.32. Note that dim(A) = 1 if and only if A is uniform. 13 Right Quotient Rings The material in this section presents an extension of the formation of the eld of quo- tients of an integral domain to general rings. The following material is taken from [37]. De nition 2.33. Let R be a ring and S a multiplicatively closed subset of R. Then a right ring of fractions, or right quotient ring of R with respect to S, is a ring R[S 1] together with a ring homomorphism ? : R !R[S 1] satisfying: i) ?(s) is invertible for every s2S, ii) Every element of R[S 1] has the form ?(a)?(s) 1 with s2S, iii) ?(a) = 0 if and only if as = 0 for some s2S. In [37, Ch. II] it is shown that if R[S 1] exists, then it is unique up to isomorphism. The following is [37, Prop. II.1.4], and is the key result needed. Theorem 2.34. Let S be a multiplicatively closed subset of a ring R. R[S 1] exists if and only if S satis es: 1) If s2S and a2R, there exist t2S and b2R such that sb = at. 2) If sa = 0 with s2S, then at = 0 for some t2S. When R[S 1] exists, it has the form R[S 1] = (R S)= , where is the equivalence relation de ned by (a;s) (b;t) if and only if there exist c;d2R such that ac = bd and sc = td2S. In the proof of Theorem 2.34, it is shown that the additive and multiplicative operations in R[S 1] are given by: Additive structure: (a;s) + (b;t) = (ac+bd;u) where c;d2R and u = sc = td2S. Multiplicative structure: (a;s)(b;t) = (ac;tu), where c2R and sc = bu and u2S. 14 In practice, the equivalence class (a;s) is written a=s or as 1. Similarly, one can de ne the left ring of fractions [S 1]R with respect to a multiplica- tively closed set S. It is shown in [37, p.51] that when R[S 1] and [S 1]R both exist, then they are naturally isomorphic. The additive and multiplicative structures of [S 1]R are similar to those of R[S 1], mutatis mutandis. One of the most important examples of a multiplicatively closed set is the set S of all regular elements of a ring R. In this case, the right ring of fractions of R with respect to S is called the classical right ring of quotients and is denoted Qr(R), or merely Qr if the ring R is clear from the context. In this case, we have the following important result: Theorem 2.35. (Ore) Let S be the set of regular elements of a ring R. Then Qr(R) exists if and only if S satis es the right Ore condition, i.e. for a2R and s2S, we have aS\sR6=;. If R is a domain, then the right Ore condition reduces to aR\sR6= 0 for all non-zero elements a;s2R. Clearly this is equivalent to I\J6= 0 for all non-zero right ideals I and J. Observe that a domain has a classical right ring of quotients if and only if dimRR = 1. This condition is obvious for a right chain domain R, and therefore the right quotient ring exists for such rings and is a skew- eld. Another important example of a multiplicatively closed set is the complement, S, of a completely prime ideal P. In this case, R[S 1] is referred to as the localization of the ring R at the completely prime ideal P, and, by a standard abuse of notation, is written RP. By Lemma 5.2 of [5], if P is a completely prime ideal of a right chain ring R, then the localization of R at P exists and RP =frs 1jr2R;s2S = RnPg. Remark 2.36. If R is a chain domain, then R is an Ore domain, hence Qr(R) and Ql(R) both exist by Theorem 2.35. If P is a completely prime ideal of R, then, by the above the localization at P is also equal to fs 1a j a 2 R and s 2 RnPg. If it is necessary to distinguish between the two, we will denote the left localization by PR and the right localization by RP. 15 Chapter 3 Right Chain Rings and Duo Rings 3.1 Examples of Right Chain Rings In this section we establish some of the basic properties of right chain rings. A standard reference for many of these results is [5]. All unde ned terms may be found in [18, 19, 26, 32]. We include most proofs for completeness. We rst present several examples of right chain rings. Example 3.1. Let p be a xed prime and k2N. Then the ring Zpk is a nite chain ring. Example 3.2. By Proposition 3.21 below, any right discrete valuation domain is a right chain domain. The next example requires some preliminary work on ordered groups and Malcev- Neumann rings. De nition 3.3. A multiplicative group G with identity e is ordered if there exists a total order < on G such that for any x, y, z2G, we have xeg: 16 P has the following easily veri ed properties: P1) P P P. P2) Gnfeg= PtP 1. P3) zPz 1 P for any z2G. Conversely, given a subset P G of a multiplicative group G satisfying P1;P2; and P3, we can de ne an order on G by x 0g. It is easily veri ed that P satis es the properties above, and hence induces an order on G where xn 0. Following [26, 14.5], we detail the construction of the Malcev-Neumann ring. Modi ca- tions of this construction are used to produce chain rings having various properties. As we will be utilizing well-ordered subsets of ordered groups, the following technical lemmas are necessary. The proofs may be found in [26, Section 14.5]. Lemma 3.4. [26, Lemma 14.16] Let (G;<) be a totally ordered set. For any subset S G, the following are equivalent: 1) S is well-ordered. 2) S satis es the DCC (any sequence s1 s2 s3 in S is eventually constant). 3) Any sequencefs1;s2;s3;:::gin S contains a subsequencefsn(1);sn(2);sn(3);:::g, where n(1) is an in nite cyclic with positive cone P as above. Then the homomorphism : G !Aut(R) is speci ed by a single automorphism ! := x. The twist law in this case is x r = !(r)x. As well-ordered subsets of Z consist precisely of nonempty subsets that are bounded below, we see that the Malcev-Neumann ring in this 18 case is A = R((;!)) =f 1X i=n ixij i2R; n2Zg; a twisted Laurent series ring. The interest in Malcev-Neumann rings lies in part in the following nontrivial result. Theorem 3.6 (Malcev-Neumann). [26, Thm 14.21] Let R be a division ring and (G;<) and as above. Then A = R((G; )) is a division ring. We consider next valuations of a division ring whose value group is an ordered group G. De nition 3.7. For a division ring D and ordered group (G;<), a function : D !G is called a valuation if the following two properties are satis ed: V1) (ab) = (a) (b) for every a, b2D . V2) (a+b) minf (a); (b)g for every a, b2D such that a+b6= 0. Given a valuation : D !G, the set R =fr2D j (r) eg[f0g is easily seen to be a subring of D . It is also not di cult to show that R is a duo right chain ring with unique maximal ideal M =fr2D j (r) >eg[f0g (see [24, pp.216-217]). Now let R be a division ring, (G;<) an ordered group, and : G !Aut(R) the trivial group homomorphism. As the multiplication in the Malcev-Nuemann ring A is induced by the \twist" g r = g(r)g, the assumption on implies that gr = rg for every r2R and g2G. De ne a map ? : A !G by ?( ) = min:supp( ). 19 It will be shown that ? is a valuation on the division ring A . Suppose = ag + and = bh + , where a, b 2 R , g = min:supp( ), and h = min:supp( ). Then = (ab)gh + . By the properties of an ordered group, gh = min:supp( ). Therefore ?( ) = gh = ?( )?( ). For the sum, + = ag + bh + . The smallest group element in the ordering on G appearing in the sum obviously cannot be smaller than minfg;hg. Therefore, ?( + ) = min:supp( + ) minfg;hg= minf?( );?( )g: Hence ? is a valuation. By the above, the subring R =f 2A j?( ) eg[f0gis a duo right chain domain. 3.2 Basic Properties of Right Chain Rings In this section, some of the basic results concerning right chain rings are listed. The most complete reference for results on right chain rings is [5]. Proposition 3.8. [5, Lemma 1.2] If R is a right chain ring, the lattice of right ideals of R is linearly ordered with respect to inclusion. Proof. Suppose I1 and I2 are right ideals of R such that I26 I1. Choose a2I2nI1 and note that if b2I1, then either a = br or b = ar for some r2R. Clearly the rst case cannot hold as then a2I1. Hence b = ar2I2. Since b was chosen arbitrarily, I1 I2. Remark 3.9. Since the right ideals of a right chain ring R are linearly ordered with respect to inclusion, it is immediate that R is local; that is, R has a unique maximal right ideal J, which must equal the Jacobson radical of R. Throughout this work J will consistently represent the Jacobson radical of R, and U = U(R) the multiplicative group of units of R. Observe that if R is a local ring, then U(R) = RnJ; see Proposition 2.13 on page 8. Proposition 3.10. [5, Lemma 1.2] A nitely generated right ideal I of a right chain ring R is principal. 20 Proof. It su ces to establish the result for I = aR+bR. Since R is a right chain ring, either aR bR or bR aR. Suppose the latter holds. Then clearly I = aR. The following Lemma shows that a right ideal I of a right chain ring R is two-sided exactly if UI = I. This result is fundamental and will be used throughout the following work. Lemma 3.11 (Test-units Lemma). [5, Lemma 1.4] Let R be a right chain ring. 1) For every a2R, Ra UaR. 2) A right ideal I of R is two-sided exactly if uI I for every u2U. Proof. 1): Let x2R. If x is either a unit or xa2aR, then we are done. Suppose x2J and xa62aR. Since R is a right chain ring we have that aR xaR so a = xas for some s2R. Note that s must be in J, for otherwise s is a unit and xa2aR. Then 1 + s2U and xa(1 +s) = xa+xas = xa+a = (1 +x)a. Since x2J by assumption, (1 +x)2U and it follows that xa = (1 +x)a(1 +s) 12UaR. 2): Clearly the result holds if I is a two-sided ideal. Conversely, suppose I is a right ideal such that uI I for every u 2 U. If a 2 I, then Ua I by assumption. Then ra2Ra UaR I for every r2R by (1). Therefore I is an ideal. The following is an easy consequence of the de nition of a right chain ring. Lemma 3.12. [5, Lemma 1.5] Let R be a right chain ring, A a right ideal and B a two-sided ideal. Then, AB =fabja2A; b2Bg. Proof. Clearly the right hand side of the equation above is contained in AB. Conversely, if Pn i=1aibi2AB, then since R is a right chain ring we can assume without loss of generality that aiR a1R for i = 2;:::;n. Then ai = a1ri and Pni=1 aibi = a1Pni=1 ribi = a1b where b = Pni=1 ribi. Hence Pni=1 aibi2fabja2A; b2Bg and the proof is complete. 21 We will now establish several results concerning prime ideals in right chain rings. Notice that completely prime ideals are always prime, and prime ideals are semiprime. In general the converses of both statements are false. See De nition 2.7 on page 6. Proposition 3.13. Let R be a right chain ring and P a two-sided completely prime ideal of R. If s62P, then P = sP. Proof. The inclusion sP P is immediate as P is an ideal. For the reverse inclusion, suppose p2P. Since R is a right chain ring, either sR pR or pR sR. The rst case cannot hold, as then s 2 P. Therefore pR sR, so p = sr for some r 2 R. If r 62 P, then P a completely prime ideal implies p = sr62P, a contradiction. Hence, r2P, and p = sr2sP. The next result establishes the equivalence of the notions of semiprime and prime ideals in right chain rings. Further, we obtain a necessary and su cient condition for an ideal to be completely prime. Proposition 3.14. [5, Lemma 1.8] Let R be a right chain ring and P a right ideal of R. 1) P is prime if and only if it is semi-prime. 2) If P is a two-sided ideal, then P is completely prime if and only if x2 2 P implies x2P for every x2R. Proof. 1): Necessity is obvious from the de nitions. For su ciency, suppose P is semi-prime and xRy P for x;y2R. Since R is a right chain ring, we may assume without loss of generality that xR yR. Then xRxR xRyR P. As P is semi-prime by assumption, x2P. Thus P is a prime ideal. 2): Necessity is obvious from the de nition. Suppose the condition holds and ab2P for some a;b2R. Since R is a right chain ring, either a = br1 or b = ar2 for some r1;r22R. In the rst case, a2 = aa = a(br1)2P as ab2P and P is a two-sided ideal. By the assumed 22 condition a2P. In the second case, note that (ba)2 = b(ab)a2P as P is a two-sided ideal. Hence ba2P by our assumption. Then b2 = bb = bar2 2P which implies b2P. Hence P is completely prime. Proposition 3.15. [5, Lemma 3.2] Let R be a right Noetherian, right chain ring. Then R is right duo. Proof. Since R is a right Noetherian, every right ideal of R is nitely generated and thus right principal. Suppose I = aR is a right ideal of R. Then by Lemma 3.11, it is enough to show that ua2aR for every unit u2R. Suppose by way of contradiction that there exists a unit u2R such that ua62aR. Since R is a right chain ring we have that aR uaR, so a = uaj for some j 2 J. Then uaR u2aR , which contradicts R being right Noetherian. 3.3 Right Duo Rings In studying the structure of modules over right chain rings we have found that additional conditions on the ring are necessary. The condition on the ring that has proven to be of the greatest importance is that the ring be right duo, i.e. every right ideal is two sided. In the literature right duo rings are also referred to as right invariant. Observe that R is right duo if and only if for every a2R we have Ra aR; similarly, R is duo if and only if aR = Ra for every a2R. We now present some examples of right duo rings. Example 3.16. As a trivial example, commutative rings are obviously duo. Example 3.17. By Proposition 2.9 on page 7, strongly regular rings are right duo. Example 3.18. By Proposition 3.15, right Noetherian right chain rings are right duo. Example 3.19. In [24, pp. 214{215] it is shown that there exists a right duo ring which is not left duo. For the proof, see the next set of results. 23 De nition 3.20. A domain R is a right discrete valuation domain if there exists a non-zero nonunit of R such that every non-zero a 2 R can be written in the form nu where n 0 and u2U(R). Proposition 3.21. [24, pp. 214{215] If R is a right discrete valuation domain, then R is a right duo right chain domain. Proof. We rst show that is neither left nor right invertible. Suppose is right invertible. Then a = 1 for some a2R. We can write a = nu for some n 0 and unit u. Then n+1u = a = 1 which implies that is a unit, a contradiction. Next, suppose is left invertible. Then b = 1 for some b2R. Write b = mv for some m 0 and v 2U(R). Then mv = b = 1. If m6= 0, this implies that is right invertible, contradicting the above. So m = 0, which implies that 2U(R), a contradiction. Hence is neither left nor right invertible. Set M = R. By the above, M < R. Suppose 0 6= I is a proper right ideal of R and 0 6= a2I. Write a = nu. Clearly n6= 0, so a2 R = M. Therefore M is the unique maximal right ideal of R. It follows that R is a local domain with Jacobson radical J = M. Let I be a non-zero proper right ideal of R. We claim that I = iR for some positive integer i. If 0 6= a 2 I, then as above a = nu for some n > 0. As u is a unit, this implies that n 2I. Let i be the least positive integer such that i 2I. Then n i, so a = nu = i n iu 2 iR. Hence I iR. As i 2 I, clearly iR I and the result follows. By the above, the ideals of R form a chain 0 i+1R iR R R where the inclusions are strict since is not right invertible. It follows that R is a right chain ring. Further, R is right noetherian and hence right duo. 24 Using the proof of Proposition 3.21, it is can be shown that the function : R !Z given by (a) = n if a = nu, is a valuation. Hence, a right discrete valuation ring is a ring whose value group is Z[f1g. The next proposition shows that the concept of a duo ring is not right-left symmetric. Proposition 3.22. [24, pp. 214{215] There exists a right duo right chain domain that is not left duo. Proof. We will exhibit the existence of a noncommutative discrete valuation domain. Let k be a eld and 2Endk(k), where (k) k. Let R = k[[x; ]], the ring of skew power series of the form Pi 0xiai (ai2k) with multiplication given by ax = x (a). Set = x and suppose 2 R. If an is the least non-zero coe cient of , then = xnan + xn+1an+1 + , so = xn(an + xan+1 + ). Then an + xan + 2 U(R) as an 6= 0. It follows that every element of R can be written in the form nu for some u2U(R). We conclude that R is a right discrete valuation ring, and is therefore a right duo right chain ring. Note that since k is a eld, R is a domain. If R is left duo, then xR Rx. Let a2kn (k). Then xa2xR Rx, so xa = bx = x (b) for some b2R. Then x(a (b)) = 0 and it follows that a = (b), contradicting the choice of a. Hence R is not left duo. The following example, presented in [6, Example 6.16], shows the existence of a right duo right chain ring that is not a domain. The ring is also neither a left chain ring nor a left duo ring. Example 3.23. Let k be a division ring and : k!k a monomorphism such that (k) (k. De ne a multiplication on R = k k by (f;g)(f0;g0) = (ff0; (f)g0 +gf0); with componentwise addition. It is routine to verify that with this operation R is a ring with 1R = (1;0) and 0R = (0;0). A direct calculation shows that the Jacobson radical of 25 R is J = f(0;g) 2 R j g 2 kg. As J = (0;g0)R for any 0 6= g0 2 k, the only possible non-zero right ideals are J and R. Hence R is a right duo right chain ring. R is not a domain as (0;1)2 = 0R. To see that R is not a left chain ring, choose h;h02kn (k). If R(0;h) R(0;h0) then (0;h) = (f;g)(0;h) = (0; (f)h0) = (0; (fh0)). Thus, h2 (k), a contradiction. By symmetry, R(0;h0) * R(0;h). A similar argument shows that R is also not left duo. In [38], Thierrin discussed several properties of duo rings. Several of his results can be extended to the more general case of right duo rings. The proof of the rst result requires modi cations for the right duo case; the other results carry through verbatim for right duo rings and the proofs are due to Thierrin. Proposition 3.24. Every idempotent e of a right duo ring R is central. Proof. In [26] it is shown that an idempotent e2R is central if and only if eRf = 0 = fRe, where f = 1 e is the complementary idempotent orthogonal to e. Suppose R is right duo. Then Re eR and Rf fR. These relations imply that fRe feR = 0 and eRf efR = 0. So we have that eRf = 0 = fRe and by the above, e is central. Proposition 3.25. [38] Every prime right ideal in a right duo ring is completely prime. Proof. Suppose R is right duo, P a prime right ideal, and xy2P. Set T =ft2Rjxt2Pg. Then T is a right ideal. As R is right duo, T is a two-sided ideal. Then y2T implies Ry T. Hence xRy P. Since P is prime, x2P or y2P, and we conclude that P is completely prime. Proposition 3.26. [38] The set of nilpotent elements of a right duo ring R form an ideal N, which is equal to the intersection of the completely prime ideals of R. Proof. Let I be the intersection of the completely prime ideals Pi of R and N the set of nilpotent elements. If an = 0, then an 2 Pi for every i. Since Pi is completely prime, it follows that a2Pi and thus N I. By Proposition 3.25, I is the intersection of the prime 26 ideals of R. By a result of [29], I is a nil ideal. Then each element of I is nilpotent, and therefore I N and the proof is complete. Let N(R) denote the set of all nilpotent elements of a ring R, and P(R) the prime radical of R. Then R is 2-primal if P(R) = N(R). This class of rings was introduced by Birkenmeier, Heatherly and Lee [8] in the context of nearrings. The previous result establishes immediately that: Corollary 3.27. Right duo rings are 2-primal. Obviously every right semi-hereditary ring is right p.p. If R is a right chain ring, then Proposition 3.10 implies that the converse holds. The next result establishes the equivalence of several conditions on a right duo right chain ring. Theorem 3.28. Let R be a right duo right chain ring. Then the following conditions are equivalent. 1) R is semiprime. 2) R is a domain. 3) R is right p:p: 4) R is right semi-hereditary. 5) R is right nonsingular. Proof. 1) implies 2): Suppose R is semiprime. Since R is a right chain ring, Proposition 3.14 implies that R is a prime ring, so 0 is a prime ideal. Since R is right duo, 0 is completely prime. Hence R is a domain. 2) implies 3): Let aR be a non-zero principal right ideal of R. Since R has no zero divisors, the map R!aR given by r7!ar is an isomorphism. Hence R?aR and therefore aR is projective. 27 3) implies 4): Since R is a right chain ring, nitely generated right ideals are principal. Hence by 3), nitely generated right ideals are projective. 4) implies 5): As R is a right chain ring, it su ces to establish the result for principal right ideals. Suppose 06= a2R . We have an exact sequence 0 !annr(a) !R f !aR !0; where f(x) = xa. As aR is projective by assumption, the sequence splits. Hence, annr(a) is a direct summand of R and cannot be essential. Thus, Zr(R) = 0, and R is right nonsingular. 5) implies 1): Suppose I is a right ideal of R and I2 = 0. Since R is a right chain ring, the lattice of right ideals is linearly ordered with respect to inclusion. Hence every right ideal of R is essential. Then I2 = 0 and R right nonsingular imply that I = 0. Thus, R is semiprime by Proposition 2.6. Proposition 2.9 yields that R is strongly regular if and only if R is a von Neumann regular duo ring. Using this result, we can show that von Neumann regular right chain rings are duo rings. Proposition 3.29. Let R be a von Neumann regular right chain ring. Then R is strongly regular. Proof. Suppose 0 6= a2R. Since R is von Neumann regular there exists b2R such that a = aba. Since R is a right chain ring, either b2aR or a2bR. If the rst case holds then b = ar for some r2R. Then a = aba = aara = a2ra2a2R. If b62aR, then a = bj for some j2J. Then a = aba = bjba. From this we see that (1 bjb)a = 0. By Proposition 2.13, 1 bjb is a unit of R. Therefore a = 0, a contradiction. Hence the rst case holds and R is strongly regular. Corollary 3.30. A von Neumann regular right chain ring is a duo ring. 28 Proof. By Proposition 3.29, von Neumann regular right chain rings are strongly regular. The result follows by Proposition 2.9. The following extension of [26, Exercise 10.19] shows that right duo rings behave in many ways like commutative rings. Consider the following conditions on a ring R: 1) Every ideal of R is semiprime. 2) Every ideal of R is idempotent. 3) R is von Neumann regular. Then for any ring R we have 3))2))1). The problem as stated is that 1))3) if R is a commutative ring. This result also holds for right duo rings. Lemma 3.31. Let R be a right duo ring. Then R=I is reduced for every semiprime ideal I of R. Proof. Suppose x2 2I for some x2R. Then Rx xR implies xRx x2R I. As I is semiprime, x2I. Proposition 3.32. The following are equivalent for a right duo ring R: 1) Every ideal of R is semiprime. 2) Every ideal of R is idempotent. 3) R is strongly regular. Proof. For completeness we present the proof in its entirety. 3) implies 2): Since R is strongly regular, it is von Neumann regular. Suppose I is an ideal of R and a2I. Then a2aRa I2, so that I I2. 2) implies 1): trivial 1) implies 3). Suppose a2R. Then a2R is a semiprime ideal. Hence R=a2R is reduced by Lemma 3.31. As a + a2R is a nilpotent element of R=a2R, we have that a2a2R. Thus R is strongly regular. 29 The following observation is remarkably useful, particularly in the study of nitely generated modules over right duo right chain rings. This property of right duo rings allows us to extend many results established for valuation rings to right chain rings. Proposition 3.33. Let R be a right duo ring and M a right R-module. Then for every a2M we have Ann(a) = Ann(aR). Proof. Suppose a2M. Then Ann(a) is a two-sided ideal of R so that R Ann(a) Ann(a). Then (aR)Ann(a) a Ann(a) = 0 which says precisely that Ann(a) Ann(aR). The other inclusion is obvious and the result follows. The following consequence of Proposition 3.33 will be used extensively in the study of nitely generated modules over right duo right chain rings. Proposition 3.34. Let R be a right duo ring and suppose M = x1R+ +xnR is a nitely generated right R-module. Then AnnRM = Tni=1AnnR(xi). Proof. Clearly AnnRM Tni=1AnnR(xi). Suppose t2Tni=1AnnR(xi) and m2M. Then m = Pni=1 xiri, for some ri 2 R. Observe that xit = 0 yields xirit = 0. It follows that mt = Pni=1 xirit = Pni=1 xitsi = 0. Thus, t2AnnRM. A partial converse to 3.33 also holds; namely, if R is a right chain ring with the property that every nitely generated right R-module satis es the conclusion of 3.33, then R is right duo. To establish this we introduce the concept of a cyclically annihilated module. 30 Chapter 4 Modules Over Right Duo Right Chain Rings 4.1 Finitely Annihilated Modules In this section we consider nitely annihilated modules, a notion attributed to P. Gabriel [17] by Smith and Woodward in [35]. More speci cally, we consider modules that are cycli- cally annihilated over right duo right chain rings. This leads to a natural generalization of results obtained by various authors, and a characterization of this class of rings. De nition 4.1. Let R be a ring. A module MR is nitely annihilated if there exist elements m1;:::;mk in M such that AnnR(M) = AnnR(m1;:::;mk). If we have that AnnR(M) = AnnR(m) for some m2M, then M is cyclically annihilated. A nitely generated right R-module M is strongly cyclically annihilated if the equality above holds for one of the generators of M, i.e., if M = x1R + + xnR, then AnnR(M) = AnnR(xi) for some i. De nition 4.2. A ring R is strongly right bounded if every non-zero right ideal of R contains a non-zero two-sided ideal. Remark 4.3. Note that right duo rings are obviously strongly right bounded. Theorem 4.4. The following statements are equivalent for a ring R: 1) R is a right chain ring such that all cyclic right R-modules are cyclically annihilated. 2) R is a right duo right chain ring. 3) Every nitely generated right R-module is strongly cyclically annihilated. 31 Proof. 1) implies 2): Suppose R is a right chain ring such that every cyclic right R-module is cyclically annihilated. Let I be an ideal of R. We claim that if M is a cyclic right R=I- module, then MR=I is cyclically annihilated. To see this, note that M is a cyclic right R module via the operation m r = m(r + I). As MR is cyclically annihilated by hypoth- esis, there exists a 2 MR such that MR AnnR(a) = 0. An easy calculation shows that AnnR=I(a) = AnnR(a)=I. Hence MR=I AnnR=I(a) = 0 and the claim follows. Therefore, R=I is a right chain ring such that every cyclic right R=I-module is cyclically annihilated. We now show that R is strongly right bounded. For 0 6= a 2 R, the cyclic right R- module R=aR cyclically annihilated. Hence, AnnR(R=aR) = AnnR(x+aR) for some x2R. Thus J = AnnR(x + aR) = fr2Rjxr2aRg is a two-sided ideal of R which is clearly contained in aR. Since R is a right chain ring, aR is essential in R. Thus, R=aR is a singular R-module and Ann(y +aR) is essential in R for all y2R. In particular, J = Ann(x+aR) is essential, and thus non-zero. So R is a strongly right bounded ring, and this allows us to establish the existence of a largest non-zero two-sided ideal contained in aR as follows: set I0 = Pf0 6= K ERjK aRg, and note that the sum is nonempty as it contains J. Clearly I0 is the largest non-zero two-sided ideal contained in aR. Suppose I0 6= aR. By what has been shown, R=I0 is a strongly right bounded right chain ring. By the argument above, R=I0 is cyclically annihilated. Hence, the right ideal (a + I0)R=I0 contains a non-zero two-sided ideal I1=I0, where I1 is an ideal of R such that I0 I1 (a + I0)R. As I0 aR, we have that I0 I1 aR. Since I0 is the largest two-sided ideal of R contained in aR, we obtain a contradiction. Thus, I0 = aR and aR is a two-sided ideal of R. 2) implies 3): Suppose that M = x1R + + xnR. Since R is a right chain ring we may order the right ideals fAnnR(xi)ji = 1;:::;ng so that AnnR(x1) AnnR(xn). It follows from Proposition 3.34 that AnnRM = Tni=1AnnR(xi) = AnnR(x1). Thus M is strongly cyclically annihilated. 32 3) implies 1): As strongly cyclically annihilated modules are obviously cyclically annihi- lated, it remains to show that R is a right chain ring. We will show rst that R is right duo. Consider the module M = R=aR for some a2R. By 3), AnnR(M) = AnnR(1 +aR) = aR. Thus aR is a two-sided ideal of R. For a, b 2 R, consider the module M = R=aR R=bR, which is generated by the elements f(1 +aR;0);(0;1 +bR)g. By 3) we may assume without loss of generality that AnnR(M) = AnnR(1 +aR) = aR: On the other hand, if x2AnnR(M), then (0;0) = (1 +aR;1 +bR)x = (x+aR;x+bR), so that x2aR\bR. Thus, aR = AnnR(M) aR\bR bR, and R is a right chain ring. Given the last result, we can establish the following corollary to Proposition 3.33. Corollary 4.5. Let R be a right chain ring. Suppose every nitely generated module MR has the property that AnnR(a) is an ideal for every a2M. Then R is right duo. Proof. Suppose M = a1R + + anR for a1;:::;an in M. By hypothesis, Ann(ai) is an ideal for every i. Hence Ann(M) = TiAnn(ai). Since R is a right chain ring we may order the annihilators (reindexing if necessary) as Ann(a1) Ann(an). Then Ann(M) = Ann(a1), and M is strongly cyclically annihilated. By Theorem 4.4, R is right duo. We now consider a condition on a ring similar to the considerations above. De nition 4.6. A ring R is a right -ring if every nitely generated right R-module M is cyclically annihilated. If R is a right duo right chain ring, then by Theorem 4.4, every nitely generated right R-module is strongly cyclically annihilated. As strongly cyclically annihilated modules are obviously cyclically annihilated, we have 33 Corollary 4.7. Let R be a right duo, right chain ring. Then R is a right -ring. However, right -rings need not be right chain rings as shown by: Proposition 4.8. If R and S are right -rings, then R S is a right -ring. Proof. Let K be a nitely generated T = R S-module. Then there exist nitely generated modules MR and NS such that K = MLN and MS = 0 and NR = 0. By hypothesis there exist x2M and y2N such that AnnR(x) = AnnR(M) and AnnS(y) = AnnS(N). Clearly (x;y)2M N = K yields AnnT(K) AnnT((x;y)). On the other hand, suppose (r;s) 2 T = R S satis es (x;y)(r;s) = (0;0). Then, xr = ys = 0, and it follows that r 2AnnR(x) = AnnR(M), and s2AnnS(y) = AnnS(N). Thus, we see that (r;s) is an element of AnnT(M N) = AnnT(K) as desired. In [36], the following characterization of right Artinian rings is established: Theorem 4.9. The following are equivalent for a ring R. 1) R is right Artinian. 2) Every right R-module is nitely annihilated. 3) Every countably generated right R-module is nitely annihilated. 4) R satis es the descending chain condition on two-sided ideals and every cyclic right R-module is nitely annihilated. If the ring in question is taken to be a right chain ring, the above theorem can be specialized as follows. The proof generally follows that of [36], using the results above to account for the nature of the ring in question. Theorem 4.10. Let R be a right chain ring. The following are equivalent: 1) R is right Artinian. 34 2) Every right R-module is cyclically annihilated. 3) Every countably generated right R-module is cyclically annihilated. 4) R satis es the descending chain condition on two-sided ideals and every cyclic right R-module is cyclically annihilated. Proof. 1) implies 2): Let MR be a right R-module and choose a 2 M such that Ann(a) is minimal. Since R is right Artinian, it is right Noetherian. Then by Proposition 3.15, R is right duo. Thus, Ann(m) is a two-sided ideal of R for every m2M. Then Ann(a) T m2M Ann(m) = Ann(M). It follows that Ann(M) = Ann(a) and M is cyclically annihi- lated. 2) implies 3): Obvious. 3) implies 4): Suppose I1 I2 I3 is a descending chain of two-sided ideals of R. Consider the countably generated right R-module M = Ln 1. Hence, I1 = I0j. In the same way, we can nd k> 1 such that I01 = Ik. Then I1 Ik = I01 I0j = I1, which implies that I1 = I01, a contradiction. Thus, I1 = I01. An induction on the length of the composition series establishes the claim. For the converse, consider a right ideal I of R, and choose a unit u in R. Then R=I = (u 1 + I)R so that R=I?R=uI. By uniqueness, I = uI. As R is a chain ring, this implies that I is two-sided and thus, R is right duo. Let M be a nitely generated right R-module, where R is a right duo chain ring. Then, M has a composition series f0g= U0 U1 ::: Un = M such that Ui=Ui 1 is cyclic, say Ui=Ui 1 = R=Ii for some right ideal Ii. The last theorem shows that the factors Ui=Ui 1 determine the \annihilators" I1;:::;In uniquely only if R is a right duo ring. Therefore, we will assume that R is right duo whenever we consider composition series for a nitely generated module. 5.3 Equivalence of Relative Divisibility and Purity Purity in the sense of Cohn is an additional extension of the notion of a pure subgroup of an Abelian group to modules over arbitrary rings. War eld has shown in [39] that if R is an integral domain, then R is Pr ufer if and only if relative divisibility is equivalent to purity. This result naturally extends to modules over right duo chain domains. In establishing this 51 equivalence, we utilize the existence of an RD-composition series established in the previous section. De nition 5.11. Let R be a ring and A a right R-module. A submodule B of A is said to be pure if every nite system of equations over B mX j=1 xjrij = bi (i = 1;:::;n); with rij2R and unknowns x1;:::;xm, has a solution in B whenever it is solvable in A. Note that B RD A is equivalent to the condition that whenever b2B and the equation xr = b is solvable in A, then it is solvable in B. From this we see immediately that pure submodules are RD for an arbitrary ring R. The investigation into the rings for which the converse holds is more di cult. Indeed, we have the following open question. Open Question: If R is a right semihereditary ring, then every RD-submodule of a right R-module is pure. This is a natural question to ask, given the result of War eld noted above. We need several preliminary result in order to establish the equivalence for modules over right duo chain domains. De nition 5.12. An exact sequence E: 0 !A !B !C !0 of right R-modules is RD-exact if the map A !B embeds A in B as an RD-submodule. A right R-module M is cyclically presented if it is of the form R=xR for some x2R. We have the following Lemma from [39]: Lemma 5.13. [39] For an exact sequence E : 0 ! A ! B ! C ! 0 of right R- modules, the following are equivalent: 1) E is RD-exact. 2) The induced map : HomR(R=rR;B) ! HomR(R=rR;C) is surjective for every r2R. 52 3) Then induced map 1 : R=rR RA !R=rR RB is injective for every r2R. Note that 2) says that cyclically presented modules have the projective property relative to RD-exact sequences. The following proof follows that of War eld [39] verbatim. Theorem 5.14. A nitely presented module MR over a right duo chain domain is a direct sum of cyclically presented modules. Proof. Since MR is nitely presented, by Theorem 5.10 there exists an RD-composition series of M 0 = M0 < 0 such that x 2 MinMi 1. The proof is by induction on i. If i = 1, then x 2 M1 = x1R, a cyclic module. Hence there exists an r 2 R such that x = x1r, whence x 2 Mr. Suppose by way of contradiction that x 2 MJr. Then x = mj0r for some j0 2 J and then x 2 M1 \Mj0r = M1j0r by the purity of M1 in M. As M1 = x1R we can write x = x1sj0r. As J is an ideal we may set j = sj02J so that x1r = x = x1jr. Since x1R is an RD-submodule of M, 5.6.3 implies that AnnR(y) AnnR(x1) for every y2x1+MJ. As x1 x1j2x1+MJ and r2AnnR(x1 x1j), we have that r2AnnR(x1). But then x = x1r = 0, a contradiction. Suppose now that i > 1. Set x = x + Mi 1 and M = M=Mi 1. Then x is a non-zero element of Mi=Mi 1. Since Mi=Mi 1 is cyclic with generator xi+Mi 1, we have that x = xir for some r2R. Hence x2Mr. We claim that x62MJr. If x2MJr, then x = mjr for some j2J, and we can write x = xir = xijr. Arguing as above, noting that the purity of Mi=Mi 1 in M=Mi 1 implies that xiR is pure in M, we obtain that r2Ann( xi). Therefore x = xir2Mi 1, a contradiction. So we have that x2MrnMJr. If x2Mr, then the proof is complete as x2MJr implies x2MJr, contradicting the above. Suppose that x62Mr. We can write x = mr +y for suitable m2M and y2Mi 1. Then by the induction hypothesis, there exists an s2R such that y2MsnMJs. Note that y62Mr as x62Mr by hypothesis, and x = mr + y. Since R is a chain ring, we have that Rr Rs or Rs Rr. As Rs Rr implies that y2Mr, it must be the case that Rr Rs. Therefore r = ts for some t2R. Hence x = mr +y = m(ts) +y = (mt)s+y2MsnMJs and the proof is complete. The following Corollary is an immediate consequence of Proposition 5.24: Corollary 5.25. If 06= x2M, then there exists r2R and y2MnMJ such that x = yr. 60 In the work to follow, we nd it necessary to consider conditions on a ring R which guarantee that aJ = Ja for every a2R, where J is the Jacobson radical of R. This is not always the case, as witnessed by the following: Example 5.26. Let R be the 2 2 lower triangular matrix ring with entries from a eld k. By [18, Corollary 4.9], R is a right and left Artinian hereditary ring. Since R is Artinian, the Jacobson radical is equal to the nilradical N of R. Let eij be the standard matrix units. Then N = re21, where r2k. If a = e11, then a calculation shows that aJ = 0. On the other hand, again by an easy calculation, Ja = J. Hence, aJ6= aJ. In the class of rings under consideration, however, we are able to obtain a positive result. Proposition 5.27. Suppose R is a chain domain. Then aJ = Ja for every a2R if and only if R is a duo ring. Proof. Suppose R is a duo ring, that is, aR = Ra for every a2R. Without loss of generality, we may assume a6= 0. By symmetry, it is enough to show that Ja aJ. If this is not the case, observe that xar = xr0a2Ja for every x2J and r2R, since R is duo. Hence, Ja and aJ are right ideals of R. Since Ja*aJ and R is a chain domain, we obtain aJ (Ja. Thus, Ja=aJ is a non-zero submodule of aR=aJ, for Ja Ra = aR. Consider : R=J ! aR=aJ given by (r + J) = ar + aJ. If r1 r2 2 J, then ar1 ar22aJ. Thus, is a well-de ned epimorphism. If (r+J) = 0, then ar2aJ which implies ar = ax for some x2J. Thus, a(r x) = 0. If r62J, then rs = 1 for some s2R. Then 0 = a(r x) = a(rs xs) = a(1 xs), which is a contradiction as 1 xs is a unit of R. Hence, is an isomorphism. Since R is a right chain ring, J is a maximal ideal. Then R=J is a simple R-module. Hence, aR=aJ is simple which implies Ja=aJ = aR=aJ. We conclude Ja = aR = Ra. Thus, there exists y2J such that ya = a, which implies (y 1)a = 0. But then a = 0, as y 1 is a unit. Thus, Ja aJ. 61 Conversely, suppose aJ = Ja for every a2R. Again, without loss of generality, we may assume a6= 0. It is enough to show that Ra aR. Suppose x2R and consider xa. If x2J, then xa2Ja = aJ aR. Hence, Ra aR as claimed. Thus, we may assume that x is a unit of R. Since R is a chain domain, either xaR aR, or aR xaR. In the rst case, xa2aR and the result holds. Suppose the second case holds. Then a = xaj for some j2J. Choose j02J such that aj = j0a. Then a = xaj = xj0a which implies (1 xj0)a = 0. As 1 xj0 is a unit of R, this implies a = 0, a contradiction. The following technical result is crucial in establishing the main result. The proof is based on ideas found in [33]. Theorem 5.28. Let R be a duo chain ring, and consider a nitely generated right R-module M. Suppose 0 = M0 < M1 < ::: < Mn = M is an RD-composition series of M with nondecreasing annihilator sequence Ai; i = 1;:::;n. If Mn 1 is not essential in M, then M has a non-zero cyclic summand. Proof. Let M = x1R+ +xnR and suppose 06= y2M is such that yR\Mn 1 = 0. Then y = nX i=1 xiai (ai2R): (5.1) It will be shown that there is no loss of generality in assuming y2MnMJ. Suppose y2MJ; then by Corollary 5.25, there exists an r2R and x2MnMJ such that y = xr. Moreover, xR = R=I for some right ideal I of R. As R is a chain ring, R=I is uniserial and therefore dim(xR) = 1. Hence yR is an essential submodule of xR and xR\Mn 1 = 0. So assume that y 2 MnMJ and let j be the largest index such that aj 62 J. Then aj is a unit and we may assume without loss of generality that aj = 1. If j = n then M = yR Mn 1 and the proof is complete. Assume j j + 1. So we have a relation xhrh = h 1X i=1 xiah;i (5.5) such that rh2Jr and ah;j2RrnJr. 63 Since rh 2Jr, we have that xhrh 2MJr\Mh 1 = Mh 1Jr by the purity of Mh 1. Therefore we can write xhrh = Ph 1i=1 xiciqr where q2J;ci 2R. Subtracting, we see that xh 1(ah;h 1 ch 1qr) = Ph 2i=1 xi(ciqr ahi). By the same argument as above, using the fact that r62Ah 1, we will show that ah;h 1 ch 1qr2Jr. Observe rst that ch 1qr2Jr as q2J. Therefore our claim reduces to showing that ah;h 1 2 Jr. If Rah;h 1 ( Rr, then ah;h 1 = jr for some j 2 J and the claim follows. Suppose Rr Rah;h 1. Then r = sah;h 1 for some s2R. Utilizing Proposition 5.27 in an identical fashion as above, we obtain that xhah;h 1 2Mh 1. Hence, ah;h 1 2Ah 1. Thus, r = sah;h 1 2 Ah 1, a contradiction. So we have that ah;h 1 ch 1qr 2 Jr. Moreover, ah;j 2 RrnJr implies that cjqr ah;j 2 RrnJr. Setting rh 1 = ah;h 1 ch 1qr and ah 1;j = cjqr ah;j for i h 2, the claim is established for h 1 and the result follows by induction. Now set h = j + 1. By the result above, we have a relation xj+1rj+1 = Pji=1xiaj+1;j where rj+1 2Jr and aj+1;j 2RrnJr. Repeating the argument above, using the fact that rj+1 2Jr and the relative divisibility of Mj, we can write xj(aj+1;j djqr) 2Mj 1 where dj2R and q2J. Then r62Aj 1 implies that aj+1;j djqr2Jr. Thus, q2J implies that djqr2Jr. Hence, aj+1;j2Jr, a contradiction. It follows that N\yR = 0. Now that these technical results are established, the proof of the following is an easy consequence of Lemma 5.28. The proofs of the following results are due to Fuchs and Salce [16]. Theorem 5.29. Over a right duo, chain ring R, every nitely generated right R-module M contains an essential pure submodule which is the direct sum of cyclic modules such that dim(B) = dim(M). Proof. We induct on n = gen(M). If n = 1, then the result is trivial, so assume n> 1. By induction, Mn 1 has an essential pure submodule B0 that is the direct sum of dim(Mn 1) non-zero cyclic submodules. If Mn 1 is essential in M, then B0 is essential in M. Set B = B0 64 and note that B has nite Goldie dimension. Then by Proposition 2.31, B e M implies that dim(B) = dim(M) and the result follows. If Mn 1 is not essential in M, then by Lemma 5.28, there exists 06= y2M and a submodule N of M such that M = yR N. Note that gen(N) = n 1, so by the induction hypothesis, N contains an essential pure submodule B00, which is the direct sum of dim(N) non-zero cyclic submodules. Set B = yR B00. Then B is an essential pure submodule of M that is the direct sun of non-zero cyclic submodules and the proof is complete. Recall that the minimal number of elements needed to generate M is denoted gen(M) and we have shown that gen(M) = dimR=JM=MJ. Also, the number of factors in a pure composition series of M is written ?(M) and ?(M) = gen(M) for a nitely generated right R-module M over a right duo, chain ring. As a result of Theorem 5.29 and the observations above, we can obtain an upper estimate on the Goldie dimension of a nitely generated right R-module. Corollary 5.30. For a nitely generated right R-module over a right duo chain ring R, the following holds: dim(M) gen(M): Proof. Let B be an essential pure submodule which is the direct sum of non-zero cyclic submodules. Since B is pure, we have that BJ = B\MJ. Then (B + MJ)=MJ is a submodule of M=MJ, and B=BJ = B=B\MJ = (B +MJ)=MJ. Since M=MJ is a nite dimensional vector space over the division ring R=J, dimR=JB=BJ dimR=JM=MJ . By the observations above, we have dim(M) = dim(B) = dimR=JB=BJ dimR=JM=MJ = gen(M): The nal result of this section is a criteria for a nitely generated right R-module over a right duo, chain ring to be a direct sum of cyclic modules. 65 Corollary 5.31. A nitely generated right R-module over a right duo, chain ring R is the direct sum of cyclic modules if and only if gen(M) = dim(M). Proof. If M is the direct sum of cyclic modules, the clearly gen(M) = dim(M). Conversely, assume gen(M) = dim(M). By Theorem 5.29, M contains an essential pure submodule B that is the sum of non-zero cyclic submodules and dim(B) = dim(M) = gen(M). Suppose B is a proper submodule of M and dim(B) = gen(M). Then B=BJ?B=(B\MJ) = (B +MJ)=MJ (M=MJ: Then B + MJ (M, a contradiction. Hence, gen(M) > gen(B) = dim(B) = gen(M), an obvious contradiction. Thus M = B and the result follows. 66 Chapter 6 Duo Modules 6.1 Quasiprojective Modules Quasiprojective modules are a generalization of the familiar concept of projective mod- ules. One of the rst studies of quasiprojective modules was undertaken by Wu and Jans in [42] and was motivated by work on the dual concept of quasiinjective modules. De nition 6.1. Let M be a right R-module. A right R-module U is M-projective if every diagram U f M //M=T // 0 can be embedded in a commutative diagram U f f0 ||M //M=T // 0 where is the canonical map. If M is M-projective, then M is said to be a quasiprojective module. In [42] the following Proposition is established. Proposition 6.2. [42, Proposition 2.1] Let M be a right R-module. If 0 !T !P !M !0 is exact with P projective and T fully invariant in P, then M is quasiprojective. 67 As a corollary, we obtain the following. Corollary 6.3. Let R be a right duo ring. Then every cyclic right R-module is quasiprojec- tive. Proof. Suppose aR is a cyclic right R-module and ? : R !aR is left multiplication by a. Then we have an exact sequence 0 ! annr(a) ! R ? ! aR ! 0. As R is right duo, annr(a) is a fully invariant submodule. Since R is projective, the result follows by Proposition 6.2. The following basic properties of M-projective modules are established in Anderson- Fuller [2, Proposition 16.2]. Theorem 6.4. [2] Let U be a right R-module. 1) If 0 !K !M !N !0 is a short exact sequence of right R-modules, then U is M-projective if and only if U is projective relative to both K and N. 2) If U is projective relative to each of M1;:::;Mn, then U is ni=1Mi-projective. More- over, if U is nitely generated and M -projective ( 2A), then U is projective relative to AM . Herrmann has investigated quasiprojective modules in [21], however a complete classi - cation of such modules remains open (see [16, Problem 21]). There seems to have been little work done concerning quasiprojective modules over more general rings. As a start, we o er the following which extends a result presented in [21]. The proof follows that of Herrmann closely. Theorem 6.5. Let R be a chain domain and I a proper right ideal of R. If Q is the quotient ring of R, then I is quasiprojective if and only if it is Q-projective. Proof. Suppose I is quaisprojective and f : I !Q=J, where J (Q. We claim that f is not an epimorphism. Suppose to the contrary that f(I) = Q=J. Then there exists an ideal 68 L such that I=L ? Q=J, which is a divisible R-module. Hence, (I=L)r = I=L for every non-zero r 2R. Hence, I = Ir + L for every non-zero r 2R. Choose 0 6= c2I. Then c = c1c+l for some c1 2I and l2L. This implies c c1c2L and therefore (1 c1)c2L. As (1 c1) is a unit of R, it follows that c2L. Hence, I = L and therefore Q=J = 0, a contradiction. Thus im(f) = V=J, where V is a proper R-submodule of Q. Then V is isomorphic to a right ideal K of R, so without loss of generality we set V = K and im(f) = K=J. There is an embedding R ! I whose restriction embeds K in I. As I is quasiprojective it is K-projective by Theorem 6.4. Then we have the following commutative diagram. I f g }}K // incl: K=J incl: Q //Q=J where is the canonical map. Then f = g and I is Q-projective. As I 1. Choose a maximal RD-submodule H of X containing N. Then dimR(X=H) = 1 and therefore genH = . If is nite then H is nitely generated, N is RD in H, and dimH R. Then M is a direct sum of rank 1 projective modules. Proof. Let H be a maximal RD-submodule of M. Then dim(M=H) = 1 which implies that M=H is isomorphic to an R-submodule of Q. Thus genM=H R. Let : M !M=H be the canonical epimorphism. For each generator xi of M=H, choose yi 2 M such that 80 (yi) = xi and let A be the submodule of M generated by the yi. Clearly genA R as well. We claim that M = A + H. To see this, suppose x 2 M. Then we have x + H = (Piyiri) +H so that x (Piyiri) H. But Piyiri2A and thus x2A+H. An obvious cardinality argument shows that genH > R. Now, A=(A\H) ? (A + H)=H = M=H so that dim(A=A\H) = 1 and A\H is an RD-submodule of A. Since genA R, 6.26 implies that gen(A\H) R. Write H = Li2IPi where each Pi is a rank 1 projective module. Decompose H as H = H0LH1, where H0 and H1 are rank 1 projective, A\H H0, and genH1 > R. Let N = A + H0. Then M = A + H = A + H0 + H1 = N + H1. We claim that the sum N + H1 is direct. Suppose a+h0 = h1, where a2A, h02H0 and h12H1. Then a = h1 h02A\H H0, say h1 h0 = h00. Thus, h1 = h00 +h02H1\H0 whence h1 = 0. So M = NLH1. Now decompose H1 as H1 = H2LPi0, where Pi0 is rank 1 projective. Then M = NLH1 = NLH2LPi0, and M=(NLH2)?Pi0. Thus, NLH2 is a maximal RD-submodule of M and hence a direct sum of rank 1 projective modules. It follows that M is the direct sum of rank 1 projectives. 81 Bibliography [1] Albrecht, Ulrich ; Dauns, John ; Fuchs, Laszlo. Torsion-freeness and non-singularity over right p.p.-rings; J. Algebra 285 (2005), no. 1, 98{119. [2] Anderson, Frank W. ; Fuller, Kent R. Rings and categories of modules; Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 13. Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg, 1974. [3] Beachy, John A. On quasi-Artinian rings J. London Math. Soc. (2) 3 1971 449{452. [4] Beachy, John A. ; Blair, William D. Finitely annihilated modules and orders in Artinian rings; Comm. Algebra 6 (1978), no. 1, 1{34. 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