LANDSCAPE DISTURBANCE: USING INITIAL CONDITIONS TO ESTABLISH URBAN TERRAIN AS AN ONGOING NEGOTIATION blankblank ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank all those who have worked with me along the way to help make this thesis work thorough and convincing. Specifi cally, I would like to thank my major professor, Rod Barnett, and those on my committee, John Pittari, PhD, and David Hill. Thanks also to Charlene LeBleu as well as the other landscape faculty for their helpful critiques and input along the way. Most im- portantly, I would like to say thank you to my wonderful mom and dad that have always supported me in everything I?ve done. JOSH LAMBERTH . MLA THESIS . 2010 Submitted to Auburn University?s Graduate School on May 14, 2010 AUBURN UNIVERSITY College of Architecture, Design, and Construction LANDSCAPE DISTURBANCE: USING INITIAL CONDITIONS TO ESTABLISH URBAN TERRAIN AS AN ONGOING NEGOTIATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Keywords 07 Abstract 09 Introduction 11 Case Studies 12 Chapter 1 ? Site Context + Analysis 18 Chapter 2 ? Site Histories 34 Chapter 3 ? Design Investigation Site1.A 38 Chapter 4 ? Druid Hills Introduction 62 Chapter 5 ? Design Investigation Site 2.A 68 Chapter 6 ? Design Investigation Site 2.B 90 Conclusion 121 References 122 Bibliography 123 Illustrations 126 blank KEYWORDS Community Participation, Disturbance, Environmental Justice, Initial Conditions, Open Systems GENERA TED RESPONSE GENERA TED RESPONSE FEEDBA CK FEEDBA CK PROJECT GENERATION OVER TIME THROUGH FEEDBACK LOOPS RESEARCH QUESTION: How can a design strategy give people a say in the ongoing development of their spatial futures? 9 ABSTRACT Rethinking the traditional urban design function of a master plan has become increasingly important in recent years. Not only is there now a recognized need to design in order to accommodate change over time, but there is also a requirement for civic involvement in the development of the everyday landscape. This study shows how the public may be given a greater role in the ongoing development of its own liv- ing environments. It provides a chance for communities to design their own futures. The study utilizes the concept of landscape disturbance to solve the problems associated with traditional design scenarios. By treating urban terrain as a continuing negotiation between people and place, the designer can provide an opportunity for small communities to direct spatial change themselves and have more say in their spatial futures. Territories can unfold on the basis of people?s participation, changing over time just like the lives of their users. The study focuses on two sites in North Birmingham. After careful analysis of exist- ing social and environmental conditions in each case, it proposes a readjustment or disturbance of those conditions in order to set in place a sequence of ?stimulus-response? events that enact a transformation of human relationships with their environment. By establishing initial conditions, designers permit envi- ronmental change to occur as time goes by, on the basis of feedback from the change itself. The designs focus on specifi c potential scenarios that are played out through the users? response over time on the site. These responses include pedestrian pattern shifts, tree growth, and the emergence of new gathering spaces, generating a greater range of choice and a rich, open environment. Diagram shows the disturbance which would be created through establishing initial conditions. Shifts in the landscape would reoccur based on citizens? responses to the conditions on site. 11 INTRODUCTION Over recent decades there has been much progress in the area of environmental justice. The situation that this movement tries to deal with is that the benefi ts of urban progress typically lie in geographical contexts associated with those that are better off , while the less valued spaces in our communities tend to accrue around those that are less fortunate. The environmental justice movement has looked at this and tried to create more equitable ways to go about development. While a few designers such as Walter Hood have been heavily involved in this movement, landscape architectural practice has only recently begun to develop approaches to these issues. One aspect of this research is to try to understand whether an initial conditions approach can provide a better basis for the participation for the underrepresented in the ongoing development of their commu- nities. By going about design investigation using this methodology, the research looks for strategies and techniques that engage change. (Raxworthy, 2006) The research proceeds on the basis that community involvement does, in fact, have a positive eff ect on participants in building ownership, increasing an understanding of current conditions and serving as a helpful teaching model. This information has been concluded from documents published by the World Health Organization and other research teams in the fi elds of psychology and education. Understanding that community involvement is not a brand new idea, charrettes and community projects being com- monplace, the approach, developed through the research, focuses on coming to those who may typically be overlooked or not make it to traditional community meetings. Knowing this, the proposal geared toward a scenario that involves a community that has expressed interest in involvement in the creation of their neighborhood?s future. (Kahssay, 1999) The proposal that has developed through the research is one that works towards achieving grant funding in order to establish a site that is open to feedback loops. This goes on the premise that there will be a design implementation, followed by a user response. This cycle, which promotes collaboration between community and designer, will continue through the site?s development over time. The research began with a series of case studies which evaluated projects associated with the same sub- fi eld of landscape architecture. These projects also work with similar design methodology. I mages c our t esy of the O ffi c e f or M etr opolitan Ar chit ec tur e Figure 1. Downsview Park 13 This project was chosen as a case study because of its innovation in the fi eld of landscape architecture with its use of initial conditions. While the study mainly focuses on the winning design, ?Tree City,? many of the proposals for this large green space in Toronto were pre- sented as strategies and ?frameworks? rather than a clean master plan approach (Czerniak, 2001). The ?Tree City? proposal draws attention to a kind of ?staging of uncertainty? and ?the creation of enabling fi elds that accommodate process? (Czerniak, 2001: 15). Basically the project ?off ered something like a landscape bill of rights in lieu of specifi c leg- islation for the site?s development? (Waldheim, 2001: 85). There?s more ?interest in seeing the forest than the trees? and the ?long view of the site?s development? (Waldheim, 2001: 81). In dealing with public proj- ects, this approach is seen as benefi cial ?because it views landscape design as an incremental absorption of civic life, not a fi xed master plan? (Berger, 2001: 132). CASE STUDIES: DOWNSVIEW PARK I mages c our t esy of the O ffi c e f or M etr opolitan Ar chit ec tur e Figure 2. Figure 3. I mage c our t esy of V ista Landscape and Urban Desig n Figure 4. Volgermeer Polder 15 This case study looks at a ?strategy that guided the regeneration of a bog landscape? in Amsterdam (Barnett, 2009: 1). The plans for the landfi ll were developed by Vista, a Dutch landscape architecture fi rm. The contaminated site was sealed with a matting system, fresh top- soil brought to the site, and small dikes constructed (Poole, 2004: 238). The site, ?built in a rice-paddy pattern,? has a range of water depths, allowing for ?diff erent ecological successions?(Poole, 2004: 238). ?The succession of vegetation types in these paddies will mark the passage to time in a slowly evolving landscape.? (Poole, 2004: 238) This type of ?process design? provides a brief look into how ?initial conditions can be designed to direct the future movement of conditions? on site. (Van Gerwen, 2004: 233)(Barnett, 2009: 1) CASE STUDIES: VOLGERMEER POLDER I mages c our t esy of V ista Landscape and Urban Desig n Figure 6. Figure 5. F igur e 7. I mage c our t esy of Plan Philly 17 This case study looks at a strategy used by Penn Praxis, a division of Penn Design, which ?promotes community outreach projects? (Stein- berg, 2010). This project, specifi cally dealing with the ?civic visioning process? is set up ?more as a campaign rather than traditional plan- ning? strategy (Steinberg,2010). The goal of the Penn Praxis group throughout the development of the vision for the waterfront has been to heavily involve the public, in order that no single group of private investors are able to determine what happens on the riverfront. By do- ing this the project has gained community support and given a voice to citizens who would often go unheard (Steinberg, 2010). CASE STUDIES: CENTRAL DELAWARE RIVERFRONT I mages c our t esy of P enn P r axis and W illiam P enn F oundation Figure 9. Figure 8. 19 CHAPTER 1: SITE CONTEXT + ANALYSIS This context map shows the greater Birmingham area through roads, rails, and streams. This map was helpful in locating the fi rst study site, based on cri- teria developed early on in design investigations. Other sites came from studying other factors such as vacancies within neighborhood centers. Originally ecological connections were investigated to determine if there was a possibility for a larger city-scale network. As site investigation progressed, an evident need emerged for a stronger physical and social connection within the local urban envi- ronment. The need was seen visually through the amount of foot traffi c, the lack of space dedicated to the pedestrian, and the fact that there are many objects which cut across the site, prohibiting ease of connection. These were studied and addressed. Birmingham?s Downtown Core Railways Roadways Streams/Water Bodies Rail Lines Rail Line Village Creek Ridgeline Rail Lines to Downtown Highway 31 Rail Lines 19th Street 24th Street Interstate 20 59 21 IMPEDED CONNECTION This map across Birmingham shows how a range of linear conditions impede clear connection from North Birmingham neighborhoods to the down- town area along the 24th Street connection. North Birmingham Neighborhoods Birmingham?s Downtown Core Fairfield North Birmingham Evergreen Druid Hills Norwood Downtown Fountain Heights 23 POTENTIAL SITES This map shows potential sites for investigation. Within the area of study north of downtown Bir- mingham, six neighborhoods of interest were found. Each had a social center of some sort whether it be a grocery, park space, car wash or a barber shop. The sites were examined to better understand what is currently available to these communities as well as what might best suit their needs for public space. Druid Hills and the Village Creek area were chosen based on local access to public space, relation to each other, and relation to downtown Birmingham. These two came forward as needing the most at- tention and were further examined to understand spatial relationships and the sites current uses. This study is shown in the following representations of what have been termed matrix, fl ows, clusters, and circuit ecologies. Potential Sites Village Creek Druid Hills 25 MATRIX This graphic shows the base layers of the North Bir- mingham area which contains the sites that have been investigated through the fall and spring se- mesters. Druid Hills was chosen because of its rela- tion to Village Creek (also know as Evergreen) the site of initial study, and the opportunity its sites present for design investigation. The layers contained in this map are broken down in the graphics on the follow- ing pages. Community Centers school (city owns other unlabeled property) Public Green Space parks+open space+cemeteries Hydrology village creek+retention areas 27 Streets connectors+arterials+highways Parcels lot lines+ground plane Structures retail+residential+commercial 29 FLOWS This map shows a study of fl ows which, by in large, relate to automobile traffi c. Streets, rail lines, high- ways, and bus routes are represented. Many of the major fl ows happen to correspond with objects pre- viously labeled as impediments to connection. Connector + Arterial Streets Major Highways Local Transit Routes Railways 31 CLUSTERS Dots indicate areas of social investment and/or gathering. The main focus was to show those closely related to the residents of the two neighborhoods. park space + site 1a + site 2a residences that are consistantly used for social gathering stores+laundromats groceries+convenience stores business/local employer cemeteries 33 CIRCUIT ECOLOGIES Along with other layers, this map shows pedestrian traffi c in the general vicinity of the two neighbor- hood centers. Having a better understanding of these circuits is crucial to producing a scheme for increasing social interaction within the core area of the neighborhoods. Pedestrian Circuits within Neighborhoods 35 CHAPTER 2: SITE HISTORIES The purpose of the following maps and aerials was to discover a better understanding of the historical context for the greater Birmingham area as well as each study site. While over the years little change was seen on site, each, now being in an unused state, off ers the opportunity for community growth. The two sites shown under the historical analysis of the city are the previously mentioned study sites within the Village Creek and Druid Hills communi- ties. 1891 Village Creek Site Druid Hills Site 1902 1911 1930-1951 The Village Creek was home to the Birmingham Packing Company for most of its recorded life. The busi- ness? structures were some of the early development by the creek. The maps show the growth of the com- pany prior to the abandonment of the site, which now serves as a sort of dumping ground for metal, rub- ber, and other material. The aerials also show the deple- tion/partial elimination of a re- tention area on the north side of the creek. Over the years, this and other changes have caused Village Creek?s flooding to be more intense on site. The Druid Hills site mapping shows the slowed/late development of the area due to topographical is- sues, such as the ridgeline condi- tion, which caused the community to develop around 1930, behind most of its neighbors. The two sites of focus have gone from unoccupied, to residential space, to remnants of structures within vacant lots. 37 1960-1970 2000-2010 As mentioned, on this site flooding is a main physical issue to deal with. How could the site be designed to better accept the flooding and cause less harm to the stream? The site also needs to perform a social func- tion, open for gathering space for the neighborhood as a whole. Current Site Conditions SITE 1.A Due in part to the steeper terrain, the vacant residential lots suffer from erosion and washing on site. One site currently used as a cut-thru is located closest to the local grocery store and provides as opportunity for increasing social interaction within the community. Current Site Conditions SITE 2.A+2.B As the city faces a major financial crisis dur- ing the current economic downturn, it is important to develop new ways of thinking about public projects, how to fund them, as well as how to make them successful long term. Birmingham 39 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN INVESTIGATION SITE 1.A The Village Creek area was selected on the basis of criteria formed from experimental drawings that showed what the project hoped to achieve. These in- cluded the following: urban terrain, creek or stream, fragmented ecological and social network. By zooming to a small site scale early in the inves- tigation, the goal was to analyze the site through a series of design inquiries. These would then help to reevaluate the initial contextual analysis. 41 This base map of the core Village Creek area shows the main north/south connection (24th Street), the existing streambed of Village Creek, and rail line, in addition to daily pedestrian traffi c routes. The web of dashed lines shows many existing paths that link neighborhood public space, the local grocery, the gas station, and the convenience store. BASE AERIAL/FLOWS Streambed 24th Street Pedestrian Paths Rail Line Retail Structures 43 These layers depict pedestrian connections along with a study of tree canopy and public and private space on the site. While this layer is shown with hard edges, some of the areas between public and private are, in reality, not a defi ned line while others may be. Examples: side yards, fences, vacant lots. PUBLIC/PRIVATE + SUN/SHADE STUDY Shade from trees Public Zones Private Zones 45 In this map, showing diff erent layers of public space, some areas, such as those shown in purple, are looked at as connections or thresholds, used primarily by people in the neighborhood. The blue indicates connecting space used also by those from surrounding areas. The yellow indicates gathering space, where many times groups can be found in ca- sual conversation outside the storefronts. HIEARCHY OF PUBLIC SPACE Gathering Connection - Surrounding Areas Connection - Neighborhood 47 This map shows the area that the project fi nally fo- cused on, shown in blue. This ambiguous and under- marcated public space became the subject of design inquiry. How could it be reformulated through [ design + negotiation ] into a meaningful and inclusive neighborhood place? AREA OF FOCUS Residential/Commercial Structures Public Retail Structures Area of Focus 49 Early design investigation and theoretical framework development made it apparent that a new graphic language would be required in order to properly con- vey true site conditions, as well as try to show the op- portunity for change over time. These impressionistic sketches and drawings show how important small site scale detailing would be.They assisted in the de- velopment of guidelines for the initial Site 1. A design scheme. EARLY INVESTIGATIONS 51 AN INITIAL CONDITIONS APPROACH After the early, exploratory research phase, it became evident that an initial conditions approach would bring something new to this type of public project. Not only could it give the community a greater chance to have a say in their futures, but it could also provide a low cost solution to public projects. I speculated that, through phasing of the site generation as well as providing a lower main- tenance space, the implementation would be fi nancially carried out by the city much more easily than a traditional public park project. In trying to show a site that can respond to change, it became apparent that it would be necessary to try multiple routes of rendering the site over time. In addition to attempting to show the design intervention through plan, section, and perspective, the project is set up as a time line (left). Rather than a focus on actual construction details, there is a spotlight on post-construction evaluations and site changes. 1 53 2012 PROJECTION Initial site adjustments are coprised of pathway realignment and tree planting. The site would be planted with a grid of small sapling trees which would defi ne the path system that travereses it. Moveable seating would also be located at this point. These small site changes are seen as a test, us- ing the site as a kind of laboratory (Raxworthy, 2006) 2 55 2017 PROJECTION The plan and section show the site as projected around fi ve years after the initial site construction. The site would hopefully have grown physically but the hope was that it would have grown as a link for social interaction within the greater community. Being somewhat unprogrammed space, the new, emerging condition would provide a place for neighborhood gathering. It could be used for recreation and/or a pedestrian thoroughfare as well. Elements such as the original seating would be checked on to evaluate its success within the space. The seating would be designed to allow it to be moved by two to three people but not just one user. The thought is that even if the seating was moved to nearby residences it could still be considered successful in meeting the community?s needs. 3 57 2027 PROJECTION These drawings show the site fi fteen years after initial construction and planting. While some of the closely planted trees may have died back and others grown to shade out areas, the space would re- main open and changeable. Seedlings could sprout up and colonize areas that are somewhat under- utilized. Neighborhood users would permit, deter, or promote this haptic growth. The site would be evaluated at this stage on its ability to adapt to the needs of the community. 59 PERSPECTIVE SERIES The goal of this series of sketches is to show the progres- sion of the site over time. While most of what is shown in the three graphics is vegetative growth, one can also dis- cern a subtle change in usage, shaded space, and enclosure. Although the series shows the growth, it was gathered from these studies that sections often depict change better than plan and even perspective. 1 61 REFLECTIONS The design investigation on Site 1.A helped to es- tablish a graphic style which better represented the direction the research had taken, that of a strategy rather than a master plan. While the site design did explore the representation of the site over time, it failed to look deeper into how the project could be funded. More importantly, there was a need to bet- ter understand how the community could become more involved in the establishment of a site that functions properly for their daily use. 63 Druid Hills is the site that I have focused on for the latter half of the project. The neighborhood was selected through the study of alternative sites after the initial investigation of the Village Creek site. It has presented the most promising space to work with, already having an active social center, vacant space, and the need for small physical improvements and increased social interaction. The two smaller sites that I have focused on within Druid Hills are closely related to the physical and social center of the neighborhood. Both are located across the street from the local grocery store which tends to be the meeting spot for the neighborhood. Both sites were originally residential lots and contain remnants of structures such as stairs and partial driveways. While one site tends to me a cut-through or thoroughfare for those walking from apartments to the store, the other seems to have little pe- destrian traffi c, mainly because of its diffi culty to traverse. Both sites have an elevation change of 20?-30? over the depth of each 130? site. While low vegetation and a handful of trees exist, the narrow site closest to the store tends to suff er from erosion and debris washing across it. In the few years since the second site (Site 2.B) was vacated, its slope has entered the early stages of erosion. Increasing the sediment load on the creek will further impair the its water quality. CHAPTER 4: DRUID HILLS ANALYSIS EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE 2.B EROSION CONTROL . GABION WALLS TREE PLANTING + SEEDING EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE 2.A EROSION CONTROL . GABION WALLS TREE PLANTING + SEEDING EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE 1.A EROSION CONTROL . BATTERED BANKS TREE PLANTING + SEEDING 65 DRUID HILLS PERSPECTIVE SERIES This series of images shows the existing situation, then with pro- posed walls, and tree planting and seeding. Each proceeding site investigation will show the interventions in more detail. Part of this design process is understanding possibilities and reactions to the initial conditions. (Raxworthy, 2006 ) 67 MATERIALITY + TOPOGRAPHIC RELATIONSHIPS In addition to the design sites which are currently vacant, there is an abandoned school building very close by. The Druid Hills design provides an opportunity to reuse build- ing materials if the school and/or surrounding buildings are in are in need of demolition due to safety precautions. Much material could be appropriated from the surrounding vacant parking lots alone. The graphic to the left shows the relationship between the two design sites as well as their dis- tance from the nearby potential sites for reuse of materials. 69 Druid Hills South Site CHAPTER 5: DESIGN INVESTIGATION SITE 2.A Site 2.A is close to Triple T?s Grocery, the neighbor- hood?s social center. Shown in plan (immediate left), Site 2.A is the narrow residential site near the south- ern edge of the graphic. Also show is a bird?s eye view of the site (far left). GROCERY STORE SITE 2.A PHOTOS 71 EXISTING CONDITIONS Currently 2.A is vacant, but it was once the site of a single-family residence. As is the case with many of the low income areas that have been studied, of- ten when a home falls into disrepair it is left until it reaches a state that is must be demolished due to risk/danger that it brings in the community. All that remains on this site is part of the driveway, which is short and immediately off of Shuttlesworth Drive. While a low retaining wall remains surrounding the driveway area, the site?s grade change mainly occurs towards the back of the site. Vegetation, mostly in the form of grasses, has begun to establish itself on site. There still exists an issue with erosion control however, mainly in areas heavily traffi cked. As men- tioned before, this site is mostly used by residents as a shortcut to the local grocery store, Triple M?s. EXISTING SITE GRADE 1 SITE CONSTRUCTION: GRADING AND EROSION CONTOL TREE PLANTING + SEEDING INITIAL CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED (10-15) YEARS AFTER SITE WORK (5-7) YEARS AFTER SITE WORK 2 3 4 5 6 73 SITE PHASES As the initial design for the site developed, it became clear that the project would need to be shown in phases, showing movement, site growth, and pro- gression. Much like similar projects such as Downs- view Park in Toronto, the site would need to be re- evaluated periodically on the basis of initial criteria (Czerniak, 2001). This reevaluation is part of what would off er a chance to the community to rethink the site and adjust the terrain to best suit their needs. This would be led by a team of specialists, including a landscape architect, which would off er suggestions in his/her area of expertise. The following sections are a kind of playing out of one possible scenario, showing responses to site changes over the years. EXISTING SITE GRADE 1 Initial site needs, both physical and social, are assessed through collaboration between land- scape architect, city offi cials, and local community organization. Major needs are determined to be erosion control and the need for shared, neighborhood gathering space. Grant proposals are submitted based on these needs and general cost estimates. 75 SITE CONSTRUCTION: GRADING AND EROSION CONTOL Construction of terraces is funded through EPA Smart Growth and Environmental Justice Grants. Community organization provides volunteer labor on weekends to assist hired, local equipment operators. Equipment rental is made possible through funding as well. The main source of mate- rial for the banks is to be hauled as crushed debris from nearby abandoned school. While site sections show the overall grading scheme, design is manipulated based on assessment by those participating. This means that while stairs may be suggested in one location, they may be shifted from planned and/or changed width and tread length. 2 3 TREE PLANTING + SEEDING During this phase, planting takes place as part of an organized community eff ort. Grass seed and whips or small seedlings are supplied through the grant funding as well. The suggestion for planting is a gridded pattern with trees spaced only 6?-7? O.C. up to three rows per bank. Realizing that there will be variance in the previous phase, the need and plant quantity would be assessed post construction. As with all phases of construction and reassessment, experts in each fi eld would be on site to participate, answer any technical questions participants may have, or make adjustments on the basis of participant input. 77 4 INITIAL CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED After initial conditions are established, the community organization would select neighborhood volunteers to look after the site for its initial upkeep. Potentially, this could be funded through the grant as part of establishing the site. Requirements early on would mainly focus on seeing that the trees and seeded grass is effi ciently watered and has a chance for strong growth in the fi rst year after site work has been performed. 5 While the site may remain viewed by residents as a main thoroughfare rather than gathering space, it would be assessed again on multiple levels. First, the site changes/success would be measured in term of whether its social functions had visibly improved. Also, the site walls and vegetation would be assessed based on their ability to eliminate erosion issues and maintain the set grade. (5-7) YEARS AFTER SITE WORK 79 6 The developing terrain would be observed again, reviewing its status based on previously stated criteria. Residents would be asked to critique site changes/off er suggestions. As shown above, while the site?s use may increase in areas, including becoming a gathering space, other areas may become more overgrown and only easily traversed through the use of the more heavily traf- fi cked pathways. The increase/shift in uses combined with working, established erosion control, the site changes would be viewed as successful. (10-15) YEARS AFTER SITE WORK View shows banks, post-construction + planting phases. Stairs are placed based according to emergent pedestrian traffi c conditions on site. 81 SITE 2.A DETAILS The details shown throughout the next few pages provide a basis for constructiong the battered banks on Site 1.A. Their precise guidelines allow for ease of proper construction but also allow for some site details to be manipulated by those installing the ma- terials. For example, while there are four banks that would be installed across the site, their spacing and/ or exact location would be determined by the com- munity. As you will see, guidelines for stair spacing, etc. are provided while the actual location or place- ment is not shown in plan view. Topsoil 6? Crushed brick and concrete de- bris 4? Corrogated/ slotted drain Seeded rows Gravel base/filter around drain Planted saplings The detail shows the materials needed for the construction of the battered banks on site. The demolition debris would be hauled from nearby delapidated buildings to be using the con- struction of the slope in order to maintain grade and reduce erosion issues. Similar construc- tion has been used in other contemporary landscape projects (Zimmerman, 2001). 83 Topsoil Two(2) 4? Salvaged concrete slabs per step 4? Corrogated/ slotted drain Seeded rows Gravel base/filter around drain As mentioned before, details like this of the stairs are provided as a suggestion for how they could be construct- ed. The image shows stacked slabs of concrete placed to form stairs at certain points along the banks. These points are determined by the community but must fulfi ll certain criteria. The stairs should be placed a maximum of 50? apart, allowing for one to two installations per bank across the width of the site. Guidelines like these would provide clarity to the project and a basis for placement and construction. View shows the space still being used as a shortcut to the grocery, only now with changes that facilitate an ease of connection. 85 PERSPECTIVES This series of perspectives attempt to render site 2.A years after the project inception. The goal of the graphics is to show the range of possible outcomes that could occur based on users responses to site changes. While much of this site?s purpose initially would be to provide better connection to the gro- cery store, the vignettes provide a view of how the site make take advantage of its location to the core neighborhood area and Site 2.B as well. As will be seen later in the text, the design investigation of Site 2.B is set up to work in conjunction with Site 2.A. The two are seen as a pair, each building off of responses to changes on both sites. View shows the site being used as a space to sell produce from site 2.b through the community garden space. 87 Shows residents using space for gardening as well as relaxation, often using the fi rst as a means of achieving the second. 1 89 REFLECTIONS The design investigation of Site 2.A did focus more towards how to involve the surrounding community and how to fund initial site design. This can be seen in the perspectives and the phased sections. The specifi c site changes shown in the scenario were a playing out of how the site could evolve over time with minimal community participation. As a further step in the design process, the research moved to another site in Druid Hills to better understand how the growth of the site over time would be diff erent if there were a scenario with increased community in- volvement up front as well as throughout the site?s growth and feedback loops. 91 As mentioned in the introduction to the Druid Hills community, Site 2.B is currently one of two vacant lots close to the neighborhood?s social center. Shown in plan (immediate left), Site 2.B is the slightly larger site out of the pair and is located a few lots north of Site 2.A and Triple T?s Grocery. This site was chosen to study the possibilities on a site with greater commu- nity involvement, both initially and throughout the site?s development over time. Druid Hills North Site CHAPTER 6: DESIGN INVESTIGATION SITE 2.B GROCERY STORE SITE 2.B 93 EXISTING CONDITIONS Currently 2.B is vacant, but it was once the site of a single-family residence. As with Site 2.A, all that remains of the former home on 2.B is part of the driveway, which is on the higher end of the site, and a crumbling stairway that appears to have once led to the front door. In addition to these remnants, the site?s grade change mainly occurs very close to the street edge. Unlike most of the other homes nearby, there are no remaining structures, such as retaining walls, to maintain grade. While vegetation, mostly in the form of grasses, has begun to establish itself on site, there still exist an issue with erosion control similar to Site 2.A. Unlike the fi rst site though, Site 2.B is not currently used as a thoroughfare. Because of its steep slope and corner position, it is not traffi cked as heavily. EXISTING SITE GRADE 1 SITE CONSTRUCTION: GRADING AND EROSION CONTOL TREE PLANTING + SEEDING INITIAL CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED (10-15) YEARS AFTER SITE WORK (5-7) YEARS AFTER SITE WORK 2 3 4 5 6 While there is a consistency in the process of development of the site over time, there is simultaneously a constant shift in direction that the site takes based on responses to disturbance.The focus on feedback loops is where the project becomes bottom up. 95 The following sections are a playing out of one pos- sible scenario, showing responses to site changes over the years. Each reevaluation phase is part of what would off er a chance to the community to re- think the site and adjust the terrain to best suit their needs. This of course would be led by a team of spe- cialist, including a landscape architect, which would off er suggestions in his or her area of expertise. While using guidelines similar to Site 2.A to achieve initial funding, the scenario for Site 2.B tries to fac- tor in greater community involvement, showing in- creased usage and changes to the site over time. SITE PHASES EXISTING SITE GRADE 1 Initial site needs, both physical and social, are assessed through collaboration between land- scape architect, city offi cials, and local community organization. Major needs are determined to be erosion control and the need for shared, neighborhood gathering space. Grant proposals are submitted based on these needs and general cost estimates. 97 SITE CONSTRUCTION: GRADING AND EROSION CONTOL 2 Construction of terraces is funded through an EPA Smart Growth Grant. Community organiza- tion provides volunteer labor on weekends to assist hired, local equipment operators. Equip- ment rental is made possible through funding as well. The main source of material for the walls is to be hauled as crushed debris from nearby abandoned school. While site sections show the overall grading scheme, design is manipulated based on assessment by those participating. This means that while stairs may be suggested in one location, they may be shifted from planned location and/or changed width and tread length. 3 TREE PLANTING + SEEDING During this phase, similar to the previous, planting takes place as part of an organized commu- nity eff ort. Grass seed and small seedlings are supplied through the grant funding as well. The suggestion for establishing the nursery planting is a gridded pattern with trees spaced only 6?-7? O.C. Rebar and 30 gallon plant containers would be used to plant according to details provided by the landscape architect. Realizing that there will be variance in the previous phase, the need and plant quantity would be assessed post construction. As with all phases of construction and reassessment, experts in each fi eld would be on site to participate and answer any technical questions participants may have, or make adjustments on the basis of participant input. 99 4 INITIAL CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED After initial conditions are established, the community organization would select neighborhood volunteers to look after the site for its initial upkeep. Potentially, this could be funded through the grant as part of establishing the site. Requirements early on would mainly focus on seeing that the trees and seeded grass is effi ciently watered and has a chance for strong growth in the fi rst year after site work has been performed. An initial focus on establishing more interest in the garden aspect would also be key. 5 (5-7) YEARS AFTER SITE WORK While the site could be mainly geared towards the establishment of the community garden and tree nursery, it would be assessed again on multiple levels. First, the site changes/success would be measured in term of whether the site?s social functions had visibly improved. Also, the site walls and vegetation would be assessed based on their ability to eliminate erosion issues and maintain the set grade. Somewhere during this time, tree growth is assessed and transplanted when deemed ready. 101 6 (10-15) YEARS AFTER SITE WORK The developing terrain would be observed again, reviewing its status based on previously stated criteria. Residents would be asked to critique site changes/off er suggestions. As shown above, while the site?s use may increase in areas, including becoming a gathering space. The increase/ shift in uses combined with working, established erosion control, the site changes are viewed as successful. The site is also to be assessed based on its ability to produce trees for the community. If the tree nursery project has been successful to this stage, trees will be replanted in order to prepare for the 3rd phase of neighborhood street trees. Image shows the gabion baskets designed for the wall structures on site, each 20? cubes formed from welded wire fabric. Cube shape allows for multiple forms to be created from stacking and tiered walls to be easily constructed, as shown in details on the ensuing pages. 103 SITE 2.B DETAILS The details shown throughout the next few pages would provide a basis for constructing the retaining walls and tree nursery on Site 1.B. Their precise guidelines allow for ease of proper construction but also allow for some site details to be manipulated by those installing the mate- rials. For example, while placement of the walls on site would be decided by professionals, height and tiering would be directed by community participants. Structures like the gabion walls are shown as a guide for proper construction. Also, tree planting is shown in order to insure proper planting as well as a system that is moveable, yet functions effi ciently. Shows optional way to construct lower walls on site. This method is a little less precise and uses rolled hog wire or chicken wire to retain debris. 105 Well drained backfill 4? Corrogated/slotted drain tile 8? Gravel base Topsoil Seeded grasses 20? Baskets filled w/ concrete +brick debris Shows section cut through walls up to 5? using baskets to form gabion walls. from school C rrugat ed Baskets filled w/ concrete +brick debris - set on 8? gravel base material Stairs formed from tiered offset in wall Shows stairs in wall elevation. 107 20? Baskets filled w/ concrete +brick debris Comfortable seating height 6? Gravel base Topsoil Seeded grasses Shows tiered wall that allows for prime seating heights. Topsoil 4? Gravel to raise container Gravel base for proper drainage Seeded rows #4 Rebar pins Additional 30 gal. plastic container 30 gal. plastic container Optional drip irrigation Shows tree planting in nursery which would allow for easy movement, removal, and re- placement. 109 TREE NURSERY The planting detail (left) shows how the proposed tree nurs- ery on Site 2.B would be established. The tree species are oaks and maples. They would be planted in traditional containers inset in one another. Rebar pins would be used to stabilize the trees until they are moved. This system allows for easy movement of trees across the site as well as transplanting within the neighborhood. Drip irrigation would be installed to protect the trees from potential drought in extreme sum- mer temperatures. Shows the site?s potential years later. Possibility of lack of participation results in a space that at fi rst has the appearance of overgrown but still maintains a sense of order and original design intent. 111 PERSPECTIVES This series of perspectives that show Site 2.B attempt to show the site years after the project inception. These graphics help show the range of possible outcomes that would occur based on users? responses to site changes. It is important to under- stand that since the site complexity builds off of disturbance and response to the change generated by it, the range of pos- sibilities, goals, and outcomes may not be what was initially suggested during the fi rst phase of the project. An example of this would be the image (left) that shows the site ?overgrown?. Although this is a possible outcome, the initial construction of the site is set in place for its functional purposes but also as a reason for the community to care. (Nassauer, 1995) Shows the terraced space?s many uses. 113 Shows tree nursery being maintained by supporting community members. 115 PHASED TREE PLANTING The series shows one of the overarching goals of the project, which is to establish the site as a resource that has an eff ect both physically and socially on the Druid Hills community. The small scale site changes would aff ect the greater whole. The phases, shown as fi ve year increments, would be tree plantings that beautify the neighborhood and improve its streetscape. 117 PROJECT CULMINATION The graphic (left) shows not only the change in the neighborhood?s public environment through the in- troduction of more street trees but also a change in the private space as well. Not only is the site eff ect- ing the community as a whole on a large scale but it is also providing something personal to its residents. This graphic shows the attention that has been given to the playing out of the site?s growth as well as the focus on the relationship between public, private, and community interaction. It is important to keep in mind that each of the scenarios shown throughout this re- search are only the playing out of one of many routes with which the site is set up to adapt. IC 1 2 3 a b c a b c a b c 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 119 REFLECTIONS What if the development does not happen the way that was played out in this document? Potentially another scenario evolves such as the one suggested early of an ?overgrown site?. While having a some- what unmaintained appearance the walls on site could still serve their physical functions and give a sense of tamed, or cared for, urban terrain. Are the guidelines in place to permit a diff erent but successful scenario? Yes, that is exactly what the re- assessment stages are for. They are put in place to off er a chance to reshape the site and community over time. What if someone comes back to the community years later and suggest changes based on private ownership of adjacent property, site usage, or of- fers funding to see his/her changes through? This would be considered disturbance. That is the whole idea behind the project. The thought is that these changes through time within the community would in turn enrich the lives of those who live there and participate in the site changes that do occur. Response Initial Condition Example Scenario 1 121 CONCLUSION While this research appears to have taken the form of a proposal, the underlying goal is to leave each site open to change and disturbance throughout the project?s existence. Without true feedback from residents it is diffi cult to predict what chance may occur or what feedback may be generated from physi- cal shifts on site. This being said, each design investigation has proved more thorough in its attention to how to involve the community and how the residents may respond. Each step taken moved the research closer to developing a strategy that encouraged community involvement, social interaction, and most of all, the development of a space which functions properly for those who live nearby. In conclusion, this research has worked to develop a new strategy for public projects, specifi cally dealing with the topic of environmental justice. It off ers a solution to traditional site design which often leaves the community with little say in the development of their local environment. What has been shown through the studies on each design site is a scenario which exposes what possible changes could occur based on diff erent levels of involvement from the community. This participation from the community is essential to the design strategy. As was shown in each scenario, local residents would be given the opportunity to participate in the initial site design as well as the feedback loops which occur throughout the site?s growth. In this cycle, the landscape architect is seen somewhat as a facilitator, helping the community to move forward and achieve set goals, while also off ering his or her design expertise. This in turn helps establish the urban terrain as an ongoing negotiation, off ering people the chance to design their own spatial futures. REFERENCES Barnett, Rod. ?A Ten Point Guide to Initial Conditions 2009?. May 2010 . Berger, Alan. ?Learning from Downsview?. Landscape Architecture Magazine, March 2001: 131-132. Czerniak, J. 2001. Case: Downsview Park Toronto. Munich: Prestel Verlag. Kahssay, Haile M. ?Community Involvement in Health Development: A Review of the Concept and Practice.? Public Health in Action (1999). Web. 6 May 2010. . Nassauer, Joan I. ?Messy Ecosystems, Orderly Frames.? 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ILLUSTRATIONS All fi gures are property of the author unless noted below. Figure 1. Czerniak, J. 2001. Case: Downsview Park Toronto. Munich: Prestel Verlag. (p. 4) Figure 2. Czerniak, J. 2001. Case: Downsview Park Toronto. Munich: Prestel Verlag. (p. 79) Figure 3. Czerniak, J. 2001. Case: Downsview Park Toronto. Munich: Prestel Verlag. (cover) Figure 4. Vista Landscape and Urban Design - Figure 5. Vista Landscape and Urban Design - Figure 6. Vista Landscape and Urban Design - Figure 7. Action Plan for the Central Delaware: 2008-2018 Figure 8. Action Plan for the Central Delaware: 2008-2018 hood_choice__electroni Figure 9. Action Plan for the Central Delaware: 2008-2018 - praxis/docs/actionplan_full