Three Essays on Energy Economics by Jing Gao A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama August 4, 2012 Keywords: Substitution, Technological Change, Generalized impulse, Variance decompositions, Threshold, Exponential Smooth Transition Vector Error Correction Copyright 2012 by Jing Gao Approved by Robert G. Nelson, Chair, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Henry Thompson, Professor of Economics C. Robert Taylor, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Hyeongwoo Kim, Associate Professor of Economics ii Abstract This dissertation consists of three essays in applied energy economics focusing on interfuel substitution in the electric power industry, the linkages among energy consumption, emissions and economic growth, and the price linkages among biofuel, energy and food. The first chapter estimates substitution under static and dynamic scenarios, examining changes in technology and total factor productivity from 2001 to 2008. Two-stage estimation reveals regional characteristics and underlying elements in fuel and factor choice processes. Substitution varies widely depending on the region, coal technology, capital investment, and R&D activities. The second chapter explores the causal relationship between CO2 emissions, hydrocarbon energy consumption, non-hydrocarbons energy consumption, and economic growth in the US for 1960-2009 with vector error correction modeling techniques, generalized impulse response, and variance decomposition in a multivariate context. The results show strong evidence for uni- directional causal relationship running from hydrocarbon consumption to investment, and weak evidence for bi-directional causality between non-hydrocarbon consumption and investment; uni-directional causality running from CO2, hydrocarbon energy consumption, and population to non-hydrocarbon energy consumption, from hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon energy consumption to GDP. The third chapter studies the price transmission system in the U.S. food-ethanol-energy links by capturing the price nonlinearities to examine the price relationships between corn, soybean, wheat, ethanol, oil and gasoline in the latest U.S. ethanol markets by using Exponential Smooth Transition VECM. The results show impacts of the ethanol industry on food prices and energy prices and provide insights for policy makers and economic agents. iii Acknowledgments I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Dr. Robert Nelson for offering invaluable guidance and continuous support throughout my PhD study. I owe sincere gratitude to Dr. Henry Thompson and Dr. Robert Taylor for the advice, guidance, and unending patience with me in developing the theory behind this dissertation. I am thankful to Dr. Hyeongwoo Kim as the outside reader of this dissertation. As always, I am also deeply indebted to my family and friends for their unvarying love and support. iv Table of Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ ii Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................................ iii Chapter 1: Substitution in the Electric Power Industry: An Interregional Comparison in the Eastern US ........................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1 2. Literature Review ....................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Model ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 3.1. The static model ..................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2. The dynamic translog adjustment model .............................................................................................. 10 4. Data and data sources .............................................................................................................................. 11 5. Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 5.1. Fuel cost share equation estimation and interfuel substitution ............................................................. 13 5.2. Factor cost share equation estimation and interfactor substitution....................................................... 15 5.3. Technological Change and Total Factor Productivity (TFP) ............................................................... 17 6. Conclusion and policy implication .......................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 2: CO2 Emissions, Non-Hydro Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A US Study Based on Cointegration and Error-correction ........................................................................................................ 36 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 36 2. Literature Review .................................................................................................................................... 37 3. Model and methodology .......................................................................................................................... 40 3.1 Model .................................................................................................................................................... 40 3.2 Unit root, cointegration and long-run causality ..................................................................................... 40 3.3 Vector error-correction modeling (VECM) and short-run causality ..................................................... 41 4. Data ......................................................................................................................................................... 42 5. Empirical Results .................................................................................................................................... 44 5.1 Tests of unit root hypothesis ................................................................................................................. 44 5.2 Tests for multivariate cointegration ...................................................................................................... 44 v 5.3 Error-correction model and short-run causality .................................................................................... 44 5.4 Generalized impulse response and variance decompositions ................................................................ 47 6. Conclusion and Policy Implications ........................................................................................................ 48 Chapter 3: Price Discovery in the Food-Ethanol-Fuel System in Ethanol Markets: An Exponential Smooth Transition VECM Perspective..................................................................................................................... 59 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 59 2. Literature Review ..................................................................................................................................... 61 3. Methodology ............................................................................................................................................ 62 3.1Cointegration and Linear Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) ...................................................... 62 3.2Exponential Smooth Transition Vector Error Correction Model (ESTVECM) ..................................... 63 4. Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 65 5. Empirical Results ..................................................................................................................................... 66 5.1Unit root and cointegration..................................................................................................................... 66 5.2VECM estimation ................................................................................................................................... 67 5.3STVECM estimation .............................................................................................................................. 69 6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 70 List of References ........................................................................................................................................ 80 vi List of Tables Chapter 1 Table 1. Selected studies on fuel substitution in the electric power industry .............................................. 22 Table 2. Selected studies on factor and fuel substitution using the two-stage translog function outside electric power industry ................................................................................................................................ 23 Table 3. t-values from panel unit root test results ....................................................................................... 23 Table 4. Parameter estimates of static and dynamic translog fuel cost share equations ............................. 24 Table 5. Mean fuel and factor cost share for each region ........................................................................... 25 Table 6. Static Hicksian conditional price elasticity and Allen elasticities of substitution for fuel inputs . 25 Table 7. Static Marshallian unconditional price elasticities for fuel inputs ................................................ 26 Table 8. Dynamic Hicksian conditional price elasticity and Allen elasticities of substitution for fuel inputs 26 Table 9. Dynamic Marshallian fuel price unconditional elasticity .............................................................. 27 Table 10. Static and dynamic parameter estimates for factor share equations ............................................ 27 Table 11. Static Hicksian price elasticities and Allen elasticities of substitution for factor inputs ............. 29 Table 12. Dynamic Hicksian price elasticity and Allen elasticities of substitution for factor inputs .......... 30 Table 13. Technological change in fuel and factor demand ........................................................................ 31 Table 14. Total factor productivity growth rates for factor-input model .................................................... 31 Chapter 2 Table 1 Unit root test results ....................................................................................................................... 51 Table 2 Johansen cointegration tests ........................................................................................................... 52 Table 3 Short-run causality from error-correction models .......................................................................... 53 Table 4 Granger causality test results .......................................................................................................... 54 Table 5 Generalized forecast error variance decomposition ....................................................................... 55 Table 6 Causality test results comparisons with related studies .................................................................. 55 Chapter 3 Table 1 Unit root test results ....................................................................................................................... 73 vii Table 2 Johansen cointegration tests ........................................................................................................... 74 Table 3 Error-correction models ................................................................................................................. 75 Table 4 Granger causality test results .......................................................................................................... 76 Table 5 ESTVECM parameter estimates ?????????????????????????77 viii List of Figures Chapter 1 Figure 1. Indices of average factor prices for the electric power industry in the eastern US ...................... 33 Figure 2. Indices of average fuel prices for the electric power industry in the eastern US ........................ 33 Figure 3. The electric regions in US ........................................................................................................... 33 Figure 4. Total factor productivity growth rates by regions for factor-input model ................................... 34 Figure 5. Energy production efficiency by region...................................................................................... 35 Figure 6. Labor production efficiency by region......................................................................................... 35 Chapter 2 Figure 1 Trends of the variables (before taking logarithms) ....................................................................... 57 Chapter 3 Figure 1. Price series on ethanol and fuels .................................................................................................. 78 Figure 2. Price series on ethanol and agricultural commodities .................................................................. 78 Figure 3 Threshold variable series (ECT) ................................................................................................... 79 Figure 4 Transition function (G) series ....................................................................................................... 79 1 Chapter 1: Substitution in the Electric Power Industry: An Interregional Comparison in the Eastern US 1. Introduction Energy plays a crucial role in the global economy and will become the major economic issue of the coming century. Most recently, many policies have been initiated to promote various energy efficiency improvements and encourage development of specific energy sources. For instance, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 seeks to increase coal as an energy source while also reducing air pollution by clean coal initiatives. According to the Annual Energy Review of the Energy Information Administration (EIA), in 2008 the electric power sector accounted for 91 percent of all coal consumption and 29 percent of all natural gas consumption, while fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) accounted for 71 percent of all electricity net generation in the US. Fuel choices and factor alternatives in electricity generation are important issues in energy policy. Based on the fact that the electricity generation industry is restructuring and regulation is moving from states to regional and national levels, accurate estimates of fuel and factor use in interregional electricity generation are essential for policy makers and planners. Several studies using various estimation models and samples have been devoted to the analyses of energy production and fuel/factor substitution in energy generation. Attention has been mostly given to national studies or international comparisons of interfuel substitution in the electric power. However, aggregate national estimates may mask regional characteristics of the electricity market and result in inappropriate policies. No previous research has estimated the regional fuel or factor substitution in electricity generation specifically for the eastern regions of the US. In addition, this is the first study to apply a two-stage model to account for both energy and non-energy inputs in electric power generation under both static and dynamic scenarios. 2 The focus of this study is to compare regional results from the two-stage estimation method and to reveal regional characteristics and underlying elements in fuel and factor choice processes. The results show widely-varing elasticities of substitution depending on the regions for estimation. As a by-product of this analysis, technology changes and total factor productivity are also examined to compare production efficiencies and provide policy implications for different regions so that decision makers can efficiently allocate energy resources. The organization of the paper is as follows. Section II gives a summary of previous studies on interfuel and interfactor substitution analyses. Section III and Section IV include discussions of the theoretical model and data sources. Section V presents the empirical results. 2. Literature Review The majority of previous studies of interfuel and interfactor substitution in the electric power industry rely on greatly aggregated data at the industry or national level. For example, Hudson and Jorgenson (1974), Atkinson and Halvorsen (1976b), Griffin (1977), Uri (1978), Mountain (1982), S?derholm (1999), S?derholm (2000) and Lee (2007) all used aggregate national data. Only two studies have used US regional data and no previous regional study has focused on the eastern part of US. Uri (1977) analyzed fuel substitution for nine US census regions. Bopp and Costello (1990) compared elasticities for five US geographic regions with national elasticities. However, the data employed in those two regional analyses were based on geographic census divisions which do not consider the regional characteristics and regulation structure of the electricity market. 3 Among the attempts to model the energy sector, Hudson and Jorgenson (1974) were the first to conduct an econometric study of hydrocarbon demand. They applied a translog cost model with US annual data and included the fuel prices of coal, oil, natural gas and electricity for 1947- 1971. According to their results, oil demand was price elastic while coal and gas demand was inelastic. The cross elasticities suggested that the three fuels were substitutes, though coal and oil were strong substitutes (1.09) while oil and gas (0.39), and coal and gas (0.09) were weak substitutes. Griffin (1977) incorporated a polynomial distributed lag into the translog model and applied a translog cost function to the data of 20 OECD countries for 1955, 1960, 1965, and 1969 with two separate models to estimate interfuel substitution elasticities in the European electric power industry. His results showed larger price elasticities with cross sectional data than with time series data, probably because that the time series results reflect only a partial adjustment to a new equilibrium. Uri (1977) applied pooled time series analysis to nine US regions from 1952 to 1974. In a subsequent paper Uri (1978) did a similar study with aggregate monthly data covering 1974 to 1976. The resulting smaller elasticities led him to conclude that short run elasticities were lower than long run estimates. Mountain (1982) included imported electricity in the translog cost function as an input. He used pooled time series data from 1964 to 1975 for two districts in Canada. The empirical results showed strong substitution between domestic and imported electricity, and strong short run substitution between coal and oil. Bopp and Costello (1990) conducted a monthly time series analysis from 1977 to 1987 with two translog cost function models: one for five US regions, the other for the entire US. The 4 empirical results showed that oil was own-price elastic while gas was inelastic. The latter result was expected as it is known that gas is typically a peak fuel for generators designed to run during busy times. The results also demonstrated that the price elasticities were lower in the regional model than in the aggregate. S?derholm (1999) conducted a pooled annual aggregate national analysis for seven European countries using a translog cost function for the years 1978-1995. The results showed strong substitution between gas and oil. S?derholm (2000) employed a regulatory intensity variable as an exogenous variable and estimated a generalized Leontief cost function with the same dataset. The results showed significant interfuel substitution in European electricity production and the estimation from the perspective of regulation intensities showed that it was hard to separate the individual effects of the SO2 regulations. In addition to aggregate level analysis, in order to characterize the fuel choice in individual electricity generating plants or firms some research has also been devoted to firm-level or plant- level analysis. Atkinson and Halvorsen (1976a), Haimor (1981), Ko and Dahl (2001), Lee (2002), Considine and Larson (2007) and Tuthill (2008) used micro data from the US, while Tauchmann (2006) analyzed firm-level data from Germany. Atkinson and Halvorsen (1976a) employed a translog profit function to examine the demand for hydrocarbons by US electric plants, using data on capital quantities, labor quantities, coal price, oil price, and natural gas price. They used cross sectional data for 1972. Their results showed that oil and coal were own-price elastic and cross-price elastic. By applying the same translog profit function, Atkinson and Halvorsen (1976b) compared the three hydrocarbons using a short run substitution analysis with monthly time series for the years 1972?1974. Contrary to 5 their earlier results, the own price elasticity of natural gas was highly elastic and significant. All cross elasticities were significant and indicated substitutability. Haimor (1981) applied a translog model to plant-level data, including capital stock and labor price as variables influencing the fuel choices of 45 plants that used all three fuels (coal, oil and gas) during the years 1970-1975. His findings showed strong substitution between coal and oil and large changes in response to unstable markets, making forecasting difficult. Ko and Dahl (2001) employed a translog cost function to estimate interfuel substitution with monthly panel data for 185 US utilities for the year 1993. They divided the utilities into four fuel choice capability sets of coal and oil, coal and gas, gas and oil, and coal and oil and gas. Their results showed that coal was own-price elastic while oil and gas were inelastic, and that substitution was strong between coal and oil, but weak between gas and the other two fuels. Table 1 compares the data, models and elasticities from the selected studies. A limitation of the estimation method in most of these studies arises when interfuel substitutions are estimated assuming exogenous energy aggregates. Because fuel price changes almost certainly stimulate substitution among both fuels and factors of production, ignoring this feedback effect may result in unreliable conclusions. While the current study is the first application in the electricity sector of a two-stage translog model that incorporates feedback effects between interfactor and interfuel substitutions, this is a well-established method for determining fuel substitution elasticities in the manufacturing sector. Pindyck (1979), Andrikopoulos, Brox and Paraskevopoulos (1989), Cho (2004) and Ma, Oxley, Gibson and Kim (2008) all use this method to examine industrial interfuel substitution. A comparison of their data and main results is given by Table 2. All of those studies employing 6 two-stage translog functions and panel data show inconclusive substitution results for different countries. In the electric power industry, however, only two firm-level studies employed two-stage decisions. Mountain?s (1982) incorporated imported electricity as an input and applied the translog cost function to firm-level data from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in Canada. In the first stage, the optimal quantities of imported and domestic electricity were estimated, and in the second the fuel choice in domestic electricity given the exogenous quantity of domestic electricity was determined. Tauchmann (2006) applied a linear non-structural function to firm- level data from German electricity generating firms for the years 1968-1998. The author estimated optimal capacities in the first stage, and examined fuel substitution given exogenous capacities in the second. The two-stage estimation method in the current paper differs from Tauchmann in several details: it employs instrumental variables for aggregate energy prices, it estimates interfuel and interfactor substitution with regional-level data from the eastern US, and it estimates Marshallian unconditional elasticities to capture feedback effects. 3. Model 3.1. The static model For many years, the electricity generation industry vertically-integrated in the US has been operating as regulated monopolists. As economies of scale always exist at generation stage, the average cost of producing a unit of power is at lowest when the entire demand is supplied by monopoly rather than by many competitive producers. By selecting the low cost option at each point in time, Kaserman and Mayo (1991) found that the total costs from the input stage are minimized, and the vertical structure of the utilities is determined by this cost minimization 7 process. To simplify the estimation process of the two-stage cost share system, cost- minimization is considered in two-stages. In the first stage, total costs are minimized in the consumption of capital, labor and aggregated energy. In the second, aggregate energy costs are also minimized in the consumption of coal, oil and natural gas. Following the approach suggested by Pindyck (1979), the two-stage cost function is specified as: (1) C=f [G13Gb4fG1e1G13Gb50G1e1G13Gb49G123aG13Gb47G1e1G13Gb53G1e1G13Gb4bG1e1G96G123bG1e1G1cG1e1G96] , where C denotes total cost; G13Gb4fG3G83G90G86G3G13Gb50G3denote factor prices of capital and labor; G13Gb49G3denotes a conditional function of the prices of three fuel inputsG3G13Gb47G1e1G13Gb53G3G83G90G86G3G13Gb4bG3G1e2Y denotes output generation; t denotes time which can also capture the trend of technical change;. Equation (1) is assumed to be weakly separable. The translog cost model introduced by Christensen, Jorgenson and Lau (1971) has been widely used to estimate energy demand elasticities as it has the advantage of reducing multicollinearity and reducing the number of parameters estimated. Under the assumption that the production function is weakly separable in factor inputs of capital, labor and energy, and that these three factors are homothetic, the first stage translog cost function is written as the logarithmic second-order Taylor expansion: (2) lnC = G7d9Gb34 + G3c3 G7d9GbdcG3Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 lnG732GbdcGbe7 +G7d9GbdcGbe7G3G750Gd45G7d9GbdcGbecG8eG90G73bGbe7 Gd45Gb35Gb36G3G3c3 G3c3 G7d9GbdcGbddG3Gbe1GbddGb40Gb35 G8eG90G732GbdcGbe7Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 G3G8eG90G732GbddGbe7 +Gb35Gb36G7d9Gbe7Gbe7G750Gb36G3+ Gb35 Gb36G7d9GbecGbecG123aG748G74aG73bGbe7G123b Gb36 Gd45G3c3 G7d9GbdcGbecG3Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 G748G74aG73bGbe7G8eG90G732GbdcGbe7G1e1Gd45G3c3 G7d9GbdcGbe7G3Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 G750lnG732GbdcGbe7 Gd45G7d9GbecGbe7G3G750lnG73bGbe7 , where C denotes total cost; G8bG3G83G90G86G3G8cGd4cGeG1e1GfG1e1G8G1e2G3G732GbdcGbe7 denotes the price of factor i at time t; G73bGbe7 denotes the generation output at time t; t denotes time or technical change; and G7d9 denotes parameters to be estimated. 8 Taking the partial derivative of (2) with respect to lnG732GbdcGbe7 and applying Shephard?s Lemma yields the first stage cost share equation (G734Gbdc): (3) G734GbdcGbe7=G7d9Gbdc Gd45G3c3 G7d9GbdcGbddG8eG90G732GbddGbe7Gbe1GbddGb40Gb35 +G7d9GbdcGbecG748G74aG73bGbe7+G7d9GbdcGbe7G750 . Assuming that the parameters are linear functions of regional dummy variables G726Gbe0 and that all the coefficients are allowed to vary across regions except for the interaction forms of factor prices, then the factor cost share equation is given by: (4) G734GbdcGbe7=G123aG7d9GbdcGbe2 Gd45G3c3 G7d9GbdcGbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35 Gd45G3c3 G7d9GbdcGbddG8eG90G732GbdcGbe7Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 +G123aG7d9GbdcGbecGb34Gb3eG3c3 G7d9GbdcGbecGbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35 G748G74aG73bGbe7 +G123aG7d9GbdcGbe7Gb34Gb3eG3c3 G7d9GbdcGbe7Gbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35 G750. The imposed symmetry and homogeneity restrictions can be written as: (5) G7d9GbdcGbdd=G7d9GbddGbdc, for all i and j , (6) G3c3 G123aG7d9GbdcGbe2 Gd45G3c3 G7d9GbdcGbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 =1, (7) G3c3 G7d9GbdcGbddGbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 =G3c3 G123aG7d9GbdcGbecGb34Gb3eG3c3 G7d9GbdcGbecGbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 =G3c3 G123aG7d9GbdcGbe7Gb34Gb3eG3c3 G7d9GbdcGbe7Gbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 =0. Hicksian cross-price elasticities, own-price elasticity for input i with respect to changes in prices of input j, and Allen partial elasticities of substitution between factor-inputs are computed as: (8) G8Gb67Gb68G5dbG3=G3Gc08Gcd4Gcd5Gbcb Gcd4 +G734GbddG1e1 G5caiGd4dj and G8Gb67Gb67G5dbG3G3=Gd46G373Gd45Gc08Gcd4Gcd5Gbcb Gcd4 +G734GbddG1e1 (9) G250Gb67Gb68G3 =Gb49Gc5fGc60 G5dbG3 GbcbGcd5,G3G5caiGd4dj, and G250Gb67Gb67 G3 =Gb49Gc5fGc5fG5dbG3 GbcbGcd4G1e4 In the second stage, the homothetic aggregate energy price function is given by: 9 (10) ln G732Gbbe = G7daGb34 + G3c3 G7daGbdcG3Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 lnG732GbdcGbe7 +G3Gb35Gb36G3G3c3 G3c3 G7daGbdcGbddG3Gbe1GbddGb40Gb35 G8eG90G732GbdcGbe7Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 G3G8eG90G732GbddGbe7 + G3c3 G7daGbdcGbe7G3Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 G750lnG732GbdcGbe7 , where G732Gbbe is the aggregate energy price; G732GbdcGbe7 is the fuel price at time t; and G7da is an estimated parameter. Taking the partial derivative of Equation (9) with respect to lnG732GbdcGbe7 and imposing the same assumptions about regional dummy variables as in the factor cost share equation gives the second stage cost share equation (G735Gbdc): (11) G735GbdcGbe7=G123aG7daGbdcGbe2 Gd45G3c3 G7daGbdcGbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35 Gd45G3c3 G7daGbdcGbddG8eG90G732GbdcGbe7Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 +G123aG7daGbdcGbe7Gb34Gb3eG3c3 G7daGbdcGbe7Gbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35 G750G1e4 The symmetry and homogeneity restrictions are: (12) G7daGbdcGbdd=G7daGbddGbdc, for all i and j, (13) G3c3 G123aG7daGbdcGbe2 Gd45G3c3 G7daGbdcGbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 Gd4c1, (14) G3c3 G7daGbdcGbddGbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 =G3c3 G123aG7daGbdcGbe7Gb34Gb3eG3c3 G7daGbdcGbe7Gbe0G726Gbe0G123bGbdeGbdcGb40Gb35Gbe1GbdcGb40Gb35 =0. Conditional Hicksian cross-price elasticities, own-price elasticity for input i with respect to changes in prices of input j, and conditional Allen partial elasticities of substitution between factor inputs are computed as: (15) G87Gb67Gb68G5dbG3=G3Gc09Gcd4Gcd5Gbcc Gcd4 +G735Gbdd G5caiGd4dj and G87Gb67Gb67G5dbG3G3=Gd46G373Gd45Gc09Gcd4Gcd5Gbcc Gcd4 +G735GbddG1e1 (16) G250Gb67Gb68G3 =Gb63Gc5fGc60 G5dbG3 GbccGcd5 G3G5caiGd4dj and G250Gb67Gb67 G3 =Gb63Gc5fGc5fG5dbG3 GbccGcd4. 10 To examine the feedback effect between interfuel and interfactor elements, conditional Hicksian price elasticities are transformed to unconditional Marshallian price elasticities by the following equation: (17) G8Gb67Gb68=G87Gb67Gb68+G87Gb67Gb76 (1+G244Gb6e)G3G735Gbdd=G87Gb67Gb68G5db+G87Gb67Gb76G244Gb6eG735Gbdd. where G8Gb67Gb68 denotes unconditional Marshallian price elasticities; G87Gb67Gb76 denotes the expenditure elasticity from the conditional cost function; G244Gb6e denotes the income elasticity from the total cost function. Given G87Gb67Gb76 Gd4c1 by homotheticity and G244Gb6e Gd4cG8Gb49Gb49G5db , the unconditional Marshallian price elasticities are calculated from the following equation: (18) G8Gb67Gb68=G87Gb67Gb68G5db+G8Gb49Gb49G5db G735Gbdd . 3.2. The dynamic translog adjustment model In the basic static analysis, it was assumed that fuel and factor demands remain constant in the short term. However, as shown in Figures 1 and 2, the aggregate energy price and oil price increased sharply while the average payroll, coal price and gas price increased more slowly during the sample period. Since the substitution effect may not be able to adjust instantaneously, in this section an adjustment process is considered. This Partial Adjustment Model (PAM), presuming an underlying stationary procedure in the data, assumes that the observed cost share in period t is somewhere between the equilibrium cost share and the observed cost share in t-1. The adjustment process is described as follows: (19) G734Gbe7-G734Gbe7Gb3fGb35=? (G734Gbe7G5db-G734Gbe7Gb3fGb35), 00, (3) where G7eaGb36G123aG95Gb72Gb3fGb62G123b is the variance of the transition variable. The estimation procedure can be summarized in the following steps. After the stationary tests and multivariate cointegration tests, a linear VECM model is firstly estimated. With the optimal lags and ranks from linear VECM suggested by LM tests of residual autocorrelation and AIC and SIC , the ESTVECM model is estimated by using nonlinear least squares regression. 4. Data This paper uses monthly national level prices on ethanol, gasoline, oil, corn, soybean and wheat from January 1982 to April 2012 in the U.S. Nominal average prices on gasoline (in dollars per gallon) and oil (in dollars per gallon) were collected from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ethanol average rack prices (in dollars per gallon) were collected from the government of Nebraska website. 66 Much research conducted to examine the role of futures markets in agricultural commodities has found that futures prices respond quickly to new information and provide unbiased forecasts of the subsequent cash price in well-designed contracts. Following Garcia and Leuthold (2004) and Carter (1999), in this paper the price proxy for corn, soybean, and wheat (all in dollars per bushel) are average monthly settlement prices for the nearby agricultural commodity futures contract and were obtained from the database of the USDA Economic Research Service. The trends of these price series (before taking natural logarithms) are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The trends in fuel prices including ethanol, gasoline and oil are relatively flat compared to the trends in agricultural commodities prices. Figure 1 indicates that the prices of ethanol, gasoline and oil generally move together. The trends were relatively flat before the 2001 recession but moved sharply upward after 2001 probably due to the economic expansion. Ethanol experienced its peak price in May 2006 while the peak prices for oil and gasoline were both in May 2008. From Figure 2 we can see that there were sizable price increases from July 2006 to June 2008 in all three agricultural commodities right after a sharp price increase in ethanol from November 2004 to May 2006. 5. Empirical Results 5.1 Unit root and cointegration All the variables were subjected to ADF unit root tests. The results with intercept are similar to results with intercept and trend. The tests reveal that all the variables appear to have unit roots in levels but be stationary in the first differences, implying that they are all integrated at order one. Test results are reported in Table 1. 67 ***Table 1*** Table 2 presents consistent results of Johansen cointegration tests based on trace statistics and maximum eigenvalue statistics. Results of Lagrange-multiplier tests (LM) are reported in the same table, suggesting that there is no residual autocorrelation at lag three. The results indicate one cointegrating equation illustrated in Table 4 at the 0.05 significance level, which is in line with Serra (2011) in that there exist long-run relations between fuel and agricultural commodities. ***Table 2*** 5.2 VECM estimation The expected directions of error correction coefficients are negative for all the price variables. That is to say, when the price of ethanol exceeds the long-run equilibrium level, the price of ethanol itself, as well as the prices of fuel energies including oil and gasoline, and the prices of agricultural commodities should move downward. The error- correction models and short-run causality are reported in Table 3, in which the expected signs are found with two exceptions. The optimal lag is determined to be three by AIC and SIC criteria and LM tests of residual autocorrelation in the ECM. The error correction term, estimating the speed of adjustment back to the long-run equilibrium, is statistically significant with expected sign, and large in magnitude for prices of ethanol, gasoline, corn and soybean. When the ethanol price is above or below the equilibrium, it adjusts 3.7% in the first year, while for the prices of gasoline, corn and soybean, these speeds of adjustment are 4%, 2.1% and 2.7% respectively. Table 3 also shows that all the variables are econometrically endogenous and can be explained by at 68 least one of the other variables over the lagged changes. Most of the signs for significant non-error-correction parameters are positive as expected, with only one exception. Furthermore, there is strong evidence that a two-way short-run linkage exists between gasoline price and wheat price. In addition, there also exists uni-directional causality running from gasoline price to ethanol price, gasoline price to corn price, oil price to corn price and corn price to soybean price. ***Table 3*** Based on the proven existence of causality in cointegrating relationships and some ambiguous insignificant coefficients, it is necessary to carry out the Granger causality tests to specify the directions of causal links. Results presented in Table 4 show that more than two-thirds of parameters are statistically significant. ***Table 4*** Table 4 indicates that there are bi-directional Granger price causalities between ethanol and wheat, gas and oil, gas and corn, gas and soybean, gas and wheat, and oil and wheat. Oil price uni-directionally Granger causes corn and soybean prices. The fuel energies appear to have causal relationships with agricultural commodities, which is consistent with previous studies. Fuel prices can inflate prices of agricultural commodities worldwide, including those crops that have no relation to biofuels, such as rice and fish (Quaiattini, 2008). Besides, there are also uni-directional Granger causalities running from corn price to soybean price, and from wheat price to corn price and soybean price, which can be explained as substitution effects between those agricultural commodities. 69 5.3 STVECM estimation In the estimation of STVECM, the optimal lags and ranks are selected based on the results from VECM estimation. The optimal lag is three according to AIC and SIC, and the results of the LM test of residual autocorrelation in VECM estimation. Table 5 shows the estimated parameters in ESTVECM, among which the most interesting parameters in the estimation areG3G249G3Gb67, G240 and c, which represent the adjustment speed to equilibrium, the transition speed to another regime and the threshold respectively. The statistically significant threshold parameter is -0.064 and it suggests that the system is within or around the first regime (G=0) in the neighborhood of -0.064. According to Serra (2011), the threshold variable can measure the disequilibrium magnitude if there is only one cointegration relation and error correction term. The estimation results for G3G249G3Gb67 suggest that only ethanol price in both regimes is statistically significant. The speeds of ethanol price adjustment to the long-run equilibrium are 0.947 in regime 1 and 0.908 in regime 2. Different from the findings in Serra (2011), the oil and gasoline markets, as well as the agricultural market, do not respond to the price disequilibrium in the ethanol market. The parameter of G240 is statistically significant and equal to 0.59, indicating a medium speed of transition between the two regimes. ***Table 5*** There is strong evidence for short run adjustments in all the prices for the two regimes, and all of the short-run dynamics parameters (G23eGb67G123b are statistically significant in the two regimes. The parameters of short-run dynamics (G245G3Gb67G1e1Gb68) are statistically significant at lag three for the price of gasoline, oil, corn, soybean and wheat. The results of 70 autocorrelation tests shown in Table 5 indicate that none of the six equations have residual autocorrelation. Figure 3 shows the time trends for the threshold variableG123aG9cGb72Gb3fGb35), which varied from-0.37 to 0.56 and represented the degree of disequilibrium in the ethanol market from January 1982 to April 2012. Figure 4 shows the time series of G values (between 0 and 1) calculated from transition functions with estimated parameters. It is apparent that lower G values tend to be associated with lower deviations from the equilibrium. In that way, from both Fig.3 and Fig.4, we can find the instability of the regime caused by such factors as policy switching and growth in the economy in 1986 and in the period from Dec.2001 to Dec. 2007. In 1986, the Federal government reduced 2% of the discount rate. The US also experienced declining interest rates and a sharp drop in oil prices. (Cacy, 1987) From 2001 to 2007, the U.S economy experienced an expansion after the recession. Moreover, the Clean Air Act, the 2005 Energy Policy Act, and the 2006 ban on MTBE led to a massive expansion of the ethanol market and a large induced demand for corn. 6. Conclusion This paper studies the price system in food-ethanol-energy links by using Exponential Smooth Transition VECM to examine the price relationships between ethanol, corn, soybean, wheat, oil and gasoline for the latest 364 months in the U.S. ethanol markets. The empirical results indicate one cointegration relationship among all the prices, which are all endogenous for long-run cointegration. The results also indicate strong short-run and long-run relationships between the prices of fuels and agricultural commodities. Specifically, there exist strong two-way causalities between the prices of 71 gasoline and wheat, ethanol and wheat, gasoline and corn, gasoline and soybean, and oil and wheat, as well as one-way causalities running from gasoline to ethanol, gasoline to soybeanG19e8oil to corn, oil to soybean, corn to soybean, wheat to corn, and wheat to soybean. Among the previous studies on the price relationships between food and fuel, few took into account the price of wheat. However, since 2008, the U.S started producing to considerable wheat based ethanol and therefore wheat price should be included. An increase in the price of fuel or agricultural commodities will probably cause an increase in another fuel or agricultural commodities. That is to say, the use of food crops for ethanol causes food prices to rise. In addition, an increase in gasoline price will also raise the price of corn and ethanol. Rising corn price was a leading factor causing the boom in ethanol prices in the last two decades, since corn-based ethanol dominated the biofuel supply. The results of the estimation from the smooth transition VECM model with a nested exponential function suggest that only in the long-run does ethanol price make significant adjustments towards equilibrium, while in the short-run dynamic analysis the other prices of gasoline, oil, corn, soybean and wheat make significant adjustments. The estimated threshold value shows a fairly low disequilibrium magnitude in ethanol market. The fuel market and the agricultural commodity market insignificantly respond to price disequilibrium in the ethanol market. The speed of transition between the two regimes is at a medium level. Future prospects for corn ethanol mainly depend on the fuel price, corn price and Federal ethanol and biofuels policies. The government should balance food price and fuel 72 price by fixing a market-policy-oriented ethanol price. One way to do this is to promote second generation biofuels which are made mostly from biomass, woody crops, agricultural residues or waste. Future research should also consider the cost of livestock feed and the environmental externalities, as well as changes in land use over time to get a comprehensive picture of the entire ethanol price system. 73 Table 1 Unit root test results Intercept Intercept and Trend ADF tests levels First differences levels First differences PEthanol -2.479(2) -14.303***(1) -3.230*(2) -14.305***(1) PGas -0.559(2) -10.447***(4) -2.853(2) -10.565***(4) POil -0.453(1) -13.440***(0) -2.421(1) -13.520***(0) PCorn -1.998(1) -14.146***(0) -2.664(1) -14.163***(0) PSoybean -1.885(1) -14.474***(0) -2.595(1) -14.493***(0) PWheat -2.120(1) -14.535***(0) -3.016(1) -14.534***(0) Notes: All variables are in natural logs. Maximum lag length is set to ten. Optimal lag lengths are determined by SIC and are in parentheses. The bandwidth is selected using the Newey-West method. Barlett-Kernel is the spectral estimation method. H0=the series has a unit root. (*), (**) and (***) denote rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively. 74 Table 2 Johansen cointegration tests Hypothesized Cointegration Rank Trace statistic Maximum eigenvalue statistic Lagrange-multiplier testa G7e3Gbe7Gbe5Gbd4Gbd6Gbd8 0.05 critical value G7e3Gbe0Gbd4Gbeb 0.05 critical value lag chi2 r = 0 130.744*** 95.754 65.434*** 0.078 1 82.036*** r ? 1 65.310 69.819 23.283 33.877 2 74.966*** r ? 2 42.027 47.856 17.797 27.584 3 44.382 r ? 3 24.230 29.797 15.146 21.132 4 56.9491** Cointegration relationship (standard error in parentheses) PE +2.905PG -2.839PO -0.676PC +0.869PS -0.231PW -1.434 =0 (0.348) (0.295) (0.257) (0.258) (0.250) a H0: no autocorrelation at lag order. Johansen normalization restrictions are imposed. Optimal lag length=1 by SIC. (*), (**) and (***) denote rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively. 75 Table 3 Error-correction models Equations EC-1 PEthanol PGas POil PCorn PSoybean PWheat C PEthanol -0.037*** 0.248*** 0.203** -0.087 0.032 0.085 0.105 0.001 (-0.014) (0.057) (0.094) (0.093) (0.085) (0.085) (0.076) (0.004) PGas -0.04*** 0.046 0.432*** 0.055 0.041 0.025 0.075* 0.001 (0.008) (0.034) (0.057) (0.056) (0.051) (0.051) (0.046) (0.002) POil 0.026*** -0.016 -0.001 0.321*** 0.022 0.042 0.047 0.002 (0.008) (0.036) (0.059) (0.058) (0.053) (0.053) (0.048) (0.002) PCorn -0.021* 0.002 -0.216*** 0.178** 0.201*** 0.051 0.087 0.001 (0.012) (0.049) (0.081) (0.08) (0.073) (0.073) (0.066) (0.003) PSoybean -0.027** -0.063 0.064 0.017 0.12*** 0.161** -0.001 0.001 (0.011) (0.045) (0.074) (0.073) (0.066) (0.066) (0.06) (0.003) PWheat 0.011 0.033 -0.13* 0.077 -0.038 0.048 0.259*** 0.001 (0.011) (0.045) (0.075) (0.074) (0.067) (0.067) (0.061) (0.003) Notes: EC-1 is error correction term. D denotes the first difference operator. The chi- squared statistics are in parentheses. Optimal lag length=1 by SIC. (*), (**) and (***) denote rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses. 76 Table 4 Granger causality test results Dependent Variable PEthanol PGas POil PCorn PSoybean PWheat PEthanol --- 10.89*** 13.03*** 7.64*** 7.40*** 10.60*** PGas 1.314 ---- 10.60*** 8.21*** 5.310*** 5.57*** POil 0.17 6.20*** ---- 0.69 1.35 3.03* PCorn 1.84 5.92*** 4.83*** ---- 1.40 12.7*** PSoybean 1.66 2.39* 3.86*** 4.08** ---- 8.19*** PWheat 6.20*** 3.9** 2.95* 0.64 0.19 ---- Notes: The statistics are chi-square statistics given by Granger causality Wald tests, (*), (**) and (***) denote significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively indicating that the column variable Granger causes the row variable. The optimal lag length is 1 and is based on SIC. 77 Ta ble 5 ES TV EC M pa ra me ter es tim ate s Re gim e Eth an ol Ga s Oi l Co rn So yb ean W he at Pa ram ete r est im ate Sta nd ard err or Pa ram ete r est im ate Sta nd ard err or Pa ram ete r est im ate Sta nd ard err or Pa ram ete r est im ate Sta nd ard err or Pa ram ete r est im ate Sta nd ar d e rro r Pa ram ete r est im ate Sta nd ard err or G23eGb67 G= 1 ( i=2 ) 0.3 83 ** * 0.0 14 0.4 10 ** * 0.0 21 0.3 06 ** * 0.0 28 1.0 08 ** * 0.0 16 1.8 98 ** * 0.0 15 1.3 67 ** * 0.0 16 G= 0 ( i=1 ) 0.3 65 ** * 0.0 14 0.3 77 ** * 0.0 22 0.2 53 ** * 0.0 26 1.0 28 ** * 0.0 19 1.9 08 ** * 0.0 17 1.3 70 ** * 0.0 18 G3G249G3 Gb67 G= 1 ( i=2 ) 0.9 47 ** * 0.0 99 -0. 07 0 0.1 39 0.0 88 0.1 74 0.0 14 0.1 10 0.0 31 0.0 98 0.0 03 0.1 08 G= 0 ( i=1 ) 0.9 08 ** * 0.0 96 -0. 03 2 0.1 21 0.0 17 0.1 40 0.0 10 0.1 12 0.0 25 0.0 99 -0. 00 2 0.1 09 G245G3Gb67 G1e1Gb72Gb3f Gb35 G= 1 ( i=2 ) -0. 01 0 0.3 09 0.0 26 0.8 78 0.0 90 1.0 18 -0. 18 9 0.4 25 -0. 12 0 0.4 13 -0. 18 7 0.4 59 G= 0 ( i=1 ) 0.0 67 0.3 03 0.0 52 0.7 54 -0. 03 6 0.8 30 -0. 15 0 0.4 32 -0. 03 2 0.4 15 -0. 11 8 0.4 62 G245G3Gb67 G1e1Gb72Gb3f Gb36 G= 1 ( i=2 ) -0. 03 4 0.3 08 -0. 42 8 0.8 78 -1. 15 8 1.2 49 -0. 24 9 0.4 25 -0. 13 1 0.4 12 -0. 10 1 0.4 60 G= 0 ( i=1 ) -0. 13 5 0.2 95 -0. 52 5 0.7 75 -0. 47 8 0.8 20 -0. 19 4 0.4 34 -0. 19 8 0.4 14 -0. 17 7 0.4 60 G245G3Gb67 G1e1Gb72Gb3f Gb37 G= 1 ( i=2 ) 0.1 73 0.1 92 1.0 91 ** 0.4 77 1.7 47 ** 0.7 30 0.8 99 ** * 0.2 61 0.7 61 ** * 0.2 56 0.7 07 ** 0.2 85 G= 0 ( i=1 ) 0.1 81 0.1 82 1.0 49 ** 0.4 23 1.1 35 ** 0.5 01 0.8 60 ** * 0.2 66 0.7 99 ** * 0.2 57 0.7 54 ** * 0.2 85 Au toc orr ela tio n LM te sta Ch i2 0.1 03 1 0.0 00 9 0.0 41 7 1.4 83 0.0 04 2 0.0 64 4 P v alu e 0.7 48 0.9 76 0.8 38 0.3 42 0.9 48 0.7 99 Sp eed of tra nsi tio n G240 Pa ram ete r e sti ma te 0.5 90 ** Sta nd ard er ror 0.0 21 Th res ho ld va ria ble c Pa ram ete r e sti ma te -0. 06 4* ** Sta nd ard er ror -0. 00 7 a H o: no re sid ua l a uto co rre lat ion 78 Figure 1. Price series on ethanol and fuels Figure 2. Price series on ethanol and agricultural commodities 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Mo nth 19 83 04 19 84 08 19 85 12 19 87 04 19 88 08 19 89 12 19 91 04 19 92 08 19 93 12 19 95 04 19 96 08 19 97 12 19 99 04 20 00 08 20 01 12 20 03 04 20 04 08 20 05 12 20 07 04 20 08 08 20 09 12 20 11 04 US $/ ga llo n Gas Oil Ethanol 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Mo nth 19 83 04 19 84 08 19 85 12 19 87 04 19 88 08 19 89 12 19 91 04 19 92 08 19 93 12 19 95 04 19 96 08 19 97 12 19 99 04 20 00 08 20 01 12 20 03 04 20 04 08 20 05 12 20 07 04 20 08 08 20 09 12 20 11 04 US $/ bu sh el, US $/ ga llo n Corn Soybean Wheat Ethanol 79 Figure 3 Threshold variable series (ECT) Figure 4 Transition function (G) series -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mo nth 19 82 12 19 83 12 19 84 12 19 85 12 19 86 12 19 87 12 19 88 12 19 89 12 19 90 12 19 91 12 19 92 12 19 93 12 19 94 12 19 95 12 19 96 12 19 97 12 19 98 12 19 99 12 20 00 12 20 01 12 20 02 12 20 03 12 20 04 12 20 05 12 20 06 12 20 07 12 20 08 12 20 09 12 20 10 12 20 11 12 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Mo nth 19 82 10 19 83 10 19 84 10 19 85 10 19 86 10 19 87 10 19 88 10 19 89 10 19 90 10 19 91 10 19 92 10 19 93 10 19 94 10 19 95 10 19 96 10 19 97 10 19 98 10 19 99 10 20 00 10 20 01 10 20 02 10 20 03 10 20 04 10 20 05 10 20 06 10 20 07 10 20 08 10 20 09 10 20 10 10 20 11 10 80 List of References Altinay, G., E. 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