Security, (F,I)-security, and Ultra-security in Graphs by Caleb Petrie A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial ful llment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama August 4, 2012 Keywords: Graphs, Security, Hall?s Theorem Copyright 2012 by Caleb Petrie Approved by Peter Johnson, Chair, Professor of Mathematics & Statistics Dean Ho man, Professor of Mathematics & Statistics Chris Rodger, Professor of Mathematics & Statistics Abstract Let G = (V;E) be a graph and S V. The notion of security in graphs was rst presented by Brigham et al [3]. A set S is secure if every attack on S is defendable. The cardinality of a smallest secure set of G is the security number of G. We give several new de nitions of security. We show that some of these new de nitions are equivalent to the de nition given by Brigham et al, while others are not. In these new situations, we nd necessary and su cient conditions for security. Various Hall-type theorems are used in these proofs. We also de ne analogues of the security number and nd them for various classes of graphs. ii Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Peter Johnson, for his work with me on this research. I also want to thank Dr. Ed Thurber and Dr. Walt Stangl of Biola University, for encouraging me to pursue graduate studies. Lastly, I would like to thank my parents, David and Janette Petrie, for their support of my education from the day it began. Soli Deo Gloria. iii Table of Contents Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Integer and Fractional Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1 De nitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 A New Proof of Theorem BDH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 The Equivalence of (I,I)-security, (I,F)-security, and (F,F)-security . . . . . . 4 3 (F,I)-security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.1 Bipartite Graph Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.1.1 A Proof Using the Max-Flow Min Cut Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.1.2 A Proof by Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.2 Main Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3 (F,I)-security Numbers of Various Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3.1 Complete Multipartite Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4 Ultra-security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.1 A Necessary and Su cient Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.2 The Ultra-security Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5 Relationships Between Security, (F,I)-security, and Ultra-security . . . . . . . . 29 5.1 Ultra-security Implies (F,I)-security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.2 Relating Security, (F,I)-security, and Ultra-security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.2.1 An In nite Family of Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 iv 6 On the Security Number of Regular Bipartite Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 6.1 d-regular Bipartite Graphs with s(G) = d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 6.2 On the Security Number of Qn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 A An Alternative Proof that (I,I)-security Implies (F,F)-security . . . . . . . . . . 44 B A Table of Security Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 v List of Figures 3.1 The network formed from the bipartite graph G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.2 The set S =fs1;s2;s3g is not (F,I)-secure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5.1 A graph G such that s(G) = s(F,I)(G) jXj: Let G = (V;E) be a connected bipartite graph with bipartition (X;Y). By Corollary 1, jXj+jYj 1 is an upper bound for the total e ective attack on Y. Also, G has a spanning tree, and thus can achieve the bound ofjXj+jYj 1 by Lemma 2. One attack that achieves this bound corresponds naturally to the function wt. 3.1.2 A Proof by Induction Here we prove a more general result that implies the Bipartite Graph Lemma. Let f:V ![0;1). A function wt:E![0;1) represents f if for all v2V, f(v) = X e2Ee incident to v wt(e): 11 Lemma 3. Let G = (V;E) be a tree and f:V ![0;1). Let (X;Y) be a bipartition of G. If for all S such that S X or S Y, f(S) = X s2S f(v) f(NG(S)), then there exists a function wt:E![0;1) that represents f. Proof. Let (*) be the condition that for all S such that S X or S Y, f(S) = X s2S f(v) f(NG(S)), and assume (*) holds. We will proceed by induction on jXj+jYj 2. First let jXj + jYj = 2. Then V = fu;vg and E = fuvg. f(v) f(u) and f(u) f(v), so f(v) = f(u). De ne wt(uv) = f(u). Now suppose that jXj+jYj> 2. Let u be a leaf in G. Without loss of generality, u2X. Let v be the neighbor of u. By (*), f(u) f(v). De ne ef on G u by ef(v) = f(v) f(u) and ef(w) = f(w) for all other w 2V(G u). We will show that the tree G u and the function ef satisfy (*). If S X u and v =2NG(S) = NG u(S), then ef(S) = f(S) f(NG(S)) = ef(NG u(S)). If v2NG(S), then ef(S) + f(u) = f(S[fug) f(NG(S[fug)) = f(NG u(S)) = ef(NG u(S)) + f(u). So we get that ef(S) ef(NG u(S)). Now suppose S Y. If v =2S, then ef(S) = f(S) f(NG(S)) = ef(NG u(S)). If v2S then ef(S) = f(S) f(u) f(NG(S)) f(u) = f(NG u(S)) = ef(NG u(S)). So G u with ef satis es (*). So there is a fwt : E(G u) ! [0;1) representing ef by the induction hypothesis. Extend fwt to E(G) by putting weight f(u) on the edge uv. Call this extension wt. It is straight forward to see that wt represents f. Lemma 4. If G is a tree with bipartition (X;Y) then there exists an attack on Y by X with a total e ective attack of jXj+jYj 1. Proof. De ne f(v) = 1 for v2X and f(v) = dG(v) y 1y for v2Y where jYj = y. We will show f can be represented by a function wt by applying Lemma 2. First suppose that S Y. For any graph H let c(H) denote the number of connected components of H. Let 12 H(S) be the subgraph of G induced by S[NG(S). Note that H(S) is a forest. Then f(S) = X v2S dG(v) ! y 1y jSj =jE(H(S))j y 1y jSj =jV(H(S))j c(H(S)) y 1y jSj =jSj+jNG(S)j c(H(S)) y 1y jSj =jNG(S))j+ 1yjSj c(H(S)) jNG(S))j+ 1 c(H(S)) jNG(S)j = f(NG(S)): Now suppose that S X. We want to show the following inequality: f(S) =jSj f(NG(S) = 0 @ X v2NG(S) dG(v) 1 A y 1y jNG(S)j =jE(H(NG(S)))j y 1y jNG(S)j =jNG(S)j+jNG(NG(S))j c(H(NG(S))) y 1y jNG(S)j =jNG(NG(S))j+ 1yjNG(S)j c(H(NG(S))): If NG(S) = Y, then c(H(NG(S))) = 1 and 1yjNG(S)j = 1yjYj = 1. So we need jSj jNG(NG(S))j. This holds because S NG(NG(S)). Otherwise, jNG(S)j 1 is necessary for s(F,I)(G) = 2. Let S =fu;vgbe (F,I)-secure. Since a minimum (F,I)-secure set is connected, uv2E. In order to be (F,I)-secure, S must also be secure. So jN[S] Sj 2, which forces d(u) 3 and d(v) 3. If d(u) = 3 or d(v) = 3, then c(GS) = 1, jN[S] Sj = 2, and jSj+jN[S] Sj c(GS) = 3 >jSj. So by the Main Theorem, S is not (F,I)-secure. Thus d(u) = d(v) = 2 is necessary. If S =fu;vg, uv2E, and d(u) = d(v) = 2, then the defense where u defends itself and v defends itself is successful against any attack. 3) In [3] it is shown that s(Pn Pm) = minfm;n;3g. For the rst case, suppose minfm;ng 3. Then s(F,I)(Pn Pm) s(Pn Pm) = minfm;n;3g= minfm;ng. The n vertices that make up the end vertices of the Pm paths form an (F,I)-secure set, and the m vertices that make up the end vertices of the Pn paths form an (F,I)-secure set. So s(F,I)(Pn Pm) = minfm;ng. Now suppose that minfm;ng 4. Then s(F,I)(Pn Pm) s(Pn Pm) = minfm;n;3g = 3. If S consists of a corner and its two neighbors, let S = fs1;s2;s3g, N[S] S = fv1;v2;v3g 16 and fs1s2;s1v1;s1v2;s3s2;s3v2;s3v3g be a subset of the edges (see Figure 3.2). Then the attack A de ned by A(v1;s1) = 1;A(v2;s1) = 0:5;A(v2;s3) = 0:5, and A(v3;s3) = 1 is not defendable. Any other S such thatjSj= 3 satis esjSj 0g: By applying the Bipartite Graph Lemma to the subgraph induced by XA[(Y S), the maximum total e ective attack possible is then jXAj+jY Sj 1 =jXAj+ jYj 2 1: Construct a defense D as follows. Let every vertex in XA defend itself. This leaves l jYj 2 m 1 e ective attack remaining, but jY1j = j jYj 2 k l jYj 2 m 1. Since G is complete, the vertices ofY1 can send their units of defense wherever they are necessary to nish constructingD. We will employ Corollary 2 in the following proof of Theorem 1, below. By inspection s(F,I)(K2;2) = 2. Theorem 1. If 2 n1 n2 and n2 6= 2, then s(F,I)(Kn1;n2) = n1 + n22 . Proof. Let the bipartition of G = Kn1;n2 be (X;Y) where jXj = n1 and jYj = n2, and let S X[Y be (F,I)-secure. First assume S\Y = ;. Then S X, S[Y induces a complete bipartite graph, and there exists an attack on S by Y with a total e ective attack of jYj+jSj 1. Since jYj 2 the value of this total e ective attack is strictly greater than jSj, contradicting the assumption that S is (F,I)-secure. Thus we conclude that S\Y 6=;. 19 By a similar argument it follows that S\X6= ;. An (F,I)-secure set S V(Kn1;n2) must therefore contain vertices of both X and Y. So let S\X6=;, S\Y 6=;, and let x =jX\Sj and y = jY \Sj, so that x + y = jSj. Also note that x 1 and y 1. There are four possible scenarios: 1) x =jXj and y =jYj. In this case S is (F,I)-secure because S = V(Kn1;n2). 2) 1 x < jXj and 1 y < jYj. (X \S) [ (Y S) induces a complete bipar- tite graph, so there exists an attack from Y S to X \S with total e ective attack jY Sj+jX\Sj 1 = n2 y + x 1. Likewise, (Y \S)[(X S) induces a com- plete bipartite graph, so there exists an attack from X S to Y \S with total e ective attack jX Sj+jY \Sj 1 = n1 x + y 1. Since these two complete bipartite graphs are disjoint, there exists an attack from V(Kn1;n2) S to S with total e ective attack (n2 y+x 1)+(n1 x+y 1) = n1+n2 2. SojSj n1+n2 2. Taking x =jXj 1 = n1 1 and y =jYj 1 = n2 1 provides an (F,I)-secure set of this size. The integer defense where each vertex of S defends itself is successful against any attack. 3) x =jXjand 1 y 1, (G) 2 is required. Let S V with jSj = 2. If S contains two nonadjacent vertices, it is not ultra-secure. In order for a set S =fu;vg with uv2E to be ultra-secure,jN[u] Sj+jN[v] Sj 2. Note thatjN[u] Sj 1 andjN[v] Sj 1, so that jN[u] Sj= 1 andjN[v] Sj= 1 is required. Furthermore,jN(u)\Sj=jN(v)\Sj= 1 and thus d(u) = d(v) = 2 is necessary. If S =fu;vg, uv2E, and d(u) = d(v) = 2, then the inte- ger defense where u defends itself and v defends itself is successful against any integer attack. 3) Suppose that S V is ultra-secure and 1 jSj n 2. Then for x2S,jN[x] Sj 2. It is necessary thatjN[S]\Sj Px2SjN[x] Sj, butjN[S]\Sj=jSjandPx2SjN[x] Sj P x2S 2 = 2jSj. So S is not ultra-secure. Any S with jSj= n 1 is ultra-secure; D is found by letting each vertex of S defend itself. 24 4) In [3] it is shown that s(Pn Pm) = minfm;n;3g. First suppose that minfm;ng 3. Then we have su(Pn Pm) s(Pn Pm) = minfm;n;3g= minfm;ng. The m vertices of an end column, and the n vertices of an end row are ultra-secure, so su(Pn Pm) minfm;ng, and thus su(Pn Pm) = minfm;ng. Now suppose that minfm;ng 4. Then su(Pn Pm) s(Pn Pm) = minfm;n;3g= 3. Let S be a set consisting of a corner and its two neighbors. Then Ps2SjN[s] Sj = 4, and jSj = 3. So three vertices of a corner do not form an ultra-secure set. Any other set S with jSj= 3 satis es jSj< >: m+n 2 if n 2m+ 2 m+ l m(n 1) m+1 m otherwise as an alternative statement for su(Km;n). Comparing the two expressions in the reverse order gives m+ l m(n 1) m+1 m m+n 2 if m+ 2 n. So we have m+n 2 = m+ l m(n 1) m+1 m if and only if m+ 2 n 2m+ 2. 6)Let X1;:::;Xk be the partition of Kn1;:::;nk, so that jXij = ni for 1 i k. Let V = V(Kn1;:::;nk) and let ;6= S V. If jfijXi\(V S) 6= ;gj 2, then it is easy to see that jN[x] Sj 1 for all x2S. Further, because k 3, it follows thatjN[y] Sj 2 for some y2S. Then jSj 3n + 1, so that jV fs1;:::;sngj> 2n + 1, it is su cient for the vertices of V fs1;:::;sng to induce any graph H with (H) 2n. 33 Chapter 6 On the Security Number of Regular Bipartite Graphs 6.1 d-regular Bipartite Graphs with s(G) = d It has been shown that for a graph G, s(G) +12 [6]. If G is d-regular, then s(G) d+12 . The complete graph Kn, achieves this bound, as it is regular of degree n 1 and s(Kn) = n2 . When n 4, n2 d2 jN[u]\Sj, which contradicts S being secure. Therefore jAj d2 . Since jAj jBj we must have jAj = d2 , and thus jBj = d2 . Now d = jSj jN[S] Sj. For u2A, jN(u) Sj d jBj = d2 . Likewise, for w 2 B, jN(w) Sj d jAj = d2 . Since (N(u) S)\(N(w) S) = ;, we have jN[S] Sj jN(u) Sj+jN(w) Sj d. So we must have jN[S] Sj= d, which means thatjN(u) Sj= d2 ,jN(v) Sj= d2 , N[S] S = (N(u)[N(w)) S, N(u)\S = B, and N(w)\S = A. So for any v2A, v6= u, N(v) S N(u) S, and N(v)\S B. Since N(u) = d and jN(u) Sj+jBj= d, we must have N(v) = N(u). Similarly, for any z2B, z6= w, we have N(z) = N(w). Now suppose that G has a bipartition (Y;Z) with A Y and B Z satisfying the preceding properties. By Theorem BDH, S = A[B is secure in G if for all X S, jN[X]\Sj jN[X] Sj. We examine three cases. First, if ;6= X A, then jN[X]\Sj=jXj+jBj=jXj+ d2 d2 =jN[A] Sj jN[X] Sj. If ;6= X B, then jN[X]\Sj = jXj+jAj = jXj+ d2 > d2 = jN[B] Sj jN[X] Sj. Lastly, if X\A6=;and X\B6=;, thenjN[X]\Sj=jAj+jBj= d =jN[S] Sj jN[X] Sj. So S = A[B is secure and jSj= d. Figure 6.1, below, uses the notation of Theorem 1. In the case G is 4-regular and bipartite, Figure 6.1 shows the subgraph of G induced by the set of edges with at least one end in the secure set S = A[B. For any regular, bipartite graph the number of vertices in one part of the bipartition must equal the number of vertices in the other part. So the total number of vertices must be even. The d-regular, bipartite graph with the fewest vertices is Kd;d, and s(Kd;d) = d. 35 A B Figure 6.1: S = A[B is secure in a 4-regular, bipartite graph. Lemma 1. There does not exist a d-regular, bipartite graph G = (V;E) such that s(G) = d and 2d 0 is even, there exists a d-regular, bipartite graph G = (V;E) such that s(G) = d and jVj= 3d. If d is odd, there exists a d-regular, bipartite graph G = (V;E) such that s(G) = d and jVj= 3d+ 1. Proof. First suppose that d is even. Let V be a set such thatjVj= 3d. Partition the V into two sets, Y and Z such thatjYj=jZj= 3d2 . Partition vertices of Y into three sets A;A0;A00 such that jAj = jA0j = jA00j = d2. Partition the vertices of Z into three sets B;B0;B00 such 36 that jBj=jB0j=jB00j= d2. De ne the edge set E =fuvju2A;v2B[B0g[fuvju2A0;v2B[B00g[fuvju2A00;v2B0[B00g: Letting G = (V;E) and S = A[B, S satisifes the conditions of Theorem 1 and is secure in G. Now suppose that d is odd. Let V be a set such that jVj = 3d + 1. Partition the V into two sets, Y and Z such that jYj = jZj = 3d+12 . Partition the vertices of Y into three sets A;A0;A00 such that jAj = jA00j = d+12 and jA0j = d 12 . Partition the vertices of Z into three sets B;B0;B00 such that jBj = d 12 and jB0j = jB00j = d+12 . Let r = d+12 , A00 = fa1;:::;arg and B0 = fb1;:::;brg. Let F = faibij1 i rg. De ne the edge set E = (fuvju2A;v2B[B0g[fuvju2A0;v2B[B00g[fuvju2A00;v2B0[B00g) F. Letting G = (V;E) and S = A[B, S satis es the conditions of Theorem 1 and is secure in G. Theorem 2. There exists a d-regular, bipartite graph G = (V;E) such that s(G) = d, if and only if jVj= 2d, or jVj 3d and jVj is even. Proof. Let G = (V;E) be a d-regular, bipartite graph such that s(G) = d. The discussion preceding Lemma 1 shows that jVj must be even and that Kd;d satis es s(G) = d and jVj = 2d. So if G is not isomorphic to Kd;d, then, by Lemma 1, jVj 3d. We proceed by induction, Lemma 2 providing the base when d is even or d is odd. Let jVj 3d + 2 and jVj even. Let H = (U;F) be a d-regular, bipartite graph with jUj = jVj 2 satisfying s(H) = d. As in Theorem 1, we can write the bipartition of H as (Y;Z) and nd a secure set S = A[B. Construct the graph G = (V;E) as follows. Add a vertex u to Y and a vertex v to Z. We now nd a set of d independent edges in H, using Hall?s Theorem. 37 Case 1: d is even. Let Y0 = (V(H) S) \Y and Z0 = (V(H) S) \Z. Since jUj=jVj 2 3d, we have jYj=jZj 3d2 so that jY0j=jZ0j=jYj d2 d. Also, Y0 has d 2 vertices of degree d 2 in H S, and every other vertex has degree d. Let D Y 0 such that jDj= d. Examine the graph induced by D[Z0. Let X D. If X has a vertex of degree d, then jXj d N (X). If X does not have a vertex of degree d, then each vertex in X has degree d2, and jXj d2 N (X). So by Hall?s Theorem, there must be a matching in that saturates D. Let M be this set of d independent edges, which are also independent in H S and H. Case 2: d is odd. Let Y0 = (V(H) S) \Y and Z0 = (V(H) S) \Z. Since jUj = jVj 2 3d + 1, we have jYj = jZj 3d+12 , so that jY0j = jYj jY \Sj 3d+1 2 d+1 2 = d andjZ 0j=jZj jZ\Sj 3d+1 2 d 1 2 = d+ 1. In H S, Y 0 has d 1 2 vertices of degree d+12 , and every other vertex of Y0 has degree d. Let D Y0 such that jDj = d. Examine the graph induced by D[Z0. Let X D. If X has a vertex of degree d, then jXj d N (X). If X does not have a vertex of degree d, then each vertex in X has degree d+1 2 , and jXj d 1 2 < d+1 2 N (X). So by Hall?s Theorem, there must be a matching in that saturates D. Let M be this set of d independent edges, which are also independent in H S and H. Next we decribe how to obtain the edge set E from F. For each w1w2 2M, w1 2Y S and w2 2Z S, delete w1w2 from F, and replace it by two edges: w1v and w2u. Thus the degree of every vertex of (Y S)[(Z S) is not changed, and the degree of u and of v is d. Then G = (V;E) is a d-regular, bipartite graph on jVj vertices. But the neighbors of vertices in S in G are the same as in H, so S is secure in G = (V;E). Proposition 2. Let G = (V;E) be a d-regular, bipartite graph such that s(G) = d. If jVj2f2d;3d;3d+ 1g then the graph G is unique up to isomorphism. 38 Proof. Let S be a secure set in G = (V;E) of order d. By Theorem 1, we can lable the bipartition of G (Y;Z) so that there is a secure set S = A[B where A and B have the properties listed. Let A0 = N(B) A and B0 = N(A) B. Note that jA0j = d2 and jB0j= d2 . Suppose jVj= 2d. In this case, Y = A[A0, Z = B[B0, jYj= d, and jZj= d. Since every vertex has degree d, the graph must be isomorphic to Kd;d. Now suppose that jVj = 3d. In this case, d must be even. Let A00 = Y (A[A0) and B00 = Z (B[B0). Note that jAj = jA0j = jA00j = jBj = jB0j = jB00j = d2. Let F =fuvju2A;v2B[B0g[fuvju2B;v2A0g. By Theorem 1, F E. Note that every vertex of A[B is incident with d edges of F. So no vertex in A is adjacent to a vertex in B00, and no vertex in B is adjacent to a vertex in A00. In order for each vertex of A00 to have degree d, it must be adjacent to every vertex in B0[B00. Likewise, every vertex of B00 must be adjacent to every vertex of A0[A00. This forces E =fuvju2A;v2B[B0g[fuvju2 A0;v2B[B00g[fuvju2A00;v2B0[B00g: Lastly, supposejVj= 3d+ 1. In this case, d must be odd. Again, let A00 = Y (A[A0) and B00 = Z (B[B0). Note thatjAj=jA00j=jB0j=jB00j= d+12 andjBj=jA0j= d 12 . Let F1 =fuvju2A;v2B[B0g[fuvju2B;v2A0g. By Theorem 1, F1 E. Every vertex of A[B is incident with d edges in F1. So no vertex of B00 is adjacent to any vertex of A. Likewise, no vertex of A00 is adjacent to any vertex of B. In order to have degree d, every vertex of B00 must be adjacent to every vertex of A0[A00. It remains to describe the edges between vertices of A00 and vertices of B0. Since G contains no edges between vertices of A0 and vertices of B0, and every vertex of A00 is adjacent to every vertex of B00, the subgraph H of G induced by A00[B0 is regular of degree d 12 . Since H is bipartite it is therefore obtained from Kd+1 2 ; d+1 2 by removing a perfect matching. Clearly the di erent versions of G obtained by removing di erent perfect matchings in H are isomorphic. 39 6.2 On the Security Number of Qn Then-cube, denotedQn, can be de ned inductively. LetQ0 = K1; thenQn = Qn 1 K2. Note that jV(Qn)j = 2n and jE(Qn)j = n2n 1. Also note that Qn is an n-regular bipartite graph. By examination, s(Q0) = s(Q1) = 1, and s(Q2) = 2. If the number of vertices of a subgraph of Qn is known, Graham?s Density Lemma gives an upper bound on the number of edges that subgraph may contain. It is used in the proofs of the results after it. Graham?s Density Lemma ([7, 2]). Let G be a subgraph of Qn. Then jE(G)j 1 2jV(G)jlog2jV(G)j, with equality if and only if G is isomorphic to Qm, for some m 2 f0;1;:::;ng. Proposition 3. For n 1, su(Qn) = 2n 1, and the only minimum ultra-secure sets of vertices induce subgraphs isomorphic to Qn 1. Proof. Let S V(Qn) be ultra-secure. Since Qn is n-regular, the sum of the degrees of the vertices of S is njSj. Applying the Theorem of Chapter 4.1 for ultra-security with X = S, we have jSj Px2SjN[x] Sj. In other words, the number of edges with one end in S and one end in N[S] S can be at most jSj. Let G be the subgraph of Qn induced by S. Then Pv2SdG(v) njSj jSj, and thus jE(G)j 12jSj(n 1). By Graham?s Lemma, 1 2jSj(n 1) 1 2jSjlog2jSj, and so 2 n 1 jSj. If jSj= 2n 1, then jE(G)j= 2n 2(n 1) and we have equality in Graham?s Density Lemma. Thus G is isomorphic to Qn 1. Then for x2S, jN[x] Sj= 1. Letting each vertex of S defend itself, we see that S is ultra-secure. Therefore, su(G) = 2n 1 and any minimum ultra-secure set of Qn must induce a subgraph isormorphic to Qn 1. Proposition 4. For n 1, 2bn2c s(Qn). 40 Proof. Let S V(Qn) be secure. Let G be the subgraph of Qn induced by S. Then for each v2S, 1 + dG(v) = jN[v]\Sj 12jN[v]j = 12(n + 1). Thus dG(v) n 12 = n2 . So G must have at least 12jSj n2 edges. Applying Graham?s Lemma, 12jSj n2 12jSjlog2jSj, which yields 2bn2c jSj. Corollary. For n 1, 2bn2c s(Qn) s(F,I)(Qn) 2n 1. 41 Bibliography [1] B. Bollob as and N. Th. Varopoulos, Representation of systems of measurable sets, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 78 (1974), 323{325. [2] B. Bre sar, W. Imrich, S. Klav zar, and B. Zmazek, Hypercubes as direct products, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 18 (2005), 778{786. [3] R. C. Brigham, R. D. Dutton, and S. T. Hedetniemi, Security in graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (2007), 1708{1714. [4] R. D. 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Assume in these best defenses, that every defending vertex sends out its entire unit of defense; that is, for v2S0, and any best defense D, Pu2N[v]\SD(v;u) = 1. An attack A is defendable if there is a defense D for which Ps2A A (s) D (s) = 0; that is, A =;. If D is a best defense, another best defense D0 can be found through one of two possible transformations. For i2S0 such that D (i) >A (i) and j2S0, 1) If D(j;i) > 0, de ne 1(i;j) = minfD(j;i);D (i) A (i)g. Reduce D(j;i) by 1(i;j) and increase D(j;j) by 1(i;j). 2) If D(i;i) > 0 and D(j;i) = 0, de ne 2(i) = minfD(i;i);D (i) A (i)g. Reduce D(i;i) by 2(i) and increase D(i;j) by 2(i). (Note that for both transformations, j must satisfy D (j) A (j), or D would not be a best defense.) Given a best defense D, let D be the set consisting of D and every defense that can be derived from D by repeated applications of transformations 1) and 2). Note that if D (u) A (u) for some D 2 D, then D (u) A (u) for all D 2 D. Let V + S0 be 44 V + =fv2S0jD (v) >A (v) for some D2Dg. Let X = S0 V +. Lemma 1. Let x2X, v 2S0. Then D(v;x) = D0(v;x) and D(x;v) = D0(x;v), for all defenses D0 in D. Proof. Let ; 02D such that 0 is obtained from by one of the transformations. If x2X is involved in transformation 1) or 2), then it must play the role of j, because i2V +, and x =2 V +. So after the transformation ( 0) (x) > (x). Note that (x) A (x) because x =2V +. If (x) = A (x), then after the transformation, ( 0) (x) > A (x), and x2V +, a contradiction. If (x) A (x) ( 0) (x), contradicting that is a best defense. Lemma 2. Let 2D. Every s2N[X]\S0 satis es (s;v) = 0 for v2V + = S0 X. Proof. Let s2X. Suppose that (s;v) > 0, for some v2V +. Since v2V +, there is a 02D such that ( 0) (v) >A(v). Applying transformation 1) with i = v and j = s would result in a new defense 00 with 00(s;s) > 0(s;s), contradicting Lemma 1. Now let s2 (N[X]\S0) X. Note that s2V +. Suppose that (s;y) > 0 for some y2V +. Now s must have a neighbor x2X and by the rst part of this proof, (x;s) = 0. We can assume (y) > A (y) (y 2V +, so (y) A (y): If (y) = A (y), a series of transformations will result in a a defense D0 such that (D0) (y) >A (y). The vertex y does not play the role of i, because i already satis es (i) > A (i): If y = j and s = i, then in either transformation, s still sends defense to y afterwards). Applying transformation 1) with j = s and i = y results in a defense 0 such that ( 0) (s) > A (s). (We started with (s) A (s).) Now apply transformation 2) with j = x and i = s. This results in a defense 00 where 00(s;x) > 0(s;x), contradicting Lemma 1. 45 Suppose that S0 is not defendable from an attack A, where A (v) = 0 for all v2S0 S. Let V + and X be as above and let X0 = X\S. If v 2 X X0, then A (v) = 0 and so D (v) = 0, because v =2V +. So by Lemma 2, for any s2N[X]\S0, v 2N[s] X0, D(s;v) = 0. In other words, all the defense power of N[X]\S0 is sent into X0. We have jN[X]\S0j= X x2X0 D (x) < X x2X A (x) = X x2X X v2N[X] S0 A(v;x) = X v2N[X] S0 X x2X A(v;x) X v2N[X] S0 1 =jN[X] S0j: Thus there is an X S0 such that jN[X]\S0j