Compensatory Behaviors and Alcohol Consumption by Rebeca Kathlen Allen A thesis submited to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama May 3, 2014 Keywords: compensatory behaviors, alcohol consumption, disordered eating Approved by Christopher J. Correia, Chair, Profesor of Psychology Frank Weathers, Profesor of Psychology Tracy Wite, Asistant Profesor of Psychology ii Abstract Disordered eating and exercise have been linked with alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems. Body image disatisfaction has been asociated with increased alcohol consumption and disordered eating. The present study aimed to explore disordered eating and exercise behaviors in response to alcohol consumption in college students by asesing the performance of a recently developed measure (Compensatory Eating and Behaviors Related to Alcohol Consumption Scale; CEBRACS) in a new sample. The study also examined the influence of body shape satisfaction on these relationships. Participants (n=574 undergraduate female students) completed online self-report surveys asesing their drinking, eating, and exercise habits, as wel as their body shape satisfaction. The CEBRACS total score and al four of the factors (alcohol efects, bulimia, dietary restraint and exercise, and restriction) were correlated with the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Inventory, and al but the bulimia factor were correlated with the Daily Drinking Questionnaire. Regresion analyses indicated that al four factors were predictive of amount of alcohol consumed and alcohol related problems, and the addition of body shape satisfaction into the model acounted for a significant amount of variance. Analyses exploring the role of body shape satisfaction as a moderator were not significant. Female undergraduates are engaging in compensatory behaviors related to alcohol consumption, and this is asociated with greater alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems. Interventions should incorporate asesment and discussion of compensatory behaviors, body shape satisfaction, and alcohol consumption and related problems. iii Acknowledgments I would first like to thank Dr. Chris Correia for his commitment, guidance and unending support. I?m so grateful for his constant encouragement. I?d also like to thank my thesis commite of Dr. Frank Weathers and Dr. Tracy Wite, and my felow graduate student, Nicole German, for the hours she selflesly spent working on this project. Additionaly, I want to thank my incredible family, especialy my mom and dad, for their unconditional love and support. I would never have made it through this, or anything else, without you and I am forever grateful for each of you. Finaly, I want to thank my fianc?, Mat, for keeping me sane throughout this proces and loving me through every hurdle. iv Table of Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................... iii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ v Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 Methods ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Results ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 17 References ................................................................................................................................. 27 v List of Tables Table 1: Summary of Descriptive Data for Sample .................................................................... 31 Table 2: Intercorrelations and Correlations betwen CEBRACS Factors and Measures of Alcohol, Eating, and Exercise ....................................................................................... 32 Table 3: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Alcohol Efects Factor ............................................................................... 33 Table 4: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Bulimia Factor ........................................................................................... 33 Table 5: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Dietary Exercise and Restraint Factor ....................................................... 34 Table 6: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Restriction Factor ........................................................................................ 34 Table 7: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Total Score .................................................................................................. 35 Table 8: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns in Drinkers with CEBRACS Alcohol Efects Factor????????????????????35 Table 9: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns in Drinkers with CEBRACS Bulimia Factor???????????????????????36 Table 10: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns in Drinkers with CEBRACS Dietary Restraint and Exercise Factor??????????????36 Table 11: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns in Drinkers with CEBRACS Restriction Factor??????????????...???????37 Table 12: Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns in Drinkers with CEBRACS Total Score?.???????????????????????37 1 INTRODUCTION Alcohol Consumption & Alcohol Related Problems Among College Students A major public health concern, alcohol consumption in college students has been wel documented in recent decades. Studies show that as many as 80% of college students report alcohol consumption in the last 30 days (Hingson, Heren, Winter, & Wechsler, 2005). Of greater concern however, is the high prevalence of binge drinking episodes. Binge drinking is typicaly defined as five or more drinks on the same occasion for males, and four or more drinks on the same occasion for females. Acording to The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2010), 42% of college students reported binge drinking in the last 30 days. Results also indicate that 15.6% of college students engaged in heavy drinking, defined as five or more drinks on the same occasion on at least five diferent days in the past 30 days. For most college students, consuming five or more beverages in a two hour period would produce a blood alcohol content (bac) of 0.08% (Hingson, Zha, & Weitzman, 2009). This is the legal limit for driving a motor vehicle in the United States, as a BAC of 0.08% indicates impairment in decision-making, impulse control, and memory. In 2007, 25% of college students drove under the influence of alcohol (Hingson, Zha, & Weitzman, 2009). While drinking and driving consequences are commonly discussed, other alcohol related problems deserve atention as wel. For example, more than 97,000 college students betwen the ages of 18-24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual asault or date rape (Hingson et al., 2005). Nearly 600,000 students are unintentionaly harmed while under the influence of alcohol, and another 1,800 students die each year from alcohol-related unintentional injuries (Hingson et al., 2005). Alcohol related health problems and alcohol-related suicide atempts also raise concern with more than 150,000 students developing alcohol-related health problems (Hingson, Heren, Zakocs, Kopstein & Wechsler, 2002), and 2 betwen 1.2 and 1.5 percent of students atempting suicide within the last year due to drinking or drug use (Presley, Leichliter, & Meilman, 1988). Excessive alcohol consumption has led to other problems including memory loss, physical asault, and property damage. Disordered Eating In addition to concerns about alcohol consumption on college campuses, eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa have also gained atention at universities across the country. Acording to the National Eating Disorder Asociation (2006), approximately 20% of college students, male and female, reported that they have had an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Recent research shows that betwen 9-13% of female college students and 3- 4% of college males currently endorse symptoms of an eating disorder (Eisenberg, Nicklete, Roeder, & Kirz, 2011) The percentage of college students afected by eating disorders grows even larger when considering Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). EDNOS includes similar behaviors as Anorexia or Bulimia, but does not met full criteria to be clasified as an eating disorder (White, Reynolds-Malear, & Cordero, 2011). Research shows that 24% of college students, male and female, met criteria for EDNOS (White et al., 2011). While there has been a growing body of literature focused on eating disorders among college students, including EDNOS (Hoek & Hoeken, 2003) research shows that unhealthy eating and dieting behaviors are not confined to only severe clinical cases. Sub-clinical disordered eating has also become an important concern on college campuses as its prevalence has reached far more undergraduates than eating disorders. Despite not meting full criteria for an eating disorder in DSM-IV, several studies have shown that many college students are engaging in behaviors including binge eating, chronic dieting, and fasting or purging to control weight (e.g. self-induced vomiting, use of diet pils or diuretics; (Forman- 3 Hoffman, 2004; Mintz & Betz, 1988; Tylka & Subich, 2002). In fact, 61% of female college students have some sort of sub-clinical eating problem (Mintz & Betz, 1988), and 20% of males endorse disordered eating behaviors (O?Dea &Abraham, 2002). Such behaviors are linked with significant decreases in quality of life (QOL). More specificaly, research findings indicate that adolescents with any level of an eating disorder or disordered eating endorsed significantly lower QOL across a variety of domains including physical, psychological, family, peers, school, and self-estem (Herpertz-Dahlman, Wilie, Holling, Vloet, Ravens, 2008). Similar findings were discovered in a longitudinal study of young Australians with sub-clinical disordered eating behaviors. This 20-year study has followed 9,688 women for nine years thus far. Consistent results across four diferent surveys administered each year indicate that even minor levels of disordered eating symptomology are asociated with significant deficits in wel-being, both imediate and long-term (Wade, Wilksch, & Le 2012). Disordered Eating and Alcohol Use Disordered eating and alcohol misuse are separate health concerns that are both asociated with distinct psychological and physical problems. Perhaps not surprisingly however, the high prevalence of both disorders lends itself to the co-occurrence of alcohol use and disordered eating. Intentional caloric restriction, self-induced purging, diet pils, and fasting have been asociated with heavy drinking and alcohol related consequences (Krahn, Kurth, Gomberg, & Drewnowski, 2005). This phenomenon of disordered eating behaviors and binge drinking has been dubbed by the popular media as Drunkorexia, a term that has also appeared in scholarly articles (Burke, Creemens, Vail-Smith, & Woolsey, 2010; Barry & Piaza-Gardner, 2012). Although the literature lacks a clearly defined construct depicting this co-occurrence, several studies have explored the relationship in college students. Findings from a study of 1,348 women 4 in their first year of college suggested that the prevalence and intensity of alcohol use has been positively asociated with dieting and bingeing severity, as more severe dieters and at-risk dieters (at-risk & probable bulimic groups combined) are more likely to report recent negative consequences of drinking as compared to non-dieters and casual dieters (Krahn et. al, 2005). Another study reported significantly diferent paterns of alcohol consumption betwen students who reported restricting calories on days they knew they would drink, and those who did not engage in these behaviors (Burke, 2010). Among current drinkers, findings indicated that the majority of students who restricted calories (30%) reported drinking 10-19 days of the last month, as compared to only 20% of non-restricting participants. Furthermore, 11% of diet restrictors reported drinking 20+ days of the last month, compared to only 3% of non-restrictors. Similar diferences were found among binge drinkers who restrict calories, as 33% of restricting participants reported binge-drinking episodes on 10-19 days out of the last month, compared to 20% of non-restrictors. Binge drinking on 20+ days out of the last month was reported for 21% of restricting participants compared to only 13% of non-restrictors. This patern suggests a consistent trend that those who engage in caloric restriction are drinking (including binge drinking) on more days. A qualitative study (Peralta, 2002) conducted with college students identified two major themes related to Drunkorexia. The first theme suggested that students? altered eating paterns through skipping meals and/or eating les than usual during a meal to reduce the total number of calories consumed. Findings indicated that 18% of college students, male and female, altered their eating habits in this fashion. Narratives of student interviews reflected sentiments that limiting food consumption was a solution to the problem of ?high calorie? or ?empty calorie? alcohol. Dual presures including presure to participate in alcohol-related social activities and 5 the presure to maintain a desired body shape dictated some students? decisions to eliminate dinner in order to drink more. Participants in the study also suggested a dual benefit to limiting food consumption. By altering eating habits on a day of drinking, students were alowed the added benefit of requiring les alcohol to become intoxicated, as wel as eliminating calories that could pose a threat to body shape norms. These motivations for altered eating paterns are further supported by findings from Burke et al. (2010). In this study, students provided the same rationale for conscious caloric restriction. The study found that of the 14.2% of college students who knowingly restricted their caloric intake on days when they planned to drink alcohol, 39% did so to avoid weight gain, and 68% did so to increase the efects of alcohol. A second theme emerged from the Peralta (2002) study suggesting that students were also engaging in self-induced purging to rid the body of calories already ingested from alcohol. Findings indicated and 3.8% of students in the study engaged in this purging behavior. Similar sentiments to restricting caloric intake prior to alcohol consumption were also established in this post-drinking behavior. Although not as prevalent as altered eating behaviors, some participants reported engaging in self-induced vomiting after drinking in order to eliminate calories consumed. This behavior was a result of fears about gaining weight from alcohol calories. College-age students who endorse disordered eating habits and also engage in binge drinking may face unique consequences. For example, in a highly restrained eater, it is possible that situations of elevated alcohol consumption or binge drinking increase the reward of highly palatable foods (Krahn et al., 1992; Krahn et al., 2005), and lower restrictive eating inhibitions. Thus, body-conscious college students may engage in uninhibited eating during or following a binge-drinking episode. This notion is supported in a study that found that students endorsed eating more food after drinking episodes than when not drinking, eating large amounts of food 6 following alcohol consumption (?drunk munchies; 36%) on at least half of drinking episodes, and being les healthy in their food choices as compared to when they refrain from drinking (Lloyd-Richardson, Lucero, Dibelo, Jacobson, & Wing, 2009). Although uninhibited drunken eating could potentialy cause guilt for anyone the day after a night of drinking and unhealthy eating, the psychological impact would semingly be greater for an individual who is generaly overly conscious of their eating habits and body shape satisfaction. The causal link betwen disordered eating and binge-drinking remains unclear as students may endorse disordered eating behaviors to compensate for their binge drinking episodes, or perhaps correlates of disordered eating pathology including impulsivity and compulsivity lends itself to binge drinking. In the current study we hope to beter describe the concept of Drunkorexia, and to measure its prevalence related to other variables including alcohol related problems and body image satisfaction. Exercise and Alcohol Use The relationship betwen physical activity and binge drinking is also complex, and has produced mixed findings in the field. It could be reasonably hypothesized that individuals who do not engage in physical activity would be most likely to participate in binge drinking. This notion is supported by evidence that people who do not engage in exercise are more likely to report other unhealthy behaviors than those who do exercise (Blair, Jacobs, & Powel, 1985). Similarly, research on young female adults indicates that women who exercise in response to stres are les likely to misuse alcohol as compared to women who do not exercise in response to stres. It was also found that chronic drinking is les likely in females who exercise moderately when compared to females who do not exercise (Bradstock et al., 1988). Other studies have found no relationship betwen exercise and alcohol (Kim, Larimer, Walker, & Marlat, 1997). 7 Despite these findings, research has more consistently shown positive correlations betwen physical activity and binge drinking, especialy when examining college student populations. For example, results from a recent study of college students indicate that strength training and vigorous intensity exercise are strong predictors of binge drinking (Barry & Piaza-Gardner, 2012). Similarly, results from a midsized university in Northern Florida showed that freshman participants who were frequent exercisers reported drinking significantly more often and consuming a significantly greater quantity of alcohol than did infrequent exercisers (Moore & Werch, 2008). Another study examining the relationship betwen physical activity and alcohol consumption found that there is a positive correlation betwen the two behaviors, even when acounting for third variables including age, sex, and Greek membership (Musselman & Rutledge, 2010). Several hypotheses have been offered as to why the positive correlation betwen alcohol consumption and physical activity exists in college students. For example, perhaps college students are not as concerned with healthy lifestyle habits as other adults. Instead, they are motivated to exercise by other factors (i.e. physical appearance or fiting in socialy), and are not concerned by the health isues asociated with drinking (Correia, Benson, & Carey, 2005). Another study suggests that the relationship exists as a result of reward-seking individuals. A ?work hard, play hard? motto has been endorsed by many college students, and may acount for reward-seking in both alcohol use and exercise (Perry, Larson, German, Madden, & Carroll, 2005). Participation on athletic teams could also play a large roll in the positive relationship betwen alcohol and exercise. Research on student athletes found that team environments support and encourage drinking, and perceived peer social norms contribute to findings that athletes drink more than non-athletes (Turrisi, Mastroleo, Malet, Larimer, & Kilmer, 2007). Additionaly, students involved in team sports sometimes have increased 8 opportunities for social drinking, including more initiation events that involve drinking (Vickers et al., 2004). Other explanations offered to explain the mechanisms for positive alcohol-exercise asociations include large amounts of free time (Wechsler, Dowdal, Davenport, & Castilo, 1995), and counteracting the alcohol-related calories (Bryant, Darkes, & Rahal, 2012). For purposes of this study, we are most interested in examining the use of exercise as a compensatory behavior to counterbalance calories consumed during a drinking episode. Body Image The relationship betwen compensatory behaviors and alcohol consumption is undoubtedly complex. In addition to exploring the correlation betwen these behaviors, it is also important to pose potential explanations for the existence of the relationship. In the current study, we propose that body image satisfaction could potentialy moderate the relationship betwen disordered eating, exercise, and alcohol consumption. Body image satisfaction is often conceptualized as a discrepancy betwen current and ideal body shape (Garner & Garfinkel, 1981), and the degree of negative felings about body shape, body parts, and weight (Cash & Fleming, 2002). Poor body image satisfaction has been linked to increased risks of numerous psychological disturbances. For example, low body image satisfaction has been linked to eating disordered symptomatology, nicotine use (Stice & Shaw, 2003), and binge drinking (Vickers et al., 2004). Body disatisfaction has also been linked to exercise in meaningful, but conflicting directions. LePage, Crowther, Harrington, & Engler (2008) explored the psychological correlates of fasting and vigorous exercise as compensatory strategies in undergraduate women. Participants were divided into four groups based on their scores on the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire. Thus, the study compared women who engaged in both fasting and vigorous exercise as compensatory strategies (Combined group) with women who engaged in 9 either fasting or vigorous exercise as compensatory strategies and women who endorsed no compensatory strategies. Their results indicated that the Combined group, the Fasting Only group, and the Exercise Only group reported significantly greater body disatisfaction and restrained eating than the control group. Additionaly, the Combined group reported significantly greater awarenes of internalization of the thin ideal than the remaining three groups (Lepage, et al., 2008). These results indicate a positive correlation betwen vigorous exercise and body disatisfaction. However, another study found conflicting results regarding the relationship betwen exercise and body disatisfaction. Lamarche and Gamage (2012) found that negative appearance evaluation was asociated with les physical activity. The asociation of body satisfaction and binge drinking is two-fold. Perhaps individuals who have engaged more frequently in binge drinking have a poorer body image as a result of their alcohol-related weight gain. Conversely, college students who have a poorer body image may choose to engage in binge drinking as a way to aleviate body disatisfaction. Further exploration of these relationships including exercise, alcohol consumption, body image satisfaction, and disordered eating are necesary to beter understand the complexity of these behaviors. CEBRACS Although there has been a growing interest in compensatory behaviors as they relate to alcohol consumption, there are limited measures to ases these behaviors. Previous qualitative findings of Peralta (2002) indicate results consistent with the phenomenon of Drunkorexia, but do not provide quantitative data to replicate in another sample. However, a recent study by Rahal, Bryant, Darkes, Menzel & Thompson (2012) developed a measure aimed to look at the relationship betwen compensatory eating and behaviors in response to alcohol consumption in a 10 quantitative manner. The measure was developed in order to ases eating habits and other behaviors, including exercise, intended to compensate for caloric intake during alcohol consumption. The survey is broken into three sections asesing behaviors during three time periods: before, during, and after alcohol consumption. Each of the three sections addreses behaviors in response to calories consumed from drinking alcohol. Specific items include questions about eating les than usual, skipping meals, eating low-calorie foods, and use of diet pils or laxatives. The measure was used in a sample of 274 undergraduate students from the University of South Florida. The majority of participants were female (n=223) and Caucasian (75.2%). In addition to the CEBRACS, participants in the Rahal et al. (2012) study were administered supplementary measures. To ases for severity of eating disorder symptomology, subjects were asked to respond to three subscales of the EDI-2 including: Drive for Thinnes, Bulimia, and Body Disatisfaction. Participants also provided demographic and alcohol consumption information, and completed the Global Belief in a Just World Scale. Results from the Principle Components Analysis by Rahal et al., 2012 indicated that the CEBRACS yielded four clear factors to best acount for the data. Factor 1 (alcohol efects) contained items related to behaviors designed to enhance alcohol efects. Factor 2 reflected bulimic behaviors (bulimia). Factor 3 (exercise & dietary restraint) depicted exercise and dietary restraint. Factor 4 (restriction) reflected extreme restrictive behaviors (i.e. skipping meals or not eating for a day). Additionaly, the findings indicated that the CEBRACS total scores were significantly asociated with higher levels of body disatisfaction, drive for thinnes, and bulimia symptoms. The alcohol efects factor was asociated with higher levels of drive for thinnes and bulimia, but not body disatisfaction. Both the dietary restraint and exercise and restriction 11 factors were significantly correlated with al three convergent measures. Correlations betwen the CEBRACS and alcohol use indicate smal but significant relationships. Higher scores on compensatory behaviors were asociated with higher levels of usual quantity of consumption, maximum drinks, and episodes of binge drinking. Present Study Previous research indicates a positive correlation betwen caloric restriction, increased exercise, and alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems (Krahn et al., 2005;Barry & Piazza-Gardner, 2012). Despite the noted links betwen compensatory behaviors and alcohol consumption, until recently there were no validated measures developed to disect these compensatory behaviors in the context of alcohol consumption. In 2012, Rahal et al. created the CEBRACS scale, a measure that aims to explore these behaviors, however, the measure lacks additional validation in the literature. Thus, one goal of the present study was to analyze the performance of the CEBRACS scales in a new sample of undergraduate females. A second aim of the current study was to look at potential correlations betwen the CEBRACS factors and total scores and additional measures. As the CEBRACS was originaly administered alongside supplementary measures asesing constructs related to compensatory behaviors, we evaluated related behaviors and beliefs, extending beyond the scope of what was previously explored. Specificaly, we administered measures including the Eating Atitudes Test-26 (EAT-26), Daily Drinking Questionnaire (DDQ), and Rutgers Alcohol Problem Inventory (RAPI). Finaly, this study also aimed to addres the influence of body shape satisfaction on compensatory behaviors related to alcohol consumption. Thus, the addition of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) alowed us to investigate a potential third variable, body shape, as it relates to disordered eating, exercise, and alcohol consumption. 12 It was hypothesized that we would confirm that the four CEBRACS factors would be positively correlated with the DDQ and RAPI, thus indicating that restricted behaviors are correlated with greater alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that the EAT-26 wil be positively correlated with the four factors of the CEBRACS, suggesting that individuals who endorse disordered eating habits are engaging in compensatory behaviors related to alcohol consumption. An additional hypothesis was that higher CEBRACS total scores would indicate higher scores on the RAPI, DDQ, EAT-26, and BSQ. Finaly, it was hypothesized that body image satisfaction would serve as a moderator in the relationship betwen al 4 of the CEBRACS factors and CEBRACS total score and the DDQ and RAPI. Thus, the strength of the relationship betwen the CEBRACS factors and the DDQ and RAPI wil be impacted by the body image satisfaction of an individual. METHOD Participants Participants were 574 females ages 18 and over from a large Southeastern public university who participated in the online study. However, students who were over the age of 24 were removed (n=5) because they did not reflect of our target population. Additionaly, only participants who reported at least one occasion of alcohol use in the last 28 days were used in the analyses, resulting in a sample of 366. The average age of the sample was 19.34 (SD=.94). The majority of participants were Caucasian (94%), but other racial ethnicities were also reported in the sample (African America/Black=4.1%, American Indian/Native American=3.3%, Asian=1.4%, and Native Hawaian/Pacific Islander=0.8%). Participants endorsed having at least one alcoholic beverage an average of 6.98 days in the last 28 days, (SD=4.34), an average of 3.36 episodes of binge drinking (SD=3.67) in the past 28 days, and a maximum of 5.74 (SD=3.19) drinks 13 consumed in one night in the last 28 days. Al procedures were approved by the university?s Institutional Review Board (IRB). Participants from this study were recruited through the Human Subject Pool Management System, SONA, and were compensated for their participation with extra credit in their psychology courses. Participants read an informed consent leter, which indicated that their completion of the measures implied that they were giving their informed consent. Participants then completed the measures described in the next section through an online portal. Measures General Information Questionnaire This measure asesed basic demographic information such as age, ethnicity, years of school completed, and Greek membership. This information is used for descriptive purposes. Daily Drinking Questionnaire (DDQ; Collins, Parks, & Marlat, 1985) The DDQ is a self-report calendar in which participants reported her drinking habits in the past calendar month including number of standard drinks consumed on a given day and maximum number of standard drinks consumed on a calendar day. To provide a beter understanding of a drinking episode, additional questions were added to the measure to beter ases type(s) of alcohol consumed, binge drinking episodes, and the weight of each participant. Rutgers Alcohol Problem Inventory (RAPI; White & Labouvie, 1989) The RAPI is a 23-item screening measure that was used to measure the consequences of alcohol use in the last 28 days. Respondents indicated on a likert scale ranging from 1(Never) to 4 (More than 10 times) the frequency of alcohol related consequences that occurred while using alcohol or because of alcohol use. Sample items include, ?Caused shame or embarrasment to 14 someone,? ?Neglected your responsibilities,? and ?Felt you had a problem with alcohol.? Scores can range from 0-92 with higher scores indicating more severe alcohol related problems. The RAPI has demonstrated good test-retest reliability (Miler et al., 2002) and discriminant and construct validity (White, Filstead, Labouvie, Conlin, & Pandina, 1988; White & Labouvie, 2000). Additionaly, the modified RAPI has shown adequate internal consistency among a college sample (r=.84; Correia, Carey & Borsari, 2002). In the current sample, Cronbach?s alpha was 0.89. Compensatory Eating Behaviors in Response to Alcohol Consumption Scale (CERBACS; (Rahal, Bryant, Darkes, Menzel, & Thompson, 2012) In order to ases compensatory behaviors including disordered eating and exercise prior to, during, and after alcohol consumption, the CERBACS was used. The CERBACS is a self- report measure that aseses engagement in compensatory behaviors in response to calories consumed from drinking alcohol. The questionnaire measures the presence of these behaviors at three specific time points: before, during, and after alcohol consumption. The scale asks respondents to rate items from 1(Never) to 5 (Almost al the time) that have occurred in the last month. Sample items include: skipping meals, diuretic use, eating low calorie foods, and exercising. The initial testing of the CEBRACS in a college sample yielded Cronbach?s alpha of .89 for the overal CEBRACS, and subscale alphas ranging from .79-.95 (Rahal et al., 2012). In the current sample, Cronbach?s alpha was .93 for the overal CEBRACS total, and subscale alphas ranged from .68-.95. Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ; (Cooper et al., 1987) 15 The BSQ was used to measure the concerns and felings about body shape, in particular, the experience of ?feling fat.? The BSQ is a 34-item self-report measure that uses a 6-point likert scale ranging from ?never? to ?always.? Higher scores indicate higher levels of body disatisfaction. Tests for concurrent validity with previously established body satisfaction scales including the Body Satisfaction subscale of the Body Disatisfaction Inventory and the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination indicated very high and moderately high correlations (Cooper, et al., 1987; Rosen, Jones, Ramirez, Waxman, 1996). Test-retest reliability for the BSQ was .88 (Rosen et al., 1996). In the present sample, Cronbach?s alpha was .97. Eating Atitudes Test-26 (EAT-26; (Garner & Garfinkel, 1979) In order to ases disordered eating behaviors in everyday life, the EAT-26 wil be used. This 26-item self-report measure of eating disorder symptomology was derived from the original EAT-40 (Garner & Garfinkel, 1979), and has proved to be a reliable substitute for the longer original measure. In the current sample, Cronbach?s alpha was .92. RESULTS Data Analysis Correlational Analyses A series of correlations were conducted to determine the relationship among the compensatory behaviors related to alcohol, and measures of alcohol consumption, alcohol related problems, disordered eating and body shape satisfaction. These correlations are presented on Table 2. Al four of the CEBRACS factors were positively correlated with one another. The CEBRACS total score and al four of the factors were correlated with the RAPI, and al but the bulimia factor were correlated with the DDQ Totals, suggesting that individuals who engage in compensatory behaviors in order to enhance the efects of alcohol or compensate for calories are 16 also consuming more alcohol and experiencing more alcohol related problems. The CEBRACS total score and al four factors were also positively correlated with the BSQ, which indicates that individuals who endorse poorer body image satisfaction, are more frequently engaging in behaviors in order to minimize alcohol calories consumed, or to fel the efects of alcohol faster. Regresion Analyses for CEBRACS, Alcohol Variables, and Body Image A series of hierarchical regresion analyses were conducted to determine if scores on the four CEBRACS scales (alcohol efects, bulimia, dietary restraint & exercise, & restriction) and CEBRACS total scores were predictive of scores on the RAPI and DDQ, respectively. In each of the 10 regresions, the CEBRACS factor or total score was entered as the first step, and the BSQ was entered as the second step. The interaction term consisting of the BSQ and the CEBRACS factor or total score was entered as the third and final step; the interaction terms were inserted to test the hypothesis that body shape satisfaction would moderate the relationship betwen the CEBRACS and measures of alcohol use and related problems. The results of the regresions are presented in Table 3-12 The first set of five regresions (Tables 3-7) employed RAPI scores as the dependent variable. In each case, the CEBRACS factor or total score acounted for a significant amount of variance (R 2 values= .09-.20). The addition of the BSQ also led to a smal but statisticaly significant increase in the amount of variance acounted for (R 2 ? = .01-.04). The interaction term was not significant and did not increase the amount of variance acounted for in any of the models, and therefore there was no evidence of moderation. The second set of five regresions (Tables 8-12) employed DDQ scores as the dependent variable. The CEBRACS factor or total score acounted for a significant amount of variance (R 2 values= .05-.16) in four out of five models; the bulimia factor did not acount for significant 17 variance in DDQ scores. The addition of the BSQ led to statisticaly significant increases in the amount of variance acounted for (R 2 ? values= .01-.04) in three out of the five models: bulimia, dietary restraint and exercise, and restriction. The addition of the BSQ did not acount for significant variance in the models including alcohol efects or the total CEBRACS score. The interaction term was not significant and did not increase the amount of variance acounted for in any of the models, and therefore there was no evidence of moderation. DISCUSION Previous research has indicated links betwen alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems and disordered eating, exercise, and body image satisfaction (Heidelberg & Correia, 2009; Barry & Piaza-Garndner, 2012;Vickers et al., 2004). Limited research is available, however, looking at specific alcohol-related behavior and practices that acount for these relationships. A recent measure, the CEBRACS, was designed by Rahal et al. 2012 to explore a set of specific compensatory behaviors in response to alcohol consumption. The current study was designed to ases the performance of this measure in a new sample. Furthermore, the present study aimed to look at the relationship betwen the CEBRACS factors and total scores and additional measures related to alcohol consumption and related problems, disordered eating symptomology, and body shape satisfaction. A final goal of the study was to explore body shape satisfaction as a potential moderator of the relationships betwen the CEBRACS total scores and factor scores, and measures of alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems. An analysis of bivariate correlates indicated that al of the factors of the CEBRACS (alcohol efects, bulimia, exercise and dietary restraint, and restriction) and the CEBRACS total score are positively correlated with the measures of alcohol consumption and related problems (DDQ, RAPI); the lone exception was the lack of a significant relationship betwen the bulimia 18 factor and the DDQ. These findings suggest that increased alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems is linked with greater compensatory behaviors in response to alcohol. These compensatory behaviors include engaging in behaviors to increase the efects of alcohol, dietary restraint and exercise, and restrictive eating behaviors. These findings confirmed our hypotheses, and have been demonstrated in previous literature. Prior findings suggest that alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems are linked with disordered eating including intentional caloric restriction (Krahn et al., 2005) as wel as increased exercise engagement (Moore & Werch, 2008.) Moreover, the findings that participants were engaging in compensatory behaviors in order to increase the efects of alcohol has also been confirmed in recent literature. Peralta (2002) found that individuals often times limit caloric intake because they can get drunk quicker. Similar findings in Burke et al. (2010) indicate that of the 14.2% of college students who knowingly restricted their caloric intake on days when they planned to drink alcohol, 39% did so to avoid weight gain, and 68% did so to increase the intoxicating efects of alcohol. Our findings suggest that students who engage in these specific behaviors are at increased risk of experiencing alcohol-related problems. In addition to the CEBRACS factors and total score being positively correlated with the drinking measures administered, the four factors and total score were also positively correlated with the measure of body shape satisfaction (BSQ) and the measure of eating disorder symptomology (EAT-26). These findings indicate that people with poorer body satisfaction and more disordered eating behaviors are more likely to engage in compensatory behaviors related to alcohol consumption than those with more positive views of their body and les severe disordered eating symptomology. The positive correlation betwen body shape satisfaction and these four factors and total score is paralel with other findings which suggest that binge drinking 19 is asociated with greater weight concerns (Vickers et al., 2004), and results indicating positive asociations betwen eating disorder symptoms, dieting frequency, exercise preoccupation, and body disatisfaction (Ackard, Croll, & Kearney-Cooke, 2002). There is limited literature available to suggest that poorer body satisfaction is correlated with binge drinking, as most focus is on the relationship betwen disordered eating and alcohol consumption. One study looking at the relationship betwen alcohol consumption and Body Dysmorphic Disorder, found that 29% of participants with Body Dysmorphic Disorder had co-occurring alcohol dependence (Grant, Menard, Pagano, Faye, & Philips, 2005). This may indicate a similar link betwen poor body shape satisfaction and alcohol consumption, but there is a need for research to beter understand the motivational components of the relationship betwen body shape satisfaction and alcohol consumption. As such, it is dificult to determine if poor body image satisfaction results in compensatory behaviors related to alcohol consumption in order to increase the efects of alcohol, a desire to maintain a certain body shape or weight, or as the result of some other motivation. Although the causality is undetermined, it is important to consider that women who experience more significant body image isues may be at higher risk for compensatory behaviors related to alcohol consumption, and vice versa. The findings that the EAT-26 was also asociated with higher CEBRACS scale and total scores is consistent with what would be expected as the EAT-26 is comprised of questions related to dietary restraint, bulimic-like behaviors, and restriction, al of which are factors within the CEBRACS. Furthermore, as mentioned previously, disordered eating has been linked to desires to increase intoxicating efects of alcohol (Burke et al., 2010). Inconsistent with our hypotheses was the finding that the CEBRACS?s bulimia factor was not significantly correlated with the DDQ, but was significantly correlated with the RAPI. These 20 results suggest that while college females who endorse bulimic-like behaviors in response to alcohol consumption are experiencing more alcohol related problems than their peers who are not engaging in bulimic-like behaviors, the number of drinks they consume in a typical wek is not significantly diferent. This finding is interesting as previous research from over 50 studies indicates that individuals with Bulimia are much more likely to have problematic alcohol use compared to individuals with Anorexia (Lilenfeld & Kaye, 1996), which would support a hypothetical relationship betwen the bulimia factor and typical alcohol consumption. However, evidence regarding the relationship betwen Bulimia and amount and frequency of alcohol use is mixed. Some findings indicate that individuals with Bulimia report increased alcohol consumption (Anderson, Simons, Martens, Ferrier, & Sheehy, 2006), while others suggest that their alcohol consumption does not difer from non-Bulimic individuals (Dunn, Larimer, & Neighbors, 2002). There are consistent findings, however, that suggest that Bulimic individuals are more likely to experience negative consequences of alcohol use when compared to individuals without symptoms of Bulimia (Anderson et al., 2006; Dunn et al., 2002; Ross & Ivis, 1999). Another possible explanation of the non-significant relationship betwen the CEBRACS bulimia factor and the DDQ may result from what the bulimia scale is actualy measuring. Although the questions on the factor target Bulimic-like symptoms, the questions do not directly capture a DSM-5 diagnosis of Bulimia. Therefore, it may not be that the relationship betwen Bulimia and the number of drinks consumed during a typical wek is insignificant, but rather that what is captured by the CEBRACS bulimia scale is not significantly related to the amount of alcohol consumed during a typical wek. The relationship betwen the bulimia factor and alcohol consumption was not reported in the original Rahal et al. 2012 article. This relationship should be explored further. 21 As expected based on the correlational analyses, a series of hierarchical regresion analyses revealed that the CEBRACS scores were predictive of the RAPI. When the BSQ was added into the model, it indicated that the BSQ added to the prediction of the RAPI scores. This suggests that body shape satisfaction is predictive of alcohol related problems even after acounting for the various CEBRACS factor scores. These findings indicate that poorer body satisfaction places an individual at risk for alcohol related problems. Although there is not currently research available looking at the relationship betwen body image and alcohol related problems, findings suggests that body shape satisfaction is correlated with binge drinking (Vickers et al.,2004 .), and binge drinking is correlated with alcohol related problems (Hingson et al., 2005). As such, it is necesary to further explore the relationship betwen body shape satisfaction and alcohol consumption and related problems. Consistent with correlational analyses, the alcohol efects, dietary restraint and exercise, and restriction factors, as wel as the CEBRACS total score, were predictive of the DQ. As previously found, the bulimia factor was not a significant predictor of the DDQ, and could suggest that the factor did not fully capture Bulimia or that bulimic like behaviors are not indicative of amount of alcohol consumed. When the BSQ was added into the model, it acounted for statisticaly significant increases in the amount of variance acounted for in the factors of bulimia, dietary restraint and exercise, and restriction. Alcohol efects and total CEBRACS scores were not afected when BSQ was added. One explanation for these findings is that the three factors predicted by the addition of the BSQ are al related to disordered eating behaviors that are used to make up for calories consumed in alcohol. The alcohol efects factor however, reflects behaviors designed to enhance the efects of alcohol. Thus, the motivations for the compensatory behaviors are diferent. While individuals endorsing alcohol efects are doing 22 so to maximize the efects of alcohol, individuals who endorse the other three factors are doing so to limit calories consumed from alcohol. Furthermore, the CEBRACS total score may not have been afected by the addition of the BSQ, because the alcohol afects factor acounts of a large part of the variance. There is evidence to suggest that individuals who engage in disordered eating have poorer body satisfaction (Farrel, Shafran, & Le, 2006), but there is no information regarding the relationship betwen the enhancement of alcohol efects and body shape satisfaction. The results of the interaction of body image satisfaction and the factors of the CEBRACS and total scores in predicting the DDQ and RAPI scores were insignificant. This suggests that the relationship betwen compensatory behaviors measured by the CEBRACS did not vary as a function of BSQ scores. These findings were inconsistent with our hypotheses that body image satisfaction would moderate the relationship betwen the CEBRACS factors and the DDQ and RAPI. As this is the first study to explore the relationship betwen body shape satisfaction and compensatory behaviors related to alcohol consumption, it is important to study this potential moderation in diferent populations. More specificaly, future studies should look at body shape satisfaction and compensatory behaviors in a population with more severe disordered eating, such as in a sample of females with a diagnosed eating disorder. In the present study, the findings that the interaction betwen body shape satisfaction and the factors of the CEBRACS are insignificant suggest that the factors of the CEBRACS are predictive of amount of alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems, regardles of an individual?s body image satisfaction. Moreover, the BSQ was predictive of RAPI and in some cases DDQ scores regardles of the participants? engagement in compensatory behaviors. Limitations/Future Directions 23 Despite important findings from the current study, we recognize that several limitations in the study confine the interpretation of the results. First, the sample consisted of primarily White/non-Hispanic female college students. Although this population is often considered to be at the highest risk for disordered eating and alcohol use, it is important to explore this relationship in a more diverse sample. Additionaly, the cross-sectional nature of the study did not alow us to explore any causal relationships. Future studies should examine the causality betwen disordered eating, exercise, alcohol use, and alcohol related problems, thus providing a beter etiological understanding of the relationship. A further limitation of the study is the use of only self-report measures through Web-based asesment. Although anonymity asociated with web-based asesment might alow participants to more honestly respond to questions, it is also a possibility that the privacy wil lend to inatentive participants. Additionaly, self-report may be influenced by intentional and unintentional biases in reporting. Future directions should include the use of the CEBRACS in more diverse samples across the country. Additionaly, future studies should explore the motivational components of engaging in disordered eating, exercise, and specific compensatory behaviors related to alcohol use. Thus far, drinking motives have been wel studied (Cooper, Frone, Russel, & Mudar, 1995), and provide a greater understanding of individual?s decision to consume alcohol. Not as thoroughly explored, however, are drinking motivations as they relate to disordered eating. One study aimed to explore drinking motives and eating pathology found that problematic eating behavior, particularly Bulimic-like behaviors, was most strongly asociated with the use of alcohol as an avoidant coping mechanism (Anderson et al., 2006). Further exploration of this relationship should be employed. Additionaly, exercise motivations should be examined in order to beter understand how exercise serves as a compensatory behavior to alcohol consumption, 24 rather than an alternative motivation such as overal health benefits or stres-reduction. Finaly, it is important to beter understand the driving forces behind caloric restriction related to alcohol consumption. Prior findings indicate the reasons of caloric are restriction are two-fold ? enhancing the efects of alcohol and limiting caloric intake (Peralta, 2002). More knowledge diferentiating betwen motivations including enhancing the efects of alcohol vs. limiting weight gain could be of great value in planning preventions and interventions. Clinical Implications Given the asociation of compensatory behaviors including disordered eating and exercise in response to alcohol consumption and the asociated alcohol related problems, and the general comorbidity betwen disordered eating and alcohol consumption, it is imperative that these findings be used to inform clinical decisions. Furthermore, the present data provides evidence that these behaviors are present in non-clinical populations. Modifications should be made to prevention, asesment, and interventions related to alcohol consumption and disordered eating. When educating at-risk populations about alcohol use or eating disorders, it is important to consider the co-occurrence when providing information. Similarly, when an individual presents with either eating or alcohol related problems, it is important to ases for potential comorbidity. It is especialy important that high school and university clinicians are aware of and addres this, as these populations are considered to be at most risk for co-occurring alcohol and disordered eating. As noted in previous findings, many universities in the United States offer services such as National Alcohol Screening Day and National Eating Disorders Screening Day, which identify students who are exhibiting symptoms of Alcohol Abuse or Eating Disorders, and encourages them to sek additional help. The present study and other results suggest that 25 disordered eating and alcohol consumption frequently co-occur, thus perhaps incorporating Eating Disorder screening questions at National Alcohol Screening Day, and Alcohol Abuse screening questions at National Eating Disorders Screening day would beter inform the clinician on the services necesary for the individual (Heidelberg & Correia, 2009). In addition to the need for screening measures that addres the comorbidity of these behaviors, it is also important to consider potential interventions. One possible intervention is the brief intervention, more specificaly, the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) (Dimef, Baer, Kivlahan, & Marlat, 1999). BASICS and similar programs aim to reduce alcohol consumption and promote healthy behaviors among college students, while taken a non-judgmental approach. Typicaly BASICS entails an initial interview in which the individual is asesed by the clinician, followed by a 50 -minute fedback sesion in which the clinician uses motivation interviewing and harm reduction principles, and the individual is provided important information about coping skils for risk reduction and personalized fedback. If additional appointments are needed, additional ?booster sesions? may be scheduled to follow up with the individual?s progres. Specificaly, individuals receive basic fedback about his or her drinking patern and risks, as wel as basic information about alcohol and its afect. Specific modules are offered depending on an individuals needs, such as information about sexual asault, comparisons of student drinking habits to college norms, and alcohol tolerance. The nature of the BASICS program is designed to addres the neds on an individual basis. 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Rest. & Ex 366 6 30 11.16 5.69 Restriction 365 2 10 2.80 1.46 Note: Total n=367; due to missing data on individual measures, actual data ranged from 363 to 366 DDQ Total: Daily Drinking Questionnaire, number of drinks per week RAPI Total: Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index EAT-26: Eating Attitudes Test BSQ: Body Shape Questionnaire CEBRACS Total: Compensatory Eating Behaviors Related to Alcohol Consumption Scale Alcohol Effects: Factor reflecting behaviors designed to enhance effects of alcohol Bulimia: Factor reflecting bulimic like behaviors Diet. Rest. & Ex: Factor reflecting dietary restraint and exercise Restriction: Factor reflecting extreme dietary restriction 34 Table 2 Intercorrelations and Correlations between CEBRACS Factors and Measures of Alcohol, Eating, and Exercise Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 CEBRACS Alcohol Effects Bulimia Diet. Rest. Restrict Total & Ex. Intercorrelations Among CEBRACS Factors Alcohol Effects .95 Bulimia .39** .84 Diet. Rest. & Ex. .54** .29** .90 Restriction .68** .46** .68** .68 CEBRACS Total .88** .53** .85** .83 .93 Correlations Between CEBRACS Factors and Other Variables DDQ Total .40** .07 .30** .22** .37** RAPI Total .45** .38** .30** .35** .46** EAT-26 .38** .34** .54** .60** .56** BSQ .39** .32** .39** .43** .47** Note: Total n=367; due to missing data on individual measures, actual data ranged from 362 to 366 Values on diagonals are internal consistencies, off-diagonal values are correlations between factors DDQ Total: Daily Drinking Questionnaire, number of drinks per week RAPI Total: Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index EAT-26: Eating Attitudes Test BSQ: Body Shape Questionnaire *p<.05 **p<.01 ***p<.001 35 BSQ .05 2.06 .04 Alch EfectsxBSQ -.00 -.050 .61 Note: N =365; Dependent Variable: RAPI *p<.001 Note: N =365; Dependent Variable: RAPI *p<.001 Table 3 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Alcohol Efects Factor R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step 1 Alch. Efects Step 2 Alch. Efects BSQ Step3 .20(.20*) .22(.022*) .22(.001) .59 .51 .04 9.52 7.66 3.17 <.001 <.001 .002 Alch. Efects .62 2.70 .007 Table 4 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Bulimia Factor R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step1 .14(.14*) Bulimia 1.55 7.69 <.001 Step 2 .18(.04*) Bulmia 1.27 6.12 <.001 BSQ .05 4.22 <.001 Step3 .18(.28) Bulimia 2.19 2.49 .013 BSQ .10 2.22 .027 BulimiaxBSQ -.01 -1.08 .283 36 Table 5 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Dietary Restraint & Exercise Factor R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step1 .09(.09*) Diet. Rest. & Ex. .43 6.05 <.001 Step2 .14(.04*) Diet. Rest. & Ex. .31 4.05 <.001 BSQ .06 4.23 <.001 Step3 .14 (.01) Diet. Rest. & Ex. -.12 -.49 .628 BSQ .02 .57 .571 DietRestxBSQ .00 1.85 .065 Note: N =365; Dependent Variable: RAPI *p<.001 Table 6 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Restriction Factor R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step 1 .12 (.12*) Restriction 1.93 7.05 <.001 Step 2 .15(.03*) Restriction 1.46 4.91 <.001 BSQ .05 3.65 <.001 Step 3 .15(.00) Restriction 1.76 1.50 .153 BSQ .06 2.01 .045 RestrictionxBSQ -.00 -.26 .795 Note: N =364; Dependent Variable: RAPI *p<.001 37 Table 7 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Alcohol Related Problems in Drinkers with CEBRACS Total Score R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step 1 .21(.21*) CebTot .30 9.80 <.001 Step 2 .22(.01*) CebTot .26 7.63 <.001 BSQ .03 2.31 .022 Step 3 .22(.00) CebTot .26 2.28 .023 BSQ .03 .99 .324 CebTotxBSQ .00 -.00 .998 Note: N =364; Dependent Variable: RAPI *p<.001 Table 8 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns with CEBRACS Alcohol Efects Factor R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step 1 .16(.16*) Alch. Efects .50 8.26 <.001 Step 2 .16(.00) Alch. Efects .47 7.14 <.001 BSQ .02 1.21 .226 Step 3 .16(.51) Alch. Efects .61 2.70 .007 BSQ .03 1.12 .237 Alch.EfectsxBSQ -.00 -.15 .514 Note: N =361; Dependent Variable: DDQ *p<.001 38 Table 9 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns with CEBRACS Bulimia Factor R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step 1 .01(.01) Bulimia .29 1.41 .161 Step 2 .44(.04*) Bulimia .03 .15 .879 BSQ .05 3.81 <.001 Step 3 .44(.00) Bulimia .17 .19 .852 BSQ .06 1.22 .224 BulimiaxBSQ -.00 -.16 .877 Note: N =361; Dependent Variable: DDQ *p<.001 Table 10 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns with CEBRACS Dietary Restraint & Exercise Factor R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step 1 .09(.09*) Diet. Rest.& Ex. .40 5.86 <.001 Step 2 .10(.01**) Diet. Rest.& Ex. .34 4.62 <.001 BSQ .26 2.05 .041 Step 3 .10 (.00) Diet. Rest. & Ex. .07 .32 .752 BSQ .00 .01 .990 Diet.Rest.xBSQ .00 1.20 .232 Note: N =361; Dependent Variable: DDQ *p<.001 **p<.05 39 Table 11 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns with CEBRACS Restriction Factor R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step 1 .05(.05*) Restriction 1.14 4.22 <.001 Step 2 .06(.02***) Restriction .82 2.74 .006 BSQ .03 2.51 .012 Step 3 .06(.00) Restriction .41 .35 .726 BSQ .03 .92 .356 RestrictionxBSQ .00 .36 .721 Note: N =361; Dependent Variable: DDQ *p<.001 **p<.05 ***p<.01 Table 12 Hierarchical Linear Regresion Predicting Drinking Paterns with CEBRACS Total Score R 2 (R 2 Change) ? t p Step 1 .14(.14*) CebTot .23 7.50 <.001 Step 2 .14(.00) CebTot .21 6.22 <.001 BSQ .01 .89 .393 Step 3 .14(.00) CebTot .28 2.40 .017 BSQ .03 .88 .378 CebTotxBSQ -.00 -.57 .567 Note: N =361; Dependent Variable: DDQ *p<.001 **p<.05 ***p<.01