E cient Numerical Algorithms for Solving Nonlinear Filtering Problems by Feng Bao A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial ful llment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama August 2, 2014 Keywords: Nonlinear lter, Bayesian theory, implicit lter, Zakai lter, sparse grid, backward doubly stochastic di erential equation, It^o-Taylor expansion Copyright 2014 by Feng Bao Approved by Yanzhao Cao, Chair, Professor of Mathematics Amnon Meir, Co-Chair, Professor of Mathematics Paul Schimdt, Professor of Mathematics Erkan Nane, Professor of Mathematics Jianjun Dong, Professor of Physics Abstract Examples of nonlinear ltering problems arise in biology, mathematical nance, signal processing, image processing, target tracking and many engineering applications. Commonly used numerical simulation methods are the Bayesian lter which is derived from the Bayesian formula and the Zakai lter which is related to a system of stochastic partial di erential equation known as \the Zakai equation". This dissertation mainly focuses on developing and analysing novel, e cient numerical algorithms for solving nonlinear ltering problems. We rst introduce a novel numerical algorithm which lies in the general framework on the Bayesian lter. The algorithm is constructed based on samples of the current state obtained by solving the state equation implicitly. We call this algorithm the \implicit lter method". Rigorous analysis has been done to prove the convergence of the algorithm. Through numerical experiments we show that our algorithm is more accurate than the Kalman lter and more stable than the particle lter. In the second e ort of this work, we propose a hybrid numerical algorithm for the Zakai lter to solve nonlinear ltering problems e ciently. The algorithm combines the splitting- up nite di erence scheme and hierarchical sparse grid method to solve moderately high dimensional nonlinear ltering problems. When applying hierarchical sparse grid method to approximate bell-shaped solutions in most applications of nonlinear ltering problem, we introduce a logarithmic approximation to reduce the approximation errors. Some space adaptive methods are also introduced to make the algorithm more e cient. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the performance and e ciency of our algorithm. ii In this dissertation, we also develop high order numerical approximation methods for backward doubly stochastic di erential equations (BDSDEs). One of the most importan- t properties of BDSDEs is it?s equivalence to the Zakai equation. In this connection, our numerical approximation methods for BDSDEs can be considered as e cient numerical ap- proaches to solving nonlinear ltering problems. The convergence order is proved through rigorous error analysis for each algorithm. Numerical experiments are carried out to verify the theoretical results and to demonstrate the e ciency of the proposed numerical scheme. iii Acknowledgments This dissertation would never have been possible without the guidance of my committee memebers, help from friends, and support from my family and wife. Foremost, I am heartily thankful to my advisors, Dr. Yanzhao Cao and Dr. Amnon J. Meir. Through my ve-year study at Auburn University, they provided excellent teaching, great company, and a signi cant amount of new ideas. I must also thank Dr. Yanzhao Cao who encouraged me to step in the deep ocean of the stochastic lter, for his unconditional support and the full con dence he always o ered. I would like to thank my committee members for their helpful comments to my disserta- tion. I would also like to thank all the collaborators who always willing to help and give their best suggestions. Besides, I am very grateful to Dr. Weidong Zhao who gives great ideas in my research of numerical methods for backward doubly stochastic di erential equations. Finally, I would like to express my deepest grateful to my beloved wife Ye and my parents for their constant support. Without them, this dissertation would have hardly been possible. iv Table of Contents Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Nonlinear Filtering problems and Existing Numerical Approaches . . . . . . . . 6 2.1 Mathematical Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Nonlinear Filtering Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3 Bayesian Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.3.1 Extended Kalman Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.3.2 Particle lter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.4 Zakai Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 An Implicit Algorithm of Solving Nonlinear Filtering Problems . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1 Methodology and the implicit lter algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1.1 Bayesian Optimal Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.1.2 An inverse algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2 Weak Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.3 Numerical experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4 A Hybrid Sparse Grid Approach for Nonlinear Filtering Problems Based on Adaptive-Domain of the Zakai Equation Approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.1 Nonlinear Filtering Problems and Zakai Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.2 Hierarchical Local Sparse Grid Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.2.1 Standard hierarchical sparse grid ipnterpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 v 4.2.2 Hierarchical sparse grid approximation of bell-shaped cpurves . . . . 43 4.3 Hybrid Approach for Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Filtering Problem. 45 4.3.1 Adaptive selection of solution domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4.3.2 Spliting-up nite di erence method on sparse grid . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.4 Numerical Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5 Numerical Algorithms for Backward Doubly Stochastic Di erential Equations and it?s Applications to Nonlinear Filtering Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 5.1 FBDSDEs and SPDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 5.2 Half Order Numerical Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.2.1 Numerical algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 5.2.2 Error Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5.2.3 Numerical experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.3 First Order Numerical Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5.3.1 Variational Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5.3.2 Reference equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.3.3 Numerical scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 5.3.4 Error Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 5.3.5 Fully discrete scheme and its error estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 5.3.6 Numerical experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 6 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 vi List of Figures 3.1 Original Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.2 Extended Kalman Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.3 Particle Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.4 implicit Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.5 Target Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.6 Comparison result for the observation angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.7 Simulation result of EKF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.8 Comparison result between Particle Filter and implicit Algorithm . . . . . . . . 37 4.1 The interpolation error for regular sparse grid approximation up to 5 dimensions. 44 4.2 The interpolation error for logarithmic sparse grid approximation up to 5 dimen- sions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.3 (a) is the x1x2-marginal surface of U with x3 = x4 = 0 while (b) is its interpolate approximation obtained by applying the regular sparse grid approximation to function U. We can see from the Figure that the approximation is quite poor and signi cant oscillations occur at the bottom of the surface. On the other hand, from (d) one can see that the logarithmic interpolation approximation described above is far more accurate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 vii 4.4 Target Trajectory and Adaptive Solution Domain. The red curve shows the real target state. The blue points are actual states of the target and the blue boxes are the corresponding solution domains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.5 Target state PDF at time step: (a) n=1; (b) n=50; (c)=80; in the corresponding solution domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 4.6 2D nonlinear ltering problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4.7 Marginal distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4.8 Sparse grid Zakai lter estimate of posterior mean with 95% probability region . (a) Estimate of posterior mean and 95% probability region: X-coordinate (b) Estimate of posterior mean and 95% probability region: Y-coordinate . . . . . . 57 4.9 Bearing-only tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 4.10 Comparison of estimated mean of the target state between particle lter and sparse grid Zakai lter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4.11 Sparse grid Zakai lter estimate of posterior mean with 95% probability region. (a) Estimate of posterior mean of the location x and 95% probability region. (b) Estimate of posterior mean of the location y and 95% probability region. (c) Estimate of posterior mean of the velocity u and 95% probability region. (d) Estimate of posterior mean of the velocity v and 95% probability region . . . . 60 4.12 Marginal distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5.1 Example 1: Convergence comparison between the direct nite di erence scheme and our scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 5.2 Example 2: Convergence comparison between the approximations of y and z . . 89 viii 5.3 Target tracking by using one detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 5.4 Tracking Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 5.5 Probability Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 ix List of Tables 4.1 Comparison of computing costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.2 Comparison of computing costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5.1 Example 1 of Section 6.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 5.2 Example 2 of Section 6.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 5.3 Example 1 of Section 6.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 x Chapter 1 Introduction Stochastic ltering theory was rst established in the early 1940s due to the pioneering work by Norbert Wiener [79, 80] and Andrey N. Kolmogorov [46]. The goal of data assimila- tion of the stochastic ltering problem is to obtain good estimates of the state of a stochastic dynamic system model based on noisy partial observations. Examples of stochastic ltering problems arise in biology [4], mathematical nance [11, 31, 37, 69], signal processing [2, 3, 74], image processing [12, 71, 91], target tracking [13, 20, 26, 29, 62, 85] and many engineering applications. The major breakthrough of the classic ltering problem was the landmark work of Kalman and Bucy in 1960s [45], and subsequent Kalman-Bucy lter in 1961. Most people now call this type of lter theory \Kalman lter"( see also [28, 40, 49, 56, 57, 66, 72, 77] ). For decades, Kalman lter has been one of the dominant tools in solving ltering prob- lems. According to the Kalman lter, under standard assumption of linearity and Gaussinity of the noise, the conditional distribution of the state, given the observations, is Gaussian. This conditional distribution gives the best estimate of the statistical description of the state of the system based on all the available observation information up to the current time. The power of Kalman lter lies in it?s simplicity and accuracy. Largely because of the success of Kalman lters, linear and nonlinear lters have been applied in the various engineering and scienti c areas, including communications such as positioning in wireless networks, signal processing such as tracking and navigation, economics and business, and many others. In most of the practical application problems, however, linearity assumption is not valid because of the nonlinearity in the model speci cation process as well as the observation process. For example, in typical atmospheric data assimilation problems, the dynamic system 1 is described by a rather complex system of equations, which is highly nonlinear. In bearing- only tracking problems, depending on how the measurements are obtained, the observation could also have a nonlinear relation with the state process. Numerous nonlinear ltering methods have been proposed and developed to overcome the linearity limitation of Kalman lter. Two of the widely used methods for nonlinear ltering problems are the Bayesian lter and Zakai lter. The Bayesian lter is based on the Baysian theory. It is originally discovered by the British researcher Thomas Bayes in 1763. The most well-known Bayesian lter methods include the extended Kalman lter (EKF) and Particle Filter method (PFM). For the EKF, the state equation and the observation equation are linearized so that the standard Kalman lter can be applied [7, 14, 27, 33, 42, 43, 44, 47, 63, 73]. The central theme behind the PFM involves the representation of the desired probability density function (PDF) of the system state with a set of adaptively selected random samples [15, 18, 21, 24, 38, 59, 58, 65, 76, 78]. Since PFMs are essentially sequential Monte Carlo methods, with su ciently large number of samples, PFMs can provide an accurate representation of the PDF for the nonlinear ltering solution. While the aforementioned methods have been remarkably successful in attacking the nonlinear ltering problem, each of them has its drawbacks and limitations. For instance, when the state equation describing the signal process and the observation equation are highly non-linear, the EKF can give particularly poor performance. PFM has a number of advan- tages over EFK, including its ability to represent arbitrary densities, adaptively focus on the most probable regions of state-space. However, it also has a number of disadvantages, including high computational complexity, degeneracy for long period simulation and its di - culty of determining optimal number of particles. The rst e ort of this work is to construct a new algorithm for numerical simulations of nonlinear ltering problems using the Bayesian ltering theory. For each time recursive step, we have two stages: the prediction state and the update stage. The prediction stage gives the estimation for the prior PDF of the future state based on the currently available observation information while update stage gives the 2 posterior PDF from the updated observation information and the the result obtained in the prediction stage. However, instead of attempting to search for a representation of the PDF as in PFM, we approximate the PDF as a function over a grid in state space. Speci cally, at the prediction stage, we attempt to seek the predicted pdf of the future state variable through a Monte Carlo method by evaluating the conditional expectation of the future state with respect to the current stage. Since the sample points for the current state is computed by solving the state equation implicitly, we name our method as an \implicit lter method". The following two items summarize the novelty of our approach. (i) We propose an accurate implicit scheme for prediction purpose. The implicit scheme has stabilizing e ect on the proposed numerical algorithm. This is veri ed in our numerical experiments. (ii) Based on the Bayesian theory, we apply a novel Monte-Carlo like method to approxi- mate the conditional expectation in the update stage to compute the prior PDF. The Zakai lter represents the PDF of the nonlinear ltering solution through the solu- tion of a parabolic-type stochastic partial di erential equation, known as the Zakai equation [82]. Similar to the PFM, the Zakai lter allows one to accurately compute conditional dis- tributions. A number of numerical algorithms have been proposed to solve Zakai equations [1, 10, 22, 23, 30, 32, 36, 39, 67, 75, 85]. One of the most e ective methods is the splitting-up approximation scheme [10, 30, 85] where the original Zakai equation is split into a second order deterministic PDE, related with the prediction step, and a degenerated second order stochastic PDE in the update step. In the numerical simulation process, a prior PDF is obtained by solving the deterministic PDE at the prediction; then this prior PDF is updated following a posteriori criterion. The main drawback of the Zakai lter is that the numerical approximation is grid based, thus it su ers the so-called \curse of dimensionality" since the computing cost increases exponentially as the dimension of the system increases. Another di culty related to solutions of the Zakai equation is that the domain is the whole space 3 Rd. To address these challenges, we propose the construction of an e cient hybrid numer- ical algorithm which combines the advantages of the splitting-up approximation scheme for the Zakai equation, a hierarchical sparse grid method [41, 50, 55, 68, 70, 81, 83, 84] for moderately high dimensional nonlinear ltering problems to compute the numerical solution of the Zakai lter, and an importance sampling method to adaptively construct a bounded domain at each time step of the temporal discretization. Speci cally, this enables us to use the splitting-up nite di erence scheme to solve the Zakai equation on the sparse grid of the bounded domain. The hierarchical sparse grid method, which was originally created to approximate multi-variable functions, uses only O(n(logn)d 1) number of grid points instead of O(nd) number of grid points, required by the standard full-grid approximation. Backward doubly stochastic di erential Equations (BDSDEs) were introduced as Feynman- Kac type probabilistic representations of semi-linear parabolic stochastic partial di erential equations (SPDEs), which are generalized Zakai equations [61]. In this connection, numerical approximation methods for simulating solutions of BDSDEs are also numerical approxima- tion methods for solving Zakai type equations. Thus it can be considered as alternative numerical approaches for nonlinear ltering problems. In this work, we propose e cient numerical algorithms for approximating solutions of BDSDEs. Several e ective numerical approaches for backward stochastic di erential equations ( BSDEs ) and forward backward stochastic di erential equations ( FBSDEs ) have been proposed in the last decade, including primary schemes for BSDEs ([5, 19, 52, 86]), the four-step scheme for FBSDEs [9, 53, 54, 51]), and the -scheme with high convergence rate for BSDEs ([87, 88, 89, 90]). In comparison, e cient high order numerical algorithms for BDSDEs are not well developed. Obviously solving BDSDEs numerically is more di cult than solving SDEs and BSDEs as they contain two Brownian motions. In this work, we rst construct a half order algorithm using the simple Euler method. It is much more involved to construct higher order algorithms. The bottle neck is the di culty in approximating the forward and backward It^o integrals with high order quadratures. To tackle this di culty, we propose to use an It^o-Taylor formula 4 for two-sided stochastic integrals [60, 61] in order to obtain a higher order quadrature for the backward It^o integral; for the forward stochastic integral, we propose to use the varia- tional equations for BDSDEs [61] to derive high order quadrature rule. It is worth noting that although our focus is the on construction of a rst order algorithm, the methodology developed in this work can be used to obtain even higher order algorithms. The outline of this work is as follows. In Chapter 2, we give a brief overview of the prob- ability theory that will be used throughout the rest of the chapters. We will also introduce the mathematical de nition of the nonlinear ltering problems and some existing numerical approximation methods for nonlinear ltering problems. In Chapter 3, we present our novel \implicit lter algorithm" for nonlinear ltering problems. We also give convergence analysis which shows weak convergence of our algorithm. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our algorithm is more accurate than the Kalman lter and more stable than the particle l- ter. In Chapter 4, we construct a hybrid nite di erence algorithm for the Zakai equation to solve nonlinear ltering problems. The algorithm combines the splitting-up nite di erence scheme and hierarchical sparse grid method to solve moderately high dimensional nonlinear ltering problems. A space adaptive method is introduced to make the algorithm more e - cient. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the performance and e ciency of our algorithm. In Chapter 5, we focus on numerical algorithms of BDSDEs, which can be considered as an alternative numerical approach for nonlinear ltering problems. We rst introduce a half order convergence algorithm based on Euler approximation for stochastic integrals. Then, we develop a rst order convergence scheme by using two-sided It^o Taylor expansion. For each algorithm, we give rigorous error analysis and numerical experiments to verify the convergence rates of our algorithms. 5 Chapter 2 Nonlinear Filtering problems and Existing Numerical Approaches In this Chapter, we rst give some de nitions from general probability theory. Then, we introduce the mathematical formulations of nonlinear ltering problems and some of the most well-known numerical schemes that have been studied in the literature. There are mainly two numerical approaches to solve the nonlinear ltering problem. One is the Bayesian lter, which is based on the Bayes rule; the other is the Zakai lter, which is based on the Zakai equation, a stochastic evolution equation. 2.1 Mathematical Preliminaries De nition 1 If is a given set, then a -algebra F on is a family F of subsets of with the following properties: (i) ;2F (ii) F 2F)FC 2F, where FC = nF is complement of F in (iii) A1;A2; 2F)A := S1i=1Ai2F. The pair ( ;F) is called a measurable space. A probability measure P on a measurable space ( ;F) is a function P :F![0;1] such that (a) P(;) = 0, P( ) = 1 (b) if A1;A2; 2F and fAig1i=1 is disjoint (i. e. Ai\Aj =; if i6= j) then P 1[ i=1 Ai ! = 1X i=1 P(Ai): 6 The triple ( ;F;P) is called a probability space.p Given any family U of subsets of there is a smallest -algebra HU containing U, namely HU =\fH;H -algebra of ; U Hg: We call HU the -algebra generated by U. If ( ;F;P) is a given probability space, then a function f : ! Rn is called F- measurable if f 1(U) :=f!2 ; f(!)2Ug2F for all open sets U2Rn. If X : !Rn is any function, then the -algebra HX generated by X is the smallest -algebra on containing all sets X 1(U); U Rn open: De nition 2 A random variable X is an F-measurable function X : ! Rn. Every random variable induces a probability measure X on Rn de ned by X(B) = P(X 1(B)): X is called the distribution of X. If R jX(!)jdP(!) <1 then the number E[X] := Z X(!)dP(!) = Z Rn xd X(x) is called the expectation of X (w.r.t. P). De nition 3 A stochastic process is a parameterized collection of random variables fXtgt2T de ned on a probability space ( ;F;P) and assuming values in Rn. 7 Next, we introduce a general form of the stochastic di erential equations. First, we need the following de nition of Brownian motion De nition 4 Brownian motion (or Wienner process) Bt starting at x is a stochastic process satisfying the following properties (i) B0 = x (ii) Bt is almost surely continuous (iii) Bt has independent increments (iv) Bt Bs N(0;t s) (for 0 s t ) N( ; 2) denotes the normal distribution with mean value and variance 2. To proceed, we show how to de ne the It^o integral RTS f(t;!)dBt(!). A function is called elementary if it has the form (t;!) = X j ej(!) X[tj;tj+1)(t): For elementary function , we de ne the It^o integral by Z T S (t;!)dBt(!) = X j 0 ej(!)[Btj+1 Btj](!): Then we de ne the It^o integral as follows De nition 5 Let f be a measurable function. Then the It^o integral of f (from S to T) is de ned by Z T S f(t;!)dBt(!) = limn!1 Z T S n(t;!)dBt(!) where f ng is a sequence of elementary functions such that E[ Z T S (f(t;!) n(t;!))2dt]!0 as n!1: 8 With the de nition of It^o integral, a general form of stochastic di erential equation is given by dXt = b(Xt)dt+ (Xt)dBt; X0 = x; where Xt is the solution of the stochastic di erential equation. 2.2 Nonlinear Filtering Problems Now, let us consider the following generic stochastic ltering problem in a dynamic state-space form Xt dt = f(t;Xt; _Wt) (2.1) Yt dt = g(t;Xt; _Bt): (2.2) Equations (2.1) and (2.2) are called signal state equation and measurement equation (or observation equation), respectively; Xt represents the state vector, Yt is the measurement vector; f : Rnx ! Rnx and g : RNx ! RNy are two vector valued functions, which are potentially time-varying; Wt and Bt are two independent Wienner processes, with covariance I and R, respectively, which represent process noise and measurement noise, respectively. When f and g are both linear functions, the ltering problem (2.1)-(2.2) is called the linear ltering problem, otherwise, it?s called the nonlinear ltering problem. In many applications, the noise can be assumed to be additive and (2.1)-(2.2) become dXt = b(Xt)dt+ (Xt)dWt (2.3) dYt = h(Xt)dt+dBt; (2.4) where, b : Rnx ! Rnx and h : RNx ! RNy are two vector valued functions, which are potentially time-varying, and : Rnx !Rnx nw is a matrix valued function. 9 The main purpose of numerical simulations of a ltering process is to obtain, recursively in time, the best estimate for the probability density function (pdf) of the state Xt based on observations up until time t, i.e.fYs : 0 s tg. This can be expressed as nding stochastic process ~Xt such that ~Xt = E[(XtjYt)] = inffE[jX Yj2];Y 2Kg where Yt is the -algebra generated by the observation process up to t, and K is the space of all Yt-measurable and square integrable random variables. In typical applications, observations are available only at a discrete sequence of time instants. We assume that the observations are collected at time instants t;2 t; , where t is a given time stepsize. Then denoting Yn := Y(n t) Y((n 1) t); we have Yn = Z n t (n 1) t h(Xs)ds+Bn t B(n 1) t h(Xn t) t+ n; where n is an i.i.d. sequence of standard Gaussian variables and := pR t. Denoting h(x) t by g(x), we rewrite a discrete analog of the observation equation (2.4) as follows. Yn = g(Xn t) + n; n 1: (2.5) Alternatively, one can consider (2.5) as the original underlying observation model and not a discrete approximation to (2.4). 10 2.3 Bayesian Filters We rst review the extended Kalman lter (EKF), the most commonly used numerical approach for solving the nonlinear lter. Then, we discuss a popular class of approximation methods, the particle lter. 2.3.1 Extended Kalman Filter The basic idea of EKF is to linearize the nonlinear functions in both the state equation and observation equation and as a result approximate the conditional distribution Pn by a normal distribution with parameters ( n; n). Given the approximation P n 1 to Pn 1 as a normal distribution with mean n 1 and covariance n 1. The approximation P n to Pn is obtained by the following two steps. Prediction step. Let fx (t);t 0g be the trajectory about which linearization is performed. Typically, the trajectory x is chosen as the solution of the deterministic ODE _xt = b(xt) with initial condition n 1. We denote Xt := Xt x (t). Then, the linearized dynamic signal state is given as _Xt = [@f@x]x=x Xt + (x (t))dBt: The prediction step of the standard continuous time Kalman lter is then applied with this linearized state model to give the approximation ^P n to ^Pn via a normal distribution with parameters (^ n;^ n). Update step. Similar to the state model, the observation model (2.5) is also linearized and is given as follows. Yn g(^ n) = [@g@x]x= ^mn(Xtn ^mn) + n 11 The update step of the usual Kalman lter [45] is used with this linearized observation model to obtain P n as a normal distribution with parameter n; n. 2.3.2 Particle lter The particle lter, also known as sequential Monte-Carlo method is a recursive Bayesian lter based on the idea of approximating expected values by suitable Monte-Carlo sample averages. It is also called bootstrap lter, due to Gordon, Salmond and Smith [38]. The basic idea of the particle lter is as follows. The state space is partitioned into subregions, in which some random samples, called particles, are lled according to some probability measure. The higher the probability of a subregion, the denser the particles are concentrated. Since the pdf can be approximated by the point-mass histogram, by random sampling of the state space, we get a number of particles representing the pdf. To be more speci c, the approximation P n to Pn is given by a discrete probability measure supported on random points x(n)1 ; ;x(n)L and corresponding weights p(n)1 ; ;p(n)L . Here, fx(n)l gl=1; ;L are called particles and L represents the number of particles that are used to approximate the distribution Pn. Given the approximation P n to Pn by the discrete probability measuref(x(n 1)1 ;p((n 1))1 ); (x(n 1)L ;p((n 1))L )gthe two key steps of the algorithm are as follows. Prediction step. Propagate each of the particles according to the state equation, i.e. x(n 1)j ! ^x(n)j . This requires simulating the SDE (2.3) with initial condition x(n 1)j by some discretization scheme. For example, we can use Euler scheme to get ^x(n)j = x(n 1)j +b(x(n 1)j ) t+ (x(n 1)j )p t n 1; wheref ngn=0;1;2;::: is an i.i.d sequence of standard Gaussian random variables. This gives an approximation ^P n to ^Pn as the discrete probability distribution f(^x(n)1 ; ^p(n)1 ); (^x(n)L ; ^p(n)L )g where we set ^p(n)j := p(n 1)j . 12 Update step. Update the weights ^p(n)j !p(n)j using the observation Yn by setting p(n)j = c^p(n)j R(^x(n)j ;Yn); where c is a normalization constant and R(^x(n)j ;Yn) := exp(g(^x (n) j )Yn 1 2jg(^x (n) j )j 2 2 ): The approximation P n is now given as f(x(n)1 ;p(n)1 ); (x(n)L ;p(n)L )g where we set x(n)j := ^x(n)j . Although the scheme is very easy to implement, it su ers from several degeneracy problems, especially in high dimensions. The main di culty is that after a few time steps all the weights tend to concentrate on a very few particles which drastically reduces the e ective sample size. A common remedy for this problem is to re-sample all the particles in order to rejuvenate the particle cloud. 2.4 Zakai Filter An alternative approach to the computation of the nonlinear lter is by developing an evolution equation for the conditional pdf p(t;Xt) := p(XtjYt) (see [82]). To be more speci c, under suitable regularity conditions one can show that the conditional pdf p(t;x) is the unique solution of the following stochastic partial di erential equation (SPDE): dp(t;x) = L p(t;x)dt+h(x)p(t;x)dYt; (2.6) where L is the in nitesimal generator of the state equation Xt and L is the adjoint of L. The above SPDE is also called the Zakai equation. The Zakai equation gives a recursive way for evaluating p(t;x). Several works [10, 23, 30, 36, 85] have been done to develop suitable time and space discretization schemes for the Zakai equation for the purpose of obtaining 13 numerical approximations for the nonlinear lter. This type of approximation methods are called \the Zakai lters". 14 Chapter 3 An Implicit Algorithm of Solving Nonlinear Filtering Problems In this Chapter, we consider the following state and observation equations in the dy- namic state-space form: dXt dt = f(t;Xt;Wt) (3.1) Yt = g(t;Xt;Vt) (3.2) where Xt 2Rnx denotes the state vector, Yt 2Rny denotes the measurement vector, Wt 2 Rnw is a random vector representing the uncertainties in the model, and Vt 2Rnv denotes the random measurement error. In many applications, the noise from measurement can be assumed to be additive, and the problem can be formulated in a discrete manner as Xt+1 = ft(Xt;Wt) (3.3) Yt = gt(Xt) +Vt; (3.4) where fWtgt2N2Rnw and fVtgt2Nnf0g2Rnv are mutually independent white noises and the subscript t indexes the discrete time level at which the functions are evaluated. In data assimilation, the observation Yt arrives sequentially in time and the goal is to estimate the state vector Xt given the information of fYs; 0 0, there exists N0, such that j n(z) (z)j<" for all z2B and n>N0. 19 n converges to 2P(B) weakly and write limn!1 n ?= if limn!1h n;?i=h ;?i; 8?2Cb(B); where Cb(B) is the set of all continuous bounded functions on B. We will prove the weak convergence of (xtjIt) top(xtjIt), i.e., the convergence ofh (xtjIt);?i to hp(xtjIt);?i. To guarantee that the Bayes? formula in (3.7) is well de ned and can be ful lled in our algorithm, we make the following standing assumptions: (A1) For given It, the denominator in (3.7) (normalization constants) satis es Z B p(ytjxt)p(xtjIt 1)dxt > > 0 (A2) The conditional kernel densitiesp(xtjxt 1) andp(ytjxt) are uniformly continuous, bound- ed and strictly positive, i.e., given It; 0 0 such that @@xf 1t < , then sM at( M;N)2PC(B) and sM at( M)2 PU(B). Proof. For any x2B, by the de nition of sM and at we have sM at( M;N)(x) = 1M MX j=1 M;N x(x;j)t 1 and sM at( M)(x) = 1M MX j=1 M x(x;j)t 1 : 24 Since limN!1 M;N= M for each M2N, given any "> 0, there exists N0, such that for all z2B, j M;N(z) M(z)j<" for each M2N. Therefore, for all x2B, sM a t( M;N)(x) sM at( M)(x) = 1 M MX j=1 M;N x(x;j)t 1 M x(x;j)t 1 1M MX j=1 M;N x(x;j)t 1 M x(x;j)t 1 < 1M MX j=1 " = ": This proves that limN!1sM at( M;N)=sM at( M) for all M2N. We next prove that sM at( M;N) 2PC(B). In fact, for any " > 0 and z0 2B, since M;N 2PC(B), there exists > 0 such that when jz z0j< , j M;N(z) M;N(z0)j<": Fix arbitrary x0 2B, for any x2Bsatisfyingjx x0j< = , using that ft(x(x;j)t 1 ;w(j)t 1) = x and ft(x(x0;j)t 1 ;w(j)t 1) = x0 we have x(x;j)t 1 x(x0;j)t 1 =jf 1t (x;w(j)t 1) f 1t (x0;w(j)t 1)j @ @xf 1 t jx x0j< ; and thus sM a t( M;N)(x) sM at( M;N)(x0) 1 M MX j=1 M;N x(x;j)t 1 M;N x(x0;j)t 1 <": It remains to show that sM at( M)2PU(B). In fact, given any x1;x2 2B, sM at( M)(x1) sM at( M)(x2) = 1M MX j=1 M x(x1;j)t 1 M x(x2;j)t 1 : 25 For any " > 0, from the uniformly continuity of M, there exists > 0, such that for any z1;z2 2B with jz1 z2j< , j M(z1) M(z2)j<". Let ~ = , then jx1 x2j< ~ implies that x(x1;j)t 1 x(x2;j)t 1 = f 1t (x1;w(j)t 1) f 1t (x2;w(j)t 1) @ @x(f 1 t ) jx1 x2j< : Hence sM a t( M)(x1) sM at( M)(x2) = 1M MX j=1 M x(x1;j)t 1 M x(x2;j)t 1 <": The proof is complete. Lemma 3 For f M;Ng1M;N=1 2PC(B) and M 2PU(B) with limN!1 M;N= M for each M2N, it holds that lim N!1 TN( M;N)= M; 8M2M: (3.24) Proof. For any xt2B, TN( M;N)(xt) M(xt) TN( M;N)(xt) TN( M)(xt) + TN( M)(xt) M(xt) : (3.25) Since limN!1 M;N= M, for any " > 0, there exists N1 = N1(M) > 0 such that when N >N1, j M;N(xt) M(xt)j< "2: Thus because of the linearity of TN we have TN( M;N)(xt) TN( M)(xt) = TN( M;N M)(xt) < " 2: (3.26) For the second term on the right hand side of inequality (3.25), since TN is the linear interpolation operator and M is uniformly continuous, for any " > 0, there exists N2 = 26 N2(M) > 0 such that when N >N2 we have TN( M)(xt) M(xt) < " 2: (3.27) In summary letting N0 = maxfN1;N2g we have by (3.25), (3.26) and (3.27) that for any "> 0, TN( M;N)(xt) M(xt) <"; 8N >N 0; 8xt2B; 8M2N: (3.28) The proof is complete. We next prove the weak convergence of the operator M;Nt to t. Letting M;Nt and t be the composition operators de ned as above, we have the following theorem. Theorem 3.1 (Local convergence) Assume that the transition kernel p(xtjxt 1) is Feller and p(ytjxt) is bounded, uniformly continuous, and strictly positive. Also assume that @@xf 1t is bounded. Then, for any f M;Ng1M;N=1 2PC(B) and M; 2PU(B) with limN!1 M;N= M for each M2N and limM!1 M ?= , it holds that lim M!1 lim N!1 M;Nt ( M;N) ?= t( ): (3.29) Proof. Given limM!1 M ?= , by Lemma 1, lim M!1 sM at( M) ?= at( ): (3.30) Given limN!1 M;N= M for eachM2N, by Lemma 2 we have limN!1sM at( M;N)=sM at( M) and sM at( M;N) 2 PC(B), sM at( M) 2 PU(B). Thus by letting M;N := sM at( M;N) and M := sM at( M) in Lemma 3 we get lim N!1 TN sM at( M;N)=sM at( M): (3.31) 27 Equations (3.30) and (3.31) together give lim M!1 lim N!1 TN sM at( M;N) ?= at( ): Therefore it follows directly from (3.19) that lim M!1 lim N!1 bt TN sM at( M;N) ?= bt at( ): The proof is complete. To prove the global weak convergence result, we also need the following Lemma. Lemma 4 Assume p(ytjxt) is bounded, uniformly continuous, and strictly positive. For f M;Ng1M;N=1 2PC(B) and M 2PU(B) with limN!1 M;N= M for each M 2N, if there exists a 0 > 0 such that RBp(ytjxt) M(xt)dxt 0, then we have lim N!1 bt( M;N)=bt( M)2PU(B); 8M2N: Proof. Since limN!1 M;N= M for each M 2N, then for any 0 < " < 02 , there exists N0, such that when N >N0, j M;N(xt) M(xt)j<"; 8xt2B and 8M2N: It then follows that RBp(ytjxt)( M;N(xt) M(xt))dxt <" and Z B p(ytjxt) M;N(xt)dxt > Z B p(ytjxt) M(xt)dxt "> 02 : 28 Thus for any xt2B when N >N0 we have jbt( M;N)(xt) bt( M)(xt)j = p(ytjxt) M;N(xt) R Bp(ytjxt) M(xt)dxt M(xt) R Bp(ytjxt) M;N(xt)dxtR Bp(ytjxt) M;N(xt)dxt R Bp(ytjxt) M(xt)dxt R Bp(ytjxt) ( M(xt) M;N(xt))dxtR Bp(ytjxt) M;N(xt)dxt R Bp(ytjxt) M(xt)dxt + M(xt) M;N(xt)R Bp(ytjxt) M(xt)dxt < 4 20 + 2 0 ": (3.32) Therefore limN!1bt( M;N)=bt( M). It remains to show that bt( M)2PU(B). In fact, by the de nition of bt, we have for any x(1)t ;x(2)t 2B, bt( M)(x(1)t ) bt( M)(x(2)t ) 2 0 p(ytjx(1)t ) M(x(1)t ) p(ytjx(2)t ) M(x(2)t ) : From the uniformly continuity property and the boundedness of M and p(xtjxt 1) that for any " > 0, there exists > 0, such that when x(1)t ;x(2)t 2B with jx(1)t x(2)t j< , we have j M(x(1)t ) M(x(2)t )j< "2 and jp(x(1)t ) p(x(2)t )j< "2. Thus, bt( M)(x(1)t ) bt( M)(x(2)t ) 0 such that RBp(ytjxt)sM p(xtjIt 1)dxt > 0 for M su cient large. Applying Theorem 3.1 to the context of ltering problems, we can obtain the weak convergence of our implicit ltering simulation to the Bayesian optimal lter. Our main result of this work is stated in the following theorem. For simplicity, we de ne two new 29 operators Mt and M1:t to be Mt = bt sM at and M1:t = t t 1 1: Theorem 3.2 (Global convergence) Assume that the transition kernel p(xtjxt 1) is Feller and p(xtjxt 1) is bounded, uniformly continuous, and strictly positive. Also assume that @ @xf 1 t is bounded. Then lim N!1 M;N1:t (p0j0) = M1:t(p0j0) 8M2N; and lim M!1 M1:t(p0j0) ?= 1:t(p0j0); which implies that lim M!1 lim N!1 tjt ?= ptjt: Proof. To prove Theorem 3.2, we use induction method. (1) t = 1: choose M;N = M = = p0j0 in equation (3.29). It is obviously that lim N!1 M;N= M; lim M!1 M ?= ; and M = p0j0 is uniformly continuous. By Lemma 2, Lemma 3 and Lemma 4 and Note 1, lim N!1 M;N1 (p0j0) = M1 (p0j0)2PU(B); 8M2N: By Lemma 1 and the continuity of bt, we have lim M!1 M1 (p0j0) ?= 1(p0j0) = p1j1: It then follows from Theorem 3.1 that lim M!1 lim N!1 M;N1 (p0j0) ?= 1(p0j0) = p1j1: 30 (2) Assume that lim N!1 M;N1:t 1(p0j0) = M1:t 1(p0j0)2PU(B) 8M2N; and lim M!1 M1:t 1(p0j0) ?= 1:t 1(p0j0): We choose M;N = M;N1:t 1(p0j0) and = 1:t 1(p0j0) = pt 1jt 1 in equation (3.29) and M = M1:t 1(p0j0) in Theorem 3.1. From the assumption, lim N!1 M;N= M and lim M!1 M ?= : By Lemma 2, Lemma 3, Lemma 4 and Note 1 that lim N!1 M;N1:t (p0j0) = lim N!1 bt TN sM at( M;N1:t 1(p0j0))= M1:t(p0j0)2PU(B): (3.33) By Lemma 1 and the continuity of bt we have lim M!1 M1:t(p0j0) ?= ptjt: (3.34) Therefore it follows from Theorem 3.1 that lim M!1 lim N!1 M;Nt ( M;N1:t 1(p0j0)) ?= t(pt 1jt 1) = 1:t(p0j0) = ptjt: The proof is complete. 3.3 Numerical experiments In this section, we present two numerical examples to demonstrate the e ciency of our method. The rst example involves a one dimensional nonlinear system and measurement equation while the second is a 2-D bearing-only tracking problem. We shall compare our method with the standard EKF and particle lter. Here the particle lter we are using is 31 the sequential important sampling with resampling (SIR). Example 1 Consider the following nonlinear model xk = 40 tan(xk 1 + 10) + 50wk 1; yk = 40 xk2000 +x k +vk; (3.35) where wk and vk are two independent zero-mean white noise processes with variance 1:0, yk is the noise perturbed observation of xk. The initial position is taken to be x0 = 2 and Figure 3.1 shows a 50 step realization of the state equation in model (3.35). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50?600 ?400 ?200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 k Xk Figure 3.1: Original Position Figure 3.2, Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4 are the simulation results obtained by using EKF and particle lter and our implicit particle lter method, respectively. The true state is represented by blue diamonds while simulation results are given as red \stars" and connected by solid lines. The prior pdf p(x0) is initialized with the standard normal distribution with the mean value x0 and the variance 1:0. 32 In particle lter method, we use 500 particles (sample points) to represent the pdf and in our implicit lter, we use 100 nodes to partition the region and the number of Monte-Carlo samples is M = 10. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50?1500 ?1000 ?500 0 500 1000 1500 Real State EKF Figure 3.2: Extended Kalman Filter 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50?600 ?400 ?200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Real State Particle Filter Figure 3.3: Particle Filter Form the three gures, one can see that when the variation between two consecutive points is not very large, all three methods produce very accurate approximations to the true state. On the other hand, when the true state has very large variations at some time steps, i.e., the state variable has a large jump from its previous state, both EKF and particle lter 33 fail to produce accurate approximations. However, our implicit particle algorithm still pro- duces accurate estimations at these points. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50?800 ?600 ?400 ?200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Real State Implicit Algorithm Figure 3.4: implicit Algorithm Example 2 In this example, we consider the following bearing-only tracking problem. dX1(t) = X2(t)dt+ X1(t)(X 1(t))2 + (X2(t))2 + 1dW1(t); dX2(t) = X1(t)dt+ X2(t)(X 1(t))2 + (X2(t))2 + 2dW2(t) (3.36) where W1(t) and W2(t) are two independent Brownian Motions. This stochastic dynamical system may serve to model the motion of a ship which moves with a constant radial and angular velocity, perturbed by a white noise. The observations are collected by a detector located at a platform with time intervals of length = 0:05 and the data are angular measurements corrupted by noise. 34 To approximate the state variables X = (X1;X2), we discretize the dynamical system (3.36) in time and obtain a discrete nonlinear ltering problem. Let xk = (x1k;x2k). We have the discrete system model x1k = x1k 1 x2k 1 + x1k 1(x1 k 1)2+(x 2 k 1)2 + 1p w1k 1 x2k = x2k 1 + x1k 1 + x2k 1(x1 k 1)2+(x 2 k 1)2 + 2p w2k 1: (3.37) The mathematical formula for the measurement equation is given by yk = arctan(x 2 k x 2 platform x1k x1platform) + p v k; (3.38) where xplatform = (x1platform;x2platform) is the location of the platform where a detector is placed. ?80 ?60 ?40 ?20 0 20 40?80 ?60 ?40 ?20 0 20 40 60 X Y platform Figure 3.5: Target Positions In the numerical simulations the model parameters are chosen as = 5, = 2 and 1 = 2 = 8. Figure 3.5 gives the target path in the x-y plan, with the position of the target at each time step shown by a diamond. The location of the detector platform is chosen as xplatform = ( 15; 15), marked by a red box. 35 The problem is initialized with a best guess of the target position at the initial time, which is (x10;x20) = (0:5;0:5). In this example, we use 8000 particles (sample points) to represent the pdf in the particle lter method and in the implicit lter, we use 1600 nodes to partition the region and the number of Monte-Carlo samples is M = 10. p Figure 3.6 shows the simulation results of observation angle using EKF, particle lter and our implicit particle lter method. From this gure, one can see that both particle lter and the implicit particle lter produce good approximation for the relative observation angle of the target. Although the EKF provides the trend of the movement of the target, the estimation is a few steps delayed from the true target observation angle. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80?100 ?80 ?60 ?40 ?20 0 20 40 60 80 100 RealImplicit Algorithm Particle FilterEKF Figure 3.6: Comparison result for the observation angle Figure 3.7 shows the results of system state simulations using EKF while Figure 3.8 compares the performance between particle lter and the implicit particle lter. Clearly both the particle lter and implicit particle lter outperform EKF. While the accuracy of the particle lter and the implicit particle lter are very close to each other at the initial stage, the implicit particle lter becomes more accurate at the nal stage of time interval. 36 ?80 ?60 ?40 ?20 0 20 40?80 ?60 ?40 ?20 0 20 40 60 Real StateEKF Figure 3.7: Simulation result of EKF ?80 ?60 ?40 ?20 0 20 40 60?100 ?80 ?60 ?40 ?20 0 20 40 60 Real Implicit Algorithm Particle Filter Figure 3.8: Comparison result between Particle Filter and implicit Algorithm 37 Chapter 4 A Hybrid Sparse Grid Approach for Nonlinear Filtering Problems Based on Adaptive-Domain of the Zakai Equation Approximations In this Chapter, we develop an e cient hybrid sparse grid approach for nonlinear l- tering problems based on numerical approximations of the Zakai equation. Consider the following stochastic di erential system that combines an equation for the \state" and for the \observation" de ned on the probability space ( ;F;P) 8> < >: dXt = b(Xt)dt+ (Xt)dWt; (state) dYt = h(Xt)dt+dBt: (observation) (4.1) Here fXt 2Rd;t 0g and fYt 2Rr;t 0g are two stochastic processes, fWt;t 0g and fBt;t 0g are independent Brownian Motions in Rp and Rr, with covariance matrices CW (identity) and CB, respectively, and the given initial value X0 is independent of Wt and Bt with probability distribution u0(x)dx. 4.1 Nonlinear Filtering Problems and Zakai Equations Now, we outline the derivation of the Zakai equation and its relationship to the nonlinear ltering problem (4.1). Throughout this Chapter, we assume that the coe cients b : Rd! Rd, : Rd !Rd p and h : Rd !Rr in (4.1) are globally Lipschitz continuous functions. Denote (t) := exp Z t 0 h (Xs)dYs 12 Z t 0 jh(Xs)j2ds ; 38 then the measure ~P de ned by ~P = (t)dP is also a probability measure on ( ;F) equivalent to P . Furthermore, in the probability space ( ;F; ~P), Yt is a Browanian motion independent of Xt ( for details, see [82] ). Assuming that u = u(t;x) is the conditional density function of the state Xt given an observed path Yt, then the optimal ltering solution is given by (see [82, 85]) E( (Xt)jYt) = R (x)u(t;x)dx R u(t;x)dx : (4.2) Under regularity assumptions for the coe cients b and h given above, u satis es the following stochastic partial di erential equation, known as Zakai equation du(t;x) = L u(t;x)dt+h (x)u(t;x)dYt; x2Rd; (4.3) with the initial value u(0;x), and L the in nitesimal generator associated with the state process Xt such that Lu = 12 dX i;j ( )i;j @ 2u @xi@xj + dX i=1 bi @u@x i ; (4.4) and \ " is the transpose operator which transforms Lu to be L u = 12 dX i;j @2( )i;ju @xi@xj dX i=1 @biu @xi : (4.5) The goal of the Zakai lter method is to obtain numerical solutions of the Zakai equation (4.3). However, there are several challenges in the construction of an e cient numerical algorithm for the Zakai equation: (i) high-dimensionality of the state equations; (ii) low regularity of the solution; and (iii) unbounded solution domain. In the next two sections we construct a hybrid algorithm combining the ideas of split-up nite di erence method, sparse grid interpolation and the importance sample approach to overcome these obstacles. 39 4.2 Hierarchical Local Sparse Grid Interpolation In this section, we introduce a sparse grid interpolation constructed from a local hier- archical basis which will be used in the nite di erence approximation of the Zakai equation in the spatial domain. 4.2.1 Standard hierarchical sparse grid ipnterpolation Assume that we have the following one dimensional interpolation formula at our disposal: Qi(u) = miX j=1 u(xij) ij(x); x2R; (4.6) where i2N is the resolution level of the interpolant Qi, mi is the number of grid points on level i, xij and ij(x) for j = 1;:::;mi are the interpolation points and the corresponding basis functions, respectively. In the context of linear hierarchical interpolation, mi, xij and ij in the standard interval [ 1;1] for i2N;j = 1;:::;mi are de ned by mi = 8 >< >: 1; if i = 1; 2i 1 + 1; if i> 1; (4.7) xij = 8 >>< >>: 0; for j = 1; if mi = 1; 2(j 1) mi 1 1; for j = 1;:::;mi; if mi > 1; (4.8) and for i = 1, 11 = 1; for i> 1 and j = 1;:::;mi, ij = 8 >>< >>: 1 mi 12 jx xijj; if jx xijj< 2m i 1 ; 0; otherwise. (4.9) Note that the nodal basis function ij has local support [xij 21 i;xij + 21 i]. 40 In the multi-dimensional case, i.e. d> 1, the tensor-product interpolatant is Qi 1 Qid (u) = mi1X j1=1 midX jd=1 u xi1j1; ;xidjd ij(x); (4.10) where ij = Qdk=1 ikjk. Clearly, the above product requires di=1mi function values, which is computationally prohibitive when d is large. The sparse gird interpolation [17] is a linear combination of a series of tensor-product interpolants, each of which is de ned on a coarse grid with di erent resolutions in di erent dimensions, i.e., IL;d(u) = X L d+16jij6L ( 1)L jij d 1 q jij Qi1 Qid (u); (4.11) where L d, the multi-index i = (i1;:::;id) and jij = i1 + + id. Here, ik(k = 1;:::;d) is the level of the tensor-product interpolant Qi1 Qid along the kth direction. The Smolyak algorithm builds the interpolant by adding a combination of all tensor-product interpolants satisfying L d + 1 jij L. The structure of the algorithm becomes clearer when one considers the incremental interpolant, i given in [17] Q0(u) = 0; i =Qi(u) Qi 1(u): (4.12) The sparse grid interpolant (4.11) is then equivalent to IL;d(u) = X jij6L ( i1 id) =IL 1;d(u) + X jij=L ( i1 id)(u): (4.13) The corresponding sparse grid associated with IL;d(u) is represented by HL;d = [ L d+16jij6L ( i1 id); (4.14) 41 where i denotes the set of interpolation points used by Qi. According to (4.13), to extend the Smolyak interpolantIL;d(u) from level L 1 to L, one only needs to evaluate the function at the incremental grid HL;d de ned by HL;d = [ jij=L ( i1 id); (4.15) where ij = ij n ij 1, j = 1;:::;d. According to the nested structure of the one- dimensional hierarchical grid de ned by (4.8), it is easy to see that i 1 i and i = in i 1 has mi = mi mi 1 points. By consecutively numbering the points in i, and denoting the jth point of i as xij, the incremental interpolant in (4.12) can be represented by (see [17, 55] for details) i(u) = mi X j=1 ij u(xij) Qi 1(u)(xij) ; (4.16) where !ij = u(xij) Qi 1(u)(xij) is de ned as the one-dimensional hierarchical surplus on level i. This is just the di erence between the values of the interpolating polynomials and the function evaluated at xij. From (4.16), the hierarchical sparse grid interpolant (4.13) can be rewritten as IL;d(u) =IL 1;d(u) + X jij=L ( i1 id)(u) =AL 1;d(u) + X jij=L j2Bi !ij ji(x) = X jij6L X j2Bi !ij ji(x); (4.17) where the multi-index set Bi is Bi = j2Nd : xikjk 2 ik for jk = 1;:::;mik ;k = 1;:::;d ; (4.18) 42 and the surpluses !ij are !ij = u(xi1j1;:::;xidjd) IL 1;d(u)(xi1j1;:::;xidjd): (4.19) As proved in [17], for smooth functions, the hierarchical surpluses tend to zero as the in- terpolation level tends to in nity. On the other hand, the magnitude of the surplus is a good indicator about the smoothness of the interpolated function. In general, the larger the magnitude, the stronger the underlying discontinuity. For a bounded box domain D Rd : D= [a;b] := di=1[ai;bi]; (4.20) we rst transform it to [ 1;1]d through a simple linear transform. The corresponding sparse grid interpolation is then de ned according to (4.11). 4.2.2 Hierarchical sparse grid approximation of bell-shaped cpurves In many nonlinear ltering problems in practical applications, the conditional target state PDF resembles a \bell-shaped" Gaussian curve or surface, if not exactly Gaussian. In such cases, standard hierarchical sparse grid interpolations may lead to large errors. This is especially the case for two or higher dimensional problems. As a demonstration, we consider a Gaussian-type function U(x) := dY i=1 exp ( 12 x i 2) ; x2Rd; (4.21) where 2R and 2R+. From [17], we know that the L2 error between the function U and the standard sparse grid approximation U is kU UkL2 2 jUj2;212d 2 2L A(d;L); (4.22) 43 where L2N+ represents the level of hierarchical sparse grid with A(d;L) = L d (d 1)! +O(k d 2); and jUj2;2 =kD2UkL2: It can be shown that jUj2;2 in (4.22) is bounded by (see [64] for detailed derivation) jUj2;2 1 4d(maxfxi g2d)kUkL2: (4.23) We can see from the above estimate that when the constant is small, the right hand side 100 101 102 103 104 10510 ?3 10?2 10?1 100 101 # hierarchical sparse?grid points Interpolation error 1?Dim 2?Dim 3?Dim 4?Dim 5?Dim Figure 4.1: The interpolation error for regular sparse grid approximation up to 5 dimensions. becomes exponentially large as d increases. Here, we consider a special case of (4.21) with = 0 and = 0:15, i.e., U(x) = dY i=1 exp x 2 i 0:045 : (4.24) Figure 4.1 shows the interpolation errors using the L2-norm for regular sparse grid approxi- mations of U. We can see that as the dimension d increases, the interpolation errors barely decrease even, though the number of interpolation points has increased signi cantly. 44 100 101 102 103 104 10510 ?4 10?3 10?2 10?1 100 101 # hierarchical sparse?grid points Interpolation error 1?Dim 2?Dim 3?Dim 4?Dim 5?Dim Figure 4.2: The interpolation error for logarithmic sparse grid approximation up to 5 dimen- sions. One way of alleviating this poor performance of the sparse grid interpolant when ap- proximating bell-shaped-functions is to utilize logarithmic interpolation (see [64]), in which we take the logarithm of U, i.e. V := log(U), and build the approximation V using the standard sparse grid approach. Then we obtain the approximation of U by U = e V . Figure 4.2 shows the absolute interpolation errors measured in L2-norm for the logarithmic sparse grid approximation of function U de ned in (4.24). Compared with Fig. 4.1, we can see from Figure 4.2 that the convergence is improved as the dimension increases. A visual demonstration of the e ciency of the logarithmic sparse grid interpolation is shown in Fig. 4.3, where we plot the level 6 approximation for a marginal distribution of both U and log(U) in d = 4 dimensions. 4.3 Hybrid Approach for Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Filtering Prob- lem. In this section we describe our hybrid numerical algorithm for the solution of the Zakai equation (4.3). 45 ?1 0 1 ?1 0 10 2 4 6 8 x1 (a) y1 ?1 0 1 ?1 0 1?5 0 5 10 15 x1 (b) y1 ?1 0 1 ?1 0 1?30 ?20 ?10 0 10 x1 (c) y1 ?1 0 1 ?1 0 10 2 4 6 8 x1 (d) y1 Regularsparsegrid approximation V=Log(U);Regularsparsegrid approximationforV U=Exp(V) Figure 4.3: (a) is the x1x2-marginal surface of U with x3 = x4 = 0 while (b) is its interpolate approximation obtained by applying the regular sparse grid approximation to function U. We can see from the Figure that the approximation is quite poor and signi cant oscillations occur at the bottom of the surface. On the other hand, from (d) one can see that the logarithmic interpolation approximation described above is far more accurate. 4.3.1 Adaptive selection of solution domains Since the Zakai equation (4.3) is de ned on the whole space Rd, it is essential to choose a proper bounded domain to achieve an accurate numerical approximation. Motivated by importance sampling and particle lter methods, we adaptively select a hypercube at each time step according to an estimation of the density function of the solution at the next step. In particular, let Rt be a partition of [0;T] such that: Rt =ftnjtn2[0;T];tn < >: i ^un(x+eihi) un(x)h i if i 0 iun(x) ^un(x eihi)h i if i < 0 ; where ei is the unit vector in the ith coordinate direction and hi is a properly chosen meshsize in the ith coordinate direction. To approximate second order partial derivatives at the sparse grid point x2HL;dn+1 with given coe cient function 2Rd d, we use central di erences to obtain i;i @ 2un @xi@xi(x) i;i ~D2x ixiun(x) := i;j ^un(x+eihi) 2un(x) + ^un(x eihi) h2i and i;j @ 2un @xi@xj(x) i;j ~D2x ixjun(x) := 8 >>> >>>> >>> >>< >>> >>> >>> >>>: i;j 2hi ^u n(x+eihi +ejhj) ^un(x+eihi) hj ^un(x+ejhj) un(x) hj +un(x) ^un(x ejhj)h j ^un(x eihi) ^un(x eii ejhj)h j ;if i;j 0; i;j 2hi ^u n(x+eihi) ^un(x+eihi ejhj) hj un(x) ^un(x ejhj) hj + ^un(x+ejhj) un(x)h j ^un(x eihi +ejhj) ^un(x eihi)h j ;if i;j < 0: 49 With the above nite di erence operators in hand, we de ne the nite di erence approxi- mation of the Fokker-Planck equation (4.28) on sparse grid HL;dn+1 as follows. un+ 1 2 (x) = un(x) +L nun(x) tn; x2HL;dn+1; (4.29) where L nun(x) = 12 dX i;j @2( ) i;j @xi@xj un(x) + @( )i;j @xi ~Dx jun(x) + @( )i;j @xj ~Dx iun(x) +( )i;j ~D2xixjun(x) o dX i=1 @bi @xiun(x) +b i ~Dx iun(x) : Update Step In the update step, we use the new observation Zn and the Bayes formula [?] to update the prior un+ 1 2 to the posterior un+1 as follows. un+1(x) = Cn n(x;Zn)un+ 1 2 ; x2HL;dn+1; (4.30) where Cn is a normalization factor and function n is de ned by n(x;Zn) = exp tn2 jZn h(x)j2R : The normj jR is de ned byj j2R = R 1 , where R is the covariance matrix offBt;t 0g in (4.1) ( Please see Page 2, [85] for more details). Finally following the procedure described in Section 3, we derive the logarithmic sparse grid interpolation un+1 = un+1(x); x2 Rd using its values on the sparse grid HL;dn+1. We summarize our hybrid sparse grid adaptive-domain splitting-up nite di erence al- gorithm as follows: 50 Step 1: Input u0 as the initial value of the solution u of the Zakai equation (4.3). Step 2: For n = 0 ;NT 1, 1 Compute dynamic domainDn+1 for the solution un+1 using the importance sampling method. 2 Generate sparse grid HL;dn+1 on the solution domain Dn+1. 3 Evaluate un+1 on the sparse grid HL;dn+1 by using nite di erence scheme (4.29). 4 Extend the solution un+1 to the whole space Rd through the logarithmic sparse grid interpolation described in Section 3. Step 3: Normalization. Remark 2 Since we use an explicit nite di erence scheme to solve equation (4.28), time step tn must satisfy the following stability condition max 0 n NT 1 tn 1dX i=1 j( T)i;ij+jbijhi h2i : 4.4 Numerical Experiments In this section, we present three numerical experiments to demonstrate the e ectiveness of our new numerical algorithm, for solving nonlinear ltering problems. Example 1 In the rst example, we use a two dimensional nonlinear ltering problem to illustrate the accuracy of the selection process of the dynamic solution domain Dn. To see this, we consider the following dynamical system dXt = (40;2 (10t)2)T dt+ 0:5 dWt; (4.31) 51 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6015 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 X Y Figure 4.4: Target Trajectory and Adaptive Solution Domain. The red curve shows the real target state. The blue points are actual states of the target and the blue boxes are the corresponding solution domains. where Wt is a two-dimensional Brownian Motion and the initial state is given by X0 = (30;30)T. The observation process is given by dYt = q (X1t 20)2 + (X2t )2 dt+dBt; (4.32) which measures the perturbed distance between the target state and a reference point P = (20;0), and Bt is a one-dimensional Brownian motion independent of Wt. In this numerical simulation, we take T = 0:4 and use an uniform partition in time with stepsize tn = 0:005. The initial value is given by u0 N(X0; ); a normal distribution with mean X0 and standard deviation = (1;0:5)T. In the adaptive solution domain selection process, we choose the sample size M = 500 and the parameter in (4.25) as = 4. Figure 4.4 shows the trajectory of the target state and solution domain Dn for n = 1;20;50;70;80. In Figure 4.5 we show solution domain Dn with the corresponding contour plot of target 52 15 25 35 45 5520 25 30 35 40 45 1e?008 1e?008 1e?005 1e?005 0.005 X Y Real StatePDF (a) 15 25 35 45 5520 25 30 35 40 45 5e?005 5e?0050.001 0.0010.01 X Y Real StatePDF (b) 15 25 35 45 5520 25 30 35 40 45 5e?005 5e?005 0.0010.0010.010.01 0.050.1 X Y Real StatePDF (c) Figure 4.5: Target state PDF at time step: (a) n=1; (b) n=50; (c)=80; in the corresponding solution domain state PDF for n = 1;50;80. From this gure one can see the that solution domains are extremely accurate in approximating the high density area of un. 53 Example 2 In this example, we consider the following nonlinear ltering problem: 8> < >: dXt = (10;6 (sinX1t + 2))T dt+dWt; (state) dYt = (X1t;X2t )T dt+dBt: (observation) (4.33) In this numerical experiment, we let T = 0:5 and use a uniform partition in time with stepsize tn = 0:01. An example of the signal trajectory is shown in gure 4.6a. The initial value is given by u0 N(X0; ); a normal distribution with mean X0 = (2;0)T and standard deviation = (0:5;0:5)T. We also choose the hierarchical sparse grid level as L = 6. In the adaptive solution domain selection process, the sample size and parameter are given by M = 500 and = 4, respectively. Figure 4.6b shows the comparison of the estimated values of the target state between the particle lter and sparse grid Zakai lter. In the particle lter simulation, we use 8000 particles to represent the PDF of the target state. The black dashed line shows the trajectory of the real target state, the red triangles and blue dots show the estimate target state (the mean of the estimate posterior PDF) obtained by using the particle lter and the Zakai lter respectively. As we can see from Figure 4.6b, our hybrid approach is more accurate than the PFM for a longer period of time. To further examine the performance of the hybrid sparse grid Zakai lter method, in Figure 4.7a and Figure 4.7b we plot the marginal probability density functions at time T = 0:5, obtained by using the particle lter and our hybrid with respect to xy-coordinates. From the plots we observe that the convergence of the particle lter as the particle size increases. Moreover, the PDE obtained by our hybrid sparse grid Zakai lter is very close to the one obtained by the particle lter with 160;000 particles. However, in table 4.1 we can see that with 160;000 particles the particle lter is far more costly in terms of CPU time than our method. Finally, we also show the con dence bands in Figure 4.8. The blue dashed 54 2 3 4 5 6 7 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 X Y Target Trajectory Starting Point (a) Signal trajectory: Example 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 X Y Target Trajectory Particle Filter Zakai Filter (Sparse Grid) (b) Comparison of estimated mean of the target state between particle lter and sparse grid Zakai lter Figure 4.6: 2D nonlinear ltering problem curves show the real target trajectory with respect to xy-coordinates, respectively, the red 55 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 x PF: 2,000 PF: 8,000PF: 40,000 PF: 160,000Zakai Filter (a) Marginal distribution with respect to X-coordinate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 110 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 y PF: 2,000 PF: 8,000PF: 40,000 PF: 160,000Zakai Filter (b) Marginal distribution with respect to Y-coordinate Figure 4.7: Marginal distributions curves represent the estimate of posterior means, and the green dashed curves represent the estimated 95% con dence bands. 56 0 10 20 30 40 500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n X n Real State ZF(Sparse Grid) Estimated StateZF(Sparse Grid) 95% probability region (a) 0 10 20 30 40 50?1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n Y n Real State ZF(Sparse Grid) Estimated StateZF(Sparse Grid) 95% probability region (b) Figure 4.8: Sparse grid Zakai lter estimate of posterior mean with 95% probability region . (a) Estimate of posterior mean and 95% probability region: X-coordinate (b) Estimate of posterior mean and 95% probability region: Y-coordinate Table 4.1: Comparison of computing costs Particle lter CPU time (seconds) 2,000 particles 1:49 8,000 particles 32:67 40,000 particles 516:91 160,000 particles 7622:29 Sparse grid Zakai lter 20:45 Example 3 In this example, we consider the following \ bearing-only " tracking problem given by: dXt = bdt+ dWt; (4.34) where Xt = (x;y;u;v)Tt is a four-dimensional vector which models the movement of a target ship sailing on the sea plane (x y plane). Here (x;y) and (u;v) are the position and velocity 57 components respectively, the vector b = (u;v;0;0)Tt , the covariance matrix 2 is de ned by 2 = 0 BB BB BB B@ 21 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 24 1 CC CC CC CA ; (4.35) and Wt is a four-dimensional Brownian motion. To estimate the target state, a passive sonar 0 5 10 15 20 25 300 5 10 15 20 25 30 x y Taget Ownship Observation angle ? Figure 4.9: Bearing-only tracking is located on an observation ship, denoted \ownship". The observation process is given by: dYt = h(Xt)dt+dBt; 58 where the observation function h is the angle h(Xt) = arctan y t yobst xt xobst ; andBt is a one-dimensional Brownian motion independent fromWt. Here, Xobst = xobs;yobs Tt describes the movement of the ownship given by dXobst = bobsdt. 5 10 15 20 256 8 10 12 14 16 18 x y Target Trajectory Particle Filter Zakai Filter (Sparse Grid) Figure 4.10: Comparison of estimated mean of the target state between particle lter and sparse grid Zakai lter In the numerical simulations, we choose 1 = 2 = 0:75, 3 = 4 = 0:05 in (4.35) and bobs = (8;0)T; thus the movement of the ownship is along the Y-axis with a constant speed. In addition, we set T = 1, the time partition tn = 0:005, initial target state X0 = (2;8;20;8)T, and the initial PDF of the target sate N( X; ), where X = (3;9;19:8;7:9)T and = (0:75;0:75;0:5;0:25)T. 59 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2000 5 10 15 20 25 n x Target Trajectory ZF(SG) Estimated stateZF(SG) 95% probability region (a) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2006 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 n y Target Trajectory ZF(SG) Estimated stateZF(SG) 95% probability region (b) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 20016 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 n u Target Trajectory ZF(SG) Estimated stateZF(SG) 95% probability region (c) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2006 7 8 9 10 11 12 n v Target Trajectory ZF(SG) Estimated stateZF(SG) 95% probability region (d) Figure 4.11: Sparse grid Zakai lter estimate of posterior mean with 95% probability region. (a) Estimate of posterior mean of the location x and 95% probability region. (b) Estimate of posterior mean of the location y and 95% probability region. (c) Estimate of posterior mean of the velocity u and 95% probability region. (d) Estimate of posterior mean of the velocity v and 95% probability region The target-observer plane (x y plane) is illustrated in Figure 4.9. The red dot shows the initial position of the target ship while the blue triangle shows the initial position of our ownship. The dashed red curve gives a possible trajectory of the target ship and the blue arrow describes the movement of our ownship. Figure 4.10 shows the comparison of the estimated mean values of the relative target position with respect to the ownship, in the target-observer plane. For the sparse grid Zakai 60 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 270 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 x PF: 20,000 PF: 40,000PF: 80,000 PF: 160,000Zakai Filter (a) Marginal distribution of the target state on x-coordinate 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 210 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 y PF: 20,000 PF: 40,000PF: 80,000 PF: 160,000Zakai Filter (b) Marginal distribution of the target state on y-coordinate Figure 4.12: Marginal distributions lter, we let the hierarchical level L = 6 and for the adaptive solution domain selection process, we set M = 1;000 and = 4. The estimate for the particle lter is obtained by using 160;000 particles. The actual trajectory of the target position relative to our ownship is given by the black curve. The red curve and blue curve show the estimate target state (the mean of the estimate posterior PDF ) obtained by using the particle lter and the Zakai 61 Table 4.2: Comparison of computing costs Particle lter CPU time (seconds) 20,000 particles 554:24 40,000 particles 1976:39 80,000 particles 7702:57 160,000 particles 32380:38 Sparse grid Zakai lter 587:14 lter respectively. We can see from Figure 4.10 that our hybrid sparse grid Zakai lter yields similar estimate results compared with the particle lter with 160;000 particles. In Figure 4.12a and 4.12b we compare the marginal probability distribution functions at time T = 1 with respect to xy coordinates using our hybrid sparse grid Zakai lter with the particle lter. Similar to Example 2, we see that the convergence of the particle lter with the particle size 160;000 to the approximate PDE is very close to the approximate PDE obtained by the hybrid sparse grid Zakai lter. In table 4.2, we show the comparison of computational from which one can see that the particle lter with 160;000 particles takes 60 times more computing time to achieve a similar PDF. We also plot the con dence curves in Figure 4.11 for further examination of the performance of sparse grid Zakai lter. The blue dashed curves show the real target trajectory with respect to xy coordinates. The red curves represent the estimate of posterior means, and the green dashed curves give the estimate 95% con dence curves ( 2 times of the estimated standard deviation). 62 Chapter 5 Numerical Algorithms for Backward Doubly Stochastic Di erential Equations and it?s Applications to Nonlinear Filtering Problems 5.1 FBDSDEs and SPDEs To derive the numerical algorithm and conduct its convergence analysis, we provide a brief introduction to forward backward doubly stochastic di erential equations (FBDSDEs) and the relationship between FBDSDEs and the SPDE. Let ( ;F;P) be a complete probability space and T > 0 be the terminal time,fWt;0 t Tg and fBt;0 t Tg be two mutually independent standard Brownian motions de ned on ( ;F;P) with their values in Rd and in Rl, respectively. Let N denote the class of P-null sets of F. For each t2[0;T], we de ne Ft :=FWt _FBt;T; where F s;t = f r s;s r tg_N the - eld generated by f r s;s r tg, and F t = F 0;t for a stochastic process . Note that the collection fFt;t 2 [0;T]g is neither increasing nor decreasing and it is not a ltration. For positive integer n 2 N, we de ne spaces M2(0;T;Rn) and S2([0;T];Rn) as follows. M2(0;T;Rn) := f?tj?t2Rn;E Z T 0 j?tj2dt<1; ?t2Ft; a.e. t2[0;T]g; and S2([0;T];Rn) :=f?tj?t2Rn;E( sup 0 t T j?tj2) <1; ?t2Ft; t2[0;T]g: 63 Let f : [0;T] Rk Rk d!Rk and g : [0;T] Rk Rk d!Rk l be jointly measurable such that for any (y;z)2Rk Rk d, ft(y;z)2M2(0;T;Rk); gt(y;z)2M2(0;T;Rk l): We assume moreover that there exist constants c > 0 and 0 < < 1 such that for any (!;t)2 [0;T], (y1;z1), (y2;z2)2Rk Rk l, jft(y1;z1) ft(y2;z2)j2 c(jy1 y2j2 +kz1 z2k2); kgt(y1;z1) gt(y2;z2)k2 cjy1 y2j2 + kz1 z2k2: From [61], under the above assumptions and standard conditions on b and , we know that there exists a pair of processesf(Yt;xs ;Zt;xs ); (t;x)2[0;T] Rdgwhich is the unique solution to the following FBDSDE: For (t;x)2R+ Rd Xt;xs = x+ Z s t b(Xt;xr )dr + Z s t (Xt;xr )dWr; t s T; (5.1) Yt;xs = h(Xt;xT ) + Z T s f(r;Xt;xr ;Yr;xr ;Zt;xr )dr + Z T s g(r;Xt;xr ;Yr;xr ;Zt;xr )d Br Z T s Zt;xr dWr; t s T; (5.2) where (Yt;xs ;Zt;xs ) 2 S2([0;T];Rk) M2(0;T;Rk l). Here d Br denotes the backward It^o integration, i.e., for a FBt;T adapted process Vt, and quasi-uniform time partitions : 0 = 64 t0 >>> >>< >>>> >>: ut(x) = h(x) + Z T t [12 dX i=1 @2us(x) @x2i +f(s;x;us(x);rus(x))]ds + Z T t g(s;x;us(x);rus(x))d Bs; x2 ; 0 t T; ut(x) = (t;x); on [0;T] @ : 5.2 Half Order Numerical Algorithms We rst study numerical algorithms for BDSDEs and assume that b 0 and 1 in (5.1). Thus we have X0;xs = x+Ws; x2 ;s2[0;T]; 66 and the elliptic partial di erential operator L becomes L = 12 dX i @2 @x2i: When the spatial domain of the SPDE (5.3) is a subset of Rd and the boundary condition ut(x) = (t;x); on[0;T] @ is prescribed, the corresponding BDSDE is de ned through a stopping time de ned as = inffs;Xt;xs 2@ ;s t;x2 g: (5.6) Then, we have the BDSDE with stopping time as follows. Yt;xs = (Xx ^T) + Z T^ s f(r;Xt;xr ;Yr;xr ;Zt;xr )dr + Z T^ s g(r;Xt;xr ;Yr;xr ;Zt;xr )d Br Z T^ s Zt;xr dWr; t s T; x2 ; (5.7) where (Xx ;T) = h(Xt;xT )I T + ( ;Xt;x )I T. When t = 0, the stopping time de ned in (5:6) becomes = inffs;X0;xs 2@ ; s 0x2 g: Thus, BDSDE (5.7) changes to the following equation: Y 0;xt = (X0;x ^T) + Z T^ t f(s;X0;xs ;Y 0;xs ;Z0;xs )ds Z T^ t Z0;xs dWs + Z T^ t g(s;X0;xs ;Y 0;xs ;Z0;xs )d Bs; t2[0;T]; x2 ; 67 where for given x, X0;x0 = x, (X0;x ^T) = h(X0;xT )I T + ( ;X0;x )I T. The related SPDE is 8 >>>> >>< >>>> >>: ut(x) = h(x) + Z T t [12 dX i=1 @2us(x) @x2i +f(s;x;us(x);rus(x))]ds + Z T t g(s;x;us(x);rus(x))d Bs; x2 ; 0 t T; ut(x) = (t;x); on [0;T] @ : 5.2.1 Numerical algorithms For the simplicity of presentation we only consider the one dimensional case. The high dimensional cases can be handled through straightforward generalization of the one dimensional case. To simplify the notations we shall use (yt;zt) to denote the solution (Yt;xt ;Zt;xt ) of the BDSDE (5:2). We also denote Et;xs [X] = E[XjFW;t;xs ] where FW;t;xs := (x+Ws Wt;t s T)[ (Bt; 0 t T). Reference equations To further simplify the notations, we denotef(s;ys;zs) = f(s;Xt;xs ;ys;zs) andg(s;ys;zs) = g(s;Xt;xs ;ys;zs), knowing that x2 R. Then we have yt = yt+ + Z t+ t f(s;ys;zs)ds Z t+ t zsdWs + Z t+ t g(s;ys;zs) dBs; (5.8) where is a deterministic nonnegative number with t + T. Taking the conditional expectation Et;xt [ ] on (5.52), we obtain yt;xt = Et;xt [yt+ ] + Z t+ t Et;xt [f(s;ys;zs)]ds+ Z t+ t Et;xt [g(s;ys;zs)] dBs; (5.9) 68 where yt;xt = Et;xt [yt], that is, yt;xt is the value of yt at the time-space point (t;x). We use the simple right point formula to approximate the integrals in (5.53): Z t+ t Et;xt [f(s;ys;zs)]ds = Et;xt [f(t+ ;yt+ ;zt+ )] +RWy ; (5.10) Z t+ t Et;xt [g(s;ys;zs)] dBs = Et;xt [g(t+ ;yt+ ;zt+ )] Bt +RBy; (5.11) where RWy and RBy denote the corresponding errors of approximations. Inserting (5:54) and (5:11) into (5:53), we obtain yt;xt = Et;xt [yt+ ] + Et;xt [f(t+ ;yt+ ;zt+ )] +Et;xt [g(t+ ;yt+ ;zt+ )] Bt +Ry; (5.12) where Ry = RWy + RBy is the truncation error for solving yt. Let Ws = Ws Wt for t s t + . Multiplying by Wt+ on (5.52), taking the conditional expectation Et;xt [ ] and applying the It^o isometry we get Et;xt [yt+ Wt+ ] = Z t+ t Et;xt [f(s;ys;zs) Ws]ds + Z t+ t Et;xt [g(s;ys;zs) Ws] dBs Z t+ t Et;xt [zs]ds: (5.13) Similar to (5.12) we approximate the integrals in (5.13) with the right point formula to obtain Z t+ t Et;xt [f(s;ys;zs) Ws]ds = Et;xt [f(t+ ;yt+ ;zt+ ) Wt+ ] +RWz1 (5.14) Z t+ t Et;xt [zs]ds = zt;xt +RWz2 (5.15) and Z t+ t Et;xt [g(s;ys;zs) Ws] dBs = Et;xt [g(t+ ;yt+ ;zt+ ) Wt+ ] Bt +RBz ; (5.16) 69 where zt;xt is the value of zt at the time-space point (t;x), and RWz1, RWz2 and RBz are the corresponding approximation errors. Inserting (5:14), (5:15) and (5:16) into (5:13), we get the second approximation equation for (5:52) as follows. Et;xt [yt+ Wt+ ] = Et;xt [f(t+ ;yt+ ;zt+ ) Wt+ ] zt;xt +Et;xt [g(t+ ;yt+ ;zt+ ) Wt+ ] Bt +Rz; (5.17) where Rz = RWz1 +RWz2 +RBz is the truncation error for solving zt. (5:12) and (5:17) are two key equations of solving BDSDE (5:52) numerically. We refer them as reference equations. Discrete scheme To derive a numerical algorithm from the reference equations (5.12) and (5.17), we introduce the following time partition on [0;T]. Rth =ftijti2[0;T];ti 0 is a constant to be determined later. By the Lipschitz continuity of f, we have By = E[( tnEtn[en+1f ])2] L( tn)2(E[en+1y ]2 +E[en+1z ]2): (5.26) Similarly for Cy, using Cauchy?s inequality and Young?s inequality, we obtain Cy = E[2(Etn[en+1y ] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g ] +Rny)( tnEtn[en+1f ])] tn 1 2 E[Etn[en+1y ] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g ] +Rny]2 + tn 2E[en+1f ]2 tn 3 2 E[Etn[en+1y ]2 + tn(L1Etn[en+1y ]2 +L2Etn[en+1z ]2) + (Rny)2] + tnE[L 2Etn[en+1y ]2 +L 2Etn[en+1z ]2] tnC2E[en+1y ]2 + ( tn)2C3(E[en+1y ]2 +E[en+1z ]2) + tnL 2E[en+1z ]2 +C4( t)2; (5.27) where 2 > 0 is a constant to be determined later. Combining (5.24), (5.25), (5.26) and (5.27) together, we obtain E[eny]2 E[jEtn[en+1y ]j2] + tnE[(1 + 1)jEtn[en+1g ]j2] + tnL 2E[en+1z ]2 +K1 tnE[en+1y ]2 +K2( tn)2E[en+1z ]2 +K3( t)2: (5.28) For enz, we have the identity tnenz = Etn[en+1y Wtn+1] + tnEtn[en+1f Wtn+1] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] +Rnz: (5.29) 77 Taking square on both sides of equation (5.29) and then taking expectation we obtain E[ tnenz]2 = E[Etn[en+1y Wtn+1] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] +Rnz]2 +E[( tn)2Etn[en+1f Wtn+1]2] +2E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] +Rnz) ( tnEtn[en+1f Wtn+1])] = E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])2 + ( Btn+1)2(Etn[en+1g Wtn+1])2 + (Rnz)2 +2(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])(Etn[en+1g Wtn+1]) Btn+1 + 2(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])Rnz +2Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] Btn+1Rnz] +E[( tn)2Etn[en+1f Wtn+1]2] +2E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] +Rnz) ( tnEtn[en+1f Wtn+1])] = Az +Bz +Cz; (5.30) where Az = E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])2 + ( Btn+1)2(Etn[en+1g Wtn+1])2 + (Rnz)2 +2(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])(Etn[en+1g Wtn+1]) Btn+1 + 2(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])Rnz +2Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] Btn+1Rnz]; Bz = E[( tn)2Etn[en+1f Wtn+1]2] and Cz = 2E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] +Rnz) ( tnEtn[en+1f Wtn+1])]: For any FWt adapted process Xt we have (Etn[Xtn+1 Wtn+1])2 = (Etn[(Xtn+1 Etn[Xtn+1]) Wtn+1])2 Etn[(Xtn+1 Etn[Xtn+1])]2 tn = tn(Etn[(Xtn+1)2] jEtn[Xtn+1]j2): (5.31) 78 For Az, using (5.31), Cauchy?s inequality and Young?s inequality, we have Az = E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])2 + ( Btn+1)2(Etn[en+1g Wtn+1])2 + (Rnz)2 +2(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])(Etn[en+1g Wtn+1]) Btn+1 + 2(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])Rnz +2Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] Btn+1Rnz] E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])2 + ( Btn+1)2(Etn[en+1g Wtn+1])2 + (Rnz)2 + (Etn[en+1y Wtn+1])2 + 1 (Rnz)2 + 1(Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] Btn+1)2 + 1 1 (Rnz)2] tnE[Etn[en+1y ]2 jEtn[en+1y ]j2] +( tn)2E[Etn[en+1g ]2 jEtn[en+1g ]j2] +E[(Rnz)2] + tnE[Etn[en+1y ]2 jEtn[en+1y ]j2] + 1 E[(Rnz)2] + 1( tn)2E[Etn[en+1g ]2 jEtn[en+1g ]j2] + 1 1 E[(Rnz)2] (1 + ) tnE[Etn[en+1y ]2 jEtn[en+1y ]j2] +(1 + 1)( tn)2E[Etn[en+1g ]2 jEtn[en+1g ]j2] +C5( t)3: (5.32) Under the conditions in the theorem, we have Bz = E[( tn)2Etn[en+1f Wtn+1]2] C6( t)3: (5.33) Similarly, using Cauchy?s inequality and Young?s inequality, we obtain Cz = 2E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] +Rnz) ( tnEtn[en+1f Wtn+1])] tn 1 2 E[(Etn[en+1y Wtn+1] + Btn+1Etn[en+1g Wtn+1] +Rnz)]2 + tn 2Etn[en+1f Wtn+1]2 ( tn)2 3 2 (E[en+1y ]2 + tnL1E[en+1y ]2 + tnL2E[en+1z ]2 + (Rnz)2) 79 +( tn)2L 2(E[en+1y ]2 +E[en+1z ]2) C7 ( tn)2E[en+1y ]2 + ( tn)3(E[en+1y ]2 +E[en+1z ]2) +( tn)2L 2E[en+1z ]2 +C8( t)3: (5.34) Here 1 and 2 are same as in equation (5.91), and is a positive constant which will be determined later. Combining (5.30), (5.32), (5.33) and (5.34) together, we get E[ tnenz]2 (1 + ) tnE[Etn[en+1y ]2 jEtn[en+1y ]j2] +(1 + 1)( tn)2E[Etn[en+1g ]2 jEtn[en+1g ]j2] +( tn)2L 2E[en+1z ]2 +K4( tn)2Etn[en+1y ]2 +K5( tn)3Etn[en+1z ]2 +K6( t)3: (5.35) Next we divide by tn(1 + ) on both sides of (5.35) to obtain tn 1 + E[e n z] 2 E[Et n[e n+1 y ] 2 jEt n[e n+1 y ]j 2] +( tn)1 + 11 + E[Etn[en+1g ]2 jEtn[en+1g ]j2] +( tn)L 21 + E[en+1z ]2 +K4 tnEtn[en+1y ]2 +K5( tn)2Etn[en+1z ]2 +K6( t)2: (5.36) Adding (5.36) to (5.91), we obtain E[eny]2 + tn1 + E[enz]2 E[jEtn[en+1y ]j2] + tnE[(1 + 1)jEtn[en+1g ]j2] + tnL 2E[en+1z ]2 +K1 tnE[en+1y ]2 +K2( tn)2E[en+1z ]2 +K3(h2 +E[ Z tn+1 tn jzs ztnj2]ds) +E[Etn[en+1y ]2 jEtn[en+1y ]j2] +( tn)1 + 11 + E[Etn[en+1g ]2 jEtn[en+1g ]j2] 80 +( tn)L 21 + E[en+1z ]2 +K4 tnEtn[en+1y ]2 +K5( tn)2Etn[en+1z ]2 +K6(( t)2 +E[ Z tn+1 tn jzs ztnj2]ds) = E[eny]2 + ( tn)1 + 11 + E[Etn[en+1g ]2] +( tn)1 + 11 + E[jEtn[en+1g ]j2] +( tn)L 2 + 2 + 21 + E[en+1z ]2 +G1 tnE[en+1y ]2 +G2( tn)2E[en+1z ]2 +G3( t)2 E[eny]2 + ( tn)(L2 1 + 11 + +L2 1 + 11 + +L 2 + 2 + 21 + )E[en+1z ]2 +G1 tnE[en+1y ]2 +G2( tn)2E[en+1z ]2 +G3( t)2: (5.37) Now we choose , 1 and 2, all positive, su ciently small such that L2(1 + 1) +L2 (1 + 1) +L(2 2 + 2) 1: This is possible since L2 < 1. Thus, by equation (5.37), we have E[eny]2 + tn1 + E[enz]2 E[eny]2 + tn1 + E[en+1z ]2 +T1 tn(E[en+1y ]2 + tn1 + E[en+1z ]2) +T2( t)2: Denote en := E[eny]2 + tn1+ E[enz]2. Then the above equation becomes en (1 +T1 t)en+1 +T2( t)2: 81 By Gronwall?s inequality, we have max 0 n N 1 (E[eny]2 + tn1 + E[enz]2) C t as required. Error estimate for z We rst construct an approximate solution ( ~Y; ~Z) with step process as follows. Let ~Yt n+1 = y n+1 + tn fn+1 + Bt n g n+1 andGt =FWt _FBT . By an extension of It^o?s martingale representation theorem, we can nd an Gt adapted process ~Zt, such that ~Yt n+1 = E[ ~Yt n+1jGtn] + Z tn+1 tn ~ZrdWr: (5.38) De ne a continuous approximate process ( ~Y; ~Z) as follows. ~Yt = yn+1 +fn+1 (tn+1 t) +gn+1 (Bt n+1 Bt) Z tn+1 t ~ZrdWr; t2(tn;tn+1];n = 0; N 1 (5.39) where fn+1 = f(tn+1;yn+1;zn+1) and gn+1 = g(tn+1;yn+1;zn+1): By (5.19) and (5.38) it?s easy to see that tnzn = Z tn+1 tn Etn[ ~Zr]dr: 82 Thus Z tn+1 tn E[(zs zn)2]ds = Z tn+1 tn E[(zs 1 t n Z tn+1 tn Etn[ ~Zr]dr)2]ds = Z tn+1 tn E[( 1 t n Z tn+1 tn Etn[zs ~Zr]dr)2]ds E Z tn+1 tn 1 tn Z tn+1 tn Etn[(zs ~Zr)2]drds 2( Z tn+1 tn E[Etn[(zr ~Zr)2]]dr + Z tn+1 tn 1 tn Z tn+1 tn E[Etn[(zs zr)2]]drds) 2( Z tn+1 tn E[(zr ~Zr)2]dr + ( tn)2): (5.40) Now we are ready to prove an error estimate for z. Theorem 5.2 Let (yt;zt) be the exact solution and (yn;zn) be the solution of the scheme (5:18) and (5:19). Assume that Hypothesis (5:20) holds and derivatives f0x, f0y, f0z, g0x, g0y and g0z of f and g are all bounded. Then for t su ciently small, we have N 1X n=0 E Z tn+1 tn (zs zn)2ds C t: Proof: For t2[tn;tn+1], let ety = yt ~Yt, etz = zt ~Zt, ft = f(t;yt;zt) and gt = g(t;yt;zt). Subtracting BDSDE (5.39) from (5.2) we have that ety = etn+1y + Z tn+1 t (fs fn+1)ds+ Z tn+1 t (gs gn+1)d Bs Z tn+1 t eszdWs: (5.41) Taking square on both sides of (5.41), applying It^o?s formula (Pardoux and Peng (1994)) and taking expectation, we have E[(ety)2] +E Z tn+1 t (esz)2ds = E[(etn+1y )2] + 2E Z tn+1 t esy (fs fn+1)ds+E Z tn+1 t (gs gn+1)2ds E[(etn+1y )2] + 1 0 E Z tn+1 t (esy)2ds+ 0E Z tn+1 t (fs fn+1)2ds+E Z tn+1 t (gs gn+1)2ds 83 E[(etn+1y )2] + 1 0 E Z tn+1 t (esy)2ds+E Z tn+1 t 2c(ys yn+1)2 + ( 1 + )(zs zn+1)2ds E[(etn+1y )2] + 1 0 E Z tn+1 t (esy)2ds+CE Z tn+1 t (ys ytn+1)2 + (ytn+1 yn+1)2ds +E Z tn+1 t ( 1 + 1 2 + )[(zs ( tn) 1 Z tn+2 tn+1 Etn+1[zr]dr)2] +( 1 + 2 + )[(( tn) 1 Z tn+2 tn+1 Etn+1[zr]dr zn+1)2]ds; (5.42) where 0, 1 and 2 are positive constants to be determined later. Since E[(ys yt)2]+E[(zs zt)2] Cjs tj, we have E Z tn+1 t (ys ytn+1)2ds C( t)2 and E Z tn+1 t (zs ( tn) 1 Z tn+2 tn+1 Etn+1[zr]dr)2ds = E Z tn+1 t (zs ztn+1 +ztn+1 ( tn) 1 Z tn+2 tn+1 Etn+1[zr]dr)2ds = 2E Z tn+1 t (zs ztn+1)2 + (( tn) 1 Z tn+2 tn+1 Etn+1[ztn+1 zr]dr)2ds C( t)2: Also, since tzn+1 = Z tn+2 tn+1 Etn+1[ ~Zr]dr, we have (( tn) 1 Z tn+2 tn+1 Etn+1[zr]dr zn+1)2 ( tn) 1 Z tn+2 tn+1 Etn+1[(zr ~Zr)2]dr: Thus we can rewrite (5.42) as E[(ety)2] +E Z tn+1 t (esz)2ds E[(etn+1y )2] +CE Z tn+1 t (etn+1y )ds +( 1 + 2 + )E Z tn+2 tn+1 (esz)2ds+C( t)2 + 1 0 E Z tn+1 t (esy)2ds: 84 Choose 1 and 2 small enough such that ( 1 + 2 + ) = K < 1 (since < 1). Then E[(ety)2] +E Z tn+1 t (esz)2ds C1E Z tn+1 t (esy)2ds+E[(etn+1y )2] +C2E Z tn+1 tn (etn+1y )2ds +KE Z tn+2 tn+1 (esz)2ds+C( t)2 (1 +C2 t)E[(etn+1y )2] +KE Z tn+2 tn+1 (esz)2ds+C( t)2 +C1E Z tn+1 t (esy)2ds: (5.43) By Gronwall?s inequality, we get E[(esy)2] C((1 +C2 t)E[(etn+1y )2] +E Z tn+2 tn+1 (esz)2ds+C( t)2) (5.44) for s2[tn;tn+1]. Now we let t = tn in (5.43) and substitute (5.44) in (5.43) to obtain E[(etny )2] +E Z tn+1 tn (esz)2ds (1 +C1 t)E[(etn+1y )2] +(K +C2 t)E Z tn+2 tn+1 (esz)2ds+C( t)2: Now by Theorem 1, we easily obtain E[(etny )2] +E Z tn+1 tn (esz)2ds E[(etn+1y )2] + (K +C t)E Z tn+2 tn+1 (esz)2ds+C( t)2: Let t be su ciently small such that C t + K L< 1, where L is a constant. Summing the above equation from n = 0 to n = N 1, we obtain (1 L) N 1X n=0 E Z tn+1 tn (esz)2ds C t+L Z tN tN 1 E[(esz)2]ds C t: (5.45) Through a similar argument, it?s easy to obtain Z tN tN 1 E[(esz)2]ds C t: (5.46) 85 By (5.40), (5.45) and (5.46), we conclude that N 1X n=0 E Z tn+1 tn (zs zn)2ds C t as required in Theorem 2. 5.2.3 Numerical experiments In this section we carry out numerical experiments to verify the rate of convergence results obtained in Section 3 and compare our numerical method with the nite di er- ence method for stochastic parabolic partial di erential equations ([?]). The conditional expectations in (5.18) and (5.19) can be evaluated using Monte Carlo method or Gaussian quadratures ([?, 90]. In our examples, we use the binomial tree method which is amount to two point Gaussian quadrature ([?]). Example 1: In the rst example, we consider the initial boundary value problem. ut(x) = exp(x T) sin(B(T)2 ) + Z T t [12 @ 2 @x2us(x) (x+ 1 8)us(x) s 2 @ @xus(x)]ds + Z T t 1 2 exp(x s) cos(B(T) B(s) 2 )d B s; ut( 1) = exp(( 1) t) sin(B(T) B(T)2 ); ut(1) = exp(1 t) sin(B(T) B(t)2 ): (5.47) 86 Table 5.1: Example 1 of Section 6.2 J NT (FD) error(FD) NT (BDSDE) error (BDSDE) 22 25 0:0213 24 0:200 23 27 0:0177 26 0:0383 24 29 0:0112 28 0:0106 25 211 0:00587 210 0:00376 26 213 0:00313 212 0:00152 We construct the SPDE (5.47) in such a way that ut(x) = exp(x t) sin(B(T) B(t)2 ) is the exact solution. The corresponding BDSDE is given by y0;x0 = exp(X0;xT T) sin(B(T)2 )I T + exp(X0;x ) sin(B(T) B( )2 )I T + Z T^ 0 [ (X0;xt + 18)y0;xt t2z0;xt ]ds Z T^ 0 z0;xt dWt + Z T^ 0 1 2 exp(X 0;x t t) cos(B(T) B(t) 2 )d B t: The numerical results are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Here J denotes the number of spatial partition grids, NT(FD) the number of time steps used in nite di erence method, NT(BDSDE) the number of time steps used in our method for solving the related BDSDE, and error(FD) and error(BDSDE) the errors of nite di erence method and our method, respectively. The results indicate that our algorithm is comparable to the the algorithm of solving the SPDE directly using the nite di erence scheme, with a little higher rate of convergence. Example 2: In this example, we consider the unbounded SPDE initial value problem. ut(x) = sin(x+T) cos(2BT) + Z T t [12 @ 2 @x2us(x) @ @xus(x)]ds + Z T t sin(W(s) +s)(sin(BT +Bs) cos(BT +Bs)) +us(x)d Bs; (5.48) 87 ?5 ?4.5 ?4 ?3.5 ?3 ?2.5 ?2?6.5 ?6 ?5.5 ?5 ?4.5 ?4 ?3.5 ?3 ?2.5 ?2 ?1.5 log(h) log(error) BDSDE FD 2 1 Figure 5.1: Example 1: Convergence comparison between the direct nite di erence scheme and our scheme Table 5.2: Example 2 of Section 6.2 J NT error(Y) (u) error(Z) (ru) 23 23 6:4096E 002 0:1188 24 24 3:2019E 002 9:0028E 002 25 25 1:4426E 002 6:3314E 002 26 26 7:2577E 003 4:1337E 002 27 27 3:5995E 003 2:7149E 002 where ut(x) = sin(x+t) cos(BT +Bt) is the solution of the SPDE (5:48). The corresponding FBDSDE is given by y0;x0 = sin(W(T) +T) cos(2BT) Z T 0 z0;xs ds + Z t 0 [sin(W(s) +s)(sin(BT +Bs) cos(BT +Bs))+0;xs ]d Bs Z t 0 z0;xs dWs: The errors are shown in Table 2, in which error(Y) and error(Z) are errors for Y and Z at time-space point (t;x) = (0;0), respectively. These data also con rm our rate of converence results. 88 ?5 ?4.5 ?4 ?3.5 ?3 ?2.5 ?2?6 ?5.5 ?5 ?4.5 ?4 ?3.5 ?3 ?2.5 ?2 log(h) log(error) ErrorY ErrorZ 2 1 Figure 5.2: Example 2: Convergence comparison between the approximations of y and z 5.3 First Order Numerical Algorithms To develop rst order numerical algorithms for BDSDEs, we simplify the BDSDEs system to Yt;xs = h(Wt;xT ) + Z T s f(r;Wt;xr ;Yt;xr ;Zt;xr )dr + Z T s g(r;Wt;xr ;Yt;xr )d Br Z T s Zt;xr dWr; s t T: (5.49) In addition to the de nitions and assumptions in subsection 5.1, we introduce variational equations of BDSDEs. 5.3.1 Variational Equations LetrYt;xs ,rZt;xs andrWt;xs be the variations of Yt;xs , Zt;xs and Wt;xs , respectively, with respect to x at time level s = t. Notice that that rWt;xs 1. To simplify the presentation, we write ys = Yt;xs , zs = Zt;xs , Ws = Wt;xs , rys =rYt;xs , rzs =rZt;xs and rWs =rWt;xs . From [61], f(ryt;rzt); 0 t Tg, is the unique solution of the equation ryt =ryT + Z T t rFsds+ Z T t rGsd Bs Z T t rzsdWs; (5.50) 89 where ryT = h0(XT)rXT; rFs = f0W(s;Ws;ys;zs) +f0y(s;Ws;ys;zs) rys +f0z(s;Ws;ys;zs) rzs; t s T and rGs = g0W(s;Ws;ys) +g0y(s;Ws;ys) rys; t s T: Here f0W, f0y, f0z and g0W, g0y are rst order partial derivatives of functions f and g with respect to Ws, ys and zs. By Proposition 2.3 of [61], zs =rys (rWs) 1 =rys; 0 s T: (5.51) 5.3.2 Reference equations In this subsection we approximate integrals in (5.49) with appropriate quadratures with rst order accuracy and name the resulting equations as reference equations (see [87]). For this purpose, we de ne FW;ts := (Wr;t r s)_ (Bp; 0 p T). Let E[X] denote the mathematical expectation of the random variable X and Et;xt [X] denote the conditional expectation E[XjFW;tt ] of the random variable X with Wt = x. To further simplify the notation, we denote f(s;ys;zs) := f(s;Ws;Bs;ys;zs); g(s;ys) := g(s;Ws;Bs;ys); g0t(s;ys) := g0t(s;Ws;Bs;ys); g0W(s;ys) := g0W(s;Ws;Bs;ys); g0B(s;ys) := g0B(s;Ws;Bs;ys); g0y(s;ys) := g0y(s;Ws;Bs;ys); g00WW(s;ys) := g00WW(s;Ws;Bs;ys); g00BB(s;ys) := g00BB(s;Ws;Bs;ys); and g00yy(s;ys) := g00yy(s;Ws;Bs;ys); where g0t, g0W, g0B, g0y and g0z are rst order partial deriva- tives with respect to variables t, Wt, Bt and yt, respectively; g00WW, g00BB and g00yy are second order partial derivatives with respect to variables Wt, Bt, and yt, respectively. 90 With the above notations and from equation (5.49), we have for n = 1; ;NT 1, ytn = ytn+1 + Z tn+1 tn f(s;ys;zs)ds Z tn+1 tn zsdWs + Z tn+1 tn g(s;ys) dBs: (5.52) Reference equation for ys We rst eliminate the forward It^o integral from(5.52). To this end we take the condi- tional expectation Etn;xtn [ ] on both sides of (5.52) to obtain ytn;xtn = Etn;xtn [ytn+1] + Z tn+1 tn Etn;xtn [f(s;ys;zs)]ds+ Z tn+1 tn Etn;xtn [g(s;ys;zs)] dBs; (5.53) where ytn;xtn = Etn;xtn [ytn] is the value of ytn at the space point x. Next we approximate the integrals in the above equation with appropriate quadrature formulas. For the rst integral on the right hand side of (5.53), we simply use right point formula to obtain Z tn+1 tn Etn;xtn [f(s;ys;zs)]ds = tnEtn;xtn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)] +RW;ny ; (5.54) where RW;ny = Z tn+1 tn fEtn;xtn [f(s;ys;zs)] Etn;xtn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)]gds: (5.55) For the backward It^o integral term in (5.53), the application of the right point formula will result in only a half order scheme (see [6]) and thus is inadequate for deriving a rst order algorithm. To obtain a rst order numerical scheme, we introduce It^o?s formula for doubly stochastic integrals ([61] Lemma 1.3). Let t = (t;Wt;Bt;yt), t = (1;0;0; f(t;yt;zt)), t = (0;0;1; g(t;yt)) and t = (0;1;0;zt). In light of (5.49), (5.50) and the identity (5.51), we have following SDE for t: t = s + Z t s rdr + Z t s rd Br + Z t s rdWr; 0 s 0, it follows from Young?s inequality that 2E[Etn;xtn [en+1y Wtn] Rnz] E[(Etn;xtn [en+1y Wtn])2] + 1 E[(Rnz)2]: (5.97) 105 Inserting (5.95), (5.96) and (5.97) into the equation (5.94) and using (5.93), we obtain the estimate ( tn)2E[(enz)2] (1 + )E[(Etn;xtn [en+1y Wtn])2] +C 2( tn)2 E[Etn;xtn [(en+1y )2]] + 2( tn)2 E[Etn;xtn [(en+1z )2]] + 3C3( tn)3 E[Etn;xtn [(en+1z )2]] +C E[(Rnz)2]; (5.98) where C 2, C are constants depending on 2, respectively and functions f and g. Dividing both sides of equation (5.98) by ( tn)(1 + ) and noticing that (Etn;xtn [en+1y Wtn])2 tn (Etn;xtn [(en+1y )2] (Etn;xtn [en+1y ])2); we obtain ( tn1 + )E[(enz)2] E[Etn;xtn [(en+1y )2] (Etn;xtn [en+1y ])2] +C 2 tn1 + E[Etn;xtn [(en+1y )2]] + 2 tn1 + E[Etn;xtn [(en+1z )2]] + 3C31 + ( tn)2 E[Etn;xtn [(en+1z )2]] +C ( tn) 1 11 + E[(Rnz)2]: Since 11 + < 1, the above inequality can be rewritten as ( tn1 + )E[(enz)2] E[Etn;xtn [(en+1y )2] (Etn;xtn [en+1y ])2] +C 2 tn E[Etn;xtn [(en+1y )2]] + 2 tn E[Etn;xtn [(en+1z )2]] + 3C3( tn)2 E[Etn;xtn [(en+1z )2]] +C ( tn) 1 E[(Rnz)2]: (5.99) 106 With (5.91) and (5.99) in hand, we are ready to drive the result of the theorem. First we add (5.99) to (5.91) to obtain E[(eny)2] + tn1 + E[(enz)2] E[Etn;xtn [(en+1y )2]] + (C 1 +C 2) tn E[Etn;xtn [(en+1y )2]] + ( 1 + 2) tn E[Etn;xtn [(en+1z )2]] + 3(C1 +C3)( tn)2 E[Etn;xtn [(en+1z )2]] + 3E[(Rny)2] + (E[R W;n y ]) 2 tn +C ( tn) 1 E[(Rn z) 2]: (5.100) For a xed positive constant , we choose positive numbers 1, 2 so that 1 + 2 11 + : Then, the application of Jensen?s inequality leads to E[(eny)2] + tn1 + E[(enz)2] (1 +C 1; 2 tn) (E[(en+1y )2] + tn1 + E[(en+1z )2]) + 3E[(Rny)2] + (E[R W;n y ]) 2 tn +C ( tn) 1 E[(Rn z) 2]; (5.101) where C 1; 2 is a constant depending on 1, 2 and functions f and g. Finally using the discrete Gronwall inequality, we obtain max 0 n NT 1 (E[(eny)2] + tn1 + E[(enz)2]) C (E[(eNTy )2] + tNT 11 + E[(eNTz )2]) + NT 1X n=0 f3E[(Rny)2] + (E[R W;n y ]) 2 tn +C ( tn) 1 E[(Rn z) 2]g (5.102) as required. We now apply Theorem 5.3 to obtain error estimates for the proposed numerical scheme (5.80) and (5.81). In light of (5.102), it su ces to estimate the truncation errors Rny, Rnz and RW;ny . First we need a couple of regularity results for the exact solution (yt;zt). 107 Lemma 6 [61] For bounded f, g and h, E[(yt;xs yt;xt )2] +E[ Z t s (zr)2dr] Cjt sj; (5.103) and for bounded function with bounded second-order derivatives, (E[ (t;yt;zt) (s;ys;zs)])2 C(t s)2 where C is a constant independent of s and t. Lemma 7 [61] Assume that f, g, h, f0W, f0y, f0z, g0W, g0y, g0z, and h0 are all bounded, then E[(zt;xs zt;xt )2] +E[ Z t s (rzr)2dr] Cjt sj: (5.104) where C is a constant independent of s and t. Now we are ready to derive estimates for the truncation errors RW;ny Rny and Rnz. Proposition 2 Assume that that functions f, g, g0B, g0W, g0y are Lipschitz continuous, and f, g and h are bounded. Furthermore, assume that for any s 2 [0;T], (x;y;z) ! (f(s;x;y;z);g(s;x;y)) of class C3, all derivatives are bounded on [0;T] Rd Rk and h2C3(Rd;Rk). Then we have the following estimates (i): (E[RW;ny ])2 C( tn)4; (5.105) (ii): E[(Rny)2] C( tn)3; (5.106) (iii): E[(Rnz)2] C( tn)4; (5.107) where C is a constant only related to functions f and g. 108 Proof: (i). By Lemma 6, the de nition of RW;ny given by (5.55), and the assumptions in the Proposition we have that (E[RW;ny ])2 = ( Z tn+1 tn E[f(s;ys;zs) f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)]ds)2 tn Z tn+1 tn (E[f(s;ys;zs) f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)])2ds C( tn)4; which is (5.105). (ii). By de nition (5.62), Rny = RB;ny +RW;ny . Thus it su ces to estimate RB;ny and RW;ny . For Rng(s) given by (5.56), it easy to see that E[(Rng1(s))2] = E[(Et;xt [Rng(s)])2] = O(( tn)2); (5.108) From the de nition of Rng2(s) given by (5.57) we have that E[(Rng2(s))2] = E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0B(r;yr) g0yg(r;yr))d Br (g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1)) Z tn+1 s d Br])2] 2E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0B(r;yr) g0B(tn+1;ytn+1))d Br])2] + 2E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0y(r;yr) g(r;yr) g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1))d Br])2]: For the rst term on the right hand side of the above inequality, we have by Lemma 6, It^o?s isometry and the assumptions in the Proposition, that E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0B(r;yr) g0B(tn+1;ytn+1))d Br])2] = O(( tn)2); (5.109) 109 Similarly, E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0y(r;yr) g(r;yr) g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1))d Br])2] = O(( tn)2): (5.110) Thus E[(Rng2(s))2] O(( tn)2): (5.111) It follows from (5.108) and (5.111) that E[(RB;ny )2] = E[( Z tn+1 tn (Rng1(s) +Rng2(s))d Bs)2] = O(( tn)3): (5.112) For RW;ny , it follows from Lemma 6, Lemma 7 and the assumptions of the Proposition that E[(RW;ny )2] = E[( Z tn+1 tn fEtn;xtn [f(s;ys;zs)] Etn;xtn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)]gds)2] tn E[ Z tn+1 tn fEtn;xtn [f(s;ys;zs)] Etn;xtn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)]g2ds] (5.113) tn E[ Z tn+1 tn (C( tn)2 +LEtn;xtn [(ys ytn+1)2] +LEtn;xtn [(zs ztn+1)2])ds] = O(( tn)3): Combing (5.111) with (5.113), we obtain the desired estimate (5.106) for Rny. (iii). At last, we derive estimate (5.107) for Rnz, which is de ned by Rnz = Rs;nz +RW;nz + RB;nz in (5.72). To this end, we derive the estimates for Rs;nz , RW;nz and RB;nz . We rst estimate the error term Rs;nz . Under the assumptions in the Proposition, E[ Z tn+1 tn (rFs)2ds] = O( tn) and E[(Etn;xtn [rGr] Etn;xtn [rGtn+1])2] = O( tn): 110 It follows from the de nition of Rs;nz given by (5.66) and the above two identities that E[(Rs;nz )2] = E[( Z tn+1 tn Z s tn Etn;xtn [rFr]drds Z tn+1 tn Z s tn (Etn;xtn [rGr] Etn;xtn [rGtn+1])d Brds)2] 2E[( Z tn+1 tn Z s tn Etn;xtn [rFr]drds)2] (5.114) +2E[( Z tn+1 tn Z s tn (Etn;xtn [rGr] Etn;xtn [rGtn+1])d Brds)2] = O(( tn)4): Similarly to (5.113), E[(RW;nz )2] = E[( Z tn+1 tn Etn;xtn [(f(s;ys;zs) f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)) Wtn]ds)2] = O(( tn)4): (5.115) To get the estimate RB;nz given by ( 5.70 ), we need the estimates for RB;nz1 , RB;nz2 and RB;nz3 . With estimate (5.108), (5.109) and (5.110) in hand, it?s easy to obtain E[(Et;xt [Rng(s) Wtn])2] = O(( tn)3); E[(Etn;xtn [( Z tn+1 s (g0B(r;yr) g0B(tn+1;ytn+1))d Br) Wtn])2] = O(( tn)3); (5.116) and E[(Etn;xtn [( Z tn+1 s g0 y(r;yr) g(r;yr) g 0 y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) d B r) Wtn])2] = O(( tn)3): (5.117) Thus, we get the estimates for RB;nz1 and RB;nz2 as following E[(RB;nz1 (s))2] = E[(Et;xt [Rng(s) Wtn])2] = O(( tn)3);p 111 and E[(RB;nz2 (s))2] = E[( Z tn+1 s Etn;x tn g0 B(r;yr) g 0 y(r;yr) g(r;yr) W tn Etn;xtn g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn d Br)2] 2E[(Etn;xtn [( Z tn+1 s (g0B(r;yr) g0B(tn+1;ytn+1))d Br) Wtn])2] +2E[(Etn;xtn [( Z tn+1 s (g0y(r;yr) g(r;yr) g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1))d Br) Wtn])2] = O(( tn)3): By using the following estimates obtained directly from Lemma 6, Lemma 7 and the assumptions in the Proposition E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0W(r;yr) g0W(tn+1;ytn+1))dr])2] = O(( tn)3); (5.118) E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0y(r;yr) zr g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) ztn+1)dr])2] = O(( tn)3): (5.119) We get an estimate for RB;nz3 E[(RB;nz3 (s))2] = E[( Z tn+1 s Etn;x tn [g 0 W(r;yr) +g 0 y(r;yr) zr Etn;xtn g0W(tn+1;ytn+1) +g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) ztn+1 dr)2] 2E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0W(r;yr) g0W(tn+1;ytn+1))dr])2] +2E[(Etn;xtn [ Z tn+1 s (g0y(r;yr) zr g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) ztn+1)dr])2] = O(( tn)3): 112 Therefore, E[(RB;nz )2] = E[ Z tn+1 tn (RB;nz1 (s) +RB;nz2 (s) +RB;nz3 (s))d Bs 2 ] = O(( tn)4): (5.120) Then, from estimate (5.114), (5.115) and (5.120), we have E[(Rnz)2] C( tn)4: (5.121) Combining Theorem 5.3 and Proposition 2, we obtain the error estimates for our nu- merical scheme (5.80), (5.81). Theorem 5.4 Under the conditions of Theorem 5.3 and Proposition 2, if yNT = ytNT and zNT = ztNT , we have max 0 n NT 1 (E[(eny)2]) C( t)2; max 0 n NT 1 (E[(enz)2]) C t: (5.122) 5.3.5 Fully discrete scheme and its error estimate Fully discrete scheme The scheme we provided above is a semi-discrete scheme. In order to solve for (yn;zn) numerically, spatial approximations are needed. To simplify the presentation, in this section, we only consider the one dimensional case. The multi-dimensional cases can be deduced through a straightforward generalization. In addition to the temporal partition provided in Section 3, we introduce the following spatial partition of the real line R: Rh =fxijxi2R;i2Z;xi 0 and functions f and g. Recall that for a given random variable , ^Etn;xit n [ ] = 1p KX j=1 wj (xi +p2 taj): (5.130) To present the error estimates for the fully discrete scheme, we need the following Lemma Lemma 8 We assume that u, v are two functions, u;v : R ! R, and is any random variable. Then the following inequalities hold (^Etn;xitn [^u ^v])2 max i (u(xi) v(xi))2; ^Etn;xit n [(^u ^v) 2] max i (u(xi) v(xi))2; (5.131) (^Etn;xitn [ Wtn])2 t h^ Etn;xitn [ 2] (^Etn;xitn [ ])2 i (5.132) and (^Etn;xitn [ Wtn])2 t ^Etn;xitn [ 2]: (5.133) 118 Proof: From the de nition of ^Etn;xitn [ ] and the fact that 1p KX j=1 wj = 1, (^Etn;xitn [^u ^v])2 = ( 1p KX j=1 wj h ^u(xi +p2 t aj) ^v(xi +p2 t aj) i )2 ( 1p KX j=1 wj ^u(xi + p2 t a j) ^v(xi + p2 t a j) )2 ( 1p KX j=1 wj max i ju(xi) v(xi)j)2 = max i ju(xi) v(xi)j 2 = max i (u(xi) v(xi))2 and ^Etn;xit n [(^u ^v) 2]) = 1p KX j=1 wj ^u(xi +p2 t aj) ^v(xi +p2 t aj) 2 1p KX j=1 wj max i (u(xi) v(xi))2 = max i (u(xi) v(xi))2: as required in (5.131). To prove (5.132), we set ij = (xi +p2 t aj), it follows from the Cauchy Schwarz inequality and the fact 1p KX j=1 p2 t a j wj = 0 that ^ Etn;xitn [ Wtn] 2 = ( 1p KX j=1 p2 t a j wj ij)2 = ( 1p KX j=1 p2 t a j wj [ ij KX p=1 wpp i p ]) 2 [ KX j=1 wjp ( p2 t a j)2 ] [ KX j=1 wjp ( i j KX p=1 wpp i p) 2 ] 119 Since PKj=1 2wjp (aj)2 = 1 and PKj=1 wjp = 1, we see that [ KX j=1 wjp ( p2 t a j)2 ] [ KX j=1 wjp ( i j KX p=1 wpp i p) 2 ] = t [ KX j=1 2wjp (aj) 2 ] [ KX j=1 wjp ( ( i j) 2 2 i j KX p=1 wpp i p + ( KX p=1 wpp i p) 2 ) ] = t [ KX j=1 wjp ( i j) 2 ( KX j=1 wjp i j) 2 ] = t [ ^Etn;xitn [ 2] (^Etn;xitn [ ])2 ]; which proves the inequality (5.132). The inequality (5.133) follows directly from (5.132). Similar to the proof of (5.131), ^ Etn;xitn [( ^f(tn+1; ^ytn+1;^ztn+1) ^f(tn+1; ^yn+1;^zn+1))] 2 = [ 1p KX j=1 wj ^ f(tn+1; ^ytn+1(xi +p2 t aj);^ztn+1(xi +p2 t aj)) ^f(tn+1; ^yn+1(xi +p2 t aj);^zn+1(xi +p2 t aj)) ]2 [ 1p KX j=1 wj max i f(tn+1;ytn+1;xitn+1 ;ztn+1;xitn+1 ) f(tn+1;yn+1i ;zn+1i ) ]2 = max i f(tn+1;ytn+1;xitn+1 ;ztn+1;xitn+1 ) f(tn+1;yn+1i ;zn+1i ) 2 L [max i (en+1;iy )2 + max i (en+1;iz )2]: Following the above procedure, we see that ^ Etn;xitn [(^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^yn+1))] 2 Lmax i (en+1;iy )2; ^ Etn;xitn [(^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^yn+1))] 2 Lmax i (en+1;iy )2; ^ Etn;xitn [(^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1)^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^yn+1)^g(tn+1; ^yn+1))] 2 Lmax i (en+1;iy )2: (5.134) 120 Proof of Theorem 5.5: Notice that for any random variable ?tn+1 and ?n+1, Etn;xitn [?tn+1] ^Etn;xitn [ ^?n+1] = Etn;xitn [?tn+1] ^Etn;xitn [?tn+1] + ^Etn;xitn [?tn+1 ^?tn+1] + ^Etn;xitn [ ^?tn+1 ^?n+1]: (5.135) From the equation (5.128), we have that en;iy = ^Etn;xitn [^ytn+1 ^yn+1] + t f^Etn;xitn [ ^f(tn+1; ^ytn+1;^ztn+1) ^f(tn+1; ^yn+1;^zn+1)] +12 ^Etn;xitn [^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^yn+1)] 12 ^Etn;xitn [^g0y(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0y(tn+1; ^yn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^yn+1)]g+ Btn f^Etn;xitn [^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^yn+1)] 12 ^Etn;xitn [^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^yn+1)] Btn (5.136) +12 ^Etn;xitn [^g0y(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0y(tn+1; ^yn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^yn+1)] Btng +Iy1 +Iy2 +Rn;iy ; where Iy1 = Etn;xitn [ytn+1] ^Etn;xitn [ytn+1] + t fEtn;xitn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)] ^Etn;xitn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1)] + 12Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1)] 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1)] 12Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1)] + 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1)]g + Btn fEtn;xitn [g(tn+1;ytn+1)] ^Etn;xitn [g(tn+1;ytn+1)] 12Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1)] Btn + 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1)] Btn +12Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1)] Btn 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1)] Btng; and Iy2 = ^Etn;xitn [ytn+1 ^ytn+1] + t f^Etn;xitn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1) ^f(tn+1; ^ytn+1;^ztn+1)] 121 +12 ^Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1)] 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g0y(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1)]g+ Btn f^Etn;xitn [g(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1)] 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1)] Btn +12 ^Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g0y(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1)] Btng; Similarly, the equation (5.129) becomes ten;iz = ^Etn;xitn [(^ytn+1 ^yn+1) Wtn+1] + t f^Etn;xitn [( ^f(tn+1; ^ytn+1;^ztn+1) ^f(tn+1; ^yn+1;^zn+1)) Wtn+1] +12 ^Etn;xitn [(^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^yn+1)) Wtn+1] 12 ^Etn;xitn [(^g0y(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0y(tn+1; ^yn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^yn+1)) Wtn+1]g + Btn f^Etn;xitn [(^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^yn+1)) Wtn+1] 12 ^Etn;xitn [(^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^yn+1)) Wtn+1] Btn (5.137) +12 ^Etn;xitn [(^g0y(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g0y(tn+1; ^yn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^yn+1)) Wtn+1] Btng+Iz1 +Iz2 +Rn;iz ; where Iz1 = Etn;xitn [ytn+1 Wtn+1] ^Etn;xitn [ytn+1 Wtn+1] + t fEtn;xitn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1) Wtn+1] ^Etn;xitn [f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1) Wtn+1] +12Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] 12Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] +12 ^Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1]g + Btn fEtn;xitn [g(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] ^Etn;xitn [g(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] 12Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] Btn + 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] Btn 122 +12Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] Btn 12 ^Etn;xitn [g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) Wtn+1] Btng; Iz2 = ^Etn;xitn [(ytn+1 ^ytn+1) Wtn+1] + t f^Etn;xitn [(f(tn+1;ytn+1;ztn+1) ^f(tn+1; ^ytn+1;^ztn+1)) Wtn+1] +12 ^Etn;xitn [(g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1)) Wtn+1] 12 ^Etn;xitn [(g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g0y(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1)) Wtn+1]g + Btn f^Etn;xitn [(g(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1)) Wtn+1] 12 ^Etn;xitn [(g0B(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g0B(tn+1; ^ytn+1)) Wtn+1] Btn +12 ^Etn;xitn [(g0y(tn+1;ytn+1) g(tn+1;ytn+1) ^g0y(tn+1; ^ytn+1) ^g(tn+1; ^ytn+1)) Wtn+1] Btng; For any function ?, jEtn;xitn [?] ^Etn;xitn [?]j D? K!2K(2K)!; where D? is the upper bound for j?(2K)x j . Since y, z, f, g, g0B, g0y 2C(2K)b , we have E[(Iy1 ])2 C K! 2K(2K)! 2 and E[max i (en;iy )2] + t1 + E[max i (en;iz )2] (1 +C t) (E[max i (en+1;iy )2] + t1 + E[max i (en+1;iz )2]) +3E[(Iy1 +Iy2 + max i Rn;iy )2] + (E[I y 1 +I y 2 + maxiR W;n;i y ]) 2 t +C ( t) 1 E[(Iz1 +Iz2 + max i Rn;iz )2]: 123 Therefore, E[max i (en;iy )2] + t1 + E[max i (en;iz )2] (1 +C t) (E[max i (en+1;iy )2] + t1 + E[max i (en+1;iz )2]) +3C " K! 2K(2K)! 2 +h4 + ( t)3 # +C( t) 1 " K! 2K(2K)! 2 +h4 + ( t)4 # +C ( t) 1 C " K! 2K(2K)! 2 +h4 + ( t)4 # = (1 +C t) (E[max i (en+1;iy )2] + t1 + E[max i (en+1;iz )2]) +C ( t) 1 C " K! 2K(2K)! 2 +h4 + ( t)4 # : (5.138) By applying discrete Grownwall?s inequality, we obtain E[max i (en;iy )2] + t1 + E[max i (en;iz )2] NTX j=n C ( t) 1 C " K! 2K(2K)! 2 +h4 + ( t)4 # : Thus, max 0 n NT 1 E[max i (en;iy )2] C " ( t) 2 K! 2K(2K)! 2 + h 4 ( t)2 + ( t) 2 # and max 0 n NT 1 E[max i (en;iz )2] C " ( t) 3 K! 2K(2K)! 2 + h 4 ( t)3 + t # ; as required. Remark 3 Notice that the error terms ( t) 2 K! 2K(2K)! 2 and ( t) 3 K! 2K(2K)! 2 decrease very rapidly as the parameter K becomes large. 5.3.6 Numerical experiment We now demonstrate the e ectiveness and accuracy of our method for solving the BDS- DE (5.49). We will compare our rst order scheme with the half order scheme ( see [6] ) in 124 Table 5.3: Example 1 of Section 6.3 NT Error1 2 (Y) Error1 2 (Z) Error1(Y) Error1(Z) 24 0:2899 0:4197 0:1036 0:1486 25 0:2162 0:3193 5:35E 02 7:74E 02 26 0:13478 0:1942 2:52E 02 3:74E 02 27 8:76E 02 0:1292 1:21E 02 1:81E 02 CR 0:5864 0:5817 1:0380 1:0162 example1. In example 2, we show an application of BDSDE in solving a nonlinear ltering problem. Example 1. Consider the BDSDE Yt;xt = exp(T +Wt;xT ) + Z T t sin(s) Yt;x s Z t;x s sin(s) exp(s+W t;x s +Bs BT) ds Z T t Zt;xs dWs Z T t Yt;xs d Bs: The exact solution is Yt;xs = exp(s+Wt;xs +Bs BT), Zt;xs = exp(s+Wt;xs +Bs BT). Numerical results are shown in Table 5.3. Here, the integer NT is the number of temporal partitions, CR is the convergence rate, Error1(Y) and Error1(Z) represent, respectively, the errors in the approximation of Yt;xt and Zt;xt of the rst order scheme. Also, Error1 2 (Y) and Error1 2 (Z) are respectively, the errors in approximation of Yt;xt and Zt;xt of the half order scheme. The results verify the theoretical error estimates we obtained in Section 4. Example 2. We present a practical example which illustrates the application of our numerical method to solve a nonlinear ltering problem. This example is a classical \bearing- only tracking" problem (see [8]). The simulation scenario is shown in Figure 5.3. Consider a target moving along the x-axis, according to a state equation dXt = (4 + 2 sinXt)dt+d ~Wt; X0 = 40: 125 Figure 5.3: Target tracking by using one detector 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500 5 10 15 20 25 30 Observation Angle v = 4 + 2sin x (m/s) Platform Target A xed observer located on a platform on the y-axis takes noisy measurement Ot of the target bearing dOt = tan 1( 20X t ) +d ~Bt; O0 = 0: Here, ~Wt and ~Bt are two independent standard Brownian Motions. The goal is to nd Figure 5.4: Tracking Estimate 0 2 4 6 8 10 120 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Time (seconds) Position (meters) Real state Estimate state the best estimate of the target position Xt based on the observations up to time t, i.e. for E[XtjF(Ot0)], where F(Ot0) denotes the -algebra generated by the observation fOsg0 s t. The initial guess of the position of the target is X0 = 44. One has the conditional density 126 Figure 5.5: Probability Distribution (a) 30 steps 25 30 35 400 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 Position Probability density Distribution Real Target (b) 60 steps 10 15 20 25 300 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Position Probability density Distribution Real Target (c) 90 steps 0 2 4 6 8 100 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 Position Probability density Distribution Real Target p p(XtjF(Ot0)) = YT t;XtT t , where YT t;xs satis es the following BDSDE( see [61, ?]) YT t;xs = YT t;xT + Z T s 2 cos(WT t;x r ) Y T t;x r + (4 + 2 sin(W T t;x r )) Z T t;x r dr Z T s ZT t;xr dWr + Z T s tan 1( 20WT t;x r ) YT t;xr d OT r; where T t s T, and x 2 R. The initial condition YT t;xT of the above equation is the normal distribution N(44;1). The stochastic process Wt is a standard Brownian motion independent of the observation process Ot. De ne the equivalent probability measure Q by dQ dPjGt = exp Z t 0 tan 1( 20X t )dOs 12 Z t 0 jtan 1( 20X t )j2ds ; t2R+; where Gt is the -algebra generated by fXsg0 s t and fOsg0 s t, t2R+. One has under probability measure Q, that Wt and Ot are two independent standard Brownian Motions(see [?]). In our simulation example, we assume that the observations are collected at intervals of length t = 0:125s and we track this target for 12s. Figure 5.4 illustrates the comparison of simulation results and the real target state. Figure 5.5 shows distributions of the simulated conditional probability p(XtjF(Ot0)). We present the simulation results to three time levels: 127 t = 3:75s(30 t);7:5s(60 t);11:25s(90 t). The red lines represent the real target positions and the blue curves show the simulated distribution. 128 Chapter 6 Concluding Remarks The major contribution of this work is the development of three novel numerical ap- proximation methods for the solution of nonlinear ltering problems: (i) an implicit lter method; (ii) a hybrid sparse grid Zakai lter method; (iii) the FBDSDE lter method. Our rst e ort in this work is the development of an implicit lter algorithm for nonlinear ltering problems. This method is under the general framework of the Bayesian lter. The essential idea is to evaluate the probability distribution of the current state in the prediction step by evaluating the previous state through the state equation, given the value of the current state and a sample of the noise. Through rigorous analysis we proved the convergence of the algorithm. Numerical experiments indicate that our method is more accurate than the standard Kalman lter and is more stable than the standard particle lter method for long term simulations. It needs to point out that our method is a grid method in which the probability distributions are evaluated at all grid points. As such, the computing cost will increase exponentially as the dimension increases. Thus our method at current form is suitable for only low dimension problems such as target tracking problems.. In the future, we plan to improve the algorithm by adding an adaptive mechanism and a new interpolation method called the \radial basis approximations" to it so that it will be more e cient in solving higher dimensional problems. The second e ort in this work focuses on the Zakai lter. We proposed the construction of a hybrid numerical algorithm to improve the e ciency of the Zakai lter for moderately high dimensional nonlinear ltering problems. Our algorithm combines the advantages of the splitting-up approximation scheme for the Zakai lter, a hierarchical sparse grid method for moderately high dimensional problems to compute the numerical solution of the Zakai lter, 129 and an importance sampling method to adaptively construct a bounded domain at each time step of the temporal discretization. The hierarchical sparse grid method reduces the number of grid points we need to solve in the splitting-up approximation scheme for the Zakai lter. The application of the solution domain adaptive method allows us to solve the Zakai lter in the high density region of the target state pdf which reduces the size of domains that we build the sparse grid points. We used one numerical experiment to show the e ectiveness of our solution domain adaptive method and two other examples to demonstrate that our algorithm is more e cient than the standard Zakai lter while maintaining its high accuracy. In addition, we proposed two numerical schemes for computing backward doubly s- tochastic di erential equations (BDSDEs). Becasue of the equivalent relation between BDS- DEs and SPDEs, our schemes can also be used to nd numerical solutions of the Zakai equation. Thus our algorithms also provide numerical methods for solving nonlinear lter- ing problems. It is worthy to mention that when solving the BDSDEs, we only need to solve stochastic ordinary di erential equations instead of solving SPDEs in the Zakai lter. In this connection, high order numerical approximation methods for stochastic ordinary di erential equations can be applied to develop high order numerical schemes for BDSDEs. The rst numerical scheme we proposed in this work provides a half order numerical approximation method for BDSDEs which is derived by using the Euler scheme to discretize the stochastic integrals. The second numerical scheme gives a rst order numerical approximation method. 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