The Lattice Gas Model and Lattice Boltzmann Model On Hexagonal Grids Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This thesis does not include proprietary or classified information. Kang Jin Certificate of Approval: Paul G. Schmidt Associate Professor Department of Mathematics Amnon J. Meir, Chair Professor Department of Mathematics Wenxian Shen Professor Department of Mathematics Tin-Yau Tam Professor Department of Mathematics Stephen L. McFarland Dean Graduate School The Lattice Gas Model and Lattice Boltzmann Model On Hexagonal Grids Kang Jin AThesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama August 8, 2005 The Lattice Gas Model and Lattice Boltzmann Model On Hexagonal Grids Kang Jin Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this thesis at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date Copy sent to: Name Date iii Vita Kang Jin was born in Shanghai, China in 1979. He did all his undergraduate study in Shanghai. He graduated from East China Normal University in 2001 with a Bachelors Degree in Mathematics. He then went to the United States in 2002. He accepted an o?er from Auburn University, and began his graduate study as well as being a Teaching Assistant. iv Thesis Abstract The Lattice Gas Model and Lattice Boltzmann Model On Hexagonal Grids Kang Jin Master of Science, August 8, 2005 (B.S., East China Normal University, 2001) 55 Typed Pages Directed by Amnon J. Meir We present an overview of the FHP model and the Lattice BGK model. Details regarding boundary conditions and initial conditions are discussed through implemen- tationsondrivencavityflow, Poiseuille flow, and flow past a cylinder. We describe our implementation of the method, justify the method and present some results, and analysis for di?erent Reynolds numbers. v Acknowledgments I thank Auburn University Mathematics and Statistics department for o?ering me the Graduate Teaching Assistant position. This is very important to me. Without this o?er I could not be where I am today. I also thank the faculty in the Mathematics and Statistics department who give me lots of help. I thank my committee members Dr. Wenxian Shen, Dr. Paul Schmidt and Dr. T.Y. Tam. Special thank to my advisor, Dr. Amnon J. Meir. His support and advice are the key to my work. vi Style manual or journal used Journal of Approximation Theory (together with the style known as ?aums?). Bibliograpy follows van Leunen?s A Handbook for Scholars. Computer software used The document preparation package T E X (specifically L A T E X) together with the departmental style-file aums.sty. vii Table of Contents List of Figures ix 1Introduction 1 2 The FHP Model 4 2.1 Basicmodel................................... 4 2.2 Macroscopicquantities............................. 7 2.3 Implementation................................. 8 2.3.1 Datastructure ............................. 8 2.3.2 Programstructure ........................... 9 2.3.3 Results ................................. 10 3TheLatticeBGKModel 12 3.1 Basicmodel................................... 12 3.2 TheNavier-Stokes ............................... 13 3.2.1 Theconservationlaws......................... 13 3.2.2 TheChapman-Enskogexpansion................... 15 3.3 Boundary and initial conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.4 Implementation................................. 19 3.5 Resultsanddataanalysis ........................... 21 3.5.1 Drivencavity.............................. 21 3.5.2 Poiseuille flow.............................. 21 3.5.3 Flowpastacylinder.......................... 27 4 Conclusions and future works 29 Bibliography 30 Appendices 32 .1 FHPcollisionlook-uptable .......................... 32 .2 PartialMatlabcodeI:FHPstreamingofadrivencavity.......... 33 .3 Partial code II: Lattice BGK initialization of a driven cavity . . . . . . . . 38 .4 PartialcodeIII:LatticeBGKcollisionofadrivencavity.......... 41 viii List of Figures 2.1 The hexagonal grid. One site can occupy a maximum of 7 particles. . . . 4 2.2 FHPcollisionrule ............................... 6 2.3 A 4?3 gridexample. ............................. 8 2.4 A driven cavity example for the FHP model. The Reynolds number is 934. Left column: results of FHP. Middle column: results of FHP with an ensemble average on 10 experiments. Right column: results of Lattice BGKmodelforcomparison........................... 11 3.1 Left boundary of a hexagonal grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.2 DrivencavityatRe =10. ........................... 22 3.3 DrivencavityatRe = 100. .......................... 22 3.4 DrivencavityatRe = 200. .......................... 23 3.5 DrivencavityatRe = 400. .......................... 23 3.6 Ghia-Ghia-Shin?s [12] result. The plot of the velocity contour with a Reynolds number of 400. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.7 DrivencavityatRe = 800. .......................... 24 3.8 Dimensionless x-velocity profile at the geometry center of the cavity for Reynolds number 10, 100, 200, 400, 800. Dashed line is the result from GhiaGhiaShin[12]atReynoldsnumber400................. 25 3.9 Dimensionless y-velocity profile at the geometry center of the cavity for Reynolds number 10, 100, 200, 400, 800. Dashed line is the result from GhiaGhiaShin[12]atReynoldsnumber400................. 26 3.10 An example of a Couette flow. Above: velocity contour. Below: x-velocity profile at x = 800. Solid line is the simulation, and dashed line is the actual solution...................................... 27 3.11 An example of a uniform flow past a cylinder for Re =400.Above: velocitycontour.Below:vorticitycontour................... 28 ix Chapter 1 Introduction The Lattice Gas model and Lattice Boltzmann model are methods for simulating fluids flows. The flow of incompressible fliuds can be described by the Navier-Stokes equation ?nullu ?t +(nullu??)nullu = ??P +?? 2 nullu (1.1) and the continuity equation ??nullu =0 (1.2) where nullu is the velocity, P = p/? 0 the kinematic pressure, p the pressure, ? 0 the constant mass density and ? = ?/? 0 the kinematic shear viscosity, ? the dynamic shear viscosity. The Lattice Boltzmann model is derived from Lattice Gas model. These two models are di?erent from models such as finite di?erence, finite volume, and finite element which are based on the discretization of partial di?erential equations (top-down models [1]). These two models are based on a discrete microscopic model which conserves desired quantities (such as mass and momentum); then the partial di?erential equations are derived by multi-scale analysis (bottom-up models). First introduced in 1973, by Hardy, de Pazzis and Pomeau (HPP) [2], the HPP model is a Lattice Gas model. It simulates the microscopic behavior of the fluid utilizing a square grid. The basic idea is to create a simple Cellular Automaton obeying nothing but conservation laws at a microscopic level that was able to reproduce the complexity of real fluid flows. Fluid particles of identical mass are only allowed to travel on the lattice 1 at unit speed. All lattice sites, which are the intersections of the lattice, are exclusive. This means that only one particle is allowed to travel at each of the four directions of one site. This gives a maximum of 4 particles at each site. Each site can take only a finite number of states, actually 2 4 =16states. At each time step, collision occurs at each site, according to a collision rule which conserves the density and the momentum. Then particles travel along a straight line (free streaming) until they meet some other particle or the boundary. This model is friendly to computer, since only a 4-bit variable is needed, and only logical operations are required. Also, only the information from the four neighbours are needed at each collision and streaming, this model is easy to parallelize. Although the calculations that the HPP requires are simple, it leads to a macroscopical anisotropical Navier-Stokes equation. This defect prevents the HPP from being applied to most fluid problems. In 1986 Frisch, Hasslacher and Pomeau (FHP) [3] introduced a lattice gas model based on a hexagonal grid. This grid change made the FHP model exhibit isotropy. Details of the FHP are discussed and several implementations are presented in the next chapter. Similar to the HPP, logical operations made the FHP model easy to implement on computers. Now the biggest problem of the cellular automata is the noise, since it is based on a Fermi-Dirac distribution of the equilibrium population because of the exclusion principle. The Fermi-Dirac distruibution is a distribution that applies to particles called fermions. Fermions have half-integral values of the quantum mechanical property called spin and are ?antisocial? in the sense that two fermions cannot exist in the same state. Protons, neutrons, electrons, and many other elementary particles are fermions. As we 2 will see in the next chapter, the results of the FHP are very noisy. Ensemble average and space average should both be used. This may result in a grid size thousand times larger than the original problem. For example, if the final solution on a 100?100 grid is needed, averaging on 10?10 cells and ensemble averaging on 10 experiments leads to calculations 10 times the size of a 1000 ? 1000 grid! The lack of Galilean invariance is another big problem of the FHP. The collision rules can be written in a look-up table. For the FHP model, this table should have a size of 2 7 ? 7. For multi-dimensional simulations, the huge look-up table associated with the collision rules makes this almost impossible. The Lattice Boltzmann model overcomes these defects very well. Instead of using boolean variables at each site, the Lattice Boltzmann model uses real numbers. The first model, proposed by McNamara and Zanetti [4], replaced the boolean variables with their ensemble average. The statistical noise is greatly reduced. After that the linear collision operator [5] came into being and then the enhanced collision rule [6]. The breakthrough is the single relaxation time approximation, known as the Lattice BGK model, named after Bhatnagar, Gross, and Krook [7]. This model dramatically reduces computation and good results are obtained in various applications. In this thesis, we will discuss in detail the Lattice BGK model. Simulations up to Reynolds number 1000 are presented. 3 Chapter 2 The FHP Model 2.1 Basic model Figure 2.1: The hexagonal grid. One site can occupy a maximum of 7 particles. The Lattice Gas Cellular Automata simulates molecular collision in a discretized fashion. Here let us consider a hexagonal grid shown in Figure 2.1. Each site is sur- rounded by 6 neighbours, connected by unit vectors nulle i =(sin( ? 3 (i?1)),cos( ? 3 (i?1))),i=1,...,6. (2.1) Exclusion principles allow a maximum of 7 particles at one site, one moving particle in each of the 6 directions, together with a rest particle in the middle. Here we use an occupation boolean variable n i (nullx,t),i=0,1,...,6 (0 stands for the rest particle) to indicate particle presence or non-presence at the i th direction of site nullx at time t.Thusa 4 7-bit variable is enough to carry the information at one site. All particles have the same mass and the same speed. One time step consists of a collision and a streaming. Collision only occurs at the sites, while streaming takes place on the connection between each two sites. The collision rules conserve mass and momentum. Figure 2.2 shows the basic set of collision rules [8]. The left column are the in-states and the right are the out-states. In-state means that particles are moving towards the center of the site. After the collision follows the out- state, particles then move away from the center of the site and begin streaming. So a full time step is: in-state =? collision =? out-state =? streaming =? in-state. By rotating, flipping, and combining these 7 rules, one can get a full set of 128 collision rules. Notice that some in-states will lead to two equivalent out-states. It is not necessary to pick an out-state randomly at every site. Notice that picking a random number is very time consuming. Instead, one can pick a single random boolean variable for all the sites at one time step. Compared to the original infinite number of traveling directions in the p.d e., the 6 directions model lacks degrees of freedom, yet it can display all the complexities of fliud phenomema [9]. This is the simplest isotropic model. By limiting the types of collision, the FHP can be divided into three types. The FHP-I only allows collisions of type (a) and (b). No rest particle is present. Types of collision other than (a) and (b) are replaced by simple streamig as if the particles don?t collide at all. FHP-II adds the rest particle, together with collision type (c), (d), and (e). FHP-III includes all types of collisions. 5 Figure 2.2: FHP collision rule 6 A no-slip boundary condition can be applied by a bounce back scheme, which means particles that hit the boundary at any angle should move back in the opposite direction. Reflection will lead to a slip boundary. The Dirichelet boundary condition can be set as a random variable on the boundary with a probability distuibution indicating the value at the boundary, then applying the collision followed by the bounce back scheme. 2.2 Macroscopic quantities Noise is the biggest problem of the FHP model. Hence both space average and ensemble average should be used. The space average is achieved by averaging on small cells, for example, 16?16 cells. In Figure 2.4 we present an experiment of driven cavity flow using FHP-III. We used a 200?240 grid. Since the grid is hexagonal, we take space average on a 10?12 cell. This is close to a square, which then gives us a 20?20 square grid. The density is given by ? = P i n i .And? 0 is the mean density, which is the average on the whole grid. Here are some model-dependent quantities derived by Frisch et al. [3] for the three types of FHP models. FHP-I FHP-II FHP-III d ? 0 /6 ? 0 /7 ? 0 /7 c s 1 ? 2 q 3 7 q 3 7 ? 1 12 1 d(1?d) 3 ? 1 8 1 28 1 d(1?d) 3 1 1?4d/7 ? 1 8 1 28 1 d(1?d) 1 1?8d(1?d)/7 ? 1 8 7 where d is the mean density per link, c s is the speed of sound, and ? is the kinematic viscosity. 2.3 Implementation The information above is enough to write a code. Here we talk about the implemen- tation of the FHP-III model. The model problem is a driven cavity flow. For simplicity, we use Matlab as programming language. 2.3.1 Data structure We number the sites of the grid from left to right, and from top to bottom. Notice the odd rows have one more site than the even rows. A m ? n grid is a grid that has n+1sites on odd rows and n sites on even rows, and a total number of m+1odd and even rows. Figure 2.3 shows a 4 ?3 grid. Figure 2.3: A 4?3 grid example. 8 As we discussed in the last section, a 7-bit variable is enough to carry all the in- formation at one site, we need an array that has length of the total number of sites, andeachentryisa7-bitvariable. LetM(n) be this array and n bethesitenumber corresponding to the position nullx. In Matlab, you can use an integer from 0 to 127 as a 7-bit variable. (Do not use an array with 7 entries, it is too slow!) Here we set n i (nullx,t)=sgn(M(n)&2 i?1 ),i=1,..,6 (2.2) n 0 (nullx,t)=sgn(M(n)&2 6 ) where & is the logical operation "and", sgn() is the sign function. This means the num- ber 2 0 ,2 1 ,2 2 ,2 3 ,2 4 ,2 5 ,2 6 indicate the presence of the 1 st ,2 nd ,3 rd ,4 th ,5 th ,6 th direction particle and the rest particle, respectively. Most of the times, M(n) is a combination of the 7 numbers. 2.3.2 Program structure The main function give all the information, including the size of the grid, and the characterisic speed for the driven cavity flow. Three subroutines would be created, the initialization, the collision and the streaming. The collision and the streaming should be in a loop controlled by a stop criterion specified. Here is the structure: Initialization for i = 1 to "ensemble average number" for j = 1 to "specified number of time steps" Create a random boolean variable 9 Streaming Collision end end In the initialization, the collision look-up table and the array M are created. Then we initialize each site of the grid by creating one particle randomly at each of the 7 positions. In the streaming, most of the work is for the bounce back scheme at the boundary. For a driven cavity flow, the boundary condition at the top boundary can be set as a random variable on the boundary with a probability distuibution indicating the value. For example, suppose the characteristic speed is 0.8 (which is less than 1). Then M(n) at the top boundary can be reset as M(n)=X,whereX is a boolean random variable satisfying Pr(X =1)=0.8. In the collision, just refer to the collision look-up table [Appendix A] created in the initialization, find out the out-state corresponding to the in-state for each site, use the one indicated by the random boolean variable created. 2.3.3 Results Here are some pictures of the driven cavity flow experiment. The Reynolds number turns out to be 934. The speed on the top is set to be 1. We compare the result with a Lattice BGK model with the same Reynolds number. Details of the LBM are presented in the next section. From the picture, the noise is clearly visible. 10 Figure 2.4: A driven cavity example for the FHP model. The Reynolds number is 934. Left column: results of FHP. Middle column: results of FHP with an ensemble average on 10 experiments. Right column: results of Lattice BGK model for comparison. 11 Chapter 3 The Lattice BGK Model 3.1 Basic model Let us consider again the hexagonal grid. This time, the occupation number is replaced by its ensemble average value, or, the particle distribution function f i (nullx,t). The meaning of the function f i (nullx,t) is the probability of finding a particle moving in the i th direction of the site nullx at time t. The collision rules in FHP are replaced with a collision operator ? i , and the particle distribution function should satisfy the Lattice Boltzmann equation f i (nullx +e i ,t+1)?f i (nullx,t)=? i . (3.1) This collision operator has lots of forms. Here we talk about the simplest one, the BGK single relaxation time model. Introduce the single relaxation parameter ? and the equilibrium distribution function f eq i (nullx,t). By assuming that the particle distribution function approaches the equilibrium state at a constant rate, we get ? i = ? 1 ? (f i ?f eq i ). (3.2) This gives us the equation f i (nullx + e i ,t+1)=(1?w)f i (nullx,t)+wf eq i (nullx,t) (3.3) 12 where the weight w = 1 ? . The equilibrium distribution function has the form f eq i (nullx,t)=?(nullx,t) ? 1?z 6 + D 6c 2 (nulle i ?nullu)+ D(D +2) 12c 4 (nulle i ?nullu) 2 ? Dnullu 2 12c 2 ? ,i=1,...,6 (3.4) f eq 0 (nullx,t)=?(nullx,t)(z? u 2 c 2 ) (3.5) where ?(nullx,t)= P i f i is the density. Here z is a parameter, we choose z = 1 2 .AlsoD is the dimension, where D =2. c = |e i |,herec =1. And the speed of sound c s is controlled by the parameter z by c s = r 1?z 2 . (3.6) A given kinematic viscosity can be achieved by choosing a proper relaxation parameter ? from the relation ? = c 2 D +2 ? ? ? 1 2 ? . (3.7) 3.2 The Navier-Stokes 3.2.1 The conservation laws From the definition of the unit vectors e i , one can get the following equations [11]. 13 X i e i? =0 (3.8) X i e i? e i? = c 2 b D ? ?? (3.9) X i e i? e i? e i? =0 (3.10) X i e i? e i? e i? e i? = c 4 b D(D +2) (? ?? ? ?? + ? ?? ? ?? + ? ?? ? ?? ) (3.11) X i e i? e i? e i? e i? e inull =0 (3.12) where e i? stands for the ? direction component (one of the i,j directions on the 2 dimentional plane) of the unit vector nulle i .Usingthefirst two, one can obtain the moments of the equilibrium distribution function. First sum the equilibrium distribution function and get conservation of mass and momentum X i f eq i = ? (3.13) X i f eq i e i? = ?u ? . (3.14) Also, from the rest of the equations, one gets X i f eq i e i? e i? = ?(1?z)c 2 D ? ?? + ?u ? u ? (3.15) X i f eq i e i? e i? e i? = ?c 2 D +2 (u ? ? ?? + u ? ? ?? +u ? ? ?? ). (3.16) 14 3.2.2 The Chapman-Enskog expansion The distribution funcition can be expanded as follows f i = f (0) i + nullf (1) i +null 2 f (2) i + ... (3.17) where |null|?1. Here we can use the Knudsen number Kn as null. The Knudsen number is defined as Kn= ? L where ? isthemeanfreepath,andL is the characteristic length. One can think of this expansion of the distribution function (f) as an equilibrium distribution function (f (0) ) together with some pertubations (f (1) ,f (2) ...) of higher order in null.Wealsoexpandnullx and t as nullx = nullx 1 null + ..., t = t 1 null + t 2 null 2 + ... (3.18) where nullx 1 = o(null),t 1 = o(null),t 2 = o(null 2 ). In this case, one get ? ?x ? = null ? ?x 1? + ..., (3.19) ? ?t = null ? ?t 1 + null 2 ? ?t 2 + ... (3.20) Now we perform a Taylor expension on the Lattice Boltzmann equation 3.1 in both space and time, we obtain " ? ? ?t + e i? ? ?x ? ? + 1 2 ? ? ?t +e i? ? ?x ? ? 2 # f i (nullx,t)=? i . (3.21) 15 Notice that Einstein summation is used. Soe i? ? ?x ? = P ?=1,2 e i? ? ?x ? . Using the expansions of f, ? ?x ? , ? ?t , together with equation 3.2, we get " ? null ? ?t 1 + null 2 ? ?t 2 +nulle i? ? ?x 1? ? + 1 2 ? null ? ?t 1 + null 2 ? ?t 2 + nulle i? ? ?x 1? ? 2 # (3.22) ? ? f (0) i + nullf (1) i + null 2 f (2) i ? = ? 1 ? (f (0) i +nullf (1) i + null 2 f (2) i ?f eq i ). Set the 0 th order approximation f (0) i to be the equilibrium distribution function f eq i . The conservation of mass and momentum requires that P i f (k) i =0and P i f (k) i e i? =0, k =1,2. From these equations to first-order in null we get ? ?t 1 f (0) i + e i? ? ?x 1? f (0) i = ? f (1) i ? . (3.23) Summing over i and from equation 3.13 and 3.14 we get ?? ?t 1 + ? ?x 1? ?u ? =0. (3.24) Now multiply equation 3.23 by the unit vectors e i? and again sum over i, using equation 3.15 gives ? ?t 1 ?u ? + ? ?x 1? ?u ? u ? ? ? ?x 1? ?(1?z)c 2 D ? ?? =0. (3.25) From equation 3.22 to second-order in null and by equation 3.23 we get ? ? ?t 2 + 1 2 ? ?t 1 ? ? ?t 1 + e i? ? ?x 1? ? + 1 2 e i? ? ?x 1? ? ? ?t 1 + e i? ? ?x 1? ?? f (0) i + ? ? ?t 1 + e i? ? ?x 1? ? f (1) i = ? 1 ? f (2) i . (3.26) 16 Summing over i and using equation 3.24, all ? ?t 1 + e i? ? ?x 1? vanished, and one gets ? ?t 2 ? =0. Again multiplying the equation by a unit vector e i? gives the following ? ? ?t 2 e i? + 1 2 ? ?t 1 ? ? ?t 1 e i? + e i? e i? ? ?x 1? ? + 1 2 e i? e i? ? ?x 1? ? ? ?t 1 + e i? ? ?x 1? ?? f (0) i (3.27) + ? ? ?t 1 e i? + e i? e i? ? ?x 1? ? f (1) i = ? 1 ? f (2) i . By multiplying equation 3.23 by e i? e i? ? ?x 1? , one can rewrite the second term of f (1) i as ? ?x 1? e i? e i? f (1) i = ?? ? ? ?t 1 ? ?x 1? e i? e i? f (0) i + ? ?x 1? ? ?x 1? e i? e i? e i? f (0) i ? . (3.28) Combining this term with the third term of f (0) i , one gets ? ? ?t 2 e i? + 1 2 ? ?t 1 ? ?t 1 e i? + e i? e i? ? ?x 1? ? ? ? ? 1 2 ?? ? ?t 1 ? ?x 1? e i? e i? + ? ?x 1? ? ?x 1? e i? e i? e i? ?? f (0) i + ? ?t 1 e i? f (1) i =? 1 ? f (2) i . (3.29) Summing over i, the right-hand side is 0. The second term of f (0) i is 0 by equation 3.25. The term of f (1) i is 0 by the conservation of momentum requirement. The third term of f (0) i can be obtained by equation 3.15 to the order O(u) andthenconvertingtime 17 derivatives into spatial derivatives using equation 3.24, we get ? ?t 2 ?u ? = ? ? ? 1 2 ?? ? ?t 1 ? ?x 1? ?(1?z)c 2 D ? ?? + ? ?x 1? ? ?x 1? ?c 2 D +2 (u ? ? ?? + u ? ? ?? + u ? ? ?? ) ? = ? ? ? 1 2 ?? ? ?x 1? ? ?x 1? ?c 2 D +2 u ? + ? ?x 1? ?? 2c 2 D +2 ? (1?z)c 2 D ? ? ?x 1? ?u ? ?? . (3.30) By setting the kinematic shear viscosity ? = ? ? ? 1 2 ? c 2 D +2 and the kinematic bulk viscosity ? = ? ? ? 1 2 ? ? 2c 2 D +2 ? (1?z)c 2 D ? , the above equation becomes ? ?t 2 ?u ? = ? ? 2 ?x 2 1? ?u ? + ? ?x 1? ? ? ? ?x 1? ?u ? ? . (3.31) Using all these equations (provided above), one can show that the Navier-Stokes equation ?? ?t u ? + ? ?x ? ?u ? u ? = ? ? ?x ? ? ?(1?z)c 2 D ? ?? ? + ? ? 2 ?x 2 ? ?u ? + ? ?x ? ? ? ? ?x ? ?u ? ? (3.32) and the continuity equation ?? ?t + ? ?x ? ?u ? =0 (3.33) are satisfied. For an incompressible flow, these two equations reduce to equation (1.1) and (1.2). 18 3.3 Boundary and initial conditions The bounce back scheme is still good for the no-slip boundary condition. Bounce back boundary conditions only give first-order accuracy. A Dirichlet boundary condition can be achieved by solving the system of equations at the boundary sites 1 2 f 1 +f 2 + 1 2 f 3 ? 1 2 f 4 ?f 5 ? 1 2 f 6 = ?u x (3.34) ? 3 2 (f 1 ?f 3 ?f 4 +f 6 )=?u y where nullu =(u x ,u y ) is the velocity vector. For example, in the simulation of a driven cavity flow, assume the top boundary has the speed nullu =(speed,0).Thef 1 ,f 6 are from the inside sites, and we can keep f 2 ,f 5 as constants. Only f 3 ,f 4 are unknowns. This is a linear system of equations involving two unknowns. Notice that when nullu =(0,0),itis a bounce back scheme. The left boundary shown in Figure 3.1 is not smooth in a microscopic view because of the hexagonal structure of the grid. But it is smooth enough in a macroscopic view. One can take the macroscopic boundary as the average of this boundary. For initial conditions, one may use the equilibrium distribution from the given val- ues of ? and nullu. Bad initial distribution, for example, far away from the equilibrium distribution, will make the model unstable, and eventually lead to blow up. 3.4 Implementation Let us do a driven cavity flow again. This time, an array of 7 floating-point variable is needed for the information at one site. So we create a T ? 7 matrix M,whereT is 19 Figure 3.1: Left boundary of a hexagonal grid. the total number of sites. We number the sites the same way as in FHP. The program structure is also pretty much the same as in FHP, except in the LBGK model, the collision and the streaming are combined together by the Lattice Boltzmann equation. The equilibrium distribution function is a mapping from the given ? and nullu to the matrix M.Sofirst we can use this to initialize M. In the collision, we calculate the ? and nullu by ?(nullx,t)= X i M(n,i) (3.35) u x (nullx,t)= null M(n)?nulle ix u y (nullx,t)= null M(n)?nulle iy 20 where n is the number of the site corresponding to nullx,andnulle i =(sin( ? 3 (i?1)),cos( ? 3 (i? 1))), which is the link to the 6 neighbour sites. Then apply the weighted equilibrium distribution function (equation 3.3) with a proper ?. 3.5 Results and data analysis 3.5.1 Driven cavity Here we present a driven cavity example again. In figures3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,and 3.7, we give the velocity vectors (left) and velocity contour (right) at the steady state for Reynolds number 10, 100, 200, 400 and 800. We give the result of Ghia, Ghia, and Shin [12] for Reynolds number at 400 for comparison (Their computations were performed using the time-marching capabilities of WIND to approach the steady-state flow starting from the freestream conditions). We also give the velocity profiles for u and v through the geometirc center of the cavity. For comparison, refer to Shuling Hou and Qisu Zou et al [13]. 3.5.2 Poiseuille flow Here we also consider a Poiseuille flow example. The analytic solution is given by U x (y)= G 2? y(d?y) where the G is a constant pressure gradient which represents a uniform body force in the direction of the positve x-direction, d is the width of the channel. The grid size is 120?1000. A uniform flow comes from the left and goes out on the right. The top and 21 Figure 3.2: Driven cavity at Re =10. Figure 3.3: Driven cavity at Re = 100. 22 Figure 3.4: Driven cavity at Re = 200. Figure 3.5: Driven cavity at Re = 400. 23 Figure 3.6: Ghia-Ghia-Shin?s [12] result. The plot of the velocity contour with a Reynolds number of 400. Figure 3.7: Driven cavity at Re = 800. 24 Figure 3.8: Dimensionless x-velocity profile at the geometry center of the cavity for Reynolds number 10, 100, 200, 400, 800. Dashed line is the result from Ghia Ghia Shin [12] at Reynolds number 400. 25 Figure 3.9: Dimensionless y-velocity profile at the geometry center of the cavity for Reynolds number 10, 100, 200, 400, 800. Dashed line is the result from Ghia Ghia Shin [12] at Reynolds number 400. 26 Figure 3.10: An example of a Couette flow.Above:velocitycontour.Below:x-velocity profile at x = 800. Solid line is the simulation, and dashed line is the actual solution. bottom are no-slip boundaries. We give the x-direction velocity profile at x = 800.From figure 3.10 one see that it is a parabolic profile. 3.5.3 Flow past a cylinder This is an example of a uniform flow past a cylinder. This example is done on a 360?1000 grid. The speed of the uniform flow coming from the left is 0.5. The cylinder was placed in the center of the left with a diameter 120. The Reynolds number is 400. The top and bottom are no-slip boundaries. As is well known that with a Reynolds 27 Figure 3.11: An example of a uniform flow past a cylinder for Re = 400.Above:velocity contour. Below: vorticity contour. number greater than 100, the flow past a cylinder will give a Von Karman vortex street. Here we give the figures of both velocity contour and vorticity contour at time step 5000. Both figures show the back half of the cylinder. 28 Chapter 4 Conclusions and future works We can see from the implementations of the Lattice Gas model and Lattice Boltz- mann model that both of these models can successfully simulate complex fluid flows. From the structure of the FHP model, we know that it is unconditionally stable, while it is very noisy. Large scale calculation is required in order to reduce the noise, which makes it slower than the Lattice BGK model. Other drawbacks are lack of Galilean invariance, and it is not good for multi-dimensional simulation. The Lattice Boltzmann model is a better model. It is fast and it gives good simulations. Also, thanks to the structure of this model, it is very easy to parallelize. One can divide the whole domain into smaller subdomains; the only information that goes in between those subdomains are the updating of information on the boundaries of those subdomains, which is a very small amount compared to the inside part. So one of the future works is to do a 3-D model and parallelize it. Later I will try to do MagnetoHydroDynamic (MHD) flow which involves simulating the current using the Lattice Boltzmann model. 29 Bibliography [1] D. A. Wolf-Gladrow, Lattice-Gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Models, An Introduction, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000. ISSN 0075-8434 ISBN 3- 540-66973-6 [2] J. Hardy, Y. Pomeau & O. de Pazzis, Time evolution of two-dimensional model system. I. Invariant states and time correlation functions, J. Math. Phys. 14 (1973), pp1746-1759. [3] U. Frisch, B. Hasslacher, and Y. Pomeau. Lattice-gas automata for the Navier-Stokes equation. Physical Review Letters, 56:pp1505-1508, 1986. [4] G.R.McNamaraandG.Zanetti.Use of the Boltzmann equation to simulate lattice- gas automata. Physical Review Letters, 61:pp2332-2335, 1988. [5] F. J. Higuera and J. Lim?nez. Boltzmann approach to lattice gas simulations.Euro- physics Letters, 9 (7):pp663-668, 1989. [6] F. J. Higuera, S. 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Refer to 2.1.1 Data structure to find the meaning of the number of the in-states and out-states. 0 [0 0] 1 [1 1] 2 [2 2] 3 [3 3] 4 [4 4] 5 [66 66] 6 [6 6] 7 [7 7] 8 [8 8] 9 [36 18] 10 [68 68] 11 [38 69] 12 [12 12] 13 [74 22] 14 [14 14] 15 [15 15] 16 [16 16] 17 [96 96] 18 [9 36] 19 [98 37] 20 [72 72] 21 [42 42] 22 [13 74] 23 [102 75] 24 [24 24] 25 [52 104] 26 [84 44] 27 [45 54] 28 [28 28] 29 [90 108] 30 [30 30] 31 [110 110] 32 [32 32] 33 [33 33] 34 [65 65] 35 [35 35] 36 [18 9] 37 [19 98] 38 [69 11] 39 [39 39] 40 [80 80] 41 [81 50] 42 [21 21] 43 [83 101] 44 [26 84] 45 [54 27] 46 [77 86] 47 [87 87] 48 [48 48] 49 [49 49] 50 [41 81] 51 [51 51] 52 [104 25] 53 [105 114] 54 [27 45] 55 [107 107] 56 [56 56] 57 [57 57] 58 [116 89] 59 [117 117] 60 [60 60] 61 [122 122] 62 [93 93] 63 [63 63] 32 64 [64 64] 65 [34 34] 66 [5 5] 67 [67 67] 68 [10 10] 69 [11 38] 70 [70 70] 71 [71 71] 72 [20 20] 73 [100 82] 74 [22 13] 75 [23 102] 76 [76 76] 77 [86 46] 78 [78 78] 79 [79 79] 80 [40 40] 81 [50 41] 82 [73 100] 83 [101 43] 84 [44 26] 85 [106 106] 86 [46 77] 87 [47 47] 88 [88 88] 89 [58 116] 90 [108 29] 91 [109 118] 92 [92 92] 93 [62 62] 94 [94 94] 95 [95 95] 96 [17 17] 97 [97 97] 98 [37 19] 99 [99 99] 100 [82 73] 101 [43 83] 102 [75 23] 103 [103 103] 104 [25 52] 105 [114 53] 106 [85 85] 107 [55 55] 108 [29 90] 109 [118 91] 110 [31 31] 111 [111 111] 112 [112 112] 113 [113 113] 114 [53 105] 115 [115 115] 116 [89 58] 117 [59 59] 118 [91 109] 119 [119 119] 120 [120 120] 121 [121 121] 122 [61 61] 123 [123 123] 124 [124 124] 125 [125 125] 126 [126 126] 127 [127 127] .2 Partial Matlab code I: FHP streaming of a driven cavity function StreamingDrivenCavity global speed; 33 global M; global T; global n; global m_odd; global m_even; global k; % Bounce back %Top % 1 reflect to 3 temp = bitand(M(1:n+1),1); M(1:n+1) = M(1:n+1) + temp*(4 - 1); % 6 reflect to 4 temp = bitand(M(1:n+1),32)/32; M(1:n+1) = M(1:n+1) + temp*(8 - 32); % Top-right corner temp = bitand(M(n+1), 4)/4; M(n+1) = M(n+1) + temp*(8 - 4); for i = 1:2*n+1:T % Left bounce back temp = bitand(M(i), 32)/32; M(i) = M(i) + temp*(4 - 32); temp = bitand(M(i), 16)/16; 34 M(i) = M(i) + temp*(2 - 16); temp = bitand(M(i), 8)/8; M(i)=M(i)+temp*(1-8); % Right bounce back temp = bitand(M(i+n), 1); M(i+n) = M(i+n) + temp*(8 - 1); temp = bitand(M(i+n), 2)/2; M(i+n) = M(i+n) + temp*(16 - 2); temp = bitand(M(i+n), 4)/4; M(i+n) = M(i+n) + temp*(32 - 4); end % Bottom bounce back temp = bitand(M(T-n:T), 8)/8; M(T-n:T) = M(T-n:T) + temp*(1 - 8); temp = bitand(M(T-n:T), 4)/4; M(T-n:T) = M(T-n:T) + temp*(32 - 4); % Reset boundary condition on top %M(1:n+1) = M(1:n+1) - bitand(M(1:n+1),64) + 64; M(1:n+1) = bitor(M(1:n+1),64); M(1:n+1) = bitand(M(1:n+1),76); M(1:speed:n+1) = M(1:speed:n+1) - bitand(M(1:speed:n+1), 64); M(1:speed:n+1) = M(1:speed:n+1) - bitand(M(1:speed:n+1), 2) + 2; 35 % Streaming %Streamingondirection3&6 temp1 = bitand(M(1:T-n-1), 4)/4; % 3 temp2 = bitand(M(n+2:T), 32)/32; % 6 M(1:T-n-1) = M(1:T-n-1) - temp1*4; M(n+2:T) = M(n+2:T) - temp2*32; M(1:T-n-1) = M(1:T-n-1) + temp2*4; M(n+2:T) = M(n+2:T) + temp1*32; %Streamingondirection1&4 temp1 = bitand(M(n+2:T-1), 1); % 1 temp2 = bitand(M(2:T-n-1), 8)/8; % 4 M(n+2:T-1) = M(n+2:T-1) - temp1; M(2:T-n-1) = M(2:T-n-1) - temp2*8; M(n+2:T-1) = M(n+2:T-1) + temp2; M(2:T-n-1) = M(2:T-n-1) + temp1*8; %Streamingondirection2&5 temp1 = bitand(M(n+2:T-n-2), 2)/2; % 2 temp2 = bitand(M(n+3:T-n-1), 16)/16; % 5 M(n+2:T-n-2) = M(n+2:T-n-2) - temp1*2; M(n+3:T-n-1) = M(n+3:T-n-1) - temp2*16; M(n+2:T-n-2) = M(n+2:T-n-2) + temp2*2; M(n+3:T-n-1) = M(n+3:T-n-1) + temp1*16; 36 for i = 1:m_even-1 temp1 = bitand(M(i*(2*n+1)), 2)/2; temp2 = bitand(M(i*(2*n+1)+1), 16)/16; M(i*(2*n+1)) = M(i*(2*n+1)) - temp1*2; M(i*(2*n+1)) = M(i*(2*n+1)) + temp2*2; M(i*(2*n+1)+1) = M(i*(2*n+1)+1) - temp2*16; M(i*(2*n+1)+1) = M(i*(2*n+1)+1) + temp1*16; temp1 = bitand(M(i*(2*n+1)+n+1), 2)/2; temp2 = bitand(M(i*(2*n+1)+n+2), 16)/16; M(i*(2*n+1)+n+1) = M(i*(2*n+1)+n+1) - temp1*2; M(i*(2*n+1)+n+1) = M(i*(2*n+1)+n+1) + temp2*2; M(i*(2*n+1)+n+2) = M(i*(2*n+1)+n+2) - temp2*16; M(i*(2*n+1)+n+2) = M(i*(2*n+1)+n+2) + temp1*16; end % Interchange 14 25 36 temp1 = bitand(M(1:T), 1); temp2 = bitand(M(1:T), 8)/8; M(1:T) = M(1:T) - temp1 - temp2*8 + temp1*8 + temp2; temp1 = bitand(M(n+2:T), 2)/2; temp2 = bitand(M(n+2:T), 16)/16; M(n+2:T) = M(n+2:T) - temp1*2 - temp2*16 + temp1*16 + temp2*2; temp1 = bitand(M(1:T), 4)/4; 37 temp2 = bitand(M(1:T), 32)/32; M(1:T) = M(1:T) - temp1*4 - temp2*32 + temp1*32 + temp2*4; bigskip .3 Partial code II: Lattice BGK initialization of a driven cavity function LBM_InitializeDrivenCavity(m,n) global speed; global m_odd; m_odd = fix(m/2) + 1 global m_even; m_even=m+1-m_odd global T; T = m_odd*(n+1) + m_even*n; global M; M = zeros(T,7); global E; E=M; global M_temp; M_temp = M; global lx; 38 global ly; global e; global c; global i_top; i_top = 2:n; global i_inside; % The indices of the inside sites i_inside = []; for i = 1:m_even-1 i_inside = [i_inside i*(2*n+1)-n+1:i*(2*n+1)]; i_inside = [i_inside i*(2*n+1)+2:i*(2*n+1)+n]; end i_inside = [i_inside T-2*n:T-n-1]; global i_left1; % The indices of the left boundary, except the two corners. i_left1 = 2*n+2:2*n+1:T-2*n; global i_left2; i_left2 = n+2:2*n+1:T-2*n; global i_right1; % The indices of the right boundary, except the two corners. i_right1 = 2*n+2+n:2*n+1:T-n; global i_right2; i_right2 = 2*n+1:2*n+1:T-n-1; globali_25;%Theindicesoftheinsidesitesfor2&5directions. i_25 = []; for i = 1:m_even-1 39 i_25 = [i_25 i*(2*n+1)-n+2:i*(2*n+1)-1]; i_25 = [i_25 i*(2*n+1)+2:i*(2*n+1)+n]; end i_25 = [i_25 T-2*n+1:T-n-2]; global top_eq; % Calculate equilibrium distribution as the initial condition given by p, u p(1:T,:) = 1; u = zeros(T,2); u(1:n+1,1) = speed; t = find(p); u(t,:) = u(t,:)./[p(t) p(t)]; u_square = u(:,1).^2 + u(:,2).^2; d0 = 1/2; fori=1:6 E(:,i) = p.*((1-d0)/6 + 1/3*(e(i,:)*u?)?/c^2 + 2/3*(e(i,:)*u?)?.% ^2/c^4 - 1/6*u_square/c^2); end E(:,7) = p.*(d0 - u_square/c^2); %sum(sum(E)?)/(T-n-1) %LBM_Visualize(M) % Do not calculate E on the bottom, left and right E(T-n:T,:) = 0; % This result in pure streaming from the bottom boundary to 40 the inside. E(i_left1,:) = 0; E(i_right1,:) = 0; M=E; top_eq = M(1:n+1,:); .4 Partial code III: Lattice BGK collision of a driven cavity function LBM_CollisionDrivenCavity global speed; speed = 0.1; global n; global m_odd; m_odd = fix(m/2) + 1; global m_even; m_even=m+1-m_odd global T; T = m_odd*(n+1) + m_even*n; global M; M = zeros(T,7); global E; 41 E=M; global M_temp; M_temp = M; global ly; ly = sqrt(3)/2; global D; % Dimension D=2; globalb;%#ofdirections b=6; global d; d = 1/2; global c; % Unit speed global p; % Density global u; % Speed global e; e = [[0.5 ly];[1 0];[0.5 -ly];[-0.5 -ly];[-1 0];[-0.5 ly]]; e = c*e; global i_inside; global i_top; global i_left1; global i_left2; global i_right1; global i_right2; 42 global i_25; global top_eq; % Calculate equilibrium distribution p = (sum(M?))?; u = [0.5*M(:,1)+M(:,2)+0.5*M(:,3)-0.5*M(:,4)-M(:,5)-0.5*M(:,6), ly*M(:,1)-ly*M(:,3)-ly*M(:,4)+ly*M(:,6)]; t = find(p); u(t,:) = u(t,:)./[p(t) p(t)]; u=c*u; u_square = u(:,1).^2 + u(:,2).^2; d0 = 1/2; fori=1:6 E(:,i) = p.*((1-d0)/6 + 1/3*(e(i,:)*u?)?/c^2 + 2/3*(e(i,:)*u?)?.% ^2/c^4 - 1/6*u_square/c^2); end E(:,7) = p.*(d0 - u_square/c^2); E(T-n:T,:) = M(T-n:T,:); % This result in pure streaming from the bottom boundary to the inside. E(i_left1,:) = M(i_left1,:); E(i_right1,:) = M(i_right1,:); E(1,:) = M(1,:); E(n+1,:) = M(n+1,:); 43 E(1:n+1,:) = M(1:n+1,:); % Collision operation M_temp = M; M(n+2:T,:) = 0; tao=1; w=1/tao; % rest particle M(:,7) = (1-w)*M_temp(:,7) + w*E(:,7); % 3 direction M(i_inside,3) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_inside-n-1,3) + w*E(i_inside-n-1,3); M(i_right1,3) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_right1-n-1,3) + w*E(i_right1-n-1,3); M(T-n+1:T,3) = (1-w)*M_temp(T-2*n:T-n-1,3) + w*E(T-2*n:T-n-1,3); % Bottom boundary % 6 direction M(i_inside,6) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_inside+n+1,6) + w*E(i_inside+n+1,6); M(i_left1,6) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_left1+n+1,6) + w*E(i_left1+n+1,6); M(1:n,6) = (1-w)*M_temp(n+2:2*n+1,6) + w*E(n+2:2*n+1,6); % Top boundary % 1 direction M(i_inside,1) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_inside+n,1) + w*E(i_inside+n,1); M(i_right1,1) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_right1+n,1) + w*E(i_right1+n,1); M(2:n+1,1) = (1-w)*M_temp(n+2:2*n+1,1) + w*E(n+2:2*n+1,1); % Top boundary % 4 direction 44 M(i_inside,4) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_inside-n,4) + w*E(i_inside-n,4); M(i_left1,4) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_left1-n,4) + w*E(i_left1-n,4); M(T-n:T-1,4) = (1-w)*M_temp(T-2*n:T-n-1,4) + w*E(T-2*n:T-n-1,4); % Bottom boundary % 2 direction M(i_25,2) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_25-1,2) + w*E(i_25-1,2); M(i_right1,2) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_right1-1,2) + w*E(i_right1-1,2); M(i_right2,2) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_right2-1,2) + w*E(i_right2-1,2); M(i_left2,2) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_left2,5) + w*E(i_left2,5); % 5 direction M(i_25,5) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_25+1,5) + w*E(i_25+1,5); M(i_left1,5) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_left1+1,5) + w*E(i_left1+1,5); M(i_left2,5) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_left2+1,5) + w*E(i_left2+1,5); M(i_right2,5) = (1-w)*M_temp(i_right2,2) + w*E(i_right2,2); M(1:n+1,3) = speed*(2*M(1:n+1,1)+M(1:n+1,2)+M(1:n+1,5)+2*M(1:n+1,6)+M(1:n+1,7)) - M(1:n+1,2) + M(1:n+1,5) + M(1:n+1,6); M(1:n+1,4) = -speed*(2*M(1:n+1,1)+M(1:n+1,2)+M(1:n+1,5)+2*M(1:n+1,6)+M(1:n+1,7)) + M(1:n+1,1) + M(1:n+1,2) - M(1:n+1,5); % Bottom Boundary layer M(T-2*n:T-n-1,1) = M(T-n:T-1,4); 45 M(T-n:T-1,4) = 0; M(T-2*n:T-n-1,6) = M(T-n+1:T,3); M(T-n+1:T,3) = 0; % Left Boundary M(i_left1-n,1) = M(i_left1,4); M(i_left1+1,2) = M(i_left1,5); M(i_left1+n+1,3) = M(i_left1,6); M(i_left1,:) = 0; % Right Boundary M(i_right1+n,4) = M(i_right1,1); M(i_right1-1,5) = M(i_right1,2); M(i_right1-n-1,6) = M(i_right1,3); M(i_right1,:) = 0; 46