A Study of P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This thesis does not include proprietary or classifled information. Elizabeth C. Williams Certiflcate of Approval: Greg A. Harris Associate Professor Department of Mathematics and Statistics Edward E. Slaminka, Chair Associate Professor Department of Mathematics and Statistics Stewart L. Baldwin Professor Department of Mathematics and Statistics Stephen L. McFarland Dean Graduate School A Study of P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem Elizabeth C. Williams A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulflllment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama August 8, 2005 A Study of P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem Elizabeth C. Williams Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this thesis at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date Copy sent to: Name Date iii Vita Elizabeth Craig Williams, daughter of Kenneth Neal and Jane (Thompson) Williams was born on April 20, 1976 in Montgomery, Alabama. She is a 1994 graduate of the Lanier High School Academic Motivational Program. She entered LaGrange College, LaGrange, Georgia in the fall of that year and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics on 6 June, 1998. In September, 1998 she entered the Graduate School of Auburn University as a Graduate Assistant in Mathematics. iv Thesis Abstract A Study of P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem Elizabeth C. Williams Master of Science, August 8, 2005 (B.S., LaGrange College, 1998) 22 Typed Pages Directed by Edward E. Slaminka The controversial lemma, known most commonly as Burnside?s Lemma, is stated and proven. The in uential P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem is stated and proven. Com- putations using P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem are discussed and examples of these com- putations are given. v Acknowledgments The author would like to thank her hard-working, ?uber-understanding advisor Dr. Edward Slaminka for helping her flnally flnd a topic to keep her interest { math and jewelry. For his patience, knowledge and advice she will forever be indebted. For their unconditional love and unscripted entertainment, the author acknowledges her dogs. Who knew tossing an empty water bottle could provide mathematical inspi- ration? Thank you for a life full of love and laughter. The author thanks her parents for raising her in an academic environment and teaching her to never shy from learning. Their encouragement, understanding and sup- port (in all forms) has made her life better than most, and for that she will be inflnitely thankful. You are my role models as a couple, as parents, as educators and as humans. Finally, the author wishes to acknowledge her late grandfather Dr. Ernest Williams for nurturing her imagination and for leaving a legacy of which she is extremely proud. vi Style manual or journal used Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (together with the style known as \auphd"). Bibliograpy follows van Leunen?s A Handbook for Scholars. Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (speciflcally LATEX) together with the departmental style-flle auphd.sty. vii Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Definitions and Notation 3 3 P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem 5 4 Applications of P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem 8 Bibliography 14 viii Chapter 1 Introduction Consider a necklace that consists of n colored beads. On paper this can be repre- sented as a word of length n over an alphabet of k colors. For example, one such necklace could be represented as the word bbgbrr (b for blue, g for green and r for red). Now, two words that difier purely by a cyclic rotation must represent the same necklace and thus are equivalent. For our above example, bbgbrr, rbbgbr, rrbbgb, brrbbg, gbrrbb and bgbrrb are all equivalent. So, an (n;k)-necklace is an equivalence class of words of length n over an alphabet of size k under rotation and re ection. This raises a commonly-known enumeration question: For a given n and k, how many unique (n;k)-necklaces can be made [1]? On a broader scale the question becomes, \How many orbits does the dihedral group Dn have on the set of all necklaces with n- beads over k-colors?" Published in 1934, Georg P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem answers the complete ques- tion of how many necklaces can be formed using n beads of k colors, accounting for sym- metry of rotation and of re ection. Having applications in Combinatorics and Chemistry, P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem has led to a new branch of Graph Theory, Enumerative Graph Theory. This theorem is stated as: Let A and B be flnite sets and let the flnite group G act on A. Let ck(G) denote the number of permutations in G that have exactly k cycles in their cycle decomposition on A. Then the number of orbits of G on the set BA of all mappings f : A ! B is 1jGj 1X k=1 ck(G)?jBjk [3]. 1 Chapter two deflnes the terms and notations that will be used in the paper. Chapter three presents and proves LaGrange?s Theorem, Burnside?s Lemma and other theorems used in the process of proving the main theorem, which is found at the end of the chapter. Chapter four provides several examples of applications of P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem. 2 Chapter 2 Definitions and Notation Deflnition: Given any set X, a bijection from X to itself is a permutation. Deflnition: For a flnite set X, jXj is the number of elements of X. Deflnition: Sn is the set whose elements are permutations of the set of positive integers f1;2;:::;ng Deflnition: Symmetry refers to a rigid motion of a geometric flgure. In this paper, we will speciflcally look at how rotations and re ections afiect vertices of geometric flgures. Any symmetry determines a permutation in Sn by specifying where each vertex goes under the symmetry. Deflnition: A dihedral group, Dn, is the group of symmetries of the regular n-gon. Deflnition: For a subgroup, H, of a group G, the number of distinct left cosets of H in G is the index of H in G. It is written as jG : Hj. Deflnition: A partition of a set S is a decomposition of S into nonempty disjoint subsets such that every element of S is in exactly one of the subsets. The subsets of a partition are called cells of the partition. Deflnition: Each cell in the natural partition arising from an equivalence relation is an equivalence class. Deflnition: Let X be a set and G a group. An action of G on X is a map ` : G?X ! X (where `(g;x) is denoted by gx) such that: 1. ex = x for all x 2 X 2.(g1g2)(x) = g1(g2x) for all x 2 X and all g1;g2 2 G. 3 Deflnition: Let X be a set, let x be an element of X and let G be any subgroup of Dn. Then the set of all elements of G which flx x is a subgroup of G and is called the stabilizer of x in G, denoted by Gx = fg 2 Gjgx = xg. Deflnition: Let X be a set, let x be an element of X and let G be any subgroup of Dn. Then the set of all elements x which remain flxed by an element of G is the set of flxed points of g in X and is denoted by Xg = fx 2 Xjgx = xg. Deflnition: Let be a permutation of a set A. The orbits of are the equivalence classes in A determined by the following equivalence relation: For a;b 2 A, let a ? b if and only if b = n(a) for some n 2f1;2;3;:::g. Another way of stating this deflnition is: Given x 2 X, the orbit of x in G, Orb(x), is the set of all images y mapped to by some ` in G. Orb(x) = fy 2 Xj`(x) = y for ` 2 Gg. 4 Chapter 3 P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem Theorem 3.1 Let H be a subgroup of a group G. Left cosets of H form a partition of G. Proof: Let aH and bH be two left cosets in H. Suppose that aH and bH have at least one element in common, say c 2 aH \ bH. Then for some h1;h2 2 H, c = ah1 and c = bh2. Thus, ah1 = c = bh2 ) ah1 = bh2 ) a = bh2h?11 . Since H is a subgroup, h2h?11 must be in H. Let h3 = h2h?11 2 H. Thus, a = bh3 and for every h 2 H, ah = bh3h = bh4 for h3 ? h = h4 2 H. Therefore ah 2 bH for all h 2 H and aH bH. The opposite containment, bH aH, can be shown using a similar argument. If ah bH and bH aH then aH = bH, proving that two left cosets that are not disjoint must be equal . Thus, distinct left cosets of H separate elements of G into disjoint subsets. Theorem 3.2 (LaGrange?s Theorem) If G is a flnite group and H is a subgroup of G, then jGj = jHj?jG : Hj Proof: Let G be a flnite group of order n. Let H be a subgroup of G with order k. By Theorem 3.1, the left cosets of H separate the elements of G into mutually disjoint subsets. Let m = jG : Hj = the number of distinct left cosets of H in G. Let aH be any left coset of H. A mapping ` : H ! aH deflned by `(h) = ah, for h 2 H, is injective because the cancellation law holds for G. It is also surjective since any x 2 aH can be written as x = ah, h 2 H. Thus ` is bijective and jaHj = jHj = k. So, we have 5 the n elements of G divided into m disjoint subsets, each with k elements. Therefore n = km )jGj = jHj?jG : Hj. Theorem 3.3 Let G be a subgroup of Dn which acts on a flnite set X and let x 2 X. Then jOrb(x)j=jG : Gxj= jGjjG xj . Proof: By LaGrange?s Theorem, jG : Gxj = jGjjG xj . To show that this is the same as jOrb(x)j, we construct a bijection ` : Orb(x) ! GG x deflned by `(y)=fg 2 Gjy = gxg. Now, `(y) is not empty because if y 2 Orb(x) then there must be at least one g 2 G such that y = gx. Choose an element, g0 2 G, such that y = g0x. Let g0h 2 g0Gx (recall that h 2 Gx means hx = x). So g0hx = g0x = y ) g0h 2 `(y), by the deflnition of `. Now, for the opposite inclusion, let g 2 `(y). Then y = gx; however, since y = g0x, we have that gx = g0x ) g?10 gx = x. Thus, g?10 g 2 Gx ) g 2 g0Gx and `(y) is well-deflned in GG x . Suppose that y1;y2 2 Orb(x) such that y1 6= y2. Then `(y1) = fg 2 Gjgx = y1g and `(y2) = fg 2 Gjgx = y2g. Clearly these two sets are disjoint. Thus ` is one-to-one. Take any coset gGx 2 GG x . Then gGx = `(gx). Thus ` is onto. Therefore the mapping ` : Orb(x) ! GG x is bijective and jOrb(x)j = jG : Gxj = jGjjG xj . Theorem 3.4 The number of orbits of an action of the group G on an element x 2 X is equal to X x2X 1 jOrb(x)j Proof: Since X is a disjoint union of orbits, terms in the sum can be collected as X x2X 1 jOrb(x)j = NX i=1 0 @ X x2Orb(xi) 1 jOrb(xi)j 1 A = NX i=1 (1) = N. Theorem 3.5 (Burnside?s Lemma) Let the flnite group G act on a flnite set X. Then the number of orbits is 1jGj X g2G jXgj. 6 Proof: Let S = f(g;x) 2 G?Xjgx = xg. So, jSj=X g2G jfx 2 Xjgx = xgj = X g2G jXgj and jSj = X x2X jfg 2 Gjgx = xgj = X x2X jGxj. By Theorem 3.3, jOrb(x)j = jG : Gxj = jGjjG xj , so jGxj = jGjjOrb(x)j. Thus, X g2G jXgj = jSj = X x2X jGxj = X x2X jGj jOrb(x)j. Divide by jGj to get 1jGj X g2G jXgj = X x2X 1 jOrb(x)j. By Theorem 3.4, X x2X 1 jOrb(x)j = N. Therefore, 1 jGj X g2G jXgj = N. Theorem 3.6 (P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem) Let A and B be flnite sets and let the flnite group G act on A. Let ck(G) denote the number of permutations in G that have exactly k cycles in their cycle decomposition on A. Then the number of orbits of G on the set BA of all mappings f : A ! B is 1jGj 1X k=1 ck(G)?jBjk. Proof: From Theorem 3.5, the number of orbits is given by N = 1jGj X g2G jXgj. Let jXgj denote the number of mappings, f, left flxed by a permutation g 2 G. This holds true if and only if f is constant on each of the cycles of g. These mappings are obtained by assigning an element of B to each cycle of g. If g has k cycles, then jBjk is the number of mappings flxed by g. 7 Chapter 4 Applications of P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem (restated) The number of orbits of a flnite set G on the set BA of all mappings f : A ! B is 1jGj 1X k=1 ck(G)?jBjk. Let A be a flnite set denoting the vertices of an n-gon, or the possible positions of beads on a necklace. Let B be the flnite set of colors available. Let G be the appropriate dihedral group: D3;D4;D5 or D6. D3 = f?0;?1;?2;?1;?2;?3g where ?i corresponds to rotating the triangle clockwise 2?i 3 radians and ?i corresponds to re ecting the triangle about the three angle bisectors. D4 = f?0;?1;?2;?3;?1;?2;?1;?2g where ?i corresponds to rotating the square clock- wise ?i2 radians; ?i corresponds to re ecting the square about the mi axes; ?i corresponds to re ecting the square about the diagonals, di. D5 = f?0;?1;?2;?3;?4;?0;?1;?2;?3;?4;?5g where ?i corresponds to rotating the pentagon clockwise 2?i5 radians and ?i corresponds to re ecting the pentagon about the lines joining angles and the midpoints of their opposite sides. D6 = f?0;?1;?2;?3;?4;?5;?1;?2;?3;?4;?5;?6g where ?i corresponds to rotating the hexagon clockwise 2?i6 radians and ?i corresponds to re ecting the hexagon about the lines connecting opposite vertices and the lines joining midpoints of opposite sides. The preferred method for representing permutations in Sn is disjoint cycle notation. With this notation, start with a left parentheses, ?(?, followed by some number in the domain f1;2;:::;ng. The next number to the right is the image of the flrst under the 8 mapping. This process continues until the flrst number is reached. As soon as one gets back to the starting number, this string of numbers is closed ofi with a right parentheses, ?)?. Repeat this entire process, beginning with ?(? and a number not yet listed. If a number is flxed by the permutation (if it is equal to its image) then it is denoted as a single number in parentheses. We begin with an example of a plain necklace made of three beads with two color options. As we are dealing with three beads, the set A, positions of the beads, is the vertex set of a triangle; A = f1;2;3g. Let G be the dihedral group D3; therefore, jGj=6. Let B be the set of possible colors; in this example jBj=2. Label the vertices clockwise, beginning at the top of the triangle. We flrst write the cycles formed by permuting the necklace into itself. In other words, we apply the elements of D3 to the set A and write down, using the disjoint cycle notation detailed at the beginning of this chapter, the results of each permutation. Doing so for this example yields the following: ?0 (1)(2)(3) ?1 (123) ?2 (132) ?1 (1)(23) ?2 (2)(13) ?3 (3)(12) Next, we use these cycle decompositions to flnd the number of permutations in D3 that have exactly k cycles; simply, we count the number of permutations above that have one set of parentheses, two sets of parentheses, three sets, etc. We denote each number 9 as ck(G). Thus, c1(G) = 2;c2(G) = 3 and c3(G) = 1. Now, apply P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem, with A, G and B as deflned earlier and N, the number of orbits, being the number of possible unique necklaces. N = 1jGj 3X k=1 ck(G)?2k = 16[c1(G)?21+c2(G)?22+c3(G)?23] = 16[2?21+3?22+1?23] = 4: Thus there are four possible plain, unique necklaces to be made with three beads and two color options. Now, if we add one more color option, obviously the number of possible unique necklaces increases. However, since we are still using three beads, the only value from the preceding example that changes is jBj=3. Thus, using P?oyla?s Enumeration Theorem, the formula becomes: N = 16 3X k=1 ck(G)?3k = 16[2?31 +3?32 +1?33] = 10: Thus there are ten possible unique necklaces to made using three beads of three colors. Continuing in this fashion, we see that using three beads and having 1,2,3,4,5,6,... color options there are 1,4,10,20,35,56,... unique necklaces possible. Using four beads increases not only the size and aesthetics of the necklace, but also the calculation of the number of possibilities. Instead of working with the vertices and symmetries of a triangle as before, we now work with the vertices and symmetries of a square. Let A be the set of vertices of a square; A = f1;2;3;4g. Let G = D4 with jGj=8. For illustration purposes, let jBj=4, or let there be four color options for this necklace. 10 As in the last example, use the disjoint cycle notation to list the afiect of each permutation of D4: ?0 (1)(2)(3)(4) ?1 (1234) ?2 (13)(24) ?3 (1432) ?1 (12)(34) ?2 (14)(23) ?1 (13)(2)(4) ?2 (24)(1)(3) Usingthesedecompositions, wegetthatc1(G) = 2;c2(G) = 3;c3(G) = 2 and c4(G) = 1. Applying all of this information to P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem, we see: N= 1 8 P4 k=1 ck(G)?4k=18[c1(G)?41 +c2(G)?42 +c3(G)?43 +c4(G)?44]=18[2?41 +3?42 +2? 43 +1?44]=55. Thus, there are 55 possible unique necklaces to be made using four beads and choosing from four colors. In fact, using four beads and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,... colors of beads, there are 1,6,21,55,120,231,406,... possible unique necklaces to design. Now, some of us have expensive tastes, so let us calculate how many unique necklaces using flve beads there are from which to choose. As in the previous two examples, we let A be the set of vertices of a pentagon, making A = f1;2;3;4;5g. Label the vertices clockwise from one to flve. This means G = D5 and thus jGj=10. For calculation purposes, let jBj=3. The cycle decomposition is as follows: 11 ?0 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) ?1 (12345) ?2 (13524) ?3 (14253) ?4 (15432) ?1 (1)(25)(34) ?2 (2)(13)(45) ?3 (3)(24)(15) ?4 (4)(12)(35) ?5 (5)(14)(23) Thus c1(G) = 4;c2(G) = 0;c3(G) = 5;c4(G) = 0 and c5(G) = 1. Applying P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem for three colors, we get: N= 110 P5k=1 ck(G)?3k= 110[c1(G)?31 + c2(G)?32 + c3(G)?33 + c4(G)?34 + c5(G)? 35]= 110[4?31 +0+5?33 +0+1?35]=39. Thus there are 39 gorgeous, unique necklaces to be designed using flve beads and three possible colors. In general, for flve beads and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,... colors, there are 1,8,39,136,377,888,1855,3536,... unique necklaces to be made. Finally, we will determine how many really glamorous, unique necklaces can be made using six beads. Let A = f1;2;3;4;5;6g, the set of vertices of a hexagon. Label the vertices clockwise one to six. Let G = D6 makingjGj = 12. Let us make this necklace worthy of giving Momma by using nine colors in the design, thus making jBj=9. The cycle decompositions are as follows: 12 ?0 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) ?1 (123456) ?2 (135)(246) ?3 (14)(25)(36) ?4 (153)(264) ?5 (165432) ?1 (16)(25)(34) ?2 (1)(26)(35)(4) ?3 (12)(36)(45) ?4 (13)(2)(5)(46) ?5 (14)(23)(56) ?6 (6)(15)(24)(3) Thus c1(G) = 2, c2(G) = 2, c3(G) = 4, c4(G) = 3, c5(G) = 0 and c6(G) = 1. Applying P?olya?s Enumeration Theorem, the formula becomes: N= 112 6X k=1 ck(G)?5k= 112[c1(G)?51 +c2(G)?52 +c3(G)?53 +c4(G)?54 +c5(G)?55 + c6(G)?56] = 112[2?51 +2?52 +4?53 +3?54 +0+1?56] = 1505. Therefore, we have 1;13;92;430;1,505;4,291;10,528;23,052;46,185;... options for de- signing an elegant and expensive necklace using six beads (or gems) of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,... colors. 13 Bibliography [1] Davis, T., \Polya?s Counting Theory",http://www.geometer.org/mathcircles (Sep- tember 12, 2001). [2] Fraleigh, J. B., A First Course in Abstract Algebra ,6th ed., Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley,(1999). [3] Van Lint, J. H. and Wilson, R. M., A Course in Combinatorics , New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, (1992). 14