Investigation of the Effect of Radiation on the Thermophoretic Motion of Soot Particles in Free?Molecular Regime Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This thesis does not include proprietary or classifled information. Vamshi Krishna Sarangapani Certiflcate of Approval: Jay M. Khodadadi Professor Mechanical Engineering Daniel W. Mackowski, Chair Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering Daniel K. Harris Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering Stephen L. McFarland Acting Dean Graduate School Investigation of the Effect of Radiation on the Thermophoretic Motion of Soot Particles in Free?Molecular Regime Vamshi Krishna Sarangapani A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulflllment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama August 08, 2005 Investigation of the Effect of Radiation on the Thermophoretic Motion of Soot Particles in Free?Molecular Regime Vamshi Krishna Sarangapani Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this thesis at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date Copy sent to: Name Date iii Vita Vamshi Krishna Sarangapani, son of Venkataramana Chary Sarangapani and Ra- madevi Sarangapani, was born on August 12, 1980, in Dharmapuri, Andhra Pradesh, India. He graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engi- neering in 2003 from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India. He joined the Masters program in the department of Mechanical Engineering at Auburn University in August 2003. iv Thesis Abstract Investigation of the Effect of Radiation on the Thermophoretic Motion of Soot Particles in Free?Molecular Regime Vamshi Krishna Sarangapani Master of Science, August 08, 2005 (B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India. June 2003) 68 Typed Pages Directed by Daniel W. Mackowski The coupling of radiation and thermophoresis is hypothesized to result in attrac- tive forces among soot particles in combustion environments. The efiect of radiation from the soot particles on their thermophoretic motion in the free?molecular regime is studied by developing a ?synthetic? simulation model. A Monte Carlo technique is used to carry out this study and the models are developed both for the two?particle system and the aggregate system that mimics cluster?cluster aggregation. The trans- fer of momentum and energy to and from the soot particles are computed via the monte carlo method. The thermophoretic force and the coagulation ratios are calcu- lated for the developed models. The results indicate that thermophoresis would be a signiflcant mode of soot particle coagulation for larger particle sizes and higher gas temperatures. The sphere aggregates are compared to single spheres with equivalent volume, surface area, and radius of gyration and the results show that the aggregate can be approximated to its volume equivalent sphere in a two?sphere model. v Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Daniel W. Mackowski for his constant support and guidance throughout my research at Auburn University and providing me with an opportunity to work in this exciting fleld. His methodology has greatly helped me hone the thought process that goes into approaching and solving a problem. I would also like to thank Professors Jay M. Khodadadi and Daniel K. Harris for serving on my graduate committee. I thank all the professors, stafi, and students I have had interactions with throughout this study. Finally, I thank all my friends for their help and support when I needed them the most. I wish to dedicate this work to my parents and my younger brother whose love and encouragement provide me the strength to sail through life and achieve my goals. vi Style manual or journal used LATEX{ A Document Preparation System, Leslie Lamport, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2nd edition (1994). Bibliography follows IEEE Transactions. Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (speciflcally LATEX) together with the departmental style-flle aums.sty. The plots were generated using MATLAB?. vii Table of Contents List of Figures x List of Tables xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4 Thesis Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Literature Review 6 2.1 Experimental Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Simulation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.1 Soot Aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.2 Thermophoresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2.3 Knudsen Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 The Model 12 3.1 The velocity distribution function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.2 Sampling of the distribution function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3 The two sphere model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.3.1 Energy transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.3.2 Momentum transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.3.3 Soot radiation heat source function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.3.4 Thermophoretric force analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3.5 Monte Carlo method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.4 Aggregate model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.4.1 Modifled Monte Carlo method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4 Results and Conclusions 35 4.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.1.1 The two sphere model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.1.2 Aggregate model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.1.3 Two?sphere equivalent of aggregate model . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.1.4 Coagulation ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4.3 Suggestions for future research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 viii Bibliography 46 Appendices 48 A Monte Carlo code for the two-sphere model 49 B Monte Carlo code for the aggregate model 52 ix List of Figures 1.1 TEM photograph of a soot aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.1 Two?sphere model showing the ray trace of a molecule . . . . . . . . 18 3.2 Soot aggregate generated using the power law . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.3 Aggregate?model showing the ray trace of a molecule . . . . . . . . . 34 4.1 Two sphere model ? Force vs Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.2 Log?Log scale of Fig.4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.3 F1?cluster vs Nsamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.4 Aggregate model ? Force vs Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.5 Log?Log scale of Fig.4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 x List of Tables 4.1 Comparison of thermophoretic force magnitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2 Coagulation ratios for various a and T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4.3 Coagulation ratios for various a and T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Combustion plays an important role in automobile industry, industrial burners and furnaces, gas turbines, etc., as the process involves conversion of chemical energy in fuels to thermal energy that generates power. In addition to playing a helpful role, combustion processes also have detrimental afiects on the human lives in the form of harmful emissions such as NOx, and soot. Soot is formed in gas-phase combustion at high temperature. At the microscopic level, soot forms when hydrocarbons are heated with insu?cient air due to poor mixing. In ames, soot can be observed in difiusion ames as opposed to premixed ames, where a clean blue ame can be seen. Keeping in view the importance of soot, its study has been a major area of interest for quite some time now. In boilers, soot fouling is a big concern as it brings down the e?ciency. Soot is suspended in air and because of its extremely small size, penetrates deep in to the lungs, thus afiecting our respiratory system. In some devices, such as furnaces, the thermal emission from soot enhances heat transfer process via radiation. Soot is also an important industrial product that flnds application, such as flller in tires, toner in copiers, etc.. Soot collected from ames consists of chain-like aggregates of spherical units. These spherical units have a hexagonal structure similar to graphite [1], and the sizes range between 10 nm and 80 nm. Soot formation is believed to take place in three steps: [1] Particle inception or Nucleation: this step involves a series of homogenous 1 reactions between hydrocarbon species leading to a larger sized particles which can be seen under an electron microscope as tiny spherical condensed particles [2]. The rate of particle inception is extremely high, though the particles formed in this step constitute only a minor fraction of the flnal soot mass. (2) Surface Growth: in this step, two processes are believed to occur simultaneously. First, the small spherical particles formed in step [1] collide and coalesce to form larger spheres. Second, the hydrocarbon \growth species" in the gas phase react heterogeneously on the soot surfaces [2]. (3) Aggregation: the spherical particles formed in step-(2) collide and stick (but they no longer coalesce) to form chains. The soot formed can be controlled only by Oxidation. It is the sole mechanism of removal of soot emission. In this process, the soot particles formed are changed back into gas-phase species. While soot is a major pollutant, it is an important industrial product and is a major source of radiation from ames. In most of the hydrocarbon fuels combustion, the dominant part of radiation comes from the soot particles. The fourth power dependence on temperature also makes radiation a prime mode of heat transfer in most ames. Radiation allows transfer of energy directly from hot product regions to cold regions, exerting its efiects even at a distance. Modelling of the formation, growth, and deposition of soot requires an under- standing of the mechanisms which transport the soot in a gas. These mechanisms include convection, difiusion, sedimentation, and thermophoresis. A signiflcant trans- port of soot in ames is by thermophoresis. The term ?thermophoresis? is given to the motion of aerosol particles that move, with a constant velocity, towards lower temperature regions, under the in uence of a temperature gradient. Thermophoresis 2 occurs because the momentum carried by the hot gas molecules that sink the par- ticles is greater than that carried by the particles coming from cold region. Studies have conflrmed that thermophoresis results in a larger deposition rate of aerosols than either of sedimentation or difiusion processes [3]. 1.2 Hypothesis It can be observed, in ames, that when a steel rod which is at room temperature is introduced, the soot particles get deposited at a quick rate on that rod. This behavior is observed as a result of thermophoresis. The temperature gradient existing between the emanating soot particles and the steel rod causes the movement of the particles towards the rod. It is submitted that a similar efiect can occur among the soot particles themselves. As a result of continuous radiation from the soot particles, the local temperature of the gas is afiected resulting in temperature gradients. These temperature gradients lead to an attractive thermophoretic motion among the soot particles. The objective of this thesis is to carry out investigations on the efiect of radiation from soot particles on the thermophoretic motion of the soot particles, and establish that the coupling of radiation and thermophoresis could result in attractive forces among soot particles. 1.3 Objectives The goal of this thesis can be achieved either by investigating the process ex- perimentally or by building a simulation model. There may be some practicalities, in studying the process by building an experimental set-up, such as low residence 3 Figure 1.1: TEM photograph of a soot aggregate times. Likewise, building a simulation model of the efiect of soot radiation on the thermophoretic motion of the particles is a complicated one because of the 3-D nature of the problem. Nevertheless, the complexity can be reduced if we initially build a simulation model for a simple system. Therefore, the initial step would be to model a simple system of soot particles, essentially, a two-particle model. Extension of this model to a more general system of particles could be carried out at a later stage. In order to get started, even with the simplest of cases, we need to make some basic assumptions. First among those would be the shape of the soot particles we are sim- ulating. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) measurements indicate that soot aggregates consist of nearly spherical primary particles. Figure 1.1 is a TEM image of a typical soot aggregate found within the annular region of a difiusion ame [15]. The measurements show that the aggregates exhibit mass fractal behavior. The ame generated soot aggregates exhibit mass fractal-like behavior with a fractal dimension, Df < 2, even when the number of primary particles in an aggregate is small [4]. The second assumption would be the size of the particles. The soot particles we consider would be nearly nano-sized, making them considerably smaller than the mean free path. This assumption is supported by the gas temperatures we would be dealing 4 with (? 1500 K). At such high temperatures, the mean free path increases, thus justifying our assumption of knudsen number, Kn >> 1 (i.e., the mean free path >> the particle size). 1.4 Thesis Statement This thesis consists broadly of two parts: the flrst part discusses the efiect of radiation on the thermophoretic motion between two primary aerosol particles (as- sumed to be spheres), and the second part discusses the efiect of radiation on the thermophoretic motion between a cluster and a single particle. This thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 gives a more detailed description of the work done in the area of interest and the existing methodologies (literature review). Chapter 3 presents details of the proposed methodology and the algorithm employed. Chapter 4 presents the results of the proposed method and various obser- vations that can be drawn from those results. Chapter 4 also includes suggestions for future research. 5 Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Experimental Approach The main aim of the experimental approach is to visually observe the coagula- tion of soot particles as a result of the proposed hypothesis. Studies were previously carried to observe this efiect using co? ow difiusion burners. As a result of low resi- dence times, it was di?cult to keep the soot particles for su?cient time in the ame environment. Burner assemblies that ofier longer residence times than those possible in the co? ow difiusion burner assembly were looked in for from the available litera- ture. A at counter? ow difiusion burner assembly that ofiers longer residence time was then built in the laboratory. A at counter? ow difiusion ame was established using methane as the fuel. Nitrogen was the inert gas used. The study with this assembly was also inconclusive, mainly because of two factors. The flrst factor was again the low residence time (we obtained longer residence time than in the case of co? ow difiusion ame, but not good enough to observe the efiect). The order of residence time we obtained was about 1s. The second factor is that the gelation process was overpowering all the other efiects, making it di?cult to observe the in- tended process. Once the aggregate size reaches a large value, the aggregation of soot particles is largely because of the gelation efiect. The soot cloud forms a sort of \spider-web," thereby attracting the soot particles to stick to the cloud. This is the efiect we primarily notice if we run an experiment, thus making the study of efiect of radiation on thermophoretic motion of soot particles inconclusive. 6 2.2 Simulation Model Taking into consideration the practicalities in running an experiment, we opted for a simulation model. The subsequent sections in this chapter discuss brie y on soot aggregates and thermophoresis. 2.2.1 Soot Aggregates Computer simulations were carried out to develop models for random cluster formation by researchers [5,6] since early 80?s. Sorensen, in his paper discusses about various aggregation algorithms for simulating aggregates [7] using the power law, N = K0(Rg=a)Df (2.1) Where N is the number of monomers in the aggregate, Rg is the radius of gyration, a is the monomer radius, Df is the fractal dimension, and the proportionality constant K0 is the prefactor. In [7], random aggregates have been computer synthesized using both Difiusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) and Difiusion Limited Cluster Aggregation (DLCA). In DLA, a monomer is chosen from a set of N monomers and placed at the center of the sphere. The second monomer is now brought near the flrst and random-walked until it is attached at a random angular position. Subsequent monomers are then introduced one-by-one at a random angular position. In DLCA, two monomers are chosen at random from a set of N; one of them is placed at the center and the second one is introduced at a random angular position, 7 random-walked around the flrst one. This cluster is now put back into the set if the pair of monomers are joined making the set, now, (N-1) long. The process is repeated to obtain the desired length of cluster. Aplotoflog(N)vslog(Rg)willproduceastraightlinewithslopeDf andy?intercept K0. 2.2.2 Thermophoresis Since its discovery, numerous applications have been recognized where ther- mophoresis can play either positive or adverse roles [8]. Principle of thermophoresis has been extensively used in the design of thermal precipitators, and aerosol sampling methods. Thermophoresis can result in particle deposition on boiler pipes, reducing the e?ciency of heat exchange. The efiect of thermophoresis on the transfer of the radioactive aerosols generated in a nuclear reactor accident has been recognized as an important factor in reactor safety assessment. The principle of thermophoresis can be used to enhance chemical vapor deposition process which is a key in fabrication of optical flbers. It has been used as an efiective method for micro-contamination control in the semiconductor industry [8]. Application areas of efiect of thermophore- sis also include: aerosol instruments and devices, microelectronics, xerography, drug delivery and pharmaceutical, and atmospheric dispersion. Let us now see why thermophoresis occurs. At the molecular level, the gas molecules coming from the hot region carry more momentum than those moving from the cold region. This imbalance results in a net force from hot region to a cold 8 region. It should also be noted that the entire imbalance in momentum transfer is only because of the incoming ux of molecules. The re?emission of molecules (outward ux) is assumed to be difiuse because of the perfect accommodation of spheres (soot particles). Thermophoretic force can be determined by solving momentum transfer and energy transfer equations using the distribution functions. These distribution functions are governed by the Boltzman?s equation. In general, the solution for the Boltzman?s equation is very di?cult unless for some limiting cases. These limiting cases can be identifled with the help of Knudsen number. The Knudsen number is deflned as the ratio of the gas mean free path l to a characteristic length scale of the particle, Kn = l/a. The characteristic length scale is assumed to be the equivalent- volume radius a of the particle. 2.2.3 Knudsen Number The Knudsen number can be classifled into three regimes: the continuum regime (Kn << 1), the transition regime (Kn ? 1), and the free-molecule regime (Kn >> 1). The Boltzmann equation is an integro-difierential equation and solution of this equation is limited to few cases. The continuum based models are the Navier-Stokes equations. Euler equations correspond to inviscid continuum limit which shows a singular limit since the uid is assumed to be inviscid and non-conducting. Euler ow corresponds to Kn = 0. The Navier-Stokes equations can be derived from the Boltzmann equation using the Chapman-Enskog expansion. At Knudsen numbers larger than 0.1 the Navier-Stokes equations break-down and a higher level of approx- imation is obtained by carrying second order terms (in Kn) in the Chapman-Enskog 9 expansion. A special form of such an equation is called the Burnett equation, for which the solution requires second-order accurate slip boundary conditions in Kn. The Burnett equations and consistent second-order slip boundary conditions is sub- ject to some controversy and a better way of solving high Knudsen number ow is through molecular based direct simulation techniques such as the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method (DSMC) [8]. Continuum Regime Thethermophoresistheoryincontinuumregime(Kn<<1)canbebuiltuponthe solution of the Navier-Stokes equations combined with the appropriate slip boundary conditions. The boundary conditions are based on the temperature jump and thermal creep. This accounts for the fact that the gas cannot be treated as a continuous medium within a few mean free paths from the particle surface [8]. Transition Regime In this range of Knudsen number (Kn?1), the theoretical solutions are the most di?cult to obtain [8]. However, interpolation models were advocated by researchers [9,10] for flnding results in transition regime. Brock?s near-continuum solution was a widely used formula for interpolation until more accurate solutions to Boltzmann?s equation became available [11]. In the limit Kn ! 1, Brock?s near continuum solution got reduced to a form very similar (difiers only by a constant) to the free molecular solution of Waldmann. Therefore, this formula was used for obtaining results in the transition regime. 10 Free-molecular Regime In the limit of Kn >> 1 the velocity distribution function of the incoming mole- cules is not afiected by the presence of the particle. To calculate the thermophoretic force, it is necessary to model the behavior in which the gas molecules are re ected by the particle surface after collisions with the particle [8]. With the literature presented in the above sections, we can begin with the pro- posed methodology. Chapter 3 will present details of the proposed methodology and the algorithm employed. The chapter will be divided broadly into two major sections: (1) two-particle model, and (2) aggregate model. 11 Chapter 3 The Model 3.1 The velocity distribution function The molecules in a gas posses a velocity distribution function, which characterizes the speed and direction of molecular travel. Typically the distribution is a function of 6 coordinates: 3 spacial coordinates (x, y, z) and three velocity coordinates (u, v,w). Together, these 6 coordinates are referred to as phase space. We can assume for now that the properties of the gas are uniform over space, so that the distribution function only depends on the three velocity components. For this case, the distribution, denoted as f, is deflned so that f(u;v;w) du dv dw is the number of molecules per unit volume that have velocities within du of u, dv of v, and dw of w. In addition, n = Z 1 ?1 du Z 1 ?1 dv Z 1 ?1 dw f(u;v;w) (3.1) in which n is the number density (number of molecules per unit volume, units of 1/m3). This shows that the distribution function must have units of number density/velocity3, or s/m6. For an equilibrium gas (stationary and at a uniform tem- perature), the distribution is given by the Maxwellian formula: f = n?3=2C3 T exp [?(u2 +v2 +w2)=C2T] (3.2) 12 in which CT = p2RT is the thermal speed of the molecules, with R being the speciflc gas constant. A polar coordinate system is often used to characterize the molecular velocity, with du dv dw = c2 dc sin d d` in which c is the molecular speed, c2 = u2 + v2 + w2 and and ` are the polar and azimuthal angles of the molecular trajectory; u = c sin cos` v = c sin sin` w = c cos Averages (or moments) of the distribution function are obtained via h?i = 1n Z 1 c=0 Z ? =0 Z 2? `=0 ? f c2 dc sin d d` (3.3) inwhich? issomemolecularquantity. Forexample, theaveragespeedisobtained by setting ? = c. For the maxwellian distribution, this gives < c > = 2p? CT = q 8RT ? and the mean kinetic energy, per unit mass, is obtained from setting ? = c2/2, or < c > = 34C2T = 32RT 13 The ux of a molecular quantity ? refers to the transport of ? across a surface (real or imaginary) in the direction normal to the surface and per unit area of the surface. It would have unit of ? /m2/s. Say that the normal to the surface points in the z direction. The formula for the ux is obtained from j? = Z 1 u=?1 Z 1 v=?1 Z 1 w=0 ? f w du dv dw (3.4) or, in polar coordinates, j? = Z 1 c=0 Z ?=2 =0 Z 2? `=0 ? f c cos c2 dc sin d d` (3.5) The number ux is obtained by setting ? = 1, and for the maxwellian distribu- tion, jn = 12p? nCT The momentum ux in the z direction is obtained from ? = mw = mc cos (with m the molecule mass), and jmom = 14 mnC2T = 12?RT in which ? = mn is the mass density. From the ideal gas law the momentum ux is equal to P/2 which represents the normal stress on the (imaginary) surface due to molecules leaving the surface. If we calculated the ux of momentum arriving at the surface we would also get P/2, and the total stress would be P, as expected. The net force acting on an object (a particle, for example) would be obtained by integrating the net momentum ux (incident and re ected) over the surface of the particle. 14 3.2 Sampling of the distribution function In our work we assume, beforehand, that we know the distribution function(s) of the molecules incident on the particles (targets) and emitted from the particles (i.e., re ected). From this, we can compute the transfer of quantities (momentum, energy) to and from the targets. However, the targets will possess a geometry which would make di?cult an analytical evaluation of the integrals per the previous formulas. Consequently, we will numerically compute the transport of momentum and energy via a monte carlo method. The MC method is conceptually straightforward. We simulate molecular tra- jectories and observe (on a computer) how the molecules interact with the target. By collecting averages over the simulation of a large number of molecules, we can determine the net rate of momentum and energy transfer to the target. A required element to implementing the MC method is the sampling of a dis- tribution function. For example, we may know that the molecules which we are simulating have a velocity that is described by a given velocity distribution function. We want to randomly assign values of velocity to individual molecules so that, when averaged over a large number of molecules, the velocities fall into a distribution that is consistent with our modelled distribution. The sampling approach that we follow for this thesis would be cumulative dis- tribution approach. Say our distribution is a function of one variable, x, and that x runs from 0 to 1 (x is arbitrary here; it does not have a physical interpretation). The 15 cumulative distribution function, denoted g(x), is deflned by g(x) = Rx 0 f(t) dtR 1 0 f(t) dt in which t is a dummy variable of integration. The cumulative distribution g(x) represents the probability of choosing a sample from f that is between 0 and x. If x = 1 then g = 1, i.e., we are certain that x lies between 0 and 1. On the other hand, if we set g = 1=2 we would get an equation for xm (referred to as the mode of the distribution): 1=2 = g(xm) ! xm = g?1(1=2) in which g?1 is the inverse of the cumulative distribution function. The interpretation of xm is that it is equally likely (50/50 chance) that a sampled x will lie either above or below xm. This does not imply that xm = 1/2; the value of xm depends on the form of the distribution function. To construct a sampling scheme, we flrst note that all values of g are equally likely. That is, from a probabilistic point of view, g will be uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. We can then set g equal to a uniform random number between 0 and 1 to obtain g(x) = R in which R is the random number between 0 and 1. The sampled x is obtained from the inverse function; x = g?1(R) 16 3.3 The two sphere model A basic starting model for our analysis is as follows. A pair of identical spheres of radii a are separated by a distance R. The spheres are contained in a gas, and the mean free path of the gas molecules is signiflcantly larger than the largest geometrical length. The gas is at temperature T0 and pressure P0. The spheres are at a uniform temperature TS < T0; this temperature difierence is maintained by radiation heat emission from the spheres. We wish to calculate the following: 1. The rate of radiation heat transfer necessary to maintain the given temperature difierence T0 ? TS. In principle, we would know the heat transfer rate from an analysis of radiation and from this we would calculate TS. However, the problem will be somewhat simplifled if we assume that TS is given. 2. The net force acting between the two spheres as a result of difierences in the molecular momentum ux on the sphere surfaces. Assumptions we will make are 1. The spheres are stationary: they are held in place by some invisible means. This is a contrived problem, but we need to start somewhere. 2. The gas is stationary: no bulk motion. 3. The surfaces of the spheres have perfect momentum and energy accommodation. All previous history of the molecular trajectory is lost upon collision with the surface. Re-emission of the molecules is difiuse. 17 Figure 3.1: Two?sphere model showing the ray trace of a molecule 4. Free molecular limit conditions: Kn 1. There are no molecule-molecule colli- sions. The soot particles we consider would be nearly nano-sized, making them considerably smaller than the mean free path. This assumption is supported by the gas temperatures we would be dealing with (? 1500 K). At such high temperatures, the mean free path increases, thus justifying our assumption of Kn >> 1 (i.e., the mean free path >> the particle size). Typically, the soot particles are 0:01 ?m in size, whereas the mean free path at STP is of the order 0:065 ?m. At around a temperature of 2000 K, it is of the order of 0:3 ?m. 5. Theincomingmoleculesfromthebackgroundgasarecharacterizedbyamaxwellian velocity distribution at temperature T0 and number density n0. 6. There-emittedmolecules(i.e., re ectedmolecules)arecharacterizedbyamaxwellian distribution at TS and number density nS. 18 3.3.1 Energy transport Label the spheres 1 and 2 (because of the symmetry of the problem, condi- tions/transfer rates will be identical for both spheres, but we will distinguish between the spheres anyway). The net rate of molecular kinetic energy transfer to sphere 1, due to molecular collisions, is _Qm;1 = Z A Z ? Z 1 c=0 (fin ?fS) 12m c2 ^n:cc2 dc d? dA (3.6) in which m is the molecular mass, ^n the outward normal, c the molecular velocity vector, A the surface area of the sphere, and d? = sin d d` is a difierential solid angle. The velocity distribution functions fin and fS describe the incoming and emitted (re ected) molecules, respectively. The integrals in 3.6 cannot be trivially performed analytically because fin will be a function of incoming direction and surface position. For positions on the hemisphere facing the opposite sphere, part of the incoming molecules will originate from the opposite sphere, and the remainder will originate from the background gas. When the incoming direction points towards the opposite sphere the incoming distribution will be fin = fS; this is because we assume that the temperatures of both spheres are identical. Consequently, the integrand in 3.6 will vanish for directions ? pointed towards the opposite sphere. For direction pointed towards the background gas we will have fin = f0, and 3.6 becomes _Qm;1 = Z A Z ?0 Z 1 c=0 (f0 ?fS) 12m c2 ^n:cc2 dc d? dA (3.7) 19 in which ?0 denotes the directions which point towards the background gas; this will be a function of position on the sphere. The distribution functions are given by fS = nS?3=2C3 T;S exp (?c2=C2T;S) (3.8) f0 = n0?3=2C3 T;0 exp (?c2=C2T;0) (3.9) with CT;S = p2RTS and likewise for CT;0. The integral over speed c can be performed analytically in 3.7, and the remaining integrals over direction and position will deflne a conflguration factor F1?0 so that _Qm;1 = m 2?1=2 (n0C 3 T;0 ?nSC 3 T;S) 4?a 2 F1?0 (3.10) in which 4?a2 F1?0 = 1? Z A Z ?0 ^n:sd? dA (3.11) with s being a unit vector which points in all directions except towards the opposite sphere. The quantity F1?0 is identical to the radiation conflguration factor which is used in radiation exchange problems; it represents the fraction of all emitted molecules from 1 which travel to the background gas. By summation we have F1?0 + F1?2 = 1, i.e., the emitted molecules either end up in the background gas or on sphere 2. F1?0 is a function only of the distance between the centers of the two spheres. 20 Equation 3.10 contains the unknown quantity nS, which can be determined by application of mass transfer principles. The net molecular ux at any point on the surface must be zero, i.e., the incoming ux must balance the outgoing ux. This leads to Jn = 0 = Z ? Z 1 c=0 (fS ?fin) ^n:cc2 dc d? (3.12) Again, theincomingdistributiondependsonthepositiononthesphere. Asbefore, the integral over direction ? can be split into a fraction ?S which includes all directions which point to the neighboring sphere, and ?0 which encompasses all directions which point towards the background gas. For the former case the incoming distribution function will be fS and for the latter the distribution will be f0. The integral is then Jn = 0 = Z ?0 Z 1 c=0 (fS ?f0) ^n:cc2 dc d? (3.13) Since this result must hold at every point on the surface - and since ?0 is a function of surface position - it follows that Z 1 c=0 (fS ?f0) c c2 dc = 0 (3.14) The integrals can be computed analytically, which gives nSCT;S = n0CT;0 (3.15) which provides a relation between the number densities and temperatures of the incoming and emitted molecules. 21 By putting the above into 3.10, we get _Qm;1 = ?0CT;0 2?1=2 (C 2 T;0 ?C 2 T;S) 4?a 2 F1?0 (3.16) = ?0RCT;0?1=2 (T0 ?TS) 4?a2 F1?0 (3.17) 3.3.2 Momentum transfer The force applied to the sphere due to the emitted molecules will be zero, due to the fact that the emitted molecules are emitted isotropically (uniform in all direc- tions). The net force is therefore due to the nonuniformity in the incoming molecules, and will be given by F1 = Z A Z ? Z 1 c=0 fin mc(^n:c) c2 dc d? dA (3.18) As before, the integral over direction ? can be split into ?S and ?0 and fin will have the corresponding value of fS or f0. We can then use Z A Z ?0 Z 1 c=0 f0 mc(^n:c) c2 dc d? dA = ( Z A Z ? Z 1 c=0 f0 mc(^n:c) c2 dc d? dA ? Z A Z ?S Z 1 c=0 f0 mc(^n:c) c2 dc d? dA) = ? Z A Z ?S Z 1 c=0 f0 mc(^n:c) c2 dc d? dA 22 The integral over all directions ? in the above is zero because the momentum ux for this part is isotropic. We then get F1 = Z A Z ?S Z 1 c=0 (fS ?f0) mc(^n:c) c2 dc d? dA (3.19) with the integral over direction limited to directions which point from 1 to 2. The integrals over speed can be performed analytically, to give F1 = 3m8? (nSC2T;S ?n0C2T;0) 4?a2 G1?2 (3.20) in which G1?2 is a vector which depends only on the geometry. For a pair of spheres, components will be aligned with axis of symmetry. 4?a2 G1?2 = 1? Z A Z ?S s(^n:s) d? dA (3.21) Using 3.15 in 3.20 gives F1 = 3?CT;08? (CT;S ?CT;0) 4?a2 G1?2 (3.22) 3.3.3 Soot radiation heat source function This section presents a simplifled derivation of the rate of thermal emission from a carbonaceous soot particle. The derivation begins with correlations from [12] on the absorption properties of a soot cloud, and backs out the rate at which a single particle will emit radiation. 23 The rate of emission from a particle cloud, per unit volume of the cloud, will be q000e = 4 ?p eb; W=m3 (3.23) where ?p is the Planck mean absorption coe?cient, deflned by ?p = Z 1 0 ?? eb? d? (3.24) where ? is wavelength and eb? = C1?5 (exp (C 2=?T)?1) ; eb = Z 1 0 eb? d? = T4 where = 5:67 ? 10?8 W=(m2:K4), are the spectral and total blackbody emissive power functions. The spectral absorption coe?cient ?? for carbon soot can be approximated as ?? t 7f? ; ?m?1 where f is the soot volume fraction (volume of the solid particle per unit volume of medium; a dimensionless quantity). Replacing this into 3.24 and integrating gives ?p = 1:86 ? 103 f T; m?1 24 Using the above formulas, the emissive sink for the soot cloud will be q000e = 4 ?p eb = Ck f T5 where Ck = 4:23?10?4 W=m3K5. Assuming all particles are identical, the rate of emission per unit cloud volume would be related to the cloud number density by q000e = Qen in which n is the number density of the particles and Qe is the rate of emission from a single particle. Likewise, the volume fraction of the cloud would be given by f = V n with V being the particle volume. Using these relations results in Qe = Ck V T5 with V given in m3. If we assume that the particles are spherical with radius a, we get Qe = 4?3 Ck a3 T5 (3.25) 25 From 3.16 the rate of molecular energy transfer to the particle was _Qm;1 = ?0CT;0 2?1=2 (C 2 T;0 ?C 2 T;S) 4?a 2 F1?0 (3.26) t ?0C 2 T;0 ?1=2 (CT;0 ?CT;S) 4?a 2 F1?0 (3.27) the last line using a flrst order approximation for small CT;0 ? CT;S . It should be noted here that the rationale for assuming CT;0 ? CT;S is that TS has a value of around 1499.54 K when T0 = 1500 K at a = 15nm. Hence the perturbation on the spheres can be assumed to be negligible. By setting Qm;1 = ?Qe, we get CT;S ?CT;0 = p? Q e ?0C2T;04?a2F1?0 (3.28) The force acting between a pair of spheres was F1 = 3?CT;08? (CT;S ?CT;0) 4?a2 G1?2 or, using the previous equation, 3.28, F1 = 3Qe8p?C T;0 G1?2 F1?0 (3.29) Using the formula for Qe, 3.25, the above result shows that 1) the force will scale with a3 (i.e., proportional to the particle volume), and 2) the force will scale with T4:50 , and G1?2 will scale (asymptotically) as (a=r1?2)2. 26 3.3.4 Thermophoretric force analysis The thermophoretic force analysis can be borrowed from thoroughly-investigated phenomenon of coagulation between electrically charged particles [12] as discussed by [13]. The force existing between the electrically charged particles follows an inverse-square law and is an instantaneous force. However, the case of efiective thermophoretic force is not precisely equivalent to the instantaneous force in elec- trostatics [13]. This is because the interaction of the thermophoretic force takes place through the carrier gas and an inverse-square relationship would hold good only when the characteristic time of gas heat transfer propagation is considerably smaller than the characteristic time of the particle motion [13]. In the present analysis, however, an inverse-square relationship can be approximated taking into account that we are dealing with ?m? sized particles, the ratio of gas to particle characteristic times for which is of the order of 0.1 - good enough for the above mentioned approximation [13]. From the electrical analogy, the ratio of coagulation rate constants between the two particles with thermophoresis to that due to Brownian motion alone, is expressed [12] as Z = yey ?1 where y = F12 r12K B Tg where r12 is the separation distance at contact, KB = 1:3805?10?23 J=K is Boltz- mann?s constant, Tg is the temperature of the gas, and F12 is the force at contact 27 between the spheres given [12] by F12 = ?? e 2 r212 (3.30) where ? and ? are the number of the elementary electrical charges (electron charges), e. In the above equation Comparing3.29and3.30, i.e., replacingelectrostaticforce(F12)withthermophoretic force (F1), we have for y: y = 2? 3Qe8p?C T;0 G1?2 F1?0 r12 KB Tg (3.31) with G1?2 and F1?0 evaluated at contact, i.e., at r12 = 2a. Using the expression for Qe from 3.25 in 3.31 and 3.29 and substituting the values of all constants, we get y = ?(4:5212?1018) a4 T3:5g (G1?2F 1?0 ) (3.32) and FT = 2?F1 = (3:1208?10?5) a3 T4:5g (G1?2F 1?0 ) (3.33) respectively. F1 is multiplied by a factor 2 to get FT because F1 is the force acting on a single sphere and FT is the total thermophoretic force between the two spheres. The units of a and FT in the above equation are m and N respectively. 28 3.3.5 Monte Carlo method Thecomputational studyofthisthesisisdone inMATLAB6.5version. Thebasic outline of the algorithm we are going to implement using a monte carlo technique is 1. to release computational gas molecules from random points on the surface of sphere 1 in random directions 2. track the molecule, determine where it ends up 3. repeat the code several times 4. compute F1?0 and G1?2 and 5. hence compute y and FT. Sampling the position on sphere surface To start with the monte carlo technique, we flrst sample the position on the surface of sphere 1 from which molecules are released. The pseudo-random number generator of MATLAB is used for all random sampling purposes in this thesis. The polar and azimuth angles of the position on the surface are sampled from the cumulative distribution functions represented by R1 = Z cos 0 d(cos ) R2 = 12? Z ` 0 d` 29 where R is the random number generator between 0 and 1. Upon inversion, we have cos 1 = R1 (3.34) `1 = 2?R2 (3.35) We have sampled cos 1 from 0 to 1, and not -1 to 1 because, the molecules released from the hemisphere of sphere 1 not facing the second sphere do not end up on it anyway. Sampling the direction of molecules The polar and azimuth angles of the direction of the molecule released from the sphere surface are represented by R3 = 2 Z cos 0 cos d(cos ) R4 = 12? Z ` 0 d` Upon inversion, we have cos 2 = pR3 (3.36) `2 = 2?R4 (3.37) 30 Determination of collision point The method followed to determine the collision point (or, for that matter, if the molecule collides with the sphere 2 or not) by [14] is employed here. The distance of the molecule starting point (x0;y0;z0) to the center of sphere 2 (xs;ys;zs) is rs0 = ((xs ?x0)2 + (ys ?y0)2 + (zs ?z0)2)1=2 (3.38) If rms is the distance between the molecule, at any point in its trajectory, and the center of sphere 2, then the minimum value of rms will occur when rms:^c = 0 [14]. ) rms = rs0 sinfi (3.39) where fi is the angle between the molecular trajectory and the position vector of the center of sphere 2 relative to the starting point, i.e., cosfi = 1r s0 [(xs ?x0) ^u + (ys ?y0) ^v + (zs ?z0) ^w] (3.40) where (^u;^v; ^w), the trajectory of the molecule is given by [14] ^u = cos`1(sin 2cos`2cos 1 +cos 2sin 1)?sin`1sin 2sin`2 (3.41) ^v = sin`1(sin 2cos`2cos 1 +cos 2sin 1)?cos`1sin 2sin`2 (3.42) ^w = cos 2cos 1 ?sin 2cos`2sin 1 (3.43) 31 If rms ? a, then the molecule has collided with the sphere 2 [14]. The molecules are released one?by?one and the above process is repeated several number of times. Finally, the conflguration factor, F1?2, is obtained by dividing the number of molecules that collided with the sphere 2 by the total number of molecules released. The subsequent calculations of y and FT are carried out by using equations 3.32 and 3.33. 3.4 Aggregate model In this case, we consider the interaction between a sphere and a cluster of spheres (of identical radii).The cluster is synthesized based on the power-law, 2.1. The algo- rithm used for this synthesis is the one used in [14]. The program is run and a cluster of 25 spheres is generated. Sampling of the distribution function for the aggregate model is the same as that done for the two?sphere model. The equations for energy transport, momen- tum transfer, the soot radiation heat source function, and the thermophoretic force analysis remain the same with the two?sphere model directly extended to multiple sphere, i.e., with G1?2 ?! G1?i. The only modiflcation for the aggregate model would appear in the monte carlo code written for the two?sphere model. 3.4.1 Modifled Monte Carlo method The algorithm of the modifled monte carlo technique would be 32 Figure 3.2: Soot aggregate generated using the power law 1. release of computational gas molecules from random points on the surface of sphere 1 in random directions 2. track the molecule, determine if it ends up on the cluster 3. calculate the overall conflguration factor, F1?cluster by repeating the code several times. The overall conflguration factor is calculated as F1?cluster = PNi=1F1?i. 4. compute G1?cluster and 5. hence compute ycluster and FTcluster. Sampling the position on sphere surface and sampling the direction of molecules are done in the same fashion as that for the two?sphere model. The determination of the collision point (flgure 3.3) on the cluster is also done in a more advanced 33 Figure 3.3: Aggregate?model showing the ray trace of a molecule fashion, noting the complex geometry that is involved in this case. The procedure is as follows: When a molecule is released from sphere 1, its trajectory is followed and the perpendicular distances from the individual spheres in the cluster to this trajectory are determined. All the distances that are less than the sphere radius, a are noted. Now, using the law of cosines the distance the molecule has travelled at the collision point, sc is determined for all spheres that met the above condition. Among the obtained values the one which has the minimum sc is identifled to be the sphere with which the molecule has collided. 34 Chapter 4 Results and Conclusions 4.1 Results The monte carlo code for both the two?sphere model and the aggregate model was written in MatLab 6.5. The program was run on a PC with Intel Pentium 4 processor, 1.4 GHz and 512 MB of RAM. 4.1.1 The two sphere model The two spheres under consideration had the same radius (= 0.01 ?m). The tem- perature of the gas was taken to be 1500 K. The monte carlo code for the two?sphere model comprised of release of 250,000 computational molecules from sphere 1. The program took around 4 minutes to give the output, i.e., the force between the spheres, the coagulation ratio, and the plot between the force and the distance between the two spheres. Plotted in flg. 4.1 is the thermophoretic force, in N, between the two spheres versus the distance, in m, between them.As it can be seen from the flgure, the force between the two spheres follows an inverse?squared variation with the distance. The plot in flg. 4.2 represents the plot shown in flg. 4.1 on a log?log scale. The plot has a slope of ?2. The distortion of the plot towards the larger values of distance is the ?noise?. This should be expected because for higher values of distance between the spheres, the conflguration factor, F1?2, identically approaches zero and the monte carlo technique in such a case would fail. 35 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 x 10?7 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5x 10?16 r (m) F (N) Figure 4.1: Two sphere model ? Force vs Distance The coagulation ratio, Z, for this model was observed to be around 1.0002, for a sphere radius of 0.01 ?m and a gas temperature of 1500 K. 4.1.2 Aggregate model The main task here would be to decide on the number of computational molecules to be released from sphere 1 on to the cluster. For this, we flrst collect samples comprising of, say, 100 molecules. The conflguration factor from sphere 1 to the cluster (F1?cluster) is determined for each such sample. Every time, a group of 10 such samples is taken and the ratio of standard deviation to the mean of that group is calculated. The flrst group would consist of samples 1 through 10, the next one consists of samples 2 through 11, and so on. The algorithm is written in such a 36 10?8 10?7 10?610 ?18 10?17 10?16 10?15 log(r) log(F) Figure 4.2: Log?Log scale of Fig.4.1 way that the release of molecules will be terminated when the above mentioned ratio becomes less than or equal to 0.0005. This means that we are allowing 99:95% of accuracy. Fig. 4.3 shows the plot of the conflguration factor, F1?cluster versus the number of samples of the computational molecules, Nsamp, released. In the monte carlo code, we have set the total number of molecules to be released as 100000, but the computation stops when the total number of molecules reach a value of around 53000 because the desired accuracy level is reached by this number, thus saving the computation time. A cluster consisting of 25 spheres was generated, all with same radii as that of the sphere 1 (= 0.01 ?m). The temperature of the gas was taken to be 1500 K. The accuracy for (F1?cluster) was set to 99:9% and 100,000 computational molecules from 37 0 100 200 300 400 500 6000.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 Nsamp F 1?cluster Figure 4.3: F1?cluster vs Nsamp sphere 1 were released. The position of sphere 1 relative to the cluster is randomly chosen around the cluster. The program took around 25 minutes to give the output, i.e., the force between the spheres, the coagulation ratio, and the plot between the force and the distance between the two spheres. Fig. 4.4 shows the variation of the thermophoretic force in N between sphere 1 and the cluster with the distance in m between sphere 1 and the center of mass of the cluster. As was the case with the two sphere model, the force in the aggregate model bears an inverse?squared relationship with the distance. The magnitudes of the force in the two cases are, however, difierent. The plot in flg. 4.5 represents the plot shown in flg. 4.4 on a log?log scale. The trend is same as that found in the case of a two?sphere model. 38 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 x 10?7 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5x 10?16 r (m) F cluster (N) Figure 4.4: Aggregate model ? Force vs Distance Since y depends on r12, the separation between the cluster and the sphere 1 at contact, we flrst deflne this quantity for the aggregate model. r12 = (the distance between the center of mass of the aggregate and the center of the farthest sphere in the aggregate + the radius of the farthest sphere + the radius of sphere 1). It should be noted that sphere 1 in the simulation need not necessarily be in contact with the farthest sphere when r12 is calculated because its position is chosen at random. The coagulation ratio, Z, calculated for the aggregate model was observed to be around 1.0010, for a 25 sphere cluster with an individual sphere radius of 0.01 ?m and a gas temperature of 1500 K. 39 10?7 10?16 log(r) log(F cluster ) Figure 4.5: Log?Log scale of Fig.4.4 40 4.1.3 Two?sphere equivalent of aggregate model Table 4.1: Comparison of thermophoretic force magnitudes r F1?cluster Eq.Volume Eq.Surface area Eq.Radius 8.0487 0.3406 0.4802 1.485 3.633 10.0487 0.2397 0.2917 0.916 1.986 12.0487 0.1784 0.2070 0.610 1.321 14.0487 0.1388 0.1521 0.456 0.930 16.0487 0.0994 0.1184 0.346 0.710 18.0487 0.0929 0.0946 0.271 0.557 20.0487 0.0757 0.0753 0.214 0.450 22.0487 0.0559 0.0649 0.180 0.364 24.0487 0.0469 0.0502 0.145 0.303 26.0487 0.0442 0.0421 0.133 0.255 28.0487 0.0369 0.0397 0.118 0.220 30.0487 0.0326 0.0318 0.091 0.186 32.0487 0.0305 0.0290 0.080 0.166 34.0487 0.0272 0.0272 0.073 0.151 36.0487 0.0275 0.0250 0.068 0.142 Table 4.1 shows the comparison of the thermophoretic force,F1?cluster, in the aggregate model to the thermophoretic force in the two?sphere model when the sphere 2 is replaced with a sphere having (1) equivalent volume, (2) equivalent surface area, and (3) equivalent radius (radius of gyration) as that of the cluster in the aggregate model. The flrst column (r) of the table corresponds to the increasing distance between the centers of the cluster and sphere 1, multiplied by a factor of 10?8m. All values shown in the flgure are multiplied by a factor of 10?15N. 41 4.1.4 Coagulation ratio Let us flrst look at the variation of y, found in the expression for Z, with a, T, and N (in the case of aggregates): y / N V T3:5 r12 (G1?2F 1?0 ) (G1?2F 1?0 ) / ( a 2 r212) and V / a 3 ) y / (N a 5 T3:5 r12 ) where N is the number of spheres in the aggregate, V is the volume of a single sphere, T is the temperature, and r12 is the separation between the centers at contact. In the case of two?sphere model, N = 1 and r12 = 2a. Therefore, y / a4 T3:5 In the case of the aggregates, r12 / Rg / N( 1 Df ) ) y / N(1? 1 Df ) a4 T3:5 Coagulation ratio, Z, signifles how prominent the thermophoretic force between the particles is, when compared to the Brownian motion alone. It would be an 42 interesting quantity to look observe at various particle sizes and gas temperatures as in the combustion environments deal a wide range of these parameters. Table 4.2: Coagulation ratios for various a and T a! T# 0.01 0.02 0.03 1500 1.0002 1.0032 1.0163 1800 1.0004 1.00360 1.0304 2000 1.0006 1.0089 1.0461 Shown in Table 4.2 are the coagulation ratios obtained from the two?sphere model for various values of particle sizes (?m) and gas temperatures (K). Table 4.3: Coagulation ratios for various a and T a! T# 0.01 0.02 0.03 1500 1.0008 1.0116 1.0665 1800 1.0013 1.0229 1.1179 2000 1.0021 1.0327 1.1722 Shown in Table 4.3 are the coagulation ratios obtained from the aggregate model for various values of particle sizes (?m) and gas temperatures (K). 4.2 Conclusions A synthetic simulation model has been developed to generate soot targets, and computational molecules and a monte carlo method has been used to calculate (1) the thermophoretic force between cluster?sphere and sphere?sphere conflgurations, and (2) coagulation ratios. Our results indicate that, at a = 0:01 ?m and T = 1500 K, the coagulation ratio in the two?sphere model is very negligible. However, 43 the coagulation ratios in the case of an aggregate model could be signiflcant with increasing size of the aggregates (recalling the parameter?y dependency on N). It could also be observed, by looking at Table 4.3, that the coagulation ratios for the aggregate model have signiflcantly large magnitudes at larger particle sizes and higher gas temperatures. Noting the order of increase in magnitude of the coagulation ratios from the two?sphere model to the aggregate model, it could be extrapolated that the efiect of radiation on thermophoretic motion of the soot particles would be even more prominent in the case of a cluster?cluster interaction. The results also show that the sphere aggregates can be approximated by their volume equivalent spheres. We can support the above statement, primarily, by noting that the force scales as the volume of the spheres. However, the magnitude of the force (and hence the comparison to the volume equivalent spheres) in the aggregate model largely depends on the position of sphere 1 relative to the cluster. A lot of work is yet to be done in this aspect to reach to any concluding remarks. 4.3 Suggestions for future research The future research in the lines of the work presented could involve the dynamic motion of the soot aggregates in the simulation model. A quasi?random number generator could be used in the monte carlo method implemented instead of the pseudo?random number generator used. 44 The interaction between a cluster and another cluster could also be an interesting study to carry out taking into account the results presented in the current work for the coagulation ratios of larger?sized particles. 45 Bibliography [1] H.F. Calcote. Mechanisms of soot nucleation in ames-a critical review. Combust. Flame, 42:215-242, 1981. [2] S.J. Harris and A.M. Weiner. Chemical kinetics of soot particle growth. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 36:31-52, 1985. [3] Z. Dai, S.S. Krishnan, K.C. Lin, R. Sangras, J.S. Wu, and G.M. Faeth. Mix- ing and radiation properties of buoyant luminous ame environments. 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NASA Contract Report 198469, May 1996. 47 Appendices 48 Appendix A Monte Carlo code for the two-sphere model clearall; l = 1?power(10;?8); matrix = [2?l;4?l;6?l;8?l;10?l;12?l;14?l;16?l;18?l;20?l;22?l;24?l;26? l;28?l;30?l]; for initial = 1 : 15; a = 1?power(10;?8); t = 1500; c = matrix(initial); theta = acos(2?rand?1); phi = 2?pi?rand; xs = 0; ys = 0; zs = c; ni = 0;fx = 0;fy = 0;fz = 0; n = 50000; for i = 1 : n; theta1 = acos(2?rand?1); phi1 = 2?pi?rand; theta2 = acos(sqrt(rand)); phi2 = 2?pi?rand; 49 x0 = a?sin(theta1)?cos(phi1); y0 = a?sin(theta1)?sin(phi1); z0 = a?cos(theta1); rs0 = sqrt(abs((xs?x0)):2 +abs((ys?y0)):2 +abs((zs?z0)):2); u = cos(phi1)?(sin(theta2)?cos(phi2)?cos(theta1) + cos(theta2)?sin(theta1))? (sin(phi1)?sin(theta2)?sin(phi2)); v = sin(phi1)?(sin(theta2)?cos(phi2)?cos(theta1) + cos(theta2)?sin(theta1)) + (cos(phi1)?sin(theta2)?sin(phi2)); w = cos(theta2)?cos(theta1)?(sin(theta2)?cos(phi2)?sin(theta1)); alpha = acos(((xs?x0)?u+(ys?y0)?v +(zs?z0)?w):=rs0); rs = rs0:?sqrt(1?(cos(alpha)):2); if cos(alpha) >= 0 if rs <= a ni = ni+1; fx = fx+u; fy = fy +v; fz = fz +w; end end end f12 = ni=n; fxnet = fx=n; fynet = fy=n; 50 fznet = fz=n; f = 1?f12; gbyf(initial) = abs(fznet=(f)); end y = ?2?1:1303?power(10;18)?a:3 ?t:(3:5)?gbyf(1):?a z = (y):=(exp(y)?1) force = 2?1:5604?power(10;?5)?a:3 ?t:(4:5)?gbyf plot(log(matrix);log(force)) figure plot(matrix;force) 51 Appendix B Monte Carlo code for the aggregate model clearall; a = 1?power(10;?8); t = 1500; no = 20000; data = xlsread(0test4:xls0); nspheres = length(data); for n = 1 : nspheres; xs = data(:;1); ys = data(:;2); zs = data(:;3); end max = 0;kmax = 0; for k = 1 : nspheres; r = sqrt(abs(xs(k)):2 +abs(ys(k)):2 +abs(zs(k)):2); if max == 0 max = r; kmax = k; else if r > max max = r; 52 kmax = k; end end end for j = 1 : 15; fall(j) = 0;fxall(j) = 0;fyall(j) = 0;fzall(j) = 0; end ctheta = 2?rand?1; stheta = sqrt(1?ctheta:2); phi = 2?pi?rand; x11 = stheta?cos(phi); y11 = stheta?sin(phi); z11 = ctheta; for e = 1 : 15; rmax(e) = max+2?e; x1 = rmax(e)?x11; y1 = y11?rmax(e); z1 = z11?rmax(e); y = 1;isamp = 1;err = 1;eps = 0:0005;i = 1; global mmin; for m = 1 : nspheres; f(m) = 0;fx(m) = 0;fy(m) = 0;fz(m) = 0; end 53 i = 1; isamp = 1;y = 1;err = 1;eps = 0:001; while i <= no and err > eps; ctheta1 = (rand); stheta1 = sqrt(1?ctheta1:2); phi1 = 2?pi?rand; ctheta2 = (sqrt(rand)); stheta2 = sqrt(1?ctheta2:2); phi2 = 2?pi?rand; x0 = x1+stheta1?cos(phi1); y0 = y1+stheta1?sin(phi1); z0 = z1+ctheta1; min = 0;mmin = 0; for m = 1 : nspheres; rs0 = sqrt(abs((xs(m)?x0)):2 +abs((ys(m)?y0)):2 +abs((zs(m)?z0)):2); u = cos(phi1) ? (stheta2 ? cos(phi2) ? ctheta1 + ctheta2 ? stheta1) ? (sin(phi1) ? stheta2?sin(phi2)); v = sin(phi1)?(stheta2?cos(phi2)?ctheta1+ctheta2?stheta1)+(cos(phi1)?stheta2? sin(phi2)); w = ctheta2?ctheta1?(stheta2?cos(phi2)?stheta1); calpha = (((xs(m)?x0):?u+(ys(m)?y0):?v +(zs(m)?z0):?w):=rs0); salpha = sqrt(1?calpha:2); rms = rs0?sqrt(1?(calpha):2); 54 if calpha >= 0 if rms <= 1 sc = rs0:?calpha?(1?rs0:2:?salpha:2):(1=2); if min == 0 min = sc; mmin = m; umin = u; vmin = v; wmin = w; else if sc < min min = sc; mmin = m; umin = u; vmin = v; wmin = w; end end end end end if (mmin = 0) f(mmin) = f(mmin)+1; 55 fall(e) = fall(e)+1; fx(mmin) = fx(mmin)+umin; fy(mmin) = fy(mmin)+vmin; fz(mmin) = fz(mmin)+wmin; fxall(e) = fxall(e)+umin; fyall(e) = fyall(e)+vmin; fzall(e) = fzall(e)+wmin; end if (mod(i;100) == 0) samp(y) = fall(e):=i; y = y +1; holdon; end if (floor(i=100)) >= 10 and mod(i;100) == 0; fsamp = samp(isamp : (isamp+9)); isamp = isamp+1; if mean(fsamp) = 0 err = std(fsamp):=mean(fsamp); actual = i; end end i = i+1; end 56 f = f:=actual; fall(e) = fall(e):=actual; fxnet = fx:=actual; fynet = fy:=actual; fznet = fz:=actual;fxnetall(e) = fxall(e):=actual; fynetall(e) = fyall(e):=actual; fznetall(e) = fzall(e):=actual; fnet = sqrt(fxnet:2 +fynet:2 +fznet:2); fnetall(e) = sqrt(fxnetall(e):2 +fynetall(e):2 +fznetall(e):2); gbyf = abs(fnet=(1?f)); gbyfall(e) = abs(fnetall(e)=(1?fall(e))); c = sqrt(abs(x1?xs):2 +abs(y1?ys):2 +abs(z1?zs):2)?power(10;?8); yc = ?2?1:1303?power(10;18)?a:3 ?t:(3:5)?gbyf:?c; ycall = ?2?1:1303?power(10;18)?a:3 ?t:(3:5)?gbyfall(1):?rmax(1)?a; z = (yc):=(exp(yc)?1); zall = (ycall):=(exp(ycall)?1) force = 2?1:5604?power(10;?5)?a:3 ?t:(4:5)?gbyf; forceall(e) = 2?1:5604?power(10;?5)?a:3 ?t:(4:5)?gbyfall(e) end plot(rmax;forceall) figure plot(log(rmax);log(forceall)) 57