i ASSESSING PERSISTENCE OF TWO RARE DARTER SPECIES USING POPULATION VIABILITY ANALYSIS MODELS Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This thesis does not include proprietary or classified information. ______________________________________ Wendi Winter Hartup Certificate of Approval: ___________________________ ___________________________ Carol E. Johnston, Chair J. Barry Grand Associate Professor Associate Professor Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures Forestry and Wildlife Sciences ___________________________ ___________________________ Craig Guyer Stephen L. McFarland Professor Acting Dean Biological Sciences Graduate School ii ASSESSING PERSISTENCE OF TWO RARE DARTER SPECIES USING POPULATION VIABILITY ANALYSIS MODELS Wendi Winter Hartup A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama August 8, 2005 iii ASSESSING PERSISTENCE OF TWO RARE DARTER SPECIES USING POPULATION VIABILITY ANALYSIS MODELS Wendi Winter Hartup Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this thesis at its discretion, upon request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. ______________________________ Signature of Author ______________________________ Date Copy sent to: Name _______________________________________ Date_____________ iv VITA Wendi Winter Hartup, the daughter of Richard Lee and Miriam (Werner) Winter, was born July 27, 1974 in Emporia, Kansas. She graduated from Emporia High School in 1992. She attended Cottey College, Nevada, Missouri, for two years and graduated with an Associates of Art degree in Marine Biology in August 1994. She then attended Troy State University, Troy, Alabama in 1994 and graduated with her Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology and a Minor in Mathematics in November 1996. In 1997, she began working for the Alabama Water Watch program, based in the Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures of Auburn University. She married Chad Allen Hartup, son of Larry and Verlene (Howell) Hartup, on April 22, 2000. While working full-time, she began graduate school in the Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures of Auburn University in January, 2001. v THESIS ABSTRACT ASSESSING PERSISTENCE OF TWO RARE DARTER SPECIES USING POPULATION VIABILITY ANALYSIS MODELS Wendi Winter Hartup Master of Science, August 8, 2005 (B. S., Troy State University, 1996) (A.A., Cottey College, 1994) 86 Typed Pages Directed by Carol E. Johnston The objective of this study was to assess whether results predicted from population viability analysis (PVA) models resemble historical and current presence/absence data for Etheostoma boschungi and Etheostoma brevirostrum. Etheostoma boschungi is a migratory species and has two distinct, but adjacent habitats: non-breeding and breeding. Etheostoma boschungi spawn from late February to late March and are known from 30 sites in tributaries of the Tennessee River drainage of Alabama and Tennessee. Etheostoma brevirostrum prefers rocky runs and riffles with a fast current and spawn from early April to late May. Etheostoma brevirostrum is known to occur in disjunct populations located in tributaries of the Coosa River drainage and are believed to live three years. We used information on fecundity, life span, and population size to determine fertility and survival vital rates for a three-stage, pre-breeding, PVA model for vi each species. The age-structured model used Leslie projection matrices to calculate deterministic population growth rates (?) and relative elasticities of the vital rates. The population size for E. boschungi decreases when adult fertility rates are below 0.896. The population size for E. boschungi falls below one individual after five years when ? = 0.309 for a one-batch fecundity and after five years when ? = 0.322 for a two- batch fecundity. The E. boschungi population size increases to more than 1,000 individuals after ten years when ? = 1.158 and after nine years when ? = 1.184 for one- batch and two-batch fecundities, respectively. The population size for E. brevirostrum decreases when adult fertility rates are below 0.737, 0.929, and 0.818 for the upstream, downstream, and combined populations, respectively. Etheostoma brevirostrum population size projected for upstream, downstream, and combined stream segments (using E. coosae and E. pyrrhogaster survivals) resulted in more than 50 times the initial population size after one year. As long as ? < 1, then the population will decrease but when ? > 1, then the population increases. The elasticity analysis of the matrix indicated the fertilities made the largest relative contribution to ?, while the survivals were smaller for all sites and for both species. Despite some of the limitations in gathering data for rare species, we believe PVA models are useful for studying fishes. State agencies should focus on improving the habitat within each of the watersheds to improve survival of the juveniles to year one, in addition to monitoring the watershed more closely for possible land use or pollution impacts. vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank each of my committee members and my advisor for their guidance in my graduate career, their contributions to this thesis, and their understanding of my challenges with working full-time while attending graduate school. My friend and advisor, Dr. Carol Johnston, helped me to broaden my knowledge of conservation and assisted with many of the theoretical aspects of this document. Dr. Barry Grand provided assistance with the construction of matrix models. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources supported research for this project. Special thanks go to the staff of Alabama Water Watch for their support and the following people who provided invaluable field assistance: Ben Beck, Jeff Garner, Dr. Carol Johnston, Kevin Kleiner, Steven Harrington, Chad Hartup (my husband), Andrew Henderson, Stuart McGregor, Bryan Phillips, and Catherine (Nordfelt) Phillips. I dedicate this thesis to my husband, my family, and extended family for their never- ending support and encouragement. viii Style manual or journal used: Copeia Computer software used: Windows Microsoft Word 2002, Windows Microsoft Excel 2002, PopTools version 2.5.9., MapInfo Professional 6.0 for Windows ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................xii INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................1 Objectives....................................................................................................................7 METHODS ........................................................................................................................9 Study species ...............................................................................................................9 Threats to each species ..............................................................................................11 Field data collection..................................................................................................12 Laboratory procedures and data collection................................................................14 Analysis of data .........................................................................................................17 The age-based matrix model ......................................................................................18 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................21 Field Data .................................................................................................................21 Laboratory Data........................................................................................................24 Vital rates..................................................................................................................25 DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................................31 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................................................................37 APPENDIX I: DESCRIPTION AND MAP OF SAMPLING SITES FOR EACH SPECIES.....................70 x LIST OF TABLES Page TABLE 1. MARK-RECAPTURE SAMPLING RESULTS FROM THE 2001 AND 2002 BREEDING SEASONS OF Etheostoma boschungi. Confidence limits in parentheses are calculated with Poisson distribution..........................................................................................48 TABLE 2. MARK-RECAPTURE RESULTS FOR FEMALE Etheostoma boschungi DATA IN 2001 AND 2002. n 0 = juveniles, n 1 = one-year-old adults, n 2 = two-year-old adults, n 3 = three-year-old adults, ? = estimated population size per age class with 95 percent confidence limits in parentheses, mean size in mm SL is followed by ? 1 standard deviation (SD) with range in parentheses. ................................................................49 TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF 2002 TRANSECT DATA, RIFFLE VOLUME, AND STREAM LENGTH ON SHOAL CREEK. Length, width and depth from transects were measured in meters and stream segments were measured with mapping software. US = upstream of Highrock Lake, DS = downstream of Highrock Lake, Combo = upstream and downstream of Highrock Lake combined, SL = standard length, SD = standard deviation..................................................................................................................50 TABLE 4. NUMBER OF Etheostoma brevirostrum COLLECTED IN THE FIELD, THE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FISH PER M? AND THE EXTRAPOLATED POPULATION SIZE FOR EACH AGE CLASS. Values in parentheses are 95 percent confidence limits. US = upstream of Highrock Lake, DS = downstream of Highrock Lake, Combo = upstream and downstream of Highrock Lake combined, n 1 = one-year-old adults, n 2 = two- year-old adults, n 3 = three-year-old adults, ? = extrapolated population size per age class.........................................................................................................................51 TABLE 5. LIFE HISTORY TABLE FOR Etheostoma boschungi. This table uses one-batch fecundity. All parameters are the same with the two-batch fecundity. See text for sources and definitions.............................................................................................52 TABLE 6. SPECIES CLOSELY RELATED TO Etheostoma boschungi. P i = survival rates for each age class, f i = mature ova or fecundity, % = assumption that each age class was collected in proportion to its relative number in the population, that the population was neither increasing nor decreasing, and that the number of juveniles entering the population each year was constant. ..........................................................................53 TABLE 7. ESTIMATED ANNUAL SURVIVAL RATES FROM FAST WITH Etheostoma boschungi DATA. F i = adult fertility rates and P 0 = juvenile survival rate (derived from one-batch and two-batch fecundities)...............................................................54 xi TABLE 8. ESTIMATED POPULATION SIZE PROJECTIONS FOR Etheostoma boschungi. F i = adult fertility rates, f i = one-batch (92 ova) and two-batch (197 ova) fecundity, P i = survival rates, ? = population growth rate, and ? = total population size...................55 TABLE 9. LIFE HISTORY TABLE FOR Etheostoma brevirostrum. This table uses two-batch fecundity. US = upstream of Highrock Lake, DS = downstream of Highrock Lake, Combo = upstream and downstream of Highrock Lake combined. See text for sources and definitions.............................................................................................56 TABLE 10. ELASTICITY VALUES FOR Etheostoma brevirostrum. See text for sources and definitions................................................................................................................57 TABLE 11. ESTIMATED ANNUAL SURVIVAL RATES FROM FAST WITH Etheostoma brevirostrum DATA. F i = adult fertility rates and P 0 = juvenile survival rate (derived from two-batch fecundities). ....................................................................................58 TABLE 12. SPECIES CLOSELY RELATED TO Etheostoma brevirostrum. P i = survival rates for each age class, f i = mature ova or fecundity, % = assumption that each age class was collected in proportion to its relative number in the population, that the population was neither increasing nor decreasing, and that the number of juveniles entering the population each year was constant. .......................................................59 TABLE 13. ESTIMATED FERTILITY RATES AND GROWTH RATE FROM CLOSELY RELATED SPECIES WITH Etheostoma brevirostrum. P 0 = juvenile survival, F i = estimated adult fertility rate, ? = growth rate, SAD = stable age distribution and Reprod = reproductive values..................................................................................................60 TABLE 14. ESTIMATED POPULATION SIZE PROJECTIONS FOR Etheostoma brevirostrum. F i = adult fertility rates, f i = two-batch fecundity, P i = survival rates, ? = population growth rate, and ? = total population size. ...............................................................61 xii LIST OF FIGURES Page Fig. 1. Historical locations (circles) and sampling site (star) of Etheostoma boschungi within tributaries of the Tennessee River drainage, USA. Letters on the map correspond to the following: a) South Fork Buffalo River and Chief Creek of Buffalo River, b) Shoal Creek, c) Cypress Creek, d) Swan Creek, and e) Flint River. ...........62 Fig. 2. Historical locations (circles) and sampling sites (star) of Etheostoma brevirostrum within tributaries of the Coosa River drainage, USA. Letters on the map correspond to the following: a) Conasauga River, b) Coosawattee River, c) Etowah River, and d) Choccolocco Creek..................................................................................................63 Fig. 3. Map of the Dodd Site, Middle Cypress Creek on Dodd Road, Wayne County, Tennessee (S = small seepage stream, M = area where the larger seepage stream joins with Middle Cypress Creek) (TERRASERVER-USA: An online provider of USGS digital maps [web application], http://terraservice.net/, 2004, unpubl.). ....................64 Fig. 4. Sampling locations (circles) of E. brevirostrum within Shoal Creek of the Coosa River drainage in Alabama, USA. ............................................................................65 Fig. 5. A three-stage, birth-pulsed, pre-breeding model for adult populations of E. boschungi and E. brevirostrum. Circles denote stages in the age-structured model and arrows indicate transition probabilities.....................................................................66 Fig. 6. Length-frequency distribution of collected Etheostoma boschungi from selected years. A = University of Alabama museum specimens, B = (McGregor and Shepard, 1995) C = 2001-2002 census data. ...........................................................................67 Fig. 7. Length-frequency distribution of collected Etheostoma brevirostrum from 2001 and 2002 in Shoal Creek. .........................................................................................68 Fig. 8. Example of projected population size per age class of Etheostoma boschungi when P 0 = 0.004, P 1 = 0.074, P 2 = 0.571, P 3 = 0, and F i = 0.184, using a one-batch fecundity..................................................................................................................69 1 INTRODUCTION Many populations of fishes appear to be declining at rates warranting their protection. These declines could be due to factors that occur from natural disasters or anthropogenic activities. Natural factors, such as floods, drought and unseasonable water temperatures (either too cold or too warm), can displace fishes, increasing the chance of local extirpation at multiple scales (Kuehne and Barbour, 1983). Anthropogenic activities may contribute to population declines through habitat alteration, water table recession, and surface/groundwater contamination. Habitats are often altered directly during construction of roads, ditches, and/or dams, and affected indirectly by sedimentation from urban development or logging practices (Boschung and Nieland, 1986; Allan, 1995; McGregor and Shepard, 1995; Beissinger and McCullough, 2002; Primack, 2002). Habitat alteration is usually permanent and is considered a significant cause of population decline (Boyce, 1992; Primack, 2002). Drawing from the water table for drinking purposes or agriculture practices can affect stream levels, which can mirror drought conditions in some small streams. Runoff of animal wastes from feedlots and pesticides from cropland can overload surface water with nutrients, which can cause algal blooms and low dissolved oxygen levels (Allan, 1995). Most darters, particularly those of the genus Etheostoma, have short life spans (2-4 years), have limited distributions, and frequently live in restricted habitats. Fishes with limited distributions may be confined to a single stream system and/or have very few 2 populations. Many darters that live in restricted habitats also have water quality requirements which include high dissolved oxygen levels (> 8 ppm) with inversely low temperatures (< 10 ?C). Streams with these values are indicative of near-pristine waters, as most aquatic organisms need dissolved oxygen levels over 5 ppm to thrive (Ultsch et al., 1978; Mettee et al., 1996). The vulnerability to water chemistry changes make the presence of species of Etheostoma an indicator of good water quality but also make them vulnerable to changes in environmental quality. Any number of the previous factors alone or combined can be limiting to a species? survival. In order to protect a species from drastic declines in population size or eventual extinction, conservationists must determine the stability of populations under a variety of circumstances so that conservation efforts can be targeted appropriately. To do this, conservationists try to conduct comprehensive studies of a species by examining available life history information (growth, survival, and reproduction), collecting additional life history information (population size, life span, and fecundity), and monitoring existing population levels. Often policy decisions are based on an estimation of how long a population can persist and the rate at which the size of a population is changing (Boyce, 1992; Heppell et al., 2000b; Primack, 2002). These data are frequently lacking, especially for endangered species (Beissinger, 2002). Meanwhile, resource managers may have to make judgments that will affect numerous species and recommend alternatives for imperiled species, sometimes using incomplete data sets. By utilizing short-term predictions, early feedback on a management action can be evaluated so that future decisions are easier to make (Burgman et al., 1993; Fagan et al., 2001; Hanski, 2002; Primack, 2002). 3 One tool utilized by resource managers to determine a population?s persistence is population viability analysis (PVA). A variety of computer software packages are now available that construct simple and complex models with uses ranging from determination of the risk of endangerment for a population to providing guidance on land use planning strategies (Ak?akaya, 2000; Fagan et al., 2001). Detailed, complex models are not necessary if the primary variable causing population decline is loss or altered habitat, which is the situation with most species under the Endangered Species Act (Boyce, 2002). Rarely are there enough data available for endangered species to allow estimation of parameters required for complex models, however, workable models (for shorter-lived species) can still be built even when there are gaps in data for a population (Burgman et. al, 1993; Beissinger, 2002). Simple PVA models can predict dynamics of imperiled species, which may be adequate for conservation planning (Belovsky et al., 2002). There are numerous types of PVAs with some based on deterministic and others on stochastic projections. Many PVAs utilize matrix models to estimate the likelihood that a population will persist for a certain period of time; these models can be used to provide resource management with insights into what parameters influence survival or extinction rates (Boyce, 1992; Williams et al., 1999; Ferrara, 2001; Beissinger and McCullough, 2002). In most matrix-based PVA models, males are ignored because including both sexes underestimates the risk of extinction (Brook et. al, 2000). Additionally, females are usually the limiting sex during breeding so abundances are expressed in terms of females and productivity (Burgman et. al, 1993; Brook et. al, 2000). Unless males are the 4 limiting sex, then vital rates of males will not influence population growth rates as significantly. Models are constructed by first classifying individuals into age classes or life history stages (i) at time (t) to determine the size of the matrix. Leslie models are the simplest matrices and integrate age-specific survival and fertility rates (Leslie, 1945). Leslie matrices can be used to estimate the probability of reaching a critical population level and to calculate average extinction times. Population size and fecundity are used to derive estimates of fertility (F i ) and survival (P i ) rates, which are needed for each age class to be modeled. Generally, age classes are determined by annual growth (Caswell, 2001). The fertility rate of a population is the number of live births produced over some time period and is often expressed as young females produced per female in the population (Krebs, 1985). The fecundity of a population is the potential level of reproductive performance and is usually greater than fertility (Krebs, 1985). Survival rates represent the fraction of those individuals of age i that survive to be of age i+1 (Krebs, 1985; Burgman et al., 1993; Heppell et al., 2000a; Caswell, 2001). These vital rates are incorporated into a matrix model to determine population growth trends. An example Leslie Matrix for four ages looks like the following 4x4 projection matrix. Projection Matrix (A) = ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0P00 00P0 000P FFFF 3 2 1 4321 5 The projection matrix is multiplied by a population vector (the number of individuals n in each stage i at time t) to project the population through time. The vector must have the same number of rows as the matrix (see example below). Population Vector = ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it it it it n n n n If all the parameters in the model never varied, it would be deterministic. The expected population growth rate (?) is the largest real positive (dominant) eigenvalue of the projection matrix. The left eigenvector (reproductive values) corresponds with the dominant eigenvalue and measures the value of an individual in each of the age classes based on the anticipated total number of offspring (Burgman et al., 1993). The unit sum of the right eigenvector (stable age distribution) estimates the proportion of individuals in each age class even though the total population density grows or declines (Caswell, 2001; Morris and Doak, 2002). Sensitivity analysis has become an essential component of demographic analyses. Each element in a sensitivity matrix measures how small a change in the corresponding element of the projection matrix A would change the dominant eigenvalue, while keeping all other elements in A constant (Caswell, 1994; Morris and Doak, 2002; Wilson, 2002). The sensitivity (s ij ) of ? to changes in the elements of A is defined by: v,w wv a s ji ij ij = ? ? = ? where i refers to the row and j refers to the column of the matrix element a, w and v are the left and right eigenvectors, respectively of A corresponding to ?, and the v,w 6 denotes the scalar product of w and v (Caswell, 1994, 2001). The most common form of sensitivity analysis is elasticity analysis or proportional sensitivities (Caswell, 1994; de Kroon et. al., 2000). Elasticities are rescaled sensitivities to account for the magnitude of ? and the matrix element (Caswell, 2001): ij ij ijij alog loga se ? ? == ? ? Simply put, the elasticity analysis of A compares the relative influence of each vital rate on ?. The largest elasticity values represent the life history stage with the strongest influence on population growth rates (Burgman et al., 1993; Mills and Lindberg, 2002). This information can be used to infer how management that affects a particular vital rate will affect the trend of ? (Heppell et al., 2000a). Various government agencies now use PVA models to evaluate species proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act (Boyce, 1992). For the past two decades, over 50 PVAs have aided in the conservation efforts of species of plants, tortoises, bears, and birds (McCarthy et al., 2001). For example, several age-structured models have been constructed for long-lived seabirds and resulted in adult survival rates as the most influential parameter on population growth (Cuthbert et al., 2001). Desert tortoise and sea turtle models indicated diminishing the mortality of large individuals would have the greatest influence on population growth (Doak et al., 1994; Heppell et al., 2000a). Many species commonly analyzed with PVA models are long-lived, have decades of life history information available and can easily be studied for population size, behavior and dynamics. For example, determination of the number of offspring for vertebrates is observed in the field. Few fishes have been analyzed with PVA models other than large, 7 more long-lived fish, like sturgeon, or more abundant fish, such as salmon and trout (Boyce, 1992; Williams et al., 1999). Short-lived species, such as fishes, are more difficult to observe in the field. For example, to determine offspring numbers in fishes, especially Etheostoma species, fecundity must be determined by dissecting ovaries, staging ova into size classes, and counting the number of ova. Prior to the early 1990s, fecundity was determined from counts of all eggs produced by individual females or from guesses as to the number of ripe ova produced by females (Heins and Baker, 1993a; 1993b). Heins and Baker (1988; 1989) provided science with a standard way to examine ova and classify them by developmental stage and clutch size. Problems can arise when researchers try to compare historical published fecundity with fecundity determined by the current standard. Additionally, whether or not a fish spawns multiple times during a breeding season or just once can affect values for fecundity. There are many conflicting methods to determine if a fish spawns multiple times (Weddle and Burr, 1991). The age of fishes can be determined empirically by direct observation, statistically with length frequencies and anatomically from certain fish structures (Jearld, 1983). However, for many darters it is difficult to gather dependable estimates of age, especially if age is determined by size or growth controlled by environmental variation (Burgman et al., 1993). Objectives The objectives of this study were to: a) assess population levels at historic sites for Etheostoma boschungi, the Slackwater Darter and Etheostoma brevirostrum, the Holiday Darter, b) assess which parameters have the greatest relative influence on the population growth rate, c) predict possible extinction time periods and d) determine the population 8 trend. The results from this study will address the utility of PVA models for rare fishes and provide information that can be utilized for conservation of these fishes. 9 METHODS Study species The study species are Etheostoma boschungi, the Slackwater Darter, and Etheostoma brevirostrum, the Holiday Darter. Although these two darter species are in the same family (Percidae), their life histories differ. The following provides information on the breeding habits, historical locations, length, life span, and published population size for each species. Etheostoma boschungi is a migratory species and has two distinct, but adjacent habitats: non-breeding and breeding. For most of the year, they live in gravel-bottomed pools of creeks where they burrow under piles of old leaf litter or detritus that accumulate where water flow is slow (Wall and Williams, 1974; Boschung, 1976a; 1976b; 1979; McGregor and Shepard, 1995). Streams inhabited during most of the year are usually 0.6-12 m wide and 0.15-2 m deep with high dissolved oxygen levels (8.1-12.4 ppm). In November, E. boschungi migrates approximately 3-6 km to the breeding habitat. The breeding habitat is shallow water (5-10 cm deep), which originates in seeps, boils or flooded fields that slowly runs off into adjacent streams. Once winter rains increase water levels in the streams, the darters have access to these shallow waters. Etheostoma boschungi spawn from late February to late March (Boschung, 1976a; 1976b; 1979). McGregor (pers. comm.) stated E. boschungi is opportunistic and will spawn in vegetation found in stream channels as long as there is enough flowing water to keep 10 eggs oxygenated, even in landscaped yards, lawns, or similar areas. In April to early May, juveniles migrate to the non-breeding habitat (Boschung, 1976a). Historically, E. boschungi has been collected from 30 sites in tributaries of the Tennessee River drainage of Alabama and Tennessee (Fig. 1) (Boschung, 1976a; 1976b; McGregor and Shepard, 1995). The total population size of the species was not estimated prior to my study but a 1976 study estimated the largest population (found within the Cypress Creek watershed) to contain 3,600 individuals (Boschung, 1976a). Boschung determined that the life span of E. boschungi is no more than four years and they reach a maximum size of 65 mm standard length (SL) (Boschung, 1976a; Etnier and Starnes, 1993; Page, 1983). Standard length is a typical measurement for fishes and is the distance from the tip of the snout to the hypural plate. Juvenile E. boschungi range in size from 10-12 mm SL by early April and by the end of their first year are 30 mm ? 2 mm SL (Boschung, 1976a). Boschung estimated fecundity to be an average of 320 ripe eggs from three specimens (Boschung, 1976a; Boschung and Nieland, 1986). Etheostoma brevirostrum, unlike E. boschungi, does not migrate in order to spawn and prefers rocky runs and riffles with a fast current (Suttkus and Etnier, 1991; Johnston and Phillips, 2001). Streams in which they are found are 3-12 m wide and 7-44 cm deep. Etheostoma brevirostrum spawn from early April to late May. Etheostoma brevirostrum is known to occur in disjunct populations located in tributaries of the Coosa River drainage (Suttkus and Etnier, 1991; Mettee et al., 1996; Johnston and Phillips, 2001). These populations may represent two or more taxa and the Shoal Creek population is a new species (B. R. Kuhadja, pers. comm.). This study concentrates on the population that is restricted to Shoal Creek between Sweetwater and 11 Whiteside Mill Lakes in the Talladega National Forest (Fig. 2). Little is known about the life history of E. brevirostrum but they are believed to live three years and reach a maximum size of 53 mm SL (Suttkus and Etnier, 1991). Fecundity analysis has not been conducted for E. brevirostrum. Threats to each species Etheostoma boschungi is federally listed as threatened (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1984; 1990). Their habitat and complex cycles are ultimately, what limit their abundance and distribution (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1984). Potential threats include: ditching to drain areas with shallow groundwater, urban development, surface and groundwater contamination from point and nonpoint source pollution, and seepage areas diked to form ponds (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1984). Additionally, reproduction of E. boschungi is dependent upon rainfall and water temperature. Rainfall must be heavy enough to cause the main channel to flood into spawning grounds and temperatures must be more than 14 ?C for spawning to occur (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1984). If weather conditions lower the water temperature, then the spawning season could be shortened (Boschung, 1979). Etheostoma brevirostrum is not federally protected; however, living within the boundaries of the Talladega National Forest does provide some protection. Every national forest has a forest plan that includes streamside management zones, watershed assessment and aquatic viability from a habitat standpoint (USDA Forest Service, 2004). In Alabama, the focus of the forest plan is to use a watershed approach for management decisions and to ensure activities conducted within the National Forest do not have negative effects on water quality, and are suitable to maintain native aquatic communities 12 (D. Thurmond, pers. comm). The forest plan implements State best management practices, such as streamside management zones (SMZs), to protect water quality from upslope land use practices (USDA Forest Service, 2004). Streamside management zones are areas adjacent to waterbodies and typically contain sediment filter strips to restrict ground disturbance and protect stream banks (USDA Forest Service, 2004). Since the forest plan was implemented, policies concerning clear cutting and ecosystem management have caused the numbers of acres of regeneration harvesting to decline (USDA Forest Service, 2000). The city of Heflin, Alabama could impact the quantity of water available for aquatic species because Heflin is growing rapidly compared to the State average and there is a potential to need additional water resources from the impoundments of Shoal Creek (USDA Forest Service, 2000). It is also possible that SMZs are not always properly implemented or maintained and could introduce sediment loads and runoff to the streams (D. Thurmond, pers. comm.). Currently, the main threat to the E. brevirostrum population is division into two subpopulations by a small impoundment that blocks movement (Johnston and Phillips, 2001). Habitat fragmentation, reduced water quality (due to pollution and/or poor land use), drought, and unseasonable temperatures could all have an effect on spawning capabilities of either population, ultimately affecting population levels. Field data collection Two darter species were assessed in relation to life history traits (fecundity, number of age classes, age specific population sizes, and age specific survival rates) during the 13 breeding season. Data for E. boschungi were collected from one site in Cypress Creek and data for E. brevirostrum data were collected from four sites in Shoal Creek. In November 2000, January 2001, March 2001, and March 2002 a survey for the presence of sizable populations of E. boschungi was conducted at 30 historical sites located throughout the Tennessee Valley, representing both breeding and non-breeding habitats (Johnston and Hartup, 2001; 2002) (Fig. 1). Two to three collectors used dip nets and 3.3 m seines to sample one to two hours for E. boschungi at each site, however, E. boschungi was present at only two sites. Darters present at the Speedway site (McGregor and Shepard, 1995) near the headwaters of Shoal Creek, Tennessee, consisted of less than ten individuals. We concluded that sampling this population further could be detrimental to their persistence in the future. The other population, found near the headwaters of Middle Cypress Creek, appeared to be large enough to study. This particular location is a historical breeding site of E. boschungi, known in many publications as the Dodd site (Boschung, 1976a; 1976b; McGregor and Shepard, 1995). The darters migrate to and breed in a seepage stream created by boils or springs that gather enough water to create two small streams (each < 0.5 m wide). These tiny streams combine (1 m wide) and flow 75 m across a rural farm to join Middle Cypress Creek (Fig. 3). A mark-recapture study was conducted during the breeding seasons of 2001 and 2002 for E. boschungi at the Dodd site. Fish were collected for 45 min with dip nets and placed immediately into ice chests with aerated stream water. Each individual was sexed (male, female, or undeterminable/juvenile; Wall and Williams, 1974), measured with a 14 caliper to the nearest 0.01 mm SL, clipped on the top portion of the caudal fin (Murphy and Willis, 1996), and then released. Attempts at recapture occurred within a week. Etheostoma brevirostrum were collected during the 2001 and 2002 breeding seasons in Shoal Creek, Alabama, from two sites above and two sites below Highrock Lake (Fig. 4). Transect data (measurements of riffle length, three widths and three depths per site) were collected from each site for use in determining stream volume (length x mean width x mean depth). Two to three collectors used 3.3 m seines for up to two hours at each site. Each site was sampled with at least six passes of seining or until no more E. brevirostrum were found. Not enough specimens were available for mark-recapture at all sites, so E. brevirostrum were measured with a caliper to the nearest 0.01 mm SL, sexed (male, female, or undeterminable/juvenile; Suttkus and Etnier, 1991) and released. I assumed all available fish were caught. Laboratory procedures and data collection To reduce population impacts, I attempted to use museum specimens for fecundity analysis (this requires sacrifice of females). However, existing E. boschungi specimens from the University of Alabama were not useable. No large series of museum species collected during the breeding season was available for E. brevirostrum. Therefore, I generated original data for fecundity of both species. Specimens were fixed in 5% buffered formalin and then transferred to water. The SL of each specimen was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm with a digital caliper. Each specimen was weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. The right ovary was then removed from the specimen, air dried, and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. 15 Fecundity was determined by dissecting the right ovary and classifying ova into one of six developmental stages described by Heins and Baker (1988): ripe (RE), ripening (MR), mature (MA), late maturing (LM), early maturing (EM), and latent (LA). All ova were classified by developmental stage under a dissecting microscope and counted. Ten ova were measured (digital caliper under a dissecting microscope) for each of the three largest size classes (RE, MR, and MA). Although the RE developmental stage is sometimes present, it usually excluded from fecundity analysis because it is difficult to determine if any eggs have been oviposited or not (Heins and Baker, 1989; 1993a). The most important developmental stages of ova for determining fecundity are the MR and MA stages. Specimens were vouchered in the Auburn University museum collection. The number of ova per batch (developmental stage) or batch fecundity spawned during the breeding season remains unpublished for both of these species. Some species are multiple spawners, meaning they spawn more than one batch of ova per breeding season. The average number of ova in the MR developmental stage is called one-batch fecundity. Two-batch fecundity is the average number of MR ova plus the average number of MA ova. For E. boschungi, we compare models using one-batch and two- batch fecundities. The spawning period for this species is short, and it is not known for any species of Ozarka how many clutches are spawned. Like other members of the subgenus Ulocentra, E. brevirostrum is likely a multiple spawner (O?Neil, 1981; Page and Madden, 1981; Erickson and Mahan, 1982; Carney and Burr, 1989; Weddle and Burr, 1991; Johnston and Haag, 1996). I constructed all models for E. brevirostrum with two-batch fecundities. 16 To determine age classes for each species, we used histograms of length frequencies. For E. boschungi, I used all historical length data in addition to what we collected to determine size ranges for each age class. Historical length data are not available for E. brevirostrum, so only data collected during this study were used for length-frequency analysis. To estimate the population size for each age class (n it ) of E. boschungi, we used mark-recapture data from females captured during the study. The adjusted Petersen estimate (Chapman, 1951) was used to calculate population size, where m is the number of females captured and marked in the initial sample; c is the total number of females captured in a subsequent sample; and r is the number of marked females recaptured in c. )r( )c)(m( nit 1 11 + ++ = (1) Equation (1) represents the number of females in the population at time t, given that no changes have occurred in the population size and that adequate mixing has occurred between sampling periods. This formula provides an unbiased estimate for smaller populations (Ricker, 1975). Ricker (1975) recommends replacing r in equation 1 with variables from a Poisson distribution chart to calculate confidence limits. The estimated population size is then multiplied by the distribution of each age class. Transect data from E. brevirostrum sampling were separated into three data sets to determine the volume of the riffles because we wanted to compare population levels from two sites above and two sites below Highrock Lake as well as with a hypothetical population that combines data from all sites. The density of fish/ m 3 was estimated by 17 dividing the number of females per age class (n i ) by riffle volume (equation 2) (Gordon et. al., 1992; U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1997). Density of Fish/ m 3 = n i / riffle volume (2) Three segments of Shoal Creek were measured in meters with computer software (MAPINFO PROFESSIONAL, version 6.0, MapInfo Professional Corporation, Troy, NY, 2000, unpubl.). Tributaries were not included in the measurements because results from a 2001 movement study in Shoal Creek showed E. brevirostrum had access to many of the tributaries but did not utilize them (Johnston and Phillips, 2001). Therefore, only the mainstem of Shoal Creek (from Sweetwater Lake to Whiteside Mill Lake) was used for these measurements. Measurements were separated into the following segments to correspond with each of the models: upstream of Highrock Lake to Sweetwater Lake; downstream of Highrock Lake to Whiteside Mill Lake; and from Sweetwater Lake to Whiteside Mill Lake. The last measurement included the length of Highrock Lake. To estimate the population size for each age class of E. brevirostrum, we multiplied density of fish/ m 3 in equation 2 by the estimated stream segment lengths measured with MapInfo (equation 3). Total population for each age class = (equation 2)(stream segment length) (3) Analysis of data The mean size, standard deviation (SD), size range and population 95% confidence limits (95% CL) were calculated for all field data. For laboratory data, the mean size and number of ova, SD, and range of size and number of ova per female per developmental stage were calculated for both species. 18 The age-based matrix model First we constructed a life history table using the following basic ecology formulas (Krebs, 1985): n i+1 = n i - d i (4) q i = d i / n i (5) P i = n i+1 / n i (6) L i = (n i+1 + n i )/ 2 (7) ? ? = i ii LT (8) e i = T i / n i (9) F i = (P 0 )(f i )/ 2 (10) where i = age interval, n i = number of females at start of age interval i, P i = proportion of organisms surviving to start of age interval i, d i = number dying during the age interval i to i+1, q i = rate of mortality during the age interval i to i+1, L i = number of individuals alive on average during the age interval i to i+1, T i = cumulative sum of L i in units of individuals times time units, e i = mean expectation of life for organisms alive at start of age i, F i = fertility rate or number of female offspring per female aged i per year, P 0 = proportion of organisms surviving to start of age one and f i = batch fecundity (number of eggs produced per batch). Fertilities of all mature ages classes are assumed to be equal. Since this was a breeding census for both species, we did not collect enough juvenile to one-year-old data to calculate survival. Although some of the historical data showed population levels for E. boschungi (3,600 individuals; Boschung, 1976a), these were not 19 distributed by age. Individuals up to one-year-old could not be determined. We collected survival data on closely related species to E. boschungi and E. brevirostrum and substituted the P 0 of sister species to determine F i . We also estimated instantaneous annual mortality rates (Z) from the fishery analysis software package, FAST (SLIPKE, J. W. AND M. J. MACEINA. 2000. Fishery Analysis and Simulation Tools, version 2.1. Auburn University, AL.). Total annual mortality rates are derived by adding fishing mortality (F * ) to natural mortality (M). Fishing mortality is the result of fish harvesting and would be zero for both our species because darters are not usually harvested. Natural mortality is the result of old age, predation, parasites, diseases, and abiotic causes. For our purposes, Z is equal to M. FAST calculates M from a selection of formulas (Pauly, 1980; Hoenig, 1983; Peterson and Wroblewski, 1984; Chen and Watanabe, 1989; Jensen, 1996; Quinn and Deriso, 1999), which is then converted to annual survival rates with the following formula: MZ eeP ?? == (11) PopTools was used to construct the models used in this study (POPTOOLS: software for the analysis of ecological models, version 2.5.9., G. M. Hood, http://www.cse.csiro.au/poptools/, 2003, unpubl.). PopTools is an add-in to the computer program, Microsoft Excel, which has tools for analyzing a Leslie projection matrix, an elasticity analysis of the projection matrix, and a population projection. We constructed a three-stage, pre-breeding, birth-pulsed population model (Fig. 5). The three age classes used in our model for each species include one-year-old adults (n 1 ), two-year-old adults (n 2 ), and three -year-old adults (n 3 ). We assumed for the model that these darters at birth are zero years old until one year later, at which time they have the capability to 20 reproduce. The PVA matrix model assumes the fish live three years, no migration occurs into or out of a population, sampling was conducted just before breeding season, and n 3 is the last reproductive stage (individuals die after they breed at this age). The fertility and survival rates are put into a 3x3, Leslie projection matrix, which is deterministic. I used the basic analysis function in PopTools (Hood 2003) to calculate ? (expected population growth rate), the stable age distribution (right eigenvector) and reproductive value (left eigenvector) for the deterministic projection matrix. I could not estimate the fertility rates for the matrix directly from the data we collected because we did not sample juvenile survival. Sister species of E. boschungi in the subgenus Ozarka lacked juvenile survival as well. Some of the sister species for E. brevirostrum in the subgenus Ulocentra had published juvenile survival rates, which I substituted into equation 10 for E. brevirostrum fertility rates. In order to estimate fertility rates for E. brevirostrum and E. brevirostrum, I used instantaneous survival rates for each age class from my study as well as estimated survival rates from FAST in the Leslie projection matrix. I then set the SOLVER tool in Windows Excel to ? = 1. The SOLVER tool calculates what the fertility rates should be with the provided survival rates when ? = 1. I then used the elasticity function in PopTools to conduct an analysis of the matrix to assess which parameters have the greatest relative influence on the population growth rate. I also projected the population over time to determine when and if the population approaches one and to determine the population trend. 21 RESULTS Field Data Etheostoma boschungi --In 2001 a total of 274 E. boschungi (152 males: 26-50 mm SL; x SL = 34 mm; SD = 4.45; and 122 females: 27-50 mm SL; x SL = 34 mm; SD = 4.70) were collected from the Dodd site on Middle Cypress Creek, Tennessee. The overall sex ratio, 0.8 females:1 male, was not significantly different (?? = 3.28, p>0.05). In 2002 a total of 79 E. boschungi (21 males: 38-49 mm SL; x SL = 43 mm; SD = 2.80; and 58 females: 32-52 mm SL; x SL = 42 mm; SD = 4.86) were collected from the Dodd site on Middle Cypress Creek, Tennessee. The overall sex ratio, 2.76:1, was significantly female biased (?? = 17.33, p < 0.001). Length frequencies were used to determine age classes for E. boschungi (Fig. 6). Data for Fig. 5A were from University of Alabama museum specimens collected in the 1970s (unpubl.). Data for Fig. 5B were from a Geological Survey of Alabama study in the 1990s (McGregor and Shepard, 1995) and data for Fig. 5C were collected in 2001 and 2002 (Johnston and Hartup, 2001; 2002). Historical collections depicted in Fig. 5A and Fig. 5B was sampled for other purposes than population abundance. The color scheme for the graphs depicts the pre-breeding time period (blue, red and yellow), where only adults are present and the post-breeding period (green), where mostly juveniles are present with very few adults. Based on these graphs, the data indicates the following four 22 age classes: juveniles (n 0 ) = <26 mm SL, one-year-old adults (n 1 ) = 27-39 mm SL, two- year-old adults (n 2 ) = 40-48 mm SL and three-year-old adults (n 3 ) = >49 mm SL. Mark-recapture data from 2001 resulted in an estimated female population size of 234 (95% CL = 145-398), a male population size of 331 (95% CL = 209-552) and a total population size for the Dodd Site at 581 individuals (95% CL = 413-846) (Table 1). Mark-recapture data from 2002 resulted in a significantly larger female population size of 450 (95% CL = 136-818; ?? = 68.21, p < 0.001), a significantly smaller male population size of 63 (95% CL = 19-115; ?? = 182.3, p < 0.001) and a total population size for the Dodd Site at 545 individuals (95% CL = 199-1362) that was not statistically different. The 2001 mark-recapture census resulted in the following mean number of individuals in each age class: n 1 = 48, n 2 = 4 and n 3 = 2. The proportion of individuals per age class resulted in a decreasing population size, as the fish become older (Table 2). The 2002 mark-recapture census resulted in the following mean number of individuals in each age class: n 1 = 9, n 2 = 17 and n 3 = 3, which resulted in a population size that does not decrease as the fish grow older. Etheostoma brevirostrum -- In 2001 a total of 143 E. brevirostrum were collected from four sites on Shoal Creek. Exactly 45 males (35-49 mm SL; x SL = 42 mm; SD = 3.51) and 41 females (30-48 mm SL; x SL = 39 mm; SD = 3.66) were collected from the two sites upstream of Highrock Lake. A total of 57 E. brevirostrum (29 males: 34-44 mm SL; x SL = 39 mm; SD = 2.46; and 28 females: 33-44 mm SL; x SL = 37 mm; SD = 2.60) were collected from the two sites downstream of Highrock Lake. 23 In 2002 a total of 74 E. brevirostrum were collected from the same four sites on Shoal Creek. Eight males (37-49 mm SL; x SL = 43 mm; SD = 3.96) and 9 females (24-45 mm SL; x SL = 37 mm; SD = 7.42) were collected from the two sites upstream of Highrock Lake. A total of 57 E. brevirostrum (21 males: 36-46 mm SL; x SL = 40 mm; SD = 2.99; and 36 females: 22-50 mm SL; x SL = 38 mm; SD = 4.49) were collected from the two sites downstream of Highrock Lake. None of the sex ratios for 2001 was significantly different from a 1:1 relationship, which would be expected for most darters. In 2002, the sex ratio, 1.7:1, was significantly female biased (?? = 3.95, p < 0.05) for the downstream sites of Highrock Lake but was not statistically different for the upstream sites of Highrock Lake or for Shoal Creek. Length frequencies were used to determine age classes for E. brevirostrum (Fig. 7). Collection data were from a 2001 movement study (Johnston and Phillips, 2001) and our 2002 collection in Shoal Creek. The graph indicates four age classes: juveniles (n 0 ) = <30 mm SL, one-year-old adults (n 1 ) = 31-40 mm SL, two-year-old adults (n 2 ) = 41-45 mm SL, and three -year-old adults (n 3 ) = >46 mm SL. Riffle volume determined from transect data resulted in 198 m 3 for the sites upstream of Highrock Lake, 174 m 3 for the sites downstream of Highrock Lake and 372 m 3 for all sites combined (Table 3). The lengths for segments of Shoal Creek mainstem were determined as follows: upstream of Highrock Lake to Sweetwater Lake= 3.8 km, downstream of Highrock Lake to Whiteside Mill Lake= 2.5 km, and from Sweetwater Lake to Whiteside Mill Lake = 6.5 km. 24 Although the number of fish collected per sampling season ranged from 2-54 individuals per age class in 2001 and 1-32 individuals per age class in 2002, the density of fish per stream section resulted in < 0.2 fish/m? for all sites in 2001 and 2002 (Table 4). We did not use the juvenile data in the extrapolated populations because the models are set up as pre-breeding censuses. The distribution of population size for each age class in 2001 showed a decrease in number as the fish became older for both populations upstream and downstream of Highrock Lake. In 2002, the extrapolated population of the upstream segment did not decrease, as the fish grew older. The upstream population size with 732 E. brevirostrum in 2001 was almost double that of the downstream population size with 400 E. brevirostrum. In 2002, the upstream population of 135 E. brevirostrum was much less abundant than those collected in 2001 and was smaller than the 2002 downstream population. The downstream population size increased slightly from 2001 to 2002 with 400 E. brevirostrum to 498 E. brevirostrum. Laboratory Data Etheostoma boschungi --Ten females (40.6 ? 48.8 mm SL; x SL = 44.2 mm; SD = 2.53) were sampled during the breeding season for fecundity analysis. The mean number and diameter of ova in the three largest developmental size classes were, from largest to smallest: RE ( x = 8, SD = 4.56 and x = 1.23 mm, SD = 0.09); MR ( x = 92, SD = 54.53 and x = 0.95 mm, SD = 0.09); and MA ( x = 105, SD = 52.46 and x = 0.73 mm, SD = 0.07). The largest egg class (RE) was present in 50% of the fish but was not used in determining fecundity. The one-batch fecundity was the mean number of ova from the 25 MR stage ( x = 92) and the two-batch fecundity was the mean number of ova from the MR stage added to the MA stage (197). Etheostoma brevirostrum --Five females (33.1-42.8 mm SL; x SL = 36.4 mm; SD = 3.87) were sampled for fecundity analysis. The mean number and diameter of ova in the three largest developmental size classes were, from largest to smallest: RE ( x = 3, SD = 1.15 and x = 1.34 mm, SD = 0.19); MR ( x = 66, SD = 26.83 and x = 0.98 mm, SD = 0.09); and MA ( x = 109, SD = 28.59 and x = 0.61 mm, SD = 0.16). The largest egg class (RE) was present in 60% of the fish but was not used in determining fecundity. The two-batch fecundity was the mean number of ova from the MR stage added to the MA stage (175). Vital rates Etheostoma boschungi --We used the population size determined from 2001 data in Table 2 for each age class because the information fit in the best with the life history table (Table 5). Fertility rates could not be calculated for the basic life history table from the existing data we collected because we did not collect any information on juvenile survival. We were able to calculate survival for the PVA model for each age class of adults (P 1 = 0.074, CL = 0.073-0.076; P 2 = 0.571, CL = 0.5-0.58; P 3 = 0). The rate of mortality during the interval from one age to the next was q 1 = 0.926; q 2 = 0.429; q 3 = 1.0 and the average expectation of life for each age class was e 1 = 0.62 yrs; e 2 = 1.07 yrs; e 3 = 0.5 yrs. Using the E. boschungi survival from Table 5, the adult fertility rates would have to be 0.896 for the population to be stable (stable age distribution: n 1 = 0.896, n 2 = 0.066, n 3 26 = 0.038 and reproductive values: n 1 = 0.303, n 2 = 0.426, n 3 = 0.271). By back-calculating with equation 10, the juvenile survival rate would be 0.019 for a one-batch fecundity of 92 ova and 0.009 for a two-batch fecundity of 197 ova. The elasticity analysis of the matrix using our calculated survival rates and the SOLVER fertility indicated the fertilities made the largest relative contribution to ? with elasticities of 0.79, 0.06, and 0.03 while survivals were smaller at 0.09 and 0.03. None of the species closely related to E. boschungi had estimates for juvenile survival to year one (Table 6). Of the species closely related to E. boschungi that had available information, survival rates ranged from 0.396 to 0.549 ( x = 0.38 ? 0.23 SD) for one- year-old adults and 0.429 to 0.855 ( x = 0.64 ? 0.3 SD) for two-year-old adults. For each of these species with published survival rates, the authors assume that each age class was collected in proportion to its relative number in the population, the population is stationary, and the number of juveniles entering the population is constant. The species with the closest percentage of individuals in each age class to our data from Table 2 was E. cragini. Five of the closely related species die sometime before their third or fourth year, like E. boschungi, while E. punctulatum lives up to five years. Of the closely related species from Table 6, E. cragini was the only species with population data compatible with our data. Using E. cragini survivals and setting ? = 1, results in F i = 0.937 with the SOLVER tool (stable age distribution: n 1 = 0.937, n 2 = 0.044, n 3 = 0.019 and reproductive values: n 1 = 0.305, n 2 = 0.409, n 3 = 0.286). Using equation 10, results in juvenile survival rates of 0.020 and 0.010 when using one-batch and two-batch fecundities, respectively. 27 Annual survival rates estimated with the program FAST ranged from 0.153 to 0.368 ( x = 0.23 ? 0.07 SD) (Table 7). By using the FAST annual survival rates for both P 1 and P 2 and setting ? = 1, the SOLVER tool estimated fertility rates ranging from 0.665 to 0.850 ( x = 0.781 ? 0.06 SD). One-batch fecundities resulted in juvenile survival rates ranging from 0.014 to 0.018 ( x = 0.017 ? 0.001 SD) and two-batch fecundities resulted in juvenile survival rates ranging from 0.007 to 0.009 ( x = 0. 008 ? 0.001 SD). Juvenile survival rates derived from two-batch fecundities were almost half the juvenile survival rates derived from one-batch fecundities. The population size decreases when adult fertility rates are below 0.896 and juvenile survival rates are below 0.019 and 0.009 for one- and two-batch fecundities, respectively (Table 8). The population size falls below one individual after five years when P 0 = 0.004, adult fertility rates are 0.184 and ? = 0.309 for a one-batch fecundity of 92 ova (Table 8, Fig. 8). For a two-batch fecundity of 197, the population size falls below one individual after five years when P 0 = 0.002, adult fertility rates are 0.197 and ? = 0.322. The population size increases to 1,000 individuals after ten years when ? = 1.158 (one- batch fecundity used) and after nine years when ? = 1.184 (two-batch fecundity used). As long as ? < 1, then the population will decrease but when ? > 1, then the population increases. Etheostoma brevirostrum -- We used the population size for each age class determined from 2001 data in Table 4 because the proportion of individuals fit in the best with the life history table (Table 9). Fertility rates could not be calculated for the basic life history table from the existing data we collected because we did not collect any 28 information on juvenile survival. Survival rates were highest among the population upstream of Highrock Lake and lowest from the population downstream of Highrock Lake. The average expectation of life for each age class was highest for the upstream population as well. The SOLVER tool along with E. brevirostrum survivals and two-batch fecundities from Table 9 and setting ? = 1, resulted in estimated adult fertility rates of 0.737 (stable age distribution: n 1 = 0.737, n 2 = 0.211, n 3 = 0.053 and reproductive values: n 1 = 0.376, n 2 = 0.347, n 3 = 0.277) for the upstream population and a back-calculated juvenile survival rate of 0.008. A stable downstream population results in adult fertility rates of 0.929 (stable age distribution: n 1 = 0.929, n 2 = 0.071, n 3 = 0 and reproductive values: n 1 = 0.350, n 2 = 0.325, n 3 = 0.325) and a back-calculated juvenile survival rate of 0.011. For the entire Shoal Creek population, adult fertility rates would have to be 0.818 (stable age distribution: n 1 = 0.818, n 2 = 0.152, n 3 = 0.30 and reproductive values: n 1 = 0.357, n 2 = 0.351, n 3 = 0.292) to be stable with a back-calculated juvenile survival rate of 0.009. The elasticity analysis of the matrix using our calculated survival rates and the SOLVER fertility rates indicated the fertilities made the largest relative contribution to ?, while the survivals were smaller for all sites (Table 10). The highest elasticity value for fertility rates came from the downstream matrix. Many of the annual survival rates estimated with FAST were the same for E. brevirostrum as for the E. boschungi because many of the formulas are based on size and maximum age (Table 11). Annual survivals ranged from 0.177 to 0.425 ( x = 0.308 ? 0.10 SD). By using the FAST annual survival rates for both P 1 and P 2 and setting ? = 1, 29 the SOLVER tool estimated fertility rates ranging from 0.623 to 0.827 ( x = 0.716 ? 0.08 SD). Two-batch fecundities resulted in juvenile survival rates ranging from 0.007 to 0.009 ( x = 0.008 ? 0.001 SD). Four closely related species to E. brevirostrum had estimates for juvenile survival to year one and die sometime before their third or fourth year, like E. brevirostrum, while E. simoterum lives up to two years and E. zonale lives up to five years (Table 12). Of the species that had survival information available, survivals ranged from 0.123-0.761 for P 0 ( x = 0.54 ? 0.29 SD), 0-0.286 for P 1 (x = 0.16 ? 0.10 SD) and 0-0.182 for P 2 ( x = 0.06 ? 0.08 SD). For each of the species with published survival rates, the authors assume that each age class was collected in proportion to its relative number in the population, the population is stationary, and the number of juveniles entering the population is constant. Of the closely related species from Table 12, E. raneyi and E. zonale were the only species with population data for the same number of age classes but neither of them had juvenile survival. I used the published juvenile survivals from the other species to determine results for the upstream, downstream, and combined stream segments (Table 13). The juvenile survival rates used for E. brevirostrum from E. coosae and E. pyrrhogaster cause the fertility rates to be more than five times higher than the E. simoterum fertility rates. Population size projected for upstream, downstream, and combined stream segments (using E. coosae and E. pyrrhogaster survivals) resulted in more than 50 times the initial population size after one year. The calculated right eigenvectors were similar among species as were the left eigenvectors. 30 The downstream population size falls below one individual after six years when P 0 = 0.004, adult fertility rates are 0.350 and ? = 0.415 and the upstream population falls below one individual after six years when P 0 = 0.001, adult fertility rates are 0.079 and ? = 0.254 (Table 14). The population size for E. brevirostrum falls below one individual after four years when P 0 = 0.001, adult fertility rates are 0.088 and ? = 0.224 for the combined population. The population size increases to 1,000 individuals after eight years for the downstream population when ? = 1.122, and after three years for the upstream population when ? = 1.142. The combined population is already above 1,000 individuals when ? = 1. 31 DISCUSSION Currently both species appear to be present in very low population levels within their respective watersheds. Thirty years ago, E. boschungi was scattered throughout the Tennessee Valley in small, disjunct populations (Wall and Williams, 1974; Boschung, 1976a; 1976b; 1979). A study in 1995 discovered new breeding/non-breeding sites, indicating a larger distribution (McGregor and Shepard, 1995). However, after assessment of population levels at these historic sites, only two populations of E. boschungi were found to currently exist (Johnston and Hartup, 2002) indicating within the last ten years population levels have decreased drastically. The last mark-recapture in 2002 showed the population consisted primarily of two- to three-year-old adults at the Dodd site, which has been a fairly, stable stronghold over the years. Historical data collected for E. boschungi was for presence/absence rather than to collect population size data. Based on these data as well as our population data, the entire population is declining. In many studies with limited data, count-based information is best viewed as a tool that provides relative measures of the health of two or more populations (Morris and Doak, 2002). Few data exist for E. brevirostrum and historical population levels were not assessed. The total range of the species has been reduced to the mainstem of Shoal Creek. Johnston and Phillips (2001) suggest the two populations found in the upstream and downstream sites of Highrock Lake are at levels less than 1,000 individuals. For darters 32 when the number of individuals is more than 1,000, it is considered an abundant and viable population (Primack, 2002; Shaffer et al., 2002) To assure resiliency in a population, the population needs to be large enough to avoid genetic problems, persist for extended periods of time and have the ability to respond to favorable conditions in the environment when they occur (Primack, 2002; Shaffer et al., 2002). Low numbers for both these species could be attributed to annual variation in population sizes, but sampling or data compilation error could also be factors. Both species were difficult to sample. Etheostoma boschungi appeared to disappear when they left the breeding habitat and migrated to the non-breeding habitat. They were difficult to find or sample outside of the breeding season. This was consistent with published monitoring of the species (Boschung, 1976a, 1976b; McGregor and Shepard, 1995). Populations could have gone into deeper pools than our equipment or collectors could handle or they could have migrated further downstream than presumed. Many of the streams containing historical breeding sites have also been altered (Johnston and Hartup, 2002). While E. boschungi is more difficult to find and sample outside of the breeding season, determining a way to monitor population levels year-round would provide better estimates for survival rates and population size. Etheostoma brevirostrum live in wide streams in the strong currents of riffle mesohabitat. Large, slippery boulders make sampling a challenge. Populations could easily move into crevices of rocks too heavy for collectors to move so it is possible they exist in larger numbers than we estimated for this study. Additionally the rainy, wet season of the year is from February to June, which is when both species breed (Kuehne and Barbour, 1983). Rainfall during this time can limit chances of collecting either 33 species by flooding sampling sites. Collectors have to sample larger areas that are less confined since stream banks and flood plains often overflow. This situation can allow fish easier escape from collectors, transport them downstream to breed in new locations or allow the fish to become prey. Estimates of population size were possibly underestimated for E. boschungi, because mark-recaptures were only conducted once per season. Multiple mark-recapture events can help provide a better picture of the population. For E. brevirostrum, densities from defined areas were extrapolated to the upper, lower, and combined reach of Shoal Creek occupied by the species. In doing this, we assumed each segment was one large riffle, which could make our numbers higher than in reality. To solve this, we could estimate the volume for all riffles per segment, sum the totals, and calculate density. Estimates of fecundity for both species were based on egg counts for a one-batch spawn and two-batch spawn per female. We determined E. boschungi had a one-batch fecundity of 92 ova, which is comparable to the mature ova (102) of a closely related species and another member of the Ozarka subgenus, E. trisella (Ryon, 1985). However, two-batch fecundity for E. trisella (256) is higher than our estimate. Boschung?s (1976) fecundity estimates were more comparable to the two-batch fecundity of E. trisella than to any of our results. We suspect Boschung?s estimates represent counts of several developmental stages, resulting in larger counts than ours. We also compared a closely related species, E. coosae, which occurs sympatrically with E. brevirostrum in the Coosa River. Etheostoma coosae has a lower fecundity (126; O?Neil, 1981) than what we determined for E. brevirostrum. Historical E. boschungi, E. trisella and E. coosae fecundities were likely not as comparable to our results because the fecundities were 34 evaluated with varying ova classification methods prior to the current standard by Heins and Baker (1988). There are many conflicting methods to determine if a fish spawns multiple times during a breeding season, which also affects the fecundity of fishes. Multiple spawning may represent a bet-hedging strategy in warm water streams (Weddle and Burr, 1991). Bet-hedging species are those that produce large numbers of eggs and invest very little parental care (Promislow and Harvey, 1990). Although the spawning period for E. boschungi is approximately one month, it is unlikely there is enough time to spawn multiple batches (Boschung, 1976). Although results from the elasticity analyses of both species show fertilities make the largest relative contribution to ?, the component of equation 10 that most changes is the survival of the juveniles. This illustrates that fecundity is not the influential parameter on population growth. Therefore, if the timing of spawning was not long enough and the fecundity was not the major determinant of population persistence, it is not important whether E. boschungi is a single- or multiple-batch spawner. For a multiple-batch spawner, like E. brevirostrum, fecundity also does not contribute as much to persistence of the population. Etheostoma boschungi has persisted as a species at some level for the last 30 years even though many of the populations have declined. It is possible the population at the Dodd site could persist for another 30 years and we could rely on the juvenile survival rate of 0.016 from Table 8. The loss of so many locations for the distribution of E. boschungi would appear to make it the more imperiled species. Etheostoma brevirostrum appears to be persisting but in small numbers. It is possible the juvenile survival rates 35 could be different for upstream vs. the downstream populations. If we were to rely on published juvenile survival rates of sister species, the number of individuals observed in the field ought to be much higher. It is possible this species has persisted for at least 10 years (since it was first described) and we could rely on a juvenile survival rate of 0.003 for the upstream population and 0.005 for the downstream population from Table 14. It is also doubtful the juvenile survival rate is as high as those published for other species in Table 12. Both E. boschungi and E. brevirostrum are egg attachers, which mean there is no parental care for larvae and the larvae are not protected from predation or disease (Page, 1983). These models are fairly straightforward and with enough information about a fish species, they could be useful to resource managers in predicting possible extinction time periods and the population trend. The essential information needed for PVA models is the survival rates and population levels broken down by age classes. Journals are publishing less life history papers because many of the species appear to be the same in all aspects, however, each species is unique when analyzing survival and fertility rates. If researchers were to continue studying the life history of a species before it became rare, it might be possible to prevent population declines. The more available information about a species makes constructing models easier. State agencies should focus on improving the habitat within each of the watersheds to improve survival of the juveniles to their first year, while monitoring the watershed more closely for possible land use or pollution impacts. This will correspond with improved population growth rates and larger population levels. More comprehensive status surveys should be conducted for each species and historical sites should be revisited on a regular 36 basis. Once more information is gathered, a stochastic model would be more realistic to project future population growth even though deterministic models are simpler to design and run. Stochasticity can incorporate chaos and randomness into the model, which can mimic drastic changes in the environment as well as predict the effect resource management has on the population growth rate. Resource managers should explore new methods or techniques (captive breeding; if a method can be found that preserves genetic diversity) to introduce more native species to the population or reintroduce species back to the population. Further studies can provide more information for future modeling, which can be incorporated into management plans. More than ever the importance of public education for imperiled species should be implemented by state agencies. The public rarely has knowledge of such information as to why a species is important to the ecosystem and even to human survival. We all need water to exist and if aquatic species are indicators of the trend of our water quality, resource managers should strive to educate and provide more information about imperiled species as well as how to assist recovery. The best case scenario would be to inform the public before the species has a high probability of extinction. If enough interest is generated within a community, the public will volunteer to be involved in the planning process to help a population recover. Any one of these efforts would start the process for allowing the persistence of these species to improve but immediate conservation efforts are needed. 37 LITERATURE CITED AK?AKAYA, H. R. 2000. Viability analyses with habitat-based metapopulation models. Pop. Ecol. 42:45-53. ALLAN, J. D. 1995. Stream Ecology: Structure and Function of Running Waters. Chapman and Hall, NY. BART, JR., H. L. AND L. M. PAGE. 1992. 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MARK-RECAPTURE RESULTS FOR FEMALE Etheostoma boschungi DATA IN 2001 AND 2002. n 0 = juveniles, n 1 = one-year-old adults, n 2 = two-year-old adults, n 3 = three- year-old adults, ? = estimated population size per age class with 95 percent confidence limits in parentheses, mean size in mm SL is followed by ? 1 standard deviation (SD) with range in parentheses. Proportion ? Mean Size ? SD Proportion ? Mean Size ? SD n 0 -- -- n 1 89.6% 209 33.2 ? 2.77 31.0% 140 36.2 ? 1.90 (129.9-356.5) (27-39) (42.3-253.9) (32-39) n 2 6.6% 15 42.9 ? 2.65 58.6% 264 43.7 ? 2.41 (9.6-26.3) (40-48) (79.9-479.6) (40-48) n 3 3.8% 9 50 ? 0 10.3% 47 50.3 ? 1.35 (5-15) (49-54) (14.1-84.6) (49-54) Total 234 450 2001 Females 2002 Females 50 TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF 2002 TRANSECT DATA, RIFFLE VOLUME, AND STREAM LENGTH ON SHOAL CREEK. Length, width and depth from transects were measured in meters and stream segments were measured with mapping software. US = upstream of Highrock Lake, DS = downstream of Highrock Lake, Combo = upstream and downstream of Highrock Lake combined, SL = standard length, SD = standard deviation. Length ? SD Width ? SD Depth ? SD US 159.96 ? 3.60 4.29 ? 2.24 0.29 ? 0.27 198.28 3818.5 DS 124.43 ? 3.87 6.19 ? 3.34 0.23 ? 0.20 173.64 2475.3 Combo 284.39 371.92 6531.7 Transect Summary Length of Stream Segment (m) Riffle Volume (m 3 ) 51 TABLE 4. NUMBER OF Etheostoma brevirostrum COLLECTED IN THE FIELD, THE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FISH PER M? AND THE EXTRAPOLATED POPULATION SIZE FOR EACH AGE CLASS. Values in parentheses are 95 percent confidence limits. US = upstream of Highrock Lake, DS = downstream of Highrock Lake, Combo = upstream and downstream of Highrock Lake combined, n 1 = one-year-old adults, n 2 = two-year-old adults, n 3 = three-year-old adults, ? = extrapolated population size per age class. Collected Fish/m 3 ? Collected Fish/m 3 ? US n 1 28 0.141 539 3 0.015 58 (27.06-28.94) (0.136-0.146) (521-557) (0.39-5.61) (0.002-0.028) (7-108) n 2 8 0.040 154 4 0.020 77 (7.36-8.64) (0.037-0.044) (142-166) (2.53-5.47) (0.013-0.028) (49-105) n 3 2 0.010 39 - (0.14-3.86) (0.001-0.019) (3-74) DS n 1 26 0.150 371 29 0.167 413 (25.31-26.69) (0.146-0.154) (361-381) (28.16-29.84) (0.162-0.172) (401-425) n 2 2 0.012 29 5 0.029 71 (0.73-3.27) (0.004-0.019) (10-47) (3.70-6.30) (0.021-0.036) (53-90) n 3 - 1 0.006 14 Combo n 1 54 0.145 948 32 0.086 562 (53.40-54.60) (0.144-0.147) (938-959) (31.21-32.79) (0.084-0.088) (548-576) n 2 10 0.027 176 9 0.024 158 (9.40-10.60) (0.025-0.029) (165-186) (8.09-9.91) (0.022-0.027) (142-174) n 3 2 0.005 35 1 0.003 18 (0.14-3.86) (0.000-0.010) (2-68) 2001 2002 52 TABLE 5. LIFE HISTORY TABLE FOR Etheostoma boschungi. This table uses one-batch fecundity. All parameters are the same with the two-batch fecundity. See text for sources and definitions. Age (yr) (i ) 2001 (n i ) P i L i d i q i T i e i (yr) f i F i 0- 1 209 130 357 0.074 112 194 0.926 129.00 0.62 92 2 15 10 26 0.571 12 7 0.429 16.54 1.07 92 3 9 5 15 0 4 9 1.000 4.41 0.50 92 ? 234 145 398 95% CL 53 TABLE 6. SPECIES CLOSELY RELATED TO Etheostoma boschungi. P i = survival rates for each age class, f i = mature ova or fecundity, % = assumption that each age class was collected in proportion to its relative number in the population, that the population was neither increasing nor decreasing, and that the number of juveniles entering the population each year was constant. Subgenus Species f i P 0 P 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 References Ozarka Etheostoma cragini 380 - 0.047 0.429 0 a, e, f, g, i 94% 4% 2% Ozarka Etheostoma pallididorsum 78 - 0.539 0 a, c, e, g 65% 35% Ozarka Etheostoma punctulatum 524 0.549 0.855 0.264 0 a, d, e, g, j 47% 26% 22% 6% Ozarka Etheostoma trisella 102 - 0.396 0 a, e, g, h Fuscatelum Etheostoma parvipinne 0 b, e, g Psycromaster Etheostoma tuscumbia 78 0 a, e, g d Hotalling and Taber, 1986 i Taber, Taber, and Topping, 1986 j Vives, 1987 Survival and Population Proportion e Kuehne and Barbour, 1983 f Labbe and Fausch, 2000 g Page, 1983 h Ryon, 1985 a Bart, Jr. and Page, 1992 b Etnier and Starnes, 1993 c Hambrick and Robison, 1979 54 TABLE 7. ESTIMATED ANNUAL SURVIVAL RATES FROM FAST WITH Etheostoma boschungi DATA. F i = adult fertility rates and P 0 = juvenile survival rate (derived from one-batch and two-batch fecundities). Method F i one-batch two-batch Chen/Watanabe, 1989 0.226 0.783 0.017 0.008 Hoenig, 1983 0.242 0.769 0.017 0.008 Jensen, 1996 0.153 0.850 0.018 0.009 Pauly, 1980 0.199 0.808 0.018 0.008 Peterson/Wroblewski, 1984 0.207 0.800 0.017 0.008 Quinn/Deriso, 1999 (used 1%) 0.215 0.792 0.017 0.008 Quinn/Deriso, 1999 (used 5%) 0.368 0.665 0.014 0.007 P 0 Estimated Survival 55 TABLE 8. ESTIMATED POPULATION SIZE PROJECTIONS FOR Etheostoma boschungi. F i = adult fertility rates, f i = one-batch (92 ova) and two-batch (197 ova) fecundity, P i = survival rates, ? = population growth rate, and ? = total population size. P 1 P 2 P 3 P 0 f i F i ? ? < 1 after i yrs ? > 1000 in i yrs 0.074 0.571 0 0.004 92 0.184 0.309 5 0.074 0.571 0 0.002 197 0.197 0.322 5 0.074 0.571 0 0.005 92 0.230 0.355 6 0.074 0.571 0 0.006 92 0.276 0.400 6 0.074 0.571 0 0.007 92 0.322 0.444 7 0.074 0.571 0 0.003 197 0.296 0.419 7 0.074 0.571 0 0.008 92 0.368 0.488 8 0.074 0.571 0 0.009 92 0.414 0.533 9 0.074 0.571 0 0.010 92 0.460 0.577 9 0.074 0.571 0 0.004 197 0.394 0.513 9 0.074 0.571 0 0.005 197 0.493 0.608 10 0.074 0.571 0 0.011 92 0.506 0.621 11 0.074 0.571 0 0.012 92 0.552 0.666 13 0.074 0.571 0 0.013 92 0.598 0.710 15 0.074 0.571 0 0.006 197 0.591 0.703 15 0.074 0.571 0 0.014 92 0.644 0.755 19 0.074 0.571 0 0.015 92 0.690 0.799 24 0.074 0.571 0 0.007 197 0.690 0.799 24 0.074 0.571 0 0.016 92 0.736 0.844 32 0.074 0.571 0 0.017 92 0.782 0.889 46 0.074 0.571 0 0.008 197 0.788 0.894 48 0.074 0.571 0 0.018 92 0.828 0.933 79 0.074 0.571 0 0.019 92 0.874 0.978 >100 0.074 0.571 0 0.009 197 0.887 0.990 >100 0.074 0.571 0 0.020 92 0.920 1.023 64 0.074 0.571 0 0.021 92 0.966 1.068 22 0.074 0.571 0 0.010 197 0.985 1.087 18 0.074 0.571 0 0.022 92 1.012 1.113 14 0.074 0.571 0 0.023 92 1.058 1.158 10 0.074 0.571 0 0.011 197 1.084 1.184 9 0.074 0.571 0 0.024 92 1.104 1.204 8 0.074 0.571 0 0.025 92 1.150 1.249 7 0.074 0.571 0 0.012 197 1.182 1.280 6 0.074 0.571 0 0.013 197 1.281 1.377 5 56 TABLE 9. LIFE HISTORY TABLE FOR Etheostoma brevirostrum. This table uses two-batch fecundity. US = upstream of Highrock Lake, DS = downstream of Highrock Lake, Combo = upstream and downstream of Highrock Lake combined. See text for sources and definitions. Age (yr) (i ) 2001 (n i ) P i L i d i q i T i e i (yr) f i F i 0- 1 539 521 557 0.286 347 385 0.714 462.20 0.86 175 2 154 142 166 0.250 96 116 0.750 115.55 0.75 175 3 39 3 74 0 19 39 1.000 19.26 0.50 175 ? 732 666 798 Age (yr) (i ) 2001 (n i ) P i L i d i q i T i e i (yr) f i F i 0- 1 371 361 381 0.077 200 342 0.923 213.83 0.58 175 2 29 10 47 0 14 29 1.000 14.26 0.50 175 3 0 0 0 175 ? 399 371 427 Age (yr) (i ) 2001 (n i ) P i L i d i q i T i e i (yr) f i F i 0- 1 948 938 959 0.186 562 772 0.814 684.68 0.72 175 2 176 165 186 0.197 105 141 0.803 122.68 0.70 175 3 35 2 68 0 17 35 1.000 17.34 0.50 175 ? 1159 1105 1213 Combo 95% CL 95% CL 95% CLDS US 57 TABLE 10. ELASTICITY VALUES FOR Etheostoma brevirostrum. See text for sources and definitions. F i P i 1 0.286 0.737 0.560 0.200 US 2 0.250 0.737 0.160 0.040 3 0 0.737 0.040 0 1 0.077 0.929 0.867 0.067 DS 2 0 0.929 0.067 0 3 0.929 0 0 1 0.186 0.818 0.675 0.150 Combo 2 0.197 0.818 0.125 0.025 3 0 0.818 0.025 0 F i n i P i Elasticity 58 TABLE 11. ESTIMATED ANNUAL SURVIVAL RATES FROM FAST WITH Etheostoma brevirostrum DATA. F i = adult fertility rates and P 0 = juvenile survival rate (derived from two-batch fecundities). Method Estimated Survival F i P 0 Chen/Watanabe, 1989 0.378 0.658 0.008 Hoenig, 1983 0.242 0.769 0.009 Jensen, 1996 0.348 0.681 0.008 Pauly, 1980 0.425 0.623 0.007 Peterson/Wroblewski, 1984 0.177 0.827 0.009 Quinn/Deriso, 1999 (used 1%) 0.215 0.792 0.009 Quinn/Deriso, 1999 (used 5%) 0.368 0.665 0.008 59 TABLE 12. SPECIES CLOSELY RELATED TO Etheostoma brevirostrum. P i = survival rates for each age class, f i = mature ova or fecundity, % = assumption that each age class was collected in proportion to its relative number in the population, that the population was neither increasing nor decreasing, and that the number of juveniles entering the population each year was constant. Subgenus Species f i P 0 P 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 References Ulocentra Etheostoma coosae 88 0.556 0.186 0 a, g, h, i, k 60% 33% 6% Ulocentra Etheostoma pyrrhogaster 0.761 0.286 0 a, b, e, g, k 51% 38% 11% Ulocentra Etheostoma raneyi 52 - 0.104 0.104 0 f, k 47% 6% Ulocentra Etheostoma simoterum 152 0.123 0 a, g, i, j, k 89% 11% Ulocentra Etheostoma zonale 40 - 0.180 0.182 - 0 a, c, e, g, i, k 82% 15% 3% Ulocentra Etheostoma zonistium 0.728 0.181 0 a, b, e, k 54% 39% 7% Ulocentra Etheostoma baileyi 35 0 e, g, k Ulocentra Etheostoma barrenense 800 0 e, g, k Ulocentra Etheostoma duryi 0e, g, i, k Ulocentra Etheostoma etnieri , g, i, k Ulocentra Etheostoma flavum 0d, e g, k 1=28.4, 2,3=144 1=77, 2,3=128 k Porter, Cavender and Fuerst, 2002 c Erickson and Mahan, 1982 e Etnier and Starnes, 1993 d Etnier and Bailey, 1989 f Johnston and Haag, 1996 a Bart, Jr. and Page, 1992 b Carney and Burr, 1989 i Page, 1983 j Page and Mayden, 1981 g Kuehne and Barbour, 1983 h O'Neil, 1981 Survival and Population Proportion 60 TABLE 13. ESTIMATED FERTILITY RATES AND GROWTH RATE FROM CLOSELY RELATED SPECIES WITH Etheostoma brevirostrum. P 0 = juvenile survival, F i = estimated adult fertility rate, ? = growth rate, SAD = stable age distribution and Reprod = reproductive values. US DS COMBO US DS COMBO US DS COMBO P 0 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.12 0.12 0.12 F i 48.61 48.61 48.61 66.58 66.58 66.58 10.76 10.76 10.76 ? 48.90 48.69 48.80 66.86 66.65 66.76 11.04 10.83 10.94 ? after 1 yr 35,767 19,432 56,536 48,914 26,602 77,351 8,066 4,323 12,676 1 0.994 0.994 0.996 0.996 0.999 0.997 0.974 0.993 0.983 SAD 2 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.003 0.025 0.007 0.017 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 1 0.334 0.334 0.334 0.334 0.334 0.334 0.337 0.335 0.34 Reprod 2 0.334 0.334 0.334 0.334 0.333 0.334 0.335 0.333 0.34 3 0.332 0.332 0.332 0.332 0.333 0.333 0.328 0.333 0.33 Etheostoma coosae Etheostoma pyrrhogaster Etheostoma simoterum 61 TABLE 14. ESTIMATED POPULATION SIZE PROJECTIONS FOR Etheostoma brevirostrum. F i = adult fertility rates, f i = two-batch fecundity, P i = survival rates, ? = population growth rate, and ? = total population size. P 1 P 2 P 3 P 0 f i F i ? ? < 1 after i yrs ? > 1000 in i yrs Combo 0.186 0.197 0 0.001 175 0.088 0.224 4 DS 0.077 0 0.004 175 0.350 0.415 6 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.001 175 0.079 0.254 6 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.001 175 0.088 0.268 7 Combo 0.186 0.197 0 0.003 175 0.263 0.429 8 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.002 175 0.175 0.387 8 DS 0.077 0 0.005 175 0.438 0.504 9 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.003 175 0.263 0.492 9 DS 0.077 0 0.006 175 0.525 0.593 11 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.004 175 0.350 0.591 12 Combo 0.186 0.197 0 0.005 175 0.438 0.613 14 DS 0.077 0 0.007 175 0.613 0.682 15 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.005 175 0.438 0.686 17 DS 0.077 0 0.008 175 0.700 0.770 22 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.006 175 0.525 0.779 26 Combo 0.186 0.197 0 0.007 175 0.613 0.792 30 DS 0.077 0 0.009 175 0.788 0.858 39 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.007 175 0.613 0.871 47 Combo 0.186 0.197 0 0.008 175 0.700 0.881 >50 DS 0.077 0 0.010 175 0.875 0.946 >50 DS 0.077 0 0.012 175 1.050 1.122 8 US 0.286 0.250 0 0.010 175 0.875 1.142 3 Combo 0.186 0.197 0 0.010 175 0.875 1.057 0 62 Fig. 1. Historical locations (circles) and sampling site (star) of Etheostoma boschungi within tributaries of the Tennessee River drainage, USA. Letters on the map correspond to the following: a) South Fork Buffalo River and Chief Creek of Buffalo River, b) Shoal Creek, c) Cypress Creek, d) Swan Creek, and e) Flint River. a b c d e TENNESSEE ALABAMA 63 Fig. 2. Historical locations (circles) and sampling sites (star) of Etheostoma brevirostrum within tributaries of the Coosa River drainage, USA. Letters on the map correspond to the following: a) Conasauga River, b) Coosawattee River, c) Etowah River, and d) Choccolocco Creek. c a d TENNESSEE ALABAMA GEORGIA b 64 Fig. 3. Map of the Dodd Site, Middle Cypress Creek on Dodd Road, Wayne County, Tennessee (S = small seepage stream, M = area where the larger seepage stream joins with Middle Cypress Creek) (TERRASERVER-USA: An online provider of USGS digital maps [web application], http://terraservice.net/, 2004, unpubl.). 65 Fig. 4. Sampling locations (circles) of E. brevirostrum within Shoal Creek of the Coosa River drainage in Alabama, USA. 66 Fig. 5. A three-stage, birth-pulsed, pre-breeding model for adult populations of E. boschungi and E. brevirostrum. Circles denote stages in the age-structured model and arrows indicate transition probabilities. 67 Fig. 6. Length-frequency distribution of collected Etheostoma boschungi from selected years. A = University of Alabama museum specimens, B = (McGregor and Shepard, 1995) C = 2001-2002 census data. B C A 68 Fig. 7. Length-frequency distribution of collected Etheostoma brevirostrum from 2001 and 2002 in Shoal Creek. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 Length Fr eq uenc y 2001 Combined 2002 Combined 69 Fig. 8. Example of projected population size per age class of Etheostoma boschungi when P 0 = 0.004, P 1 = 0.074, P 2 = 0.571, P 3 = 0, and F i = 0.184, using a one-batch fecundity. 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time E s t i m a te d Si z e age 1 age 2 age 3 N' 70 APPENDIX I: Description and map of sampling sites for each species 71 Study sites of E. boschungi (circles). 72 Code Location Longitude/Latitude (Decimal degree) System County State 1 Cemetary Branch @ Hwy 5 -87.824980/ 34.981177 Cypress Lauderdale AL 2 Dulin Branch @ Hwy 157 -87.813611/ 35.005278 Cypress Lauderdale AL 3 Greenbriar Branch @ CR 8/CR 139 -87.757863/ 34.941673 Cypress Lauderdale AL 4 Lindsey Ck @ CR152/Wallace Ridge Rd - Z site -87.864201/ 34.961195 Cypress Lauderdale AL 5 Lindsey Ck @ CR8/CR10 -87.870651/ 34.967825 Cypress Lauderdale AL 6 Lindsey Ck @ CR81/154 -87.815310/ 34.925086 Cypress Lauderdale AL 7 Lindsey Ck @ Murphy's Chapel/CR 8 -87.890841/ 34.976175 Cypress Lauderdale AL 8 Lindsey Ck @ Natchez Trace/CR5 -87.831700/ 34.945085 Cypress Lauderdale AL 9 North Fork Cypress Ck, Cemetery Br @ Natchez Trace Pkwy - D Austin site -87.822409/ 34.969915 Cypress Lauderdale AL 10 Threet Creek @ Natchez Trace -87.821567/ 34.956233 Cypress Lauderdale AL 11 Middle Cypress Ck @ CR139 -87.734198/ 34.974254 Cypress Lauderdale AL 12 Middle Cypress Ck @ Dodd Rd (stream crosses under road) -87.770027/ 35.055643 Cypress Wayne TN 13 Middle Cypress Ck @ Dodd Rd -on farm -87.771527/ 35.061713 Cypress Wayne TN 14 Middle Cypress Ck @ Gilchrist Rd -87.764747/ 35.049803 Cypress Wayne TN 15 Middle Cypress Ck @ Middle Cypress Ck Rd -87.750307/ 35.039523 Cypress Wayne TN 16 Middle Cypress Ck @ Pumping Station Rd/HWY227 -87.736967/ 35.029253 Cypress Wayne TN 17 Cooper's Br trib @ Natchez Trace Pkwy-seep, 1mi from picnic area -87.823150/ 35.015767 Cypress Wayne TN 18 Cypress Ck @ Trace Pkwy (by park) -87.820859/ 35.029254 Cypress Wayne TN 19 Dulin Branch Trib @ N of Hwy 227 -87.815556/ 35.014444 Cypress Wayne TN 20 Chief Ck @ Hwy 240 -87.425400/ 35.372783 Buffalo Lawrence TN 21 Little Shoal Ck @ Lawrenceburg, Hwy 43 -87.296125/ 35.320359 Shoal Lawrence TN 22 Little Shoal Creek @ Speedway, Dooley Rd off Hwy 43 -87.285074/ 35.327870 Shoal Lawrence TN 23 Swan Ck @ Elkton Rd/ CR86 -86.951677/ 34.830918 Swan Limestone AL 24 Swan Ck @ Piney Chapel Rd/CR81 - L&N site -86.960567/ 34.848417 Swan Limestone AL 25 Briar Fork trib @ Scott Road -86.677500/ 34.964722 Flint Madison AL 26 Briar Fork trib @ Scott Rd/State Line Rd -86.681667/ 34.992778 Flint Madison AL 27 Briar Fork @ Scott Rd-Scott Orchard -86.675536/ 34.991691 Flint Madison AL Summary of E. boschungi sampling sites. Latitude and longitude for each site is shown in decimal degrees. 73 Study sites of E. brevirostrum located above and below Highrock Lake (circles). 74 Site US/DS of Highrock Site Description 1US Shoal Creek, Pine Glenn Recreation Area off Forest Road 531, 8.1 mi. N Hwy 78, Cleburne Co., AL (N33.725470/W-85.602710) 3US Shoal Creek, 5 mi. N Heflin, 1 mi. downstream from Pine Glenn Recreation Area, Cleburne Co., AL (N33.722222/W-85.609370) 4DS Shoal Creek, off Forest Road 531, below Highrock Lake, near Cleburne-Calhoun County Line, Cleburne Co., AL (N33.714630/W-85.631850) 17 DS Shoal Creek, 0.5 mi. from end of FS rd. 530, Cleburne Co., AL (N33.710730/W-85.637580) Summary of E. brevirostrum sampling sites for 2001 and 2002 movement studies (US = Upstream site of Highrock Lake Dam, DS = Downstream site of Highrock Lake Dam). Latitude and longitude for each site is shown in decimal degrees.