A Model for Building Trustworthiness in Online Stores Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this dissertation is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This dissertation does not include proprietary or classified information. Patricia Lanford Certificate of Approval: Juan E. Gilbert Associate Professor Computer Science and Software Engi- neering Richard O. Chapman, Chair Associate Professor Computer Science and Software Engi- neering Cheryl D. Seals Assistant Professor Computer Science and Software Engi- neering Joe F. Pittman Interim Dean Graduate School A Model for Building Trustworthiness in Online Stores Patricia Lanford A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama August 4, 2007 A Model for Building Trustworthiness in Online Stores Patricia Lanford Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this dissertation at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date of Graduation iii Dissertation Abstract A Model for Building Trustworthiness in Online Stores Patricia Lanford Doctor of Philosophy, August 4, 2007 (B.S. Computer Science, Auburn University, 2000) (M.S. Software Engineering, Auburn University, 2004) 342 Typed Pages Directed by Richard O. Chapman More and more research is being done everyday in the world of e-commerce as con- sumers and merchants alike realize how powerful a selling tool the internet has become. Research shows that trust is key to the success of electronic commerce [14] [21] [87] [35]. However, the question of how trust is obtained and sustained online has yet to be answered. What is it that makes an online store trustworthy to consumers? A conceptual model for trustworthiness in online stores was developed from the current literature and then enhanced by an observational study of consumers making actual purchases. The conceptual model identified the situation needed for trustworthiness to be of issue when shopping online, the factors that affect the trustworthiness of an online store, and indicators or outcomes of consumers perceiving an online store to be trustworthy. A questionnaire was conducted and validated the conceptual model. The questionnaire focused on the trustor and trustee characteristics of the model, their relationships with each other, and the relative importance of trustee characteristics. This combination of both qualitative and quantitative data has provided insight into the online shopping experience, which can be built upon to create guidelines. iv Acknowledgments First, I would like to thank Dr. Richard Chapman, my dissertation chair, for I am extremely grateful for all of his advise, understanding, and willingness to work with me long-distance. Many thanks also to my committee members, Dr. Juan Gilbert and Dr. Cheryl Seals, and my outside reader, Dr. Thomas Marshall. I am also very appreciative of the love and support given to me by my family and friends. Without them, I would have never been able to complete this dissertation. v Style manual or journal used Journal of Approximation Theory (together with the style known as ?auphd?). Bibliograpy follows van Leunen?s A Handbook for Scholars. Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (specifically LATEX) together with the departmental style-file auphd.sty. vi Table of Contents List of Tables x List of Figures xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Work Done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 General Area of Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 The Need for Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.4 Approach Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Literature Review 4 2.1 Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.1 Definition of Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.2 Intentions and Competence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.1.3 Cooperation, Expectations, and Confidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1.4 Uncertainty, Risk, and Vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.5 Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.6 Security and Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.1.7 Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.1.8 Length of Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1.9 Credibility, Brands, and Reputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1.10 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1.11 Trustmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.1.12 User Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 How My Research is Different . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3 Statement of the Problem 19 4 General Trust Model 20 4.1 Situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.2 Factors Affecting Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.3 Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.4 Indicators/Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5 Observational Study 24 5.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.2 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.3 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 vii 5.4 Pilot Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.5 Participant Shopping Experiences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5.5.1 Participant 1 - Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5.5.2 Participant 2 - Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.5.3 Participant 3 - Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.5.4 Participant 4 - Marsha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 5.5.5 Participant 5 - Chuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5.5.6 Participant 6 - Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5.5.7 Participant 7 - Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.5.8 Participant 8 - Tina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5.5.9 Participant 9 - Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5.6 Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.7 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.8 The Importance of Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 6 A Model of Trustworthiness Online 42 7 Questionnaire 48 7.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 7.2 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7.3 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7.4 Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7.5 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 7.5.1 Consumer Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 7.5.2 Consumer Characteristics and Online Shopping Experience . . . . . 58 7.5.3 Consumer Characteristics and Elements of Online Shopping . . . . . 60 7.5.4 Relative Importance of Elements of Online Shopping . . . . . . . . . 65 8 Conceptual Model of Trustworthiness Online Revisited 68 9 Conclusions and Future Work 72 Bibliography 73 A Table Statistics 80 A.1 Gender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 A.2 Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 A.3 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 A.4 Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 A.5 Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 A.6 Freq. Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 A.7 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 A.8 Browse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 viii A.9 Purchase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 A.10 Expensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 A.11 Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 A.12 Contingency Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 ix List of Tables 4.1 General Trust Model - References to Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.1 Participant Shopping Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.1 Elements of E-Commerce Trust Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 7.1 Q5 - Q12L Contingency Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 x List of Figures 4.1 General Trust Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.1 General Trust Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 8.1 Conceptual Model of Trustworthiness Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 8.2 Elements of Trustworthiness Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 xi Chapter 1 Introduction Research shows that trust is key to the success of electronic commerce [14] [21] [87] [35]. A study conducted by Consumer WebWatch [14] between May 2005 and June of 2005 found that over 20 percent of internet users did not trust online stores and 25 percent stopped shopping online altogether. This lack of trust has been identified as a key element of consumers hesitating in making online transactions [2] [41]. As Ang et al. [1] report, many e-commerce sites are indeed not trustworthy, i.e., it is not just a perception problem. This research aims to answer the question of what makes online stores trustworthy to consumers and how can this trustworthiness be obtained and sustained? Understanding the nature of trust seems like a logical first step. Too often, this step is not taken seriously enough, resulting in naive and faulty notions of trust. Understanding the concept of trust in other areas, such as psychology and sociology, will give insight into understanding what facilitates trustworthiness online. Applying this understanding to e-commerce will help in developing a model for building trustworthiness in online stores. 1.1 Work Done A literature review was conducted of trustworthiness in an online setting as well as trust in other areas such as psychology, sociology, and marketing. An observational study was conducted along with a questionnaire regarding trustworthiness and its role when shopping online. Using the data obtained from both the study and the questionnaire, a model for building trustworthiness online has been developed. 1 1.2 General Area of Research More and more research is being done everyday in the world of e-commerce as con- sumers and merchants alike realize how powerful of a selling tool the internet has become. E-commerce has become a research area in itself. However, my research also deals with Human-Computer Interaction as well as cognitive science with regards to understanding the decision-making process of consumers shopping online. Designing interfaces with trust in mind is a concern for HCI [71]. 1.3 The Need for Research Despite the increase in research, the online shopping experience is still lacking; at times creating a scary and frustrating experience for consumers. Both personal experience as well as formal studies show the need for improvement [14] [78]. The study of trust online is lacking [46] [92] [2] [3] and of the work that has been done, there is little agreement [17] on how trust is created, sustained and lost online. Egger points out that ?the discipline of HCI currently lacks substantive knowledge about how trust is formed, maintained and lost in the electronically-mediated buyer-seller relationship? [20]. What authors have agreed on is that trust is important and research now needs to focus more on how it can be developed online [79]. It is evident that there is still room for improvement in e-commerce. 1.4 Approach Used An observational study was conducted involving participants shopping online. The key value of this study is that the participants made actual purchases online: they spent their own money. Unlike a mock purchase study [76] [53] [22], where participants are asked to 2 either pretend to shop at a fake or dummy store or asked to say what they would buy or how they would feel if they were to make a purchase, this study was of the real thing and provided more insight. The observational study provided valuable qualitative data, aiding in understanding not only the process of how consumers shop online but the role that trust and trustworthiness play in that process. After completing the observational study, a questionnaire was developed. This ques- tionnaire contained questions created from the data found in the observational study as well as knowledge obtained from the literature review. Because of the amount of time involved in observations, interviews, and transcription, a large number of participants would not have been feasible in the observational study. However, the questionnaire was short and concise, and as such, was given to well over 200 participants. Many past questionnaires are not throughly thought out [77] [75] [14] and it was a goal to create a questionnaire that provided solid and informative quantitative data. Reviewing both the qualitative data from the observational study and quantitative data from the questionnaire, a conceptual model was created for building trustworthiness online. This conceptual model expresses the main factors of shopping online and their relationships with respect to their impact of trustworthiness in an online store. This conceptual model could be further utilized to develop guidelines for trustworthiness in e-commerce. 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review Recently, more and more research is being focused on the role of trustworthiness online. From reviewing the current literature of trustworthiness online, it is seen that understanding how trust is developed and maintained in everyday relationships is a step that is often overlooked. This literature review explores not only work regarding trustworthiness online in relation to e-commerce, but research of trust in itself, as in other areas such as psychology and sociology. 2.1 Trust Trust is an important issue in personal relationships [10] [58] and in (o?ine) commerce [81]. However, the issue of trust online is also important[54] [31] [73] [69] [87] [36] [29]. Trust has been characterized as not only the ?foundation? of commerce [88] but that trust is ?essential? for commerce [81] as well. Salam et al. [75] state that trust ?...plays a key role in many such transactions that occur over the Internet? and Jones et al. [42] state that trust in technology is ?an increasingly important issue?. Many authors point out how critical trust is to e-commerce [68] [3] [15] [9] [92]. Others look at the idea of distrust, rather than just a lack of trust, as being a barrier online [13] [55]. Often, however, the focus of e-commerce generally tends to be on technology [40]. Trust online is a more important issue for e-commerce than technology [43] [44]. Many feel that the more trustworthy an online store, the more successful it will be [83] [31] [12] [74]. 4 It seems clear that it is in agreement that trust is important, but what exactly is trust? Unfortunately, the popular literature seems to assume that everyone knows what trust means and therefore, there is no need to provide some kind of definition. From reviewing the research literature it has been seen that on the occasion when trust is defined, most authors do not agree on one and the same definition. 2.1.1 Definition of Trust In the majority of literature dealing with trust, whether it be o?ine or online, there is no consensus on the true definition of trust [15]. The lack of an agreement on one definition could stem from the idea that trust is a multifaceted concept [79] [15]. Authors do agree that trust is a difficult concept to define [33] [37] [35]. This difficulty is due in part to our daily vernacular, interchanging terms like trustworthiness and trust, or entrusting and trusting. Barber states that ?in both serious social thought and everyday discourse, it is assumed that the meaning of trust, and of its many apparent synonyms, is so well known that it can be left undefined or to contextual implications? and that ?vagueness is apparent also in the multiple meanings given to trust? [5]. Hardin agrees that ?we often tend to suppose that our quick, even sloppy intuitions or insights are foundational, not merely casual? [37]. Some believe trust deals with behaviors [9] [61]. Nielsen states that ?true trust comes from a company?s actual behavior towards customers...? [62]. Olson states that ?people learn to trust others by noting their behaviors? [63]. Others feel trust is a cognitive choice [51] [71]. Lewis et al. state that ?we cognitively choose whom we will trust in which 5 respects and under which circumstances, and we base the choice on what we take to be ?good reasons,? constituting evidence of trustworthiness? [51]. Trust evolves over time, but exactly how is not so clear. The literature has conflicting views on whether trust is hard or slow to build over time [88] [62] or whether trust is built quickly in the beginning [6]. However, it is in agreement that trust in a merchant is a good thing [90] [2], but as to exactly how this trust works is not yet completely understood [90]. 2.1.2 Intentions and Competence We have expectations when we place trust in someone. Govier states that expectations of trust relationships have two dimensions: motivation and competence [33]. One can be motivated to be trustworthy by self-interest, by what he or she gets out of being trustworthy. Or, one can be motivated by the interests of the person who is placing the trust. Hardin claims that trust is an issue only when the trusted party has concern for fulfilling the other party?s interest and not his own [37]. Govier states that ?to trust people is to expect that they will act well, that they will take our interests into account and not harm us? [33] and similarly, Barber describes a trustworthy person as someone who places ?others interests before their own? [5]. The intentions of a trusted party affect his or her level of trustworthiness [79] [61] [19] [74]. Not only do we want a trusted party to be concerned about our interests, we want him to be competent as well [56] [74] [67]. ?Technical competence? is an important facet of trust [5]. If a person feels someone lacks ability necessary for the relationship, this person will not place trust in that someone. Basso et al. [6] state that trust ?...can be based upon the rational appraisal of a partner?s reliability and competence.? 6 2.1.3 Cooperation, Expectations, and Confidence When attempting to define trust authors mention trust with respect to cooperation, expectations, and confidence. Trust promotes or causes cooperative behavior [78] [28] [10] as Friedman states that ?a climate of trust eases cooperation among people...? [27]. One may assume that two people who cooperate must trust each other to a certain degree. This is Govier?s view who makes a direct association between interaction and trust [33]. However, Hardin [37] points out that this is not necessarily the case. A person can engage in cooperation not because she trusts someone but because she has no alternatives. Also, a person may trust someone but never have the opportunity to act on that trust. Therefore, it is important to draw a clear distinction between trust and action. According to Hardin [37], ?trust is thus inherently a matter of knowledge or belief? and it is important to note that there is no risk in trusting alone, the risk is in acting on trust. Many feel trust is about expectations [31] [9] [79] [92] [39], expectations about the honesty [28] [31] [56], reliability [3] [15] [46] [30] [2] [39] [93], dependability [26] [56] [79], predictability [15] [7] [74], availability [39] and credibility [10] [9] [19] of another. However, Friedman makes a distinction between relying on and trusting [27]. Many believe that having confidence in someone indicates trust [26] [49] [7] [30] [61]. Ferraro defines trust as ?...one in which confidence is place? [24]. Cassell et al. states agree stating that ?trust among humans depends on ...confidence in one another?s judgment...? [10]. 7 2.1.4 Uncertainty, Risk, and Vulnerability Trust is also thought as one dealing with overcoming risk [75] [42] [86] [35], vulnerability [27] [63] [11] [31] [15], and uncertainty [34] [65]. Bickmore et al. state that ?trust is a prerequisite for actions involving another agent in which one may suffer physical, financial, or psychological harm...? [9]. Trust is only an issue if there is some amount of uncertainty involved. Moorman et al. state that trust involves ?vulnerability and uncertainty on the part of the trustor? [61]. One must have enough confidence in someone to overcome this uncertainty. Trusting someone means taking a risk or, as Govier puts it ?trust is risky? [33]. As discussed in the previous section, Hardin would likely feel that she should have said instead that acting on trust is risky [37]. Trust involves choice, i.e., the concept of trust is meaningless in a deterministic world [37]. The concept of trust is one that is used to ?decrease complexity? [15]. Rieglsberger et al. agrees stating that trust ?helps to reduce...complexity - it is a shortcut for a detailed, laborious evaluation of the relevant risks and benefits? [71]. This idea may be equivalent to the statement that ?E-Commerce trust begins in chaos and ends in trustworthiness? [12] in that trust reduces the complexity and makes order out of something chaotic. 2.1.5 Balance As mentioned previously, shopping online can be risky for consumers and can put the consumer in a vulnerable position. In order for trustworthiness to be obtained online, a balance must be reached between the needs of the consumer and the needs of the online merchant as Egger states, ?for users to adopt Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce, it 8 is imperative that the benefits of using this new commercial medium significantly outweigh the potential risks and inconveniences? [20]. If the balance of power is shifted from the online merchant towards the consumer, the consumer will feel more in control and more likely to trust the site [18] [38]. The lack of control consumers can feel is a hurdle for creating trustworthiness online [38]. Tan et al. takes on a different view stating that ?...the more there is of trust, the less there is of control and vice versa? [87], meaning the more trust a consumer holds, the less the need for outside control mechanisms. 2.1.6 Security and Privacy Many discuss the issues of security and privacy when speaking of trustworthiness online [21] [50] [16] [57] [67] [93] [29]. Security concerns can be a major barrier in getting consumers to shop online [64] [47] as well as a concern of privacy [24] [86] [39]. Araujo et al. state ?the lack of faith on the security and privacy of transactions accomplished on the Internet is a significant obstacle for an extensive use of electronic commerce among Internet users? [3]. Yoon states that sites will have to demonstrate ?their trustworthiness through the state-of-the-art technology? [92]. Even though security is an important issue for trust, having a secure online store is not enough. Even if there were a ?perfect system? for completely secure transactions, consumers will not necessarily shop online [23]. Salam et al. agree saying, ?...we believe that secure technological infrastructure is only a necessary foundation and by itself not sufficient for creating the level of trust needed for spontaneous electronic transactions over the Internet? [75]. 9 Much of the literature states that privacy issues are more of a concern than security issues [11] [8]. That is, consumers are more worried about how a company will handle their personal information such as email addresses and phone numbers, etc., than what type of encryption is being used for transactions, etc. Petre et al. state that consumers use privacy policies as a cue to a online store?s trustworthiness [66]. 2.1.7 Context Context is important when discussing trust [5] [33] [37] [67]. Rarely do we trust a person with everything, rather we trust people in a specific context only. Trust is different in different contexts or situations. Davenport states the ? ?locus of trust? is likely to be diverse in any given situation? [17]. This can imply that trustworthiness with regards to shopping online is different than trustworthiness in shopping in brick-and-mortar due to the different context of online or o?ine. Often context is not discussed but implicitly assumed [33] [37]. This leads to an obvious problem: the meaning of trust differs from author to author and people less aware of this problem will simply ignore the context altogether. Hardin states that this ?...is an inherent problem with the use of ordinary notions in such discussions. It often requires deliberate effort to avoid falling into vernacular usage and, hence, into drawing the wrong implications? [37]. Based on Govier?s insights [33], we may feel fine having a certain person fix our computer but would be uncomfortable relying on the same person delivering an important parcel. Therefore, behavioral measures, to be meaningful and generalizable, have to be associated with a particular context [37]. 10 Marsh et al. state that ?...it is clear that in fact trust is a situational phenomenon - the trusting decisions we make are based on the situation we find ourselves in, and the context we derive that from? [54]. Grabner-Kraeuter believe that noting context is ?critical to the understanding of trust? [34]. Context can also apply to different types of products being sold online [35]. Certain products sell more easily online than others. Ang et al. report that ?it is worth noting that the experience to date clearly suggests that certain product categories are more amenable to Internet transactions. For example, CDs, software and books are the three most popular products bought on the Internet? [2]. The authors suggest that the reasoning behind this fact is the ability to easily provide more precise and accurate descriptions of these products. 2.1.8 Length of Relationship The longer the relationship, the more trustworthy parties become [33] [37]. If trust had declined over time, the relationship would have been discontinued. Thus, a long relationship generally implies strong trust that extends into the future [33]. Hardin states that ?it is primarily those with whom we have ongoing relationships that we trust. And the richer the ongoing relationship and the more valuable it is to us, the more trusting and trustworthy we are likely to be? [37]. 2.1.9 Credibility, Brands, and Reputation Trustworthiness is a key component to credibility [26]. A positive reputation is also a result of trustworthy behavior [34] [47]. A merchant?s reputation can have an effect on a consumer?s view of trust of the merchant [56] [39] [93] and affect how willing the con- sumer is to make a purchase [34]. Hardin describes reputation as perceived trustworthiness 11 [37]. Reputation can be created via word-of-mouth, upon which consumers tend to rely heavily [21]. New relationships with other people and organizations are often based on recommendations from other sources. Brands are associated with reputation and credibility. Fang et al. state, ?Brand name is one of the major factors, probably the most important one, that has an impact on shopper?s trust in an e-commerce Web site? [23]. Cheskin Research state ?...one key aspect of establishing trust with consumers is the reputation of a brand...? [12]. The popularity of a brand name can be ?considered as an essential ingredient for garnering trust toward online web sites? [92]. Ang et al. have termed how consumers are more likely to buy from popular brands as the ?brand equity effect? [2]. 2.1.10 Design Many authors feel that the design of the interface (in this case the website) can influence trustworthiness of an online store [23] [82] [29]. The manipulation of visual elements in the interface can produce feelings of trustworthiness [45] [15] [20] [85]. The quality of the website, whether the site has typos, grammatical errors, boken links, etc., has an effect on trustworthiness [23] [21] [93]. Consumers draw on cues from the interface to determine their vulnerabilities as well as the store?s intentions [27] [71]. Olson et al. state that ?the design of the interface needs to recognize the kind of experience and social cues people need to be able to feel trust...? [63]. Having an interface that exudes trust will aid in the success of E-commerce. Marsh states ?...designing interfaces which take trust into account and reason using trust will 12 result in more effective, comfortable interactions for the user? [54]; while Lee et al. state that ?one of the critical requirements for the success of electronic commerce is the appropriate customer interface...? [49]. The importance of a trustworthy interface to an online store is a point made by Bauer who states ?customers apparently take a critical view towards information presented to them via the Internet? [7]. The relative ease of use is an important determinate of trust online [21] [41] [47] [67] [39] [93]. Ease of use online can make consumers feel more secure [18] which intern could promote trustworthiness. It is important to design the interface around good content [70] and for it to have strong navigation and effective navigation [14]. The eCommerce Trust Study conducted by Cheskin Research states that ?effective navigation is generally a precondition to communicating e- commerce trust and the perception that sites meet customer needs...? [12]. Marsh et al. state, ?...designing interfaces which take trust into account and reason using trust will result in more effective, comfortable interactions for the user? [54]. Under- standing trust will allow us to create better interfaces to online stores. D?Hertefelt states that ?only from an understanding of the causes of trust on the internet can we derive design guidelines that will allow us to build websites where people feel safe? [18]. 2.1.11 Trustmarks There are various third-party trustmarks available today, such as TRUSTe, VeriSign and BBBOnline. These trustmarks are ?meant to instill trust in the online consumer by verifying the Web site has a policy about its collection and use of personally identifiable information? [60]. 13 Current literature investigates the effectiveness of these trustmarks on their ability to enable online stores to give the impression of trustworthiness. Tang et al. state that trustmarks ?appear to enhance confidence for online transactions? [88]. Benassi suggest that trustmarks improve trust online stating that TRUSTe is ?accelerating the growth of the Internet? [8]. Rieglsberger states that trustmarks show that the merchant shows ?rational interest - and also the ability - to act as promised? [71]. Cheskin Research reported that ?web-based seals of approval matter more than credit card brands in communicating trustworthiness ...? [12]. Petre et al. state that trustmarks should be used as a ?...cues to enhance trustworthiness? [66]. However, McKnight et al. offer a different take on trustmarks stating ?there is little empirical evidence that [trustmarks] do, in fact, increase consumer trust? [56]. Consumer WebWatch found that trustmarks seals of approvals are not that important for consumers [14]. Many consumers do not recognize trustmarks and are unaware of what an online store must to do obtain a trustmark [59]. Sisson et al. make the important point of explicitly saying one is trustworthy is not usually needed for a trustworthy individual or organization. Sisson states, ?ecommerce sites seem to shout the message that they are trustworthy, that users need have no trepidation over purchasing from these sites, but trust dervies not from assertions but rather from experience and judgment? [80]. Atif takes the idea of trustmarks even further by suggesting trust can be built online with the use of a third party referred to as a ?trust service provider (TSP)? [4]. The TSP acts as an ?...Internet-based intermediary that assumes responsibility for a smooth transaction? [4]. One obvious drawback to this type of solution is how one promotes trust in the trusted service provider. 14 2.1.12 User Characteristics All consumers are different. Many authors point out how these differences can affect a consumer?s trust online [30] [52] [35] [29]. Friedman et al. note that ?...people can engage in virtually identical online interactions, yet reach widely disparate judgments about whether the interactions are trustworthy? [27]. Trust is an issue that is of different importance to different people [83]. We all possess individual characteristics that affect our decision to trust [34][56] and these characteristics can include the age, experience, occupation, and disposition to trust of the consumer [82] [93], as well as gender [84]. Sisson states that ?Trust is a subjective judgment that must be made by every user for any site, because individual goals vary and definitions of trust are unlikely to be consistent? [80]. Tan et al. agree stating, ?Just as we said the level of trust considered sufficient is different for each individual, the level of trust a person has in a certain situation is different for each person? [87]. Authors tend to point out two major determinants of user characteristics: consumer disposition or propensity to trust [20] [56][14] [93] and a consumer?s experience [93]. Some people and some cultures tend to be more trusting than others [63]. Some feel trust is learned during childhood and that we learn trust from our parents [90]. Grabner-Kraeuter state ?The effect of the measures to develop and maintain trust in e-commerce is increased or decreased by several other - person-specific and situational - factors that cannot be controlled by the online retailer? [34] while McKnight et al. tend to disagree stating, ?We posit that when consumers have experienced a web site, individual disposition to trust, while still an important influence, will not directly affect trusting beliefs or trusting intention. 15 Rather the impact of this variable will be full mediated through institution-based trust and perceived site-quality? [56]. Experience online and in previous trusting situations can affect a consumer?s propensity to trust online [41] [25]. The more informed a consumer is the higher the expectations that consumer has about the online shopping experience [78]. Fogg et al. point out how the level of education obtained by a consumer can even affect his or her judgment of trustworthiness online [26]. Jarvenpaa et al. state that the more experience a consumer has online, the less likely they are to trust an online merchant. Hoffman et al. state that, ?In essence, the more experience one acquires online, the less important are the functional barriers to online shopping and the more important are concerns of control over personal information? [38]. Egger agrees pointing out that as users become more experienced they are less concerned about IT difficulties and more concerned about company policies [21]. Moorman et al. state that, ?Users with lower levels of experience are expected to be more willing to trust researchers because of their lack of company, marketing, or research knowledge. Experienced users, in contrast, are likely to have more knowledge and confidence in their own ability to use research and to manage relationships? [61]. While the Consumer WebWatch group found the contrary, ?the most experienced Internet users generally trust people more than novice users? [14]. Authors tend to categorize consumers into different groups. Strader et al. grouped consumers as ?price-sensitive? and ?trust-sensitive? individuals [83]. Lee et al. stated, ?Visitors to a web site can be classified into two broad categories, low involvement surfers and high-involvement surfers? [49]. Sisson states that consumers have different ways of evaluating levels of trust; they either have ?strict measures? or ?rely on a more subjective 16 ?feel? for determining whether to trust somebody? [80]. He goes on to state, ?The path people take to a level of trust can vary greatly, because some people work from the premise that trust must be earned, and some from the premise that trust is assumed be can be lost? [80]. Uslaner states that, ?Going online does not make people either more or less trusting, though trust shapes how people interact with each other? [90] while the Consumer Web Watch group on the contrary claim that one is more likely to be a ?trusting person? if he or she shopped online [14]. 2.2 How My Research is Different My research is different due to my concentration on first reviewing trust literature, and then applying this knowledge to an online setting. Understanding the concept of trust in relationships outside of commerce can provide valuable insight to trust online. More importantly, my research is different in that I conducted a unique study of actual purchases, which provided insight that no mock purchase study can provide. What people say they do or will do rarely is that same as what they actually do. Many studies have been conducted using interviews and questionnaires and observations based on mock purchases [23] [6] [11] [31] [92] [22] [91]. It is important to observe actual purchases because consumers can not be expected to give accurate responses regarding actual shopping experiences while in a virtual or pretend setting. Sisson agrees, stating that consumers pick up on ?implicit cues, often without realizing it, and it is to these implicit messages that commerce sites should pay particular attention? [80]. Grabner-Kraeuter also agree, commenting on the intricate nature of trust stating ?...trust is a complex and dynamic phenomenon that can not simply 17 be ?produced? by applying adequate instruments. Expectations and actions based on trust result from a delicate, situational interplay of different factors? [34]. 18 Chapter 3 Statement of the Problem Trust continues to be a challenge online [63]. The lack of trust online has been cited as an ?impediment? to the growth of e-commerce [88] as well as a ?major inhibitor of online transactions? [92]. With sites receiving low trust ratings [14], online shoppers are still feeling insecure [88] and there is little agreement of how trust works online [17]. It is evident that the perceived trustworthiness of online stores needs improvement [72]. Research discussing the relationship between trustworthiness of an online store and online shopping characteristics (such as context, store design, company policies, etc.) as well as people characteristics (such as one?s propensity to trust, experience shopping online, etc.) is lacking. A validated concrete conceptual model for developing trustworthiness online has yet to be developed. Being able to model this relationship will allow guidelines to be drawn. My research aims to solidify the relationship of trustworthiness and online shopping. I will propose answers to the following questions of ?How is trustworthiness online developed??, ?How do the issues of user characteristics, design of the online store, and company policies affect the online store?s trustworthiness??, and ?Once trustworthiness is developed online, how can it be sustained??. Finding the answers to these questions involves understanding the process by which people make a purchase online. The answers to these questions will allow online merchants to improve trustworthiness in their online stores. 19 Chapter 4 General Trust Model Based on the literature reviewed, the following model of trust has been developed. Figure 4.1: General Trust Model 4.1 Situation The left section of the model entitled ?Situation? contains the items necessary for trust. There should be a choice of whom to trust. In other words, there should be more than one possible trustee. As Hardin states, ?...trust has no meaning in a fully deterministic setting? [37]. If there were only one option or trustee then the trustor would be forced to use the trustee whenever the need arose. 20 Secondly, there needs to be some risk involved for the trustor [75] [42]. If there is no risk involved then trust is not an issue. Trust is a way of handling or overcoming risk. 4.2 Factors Affecting Trust The next section of the model contains items that affect trust. These are the factors that will determine whether an individual will trust another. This section contains three main items: context, trustor characteristics, and trustee characteristics. Context is an important factor that can affect trust [5] [33] [37]. We trust people in a specific context, rather than trust someone in all situations. For example, we may have a trusted car mechanic but would not trust that same individual to babysit. Trustor characteristics refer to individual characteristics of a person placing her trust in another. Trustor characteristics include the trustor?s disposition to trust [20] [56][14] and past experience [41]. Trustee characteristics refer to individual characteristics of one whom trust is being placed upon. An ideal trustworthy individual has good intentions, is competent, has a good reputation, is predictable, honest, credible, reliable, and dependable. 4.3 Need In order for an individual to act on trust, there has to be a need. Trust is a matter of knowledge or belief and is a separate entity from action. It is entirely possible to place trust in many different individuals but never have the occasion to act on that trust. 21 4.4 Indicators/Outcomes Indicators or outcomes from acting on trust are shown on the right hand side of the model and are cooperation and confidence. It should be noted that cooperation does not always imply trust. It is possible to cooperate because of no other alternatives. But in the case of the model, choice is a requirement in the ?Situation? section. Considering there is a choice, cooperation is an outcome of trust. The following table summarizes the model giving references to the literature review. 22 Table 4.1: General Trust Model - References to Literature 23 Chapter 5 Observational Study 5.1 Methodology The observational study was designed in two parts. The first part consisted of the observation of participants shopping online. The second part consisted of an interview con- taining open-ended questions, with a portion of the questions arising from the observation in part one. Using methodological triangulation by reviewing the observations and interviews, codes and themes were generated. 5.2 Participants Before the study was conducted, a consent form was obtained from Auburn University?s institutional review board, human subjects office. The consent form assured participants that all information obtained from them in connection with this study would remain anony- mous with the use of pseudonyms. A total of nine participants participated in the study. Because of the amount of time involved in observing, interviewing, and transcribing, a very large number of participants would not have been feasible. However, this study is followed by a questionnaire given with a large number of participants. The participants had varying computer backgrounds, but all had had at least one previous experience shopping online. All participants were over the age of nineteen and consisted of five females and four males. 24 5.3 Data Collection Convenience and snowball sampling were used to obtain participants. An email was sent out to the Computer Science and Software Engineering department asking for volunteers. It was also hoped that participants would refer others to volunteer. The participants were not asked to perform a specific task, such as ?find the best deal for ...at your choice of these sites? or ?here is a fake credit card number, pretend to buy at the following sites?. These types of scenarios were contemplated, but it was realized that these types of tasks would yield less authentic data. This observational study examines a thought process, and the role of trust within that thought process. To understand this process of consumers? making purchases online, observations and studies should be conducted of consumers actually doing so. In order to achieve more useful data, the participants were asked to participate only if they were already planning on making a purchase online. Participants were observed and recorded shopping online using the software program ?SnagIt? (http://www.techsmith.com). The software recorded all views of the monitor and voice of the participants. The observations were started by explaining the purpose of the study and then asking participants to use the ?think-aloud? protocol, which had the participants speak their thoughts as they were shopping online. At times, questions were asked during the observation if clarification was needed from the participant, or if the participant remained quiet for an extended period of time. All participants were observed shopping online at the same machine, at the same location, with the same connection speed. After the observation of each participant, a semi-structured interview containing open- ended questions was conducted. The interview consisted of predetermined questions re- garding their experience of online shopping in general, this particular shopping experience, 25 and questions that arose from the observation. The length of time for each participant?s observation/interview varied, depending on the participant?s task, with ranges from under ten minutes to over a half-hour. 5.4 Pilot Study A pilot study was previously conducted testing the methodology presented above [48]. The study addressed the issue of shopping cart abandonment - consumers adding products to their online shopping cart yet not following through with a purchase. The study consisted of three subjects, two male and one female, and was conducted during the summer of 2001. The pilot study found the following results: ? Having to log-on to sites frustrates consumers. ? Online forms need improvement. ? Consumers shop online more with the intent of purchasing a particular product than browsing. ? Consumers are quick in shopping online. ? Reputation and Need are major factors for consumers purchasing online. ? Consumers want upfront pricing information. ? Consumers are driven by price. ? Some products are easier to buy online than others. ? Experienced online consumer?s concentrate less on site design and more on product, price, and security, and policies. The study provided a better understanding of the process by which people make a decision to buy online. The study showed that it is trust that in the end gives consumers the confidence to go through with a purchase. 26 5.5 Participant Shopping Experiences The following is a brief description of each of the participant?s experiences during the observation, followed by a discussion of common findings found from the study. A breakdown of the participants? shopping experience is shown in the following table. Table 5.1: Participant Shopping Experience 5.5.1 Participant 1 - Bob Bob is a graduate student in the Computer Science and Software Engineering depart- ment and was shopping for a JVC brand microphone for his JVC digital camera. The JVC list price for this microphone was $149, a relatively expensive item. Bob previously researched various microphones and decided on purchasing this particular JVC microphone. 27 Bob was a comparison shopper and was driven by price for the majority of his shopping experience. He knew he could purchase the microphone directly from JVC but felt he could get the same product elsewhere for a cheaper price. At first things went smoothly for Bob. He looked up the model number from the JVC website and then searched for it in two different search engines, each giving what seemed like promising results. It took Bob less than a minute after searching for the microphone to find it for $20 cheaper at a site for the company B & H Photo. However, for numerous reasons, including lack of product details, reputation, and poor navigation at various sites, Bob did not make a purchase. 5.5.2 Participant 2 - Jack Jack is a graduate student in the Computer Science and Software Engineering depart- ment. He shopped for two Christmas presents - a Nintendo joystick for his brother and a set of Dean Martin Variety Show DVDs for his father. Jack?s shopping experience was challenging due to the fact that the Nintendo joystick was sold out at every site he visited, making him unable to follow through with the purchase. Jack also ended up not making the Dean Martin DVD purchase as well. Jack wanted to buy the set of DVDs but the site he found was a subscription based site where the first DVD is purchased and the subsequent DVDs are then mailed periodically for purchase. Jack was unaware of this and did not want to do a subscription. Jack did try eBay for both gifts when he could not find them at non-auction sites. eBay did have a result for the set of DVDs, but they were too expensive for Jack. 28 Jack was determined to find both products. When they were unavailable, he did try to think of alternative gifts ideas but the sites he visited did not make any suggestions to him for similar items. In the end, Jack gave up his search for both items. 5.5.3 Participant 3 - Jan Jan is a graduate student of the Computer Science and Software Engineering depart- ment. She shopped for a Christmas present for her boyfriend, a hunting dog tracking collar. The site Jan had intended to purchase from, Johnson?s Telemetry, was down. Jan did a Google search and clicked on a link taking her to a site that looked very amateurish and unprofessional. Jan was focused on getting this Christmas present off her list and was willing to make a purchase from this site until the site needed her to either phone, fax, or email her credit card information. Jan did not feel comfortable emailing her credit card information and then remem- bered another site she was familiar with, WICK Outdoor Works. However, Jan did not remember the URL and it took her several minutes and several searches to finally find the site. Unfortunately, WICK Outdoor Works also needed her to phone in her order for the dog collar. Jan did not want to do that. After searching Google again, Jan finally found a site that would let her complete her order all online. The site had a similar product with a different brand. This site, Vetvax.com (Discount Pet Supply Plus Dog Supply Vet-Vax, Inc.) was also very poorly designed. Jan did not seem to mind and made her purchase here for almost $160. 29 She did not have too many issues during checkout except she was confused by the ?order instructions? box and she also hit the ?Continue Shopping? button instead of the ?Checkout? button. Overall, Jan did not care about the site design at all, as long as she could complete her order online. Jan?s shopping experience was driven by her need for a Christmas gift. She was determined to make the purchase regardless of price or site design. 5.5.4 Participant 4 - Marsha Marsha is an undergraduate student in the English department. She was shopping for a Christmas present for her boyfriend?s younger sister. During her shopping experience she stated this was her first purchase from an online store. Her only previous shopping experience was a few times with eBay, buying CDs and a jacket. Marsha did not have a product in mind and only visited sites, Delias.com and eBay.com. She went to Delia?s first and had no problem navigating the site viewing different products. To say her shopping experience was challenging would be an understatment. One of her main struggles while shopping was she was unsure of a suitable present for a pre-teen girl. At Delia?s, she found a couple of items, a purse and a pair of slippers, and added them to her cart. She then went to eBay, hoping maybe to find a small jewelry box. However, she simply searched for jewelry and thousands of auctions were displayed making it difficult for her to find what she was looking for. She never thought to narrow her search. 30 After consulting her boyfriend she decided to purchase the slippers at Delia?s. Checking out was extremely difficult and frustrating for her. This being her first online store shop- ping experience, she simply did not know how to check out and called upon her boyfriend repeatedly for help. On her own she was not able to change the size of the slippers once they were in her cart, in which she ended up with two pairs. When she corrected this (which was actually the only task she was able to do on her own - remove item) she was disappointed to find that the size slippers she wanted were out of stock. After a discussion with her boyfriend she decided to go with the delayed delivery and purchase the slippers anyways. The checkout form was difficult for her to fill out. It did not state which fields were required, causing her to get angry after she submitted the form and was told in red she was required to fill out certain fields. One of the fields she did not understand was why she needed to supply an email address. I assumed this was so the site could send her an order confirmation email, but the site did not tell her this. Marsha also did not understand the billing process. She did not realize that the billing address on her credit card had to match the address she was inputting into the form. The site should have explained this to her. All the checkout pages were overwhelmed with unnecessary information, making it challenging for Marsha to check and see if her order was correct. It seems Marsha was competent in navigating sites to look for products, but when it came to follow through with the purchase, she just did not know how to check out. 31 5.5.5 Participant 5 - Chuck Chuck is an undergraduate student in the Computer Science and Software Engineering department. Chuck was purchasing a magazine subscription to Gourmet Magazine for his father. He chose to do so at Amazon.com. Chuck is a big fan of Amazon and overall his shopping experience went smoothly. The only problem he encountered was in the beginning he wanted to log in and there was not a place for him to do so. Chuck had no problems searching for the magazine, adding it to his cart, and checking out with a purchase price of $15. Chuck was very price oriented, constantly reading the promotional offers displayed. Even though Chuck was a loyal customer to Amazon.com, when it came time for him to follow through with the purchase he was very hesitant and took extra time reviewing all the information for his order. 5.5.6 Participant 6 - Cindy Cindy is a graduate student in the Computer Science and Software Engineering de- partment. Cindy needed to purchase tall-sized jeans. Normally she cannot find jeans long enough to fit her in the stores around town. Cindy visited one of her favorite sites, Long Elegant Legs, where she had shopped numerous times before. Cindy quickly found two pairs of jeans and decided to make a purchase for a total price of $104. When it came time to checkout Cindy could not find a way to log in so she would not have to reenter all of her personal information. Cindy ended up reentering her information and checked out. At the end of the checkout the page prompted her to save her information 32 for checking out in the future, which frustrated Cindy even more since she could not log in to the site to begin with. After her quick purchase, Cindy shopped around at the current site as well as another clothing site, Newport News, to see if there was anything else she might want. However, due to poor site structure and product description, Cindy was not compelled to make any unplanned purchases. 5.5.7 Participant 7 - Sue Sue is an employee of Auburn University and shopped for a jewelry box. Sue?s shopping experience was the worst of the study. She had a particular jewelry box in mind and searched a few sites for the cheapest price. She found a great deal on the jewelry box for under $40 at a site called Dakmart, but when she went to check out a security warning popped up and scared her away. She found the next cheapest for under $50 at another site, Catalog City, and proceeded to check out. When she started to check out the form asked her to register at the site which she did not want to do and proceeded to check out without registering. She entered in her information and submitted the form. Unfortunately, something went wrong. The site loaded a standard page - no confir- mation number, no end of purchase page. Neither Sue nor myself knew exactly what went wrong. Sue was frantic. She had no idea if the order went through or not. There was no phone number to call and the only way she could contact them was through a contact form. She kept checking her email for a confirmation notice, but nothing arrived. Sue was 33 very upset not knowing if she would be charged for the jewelry box and ended her shopping experience. Days later I spoke with Sue and found out luckily the order did not go though. 5.5.8 Participant 8 - Tina Tina is a graduate student in the Computer Science and Software Engineering de- partment. She shopped for an international phone card to Asia. She shopped at the site First Phone Card, where she has been ordering phone cards from for three years. A friend introduced her to the site. She had specific criteria for her phone card. She needed one that expired no sooner than 180 days, charged about two cents a minute, and cost twenty dollars. She browsed the site looking at various cards and after about five minutes found a card that met her criteria. She mentioned this site offered discounts for return customers and logged in. The checkout procedure was very basic and had an amateur look to it - bright blue background with table formatting and a flashing image touting the security of the form. Tina logged in as a returning customer and received a 4.5% discount on her purchase. Tina did not mind the look of the site and was happy with her purchase. 5.5.9 Participant 9 - Greg Greg is a graduate student in the Computer Science and Software Engineering depart- ment. He shopped for an Audiovox cell phone cable. Greg was driven by need more than price. He needed the cable soon, so he was willing to pay a little more at a more reliable site. His main requirement was that he had to have a driver come with the cable. At all the sites he visited it was difficult for him to tell if the cable came with the driver or not. The 34 product description was not clear. In the end, based on his need to have the cable, Greg took a chance and purchased the cable at Cell Phone Mall for $35, still unsure if the driver software was included. 5.6 Data Analysis Both the observations and interviews were transcribed. The transcriptions were read and re-read several times. Themes and codes were generated by analyzing the transcriptions with Glaser and Strauss? (1967) [32] grounded theory for qualitative data. 5.7 Findings Trust is an important factor in online shopping. For many of the participants, trust played a big role in the decision process of whether or not to make a purchase at a store. Greg found the cheapest price for the Audiovox phone cable shopping at an eBay store. However, Greg did not trust the eBay store enough to follow through and decided to pay more elsewhere. ?$13.95, buy it now! ...This looks good. I don?t know. I?ve never bought anything from an eBay store. I don?t know what its like compared to buying from an eBay bid. And I?m not interested in trying that out right now because I definitely need whatever I do tonight to be reliable because it is for my business.? Sue found the jewelry box she was looking for at a great price. She had never heard of the site before and was hesitant, but decided to buy it anyway. When she went to checkout, a security warning popped up and she abandoned the site stating, ?...There is a problem with the security certificate? Oh no! I don?t think I?m going buy it from here. Since there 35 is a security alert, you know? Yeah, its a good price, but not worth...getting in trouble.? The more product information, the more trustworthy the online store will be perceived. Searching for a good deal on a JVC microphone for his video camera, Bob comparison- shopped and found the product for $20 cheaper than the JVC list price at an online store he had never visited before. This particular online store, B & H Photo, had a professional layout, a 1-800 contact number, a live help link, and touted itself as the ?professional source? for photo, audio, and visual equipment. However, Bob did not feel comfortable making a purchase there. Why? Mainly due to lack of product information; the site only displayed the model number, a picture, and a one-line description of the microphone. Bob had done prior research and already knew all the product information about the microphone. When asked why the store?s lack of information prevented him from making a purchase even though he already knew the product information, Bob replied, ?Yeah, I knew the product details already, but the fact that they don?t even know the details...they might just ship me any old thing.? Thorough product information gives the perception of competence and knowledge. The more competent and knowledgeable the online store, the more trustworthy it is perceived to be. This agrees with the current literature stating competence promotes trust. Bob also stated that he did not feel comfortable spending a lot of money at B & H Photo. When given the scenario of his microphone only costing $10 at the store, Bob stated, ?I still wouldn?t get it from [B & H Photo].? Because of the lack of product details, Bob felt the online store lacked the competence and knowledge to send him the correct microphone. 36 Greg shopped online for an Audiovox cell phone transfer cable. The majority of the sites displayed a picture and model number for the cable, but Greg became frustrated due to the sites he visited not explicitly stating whether his purchase included driver software. Design and usability are not high trust factors online. Literature has stressed the important of design and usability when it comes to the trustworthiness and success of an online store. This study, on the contrary, found consumers place less importance on site design and usability and more on other aspects of shopping online, such as product details, contact information, and price. As Tina stated regarding the site she purchased her international phone card, ?...this website, I don?t like its layout, but ...I always use this one. I trust this one, so I don?t care.? And as Sue stated, ?I think if it is something I need or want, it doesnt matter if the page looks good. ...Of course, aesthetics make things look easier and better or whatever, but if it is something I know I really want or need, I?m gonna buy it anyways...? When asked how he felt usability affects a stores trustworthiness, Greg stated ?...I?m not sure if I can decide whether or not to trust a site based on its usability at all.? Of course, an online store has to be usable enough for consumers to be able to make a purchase. Jan purchased her dog-tracking collar at a site with extremely poor site design having a very dated and unattractive look. However, Jan did not seem to mind. The site had what she was looking for and was usable just enough for her to follow through with the purchase. When asked if she trusted the site she purchased from, Jan replied, ?Yeah, more so than some of the other ones...because they are pretty much ?ma and pa? shops. 37 Typically, the type of people that have [dog tracking collars]...are not the type that I think either have the ability to or would try to take advantage of the situation.? It is possible for poor usability to have a negative affect on trustworthiness if the con- sumer cannot figure out all the details of their purchase. Jack stated, ?If I can?t find out shipping really easily, that would concern me because if something would go wrong I imag- ine I would get the runaround if I tried to phone them. If I could even find their number on the website.? As long as the consumer can do what he/she wants to do, anything more than that seems like ?icing on the cake?. For example, its unlikely that a consumer really cares if it takes five clicks versus two clicks to find a product. First impressions last. If an online store makes consumers happy the first time around, the consumers are likely to come back. Even if when they do come back they have a bad experience, consumers are likely to be more forgiving than of a store they are experiencing for the first time. During Bob?s product search for a JVC microphone, he visited a preferred site J R Music World. He had been to the physical store and also made a purchase from online. Bob went on and on at how great the customer service was at the store and how they have all kinds of brands of electronics. However, Bob could not find the microphone on the site. The site had changed since he last visited and Bob was unable to navigate the store. Trying the sites search function yielded no results either. Bob spent several minutes of frustration trying to find the microphone on the site. When asked in the interview about his experience at his preferred site, Bob stated, ?...I know there was a section where you could list products by brand stores, I think they have JVC, Sony, etc., but I couldnt find 38 it. But I have no idea if they are no longer doing that thing anymore or if they were. But I already bought something from them, so its okay.? Cindy shopped at her preferred site for jeans for tall women. Her site frustrated her during navigation and checkout. She wanted to be able to log in and have the site already have her information from her previous purchases. She could not find the link and had to re-enter all of her information. Cindy did not mind too much though because she had shopped there before and was satisfied with their service and products. This study?s find- ings give the impression that trust can be built quickly and is easily sustained in the future if the consumer has a positive first time shopping experience. Context matters. The study was consistent with the literature regarding context and trust. Some prod- ucts are simply easier to buy online than others. The quickest and easiest shopping expe- rience was Chuck?s. He purchased a magazine subscription at a popular online bookstore that he had previous positive experience with. His product was the cheapest of all of the participants and had an extremely low risk factor. Consumer characteristics impact the consumers view of a store?s trustworthi- ness. Consumer characteristics affect consumers? view of a store?s trustworthiness. Jan, who purchased a $150 dog-tracking collar at a small online store, characterized herself as a trusting person. Marsha, however, was the opposite. Her shopping experience was full of hesitations regarding how to check out, if her credit card information was safe, if the 39 shipping price and dates were feasible. Marsha?s previous online shopping experience only consisted of a few eBay purchases. Marsha said the main reason she has not shopped online much in the past was because she is a suspicious person by nature. Another consumer characteristic aspect of the study was participants were either very price-oriented or need-oriented. The price factor correlates with the literature involving risk and trust. The less the product costs, the less risk the consumer is taking. Participants tried to minimize their risk by shopping for the product with the cheapest price. When participants were also driven by need, they seem to do whatever it took to make the purchase. This study was conducted in November and December and many participants were buying holiday gifts. Because of their need of a gift, many were willing to place a purchase even if they did not trust the site. This verifies the literature that states cooperation does not necessarily imply trust. Conversely, during the interview, participants were asked if they could think of an online store they trusted, but could never see themselves making a purchase from. Many could, which is consistent with the literature regarding the distinction between knowledge and action. An online store could be extremely trustworthy, but this does not necessarily mean it will be successful. 5.8 The Importance of Observation ?The obvious isn?t always apparent? - Paco Underhill [89]. Many times during this study participants did one thing and then said another. It is extremely important to observe participants in a natural setting as opposed to simply asking them what they would do or think in a mock situation. Some of the participants were graduate students in the Computer Science and Software Engineering department and as such, responded with what they might 40 have felt were the ?correct? answers during their interviews, reciting what they have learned in their courses of Human-Computer Interaction. For example, during Bob?s interview he expressed the importance of third-party en- dorsements of the Better Business Bureau on online stores, yet observing him shop, he did not seem to notice any third-party endorsements. Bob stated he did not trust online stores that change formats which would cause him difficulty in finding products. Yet at his preferred online store, J & R Music World, the site had changed, making it impossible for him to find the JVC microphone. Also, earlier in the interview, Bob contradicted himself by stating that he would not trust a store if ?over time the site looks the same for example, that gets me, I mean are they even changing inventory or anything?? When Tina checked out at her favorite phone card site, there was a flashing animation at the top of the screen touting the site?s security. During Tina?s interview, however, Tina stated that a website that had animations would not be trustworthy to her. In Paco Underhill?s book Why We Buy, he states, ?There are surveys that do ask customers for information about what they saw and did inside a store, but the answers are often suspect. Sometimes people just don?t remember every little thing they saw or did in a store - they weren?t shopping with the thought that they?d have to recall it all later? [89]. If I went by interviews or questionnaires alone, I would have missed out on vital clues into the real online shopping experience. 41 Chapter 6 A Model of Trustworthiness Online Using the qualitative data from the observational study, the general trust model pre- sented in Chapter 4, shown below, can now be applied and modified for business-to-consumer e-commerce. Figure 6.1: General Trust Model The situation for trust is present in online shopping. Regarding choice, there are millions of online stores on the web consumers can choose from. Along with numerous choices of online stores, there are also several risks associated with buying online. Some of the risks include late arrival of an item, not receiving the item purchased at all, inaccurate 42 product description, being overcharged for an item, as well as having personal information and credit card information compromised. The observational study has shown that context matters when shopping online. Based on the type of item being purchased, the issue of trust varied amongst the participants. Trust was more of an issue with Bob purchasing an expensive JVC microphone than with Chuck who purchased a $15 magazine subscription. Trustor characteristics, disposition to trust and past experience, were shown to play a part in shopping online. As expected, consumers with higher dispositions towards trust were more trusting online. If a consumer has previous experience at a particular online store this will affect his or her decision to return to the store. Past experience shopping online in general can affect trust. Lack of experience can lead to more hesitation and more surprises which can have a negative impact on the perceived trustworthiness of an online merchant. Jan described herself as a trusting person, had substantial previous online shopping experience, and stated that she had not had a bad experience buying online. On the other hand, Marsha had a less disposition to trust and and little experience shopping online. Marsha?s online shopping experience was full of hesitations and questions, while Jan seemed largely focused on just finding her product. It took Marsha over 30 minutes to purchase a $24 item at a larger, well-known store, while it only took Jan just over 11 minutes to purchase a $155 item at small unknown store. Trustee characteristics are correlated to characteristics of an online merchant. The observational study can equate the items in the original model to elements of the online shopping experience. 43 The intentions of an online merchant can be seen through the prices of products dis- played. If the merchant?s prices are unusually high, then consumers are likely to feel that the merchant is concerned more about his own intentions, rather than the consumers?. Also, displaying upfront shipping costs, having specials or deals, and providing savings or discounts for return customers show the merchant is concerned about the consumer which can have a positive impact on the merchant?s perceived trustworthiness. One of Tina?s comments regarding her favorite site for purchasing phone cards was that the site had good prices and gave returning customers discounts. Chuck stated he trusted Amazon and raved about all the deals and promotions they offer. Price was a major factor for almost all the participants in the observational study. Having accurate and substantial product information is an indicator of competence of an online merchant. This observational study has shown that even if the consumer is already familiar with the product he or she still wants to see the product information to verify the product is indeed the product in question. Detailed product information shows the merchant is familiar with the product. Bob did not trust B & H Photo due to their lack of product information for a JVC microphone, and as such, Bob refused to make a purchase there. As one would expect, a positive reputation has a positive effect on a merchant?s per- ceived trustworthiness. Marsha?s main reason for trusting the online store she purchased was because of it?s reputation, ?...they are a big national chain, everybody?s heard of them...they have too much exposure to be doing something underhanded?. However, lack of a repu- tation was not detrimental as in preventing an online merchant from being perceived as 44 trustworthy. Jan purchased a dog-tracking collar at a store she had never heard of, but the store carried the product she was looking for and was in her price-range. Predictability, reliability, and dependability are all related and can be correlated to online shopping as matching the expectations of the consumer with the actions of the online merchant. This can mean product follow-through as well as clicking a button and having the website display what is expected. This can be related to usability of a website. Credibility can be correlated to the professional look of a website, i.e., the design of the site. Jack stated stores that looked ?professional? and ?like they sell stuff all the time? were perceived as trustworthy. Honesty can be projected from the site by having high visibility of contact information including a physical address and phone number. Accurate product information and unbiased customer reviews can also be an indicator of an honest merchant. Many consumers will and have the need to purchase an item or service. As seen in the observation, at times this need was so heavy that not much else mattered. All of the participants stated that there were online stores they trusted but never needed to make a purchase at. While it is possible to have trust in an individual and never need to the act on that trust, the converse can be said as well. It is possible that a need is so great that cooperation, in this case, an online transaction, can take place even if the consumer does not trust the online merchant. During Greg?s search for an Audiovox cell phone cable, he was frustrated not being able to find an online store that gave him enough product information. When asked if he trusted the online store he finally made a purchase from (still not sure if the product was exactly what he was looking for) Greg replied, ?I trust it enough.? Greg needed the cable and took a chance. 45 The cooperation element of the general trust model is correlated to the actual transac- tion taking place online. Once the transaction is complete, a level of confidence is created. As seen in the observational study, if a first time transaction goes well, this will be a lasting first impression on the consumer. If the transaction goes well, then the consumer will likely have an increased amount of confidence in the merchant and vice versa. The following table summarizes the elements of the trust model applied to e-commerce. 46 Table 6.1: Elements of E-Commerce Trust Model 47 Chapter 7 Questionnaire The conceptual model for trustworthiness in online stores identified trustor and trustee characteristics as factors affecting trust. A questionnaire was developed to identify the relationships, if any, between these elements of the trustor (the online consumer), and the trustee (the online store). Do certain elements of the conceptual model have more impact on the trustworthiness of an online store than others? How do consumer characteristics have an effect on what elements of a online store are important in determining trustworthiness? Answers to these questions will aid in enhancing the conceptual model. 7.1 Methodology The questionnaire was designed in a way to make it as short and as concise as possible. Long questionnaires yield less accurate data. Participants are likely to rush in answering the questions of a questionnaire several pages long in order to save time. The question- naire in this study consisted of 3 pages containing 32 multiple-choice questions and took approximately 3-5 minutes to fill out. The questionnaire contained demographic questions, questions pertaining to the participant?s disposition towards trust, and questions regarding online use and shopping experiences. Question 5, which asked participants if most people could be trusted was obtained from the questionnaire created by the Consumer Reports Web Watch group in October of 2005 [14]. The questionnaire also contained questions that gave the choice between two trustworthiness elements in the conceptual model and had the participant select which was more important. 48 7.2 Participants Before the questionnaire was conducted, consent was obtained from Auburn Univer- sity?s Institutional Review Board, Human Subjects Office. Participants were assured that all information obtained from them in connection to the study would remain anonymous. All participants were 19 years of age or older. A total of 229 questionnaires were obtained with 2 incomplete questionnaires thrown out. 7.3 Data Collection Participants included both students and employees of Auburn University, as well as persons not directly affiliated with the university. Participants were wanted with varying backgrounds, differing in age, education, and computer experience. Participants were ob- tained by using convenience and snowball sampling. When on Auburn University?s campus, the questionnaire was conducted during daylight hours. Individuals were approached asking if they would like to participate in the study by filling out a short questionnaire. If they agreed, participants were given a information letter describing the purpose of the study. Participants were not compensated for their participation in the study. Participants filled out the questionnaire on paper, rather than online. This was done to eliminate a possible bias towards a participant?s computer use. 7.4 Data Analysis The following displays the questionnaire in its entirety along with the raw data given by the participants. For questions not totaling to 227, not all of participants answered those questions. 49 50 51 Because the data obtained in the questionnaire was categorical, rather than numerical, the chi-square statistic was used in data analysis. The chi-square statistic is a probability distribution used to test the independence of two nominal variables. The chi square statistic compares the counts of categorical responses between two or more independent groups and with the use of contingency tables and the chi-square goodness-of-fit test it can be determined if results are statistically significant. 52 This questionnaire was used to investigate the relationship between consumer charac- teristics and preferences of one element of shopping online in determining a store?s trustwor- thiness over another. Contingency tables were generated for each question 1-11 (consumer characteristics) with questions 12 and 13 (element preference). For example, question 5 asked participants if they felt, generally speaking, people could be trusted. One hundred six participants felt most people can be trusted, while 121 participants felt you can?t be too careful. Question 12L asked participants which was more important when determining the trustworthiness of an online store, the price of products for sale or the professional look of the store. A contingency table was created to help determine if there is any association between being a trusting person and a preference between price and professional look. The following shows the 2 x 2 contingency table for question 5 with question 12L. Q5 - Q12L Price Professional Look Totals Trust 70 35 105 No Trust 96 22 118 Totals 166 57 223 Table 7.1: Q5 - Q12L Contingency Table Of the 223 people in the study who answered both questions 5 and 12L, 166 participants, or 74.44%, prefer price over professional look and 57, or 25.56%, prefer professional look over price. The null hypothesis is that the categories or trust and of price versus professional look are independent from one another. If the null hypothesis is rejected, there is a relationship between the two categories. For questions 5 and 12L, if the null hypothesis were true, 53 74.44% of the 105 trusting people, or 78.16 people, should prefer price over professional look. Similarly, 25.56% of 105, or 26.84 people, should prefer professional look over price. The same proportions should hold true for non-trusting participants. Thus, 74.44% of the 118 non-trusting participants, or 87.84 people, should prefer price over professional look and 25.56% of 118, or 30.16, should prefer professional look over price. These are the expected counts if the null hypothesis were true. The chi-square test was used to determine whether the differences between the observed counts and the expected counts are statistically significant; in other words, not due to chance. The chi-square statistic is: ?2 =summationtext(Observed?Expected)2Expected For the data obtained for questions 5 and 12L, ?2 = (70?78.16)278.16 + (35?26.84)226.84 + (96?87.84)287.84 + (22?30.16)230.16 = 6.301 The number of degrees of freedom is computed by the number of columns in the con- tingency table minus one times the number of rows in the contingency table minus one. For questions 5 and 12L, this gives (2-1) x (2-1) = 1. Using the chi-square distribution table with 1 df, the ?2 value of 6.301 lies between 5.41 and 6.63. The corresponding probability falls between 0.01 and 0.02. This is above the significance level of 0.05 or 5%, so the null hypothesis is rejected. The following table displays the values calculated by Minitab. 54 Table Statistics - Trust and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look Trust 70 35 No Trust 96 22 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look Trust 78.16 26.84 No Trust 87.84 30.16 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.301 1 0.012 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.322 1 0.012 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12l. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. The exact p value is 0.012 which is less than 0.05. Therefore, there is strong evidence that the distribution of preference of price over professional look among trusting people is different from that among non-trusting people. For questions 12 and 13, which asked the participant to select a preference of one element of online shopping over another, the chi-squre goodness-of-fit test was used. The goodness-of-fit test states whether the results for each question were statistically significant. For example, question 12G asked participants which was more important when deter- mining the trustworthiness of an online store, the price of products for sale, or the visibility of contact information, such as phone, email, physical address. One hundred two of the 55 227 participants, or 44.93%, selected price and 125 of the 227, or 55.07%, selected contact information. If the probability of selecting one element over another followed the binomial distribution, the probability would be 0.5. The expected number for both price and contact information would be half of 227 or 113.5 participants. Once again the chi-square statistic is ?2 =summationtext(Observed?Expected)2Expected For question 12G, this gives a chi-square value of 2.33. Looking at the chi-square distribution table, for 1 df, 2.33 lies between 0.10 and 0.15 which is less than the chi-square of 3.84 for 0.5. Therefore, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. There is no statistical difference between the preference of contact information over price. The following table summarizes the goodness-of-fit test for question 12G. 56 Price Contact Info Total Observed (O) 102 125 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -11.5 11.5 (O - E)2 132.250 132.250 (O - E)2 / E 1.165 1.165 Chi Squared Calculated 2.33 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is less than 3.84 Do NOT reject the Ho There is no difference between Price and Contact Info Contingency tables and chi-square statistics for all questions can be found in the Ap- pendix. 7.5 Findings 7.5.1 Consumer Characteristics The gender of participants was almost split with 107 (47%) of the participants being male and 120 (53%) female. The majority of participants were under the age of 50 (93 participants or 41% were between the ages of 19 and 29; 89 participants or 39% were between the ages of 30 and 49). 57 All participants had at least graduated from high school with the majority, 196 (86%) having at least some college education. Participants had varying income levels. One hundred nine participants, 48%, made $50,000 or less per year. The income question was the question most omitted. Fifty-one participants (22%) did not feel comfortable stating their income. About half of the participants had a propensity towards trust. One hundred six (47%) of the participants stated most people can be trusted and 121 (53%) stated you can?t be too careful. Over half of the participants (120 or 53%) access the internet several times a day, with 20 (9%) accessing the internet once a day, 47 (21%) several times a week and 40 (17%) accessing the internet less. The majority of participants, 137 (or 60%), have been accessing the internet for over 5 years. One hundred thirty-one participants (58%) browse online stores at least once a week or more. The majority of participants, 141 (62%), make a purchase at an online store about once a month. For 130 participants (57%), the most expensive single item purchased online was $100 or less. One hundred thirty participants (57%) felt their overall online shopping experience had been a positive one. 7.5.2 Consumer Characteristics and Online Shopping Experience The following table shows the percentage of participants who have made a purchase online, made a purchase of $100 or more online, and have had a positive online shopping experience with varying categories of the participants? age, income, online experience, and propensity towards trust. 58 For participants aging 30 to 49, almost all (90%) had made at least one purchase online. The older a participant, the more likely to make a purchase over $100 and have a positive online shopping experience. Participants with a higher yearly income were more likely to make a purchase online, more likely to spend at least $100, and more likely to have a positive online shopping experience. The same holds true for the more online experience a participant had. The more trusting the participant, the more likely was the participant to make a purchase and have a positive experience online shopping experience. Interesting to note that more non-trusting participants made more expensive purchases than trusting participants. 59 7.5.3 Consumer Characteristics and Elements of Online Shopping Data analysis identified relationships between consumer characteristics, questions 2 - 11, and the preference of one trustworthiness element of an online store over another, ques- tions 12e, 12f, and 12h through 12n; as well as the preference of need or an online element, questions 13a through 13f. These identified relationships are displayed below. 60 There was no statistical difference in the answers to questions 12 and 13 (preference of elements of online shopping) in relationship to gender (question 1). Also, the ?No Con- sumer Char. Relationship? table above identifies questions 12 and 13 that did not have a relationship with any of the questions 2-11 (consumer characteristics). Age The results showed that there was a relationship between age (if 60 and older was excluded) and the choice of professional look versus visibility of contact information (12n). In all age groups, more participants preferred contact information over professional look. However, for participants in the 30-49 age group, more than expected (if there was no rela- tionship between age and question 12n) preferred professional look over contact information. Education Question 3, which asked participants their level of education, was found to be related to the way 7 questions were answered, questions 12f, 12h, 12k, and 13b through 13e. For question 12f, those with some college education were unlike the rest of the participants with either less or more education. More participants with some college education than expected preferred contact information over reputation. In all education categories, more participants preferred reputation over professional look (question 12h). However, only in the some college education category did more participants than expected prefer professional look over reputation. Overall, in question 12k, participants with at least some college education preferred ease of use over professional look. But those who did not have a college degree preferred professional look more than expected. 61 All education categories preferred need over ease of use (question 13b). Those with some college education and those with a college degree preferred ease of use more than expected. While high school graduates and post graduates answered very similarly in their majority preference of need. For question 13c, all education groups preferred reputation over need. Those without a college degree preferred need over reputation more than expected. For question 13d, all groups preferred need over professional look. Those without a college degree preferred professional look more than expected. Those participants without a college degree preferred contact information over need (question 13e) more than expected. While those participants with a degree preferred need more than expected. Income Income only showed a relationship in the way question 13e was answered by the par- ticipants. All income groups, except the $75,000 or less and over $100,000 preferred contact information over need. Trust For both trusting and non-trusting participants, the majority selected price of products over the professional look of an online store (question 12l). However, more than expected trusting participants preferred professional look, while more than expected non-trusting participants preferred price. Both trusting and non-trusting participants preferred contact information over profes- sional look (question 12n). However, more trusting participants than expected preferred 62 professional look and more non-trusting participants than expected preferred contact infor- mation. Both trusting and non-trusting participants preferred reputation over need (question 13c). But, more trusting participants than expected preferred need while more non-trusting participants than expected preferred reputation. Frequency Online Data analysis identified relationships between how often a participant gets online to how questions 12m and 13b through 13e were answered. For question 12m, those participants who accessed the internet several times a week or more preferred product information over ease of use. For those participants who accessed the internet at least once a day, more than expected preferred need over ease of use (question 13b), reputation (question 13c), and professional look (question 13d). Only those participants who accessed the web several times a day preferred need over contact info more than expected (question 13e). Online History When looking at how long participants have been using the internet, there was a clear division between participants who had been online for 5 years or less and those online for over 5 years. For those participants who have been accessing the internet for over 5 years, more than expected preferred reputation over contact info (question 12f). 63 For questions 13c through 13f, those participants who have been accessing the internet for over 5 years, selected need more than expected over reputation, professional look, contact information and product information. Browsing Online Question 12i asked participants which element of online shopping was more important in determining the trustworthiness of an online store: price of products or reputation of the online store. For participants who browsed online several times a week or more, more than expected preferred price over reputation. Buying Online For those who bought products online about once a week, more than expected preferred professional look over ease of use (question 12k). For those who bought about once a month, more than expected preferred ease of use. Most Expensive Online Purchase Those participants whose most expensive item was over $100, more than expected preferred ease of use over contact information (question 12j). Also, those same participants whose most expensive item was over $100, more than expected preferred need over contact information (question 13e). Online Experience For those participants who had a positive online shopping experience, more than ex- pected preferred professional look over product information (question 12e) and more than 64 expected preferred need over price (question 13a). While those who did not, more than expected preferred both product information over professional look and price over need. For all participants, more preferred ease of use over professional look. For those who stated somewhat, more than expected preferred professional look over ease of use. For the rest of the participants, more than expected preferred ease of use (question 12k). Also, those participants who answered somewhat, more than expected preferred ease of use over product information. While the rest of the participants, more than expected preferred product information (question 12m). 7.5.4 Relative Importance of Elements of Online Shopping From the chi-square goodness-of-fit tests done on questions 12a-12o, the null hypothesis that there was no difference between the two choices was rejected for all questions except 12d, 12g, and 12j. There was no statistical difference between ease of use and price (12d), between price and contact information (12g), and between contact information and ease of use (12j). Also, from the chi-square goodness-of-fit tests done on questions 13a-13f, the null hy- pothesis that there was no difference between the two choices was rejected for all questions except 13a, 13e, and 13f. There was no statistical difference between need and price (13a), between contact information and need (13e), and between product information and need (13f). Question 13 was created based on the observational study, where it was seen if a participant needed an item online, not much else mattered. It was expected that the majority of questionnaire participants would select need over the other elements of online 65 shopping. Even though this was not the case for all parts of question 13, results from data analysis already presented have shown consumer characteristics affect how question 13 was answered. It may be that the participants? characteristics in the observational study were those where need was more important. The professional look of an online store was the least important element of determining the trustworthiness of an online store when compared to all the other elements. Ease of use was more important than professional look and not as important as product information and store reputation. This is consistent with what was seen in the observational study. Detailed product information was more important than the professional look and ease of use of an online store. Detailed product information was less important in determining the trustworthiness of an online store than price, contact information, and reputation. Reputation was the most important element in determining the trustworthiness of an online store followed by contact information. There was no statistical difference between price and ease of use, price and contact information, and contact information and ease of use. Need of a product was more important than ease of use and professional look of an online store, but not as important as the reputation of an online store. There was no statistical difference between need and price, need and contact information, and need and product information. The questionnaire has shown that consumer characteristics play a large part in what elements of an online store are important in determining its trustworthiness. Some of the results of the questionnaire were in conflict with what was observed in the observational study. This is likely due to the observational study?s participants? characteristics. 66 The results of the questionnaire have also helped order the general importance of online shopping elements of trustworthiness. This ordering will enhance the conceptual model. 67 Chapter 8 Conceptual Model of Trustworthiness Online Revisited The conceptual model of trustworthiness online was developed from the current lit- erature and then enhanced by the observational study. The conceptual model identified the situation needed for trustworthiness to be of issue when shopping online, the factors that affect the trustworthiness of an online store, and indicators or outcomes of consumers perceiving an online store to be trustworthy. Figure 8.1: Conceptual Model of Trustworthiness Online The questionnaire conducted validated the conceptual model. It focused on the trustor and trustee characteristics of the model, their relationships with each other, and the relative importance of trustee characteristics. 68 The questionnaire proved that trustor characteristics affect the perceived trustworthi- ness of an online store. Based on what type of consumer an online store is targeting, different elements of the online store will be more important in instilling a sense of trustworthiness. Age, education, income, and online experience were trustor (consumer) characteristics that affect an online store?s perceived trustworthiness. Past online experience can be broken down into how often a consumer is online, how long the consumer has been using the internet, how often the consumer browses online, how often the consumer makes a purchase online, the most expensive item a consumer has pur- chased online, and overall past online experience. This emphasizes to online merchants how important it is to know their customers. Age, education, and income may be the easiest to gage of consumers purchasing a particular type of product, while the other elements may be difficult to learn. One way is to have customers fill out a demographic survey. Knowing what type of consumer the online merchant wants to target can help the merchant in tailoring his online store. Even if a merchant does not have a specific target audience of consumers, just knowing that these characteristics have a relationship to perceived trustworthiness of an online store is important. The questionnaire identified the relative importance of different trustee or online mer- chant characteristics. The most important element of trustworthiness is the reputation of an online store. The second most important element was visibility of contact information on the online store?s website. Honesty of an online merchant can be shown through the ability to contact and converse with the merchant, be it via email, phone, or at a physical location. 69 The least important element was the professional look of the online store. While this is not to say that a professional look is not important, having the most aesthetically pleasing website is the least effective way to exude trustworthiness to consumers. Ease of use was the second least important element. Consumers definitely need to be able to navigate an online store, search and find products, and be able to checkout. As long as the website is functional, anything else extra usability-wise is just that, extra. Price and product info are also very important and fell somewhere between contact in- formation and usability. Although, the observational study found that product information was more important than price. The questionnaire also looked at the need element of the conceptual model. The questionnaire identified an additional relationship between trustor characteristics and the need of a product. Based on consumer characteristics, it is possible that the need of an item is so great that none of the trustee characteristics are as important. The following table summarizes the elements of the conceptual model for trustworthi- ness in online stores. 70 Figure 8.2: Elements of Trustworthiness Online 71 Chapter 9 Conclusions and Future Work This research defined a conceptual model for trustworthiness in online stores. This conceptual model was developed from the current literature and validated by both an ob- servational study and a questionnaire. The combination of both qualitative and quantitative data provided insight into the online shopping experience, identifying relationships between consumers and elements of online shopping. With the use of the observational study, for the first time, real consumers were observed making real purchases online. This new methodology can be used in future research of e- commerce. A large amount of data was obtained during both the observational and questionnaire study. Future work can include taking a deeper look at interface elements of each online store visited during the observational study. Also, a ?where are they now? look can take the design of the online stores visited during the observational study and comparing and contrasting it to the current design of stores today. The study could be run looking at the online shopping experience in general and results could be used to make online shopping more enjoyable and make online shopping easier for consumers. In retrospect, when conducted again, the study should keep in contact with the observational study participants and interview them after their item arrives, giving a full and complete view of the purchase experience from start to finish. 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In ICEC, pages 201 ? 209, Xian, China, August 2005. 79 Appendix A Table Statistics A.1 Gender Gender and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info Male 68 39 Female 83 37 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info Male 71.18 35.82 Female 79.82 40.18 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.801 1 0.371 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.800 1 0.371 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 80 Gender and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info Male 39 68 Female 52 68 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info Male 42.89 64.11 Female 48.11 71.89 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.116 1 0.291 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.119 1 0.290 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 81 Gender and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info Male 61 44 Female 75 45 Expected Counts Price Product Info Male 63.47 41.53 Female 72.53 47.47 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.454 1 0.500 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.454 1 0.500 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 82 Gender and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price Male 54 53 Female 62 58 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price Male 54.68 52.32 Female 61.32 58.68 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.033 1 0.857 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.033 1 0.857 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 83 Gender and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info Male 44 62 Female 41 79 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info Male 39.87 66.13 Female 45.13 74.87 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.293 1 0.255 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.293 1 0.256 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 84 Gender and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation Male 39 68 Female 49 70 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation Male 41.66 65.34 Female 46.34 72.66 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.530 1 0.467 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.530 1 0.466 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 85 Gender and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info Male 45 62 Female 57 63 Expected Counts Price Contact Info Male 48.08 58.92 Female 53.92 66.08 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.677 1 0.410 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.678 1 0.410 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 86 Gender and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation Male 24 83 Female 24 96 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation Male 22.63 84.37 Female 25.37 94.63 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.200 1 0.654 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.200 1 0.655 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 87 Gender and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price Male 62 45 Female 68 52 Expected Counts Reputation Price Male 61.28 45.72 Female 68.72 51.28 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.038 1 0.846 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.038 1 0.846 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 88 Gender and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Male 58 49 Female 62 58 Expected Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Male 56.56 50.44 Female 63.44 56.56 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.146 1 0.702 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.146 1 0.702 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 89 Gender and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Male 69 38 Female 82 38 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Male 71.18 35.82 Female 79.82 40.18 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.376 1 0.540 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.376 1 0.540 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12k. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 90 Gender and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look Male 76 30 Female 91 27 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look Male 79.03 26.97 Female 87.97 30.03 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.865 1 0.352 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.864 1 0.353 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 91 Gender and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use Male 68 39 Female 72 48 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use Male 65.99 41.01 Female 74.01 45.99 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.302 1 0.583 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.302 1 0.583 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 92 Gender and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Male 40 67 Female 35 85 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Male 35.35 71.65 Female 39.65 80.35 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.726 1 0.189 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.725 1 0.189 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 93 Gender and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation Male 29 78 Female 38 82 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation Male 31.58 75.42 Female 35.42 84.58 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.566 1 0.452 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.568 1 0.452 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 94 Gender and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price Male 47 60 Female 57 63 Expected Counts Need Price Male 49.02 57.98 Female 54.98 65.02 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.291 1 0.589 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.291 1 0.589 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 95 Gender and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need Male 42 65 Female 49 70 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need Male 43.08 63.92 Female 47.92 71.08 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.087 1 0.768 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.087 1 0.768 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q13b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 96 Gender and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation Male 40 67 Female 46 74 Expected Counts Need Reputation Male 40.54 66.46 Female 45.46 74.54 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.022 1 0.883 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.022 1 0.883 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q13c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 97 Gender and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need Male 38 69 Female 39 81 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need Male 36.30 70.70 Female 40.70 79.30 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.229 1 0.632 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.229 1 0.632 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q13d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 98 Gender and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need Male 59 48 Female 65 55 Expected Counts Contact Info Need Male 58.45 48.55 Female 65.55 54.45 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.022 1 0.883 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.022 1 0.883 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q13e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 99 Gender and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need Male 65 42 Female 59 61 Expected Counts Product Info Need Male 58.45 48.55 Female 65.55 54.45 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.061 1 0.080 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.071 1 0.080 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Gender difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 100 A.2 Age Age and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info 19-29 56 37 30-49 60 29 50-59 30 8 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info 19-29 61.72 31.28 30-49 59.06 29.94 50-59 25.22 12.78 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.315 2 0.116 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.499 2 0.105 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 101 Age and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info 19-29 37 56 30-49 37 52 50-59 13 25 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info 19-29 36.78 56.22 30-49 35.20 53.80 50-59 15.03 22.97 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.608 2 0.738 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.615 2 0.735 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 102 Age and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info 19-29 57 35 30-49 51 38 50-59 24 13 Expected Counts Price Product Info 19-29 55.71 36.29 30-49 53.89 35.11 50-59 22.40 14.60 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.757 2 0.685 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.758 2 0.684 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 103 Age and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price 19-29 45 48 30-49 50 39 50-59 17 21 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price 19-29 47.35 45.65 30-49 45.31 43.69 50-59 19.35 18.65 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.805 2 0.406 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.809 2 0.405 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 104 Age and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info 19-29 37 56 30-49 35 53 50-59 11 27 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info 19-29 35.25 57.75 30-49 33.35 54.65 50-59 14.40 23.60 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.566 2 0.457 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.614 2 0.446 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 105 Age and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation 19-29 35 57 30-49 36 53 50-59 14 24 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation 19-29 35.71 56.29 30-49 34.54 54.46 50-59 14.75 23.25 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.185 2 0.911 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.185 2 0.911 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 106 Age and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info 19-29 36 57 30-49 43 46 50-59 19 19 Expected Counts Price Contact Info 19-29 41.43 51.57 30-49 39.65 49.35 50-59 16.93 21.07 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.252 2 0.324 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.261 2 0.323 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 107 Age and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation 19-29 22 71 30-49 18 71 50-59 7 31 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation 19-29 19.87 73.13 30-49 19.01 69.99 50-59 8.12 29.88 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.555 2 0.758 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.556 2 0.757 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 108 Age and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price 19-29 51 42 30-49 55 34 50-59 19 19 Expected Counts Reputation Price 19-29 52.84 40.16 30-49 50.57 38.43 50-59 21.59 16.41 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.768 2 0.413 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.771 2 0.413 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 109 Age and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Price 19-29 57 36 30-49 43 46 50-59 17 21 Expected Counts Contact Info Price 19-29 49.46 43.54 30-49 47.33 41.67 50-59 20.21 17.79 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.391 2 0.111 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.415 2 0.110 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 110 Age and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look 19-29 54 39 30-49 63 26 50-59 28 10 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look 19-29 61.30 31.70 30-49 58.66 30.34 50-59 25.05 12.95 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.512 2 0.105 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.502 2 0.105 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12k. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 111 Age and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look 19-29 69 22 30-49 62 26 50-59 31 7 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look 19-29 67.94 23.06 30-49 65.70 22.30 50-59 28.37 9.63 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.849 2 0.397 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.892 2 0.388 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 112 Age and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use 19-29 58 35 30-49 58 31 50-59 20 18 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use 19-29 57.49 35.51 30-49 55.02 33.98 50-59 23.49 14.51 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.794 2 0.408 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.766 2 0.413 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 113 Age and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info 19-29 28 65 30-49 36 53 50-59 7 31 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info 19-29 30.01 62.99 30-49 28.72 60.28 50-59 12.26 25.74 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.258 2 0.044 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.510 2 0.039 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12n. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 114 Age and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation 19-29 27 66 30-49 28 61 50-59 11 27 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation 19-29 27.90 65.10 30-49 26.70 62.30 50-59 11.40 26.60 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.152 2 0.927 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.152 2 0.927 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 115 Age and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price 19-29 43 50 30-49 40 49 50-59 19 19 Expected Counts Need Price 19-29 43.12 49.88 30-49 41.26 47.74 50-59 17.62 20.38 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.275 2 0.872 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.274 2 0.872 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 116 Age and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need 19-29 31 61 30-49 44 45 50-59 13 25 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need 19-29 36.97 55.03 30-49 35.76 53.24 50-59 15.27 22.73 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.347 2 0.069 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.332 2 0.070 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q13b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 117 Age and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation 19-29 34 59 30-49 35 54 50-59 16 22 Expected Counts Need Reputation 19-29 35.93 57.07 30-49 34.39 54.61 50-59 14.68 23.32 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.380 2 0.827 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.379 2 0.827 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q13c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 118 Age and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need 19-29 33 60 30-49 30 59 50-59 9 29 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need 19-29 30.44 62.56 30-49 29.13 59.87 50-59 12.44 25.56 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.771 2 0.412 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.849 2 0.397 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q13d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 119 Age and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need 19-29 53 40 30-49 46 43 50-59 20 18 Expected Counts Contact Info Need 19-29 50.30 42.70 30-49 48.14 40.86 50-59 20.55 17.45 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.555 2 0.758 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.555 2 0.758 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q13e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 120 Age and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need 19-29 55 38 30-49 46 43 50-59 17 21 Expected Counts Product Info Need 19-29 49.88 43.12 30-49 47.74 41.26 50-59 20.38 17.62 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.479 2 0.290 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.483 2 0.289 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Age difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 121 A.3 Education Education and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info High School Graduate 18 11 Some College 44 29 Post College 65 28 Post Graduate 22 8 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info High School Graduate 19.20 9.80 Some College 48.34 24.66 Post College 61.59 31.41 Post Graduate 19.87 10.13 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.617 3 0.455 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.622 3 0.454 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 122 Education and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info High School Graduate 12 17 Some College 26 47 Post College 42 51 Post Graduate 10 20 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info High School Graduate 11.60 17.40 Some College 29.20 43.80 Post College 37.20 55.80 Post Graduate 12.00 18.00 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.195 3 0.533 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.203 3 0.531 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 123 Education and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info High School Graduate 16 13 Some College 42 30 Post College 59 33 Post Graduate 18 12 Expected Counts Price Product Info High School Graduate 17.56 11.44 Some College 43.59 28.41 Post College 55.70 36.30 Post Graduate 18.16 11.84 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.997 3 0.802 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.997 3 0.802 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 124 Education and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price High School Graduate 11 18 Some College 41 32 Post College 48 45 Post Graduate 15 15 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price High School Graduate 14.82 14.18 Some College 37.31 35.69 Post College 47.53 45.47 Post Graduate 15.33 14.67 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.786 3 0.426 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.805 3 0.423 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 125 Education and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info High School Graduate 7 22 Some College 32 40 Post College 33 60 Post Graduate 11 19 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info High School Graduate 10.75 18.25 Some College 26.68 45.32 Post College 34.46 58.24 Post Graduate 11.12 18.88 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.861 3 0.277 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.960 3 0.266 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 126 Education and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation High School Graduate 11 18 Some College 39 34 Post College 30 62 Post Graduate 7 23 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation High School Graduate 11.26 17.74 Some College 28.35 44.65 Post College 35.73 56.27 Post Graduate 11.65 18.35 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 11.088 3 0.011 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 11.153 3 0.011 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12f. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 127 Education and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info High School Graduate 12 17 Some College 31 42 Post College 44 49 Post Graduate 14 16 Expected Counts Price Contact Info High School Graduate 13.02 15.98 Some College 32.77 40.23 Post College 41.75 51.25 Post Graduate 13.47 16.53 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.577 3 0.902 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.577 3 0.902 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 128 Education and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation High School Graduate 6 23 Some College 23 50 Post College 17 76 Post Graduate 2 28 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation High School Graduate 6.19 22.81 Some College 15.57 57.43 Post College 19.84 73.16 Post Graduate 6.40 23.60 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.871 3 0.031 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 9.553 3 0.023 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12h. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 129 Education and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price High School Graduate 16 13 Some College 40 33 Post College 52 41 Post Graduate 21 9 Expected Counts Reputation Price High School Graduate 16.63 12.37 Some College 41.85 31.15 Post College 53.32 39.68 Post Graduate 17.20 12.80 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.292 3 0.514 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.367 3 0.500 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 130 Education and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Price High School Graduate 18 11 Some College 40 33 Post College 46 47 Post Graduate 15 15 Expected Counts Contact Info Price High School Graduate 15.34 13.66 Some College 38.61 34.39 Post College 49.19 43.81 Post Graduate 15.87 14.13 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.626 3 0.654 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.638 3 0.651 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 131 Education and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look High School Graduate 14 15 Some College 44 29 Post College 68 25 Post Graduate 24 6 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look High School Graduate 19.33 9.67 Some College 48.67 24.33 Post College 62.00 31.00 Post Graduate 20.00 10.00 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 9.898 3 0.019 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 9.877 3 0.020 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12k. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 132 Education and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look High School Graduate 20 8 Some College 53 19 Post College 70 22 Post Graduate 23 7 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look High School Graduate 20.94 7.06 Some College 53.84 18.16 Post College 68.79 23.21 Post Graduate 22.43 7.57 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.359 3 0.949 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.356 3 0.949 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 133 Education and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use High School Graduate 20 9 Some College 40 33 Post College 60 33 Post Graduate 20 10 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use High School Graduate 18.04 10.96 Some College 45.42 27.58 Post College 57.87 35.13 Post Graduate 18.67 11.33 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.735 3 0.434 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.720 3 0.437 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 134 Education and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info High School Graduate 8 21 Some College 22 51 Post College 37 56 Post Graduate 6 24 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info High School Graduate 9.41 19.59 Some College 23.68 49.32 Post College 30.17 62.83 Post Graduate 9.73 20.27 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.896 3 0.180 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.021 3 0.170 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 135 Education and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation High School Graduate 7 22 Some College 24 49 Post College 29 64 Post Graduate 7 23 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation High School Graduate 8.64 20.36 Some College 21.74 51.26 Post College 27.69 65.31 Post Graduate 8.93 21.07 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.460 3 0.692 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.500 3 0.682 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 136 Education and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price High School Graduate 10 19 Some College 30 43 Post College 47 46 Post Graduate 16 14 Expected Counts Need Price High School Graduate 13.28 15.72 Some College 33.42 39.58 Post College 42.57 50.43 Post Graduate 13.73 16.27 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.674 3 0.299 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.705 3 0.295 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 137 Education and 13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need High School Graduate 6 23 Some College 32 40 Post College 44 49 Post Graduate 7 23 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need High School Graduate 11.52 17.48 Some College 28.61 43.39 Post College 36.95 56.05 Post Graduate 11.92 18.08 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 10.660 3 0.014 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 11.271 3 0.010 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q13b. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 138 Education and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation High School Graduate 8 21 Some College 22 51 Post College 37 56 Post Graduate 18 12 Expected Counts Need Reputation High School Graduate 10.96 18.04 Some College 27.58 45.42 Post College 35.13 57.87 Post Graduate 11.33 18.67 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 9.556 3 0.023 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 9.421 3 0.024 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q13c. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 139 Education and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need High School Graduate 10 19 Some College 33 40 Post College 29 64 Post Graduate 4 26 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need High School Graduate 9.80 19.20 Some College 24.66 48.34 Post College 31.41 61.59 Post Graduate 10.13 19.87 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 10.154 3 0.017 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 10.924 3 0.012 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q13d. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 140 Education and 13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need High School Graduate 18 11 Some College 48 25 Post College 45 48 Post Graduate 12 18 Expected Counts Contact Info Need High School Graduate 15.85 13.15 Some College 39.91 33.09 Post College 50.84 42.16 Post Graduate 16.40 13.60 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.346 3 0.039 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.420 3 0.038 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q13e. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 141 Education and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need High School Graduate 19 10 Some College 44 29 Post College 46 47 Post Graduate 13 17 Expected Counts Product Info Need High School Graduate 15.72 13.28 Some College 39.58 33.42 Post College 50.43 42.57 Post Graduate 16.27 13.73 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.850 3 0.183 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.883 3 0.181 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Education difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 142 A.4 Income Income and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info $10,000 or less 24 12 $25,000 or less 14 12 $50,000 or less 26 21 $75,000 or less 18 9 $100,000 or less 10 5 More than $100,000 19 6 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info $10,000 or less 22.70 13.30 $25,000 or less 16.40 9.60 $50,000 or less 29.64 17.36 $75,000 or less 17.03 9.97 $100,000 or less 9.46 5.54 More than $100,000 15.77 9.23 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.390 5 0.495 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.462 5 0.485 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 143 Income and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info $10,000 or less 11 25 $25,000 or less 10 16 $50,000 or less 21 26 $75,000 or less 10 17 $100,000 or less 6 9 More than $100,000 15 10 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info $10,000 or less 14.93 21.07 $25,000 or less 10.78 15.22 $50,000 or less 19.49 27.51 $75,000 or less 11.20 15.80 $100,000 or less 6.22 8.78 More than $100,000 10.37 14.63 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.832 5 0.323 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.829 5 0.323 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 144 Income and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info $10,000 or less 20 15 $25,000 or less 16 10 $50,000 or less 23 24 $75,000 or less 22 5 $100,000 or less 8 7 More than $100,000 13 12 Expected Counts Price Product Info $10,000 or less 20.40 14.60 $25,000 or less 15.15 10.85 $50,000 or less 27.39 19.61 $75,000 or less 15.74 11.26 $100,000 or less 8.74 6.26 More than $100,000 14.57 10.43 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.354 5 0.138 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.969 5 0.110 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 145 Income and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price $10,000 or less 19 17 $25,000 or less 12 14 $50,000 or less 27 20 $75,000 or less 14 13 $100,000 or less 6 9 More than $100,000 9 16 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price $10,000 or less 17.80 18.20 $25,000 or less 12.85 13.15 $50,000 or less 23.23 23.77 $75,000 or less 13.35 13.65 $100,000 or less 7.41 7.59 More than $100,000 12.36 12.64 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.882 5 0.566 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.916 5 0.562 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 146 Income and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info $10,000 or less 16 20 $25,000 or less 7 19 $50,000 or less 16 31 $75,000 or less 11 16 $100,000 or less 6 9 More than $100,000 9 15 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info $10,000 or less 13.37 22.63 $25,000 or less 9.66 16.34 $50,000 or less 17.46 29.54 $75,000 or less 10.03 16.97 $100,000 or less 5.57 9.43 More than $100,000 8.91 15.09 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.382 5 0.794 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.420 5 0.788 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 147 Income and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation $10,000 or less 16 20 $25,000 or less 11 15 $50,000 or less 24 22 $75,000 or less 9 18 $100,000 or less 3 12 More than $100,000 7 18 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation $10,000 or less 14.40 21.60 $25,000 or less 10.40 15.60 $50,000 or less 18.40 27.60 $75,000 or less 10.80 16.20 $100,000 or less 6.00 9.00 More than $100,000 10.00 15.00 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.695 5 0.174 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.953 5 0.159 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 148 Income and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info $10,000 or less 14 22 $25,000 or less 11 15 $50,000 or less 23 24 $75,000 or less 15 12 $100,000 or less 7 8 More than $100,000 12 13 Expected Counts Price Contact Info $10,000 or less 16.77 19.23 $25,000 or less 12.11 13.89 $50,000 or less 21.90 25.10 $75,000 or less 12.58 14.42 $100,000 or less 6.99 8.01 More than $100,000 11.65 13.35 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.046 5 0.843 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.054 5 0.842 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 149 Income and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation $10,000 or less 8 28 $25,000 or less 3 23 $50,000 or less 13 34 $75,000 or less 8 19 $100,000 or less 2 13 More than $100,000 5 20 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation $10,000 or less 7.98 28.02 $25,000 or less 5.76 20.24 $50,000 or less 10.41 36.59 $75,000 or less 5.98 21.02 $100,000 or less 3.32 11.68 More than $100,000 5.54 19.46 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.143 5 0.529 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.394 5 0.494 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 150 Income and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price $10,000 or less 21 15 $25,000 or less 10 16 $50,000 or less 28 19 $75,000 or less 13 14 $100,000 or less 8 7 More than $100,000 17 8 Expected Counts Reputation Price $10,000 or less 19.84 16.16 $25,000 or less 14.33 11.67 $50,000 or less 25.90 21.10 $75,000 or less 14.88 12.12 $100,000 or less 8.27 6.73 More than $100,000 13.78 11.22 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.670 5 0.340 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.709 5 0.336 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 151 Income and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Ease of Use $10,000 or less 25 11 $25,000 or less 14 12 $50,000 or less 27 20 $75,000 or less 14 13 $100,000 or less 5 10 More than $100,000 12 13 Expected Counts Contact Info Ease of Use $10,000 or less 19.84 16.16 $25,000 or less 14.33 11.67 $50,000 or less 25.90 21.10 $75,000 or less 14.88 12.12 $100,000 or less 8.27 6.73 More than $100,000 13.78 11.22 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.613 5 0.251 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.723 5 0.242 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 152 Income and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look $10,000 or less 19 17 $25,000 or less 12 14 $50,000 or less 29 18 $75,000 or less 21 6 $100,000 or less 10 5 More than $100,000 17 8 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look $10,000 or less 22.06 13.91 $25,000 or less 15.95 10.05 $50,000 or less 28.84 18.16 $75,000 or less 16.57 10.43 $100,000 or less 9.20 5.80 More than $100,000 15.34 9.66 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.369 5 0.195 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.532 5 0.184 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12k. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 153 Income and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look $10,000 or less 26 10 $25,000 or less 16 10 $50,000 or less 34 10 $75,000 or less 23 4 $100,000 or less 8 7 More than $100,000 17 8 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look $10,000 or less 25.80 10.20 $25,000 or less 18.64 7.36 $50,000 or less 31.54 12.46 $75,000 or less 19.35 7.65 $100,000 or less 10.75 4.25 More than $100,000 17.92 7.08 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.080 5 0.215 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.136 5 0.211 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 154 Income and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use $10,000 or less 26 10 $25,000 or less 11 15 $50,000 or less 30 17 $75,000 or less 16 11 $100,000 or less 6 9 More than $100,000 17 8 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use $10,000 or less 21.68 14.32 $25,000 or less 15.66 10.34 $50,000 or less 28.31 18.69 $75,000 or less 16.26 10.74 $100,000 or less 9.03 5.97 More than $100,000 15.06 9.94 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 9.105 5 0.105 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 9.060 5 0.107 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 155 Income and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info $10,000 or less 11 25 $25,000 or less 8 18 $50,000 or less 21 26 $75,000 or less 9 18 $100,000 or less 5 10 More than $100,000 10 15 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info $10,000 or less 13.09 22.91 $25,000 or less 9.45 16.55 $50,000 or less 17.09 29.91 $75,000 or less 9.82 17.18 $100,000 or less 5.45 9.55 More than $100,000 9.09 15.91 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.591 5 0.763 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.576 5 0.765 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 156 Income and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation $10,000 or less 9 27 $25,000 or less 6 20 $50,000 or less 16 31 $75,000 or less 11 16 $100,000 or less 2 13 More than $100,000 10 16 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation $10,000 or less 11.05 24.95 $25,000 or less 7.98 18.02 $50,000 or less 14.42 32.58 $75,000 or less 8.28 18.72 $100,000 or less 4.60 10.40 More than $100,000 7.67 17.33 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.931 5 0.313 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.227 5 0.285 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 157 Income and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price $10,000 or less 14 22 $25,000 or less 8 18 $50,000 or less 18 29 $75,000 or less 13 14 $100,000 or less 5 10 More than $100,000 16 9 Expected Counts Need Price $10,000 or less 15.14 20.86 $25,000 or less 10.93 15.07 $50,000 or less 19.76 27.24 $75,000 or less 11.35 15.65 $100,000 or less 6.31 8.69 More than $100,000 10.51 14.49 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.600 5 0.180 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.587 5 0.180 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 158 Income and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need $10,000 or less 14 22 $25,000 or less 10 16 $50,000 or less 23 23 $75,000 or less 12 15 $100,000 or less 4 11 More than $100,000 5 20 Expected Counts Ease of use Need $10,000 or less 13.99 22.01 $25,000 or less 10.10 15.90 $50,000 or less 17.87 28.13 $75,000 or less 10.49 16.51 $100,000 or less 5.83 9.17 More than $100,000 9.71 15.29 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.440 5 0.190 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.793 5 0.168 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q13b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 159 Income and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation $10,000 or less 12 24 $25,000 or less 5 21 $50,000 or less 18 29 $75,000 or less 10 17 $100,000 or less 4 11 More than $100,000 15 10 Expected Counts Need Reputation $10,000 or less 13.09 22.91 $25,000 or less 9.45 16.55 $50,000 or less 17.09 29.91 $75,000 or less 9.82 17.18 $100,000 or less 5.45 9.55 More than $100,000 9.09 15.91 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 10.167 5 0.071 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 10.244 5 0.069 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q13c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 160 Income and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need $10,000 or less 12 24 $25,000 or less 12 14 $50,000 or less 19 28 $75,000 or less 12 15 $100,000 or less 8 7 More than $100,000 5 20 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need $10,000 or less 13.91 22.09 $25,000 or less 10.05 15.95 $50,000 or less 18.16 28.84 $75,000 or less 10.43 16.57 $100,000 or less 5.80 9.20 More than $100,000 9.66 15.34 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.523 5 0.259 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.833 5 0.233 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q13d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 161 Income and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need $10,000 or less 25 11 $25,000 or less 18 8 $50,000 or less 28 19 $75,000 or less 13 14 $100,000 or less 9 6 More than $100,000 8 17 Expected Counts Contact Info Need $10,000 or less 20.66 15.34 $25,000 or less 14.92 11.08 $50,000 or less 26.97 20.03 $75,000 or less 15.49 11.51 $100,000 or less 8.61 6.39 More than $100,000 14.35 10.65 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 11.297 5 0.046 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 11.372 5 0.044 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q13e. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 162 Income and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need $10,000 or less 23 13 $25,000 or less 16 10 $50,000 or less 28 19 $75,000 or less 10 17 $100,000 or less 9 6 More than $100,000 13 12 Expected Counts Product Info Need $10,000 or less 20.25 15.75 $25,000 or less 14.63 11.38 $50,000 or less 26.44 20.56 $75,000 or less 15.19 11.81 $100,000 or less 8.44 6.56 More than $100,000 14.06 10.94 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.679 5 0.339 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.669 5 0.340 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Income difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 163 A.5 Trust Trust and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info Trust 69 37 No Trust 82 38 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info Trust 70.82 35.18 No Trust 80.18 39.82 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.266 1 0.606 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.266 1 0.606 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 164 Trust and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info Trust 42 64 No Trust 48 72 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info Trust 42.21 63.79 No Trust 47.79 72.21 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.003 1 0.954 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.003 1 0.954 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 165 Trust and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info Trust 60 45 No Trust 76 43 Expected Counts Price Product Info Trust 63.75 41.25 No Trust 72.25 46.75 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.057 1 0.304 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.057 1 0.304 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 166 Trust and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price Trust 58 48 No Trust 58 62 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price Trust 54.41 51.59 No Trust 61.59 58.41 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.918 1 0.338 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.919 1 0.338 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 167 Trust and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info Trust 47 59 No Trust 38 81 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info Trust 40.04 65.96 No Trust 44.96 74.04 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.671 1 0.055 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1 0.055 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 168 Trust and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation Trust 42 63 No Trust 45 75 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation Trust 40.60 64.40 No Trust 46.40 73.60 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.148 1 0.701 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.148 1 0.701 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 169 Trust and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info Trust 53 53 No Trust 48 72 Expected Counts Price Contact Info Trust 47.37 58.63 No Trust 53.63 66.37 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.277 1 0.131 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.279 1 0.131 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 170 Trust and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation Trust 22 84 No Trust 26 94 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation Trust 22.51 83.49 No Trust 25.49 94.51 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.028 1 0.867 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.028 1 0.867 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 171 Trust and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price Trust 59 47 No Trust 71 49 Expected Counts Reputation Price Trust 60.97 45.03 No Trust 69.03 50.97 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.283 1 0.595 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.283 1 0.595 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 172 Trust and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Trust 59 47 No Trust 60 60 Expected Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Trust 55.81 50.19 No Trust 63.19 56.81 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.723 1 0.395 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.724 1 0.395 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 173 Trust and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Trust 67 39 No Trust 83 37 Expected Counts Trust 70.35 35.65 No Trust 79.65 40.35 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.895 1 0.344 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.895 1 0.344 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12k. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 174 Trust and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look Trust 70 35 No Trust 96 22 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look Trust 78.16 26.84 No Trust 87.84 30.16 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.301 1 0.012 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.322 1 0.012 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12l. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 175 Trust and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use Trust 66 40 No Trust 73 47 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use Trust 65.19 40.81 No Trust 73.81 46.19 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.049 1 0.825 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.049 1 0.825 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 176 Trust and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Trust 43 63 No Trust 32 88 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Trust 35.18 70.82 No Trust 39.82 80.18 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.904 1 0.027 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.904 1 0.027 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12n. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 177 Trust and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation Trust 35 71 No Trust 32 88 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation Trust 31.42 74.58 No Trust 35.58 84.42 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.089 1 0.297 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.088 1 0.297 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 178 Trust and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price Trust 51 55 No Trust 53 67 Expected Counts Need Price Trust 48.78 57.22 No Trust 55.22 64.78 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.353 1 0.552 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.353 1 0.552 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 179 Trust and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need Trust 45 61 No Trust 46 73 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need Trust 42.87 63.13 No Trust 48.13 70.87 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.336 1 0.562 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.336 1 0.562 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q13b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 180 Trust and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation Trust 47 59 No Trust 38 82 Expected Counts Need Reputation Trust 39.87 66.13 No Trust 45.13 74.87 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.852 1 0.050 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.856 1 0.050 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q13c. The p-value is equal to 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 181 Trust and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need Trust 38 68 No Trust 39 81 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need Trust 36.12 69.88 No Trust 40.88 79.12 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.281 1 0.596 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.281 1 0.596 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q13d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 182 Trust and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need Trust 60 46 No Trust 64 56 Expected Counts Contact Info Need Trust 58.16 47.84 No Trust 65.84 54.16 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.243 1 0.622 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.243 1 0.622 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q13e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 183 Trust and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need Trust 57 49 No Trust 67 53 Expected Counts Product Info Need Trust 58.16 47.84 No Trust 65.84 54.16 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.096 1 0.756 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.096 1 0.756 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Trust difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 184 A.6 Freq. Web Freq. Web and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info Once a month 15 5 Once a week 16 3 Several times a week 29 18 Once a day 9 11 Several times a day 82 38 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info Once a month 13.36 6.64 Once a week 12.69 6.31 Several times a week 31.40 15.60 Once a day 13.36 6.64 Several times a day 80.18 39.82 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.169 4 0.086 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.250 4 0.083 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 185 Freq. Web and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info Once a month 6 14 Once a week 11 8 Several times a week 18 29 Once a day 8 12 Several times a day 47 73 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info Once a month 7.96 12.04 Once a week 7.57 11.43 Several times a week 18.72 28.28 Once a day 7.96 12.04 Several times a day 47.79 72.21 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.462 4 0.484 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.421 4 0.490 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 186 Freq. Web and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info Once a month 12 7 Once a week 10 9 Several times a week 24 22 Once a day 13 7 Several times a day 76 44 Expected Counts Price Product Info Once a month 11.45 7.55 Once a week 11.45 7.55 Several times a week 27.72 18.28 Once a day 12.05 7.95 Several times a day 72.32 47.68 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.445 4 0.654 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.423 4 0.659 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 187 Freq. Web and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price Once a month 11 9 Once a week 11 8 Several times a week 24 23 Once a day 9 11 Several times a day 61 59 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price Once a month 10.27 9.73 Once a week 9.75 9.25 Several times a week 24.12 22.88 Once a day 10.27 9.73 Several times a day 61.59 58.41 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.770 4 0.942 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.772 4 0.942 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 188 Freq. Web and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info Once a month 10 10 Once a week 8 11 Several times a week 18 28 Once a day 6 14 Several times a day 43 77 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info Once a month 7.56 12.44 Once a week 7.18 11.82 Several times a week 17.38 28.62 Once a day 7.56 12.44 Several times a day 45.33 74.67 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.166 4 0.705 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.143 4 0.709 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 189 Freq. Web and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation Once a month 10 10 Once a week 11 8 Several times a week 15 32 Once a day 8 12 Several times a day 44 75 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation Once a month 7.82 12.18 Once a week 7.43 11.57 Several times a week 18.38 28.62 Once a day 7.82 12.18 Several times a day 46.54 72.46 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.067 4 0.280 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.984 4 0.289 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 190 Freq. Web and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info Once a month 10 10 Once a week 6 13 Several times a week 17 30 Once a day 7 13 Several times a day 61 59 Expected Counts Price Contact Info Once a month 8.94 11.06 Once a week 8.49 10.51 Several times a week 21.00 26.00 Once a day 8.94 11.06 Several times a day 53.63 66.37 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.522 4 0.238 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.592 4 0.232 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 191 Freq. Web and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation Once a month 7 13 Once a week 3 16 Several times a week 12 35 Once a day 7 13 Several times a day 19 101 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation Once a month 4.25 15.75 Once a week 4.04 14.96 Several times a week 9.98 37.02 Once a day 4.25 15.75 Several times a day 25.49 94.51 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.479 4 0.113 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.105 4 0.130 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 192 Freq. Web and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price Once a month 12 8 Once a week 10 9 Several times a week 26 21 Once a day 12 8 Several times a day 70 50 Expected Counts Reputation Price Once a month 11.50 8.50 Once a week 10.93 8.07 Several times a week 27.04 19.96 Once a day 11.50 8.50 Several times a day 69.03 50.97 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.412 4 0.981 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.411 4 0.982 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 193 Freq. Web and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Once a month 12 8 Once a week 8 11 Several times a week 32 15 Once a day 9 11 Several times a day 59 61 Expected Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Once a month 10.62 9.38 Once a week 10.09 8.91 Several times a week 24.96 22.04 Once a day 10.62 9.38 Several times a day 63.72 56.28 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.815 4 0.146 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.938 4 0.139 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 194 Freq. Web and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Once a month 11 9 Once a week 12 7 Several times a week 25 22 Once a day 13 7 Several times a day 89 31 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Once a month 13.27 6.73 Once a week 12.61 6.39 Several times a week 31.19 15.81 Once a day 13.27 6.73 Several times a day 79.65 40.35 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.188 4 0.085 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.110 4 0.088 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12k. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 195 Freq. Web and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look Once a month 15 5 Once a week 13 5 Several times a week 29 17 Once a day 14 6 Several times a day 95 24 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look Once a month 14.89 5.11 Once a week 13.40 4.60 Several times a week 34.24 11.76 Once a day 14.89 5.11 Several times a day 88.58 30.42 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.215 4 0.266 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.062 4 0.281 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 196 Freq. Web and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use Once a month 10 10 Once a week 5 14 Several times a week 35 12 Once a day 11 9 Several times a day 79 41 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use Once a month 12.39 7.61 Once a week 11.77 7.23 Several times a week 29.12 17.88 Once a day 12.39 7.61 Several times a day 74.34 45.66 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 15.748 4 0.003 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 15.608 4 0.004 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12m. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 197 Freq. Web and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Once a month 9 11 Once a week 8 11 Several times a week 16 31 Once a day 6 14 Several times a day 36 84 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Once a month 6.64 13.36 Once a week 6.31 12.69 Several times a week 15.60 31.40 Once a day 6.64 13.36 Several times a day 39.82 80.18 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.597 4 0.627 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.525 4 0.640 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 198 Freq. Web and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation Once a month 7 13 Once a week 4 15 Several times a week 15 32 Once a day 8 12 Several times a day 33 87 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation Once a month 5.93 14.07 Once a week 5.63 13.37 Several times a week 13.93 33.07 Once a day 5.93 14.07 Several times a day 35.58 84.42 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.357 4 0.670 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.341 4 0.673 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 199 Freq. Web and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price Once a month 9 11 Once a week 7 12 Several times a week 20 27 Once a day 14 6 Several times a day 54 66 Expected Counts Need Price Once a month 9.20 10.80 Once a week 8.74 10.26 Several times a week 21.63 25.37 Once a day 9.20 10.80 Several times a day 55.22 64.78 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.560 4 0.235 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.636 4 0.228 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 200 Freq. Web and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need Once a month 12 8 Once a week 8 11 Several times a week 28 18 Once a day 6 14 Several times a day 37 83 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need Once a month 8.09 11.91 Once a week 7.68 11.32 Several times a week 18.60 27.40 Once a day 8.09 11.91 Several times a day 48.53 71.47 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 16.672 4 0.002 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 16.588 4 0.002 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q13b. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 201 Freq. Web and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation Once a month 5 15 Once a week 3 16 Several times a week 11 36 Once a day 10 10 Several times a day 57 63 Expected Counts Need Reputation Once a month 7.61 12.39 Once a week 7.23 11.77 Several times a week 17.88 29.12 Once a day 7.61 12.39 Several times a day 45.66 74.34 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 15.473 4 0.004 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 16.279 4 0.003 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q13c. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 202 Freq. Web and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need Once a month 11 9 Once a week 7 12 Several times a week 28 19 Once a day 6 14 Several times a day 25 95 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need Once a month 6.81 13.19 Once a week 6.47 12.53 Several times a week 16.01 30.99 Once a day 6.81 13.19 Several times a day 40.88 79.12 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 27.083 4 0.000 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 26.752 4 0.000 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q13d. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore do REJECT the Ho. 203 Freq. Web and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need Once a month 15 5 Once a week 13 6 Several times a week 33 14 Once a day 11 9 Several times a day 52 68 Expected Counts Contact Info Need Once a month 10.97 9.03 Once a week 10.42 8.58 Several times a week 25.79 21.21 Once a day 10.97 9.03 Several times a day 65.84 54.16 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 15.599 4 0.004 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 15.973 4 0.003 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q13e. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 204 Freq. Web and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need Once a month 14 6 Once a week 9 10 Several times a week 32 15 Once a day 9 11 Several times a day 60 60 Expected Counts Product Info Need Once a month 10.97 9.03 Once a week 10.42 8.58 Several times a week 25.79 21.21 Once a day 10.97 9.03 Several times a day 65.84 54.16 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.531 4 0.110 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.690 4 0.104 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Freq. Web difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 205 A.7 History History and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info A year or less 11 8 5 years or less 52 19 10 years or less 61 27 More than 10 years 27 22 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info A year or less 12.64 6.36 5 years or less 47.23 23.77 10 years or less 58.54 29.46 More than 10 years 32.59 16.41 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.252 3 0.154 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.164 3 0.160 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 206 History and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info A year or less 9 10 5 years or less 26 45 10 years or less 37 51 More than 10 years 19 30 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info A year or less 7.62 11.38 5 years or less 28.46 42.54 10 years or less 35.28 52.72 More than 10 years 19.64 29.36 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.950 3 0.813 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.947 3 0.814 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 207 History and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info A year or less 12 7 5 years or less 35 34 10 years or less 59 29 More than 10 years 30 19 Expected Counts Price Product Info A year or less 11.48 7.52 5 years or less 41.71 27.29 10 years or less 53.19 34.81 More than 10 years 29.62 19.38 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.401 3 0.221 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.381 3 0.223 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 208 History and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price A year or less 10 9 5 years or less 37 34 10 years or less 49 39 More than 10 years 20 29 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price A year or less 9.71 9.29 5 years or less 36.28 34.72 10 years or less 44.67 43.03 More than 10 years 25.04 23.96 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.860 3 0.414 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.871 3 0.412 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 209 History and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info A year or less 8 11 5 years or less 27 43 10 years or less 31 57 More than 10 years 19 30 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info A year or less 7.15 11.85 5 years or less 26.33 43.67 10 years or less 33.10 54.90 More than 10 years 18.43 30.57 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.432 3 0.933 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.432 3 0.934 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 210 History and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation A year or less 8 11 5 years or less 37 33 10 years or less 25 63 More than 10 years 18 31 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation A year or less 7.40 11.60 5 years or less 27.26 42.74 10 years or less 34.27 53.73 More than 10 years 19.08 29.92 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 9.987 3 0.019 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 10.002 3 0.019 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12f. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 211 History and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info A year or less 7 12 5 years or less 26 45 10 years or less 41 47 More than 10 years 28 21 Expected Counts Price Contact Info A year or less 8.54 10.46 5 years or less 31.90 39.10 10 years or less 39.54 48.46 More than 10 years 22.02 26.98 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.536 3 0.137 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.557 3 0.135 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 212 History and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation A year or less 8 11 5 years or less 14 57 10 years or less 14 74 More than 10 years 12 37 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation A year or less 4.02 14.98 5 years or less 15.01 55.99 10 years or less 18.61 69.39 More than 10 years 10.36 38.64 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.868 3 0.076 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.176 3 0.103 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 213 History and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price A year or less 9 10 5 years or less 48 23 10 years or less 45 43 More than 10 years 28 21 Expected Counts Reputation Price A year or less 10.88 8.12 5 years or less 40.66 30.34 10 years or less 50.40 37.60 More than 10 years 28.06 20.94 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.214 3 0.157 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.282 3 0.152 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 214 History and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Ease of Use A year or less 12 7 5 years or less 37 34 10 years or less 49 39 More than 10 years 22 27 Expected Counts Contact Info Ease of Use A year or less 10.04 8.96 5 years or less 37.53 33.47 10 years or less 46.52 41.48 More than 10 years 25.90 23.10 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.352 3 0.503 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.363 3 0.501 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 215 History and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look A year or less 10 9 5 years or less 43 28 10 years or less 63 25 More than 10 years 35 14 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look A year or less 12.64 6.36 5 years or less 47.23 23.77 10 years or less 58.54 29.46 More than 10 years 32.59 16.41 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.323 3 0.229 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.254 3 0.235 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12k. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 216 History and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look A year or less 12 7 5 years or less 52 17 10 years or less 65 23 More than 10 years 38 10 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look A year or less 14.17 4.83 5 years or less 51.44 17.56 10 years or less 65.61 22.39 More than 10 years 35.79 12.21 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.885 3 0.597 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.808 3 0.613 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 217 History and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use A year or less 12 7 5 years or less 41 30 10 years or less 54 34 More than 10 years 33 16 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use A year or less 11.72 7.28 5 years or less 43.79 27.21 10 years or less 54.27 33.73 More than 10 years 30.22 18.78 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.152 3 0.765 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.161 3 0.762 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 218 History and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info A year or less 9 10 5 years or less 25 46 10 years or less 21 67 More than 10 years 20 29 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info A year or less 6.28 12.72 5 years or less 23.46 47.54 10 years or less 29.07 28.93 More than 10 years 16.19 32.81 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.603 3 0.086 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.657 3 0.084 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 219 History and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation A year or less 6 13 5 years or less 18 53 10 years or less 27 61 More than 10 years 16 33 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation A year or less 5.61 13.39 5 years or less 20.96 50.04 10 years or less 25.97 62.03 More than 10 years 14.46 34.54 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.920 3 0.821 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.932 3 0.818 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 220 History and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price A year or less 8 11 5 years or less 27 44 10 years or less 44 44 More than 10 years 25 24 Expected Counts Need Price A year or less 8.70 10.30 5 years or less 32.53 38.47 10 years or less 40.32 47.68 More than 10 years 22.45 26.55 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.995 3 0.392 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.014 3 0.389 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 221 History and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need A year or less 10 9 5 years or less 36 35 10 years or less 31 56 More than 10 years 14 35 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need A year or less 7.65 11.35 5 years or less 28.59 42.41 10 years or less 35.03 51.97 More than 10 years 19.73 29.27 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.987 3 0.046 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.030 3 0.045 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q13b. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore do REJECT the Ho. 222 History and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation A year or less 6 13 5 years or less 20 51 10 years or less 34 54 More than 10 years 26 23 Expected Counts Need Reputation A year or less 7.20 11.80 5 years or less 26.90 44.10 10 years or less 33.34 54.66 More than 10 years 18.56 30.44 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.986 3 0.046 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.952 3 0.047 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q13c. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 223 History and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need A year or less 9 10 5 years or less 32 39 10 years or less 27 61 More than 10 years 9 40 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need A year or less 6.44 12.56 5 years or less 24.08 46.92 10 years or less 29.85 58.15 More than 10 years 16.62 32.38 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 11.171 3 0.011 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 11.521 3 0.009 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q13d. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 224 History and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need A year or less 14 5 5 years or less 46 25 10 years or less 47 41 More than 10 years 17 32 Expected Counts Contact Info Need A year or less 10.38 8.62 5 years or less 38.78 32.22 10 years or less 48.07 39.93 More than 10 years 26.77 22.23 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 13.649 3 0.003 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 13.874 3 0.003 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q13e. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore do REJECT the Ho. 225 History and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need A year or less 12 7 5 years or less 48 23 10 years or less 45 43 More than 10 years 19 30 Expected Counts Product Info Need A year or less 10.38 8.62 5 years or less 38.78 32.22 10 years or less 48.07 39.93 More than 10 years 26.77 22.23 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 10.783 3 0.013 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 10.916 3 0.012 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No History difference for Q13f. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore do REJECT the Ho. 226 A.8 Browse Browse and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info Never 12 8 Once a month 52 24 Once a week 48 14 Several times a week 25 17 Once a day 6 6 Several times a day 8 7 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info Never 13.30 6.70 Once a month 50.56 25.44 Once a week 41.24 20.76 Several times a week 27.94 14.06 Once a day 7.98 4.02 Several times a day 9.98 5.02 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.377 5 0.194 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.431 5 0.190 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 227 Browse and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info Never 9 11 Once a month 31 45 Once a week 20 42 Several times a week 20 22 Once a day 5 7 Several times a day 6 9 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info Never 8.02 11.98 Once a month 30.47 45.53 Once a week 24.85 37.15 Several times a week 16.84 25.16 Once a day 4.81 7.19 Several times a day 6.01 8.99 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.803 5 0.730 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.827 5 0.727 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 228 Browse and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info Never 12 8 Once a month 46 29 Once a week 34 27 Several times a week 29 13 Once a day 7 5 Several times a day 8 7 Expected Counts Price Product Info Never 12.09 7.91 Once a month 45.33 29.67 Once a week 36.87 24.13 Several times a week 25.39 16.61 Once a day 7.25 4.75 Several times a day 9.07 5.93 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.231 5 0.816 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.261 5 0.812 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 229 Browse and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price Never 10 10 Once a month 42 34 Once a week 35 27 Several times a week 17 25 Once a day 6 6 Several times a day 6 9 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price Never 10.22 9.78 Once a month 38.84 37.16 Once a week 31.68 30.32 Several times a week 21.46 20.54 Once a day 6.13 5.87 Several times a day 7.67 7.33 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.890 5 0.565 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.906 5 0.563 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 230 Browse and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info Never 6 14 Once a month 27 49 Once a week 27 34 Several times a week 18 24 Once a day 2 10 Several times a day 5 10 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info Never 7.52 12.48 Once a month 28.58 47.42 Once a week 22.94 38.06 Several times a week 15.80 26.20 Once a day 4.51 7.49 Several times a day 5.64 9.36 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.637 5 0.462 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.916 5 0.426 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 231 Browse and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation Never 8 12 Once a month 32 44 Once a week 18 44 Several times a week 17 25 Once a day 3 8 Several times a day 10 5 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation Never 7.79 12.21 Once a month 29.59 46.41 Once a week 24.14 37.86 Several times a week 16.35 25.65 Once a day 4.28 6.72 Several times a day 5.84 9.16 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.411 5 0.135 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.392 5 0.136 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 232 Browse and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info Never 7 13 Once a month 36 40 Once a week 24 38 Several times a week 23 19 Once a day 7 5 Several times a day 5 10 Expected Counts Price Contact Info Never 8.99 11.01 Once a month 34.15 41.85 Once a week 27.86 34.14 Several times a week 18.87 23.13 Once a day 5.39 6.61 Several times a day 6.74 8.26 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.277 5 0.383 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.308 5 0.379 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 233 Browse and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation Never 5 15 Once a month 18 58 Once a week 8 54 Several times a week 10 32 Once a day 4 8 Several times a day 3 12 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation Never 4.23 15.77 Once a month 16.07 59.93 Once a week 13.11 48.89 Several times a week 8.88 33.12 Once a day 2.54 9.46 Several times a day 3.17 11.83 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.258 5 0.513 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.431 5 0.489 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 234 Browse and 12i Observed Counts Reputation Price Never 12 8 Once a month 39 37 Once a week 45 17 Several times a week 24 18 Once a day 3 9 Several times a day 7 8 Expected Counts Reputation Price Never 11.45 8.55 Once a month 43.52 32.48 Once a week 35.51 26.49 Several times a week 24.05 17.95 Once a day 6.87 5.13 Several times a day 8.59 6.41 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 12.897 5 0.024 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 13.224 5 0.021 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12i. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 235 Browse and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Price Never 11 9 Once a month 43 33 Once a week 31 31 Several times a week 20 22 Once a day 5 7 Several times a day 10 5 Expected Counts Contact Info Price Never 10.57 9.43 Once a month 40.18 35.82 Once a week 32.78 29.22 Several times a week 22.20 19.80 Once a day 6.34 5.66 Several times a day 7.93 7.07 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.876 5 0.719 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.904 5 0.715 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 236 Browse and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Never 11 9 Once a month 49 27 Once a week 47 15 Several times a week 30 12 Once a day 6 6 Several times a day 8 7 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Never 13.30 6.70 Once a month 50.56 25.44 Once a week 41.24 20.76 Several times a week 27.94 14.06 Once a day 7.98 4.02 Several times a day 9.98 5.02 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.832 5 0.233 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.787 5 0.237 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12k. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 237 Browse and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look Never 16 4 Once a month 59 17 Once a week 39 21 Several times a week 35 7 Once a day 8 3 Several times a day 10 5 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look Never 14.91 5.09 Once a month 55.66 19.34 Once a week 44.73 15.27 Several times a week 31.31 10.69 Once a day 8.20 2.80 Several times a day 11.18 3.82 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.797 5 0.327 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.764 5 0.330 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 238 Browse and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use Never 11 9 Once a month 48 28 Once a week 35 27 Several times a week 27 15 Once a day 7 5 Several times a day 12 3 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use Never 12.33 7.67 Once a month 46.87 29.13 Once a week 38.24 23.76 Several times a week 25.90 16.10 Once a day 7.40 4.60 Several times a day 9.25 5.75 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.472 5 0.628 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.666 5 0.598 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 239 Browse and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Never 4 16 Once a month 21 55 Once a week 23 39 Several times a week 18 24 Once a day 5 7 Several times a day 4 11 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Never 6.61 13.39 Once a month 25.11 50.89 Once a week 20.48 41.52 Several times a week 13.88 28.12 Once a day 3.96 8.04 Several times a day 4.96 10.04 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.512 5 0.357 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.597 5 0.347 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 240 Browse and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation Never 5 15 Once a month 23 53 Once a week 14 48 Several times a week 15 27 Once a day 6 6 Several times a day 4 11 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation Never 5.90 14.10 Once a month 22.43 53.57 Once a week 18.30 43.70 Several times a week 12.40 29.60 Once a day 3.54 8.46 Several times a day 4.43 10.57 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.904 5 0.428 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.745 5 0.448 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 241 Browse and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price Never 7 13 Once a month 30 46 Once a week 29 33 Several times a week 25 17 Once a day 5 7 Several times a day 8 7 Expected Counts Need Price Never 9.16 10.84 Once a month 34.82 41.18 Once a week 28.41 33.59 Several times a week 19.24 22.76 Once a day 5.50 6.50 Several times a day 6.87 8.13 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.801 5 0.326 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.823 5 0.324 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 242 Browse and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need Never 7 13 Once a month 38 38 Once a week 25 37 Several times a week 14 28 Once a day 2 9 Several times a day 5 10 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need Never 8.05 11.95 Once a month 30.60 45.40 Once a week 24.96 37.04 Several times a week 16.91 25.09 Once a day 4.43 6.57 Several times a day 6.04 8.96 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 6.594 5 0.253 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 6.818 5 0.235 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q13b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 243 Browse and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation Never 6 14 Once a month 25 51 Once a week 21 41 Several times a week 23 19 Once a day 4 8 Several times a day 7 8 Expected Counts Need Reputation Never 7.58 12.42 Once a month 28.79 47.21 Once a week 23.49 38.51 Several times a week 15.91 26.09 Once a day 4.55 7.45 Several times a day 5.68 9.32 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.438 5 0.190 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.285 5 0.200 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q13c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 244 Browse and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need Never 7 13 Once a month 27 49 Once a week 21 41 Several times a week 13 29 Once a day 4 8 Several times a day 5 10 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need Never 6.78 13.22 Once a month 25.78 50.22 Once a week 21.03 40.97 Several times a week 14.25 27.75 Once a day 4.07 7.93 Several times a day 5.09 9.91 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.267 5 0.998 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.269 5 0.998 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q13d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 245 Browse and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need Never 10 10 Once a month 50 26 Once a week 34 28 Several times a week 19 23 Once a day 6 6 Several times a day 5 10 Expected Counts Contact Info Need Never 10.93 9.07 Once a month 41.52 34.48 Once a week 33.87 28.13 Several times a week 22.94 19.06 Once a day 6.56 5.44 Several times a day 8.19 6.81 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.336 5 0.139 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.427 5 0.134 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q13e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 246 Browse and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need Never 13 7 Once a month 46 30 Once a week 34 28 Several times a week 23 19 Once a day 4 8 Several times a day 4 11 Expected Counts Product Info Need Never 10.93 9.07 Once a month 41.52 34.48 Once a week 33.87 28.13 Several times a week 22.94 19.06 Once a day 6.56 5.44 Several times a day 8.19 6.81 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.863 5 0.115 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.996 5 0.109 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Browse difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 247 A.9 Purchase Purchase and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info Never 36 21 Once a month 95 46 Once a week 17 6 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info Never 38.17 18.83 Once a month 94.43 46.57 Once a week 15.40 7.60 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.886 2 0.642 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.900 2 0.637 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 248 Purchase and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info Never 20 37 Once a month 58 83 Once a week 9 14 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info Never 22.44 34.56 Once a month 55.51 85.49 Once a week 9.05 13.95 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.622 2 0.733 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.628 2 0.731 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 249 Purchase and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info Never 39 18 Once a month 84 56 Once a week 12 10 Expected Counts Price Product Info Never 35.14 21.86 Once a month 86.30 53.70 Once a week 13.56 8.44 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.736 2 0.420 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.756 2 0.416 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 250 Purchase and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price Never 28 29 Once a month 75 66 Once a week 8 15 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price Never 28.63 28.37 Once a month 70.82 70.18 Once a week 11.55 11.45 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.718 2 0.257 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.752 2 0.253 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 251 Purchase and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info Never 16 41 Once a month 56 85 Once a week 10 12 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info Never 21.25 35.75 Once a month 52.55 88.45 Once a week 8.20 13.80 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.055 2 0.217 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.123 2 0.210 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 252 Purchase and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation Never 26 31 Once a month 48 92 Once a week 10 13 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation Never 21.76 35.24 Once a month 53.45 86.55 Once a week 8.78 14.22 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.508 2 0.285 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.489 2 0.288 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 253 Purchase and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info Never 25 32 Once a month 65 76 Once a week 9 14 Expected Counts Price Contact Info Never 25.53 31.47 Once a month 63.16 77.84 Once a week 10.30 12.70 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.416 2 0.812 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.419 2 0.811 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 254 Purchase and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation Never 13 44 Once a month 27 114 Once a week 4 19 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation Never 11.35 45.65 Once a month 28.07 112.93 Once a week 4.58 18.42 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.443 2 0.801 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.436 2 0.804 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 255 Purchase and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price Never 28 29 Once a month 84 57 Once a week 15 8 Expected Counts Reputation Price Never 32.76 24.24 Once a month 81.03 59.97 Once a week 13.22 9.78 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.445 2 0.294 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.438 2 0.295 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 256 Purchase and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Never 33 24 Once a month 73 68 Once a week 10 13 Expected Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Never 29.92 27.08 Once a month 74.01 66.99 Once a week 12.07 10.93 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.446 2 0.485 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.449 2 0.485 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 257 Purchase and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Never 31 26 Once a month 104 37 Once a week 11 12 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Never 37.66 19.34 Once a month 93.15 47.85 Once a week 15.19 7.81 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 10.603 2 0.005 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 10.422 2 0.005 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12k. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 258 Purchase and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look Never 45 11 Once a month 104 35 Once a week 13 10 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look Never 41.61 14.39 Once a month 103.29 35.71 Once a week 17.09 5.91 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.904 2 0.086 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.656 2 0.102 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 259 Purchase and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use Never 29 28 Once a month 95 46 Once a week 13 10 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use Never 35.33 21.67 Once a month 87.41 53.59 Once a week 14.26 8.74 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.015 2 0.081 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.964 2 0.084 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 260 Purchase and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Never 14 43 Once a month 46 95 Once a week 11 12 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Never 18.31 38.69 Once a month 45.30 95.70 Once a week 7.39 15.61 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.112 2 0.128 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.026 2 0.134 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 261 Purchase and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation Never 18 39 Once a month 36 105 Once a week 7 16 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation Never 15.73 41.27 Once a month 38.92 102.08 Once a week 6.35 16.65 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.846 2 0.655 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.837 2 0.658 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 262 Purchase and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price Never 23 34 Once a month 66 75 Once a week 12 11 Expected Counts Need Price Never 26.05 30.95 Once a month 64.44 76.56 Once a week 10.51 12.49 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.116 2 0.572 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.119 2 0.571 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 263 Purchase and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need Never 19 38 Once a month 60 80 Once a week 9 14 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need Never 22.80 34.20 Once a month 56.00 84.00 Once a week 9.20 13.80 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.539 2 0.463 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.559 2 0.459 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q13b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 264 Purchase and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation Never 18 39 Once a month 58 83 Once a week 9 14 Expected Counts Never 21.92 35.08 Once a month 54.23 86.77 Once a week 8.85 14.15 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.571 2 0.456 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.598 2 0.450 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q13c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 265 Purchase and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need Never 22 35 Once a month 39 102 Once a week 11 12 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need Never 18.57 38.43 Once a month 45.94 95.06 Once a week 7.49 15.51 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.927 2 0.085 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.805 2 0.090 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q13d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 266 Purchase and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need Never 32 25 Once a month 75 66 Once a week 12 11 Expected Counts Contact Info Need Never 30.69 26.31 Once a month 75.92 65.08 Once a week 12.38 10.62 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.171 2 0.918 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.1717 2 0.918 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q13e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 267 Purchase and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need Never 32 25 Once a month 78 63 Once a week 11 12 Expected Counts Product Info Need Never 31.21 25.79 Once a month 77.20 63.80 Once a week 12.59 10.41 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.508 2 0.776 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.506 2 0.777 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Purchase difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 268 A.10 Expensive Expensive and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info $10 or less 13 12 $50 or less 27 12 $100 or less 44 22 $500 or less 42 13 Over $500 25 17 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info $10 or less 16.63 8.37 $50 or less 25.94 13.06 $100 or less 43.90 22.10 $500 or less 36.59 18.41 Over $500 27.94 14.06 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.812 4 0.214 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.810 4 0.214 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 269 Expensive and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info $10 or less 9 16 $50 or less 15 24 $100 or less 24 42 $500 or less 24 31 Over $500 19 23 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info $10 or less 10.02 14.98 $50 or less 15.63 23.37 $100 or less 26.46 39.54 $500 or less 22.05 32.95 Over $500 16.84 25.16 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.350 4 0.853 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.349 4 0.853 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 270 Expensive and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info $10 or less 15 10 $50 or less 25 13 $100 or less 35 31 $500 or less 34 20 Over $500 27 15 Expected Counts Price Product Info $10 or less 15.11 9.89 $50 or less 22.97 15.03 $100 or less 39.89 26.11 $500 or less 32.64 21.36 Over $500 25.39 16.61 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.376 4 0.667 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.362 4 0.669 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 271 Expensive and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price $10 or less 12 13 $50 or less 21 18 $100 or less 37 29 $500 or less 22 33 Over $500 24 18 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price $10 or less 12.78 12.22 $50 or less 19.93 19.07 $100 or less 33.73 32.27 $500 or less 28.11 26.89 Over $500 21.46 20.54 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.190 4 0.381 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.208 4 0.379 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 272 Expensive and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info $10 or less 10 15 $50 or less 10 29 $100 or less 30 36 $500 or less 20 35 Over $500 15 26 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info $10 or less 9.40 15.60 $50 or less 14.67 24.33 $100 or less 24.82 41.18 $500 or less 20.69 34.31 Over $500 15.42 25.58 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.227 4 0.376 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.325 4 0.364 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 273 Expensive and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation $10 or less 13 12 $50 or less 16 23 $100 or less 26 40 $500 or less 19 35 Over $500 14 28 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation $10 or less 9.73 15.27 $50 or less 15.19 23.81 $100 or less 25.70 40.30 $500 or less 21.03 32.97 Over $500 16.35 25.65 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.746 4 0.601 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.711 4 0.607 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 274 Expensive and Q12g Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation $10 or less 10 15 $50 or less 20 19 $100 or less 30 36 $500 or less 23 32 Over $500 19 23 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation $10 or less 11.23 13.77 $50 or less 17.52 21.48 $100 or less 29.66 36.34 $500 or less 24.71 30.29 Over $500 18.87 23.13 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.106 4 0.893 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.105 4 0.893 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 275 Expensive and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation $10 or less 7 18 $50 or less 9 30 $100 or less 14 52 $500 or less 7 48 Over $500 11 31 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation $10 or less 5.29 19.71 $50 or less 8.25 30.75 $100 or less 13.96 52.04 $500 or less 11.63 43.37 Over $500 8.88 33.12 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.771 4 0.438 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.981 4 0.409 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 276 Expensive and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price $10 or less 14 11 $50 or less 20 19 $100 or less 36 30 $500 or less 37 18 Over $500 23 19 Expected Counts Reputation Price $10 or less 14.32 10.68 $50 or less 22.33 16.67 $100 or less 37.80 28.20 $500 or less 31.50 23.50 Over $500 24.05 17.95 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.145 4 0.534 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.201 4 0.525 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 277 Expensive and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Price $10 or less 19 6 $50 or less 23 16 $100 or less 36 30 $500 or less 23 32 Over $500 19 23 Expected Counts Contact Info Price $10 or less 13.22 11.78 $50 or less 20.62 18.38 $100 or less 34.89 31.11 $500 or less 29.07 25.93 Over $500 22.20 19.80 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 9.703 4 0.046 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 10.029 4 0.040 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12j. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore do REJECT the Ho. 278 Expensive and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look $10 or less 12 13 $50 or less 23 16 $100 or less 45 21 $500 or less 42 13 Over $500 29 13 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look $10 or less 16.63 8.37 $50 or less 25.94 13.06 $100 or less 43.90 22.10 $500 or less 36.59 18.41 Over $500 27.94 14.06 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.443 4 0.114 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.327 4 0.120 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12k. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 279 Expensive and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look N$10 or less 21 3 $50 or less 28 11 $100 or less 43 23 $500 or less 45 8 Over $500 30 12 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look $10 or less 17.89 6.11 $50 or less 29.08 9.92 $100 or less 49.21 16.79 $500 or less 39.51 13.49 Over $500 31.31 10.69 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.562 4 0.073 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 9.041 4 0.060 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 280 Expensive and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use $10 or less 18 7 $50 or less 22 17 $100 or less 38 28 $500 or less 33 22 Over $500 29 13 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use $10 or less 15.42 9.58 $50 or less 24.05 14.95 $100 or less 40.70 25.30 $500 or less 33.92 21.08 Over $500 25.90 16.10 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.085 4 0.544 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.151 4 0.533 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12m. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 281 Expensive and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info $10 or less 3 22 $50 or less 14 25 $100 or less 23 43 $500 or less 17 38 Over $500 18 24 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info $10 or less 8.26 16.74 $50 or less 12.89 26.11 $100 or less 21.81 44.19 $500 or less 18.17 36.83 Over $500 13.88 28.12 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.186 4 0.126 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.054 4 0.090 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 282 Expensive and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation $10 or less 7 18 $50 or less 10 29 $100 or less 21 45 $500 or less 14 41 Over $500 15 27 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation $10 or less 7.38 17.62 $50 or less 11.51 27.49 $100 or less 19.48 46.52 $500 or less 16.23 38.77 Over $500 12.40 29.60 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.689 4 0.793 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.680 4 0.794 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 283 Expensive and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price $10 or less 10 15 $50 or less 13 26 $100 or less 27 39 $500 or less 28 27 Over $500 26 16 Expected Counts Need Price $10 or less 11.45 13.55 $50 or less 17.87 21.13 $100 or less 30.24 35.76 $500 or less 25.20 29.80 Over $500 19.24 22.76 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 8.383 4 0.079 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 8.448 4 0.076 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q13a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 284 Expensive and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need $10 or less 10 15 $50 or less 16 23 $100 or less 26 39 $500 or less 23 32 Over $500 16 26 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need $10 or less 10.07 14.93 $50 or less 15.70 23.30 $100 or less 26.17 38.83 $500 or less 22.15 32.85 Over $500 16.91 25.09 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.149 4 0.997 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.150 4 0.997 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q13b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 285 Expensive and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation $10 or less 8 17 $50 or less 13 26 $100 or less 23 43 $500 or less 23 32 Over $500 19 23 Expected Counts Need Reputation $10 or less 9.47 15.53 $50 or less 14.78 24.22 $100 or less 25.00 41.00 $500 or less 20.84 34.16 Over $500 15.91 26.09 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.296 4 0.681 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.290 4 0.683 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q13c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 286 Expensive and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need $10 or less 9 16 $50 or less 17 22 $100 or less 23 43 $500 or less 16 39 Over $500 12 30 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need $10 or less 8.48 16.52 $50 or less 13.23 25.77 $100 or less 22.39 43.61 $500 or less 18.66 36.34 Over $500 14.25 27.75 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.809 4 0.590 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.778 4 0.596 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q13d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 287 Expensive and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need $10 or less 14 11 $50 or less 29 10 $100 or less 37 29 $500 or less 28 27 Over $500 16 26 Expected Counts Contact Info Need $10 or less 13.66 11.34 $50 or less 21.30 17.70 $100 or less 36.05 29.95 $500 or less 30.04 24.96 Over $500 22.94 19.06 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 11.138 4 0.025 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 11.472 4 0.022 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q13e. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 288 Expensive and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need $10 or less 14 11 $50 or less 27 12 $100 or less 29 37 $500 or less 33 22 Over $500 21 21 Expected Counts Product Info Need $10 or less 13.66 11.34 $50 or less 21.30 17.70 $100 or less 36.05 29.95 $500 or less 30.04 24.96 Over $500 22.94 19.06 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.420 4 0.115 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.523 4 0.111 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Expensive difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 289 A.11 Experience Experience and Q12a Observed Counts Reputation Product Info Yes, definitely 91 39 Somewhat 45 30 No, not at all 6 6 Expected Counts Reputation Product Info Yes, definitely 85.07 44.93 Somewhat 49.08 25.92 No, not at all 7.85 4.15 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.441 2 0.179 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.385 2 0.184 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12a. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 290 Experience and Q12b Observed Counts Product Info Contact Info Yes, definitely 48 82 Somewhat 34 41 No, not at all 6 6 Expected Counts Product Info Contact Info Yes, definitely 52.72 77.28 Somewhat 30.41 44.59 No, not at all 4.87 7.13 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.866 2 0.393 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.858 2 0.395 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 291 Experience and Q12c Observed Counts Price Product Info Yes, definitely 77 53 Somewhat 47 26 No, not at all 6 6 Expected Counts Price Product Info Yes, definitely 78.60 51.40 Somewhat 44.14 28.86 No, not at all 7.26 4.74 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.102 2 0.577 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.095 2 0.578 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 292 Experience and Q12d Observed Counts Ease of Use Price Yes, definitely 63 67 Somewhat 37 38 No, not at all 10 2 Expected Counts Ease of Use Price Yes, definitely 65.90 64.10 Somewhat 38.02 36.98 No, not at all 6.08 5.92 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.429 2 0.066 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.917 2 0.052 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 293 Experience and Q12e Observed Counts Prof. Look Product Info Yes, definitely 61 69 Somewhat 19 55 No, not at all 2 10 Expected Counts Prof. Look Product Info Yes, definitely 49.35 80.65 Somewhat 28.09 45.91 No, not at all 4.56 7.44 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 11.486 2 0.003 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 11.952 2 0.003 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12e. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 294 Experience and Q12f Observed Counts Contact Info Reputation Yes, definitely 48 82 Somewhat 29 45 No, not at all 8 4 Expected Counts Contact Info Reputation Yes, definitely 51.16 78.84 Somewhat 29.12 44.88 No, not at all 4.72 7.28 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 4.074 2 0.130 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.971 2 0.137 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 295 Experience and Q12g Observed Counts Price Contact Info Yes, definitely 61 69 Somewhat 36 39 No, not at all 3 9 Expected Counts Price Contact Info Yes, definitely 59.91 70.09 Somewhat 34.56 40.44 No, not at all 5.53 6.47 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.295 2 0.317 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.419 2 0.298 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12g. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 296 Experience and Q12h Observed Counts Prof. Look Reputation Yes, definitely 29 101 Somewhat 14 61 No, not at all 4 8 Expected Counts Prof. Look Reputation Yes, definitely 28.16 101.84 Somewhat 16.24 58.76 No, not at all 2.60 9.40 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.392 2 0.499 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.309 2 0.520 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12h. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 297 Experience and Q12i Observed Counts Reputation Price Yes, definitely 80 50 Somewhat 37 38 No, not at all 6 6 Expected Counts Reputation Price Yes, definitely 73.69 56.31 Somewhat 42.51 32.49 No, not at all 6.80 5.20 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.116 2 0.211 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 3.112 2 0.211 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12i. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 298 Experience and Q12j Observed Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Yes, definitely 68 62 Somewhat 39 36 No, not at all 7 5 Expected Counts Contact Info Ease of Use Yes, definitely 68.29 61.71 Somewhat 39.40 35.60 No, not at all 6.30 5.70 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 0.173 2 0.917 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 0.174 2 0.917 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12j. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 299 Experience and Q12k Observed Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Yes, definitely 93 37 Somewhat 41 34 No, not at all 11 1 Expected Counts Ease of Use Prof. Look Yes, definitely 86.87 43.13 Somewhat 50.12 24.88 No, not at all 8.02 3.98 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 9.463 2 0.008 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 10.293 2 0.006 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12k. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 300 Experience and Q12l Observed Counts Price Prof. Look Yes, definitely 94 36 Somewhat 52 20 No, not at all 11 1 Expected Counts Price Prof. Look Yes, definitely 95.37 34.63 Somewhat 52.82 19.18 No, not at all 8.80 3.20 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.179 2 0.336 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.697 2 0.260 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12l. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 301 Experience and Q12m Observed Counts Product Info Ease of Use Yes, definitely 88 42 Somewhat 36 39 No, not at all 8 4 Expected Counts Product Info Ease of Use Yes, definitely 79.08 50.92 Somewhat 45.62 29.38 No, not at all 7.30 4.70 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 7.922 2 0.019 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 7.853 2 0.020 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12m. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore do REJECT the Ho. 302 Experience and Q12n Observed Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Yes, definitely 47 83 Somewhat 26 49 No, not at all 1 11 Expected Counts Prof. Look Contact Info Yes, definitely 44.33 85.67 Somewhat 25.58 49.42 No, not at all 4.09 7.91 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 3.800 2 0.150 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 4.695 2 0.096 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12n. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 303 Experience and Q12o Observed Counts Ease of Use Reputation Yes, definitely 36 94 Somewhat 27 48 No, not at all 3 9 Expected Counts Ease of Use Reputation Yes, definitely 39.54 90.46 Somewhat 22.81 52.19 No, not at all 3.65 8.35 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.727 2 0.422 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.708 2 0.426 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q12o. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 304 Experience and Q13a Observed Counts Need Price Yes, definitely 70 60 Somewhat 25 50 No, not at all 3 9 Expected Counts Need Price Yes, definitely 58.71 71.29 Somewhat 33.87 41.13 No, not at all 5.42 6.58 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 10.166 2 0.006 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 10.369 2 0.006 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q13a. The p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore REJECT the Ho. 305 Experience and Q13b Observed Counts Ease of Use Need Yes, definitely 47 83 Somewhat 35 39 No, not at all 6 6 Expected Counts Ease of Use Need Yes, definitely 52.96 77.04 Somewhat 30.15 43.85 No, not at all 4.89 7.11 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.877 2 0.237 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.867 2 0.239 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q13b. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 306 Experience and Q13c Observed Counts Need Reputation Yes, definitely 54 76 Somewhat 26 49 No, not at all 4 8 Expected Counts Need Reputation Yes, definitely 50.32 79.68 Somewhat 29.03 45.97 No, not at all 4.65 7.35 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 1.101 2 0.577 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1.108 2 0.575 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q13c. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 307 Experience and Q13d Observed Counts Prof. Look Need Yes, definitely 38 92 Somewhat 29 46 No, not at all 7 5 Expected Counts Prof. Look Need Yes, definitely 44.33 85.67 Somewhat 25.58 49.42 No, not at all 4.09 7.91 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 5.203 2 0.074 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 5.021 2 0.081 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q13d. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 308 Experience and Q13e Observed Counts Contact Info Need Yes, definitely 67 63 Somewhat 42 33 No, not at all 9 3 Expected Counts Contact Info Need Yes, definitely 70.69 59.31 Somewhat 40.78 34.22 No, not at all 6.53 5.47 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.559 2 0.278 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.679 2 0.262 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q13e. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 309 Experience and Q13f Observed Counts Product Info Need Yes, definitely 65 65 Somewhat 45 30 No, not at all 8 4 Expected Counts Product Info Need Yes, definitely 70.69 59.31 Somewhat 40.78 34.22 No, not at all 6.53 5.47 Test Statistics Value df p-value Pearson Chi-Square 2.690 2 0.260 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 2.714 2 0.257 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No Experience difference for Q13f. The p-value is greater than 0.05. Therefore do NOT reject the Ho. 310 A.12 Contingency Tables Question 12a Reputation Product Info Total Observed (O) 151 76 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) 37.5 -37.5 (O - E)2 1406.250 1406.250 (O - E)2 / E 12.390 12.390 Chi Squared Calculated 24.78 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Reputation and Product Info 311 Question 12b Product Info Contact Info Total Observed (O) 91 136 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -22.5 22.5 (O - E)2 506.250 506.250 (O - E)2 / E 4.460 4.460 Chi Squared Calculated 8.92 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Product Info and Contact Info 312 Question 12c Price Product Info Total Observed (O) 136 89 225 Expected (E) 112.5 112.5 225 (O - E) 23.5 -23.5 (O - E)2 552.250 552.250 (O - E)2 / E 4.909 4.909 Chi Squared Calculated 9.82 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Price and Product Info 313 Question 12d Ease of Use Price Total Observed (O) 116 111 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 (O - E) 2.5 -2.5 (O - E)2 6.250 6.250 (O - E)2 / E 0.055 0.055 Chi Squared Calculated 0.11 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is less than 3.84 Do NOT reject the Ho There is no difference between Ease of Use and Price 314 Question 12e Prof. Look Product Info Total Observed (O) 85 141 226 Expected (E) 113 113 226 (O - E) -28 28 (O - E)2 784.000 784.000 (O - E)2 / E 6.938 6.938 Chi Squared Calculated 13.88 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Prof. Look and Product Info 315 Question 12f Contact Info Reputation Total Observed (O) 88 138 226 Expected (E) 113 113 226 (O - E) -25 25 (O - E)2 625.000 625.000 (O - E)2 / E 5.531 5.531 Chi Squared Calculated 11.06 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Contact Info and Reputation 316 Question 12g Price Contact Info Total Observed (O) 102 125 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -11.5 11.5 (O - E)2 132.250 132.250 (O - E)2 / E 1.165 1.165 Chi Squared Calculated 2.33 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is less than 3.84 Do NOT reject the Ho There is no difference between Price and Contact Info 317 Question 12h Prof. Look Reputation Total Observed (O) 48 179 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -65.5 65.5 (O - E)2 4290.250 4290.250 (O - E)2 / E 37.800 37.800 Chi Squared Calculated 75.60 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Prof. Look and Reputation 318 Question 12i Reputation Price Total Observed (O) 130 97 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) 16.5 -16.5 (O - E)2 272.250 272.250 (O - E)2 / E 2.399 2.399 Chi Squared Calculated 4.80 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Reputation and Price 319 Question 12j Contact Info Ease of Use Total Observed (O) 120 107 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) 6.5 -6.5 (O - E)2 42.250 42.250 (O - E)2 / E 0.372 0.372 Chi Squared Calculated 0.74 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is less than 3.84 Do NOT reject the Ho There is no difference between Contact Info and Ease of Use 320 Question 12k Ease of Use Prof. Look Total Observed (O) 151 76 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) 37.5 -37.5 (O - E)2 1406.250 1406.250 (O - E)2 / E 12.390 12.390 Chi Squared Calculated 24.78 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Ease of Use and Prof. Look 321 Question 12l Price Prof. Look Total Observed (O) 167 57 224 Expected (E) 112 112 (O - E) 55 -55 (O - E)2 3025.000 3025.000 (O - E)2 / E 27.009 27.009 Chi Squared Calculated 54.02 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Price and Prof. Look 322 Question 12m Product Info Ease of Use Total Observed (O) 140 87 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) 26.5 -26.5 (O - E)2 702.250 702.250 (O - E)2 / E 6.187 6.187 Chi Squared Calculated 12.37 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Product Info and Ease of Use 323 Question 12n Prof. Look Contact Info Total Observed (O) 75 152 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -38.5 38.5 (O - E)2 1482.250 1482.250 (O - E)2 / E 13.059 13.059 Chi Squared Calculated 26.12 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Prof. Look and Contact Info 324 Question 12o Ease of Use Reputation Total Observed (O) 67 160 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -46.5 46.5 (O - E)2 2162.250 2162.250 (O - E)2 / E 19.051 19.051 Chi Squared Calculated 38.10 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Ease of Use and Reputation 325 Question 13a Need Price Total Observed (O) 104 123 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -9.5 9.5 (O - E)2 90.250 90.250 (O - E)2 / E 0.795 0.795 Chi Squared Calculated 1.59 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is less than 3.84 Do NOT reject the Ho There is no difference between Need and Price 326 Question 13b Ease of Use Need Total Observed (O) 91 135 226 Expected (E) 113 113 226 (O - E) -22 22 (O - E)2 484.000 484.000 (O - E)2 / E 4.283 4.283 Chi Squared Calculated 8.57 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Ease of Use and Need 327 Question 13c Need Reputation Total Observed (O) 86 141 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -27.5 27.5 (O - E)2 756.250 756.250 (O - E)2 / E 6.663 6.663 Chi Squared Calculated 13.33 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Need and Reputation 328 Question 13d Prof. Look Need Total Observed (O) 77 150 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) -36.5 36.5 (O - E)2 1332.250 1332.250 (O - E)2 / E 11.738 11.738 Chi Squared Calculated 23.48 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is greater than 3.84 REJECT the Ho There is a difference between Prof. Look and Need 329 Question 13e Contact Info Need Total Observed (O) 124 103 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) 10.5 -10.5 (O - E)2 110.250 110.250 (O - E)2 / E 0.971 0.971 Chi Squared Calculated 1.94 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is less than 3.84 Do NOT reject the Ho There is no difference between Contact Info and Need 330 Question 13f Product Info Need Total Observed (O) 124 103 227 Expected (E) 113.5 113.5 227 (O - E) 10.5 -10.5 (O - E)2 110.250 110.250 (O - E)2 / E 0.971 0.971 Chi Squared Calculated 1.94 Degrees of Freedom 1 Chi Squared (0.05) 3.84 Since Chi Squared Calculated is less than 3.84 Do NOT reject the Ho There is no difference between Product Info and Need 331