Solving the Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem: A Comparison Study of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix and Groebner Basis Theory Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this dissertation is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This dissertation does not include proprietary or classifled information. Kimberly Kendricks Certiflcate of Approval: Michel Smith Professor and Chairman Mathematics and Statistics Overtoun Jenda, Chair Professor Mathematics and Statistics Richard Zalik Professor Mathematics and Statistics Joe F. Pittman Interim Dean Graduate School Solving the Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem: A Comparison Study of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix and Groebner Basis Theory Kimberly Kendricks A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulflllment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama August 4, 2007 Solving the Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem: A Comparison Study of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix and Groebner Basis Theory Kimberly Kendricks Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this dissertation at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date of Graduation iii Vita Kimberly D. Kendricks was born on August 27, 1980 in Dayton, Ohio. After completing high school, she attended the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she received a Dual B.S. in Mathematics and Business. Then, she continued her passion for mathematics at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama where she received her Master?s in Applied Mathematics, and since then, has served as a graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics. iv Dissertation Abstract Solving the Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem: A Comparison Study of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix and Groebner Basis Theory Kimberly Kendricks Doctor of Philosophy, August 4, 2007 (M.A., Auburn University, 2006) (Dual B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2003/2004) 90 Typed Pages Directed by Overtoun Jenda The aim is to analyze two very difierent methods for solving the inverse kinematic robotics problem. The flrst method, called the Engineering Approach, uses the Denavit- Hartenberg Matrix, and the second method, called the Mathematician?s Approach, uses Groebner Basis Theory and MAGMA, a mathematics computer software package. With each approach, we will solve the inverse kinematics robotics problem for various robot manipulators. By comparing each method, this paper will demonstrate that Groebner Basis Theory is more advantageous, and furthermore, more beneflcial to the fleld of mathematics and robotics engineering. v Style manual or journal used Journal of Approximation Theory (together with the style known as \auphd"). Bibliography follows van Leunen?s A Handbook for Scholars. Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (speciflcally LATEX) together with the departmental style-flle auphd.sty. vi Table of Contents List of Figures ix 1 Introduction 1 2 The GMF Robotics A-510 Robot Manipulator 5 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Deflnitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 The Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem 8 3.1 Deflnitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.2 Forward Kinematic Robotics Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.3 Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 The Engineering Approach 11 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.2 Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.2.1 Deflnitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.2.2 Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.3 Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.3.1 Translational Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.3.2 Rotational Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.4 The Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.4.2 Derivation of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.5 A Kinematic Model for the GMF Robotics A510 Robot . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.6 Solving the Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.6.1 Case Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.7 Summary: Engineering Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.7.1 Results for the GMF Robotics A510 Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.7.2 Di?culties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5 The Mathematician?s Approach 44 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.2 Groebner Basis Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.2.1 Terminology and Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.3 Algorithm for Computing a Groebner Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 vii 5.3.1 S-Polynomials and Buchberger?s Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 5.4 MAGMA: Algebraic Computer Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5.5 Solving the Inverse Kinematics Robotics Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5.5.2 Algebraic Model for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot . . . . . . . . . 51 5.5.3 Calculating A Groebner Basis With MAGMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 5.5.4 Case Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 5.6 Summary: Mathematician?s Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 6 Method Analysis 62 6.1 GMF Robotics A-510 Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 6.2 The Jacobian Matrix and Singularities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 6.2.1 The Jacobian for a Robot Manipulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 6.2.2 Finding the Jacobian for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot . . . . . . 67 6.2.3 Singularities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 6.2.4 Finding Singularities for the GMF A-510 Robot . . . . . . . . . . . 71 6.3 A Procedure for an Algebraic Model for Robot Manipulators . . . . . . . . 72 7 Conclusion 75 Bibliography 78 Appendices 80 viii List of Figures 2.1 Robot Manipulator identifying segments and joints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 GMF A-510 Robot, ref. Hung [8]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 Axis Motion for GMF A-510 Robot, ref. Hung [8]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.1 Translational Transformation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2 Homogeneous Transformation Matrix I, ref. Klafter [10]. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.3 Displaced Reference Frames in the Same Space, ref. Klafter [10]. . . . . . . 21 4.4 Alignment of Reference Frames Example,ref. Klafter [10]. . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.5 Establishing Link Coordinate Reference Frames, ref. Lee [14]. . . . . . . . . 23 4.6 Establishing Link Coordinate Frames for the GMF A-510 Robot, ref. Hung [8]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.7 Case 1: L1 and L3 are Collinear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.8 Case 2: A Point Inside a Circle Centered at the Origin of radius r = 740 . . 39 4.9 Case 3: A Point Outside a Circle Centered at the Origin of radius r = 740 . 40 4.10 Summary of Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.11 Summary of Solutions found with Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.1 Algebraic Model: Top View of GMF A-510 Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5.2 Algebraic Model: Top View of GMF A-510 Robot L1 = 410 . . . . . . . . . 53 6.1 GMF A-510 Robot, ref. Hung [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 ix Chapter 1 Introduction Robots have become an integral part of everyday life. Automobiles, household prod- ucts, and canned or boxed foods, are all prepared by assembly line robots. In this paper, we highlight the importance of studying robotic motion to perform these tasks. In particular, we are concerned with flnding all of the possible movements needed in order to move the robot hand to a desired location where it may pick up, pull, or push an object. By deter- mining a robot?s capabilities, we can better classify the robot for speciflc tasks improving e?ciency and productivity. We call the problem of flnding all possible movements the in- verse kinematics robotics problem. The inverse kinematic robotics problem has proved to be of great signiflcance because the solutions found provide control over the position and orientation of the robot hand. Studies have shown that the inverse kinematic robotics problem can be solved using matrix algebra, iterative procedures, or geometric applications. Paul [18] used a matrix algebra technique called the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix, preferred by engineers because of its sim- plicity and repetition, to obtain an inverse kinematic solution for a robot manipulator. Huang [7], Manseur and Doty [15] have developed iterative procedures to obtain a solution. These iterative methods require rigorous calculations that do not necessarily converge to a correct solution. Lastly, Lee [14], Yih and Youm [23] applied a geometric approach to solving the inverse kinematic robotics problem. The works of these authors are profound, but it is unclear which method to use. Is one method more e?cient in calculating real 1 solutions in real-time than another? This is debatable, but what is overwhelmingly evident is the popularity of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix. Derived by authors J. Denavit and R. S. Hartenberg, the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix (The Engineering Approach) is the most widely used technique for solving the inverse kine- matic robotics problem for several reasons. One, speciflc intervals can be formed describing the angle of rotation or translation of each joint of a robot manipulator. These intervals deflne the potential movement of each joint. Two, with these intervals of movement, certain parameters can be used in a matrix to describe the movement of the i?1th joint in terms of the ith joint. Therefore, each joint can be described by a matrix. Three, the product of all of these joint matrices describes the flnal position of the robot hand in space. In summary, the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix is easy to use and easy to understand. However, when using this technique, we encounter the following di?culties: the need for additional methods and algorithms to solve the problem, matrix computations may be too large or too complex, some solutions cannot be found in real-time, and some solutions are not easily found. Given these di?culties, and those associated with other engineering approaches, we look for an alternate method that can resolve them. Hence, Groebner Basis Theory (The Mathematician?s Approach). Developed by Bruno Buchberger, an algebraic algorithm can be applied to a given set of non-zero polynomials, producing a basis set, such that every polynomial in the original set is a linear combination of those polynomials in the basis set. By flnding solutions to this basis set, we thereby flnd solutions to the entire set. With the aid of MAGMA, an algebraic computer software package, we can calculate these solutions in real-time, and consider cases not as easily solved using the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix, 2 thereby flnding all possible solutions. To familiarize the reader with each approach, we begin by solving the inverse kinematic robotics problem for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot. By demonstrating each approach on a robot with a simple construction, we are able to reveal where potential problems in the Engineering Approach can arise. We then extend our knowledge and apply each approach to a difierent class of robot manipulators. We will analyze each method and compare their corresponding solutions. The aim is to present to engineers and mathematicians an appli- cation of Groebner Basis Theory that can solve the inverse kinematics robotics problem while resolving the di?culties engineers face using the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix. In the past, solving the inverse kinematic robotics problem for various robot manip- ulators has advanced the fleld of robotics engineering, but this comparative study will contribute to the advancement of the fleld of mathematics, as well, and more importantly, continue to satisfy the needs of a growing industry dependent upon robots. We begin by introducing the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot in Chapter 2, where we dis- cuss the robot?s speciflcations, deflnitions, and important properties. Next is Chapter 3 which focuses on kinematics. Here, the inverse kinematic robotics problem is explained in more detail. Chapter 4 is devoted to the Engineering Approach of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix. A derivation of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix is given as well as a solution to the inverse kinematics robotics problem. Chapter 5 is devoted to the Mathematicians? Ap- proach of Groebner Basis Theory. The algorithm for flnding a Groebner basis is provided as well as a solution to the inverse kinematic robotics problem. At the end of chapters four and flve, there is a small summary of the solutions found. It is in Chapter 6 where we 3 extend our knowledge and apply each approach to an entire class of robot manipulators. A brief conclusion follows summarizing the flndings in this paper. 4 Chapter 2 The GMF Robotics A-510 Robot Manipulator 2.1 Introduction The GMF Robotics A-510 Robot is manufactured by GMF FANUC Robotics and is typically used to perform assembly line tasks. The GMF Robotics A-510 Robot that is used in this study presently sits in the Electrical Engineering Robotics Laboratory at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. This robot came from the General Motors Saturn Automotive Plant in Tennessee. Various tools such as grippers, welders, and spray guns can be attached to the robot to perform speciflc tasks. We explore other attributes of the robot below. 2.2 Deflnitions Deflnition 1: A robot manipulator consists of links which are connected to one another by joints. Deflnition 2: A link is a rigid body in a robot manipulator. A link is also called a segment. Deflnition 3: There are two types of joints. A revolute joint which is a rotary joint that allows the rotation of one link about the joint of the preceding link, and a prismatic joint which is a linear joint that allows translation between joints. Deflnition 4: A serial link manipulator is a robot manipulator in which links and joints are arranged in an alternating fashion. 5 Segment Revolute Joint Prismatic Joint Figure 2.1: Robot Manipulator identifying segments and joints. Deflnition 5: An end efiector is the last joint in a serial link manipulator. The end efiector is typically called the robot hand since various tools can be attached to the end efiector to have the robot perform difierent tasks. Deflnition 6: A degree of freedom represents a joint-link pair. 2.3 Properties The GMF Robotics A-510 robot has four degrees of freedom. The flrst joint is a prismatic joint and the second, third, and fourth are revolute joints. The motion of each joint axis is described in the table below. ? The Z axis has a vertical motion of 300mm.(Prismatic Joint) ? The Theta axis has a horizontal rotation of 300 degrees. (Revolute Joint) ? The U axis has a horizontal rotation of 300 degrees. (Revolute Joint) ? The fi axis (end efiector) has a rotation of 540 degrees. (We are only concerned with where this joint will be placed in space, so we will not incorporate this axis in future calculations.) 6 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a11 a12 a13 a1 a2 a3 a4 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a1 a2 a3 a4 a1 a19 a20 a15 a18 a1 a2 a3 a4 Figure 2.2: GMF A-510 Robot, ref. Hung [8]. Figure 2.3: Axis Motion for GMF A-510 Robot, ref. Hung [8]. 7 Chapter 3 The Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem 3.1 Deflnitions Deflnition 1: Kinematics is the study of motion, ignoring such factors as mass, gravity, and torques. Deflnition 2: A Kinematic Chain is a robot manipulator in which each joint has at most two links. Moreover, a Kinematic Chain is a serial link manipulator whose flrst link is connected to the base and whose flnal joint is connected to just one link, leaving the remaining end open. Thus, in a Kinematic Chain no closed loops can be formed. There are two types of kinematic problems: The Forward Kinematics Robotics Problem and The Inverse Kinematics Robotics Problem. 3.2 Forward Kinematic Robotics Problem The Forward Kinematic Robotics Problem: Given a robot manipulator with speciflc joint angles, we can flnd the exact position and orientation of the robot hand (end efiector). Because of its simplicity, the Forward Kinematic Robotics Problem gains little interest. 8 3.3 Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem The Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem: Given an orientation and position for a robotic arm, we want to show that by flnding all possible combinations of joint set- tings, we can place the hand of the robot at this exact point and orientation. The inverse kinematic robotics problem has been the focus of kinematic analysis for robot manipulators. In order to determine all possible formations to place the end efiector of a robot manipulator at a particular point in space, we must compute the movements associated with each joint variable. In doing so, over the span of several decades, authors have faced the following di?culties: ? The complexity of the inverse kinematic robotics problem is determined by the geom- etry of the robot manipulator. ? Some calculations to solving the inverse kinematic problem cannot be computed in real-time. ? There can be di?culty in flnding all possible solutions. ? There can be di?culty in flnding real solutions. The GMF Robotics A510 Robot is formed by a set of interconnected rigid bodies called links and these rigid bodies are connected by prismatic or revolute joints. We are interested 9 in how these bodies move in relation to one another in order to place the robot hand, or end efiector, at a desired point in space. Hence, our focus on the inverse kinematic robotics problem. 10 Chapter 4 The Engineering Approach 4.1 Introduction The Engineering Approach uses the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix to solve the inverse kinematic robotics problem. With some examples, we derive the Denavit-Hartenberg Ma- trix, then use the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix to flnd a solution to the inverse kinematic robotics problem for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot. 4.2 Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrices 4.2.1 Deflnitions Deflnition 1: Homogeneous Coordinates are an alternate way of representing a three di- mensional vector, but have the addition of a fourth component called a scaling factor, and all of the components are multiplied by this scaling factor. Example: In matrix form, the homogeneous representation of a vector ~v is 2 66 66 66 66 64 x0 y0 z0 s 3 77 77 77 77 75 11 where s is the scaling factor and x0 = sx , y0 = sy and z0 = sz. 4.2.2 Remarks 1. Homogeneous representations are not unique. 2. The null vector is represented as 2 66 66 66 66 64 0 0 0 s 3 77 77 77 77 75 where s is a non-zero real number. 3. A vector is undeflned if all the entries are zero. 4. Vector operations such as the Dot Product and Cross Product have homogeneous representations. 4.3 Transformations Transformations are a class of matrix operators that can perform vector operations resulting in the translation or rotation of a vector. There are two types of transformations: translational and rotational. 12 4.3.1 Translational Transformations A Translational Transformation denoted Trans(a,b,c) moves a point deflned by a vector ~x, to a new point deflned by a vector ~y. The location of ~y is given by the vector addition of ~x with a translation vector deflned by (a,b,c), where a,b,c represent the components of the vector that are added to the components of the vector ~x. In other words, we are moving a point described by a vector ~x along the diagonal (a,b,c) to a new point described by the vector ~y. Trans(a,b,c) is deflned as Trans(a;b;c) = 2 66 66 66 66 64 1 0 0 a 0 1 0 b 0 0 1 c 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 The vector components a,b,c are added to the vector ~x to get the point described by the vector ~y. Example: Let P = (2;1) be a point in the xy-plane. We wish to move P along the diagonal of 30? for a distance of 8 units to a new point P0. What are the coordinates of the flnal point P0 = (x2;y2)? Solution: The homogeneous representation of P is, 13 ~P = 2 66 66 66 66 64 2 1 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 Since we are moving ~P along a 30? diagonal, the unit vector corresponding to this direction is ~u = 2 66 66 66 66 64 p3 2 1 2 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 The vector of length 8 along 30? is ~u0 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 4p3 4 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 14 P P? 2 1 8 units 30 x y 2 Figure 4.1: Translational Transformation Example In homogeneous representation, then, ~P0 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 1 0 0 4p3 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 2 66 66 66 66 64 2 1 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 2+4p3 5 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 So, P0 = (2+4p3;5) Note: In the computation of ~P0 the scaling factor is 1. In summary, a translational transformation describes motion along a line. 15 4.3.2 Rotational Transformations A Rotational Transformation, denoted Rot(axis, ), moves a point deflned by a vector to a new position in space by rotating the point by about an axis. Using homogeneous representation, we have the following rotational transformations: For rotation about the x-axis, Rot(x; ) = 2 66 66 66 66 64 1 0 0 0 0 cos ?sin 0 0 sin cos 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 For rotation about the y-axis, Rot(y; ) = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos 0 sin 0 0 1 0 0 ?sin 0 cos 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 For rotation about the z-axis, 16 Rot(z; ) = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos ?sin 0 0 sin cos 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 The angle of rotation can be positive or negative and is deflned by using the right-hand rule. Rotation is positive if the cross product of two axes is in the positive direction of the third axis. That is, the cross product of the initial and flnal vectors is in the same direction as the axis about which the rotation is to be performed. For example, the cross product of ~x?~y = ~z, so positive rotation will occur about the z-axis. Example: Let ~P = 2 66 66 66 66 64 2 2 2 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 We wish to rotate ~P, 45? about the z-axis to the point described by the vector ~P0. What would the homogeneous coordinate for ~P0 be? Solution: 17 First, we wish to flnd Rot(z;45) = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos45 ?sin45 0 0 sin45 cos45 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 Then, ~P0 = Rot(z;45)? ~P = 2 66 66 66 66 64 p2 2 ?p2 2 0 0 p2 2 p2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 2 66 66 66 66 64 2 2 2 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 0 2p2 2 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 Thus, ~P0 = (0;2p2;2;1) . 4.4 The Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix 4.4.1 Introduction To understand the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix, we must flrst understand how it is de- rived. The Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix is a special form of a homogeneous transformation 18 Figure 4.2: Homogeneous Transformation Matrix I, ref. Klafter [10]. matrix, a 4 ? 4 matrix having the property of transforming a vector from one coordinate frame to another by means of a translation or rotation. For a kinematic chain with n-joints and n ? 1-links, each joint is assigned a frame of reference. We can align each frame of reference by performing a series of rotations and transformations. Thus, each joint can be represented by a homogeneous transformation matrix describing the particular rotation or translation needed to align the i?1th joint with ith joint. The product of these matrices gives the flnal position of the nth joint. In this case, the nth joint represents the robot hand (end efiector). 4.4.2 Derivation of the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix A homogeneous transformation matrix can be described in two difierent ways. One way is For the matrix above, 1. The upper left 3?3 matrix is the Rotation Matrix 2. The 3?1 vector describes the Position vector (or Translation) 3. The 1?3 vector is called the Perspective Transform, and is f0;0;0g. 19 4. The 1?1 vector is the Scaling Factor, and will always be represented as s = 1. On the other hand, we can also describe the homogeneous transformation matrix as: 2 66 66 66 66 64 nx ox ax px ny oy ay py nz oz az pz 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 Figure 4.2 Homogeneous Transformation Matrix II. The matrix above, also known as the T-Variable Matrix, describes the direction vectors for the x, y, and z axes of frame 2 in terms of the direction vectors for the x, y, and z axes of frame 1, where the normal vector ~n represents the x-axis, the orientation vector ~o represents the y-axis, and the approach vector ~a represents the z-axis. 1. For the flrst column, nx;ny;nz are the components of the unit vector deflning the x-axis of frame 2 in terms of the three unit vectors of the axes from frame 1. 2. For the second column, ox;oy;oz are the components of the unit vector deflning the y-axis of frame 2 in terms of the three unit vectors of the axes from frame 1. 3. For the third column, ax;ay;az are the components of the unit vector deflning the z-axis of frame 2 in terms of the three unit vectors of the axes from frame 1. 4. The fourth column is position of frame 2 with respect to frame 1. 20 Figure 4.3: Displaced Reference Frames in the Same Space, ref. Klafter [10]. [Klafter] In the above examples, we have looked at vectors in an orthogonal reference frame. Now, we will consider a space consisting of two or more orthogonal reference frames whose origins are displaced. Note: We can use the previous transformation operators to align the displaced refer- ence frames. Notation: The symbol Amn represents homogeneous transformation matrices that relate points in frame n in terms of frame m. In particular, A0n = A01 ?A12 ?A23 ????? A(n?1)n. Consider the following flgure. 21 Figure 4.4: Alignment of Reference Frames Example,ref. Klafter [10]. Then, A03 = A01 ?A12 ?A23 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 ?1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 z 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 2 66 66 66 66 64 0 0 ?1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 y1 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 2 66 66 66 66 64 0 1 0 y2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 y1 +y2 0 0 1 z 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 Deflnition: The Inverse Homogeneous Transformation Matrix of Amn is Anm. Hence, the inverse of a homogeneous transformation is deflned by (Amn)?1 = Anm. Thus, it follows that Amn ?Anm = I; the identity matrix. 22 Figure 4.5: Establishing Link Coordinate Reference Frames, ref. Lee [14]. Looking at the above example, the inverse is simply taking the reverse. So, to flnd (A03)?1, we simply walk backwards from the third reference frame and work our way towards the zero reference frame. Similarly, a cartesian coordinate system can be assigned to each joint of a robot manipulator such that each connected link is assigned a particular coordinate axis. Each link coordinate frame is determined using the following rules: 1. The zi?1 axis lies along the axis of motion of the ith joint. 2. The xi axis is normal to the zi?1 axis, with it?s positive direction towards the zi axis. 3. The yi axis is chosen so that the three axes form a right-handed system, ref. Lee [14]. There are four parameters associated with each link: ai, the length of the link, fii, the link twist, di, the linear distance of a prismatic joint, and i, the degree rotation of a revolute 23 joint. Each of these parameters is deflned with respect to two joint axes attached to a particular link, such that ? i is the joint angle from the xi?1 axis to the xi about the zi?1 axis (using the right- hand rule) ? di is the distance from the origin of the (i?1)th coordinate frame to the intersection of the zi?1 axis with the xi axis along the zi?1 axis. ? ai is the distance from the intersection of the zi?1 axis with the xi axis to the origin of the ith frame along the xi axis. ? fii is the angle from the zi?1 axis to the zi axis about the xi axis.[Lee] Observe that ai and fii describe the structure of a link whereas di and i describe the position in regards to neighboring links. Note: Assignment of reference frames is not unique. Once the link coordinate frames are established, these four parameters are used in a transformation matrix to deflne the relationship between consecutive frames. This matrix is called the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix (D-H Matrix), a homogeneous transformation matrix solely deflned by the four link parameters and can be found by a series of translations and rotations. Using the link parameters, let Rot(axis, i) denote a rotational transformation about the given axis i degrees, and let Trans(a,b,c) denote a translational transformation that 24 moves a point deflned by a vector ~x, along the diagonal (a,b,c) to a new point deflned by a vector ~y. Then, the product of these transformations in this order gives the D-H Matrix: A(i?1)i = Rot(xi;fii)Trans(ai;0;0)Trans(0;0;di)Rot(zi?1; i) = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos i ?cosfii sin i sinfii sin i ai cos i sin i cosfii cos i ?sinfii cos i ai sin i 0 sinfii cosfii di 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 Note: When solving the inverse kinematic robotics problems, ai and fii are constants and either di and i are joint variables. Thus, for an n-degree of freedom manipulator, let P be the matrix which is a function of all of the joint variables, then, P = A0n = A01 ?A12 ?A23 ?????A(n?1)n where each Aij matrix is of the D-H Matrix form. 25 a0 a1 a2 a1 a3 a1 a0 a4 a5 a4 a2 a4 a3 a4 a0 a6 a2 a6 a3 a6 a0 a7 a2 a7 a3 a7 a8 a6 a8 a1 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a9 a9 a15 a9 a9 a16 a17 a18 a11 a14 a9 a9 a19 a9 a20 a4 a20 a1 Figure 4.6: Establishing Link Coordinate Frames for the GMF A-510 Robot, ref. Hung [8]. 4.5 A Kinematic Model for the GMF Robotics A510 Robot The GMF Robotics A-510 robot has four degrees of freedom. However, the following kinematic model focuses on the flrst three joints. The last joint refers to the robot hand or end efiector. Since we are solving the inverse kinematic robotics problem, we are only interested in where this fourth joint, the robot hand (end efiector) will be placed in space. We establish the link coordinate frames in Figure 4.6. Then describe each joint in terms of the four parameters ai;fii; i; and di. Below is a table describing the joint parameters of the GMF Robotics A510 Robot. Table 4.1: Table of A-510 link parameters, ref. Hung [8]. Joint, i type GMF name location ai fii i di 1 rotational Theta waist 0 0 1 980 mm 2 prismatic Z - 410 mm 0 0 d2 3 rotational U elbow 330 mm 0 3 0 26 The information in the table allows us to form the following transformation matrices. A01 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos 1 ?sin 1 0 0 sin 1 cos 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 A12 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 1 0 0 410 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 d2 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 A23 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos 3 ?sin 3 0 330?cos 3 sin 3 cos 3 0 330?sin 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 27 4.6 Solving the Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem To solve the inverse kinematic robotics problem for the GMF Robotics A510 Robot, let P = A01?A12?A23 . Using MAPLE, a mathematics computer package, we calculate P. P= 2 66 66 66 66 4 cos 1 cos 3 ?sin 1 sin 3 ?cos 1 sin 3 ?sin 1 cos 3 0 330cos 1 cos 3 ?330sin 1 sin 3 +410cos 1 sin 1 cos 3 +cos 1 sin 3 cos 1 cos 3 ?sin 1 sin 3 0 330sin 1 cos 3 +330cos 1 sin 3 +410sin 1 0 0 1 980+d2 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 5 The fourth column represents the flnal position of the end efiector. Using the Matrix Ma- nipulation Method [8], we set the T-Variable Matrix equal to P, the flnal position matrix, and get T ?VariableMatrix = 2 66 66 66 66 64 nx ox ax px ny oy ay py nz oz az pz 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 = 2 66 66 66 4 cos 1 cos 3 ?sin 1 sin 3 ?cos 1 sin 3 ?sin 1 cos 3 0 330cos 1 cos 3 ?330sin 1 sin 3 +410cos 1 sin 1 cos 3 +cos 1 sin 3 cos 1 cos 3 ?sin 1 sin 3 0 330sin 1 cos 3 +330cos 1 sin 3 +410sin 1 0 0 1 980+d2 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 5 28 We want to flnd d2; 1; and 3 that satisfy those equations in the fourth column representing px;py; and pz. That is, we want to flnd those joint angles, that will allow the end efiector to reach the points in space described by = 2 66 66 66 66 64 330cos 1 cos 3 ?330sin 1 sin 3 +410cos 1 330sin 1 cos 3 +330cos 1 sin 3 +410sin 1 980+d2 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 We multiply each side by A?11 such that A?11 ?T ?VariableMatrix = A2 ?A3 2 66 66 66 66 4 cos 1 sin 1 0 0 ?sin 1 cos 1 0 0 0 0 1 ?980 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 5 2 66 66 66 66 4 nx ox ax px ny oy ay py nz oz az pz 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 5 = 2 66 66 66 66 4 cos 3 ?sin 3 0 330cos 3 +410 sin 3 cos 3 0 330sin 3 0 0 1 d2 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 5 29 Simplifying the left-hand side (LHS) further, we have A?11 ?T ?VariableMatrix = 2 66 66 66 66 4 nx cos 1 +ny sin 1 ox cos 1 +oy sin 1 ax cos 1 +ay sin 1 px cos 1 +py sin 1 ?nx sin 1 +ny cos 1 ?0x sin 1 +oy cos 1 ?ax sin 1 +ay cos 1 ?px sin 1 +py cos 1 nz oz az pz ?980 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 5 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos 3 ?sin 3 0 330cos 3 +410 sin 3 cos 3 0 330sin 3 0 0 1 d2 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 = A2 ?A3 We then set the elements of each matrix equal to one another. In particular, we have (4.1) px cos 1 +py sin 1 = 330cos 3 +410 30 (4.2) ?px sin 1 +py cos 1 = 330sin 3 (4.3) d2 = pz ?980 Thus, we have found d2 = pz ?980. So we have found one of the three unknown variables. However, we still need to flnd 1 and 3. To flnd 3 , we use (4.1) and (4.2). Observe by squaring both sides of (4.1), (4.4) (px cos 1 +py sin 1)2 = (330cos 3 +410)2 gives (4.5) p2x(cos 1)2 +2pxpy cos 1 sin 1 +p2y(sin 1)2 = 3302(cos 3)2 +2?410?330cos 3 +4102 And by squaring both sides of (4.2) (?px sin 1 +py cos 1)2 = (330sin 3)2 31 gives (4.6) p2x(sin 1)2 ?2pxpy cos 1 sin 1 +p2y(cos 1)2 = 3302(sin 3)2 Then, by adding (4.5) and (4.6), we get (4.7) p2x +p2y = 3302 +2?410?330cos 3 +4102 Then, (4.8) p 2x +p2y ?3302 ?4102 2?410?330 = cos 3 = X3 Now, we shall flnd sin 3. To do so, we substitute for cos 3 in (4.1), and square both sides, then add (4.6). p2x(cos 1)2 +2pxpy cos 1 sin 1 +p2y(sin 1)2 = f330(p 2 x +p 2 y ?330 2 ?4102) 2?410?330 +410g 2 +p2x(sin 1)2 ?2pxpy cos 1 sin 1 +p2y(cos 1)2 = 3302(sin 3)2 32 Combining the left-hand sides and right-hand sides respectively, yields p2x +p2y = f330?(p 2x +p2y ?3302 ?4102) 2?410?330 +410g 2 +3302(sin 3)2 Then, (4.9) ? s p2x +p2y ?f330? (p2x+p2y?3302?4102)(2?410?330) +4102g 330 = sin 3 = Y3 Thus, (4.10) 3 = tan?1( Y3X 3 ); for ??2 ? 3 ? ?2 Now that we have found 3, we look to flnd 1. Using (4.1) and (4.2), we have two equations in two unknowns px cos 1 +py sin 1 = 330cos 3 +410 ?px sin 1 +py cos 1 = 330sin 3 33 Using elimination, we solve the system of equations to get (4.11) Y1 = sin 1 = ?py(330X3 +410)+px330Y3?p2 x ?p2y and (4.12) X1 = cos 1 = (330X3 +410)px +330Y3pyp2 x +p2y Thus, (4.13) 1 = tan?1( Y1X 1 ); for ??2 ? 1 ? ?2 So, we have found the joint angles (d2, 1, and 3) that will allow the end efiector to touch the points (px;py;pz) in space. Hence, the inverse kinematic robotics problem for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot is solved. 4.6.1 Case Examples We verify these results in the following examples: Note: Since pz determines the height of (px;py), we restrict our focus to (px;py), with the 34 L3= 330L1=410 (Px,Py) Figure 4.7: Case 1: L1 and L3 are Collinear understanding that (px;py) can occur at any height pz. Case 1: When L1 and L3 are Collinear If L1 = 410 and L3 = 330 are collinear, then 3 = 0?. Thus, for 1 from ?150? ? 1 ? 150?, we have the following px = 330cos( 1 +0)+410cos 1 = 740cos 1 py = 330sin( 1 +0)+410sin 1 = 740sin 1 35 Thus, there is one formation to reach the point (px;py). Case 2: A Point Inside a Circle of Radius r = 740 Centered at the Origin We wish to flnd (px;py) where 1 = 30? and 3 = 30? by using the Forward Kinematic Robotics Problem px = 330cos(60)+410cos(30) = 165+205p3 py = 330sin(60)+410sin(30) = 165p3+205 Using the Inverse Kinematic Robotics Problem, we check these results. Given the flnal position described by px and py, we wish to flnd 1 and 3. We substitute into the equations derived in the previous section, X3 = cos 3 = (165+205 p3)2 +(165p3+205)2 ?3302 ?4102 2?410?330 = p3 2 36 Y3 = sin 3 = ? q (165+205p3)2 +(165p3+205)2 ?(330 p3 2 +410)2 330 = ? 1 2 Thus, 3 = tan?1( 1 2p 3 2 ) = 30? for ??2 ? 3 ? ?2 and, 3 = tan?1( ?1 2p 3 2 ) = ?30? for ??2 ? 3 ? ?2 To flnd 1, using Y3 = 12, we substitute these values into the equations above to get Y1 = sin 1 = ?(165 p3+205)(330p3 2 +410)+(165+205 p3)3301 2 ?(165+205p3)2 ?(165p3+205)2 = 1 2 X1 = cos 1 = (330 p3 2 +410)(165+205 p3)+3301 2(165 p3+205) (165+205p3)2 +(165p3+205)2 = p3 2 37 Thus, 1 = tan?1( 1 2p 3 2 ) = 30? Also, we need to flnd 1 when Y3 = ?12 Y1 = sin 1 = ?(165 p3+205)(330p3 2 +410)+(165+205 p3)330?1 2 ?(165+205p3)2 ?(165p3+205)2 = 0:84 X1 = cos 1 = (330 p3 2 +410)(165+205 p3)+330?1 2 (165 p3+205) (165+205p3)2 +(165p3+205)2 = 0:55 Thus, 1 = tan?1(0:840:55) ? 56:83? 38 L3= 330L1=410 (Px, Py) Figure 4.8: Case 2: A Point Inside a Circle Centered at the Origin of radius r = 740 Since we solved a quadratic equation for Y3, we found two solutions for 3 and two corresponding solutions for 1. Hence, there are two joint settings that will place the robot hand at (px;py) = (165+205p3;165p3+205). They are 3 = 30? 1 = 30? and 3 = ?30? 1 = 56:83? Thus, we have found all joint settings that will place the robot hand at (px;py) = (165+205p3;165p3+205). 39 L3 = 330 L1=410 (Px,Py) Figure 4.9: Case 3: A Point Outside a Circle Centered at the Origin of radius r = 740 Case 3: A Point Outside a Circle of Radius r = 740 Centered at the Origin Let (px;py) = (760;760). We need to calculate 1 and 3. For 3, X3 = cos 3 = 760 2 +7602 ?3302 ?4102 2?410?330 = 878200 270600 = 3:24538 But this is a contradiction since cos 3 must lie between ?1 and 1. It is clear that a solution for 3 will not be found. Thus, a solution for 1 will not be found. Hence, this example supports the fact that only those values that lie in the specifled domain for each joint variable have the potential to exist as possible solutions. 40 Two Solutions No Solutions One Solution Figure 4.10: Summary of Solutions 4.7 Summary: Engineering Approach 4.7.1 Results for the GMF Robotics A510 Robot We have found d2, 1, and 3. In particular, we found 1 and 3 in terms of (px;py). From this representation, however, we are not able to gain enough information about each (px;py). In fact, we don?t know if (px;py) is a reachable point in space unless we substitute it into the equations derived for 1 and 3. This could become tedious. From our calculations of a quadratic equation, the most we can conclude is that there are two angle conflgurations for each joint, to reach (px;py). It is desired to flnd all (px;py) that are reachable points within our workspace. By picking three difierent points in space, we discovered for 1 and 3, such that ?? 2 ? 1 ? ? 2 and ?? 2 ? 3 ? ? 2, that there are at most none, one, or two formations that can place the robot hand at a particular point in space. We wish to determine the unique set of points that will produce no solutions, the unique set of points that will produce one solution, and the unique set of points that will produce two solutions. 41 Two Solutions One Solution One Solution One Solution Two Solutions -150 150 Figure 4.11: Summary of Solutions found with Manipulation Observe further that since 1 and 3 range from ?150? to 150?, and the equations we derived for them satisfy ??2 ? 1 ? ?2 and ??2 ? 3 ? ?2, we have not found all possible solu- tions. We manipulate the equations in our kinematic model to flnd any remaining solutions. Using (4.1), if we let 3 = cos?1 " p2x +p2y ?3302 ?4102 2?410?330 # where 0 ? 3 ? ?, and let 1 range from ?150? to 150?, we discover more solutions. In fact, by choosing three more test points in this new domain, there are none, one, or two formations that can place the robot hand at a particular point inside this domain. Since the geometry of our robot arm corresponds to the symmetry of the unit axis, we have also found those solutions where ?? ? 3 ? 0 By analyzing the geometry of the robot, and manipulating our kinematic model, we discovered more solutions that determined new formations. But we were only able to do so because of the simple geometry of the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot. However, if the 42 geometry of the robot is more complex, solutions are not easily found, and in some cases, solutions are not found at all. Facing this challenge, we acknowledge other di?culties to the Engineering Approach. 4.7.2 Di?culties 1. There are instances when no solution can be found due to limitations on the robot manipulator, 2. Multiple solutions are possible since the robot manipulator can use difierent forma- tions to place the robot hand at a particular point in space, 3. Careful analysis of the geometry of the robot manipulator forces a close examination and, in some cases, manipulation of the equations found to solve the inverse kinematic robotics problem in order to flnd all possible solutions. 4. Some calculations cannot be computed as easily by hand. Hence, the use of MAPLE, a mathematics computer software. To resolve these di?culties and other challenges mentioned, we search for an alternate method{The Mathematician?s Approach. 43 Chapter 5 The Mathematician?s Approach 5.1 Introduction The Mathematician?s Approach uses Groebner Basis Theory to solve the inverse kine- matic robotics problem. We begin with background on Groebner Basis Theory. Then, with an example, show how to develop a Groebner basis. Lastly, we use a Groebner basis to solve the inverse kinematic robotics problem for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot. 5.2 Groebner Basis Theory Groebner Basis Theory allows mathematicians to use a particular algorithm to solve systems of polynomial equations. More formally, this algorithm, named Buchberger?s algo- rithm [2], after mathematician Bruno Buchberger, applies computational algebra techniques to speciflc polynomial ideals, producing a Groebner basis that can be used to flnd solutions to a set of non-zero polynomials for a given ideal. For multivariant polynomials, the complexity of computing a Groebner basis does not depend on the number of polynomials in the set, but rather on the term order. By ordering a set of polynomials with respect to lexigraphical order, at least one element in the Groebner basis will be in terms of one variable in the set. This makes calculating a Groebner basis ?nice?, because through back substitution, we can flnd a solution to the rest of the variables in the set. We illustrate this in the following sections. 44 Groebner Basis Theory is a very popular fleld of study, but mathematicians appreciate it most for its applications in other areas of mathematics. For example, Robbiano [20] uses Groebner bases to solve problems in Design Experiments in Statistics. Wang [22] shows how Groebner bases can be used to prove Geometric problems. Cox, Little, and O?Shea [3] have devoted a text to Groebner Basis Theory and its applications in Geometry and Graph Theory. Below, we illustrate an application in robotics. 5.2.1 Terminology and Notation Terminology: 1. Forafleldk, aMonomial Orderingonk[x1;:::;xn]isanyrelationonthesetofmonomials xfi;fi 2 Zn?0 such that this relation is a linear ordering, and if fi;fl; 2 Zn?0 such that fi > fl, then fi+ > fl + . Moreover, this relation is also a well ordering. 2. Lexigraphical order (lex order): Given a monomial ordering, let fi = (fi1;:::;fin) and fl = (fl1;:::;fln) 2 Nn?0. We say xfi > xfl if fi > fl. Example: Let f = 7x2yx+5z2y +12xz +3y2z +8 2 k[x;y;z]. Then, With respect to lex order x > y > z, f = 7x2yz +12xz +3y2z +5yz2 +8 45 Notation: Let k be any fleld and let k 2 [x1;:::;xn] be ordered with respect to lex order, then for all f 2 k[x1;:::;xn], with f 6= 0, f = a1xfi1 +a2xfi2 +:::+arxfir; where 0 6= ai 2 k[x1;:::;xn] and xfii is ordered such that xfi1 > xfi2 > ::: > xfir. ? The leading power product of f is deflned as lp(f) = xfi1 ? The leading coe?cient of f is deflned as lc(f) = a1 ? The leading term of f is deflned as lt(f) = a1xfi1 5.3 Algorithm for Computing a Groebner Basis Introduced in 1965 by Bruno Buchberger, an algorithm can be applied to a non-zero set of polynomials for a given ideal to produce a Groebner basis for that given ideal. More formally, we have the following deflnition, Deflnition: A set of non-zero polynomials G = fg1;:::;gtg contained in an ideal I, is called a Groebner Basis for I if and only if for all f 2 I such that f 6= 0, there exists i 2 1;:::;t such that lp(gi) divides the lp(f). 46 5.3.1 S-Polynomials and Buchberger?s Algorithm TodevelopBuchberger?sAlgorithm, wemustflrstunderstandthenatureofS-polynomials. In the following examples, let k be any fleld, and let Q denote the Rational Field. Deflnition: Let 0 6= f, g 2 k[x1;:::;xn]. Let L = lcm(lp(f);lp(g)). The polynomial S(f;g) = Llt(f) ?f ? Llt(g) ?g is called the S-polynomial of f and g. Example: Let f = 2yx?y;g = 3y2 ?x 2 Q[x;y], with lex order y > x. Find S(f;g). Solution: First, we need to flnd L = lcm(lp(f);lp(g)) = lcm(yx;y2) = y2x. Then, S(f;g) = y 2x 2yxf ? y2x 3y2g = y 2f ? x 3g = y2(2yx?y)? x3(3y2 ?x) = ?y 2 2 + x2 3 Ref. Adams [1] Thus, an S-polynomial allows for the cancelation of leading terms. Deflnition: Let G = fg1;:::;gtg be a set of non-zero polynomials in k[x1;:::;xn]. Then G is a Groebner basis for the ideal I = hg1;:::;gti if and only if for all i 6= j, S(gi;gj)?!G+0 47 . That is, S(gi;gt) is divided by those fg1;:::;gtg 2 G, such that the remainder is zero. Example: Let f1 = yx?x;f2 = ?y +x2 2 Q[x;y]. Using lex order with y > x, compute a Groebner basis for the ideal. Solution: First, let F = ff1;f2g we calculate the S-polynomial, S(f1;f2). Then, L = lcm(lp(f1);lp(f2)) = lcm(xy;y) = xy and S(f1;f2) = xyxyf1 ? xy?yf2 = xyxy(xy ?x)? xy?y(?y +x2) xy ?x+x(?y +x2) = xy ?x?xy +x3 = ?x+x3; with respect to lex order S(f1;f2) = x3?x: Using the above deflnition, to have a Groebner basis, S(f1;f2) ?!F+= 0; but since S(f1;f2) ?!F+6= 0, we take f3 = x3 ?x and form F0. That is, F0 = ff1;f2;f3g.So we compute a Groebner basis for F0 by calculating S(f1;f2), S(f2;f3) and S(f1;f3). For S(f2;f3), L = lcm(lp(f2);lp(f3)) = lcm(y;x3) = yx3: 48 S(f2;f3) = yx 3 ?y f2 ? yx3 x3 f3 = yx3 ?y (?y +x 2)? yx3 x3 (x 3 ?x) yx3 ?x5 ?yx3 +yx = yx?x5 For S(f1;f3), L = lcm(lp(f1);lp(f3)) = lcm(xy;x3) = yx3: S(f1;f3) = yx 3 xy f1 ? yx3 x3 f3 = yx3 xy (xy ?x)? yx3 x3 (x 3 ?x) yx3 ?x3 ?yx3 +yx = yx?x3 = ?x?f2 49 But, (5.1) S(f2;f3) = yx?x5 = ?(yx?x)+(x3 ?x) = ?yx+x3 = x?f2 and (5.2) S(f1;f3) = ?x3 +yx = ?x(?y +x2) = ?x?f2 By adding (5.1) and (5.2) we get zero. Thus, S(f2;f3) ?!F0+ = 0 and S(f1;f3) ?!F0+ = 0: Hence, F0 = ff1;f2;f3g is a Groebner basis for F = ff1;f2g, ref. Adams [1]. With the aid of MAGMA, a mathematical computer software package, we are able to compute a Groebner basis faster and for larger sets of non-zero polynomials. 5.4 MAGMA: Algebraic Computer Software MAGMA is an algebraic computer system created to solve problems in Algebra, Ge- ometry, and Number theory. It operates on Linux based systems, but has recently been adapted for Windows. Developed in 1993 by the Computational Algebra Group in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sydney, MAGMA has received 50 much praise for its advanced algorithms. Devoted to e?ciency, the developers release new versions of the software every year. With the assistance of MAGMA, we are able to calculate Groebner bases faster and, more importantly, are able to compare various alternatives yielding more accurate results that could not necessarily be calculated as easily by hand. 5.5 Solving the Inverse Kinematics Robotics Problem 5.5.1 Introduction The inverse kinematic robotics problem is simply determining all combinations of joint settings that will place the robot arm at a given point in space. To solve this, we must do the following: 1. Derive polynomial equations modeling the motion of the robot arm at each joint setting such that the robot arm can be placed at a given point in space. 2. Determine the proper intervals which allow movement at each joint. 3. Then with these equations, flnd a ?nice? set of solutions that will provide us with possible movements of each joint. Hence the use of a Groebner basis!! 5.5.2 Algebraic Model for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot We look to model the behavior of the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot using simple poly- nomial equations. By taking a top-down view of the robot, we can project the movements 51 L3= 330 L1=410 (a-eb-f) (0,0) (e,f) Figure 5.1: Algebraic Model: Top View of GMF A-510 Robot of each joint variable onto the xy-plane. Let the point (a;b) represent where the robot hand (end efiector) will be placed in space. To solve the inverse kinematic robotics problem, these polynomial equations need to describe the behavior of 1 and 3 in terms of the point (a;b). 52 L1=410 (0,0) (e,f) Figure 5.2: Algebraic Model: Top View of GMF A-510 Robot L1 = 410 Thus, (a?e;b?f) = (330cos( 1 + 3);330sin( 1 + 3)) for ?150? ? 1 ? 150? and ?150? ? 3 ? 150? (e;f) = (410cos 1;410sin 1) for ?150? ? 1 ? 150? 53 . From the flgures above, ? e = 410cos 1 ? f = 410sin 1 ? a?e = 330cos( 3 + 1) ? b?f = 330sin( 3 + 1) By substituting, we get a = 330cos( 3 + 1)+410cos 1 b = 330sin( 3 + 1)+410sin 1 By using the addition identities of trigonometric functions, 54 a = 330(cos 1 cos 3 ?sin 1 sin 3)+410cos 1 and b = 330(cos 1 sin 3 +cos 3 sin 1)+410sin 1 Recall the trigonometric identities: cos2 3 +sin2 3 = 1 and cos2 1 +sin2 1 = 1 Together, we have a system of four equations in four unknowns. (5.3) 330(cos 1 cos 3 ?sin 1 sin 3)+410cos 1 ?a = 0 (5.4) 330(cos 1 sin 3 +cos 3 sin 1)+410sin 1 ?b = 0 55 (5.5) cos2 3 +sin2 3 ?1 = 0 (5.6) cos2 1 +sin2 1 ?1 = 0 We use MAGMA to flnd a solution to the system. 5.5.3 Calculating A Groebner Basis With MAGMA Let ci = cos i and si = sin i. We have the following MAGMA code: Q:=RationalField (); FF < L1;L3;a;b > :=FunctionField(Q,4, ?lex?); P < c3;s3;c1;s1 > :=PolynomialRing(FF,4); f1 := L3?(c1 ?c3 ?s1 ?s3)+L1?c1 ?a; f2 := L3?(c1 ?s3 +c3 ?s1)+L1?s1 ?b; f3 := c21 +s21 ?1; f4 := c23 +s23 ?1; I:=ideal < Pjf1;f2;f3;f4 >; G:=GroebnerBasis(I); Note: A Function Field allows some variables to act as coe?cients and also allows for division. Above, c3;s3;c1;s1 act as variables and L1;L3;a;b act as coe?cients. 56 Using lex order c3 > s3 > c1 > s1, MAGMA produces the following basis: c3 ? a2+b2?L12?L322?L1?L3 s3 + a2+b2a?L3 ?a2b+b3 + b(L12+L32)2a?L1?L3 c1 + bas1 ? a2+b2+L12?L322a?L3 s21 + a2b+b3+b(L12+L32)L1(a2+b2) s1 + (a2+b2)2+(L12+L32)2?a2(L12+L32)+2b2(L12?L32)4?L12(a2+b2) So, we have a Groebner basis when L1;L3;a 6= 0 and (a2 + b2) 6= 0. If we substitute L1 = 410 and L3 = 330, we have the following basis: c3 ? a2+b2?4102?33022?410?330 s3 + a2+b2a?330 ?a2b+b3 + b(4102+3302)2a?410?330 c1 + bas1 ? a2+b2+4102?33022a?330 s21 + a2b+b3+b(4102+3302)410(a2+b2) s1 + (a2+b2)2+(4102+3302)2?a2(4102+3302)+2b2(4102?3302)4?4102(a2+b2) Looking at the last element in our basis, we see that it is a quadratic polynomial in terms of s1. So, we can solve for s1 and determine the values of a and b that will provide us with solutions for the GMF Robotics A-510 robot. Notation: Let sij denote solution number j for si or ci, for i = 1;3, j = 1;2. By examining the discriminant, there will be two real solutions for s1, and for each of s11; and s12, there will be one corresponding value for c1;s2;c2; found by using back substitu- tion. Furthermore, we conclude that there are two unique joint settings when 0 ? 4(a 2 +b2)2 +3504640000?2a2 ?27700+2b2 ?59200 1640(a2 +b2) ? a2b+b3 +592000 242720002 Now we can consider two remaining cases: 57 1. Case 1: a = 0 and b = 0 2. Case 2: a = 0 and b 6= 0 5.5.4 Case Examples Case 1: a = 0 and b = 0 We have the following MAGMA code: Q:=RationalField (); FF < L1;L3 > :=FunctionField(Q,2); P < c3;s3;c1;s1 > :=PolynomialRing(FF,4, ?lex?); f1 := L3?(c1 ?c3 ?s1 ?s3)+L1?c1; f2 := L3?(c1 ?s3 +c3 ?s1)+L1?s1; f3 := c21 +s21 ?1; f4 := c23 +s23 ?1; I:=ideal < Pjf1;f2;f3;f4 >; G:=GroebnerBasis(I); The Groebner basis for this case is 1. Thus, there are no joint settings to place the robot arm at the point (a;b). It is obvious to see by looking at the geometry of the robot arm. 58 Case 2: a = 0 and b 6= 0 Q:=RationalField (); FF < L1;L3b > :=FunctionField(Q,2); P < c3;s3;c1;s1 > :=PolynomialRing(FF,4, ?lex?); f1 := L3?(c1 ?c3 ?s1 ?s3)+L1?c1; f2 := L3?(c1 ?s3 +c3 ?s1)+L1?s1 ?b; f3 := c21 +s21 ?1; f4 := c23 +s23 ?1; I:=ideal < Pjf1;f2;f3;f4 >; G:=GroebnerBasis(I); The Groebner basis for this case is c3 + L23+L21?b22L3L1 s3 ? bL3c1 c21 + (L43+L41+b4)?2(L23+L21+b2(L23+L21))4L2 1b2 s1 + L23?L21?b22L1b So, we have a Groebner basis when L1;L3;b 6= 0. By substituting L1 = 410 and L3 = 330, we have the following basis: c3 + 3302+4102?b22?410?330 s3 ? b330c1 c21 + (3304+4104+b4)?2(3302+4102+b2(3302+4102))4?4102b2 s1 + 3302?4102?b22?410b 59 We can immediately solve for s1 and c3. Solving for these aligns each joint link pair. Note that the third element in the basis is a quadratic polynomial in terms of c1. By solving for c1, we flnd two solutions c11 and c12, and for each, there is a corresponding value for s3. This means that we can rotate about 1, given those values of s3 that will keep each joint link pair aligned. Thus, there is only one unique joint setting to place the robot arm at the point (a;b) when a = 0 and b 6= 0. 5.6 Summary: Mathematician?s Approach By analyzing the above, we flnd the following results: 1. There are at most two real solutions (joint conflgurations) when (a;b) satisfles 0 ? 4(a 2 +b2)2 +3504640000?554000a2 +118400b2 1640(a2 +b2) ? ( a2b+b3 +59200 24272000 ) 2: 2. From Case 1, no solutions when a = b = 0. 3. From Case 2, one real solution (joint conflguration) when (0;b) satisfles 0 ? b p 554000?b2 ? 3504640000: 4. Those points (a,b) that do not satisfy any of the above are outside of the robot?s reachable workspace. These points represent no solutions. By using Groebner Basis Theory and MAGMA, we have found real solutions (see above) to the inverse kinematic robotics problem. In fact, we have found all of the possible formations to place the robot hand at the point (a;b). These solutions are more precise because we determine the set of points that determine two solutions, the set of points that 60 determine one solution, and the set of points that determines no solution. Thus, the inverse kinematic robotics problem is solved. We explain our results further in the next chapter. 61 Chapter 6 Method Analysis 6.1 GMF Robotics A-510 Robot From the Engineering Approach, we have learned that there is the possibility of none, one, or two solutions. However, when using the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix, we were only able to develop an equation that could flnd two solutions for 1 and 3 within the given domain: ??2 ? 1 ? ?2 and ??2 ? 3 ? ?2. Since 1 and 3 rotated beyond ??2 to ?2, there was the possibility that more solutions existed. By manipulating the equations found using the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix, we expanded our domain for 3 from 0 to ?, allowing 1 to rotate freely. Within this new domain, we found that there are none, one, or two solu- tions. Since the geometry of the robot corresponds to the symmetry of the unit circle, we found similar solutions for 3 when ?? ? 3 ? 0. Finding these solutions required a close examination of the geometry of the robot arm, and manipulation of our kinematic model. The GMF Robotics A-510 Robot is a ?simple? robot manipulator formed by four de- grees of freedom. By focusing on the flrst three degrees of freedom, we were able to analyze the geometry of the robot more easily and manipulate less complicated equations. But what if we were to attempt the Engineering Approach on a robot arm with six or seven degrees of freedom? Then, flnding all of the possible solutions can become quite di?cult. The geometry of the robot arm can be challenging, and manipulating the kinematic model to flnd more solutions can be very complicated. 62 From the Mathematician?s Approach, we learned that there are at most two real so- lutions for (px;py). Recall, pz determines the height of (px;py). What makes the Mathe- matician?s Approach most appealing is that we used one algorithm to determine the set of points that would produce two solutions, the set of points that would produce one solution, and the set of points that would produce no solution. This was achieved by incorporat- ing the geometry of the robot arm in our algebraic model. By doing so, we immediately acknowledged the proper intervals of movement between each joint. Moreover, by using simple polynomial equations, no further manipulation of our algebraic model was needed to achieve our solutions. The difierence in how these solutions are represented is profound, and the amount of work that is required for each method speaks just as loudly. What accounts for this difierence is how each approach solves the inverse kinematic robotics problem. The Engineering Approach flnds 1; 3; and d2 in terms of the point (x;y), but this approach does not identify which (x;y) will guarantee a solution without plugging the point (x;y) into each equation as shown in the three case examples, where as the Mathematician?s Approach flnds only those points (a;b) that are reachable points within our workspace. (Note that (x;y) and (a;b) are arbitrary points.) Because the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix uses trigonometric functions, the solutions are bounded by certain domains corresponding to each trigonometric function. This is why we only found none, one, or two solutions when ?150? ? 1 ? 150? and ?? ? 3 ? 0. After manipulating our kinematic model and analyzing the geometry of the robot arm, more so- lutions existed when 0 ? 1 ? ? and ??2 ? 3 ? ?2. The Mathematician?s Approach avoids the trouble of flnding solutions within a limiting domain. By developing an algebraic model using simple polynomial equations we incorporate the entire unit circle with the assistance 63 of trigonometric identities. There is no need to manipulate the equations in our model to flnd more solutions. Calculating a Groebner basis with MAGMA flnds all possible solu- tions. In particular, by using the Algebraic Approach, given (a;b) we can easily discover the maximum number of formations to place the robot hand at the point (a;b), and more importantly, we discover all real solutions that produce these formations. Because of these precise results, it is clear why the Mathematician?s Approach is the more e?cient method. In the following sections, we introduce the Jacobian Matrix and Singularities, a supple- mental method to the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix that determines singular conflgurations (i.e, one solution). This section is presented to demonstrate the great lengths required by the Engineering Approach to better determine and classify all solutions. 6.2 The Jacobian Matrix and Singularities For a robot manipulator, there are two joint conflgurations that require further cal- culations in order to solve the inverse kinematic problem. These particular conflgurations occur when: ? joint axes are intersecting ? joint axes are parallel (collinear) In fact, when establishing link coordinate frames, these particular conflgurations are exceptions to the rules outlined by Lee (See Section 4.4). We call the points in space associ- ated with these conflgurations singularities and use the Jacobian Matrix to flnd these points. 64 6.2.1 The Jacobian for a Robot Manipulator The Jacobian discusses joint velocities and accelerations, but in this comparison study, we are not interested in either of these, but are concerned with how the Jacobian can be used to determine when there is one solution. Deflnition: A Jacobian for a robot manipulator is a matrix of difierentials. This matrix describes the difierential changes in the location of the end efiector caused by the difierential changes in joint variables. Using Cartesian coordinates, the displacement of the end efiector can be described by a difierential motion vector ~D = [dxdydz?x?y?z]. Similar to our derivation of the Denavit- Hartenberg matrix, we arrive at ~D by performing certain translational and rotational trans- formations that describe the change in motion from the n?1thjoint to the nth joint. Also, recallthattheDenavit-Hartenbergmatrixisaspecialhomogeneousmatrixcomposedofonly four parameters. Now let ~Dq be a special difierential motion vector that describes the dis- placement of the end efiector in terms of the joint coordinates. Then, ~Dq = [dq1dq2 :::dqn], for an n-joint manipulator, where dqn is a difierential rotation and ddn is a difierential translation at joint n. Consider a robot manipulator with four joints, then ~D and ~Dq are related by the following equation: ~D = ~J ? ~Dq: Using this, we flnd the Jacobian. 65 2 66 66 66 66 64 dx dy ?x ?y 3 77 77 77 77 75 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 J11 J12 J13 J14 J21 J22 J23 J24 J31 J32 J33 J34 J41 J42 J43 J44 3 77 77 77 77 75 2 66 66 66 66 64 dq1 dq2 dq3 dq4 3 77 77 77 77 75 Thus, J = 2 66 66 66 66 64 J11 J12 J13 J14 J21 J22 J23 J24 J31 J32 J33 J34 J41 J42 J43 J44 3 77 77 77 77 75 is the Jacobian. So, the Jacobian establishes the relationship between the Cartesian velocities ~D and the joint velocities ~Dq. Furthermore, McKerrow,[16] highlights the following: ? dx = J11dq1 + J12dq2 + J13dq3 + J14dq4. But, dx represents the x component of the difierential motion of the end efiector, so from this equation, we conclude that dx is also a function of the difierential motion of the joints of the manipulator. ? dy = J21dq1 + J22dq2 + J23dq3 + J24dq4. But, dy represents the y component of the difierential motion of the end efiector, so from this equation, we conclude that dy is also a function of the difierential motion of the joints of the manipulator. ? ?x = J31dq1 + J32dq2 + J33dq3 + J34dq4. But ?x is the x component of the angular motion of the end efiector, so from this equation, we conclude that ?x is a function of 66 the difierential motion of the joints of the manipulator. Similarly, for ?y, we conclude that ?y is a function of the difierential motion of the joints of the manipulator. ? Jij is the partial derivative with respect to joint j of the xi component of the position of the end efiector. In this case, x1 = x and x2 = y. So, Jij is the partial derivative with respect to joint j, where j = 1;2;3;4. The inverse Jacobian establishes the relationship between the Cartesian velocities of the end efiector and the joint velocities, and is given by, ~Dq = J?1~D Properties of the Jacobian For the Jacobian Matrix, 1. The number of rows is determined by the number of degrees of freedom.(The joint representing the end efiector is not counted.) 2. The number of columns is determined by the number of joints in the manipulator 3. In some instances, the Jacobian is not a square matrix. 6.2.2 Finding the Jacobian for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot We begin by calculating the Forward Kinematic solution by taking P calculated in Chapter 3, and setting P = T ? VariableMatrix. Then, the flnal position of the end efiector is described by (px;py;pz). In particular, 67 2 66 66 64 px py pz 3 77 77 75 = 2 66 66 64 330cos( 1 + 3)+410cos 1 330sin( 1 + 3)+410sin 1 980+d2 3 77 77 75 Observe that pz represents the height of the flnal position of the end efiector. But px and py are determined by 1 and 3. If we examine the robot from a top view, by looking down on the robot, we can project each joint conflguration onto the xy- plane. With this perspective, we restrict our focus to 1 and 3. So, from the matrix above, we now have the following representation. 2 64 px py 3 75 = 2 64 330cos( 1 + 3)+410cos 1 330sin( 1 + 3)+410sin 1 3 75 To calculate the Jacobian, we difierentiate, such that 2 64 dpx dpy 3 75 = J 2 64 d 1 d 2 3 75 To flnd the matrix J, we need to flnd the partial derivatives, 2 64 dpx dpy 3 75= 2 64 ?330sin 1 cos 3 ?330cos 1 sin 3 ?410sin 1 ?330cos 1 sin 3 ?330sin 1 cos 3 330cos 1 cos 3 ?330sin 1 sin 3 +410cos 1 ?330sin 1 sin 3 +330cos 1 cos 3 3 75 2 64 d 1 d 2 3 75 Next, we calculate the inverse Jacobian. 68 J?1 = 2 64 J22 ?J12 ?J21 J11 3 75 jJj where J11 = ?330sin 1 cos 3 ?330cos 1 sin 3 ?410sin 1 J12 = ?330cos 1 sin 3 ?330sin 1 cos 3 J21 = 330cos 1 cos 3 ?330sin 1 sin 3 +410cos 1 J22 = ?330sin 1 sin 3 +330cos 1 cos 3 Then, jJj = J11J22 ?J12J21 = (?330sin 1 cos 3 ?330cos 1 sin 3 ?410sin 1)(?330sin 1 sin 3 +330cos 1 cos 3) ?(?330cos 1 sin 3 ?330sin 1 cos 3)(330cos 1 cos 3 ?330sin 1 sin 3 +410cos 1) After several cancelations, jJj = 330?410sin2 1 sin 3 +330?410cos2 1 sin 3 = 135300sin 3 69 So the inverse Jacobian is deflned when sin 3 6= 0. In particular, 2 64 d 1 d 2 3 75 = 1 135300sin 3 2 64 J22 ?J12 ?J21 J11 3 75 2 64 dpx dpy 3 75 And the Jacobian for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot has been found. In the next section, we explain the signiflcance of the Jacobian in more detail. 6.2.3 Singularities Deflnition: A singularity is simply a point in space where a singular conflguration results. There are two types of singularities: a workspace internal singularity and a workspace boundary singularity. Deflnition: A workspace internal singularity occurs within the workspace, Deflnition: A workspace boundary singularity occurs when the manipulator is fully ex- tended to the outer boundary or fully retracted to the inner boundary of its workspace. Ref Mckerrow, [16]. In the case where joint axes are parallel, a robot manipulator has lost one or more degrees of freedom, reducing the robot?s mobility in some directions. The point in space where this occurs is called a workspace internal singularity or a workspace boundary singu- larity. The Jacobian helps us determine these singular conflgurations. 70 6.2.4 Finding Singularities for the GMF A-510 Robot When the determinant of the Jacobian is zero, the robot manipulator has a workspace singularity. We determine the singularities for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot. From the previous section, sin 3 = 0 when 3 is either 0 or ?. But 3 ranges from ?150? ? 3 ? 150?, so ? is not a point within the workspace. However, when 3 = 0, we get a workspace boundary singularity. We substitute 3 = 0 into J, and get, 2 64 dpx dpy 3 75 = 2 64 ?330sin 1 ?410sin 1 ?330sin 1 330cos 1 +410cos 1 330cos 1 3 75 2 64 d 1 d 2 3 75 which reduces to, 2 64 dpx dpy 3 75 = 2 64 ?740sin 1 ?330sin 1 740cos 1 330cos 1 3 75 2 64 d 1 d 2 3 75 Observe that the two column vectors in the above Jacobian matrix are parallel. Thus, only those points on the boundary, that is, those points on the circle of radius r = 740 cen- tered at the origin, where 1 can rotate from ?150? ? 1 ? 150?, are workspace boundary singularities. Moreover, it is at these points where the inverse Jacobian is undeflned. So, there is one solution (i.e., one conflguration) that can reach these points. 71 6.3 A Procedure for an Algebraic Model for Robot Manipulators In this section, we look to extend our results to an entire class of robot manipulators that satisfy the following conditions: ? The robot manipulator has n-degrees of freedom, ? The robot manipulator is a kinematic chain consisting of revolute or prismatic joints, ? The joints of the robot manipulator may be collinear or intersecting, but neither is required. Each robot manipulator is difierent. Thus, a difierent algebraic model must be formed. The challenge of the Mathematician?s Approach is deriving an algebraic model. The al- gebraic model must describe the behavior of the robot such that the relationship between neighboring joints is respected. The easiest way to achieve this is to map the movements of each joint onto a 2D-coordinate plane, then use trigonometric functions and identities to imitate each joint movement, as well as, the resulting movements that occur from related joints. Recall the algebraic model used for the GMF Robotics A-510 Robot. Observe that the there are three joints, a prismatic joint, and two revolute joints. This prismatic joint simply moves the other two joints in an up and down motion. Because these two revolute joints are consecutive, they move up and down together. See the flgure 6.1. This picture is a side view of the GMF Robotics A-510 robot. Now consider a top/down view of the robot. With this view, we restrict our focus to each revolute joint. If we project this perspective onto the xy-plane, we can identify the movements of each joint. The point (e;f) = (410cos 1;410sin 1) describes the movement of revolute joint 1. The second revo- lute joint, however, not only describes the movement of joint 2, but also acknowledges those 72 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a11 a12 a13 a1 a2 a3 a4 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a1 a2 a3 a4 a1 a19 a20 a15 a18 a1 a2 a3 a4 Figure 6.1: GMF A-510 Robot, ref. Hung [8] movements of joint 2 that are in uenced by the movements of joint 1. The end efiector is represented by the point (a;b) = (330cos( 1 + 3)+410cos 1;330sin( 1 + 3)+410sin 1), which encompasses the movements at both joints. Using trigonometry, we are able to rep- resent the position of the end efiector with simple polynomial equations. In order to proceed with the Mathematician?s Approach, the equations in the algebraic model must be polynomial equations. Once these equations have been established, we use MAGMA to flnd a Groebner basis for these equations. By analyzing the Groebner basis, we are able to determine each unknown variable, as well as those points that can be reached by the end efiector. Given a robot manipulator that satisfles the conditions above, we outline the following procedure to derive an algebraic model: 73 1. Analyze the geometry of the robot manipulator 2. Isolate particular joint behavior and project the joint movements onto a coordinate system 3. Represent the joint movements using polynomial equations. 4. Verify that these polynomial equations preserve the movement of each joint and the relationship between neighboring joints. By following these steps, we arrive at a system of equations, Hence, for a particular class of robot manipulators, we have provided a systematic procedure for deriving an al- gebraic model, and with MAGMA are able to apply Groebner Basis Theory to solve the inverse kinematic robotics problem. 74 Chapter 7 Conclusion In this flnal chapter, we discuss the di?culties and challenges associated with the Engineering Approach, and with each di?culty, illustrate how Groebner Basis Theory solves the inverse kinematic robotics problem without these di?culties. Guez and Ahmad [5] summarize the following di?culties for an inverse kinematic solution: 1. To form the Aij matrices, we need to know the forward kinematics of the manipulator. 2. There are situations where the Denavit-Hartenberg matrix will not produce equations that will flnd all possible solutions. Thus, an alternate method must be used to flnd all solutions. 3. Every robot manipulator has solutions speciflc to that manipulator. Thus, new algo- rithms and procedures have to be developed to accommodate each manipulator. In order to use Groebner Basis Theory, we must create an algebraic model describing the behavior of the robot manipulator. There is no need to form the Aij matrices. So, we address how Groebner Basis Theory can resolve the last two di?culties. However, if the previous conditions for deriving an algebraic model (in Section 6.3) are satisfled, we suggest using the Mathematician?s Approach when such Aij matrices are not easily formed. Beginning with the second di?culty, there are several situations when the Denavit- Hartenberg matrix will not produce equations that will flnd all possible solutions. We revealed one situation in our calculations for the GMF Robotics A-510 robot. By using the 75 Denavit-Hartenbergmatrix, wesolvedaquadraticequationflndingtwosolutions(conflgurations) for 1 and 3 within a given domain. However, we did not flnd all solutions. By manipu- lating the kinematic model, we found more solutions. In addition, by testing three random points within the robot?s workspace, we saw the possibility of no solutions or one solution. But we were uncertain of when these particular solutions would occur? Hence, the need for an alternate method called the Jacobian that could accurately determine when there would be one solution. Using this supplementary method, we found that when L1 = 410 and L3 = 330 are collinear, there would be one solution for the GMF Robotics A-510 robot. In addition, we also wish to determine when there are no solutions. Clearly, there are no solutions for those points that are outside of the reachable workspace. The Mathematician?s Approach flnds all of those points that can be reached within the workspace. In fact, by calculating a Groebner basis, we are able to determine which points within the workspace have two solutions (two conflgurations), which points have one solution (one conflguration), and which points have no solution. Through the Mathemati- cian?s Approach, we used one method that uses one algorithm. There is no need to use a supplementary method or second algorithm. Also, as a result, the number of calcula- tions required to solve the inverse kinematic robotics problem is greatly reduced. Horn, [6], acknowledges those di?culties associated with flnding all possible solutions by use of the Denavit-Hartenberg matrix, arguing that the solutions to the inverse kinematic robotics problem should be "simple to determine and easy to use." Because the Mathematician?s Approach accomplishes both desires, we conclude that the Mathematician?s Approach is a better method for producing equations that will flnd all possible solutions. 76 Lastly, in other situations, the Denavit-Hartenberg matrix must be coupled with other methods or algorithms to flnd all possible solutions. These methods and algorithms include, but are not limited to neural networking techniques, iterative algorithms, visual servoing, euler parameters, etc. In the past, each robot manipulator required its own particular method given the above mentioned di?culties associated with the Denavit-Hartenberg ma- trix. With the introduction of the Groebner Basis Theory, we provide an alternate method that may be used on an entire class of robot manipulators satisfying the conditions in Sec- tion 6:3. For this exibility, we see that the Mathematician?s Approach is an improved alternate. With further research we look to show that the Mathematician?s Approach can be used for other classes of manipulators. With the conclusions found in this paper, we have demonstrated how the Mathemati- cian?s Approach of Groebner Basis Theory is an alternate method to solving the inverse kinematic robotics problem. Moreover, by using Groebner Basis Theory, we used one pro- cedure, performed less calculations, found real solutions, and established when certain so- lutions (none, one, two, etc.) would occur. Because of these advantages, we see how Groebner Basis Theory is more beneflcial than the Denavit-Hartenberg Matrix. Also, be- cause of these advantages, I wish to expand the applications of Groebner Basis Theory to many other classes of robot manipulators, solving the inverse kinematic robotics problem for larger classes of robot manipulators. 77 Bibliography [1] William Adams, Philippe Loustaunau,"?An Introduction to Groebner bases"? 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[24] GMF Robotics A-510 Robot Descriptions Manual 79 Appendix Matrix Calculations: A12 ?A23 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 1 0 0 410 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 d2 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos 3 ?sin 3 0 330cos 3 sin 3 cos 3 0 330sin 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos 3 ?sin 3 0 330cos 3 +410 sin 3 cos 3 0 330sin 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 A01 ?A?101 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos 1 ?sin 1 0 0 sin 1 cos 1 0 0 0 0 1 980 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 2 66 66 66 66 64 cos 1 sin 1 0 0 ?sin 1 cos 1 0 0 0 0 1 ?980 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 80 = 2 66 66 66 66 64 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 77 77 77 77 75 81