This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Auburn University Graduate School: Recent submissions

Now showing items 1281-1300 of 9285

Radio Frequency Sensing Systems for Artificial Intelligence of Things 

Yang, Chao (2022-05-02)
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved into artificial intelligence (AIoT). The development of an effective and low-cost human health detection system has attracted ...

Exploring Dyadic and Longitudinal Associations between Couple Relationship Skills, Perceived stress, and Sleep Quality among Couple Relationship Education Participants 

Wei, Menglin (2022-05-02)
Couple relationship education (CRE) has been used as one of the primary prevention methods targeting couples’ relationship functioning. Considerable evidence suggests that CRE programs are effective in improving couples’ ...

Effects of Thinning Intensity, Prescribed Fire, and Herbicide on Wildlife Habitat in Mid-rotation Loblolly Pine Stands 

Stewart, Dylan (2022-05-02)
Pine (Pinus spp.) plantations cover 16.8 MM ha across the southeastern United States. Many forest owners are interested in managing their forests for multiple objectives, including timber production and wildlife habitat ...

A Cyclophane-Based Approach to Highly Strained [n]Cycloparaphenylenes and Synthesis of Hexa-substituted Pyrenes and Their Application to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Synthesis 

Wang, Mengzhou (2022-05-02)
Chapter 1: The synthesis of highly strained carbon nanoring, [4]CPP and its potential precursor has been an ever-increasing level of interest in the past few decades. The biggest challenge in CPP synthesis is macrocyclization ...

Utilizing Feed Effectors and Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Semi-Intensive Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Production 

Walsh, Samuel (2022-05-02)
The efficiency and sustainability of shrimp farming have been improved through developments in farm management and technology such as passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), and fishmeal-free diets. To further improve the ...

Towards Trustworthy Decision-Making in Human-Machine Symbiosis 

Lyu, Daoming (2022-05-02)
As artificial intelligence (AI) evolves, it becomes an integral part of our daily lives. To augment our effectiveness, human-machine symbiosis enables both humans and AI systems to offer different yet complementary ...

Effects of long-term voluntary exercise and aging in rats on markers of Long Interspersed Nuclear Element-1 (L1) activity in skeletal muscle, liver, and brain tissue 

Osburn, Shelby (2022-05-02)  ETD File Embargoed
Long Interspersed Nuclear Element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) is the only active mammalian TE. L1 is an autonomous retrotransposon that is able to “copy and paste” itself, increasing its presence as it does so and leading to genomic ...

Design and Optimization of a Continuous Bioreactor for Enhanced Cell Production 

Avvari, Rithvija (2022-05-02)
This research investigated a novel continuous bioreactor which can be operated both in batch and chemostat modes. The bioreactor showed significant improvement in cell growth due to addition of a spiroid which increased ...

Educational Leadership Development in USA and Arabian Gulf counties: preparing Successful School leaders 

Alhousni, Houda (2022-05-02)
The purpose of this comparative case study is to provide insight into the educational leadership preparation program that is provided at ABC in Arabian Gulf Country and XYZ in the United States to prepare educational ...

Rheological and Chemical Evaluation of Aging Resistant Binder Technologies 

Keuliyan Rodriguez, Faustina (2022-05-02)
Asphalt binder is a dark-colored cementitious hydrocarbon material, with a complex chemical composition that is heavily dependent on crude oil source and manufacturing process. Binder chemistry has been modelled as a ...

A comparative assessment of phthalate effects on gonadal steroidogenesis in male rats. 

Fischer, John III (2022-05-02)
Although it is a known endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) of the male reproductive tract that is ubiquitous in the environment, di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) has remained the most utilized industrial plasticizer on ...

The Efficacy of a Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Coaching Program for the Ongoing Management of Type 2 Diabetes in North Alabama 

Stanley Chester, Brittannie (2022-05-02)
According to the latest 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 34.2 million people have diabetes in the United States (10.5% of the population).1 This number has ...

Use of R3 recommended actions in addressing minority participation in recreational freshwater fishing in Alabama 

Nichols, Emily (2022-05-02)
Recreational fishing license sales and expenditures fund aquatic resource operations and provide education and outreach services. With declines in participation, as measured by license sales, managers and researchers alike ...

Evaluation of Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis nematode resistant cotton cultivars with supplemental Corteva Agriscience nematicides 

Turner, Ashton (2022-05-01)
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode) and Rotylenchulus reniformis (reniform nematode) accounted for an estimated 7% of the cotton yield lost in Alabama in 2020 and 7.5% lost in 2021. New nematode resistant cotton ...

Singing for Peace: A Biographic-Narrative Study of Mary Cay Brass and Her Choir and Peacebuilding Work with the Vocal Music of the Former Yugoslav Countries 

Sexton, Raymond Scott (2022-05-01)
The purpose of this biographic-narrative study was to examine the musical stories and lived experiences of Mary Cay Brass and her work with choral singing and peacebuilding within her choir programs in the United States ...

Examining the Role of U.S. Agricultural Policy on Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Filings and Active Cases 

Turrisi, Adrian (2022-05-01)
Farm bankruptcy enables eligible farmers the opportunity to reorganize debts while remaining operational. Providing safety nets for farmers is a long-standing U.S. agricultural policy that has recently reached historic ...

Gene flow, morphology, and taxonomic revision of cave-obligate Hesperochernes pseudoscorpions 

Stephen, Charles (2022-05-01)
Pseudoscorpions are small predatory arthropods that are found in surface and subterranean habitats. Subterranean habitats such as caves tend to harbor pseudoscorpion species with highly restricted gene flow and high degrees ...

The P2Y2 Receptor Control of Hyperglycemia-induced Insulin Resistance in Human Hepatocytes: A Unified Mechanism for Metformin 

SENFELD, JARED (2022-05-01)  ETD File Embargoed
According to the International Diabetes Federation, in 2021, 537 million adults were living with diabetes, and another 541 million adults were at increased risk of developing T2D (Facts & Figures, 2021.) Obesity, the most ...

Uncovering the Social Organization of Women PhD Students' Experiences in Biology: An Institutional Ethnography 

Steele, Ariel (2022-05-01)
Biological science programs enroll and graduate more women than other STEM disciplines; nearly 60% of undergraduate students are women, and women and men enter graduate programs at equal rates. This suggests that the field ...

The Effect of Event Boundaries on Repetition Reduction Among Individuals with Previous Experience of mTBI 

Siegel, Julia (2022-05-01)
Previous research has shown that event boundaries have a ‘reset’ effect on repetition reduction within conversational speech. Other studies have shown that the ‘Location Updating Effect’ impacts memory, even within a virtual ...