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Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Author "Wadsworth, Danielle"

Now showing items 21-26 of 26

Outcomes Associated with Teacher-Guided Indoor Preschool Physical Activity Interventions 

Carroll, Alexandra Venezia (2022-03-08)
In the United States, preschool-aged children are not meeting age specific physical activity recommendations (1-3, 42, 82, 83) and spending a large portion of their days sedentary (4, 27). Minority children living in ...

Perfectionism, perfectionistic self-presentation, body comparisons, and disordered eating in Women's Artistic Gymnastics. 

Duffy, Alan (2008-08-15)
Previous scholarship has found that body image concerns begin at an early age in women’s artistic gymnastics (WAG). There have been mixed results concerning the prevalence of disordered eating in WAG. The current study ...

Preschoolers' heart rate and physical activity response to three different motivational climates: Mastery, performance, and unplanned free play 

St. Onge, Loraine (2008-05-15)
Although people of all ages benefit from regular, moderate intensity physical activity (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1996) many children are showing less interest and participation in physical education ...

Relationships Between Physical and Mental Health in Rural, Low-Income Adolescents 

Feiss, Robyn (2020-06-25)
Studies have consistently reported that environment (i.e., rural vs. urban) and socioeconomic status (SES) are moderating factors of physical health (i.e., obesity and/or physical activity) and mental health (i.e., stress, ...

The Role of Hardiness in First Year AROTC and University Students: Examining Changes and Related Performance. 

Merritt, Monaye (2022-07-13)
The Big Five has dominated personality-performance literature, but within the overarching Five Factor Theory characteristic adaptations can be more contextually specific and better predictors of performance. Hardiness, ...

Walking-On: A Narrative Inquiry of Division II Non-Scholarship Student-Athletes’ Identity Development and Pursuit of Success 

Lester, Wilson (2023-04-13)
Student-athletes have long been a population of interest to researchers regarding identity development and academic success. More specifically, researchers have looked into the identity foreclosure of student-athletes; its ...