This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Title

Now showing items 6155-6174 of 9368

Multiracial Individuals' Experiences with Racial Microaggressions: An Ethnographic Content Analysis of an On-Line Forum 

Ramsay-Seaner, Kristine (2016-08-02)
In 2015, the Multi-Racial/Ethnic Counseling Concerns Interest Network of the American Counseling Association published the Competencies for Counseling the Multiracial Population. In it, they asserted that counselors had a ...

A Multiscale Investigation of the Fatigue Behavior of Additively Manufactured Nickel Superalloys 

Soleimani Dodaran, Mohammad (2021-11-15)
Fatigue as the most frequent mode of failure among mechanical systems has been the focus of a large part of the research community. Modern manufacturing technologies are developed to address the need for complex geometries ...

A Multisite Study Demonstrating the Efficacy and Potential Cost Savings of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Medical Nutrition Therapy in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Alabama 

Salazar, Maria (2017-04-16)
Alabama has one of the highest prevalence rates of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) impacting greater than 13.5% of the adult population. While diabetes self-management education (DSME) and medical nutrition therapy (MNT) has been ...

Multivariate Analyses of Disease Outcomes of Chlamydial Infections in Cattle and Mice 

Kim, Tea (2005-05-15)
In humans, Chlamydia pneumoniae infection is implicated in 10 ~ 15% of bronchitis and community-acquired pneumonia, and 50 ~ 70% of adults have antibodies to Chlamydia pneumoniae. In livestock animals, ubiquitous C. abortus ...

Multivariate Analysis of Chlamydia pneumoniae Lung Infection in Two Inbred Mouse Strains 

Wang, Chengming (2005-12-15)
This investigation was aimed at dissecting the mechanisms of C. pneumoniae pathogenesis by multivariate analysis of challenge experiments in a mouse model of C. pneumoniae lung infection. To facilitate these analyses, a ...

Multivariate Characterization, Modeling, and Design of Chemical Products in Property Cluster Space 

Hada, Subin (2013-07-15)
The focus of this dissertation is on the development of in silico approaches for the logical and systematic solution of chemical product design problems. The application of multivariate characterization, modeling, and ...

Muscle oxygenation does not affect the prior exercise effect 

Hernandez, Andres (2009-08-03)
The controlling factors responsible for the "turn-on‟ of oxidative phosphorylation at the onset of exercise (VO2 on-kinetics) are controversial. Current hypotheses center on delayed O2 delivery, the build-up of respiratory ...

Music Teacher Preparation for Inclusion of Students with Special Needs: Survey of Music Teacher Educators in the United States 

Cater, Michael (2023-08-03)
Current music teacher educators at colleges and universities were examined to determine how they prepare preservice music teachers to work with students with special needs. Participants included music education professors ...

Music Teachers’ Perceptions of Undergraduate Music Education Curricula: A Quantitative Survey of Current Music Teachers 

Smith, Natalie (2023-05-03)
This dissertation examined current music teachers’ perceptions of their undergraduate music education program. I gathered data through an online survey completed by current K-12 music teachers. I recruited participants ...

Music Therapy as a Behavior Modification for Students with Severe Behavior 

Parker, Forrest (2019-03-07)
Current research shows the effects of music are varied. Research also suggests that music therapy for students with disabilities is varied. This study investigated the effects of the music therapy technique of listening ...

Muslim Women of Influence: A Cross-Cultural Study of Aspirations of Muslim Women in Morocco and the United States 

Ahmed, Nighet (2020-05-13)
Issues concerning the role and status of women in society are not new; the post- 9/11 period has put the Muslim women on center-stage as key players in global peace. This renewed interest in Muslim women has spawned a ...

Mutagenesis of virulence genes in an epidemic strain of Aeromonas hydrophila ML09-119 for development of an attenuated vaccine strain 

Sun, Dawei (2014-12-11)
The epidemic strain of Aeromonas hydrophila caused a devastating outbreak of motile Aeromonads septicemia of catfish (MAS) on the fish farms of Southeastern United States in 2009. A.hydrophila ML09-119 was reported to cause ...

Mutational analysis and coagulation factor VIII sequence in a colt with hemophilia A 

Norton, Elaine (2013-07-10)
Hemophilia A is an X-linked disorder caused by a deficiency in factor VIII (FVIII). Although foals have been diagnosed based on deficiency in FVIII activity, causative gene mutations have not been identified. The objectives ...

Mutualisms, Commensalisms, and Predation: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Fire Ants on Arthropods and Plants 

Rice, Kevin (2007-08-15)
The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, is a voracious generalist predator that has dramatically affected the native arthropod community since its introduction approximately 75 years ago. Most research suggests S. ...

MXene Rheology and Phase Behavior: Exploring the Effects of Sheet Size and Salt Addition 

Woods, Mackenzie (2023-12-04)
The overall research goal of this dissertation is to understand the effects of sheet size and salt addition on the phase behavior and rheological properties of aqueous MXene dispersions. The charged surfaces of the MXenes, ...

'My goal will ever be to make history popular': Peter Brannon's Quest for Alabama History 

Neeley, Graham (2018-04-23)
Peter Alexander Brannon (1882-1967) was a noteworthy figure in Alabama history during the first two-thirds of the twentieth century. Throughout his fifty-year career at the Alabama Department of Archives and History, Brannon ...

MyAccessible Math: Shining Light on Math Concepts for Visually Impaired Students 

Jariwala, Abhishek Virendrabhai (2022-07-19)
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research aims to make systems versatile, easy to use, and accessible for most people. While computer technologies have successfully remodeled and improved the learning process, students ...

Myelin Deficits and Intravenous Gene Therapy in Feline Sandhoff Disease 

Maguire, Anne (2021-07-27)
Sandhoff Disease (SD) is a neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disease (LSD) that results in the death of children before 4 years of age. Because there are no FDA-approved therapies available, current treatment strategies ...

Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Cardioprotection: Novel Roles of Frataxin and Uridine Triphosphate 

AlAsmari, Abdullah (2017-04-21)
Ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury in cardiac myocytes is well known to provoke membrane damage that is mediated by oxygen free radicals and that is associated with iron accumulation, energy dysregulation and opening of the ...

The Myth of Certainty and the Matrix of Uncertainty: Five Contemporary Australian Novels Confront History 

Nesbitt, Charles Scott (2021-07-20)
The intersection of postcolonialism and historiographic metafiction can be seen in novels written over the last several decades by British and Antipodean authors concerning the British colonial era in Australia and its ...