Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 7205-7224 of 9368
Quantifying Effectiveness of Red Flashing LEDs around WRONG-WAY Signs in Deterring Wrong-way Driving: A Before and After Study
Wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes are a significant safety concern due to their high fatality rates. Traditional countermeasures like static WRONG WAY (WW) signs have shown limited effectiveness. This study evaluates the ...
Quantifying fish swimming performance and behavior in two diverse environments: a multifaceted approach.
In the southeastern United States, low-head dams are common and the effects of these structures on migratory fishes are relatively unknown. Studying how migratory fish behave in habitats altered by dams such as the upstream ...
Quantifying Flow and Sediment Yield of an Ungauged Catchment using a Combination of Continuous Soil Moisture Accounting and Event-based Curve Number Method
A serious aggradation problem has been identified in the Soapstone branch, a tributary to Little Choctawhatchee River. A study of historical aerial imageries shows deforestation of the catchment by a significant amount in ...
Quantifying Male Reproductive Performance of Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) to Improve Hatchery Production of Hybrid Catfish
Catfish farming constitutes about 60% of total U.S. aquaculture production, where the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus female × blue catfish, I. furcatus male hybrid accounts for >50% of the harvest. Current hatchery ...
Quantifying Pavement Preservation Performance Using Probabilistic Deterioration Modeling
Throughout the last few decades, the pavement industry has slowly transitioned from construction and rehabilitation to pavement preservation. Pavement preservation can be described as a proactive approach for protecting ...
Quantifying the Fatigue Damage Accumulation in Bridges
Many of the existing bridges in the United States were built during the interstate era and are reaching the end of their life cycle. Traffic-induced loadings are one of the primary factors affecting the service and fatigue ...
Quantifying the influence of initial nutrient conditions on phytoplankton growth in response to low-level glyphosate exposure
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp®, is the most common herbicide in the United States. Glyphosate is efficient at eliminating nuisance terrestrial plants. However, the nitrogen and phosphorus that make up ...
Quantifying the legacy of coal combustion products in riverine sediments
Coal fired power plants (CFPPs) produce much of the world’s energy and generate large quantities of coal combustion products (CCPs), including organic material (OM), fly ash, bottom ash, spheroidal carbonaceous particles ...
Quantifying the Variability of Production of Asphalt Mixtures through newly implemented Performance Tests for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
This study aims to determine an appropriate standard deviation of Balanced Mix Design performance tests for Wisconsin specifications based on field-produced mixes. Identifying variability is an essential aspect of the ...
Quantifying Vocal Power: Correlation of Whole Body Anaerobic Power to Vocal Function Measures
PURPOSE: The purpose of this preliminary study was to identify a vocal task that could be used as a clinical indicator of the vocal aptitude or vocal fitness required for vocally demanding occupations in a manner similar ...
Quantifying Within-field Variability in Soil Moisture and Nutrients and Scheduling Site-Specific Irrigation Using Numerical Modeling
The increasing global population is expected to increase pressure on water and food demands, which means intensification and improvements in irrigated agriculture are required to satisfy future needs. More than 70% of ...
A Quantitative Analysis of Factors Related to Recidivism
The purpose of this study is a determination of whether percentage of time served of a prison sentence affects the rate of recidivism for offenders released from prison. A quantitative analysis was done of known factors ...
A Quantitative Analysis of Resurgence Following Downshifts in Alternative-Reinforcer Magnitude
Resurgence occurs when a previously reinforced and then extinguished target response increases due to changes in reinforcement conditions for an alternative response, including reductions in the magnitude of reinforcement ...
Quantitative and Qualitative Subgroup Differences in PTSD Symptom Presentations: A Latent Class Analysis
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly heterogeneous disorder (Galatzer-Levy & Bryant, 2013). Latent class analysis (LCA) and latent profile analysis (LPA) have been used to identify homogeneous subgroups of ...
Quantitative methods for integrating instream biological monitoring data into aquatic natural resource management decision making
Freshwater aquatic resource management is fraught with challenges, as managers of multiple-use, highly diverse systems must frequently make management decisions with limitations including unclear management objectives and ...
Quantitative PCR-based approach for detection of fecal pollution in water
The water quality of many waterways in our state and nation is deteriorating due to point and nonpoint source pollution from human and animal wastes. Accurate identification of contamination sources is essential for ...
Quantitative Risk Assessment Model for Software Security in the Design Phase of Software Development
Risk analysis is a process for considering possible risks and determining,which are the most significant for any particular effort. Determining which risks to address and the optimum strategy for mitigating said risks is ...
A Quantitative Study of Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) Over Internet Protocol (IP) Protocols
The research, which is discussed in this dissertation, consists of the development and testing of a suite of ten Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and reliable Real Time Protocol (RTP) MIDI over IP (MOIP) protocols, and ...
A Quantitative Study of Within-Group Discrimination of Gay Men
The purpose of this study was to examine how the constructs of ageism, classism, culturalism, racism, sexism, and sizeism contribute to within-group discrimination experienced by gay men. Additionally, this study aimed to ...
Quantitative Valuation of Ecosystem Services Provided by Oyster Reefs in Mobile Bay, Alabama
Oyster reef services have been acknowledged for their ecosystem services, but globally oyster reefs are at risk due to rapid anthropogenic and natural changes. Conservation decisions for these important habitats often ...