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Therapeutic Alliance as a Mediating Factor between Couple Expectancy and Therapeutic Outcome

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dc.contributor.advisorKetring, Scott
dc.contributor.advisorSmith, Thomasen_US
dc.contributor.advisorGuarino, Anthonyen_US
dc.contributor.authorGray, Mikaelen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this thesis was to determine whether the therapeutic alliance mediated the relationship between couple expectancy for change and relationship satisfaction. The sample was comprised of 59 cases of males and females in committed relationships attending therapy at a marriage and family therapy training clinic at a southeastern university. The mediating effects of the therapeutic alliance were not significant with the current sample. However, statistical analyses revealed that female therapeutic alliance was a significant predictor of male and female change in relationship satisfaction. Results of this study suggest that the strength of the female therapeutic alliance could predict change in male and female satisfaction as early as the fourth session of therapy. The findings of this study propose the need for future exploration of the impact of the therapeutic alliance as a mediator and a moderator. Methodological issues, clinical implications and consideration for future research are addressed.en_US
dc.subjectHuman Development and Family Studiesen_US
dc.titleTherapeutic Alliance as a Mediating Factor between Couple Expectancy and Therapeutic Outcomeen_US

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