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The use of Anaerobic Fermentation Acids and Aldehydes to Control Nematodes and Improve Soil Health

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dc.contributor.advisorRodríguez-Kábana, Rodrigo
dc.contributor.advisorLawrence, Kathy
dc.contributor.advisorFeng, Yucheng
dc.contributor.advisorSimmons, Lee J.
dc.contributor.advisorTaylor, C. Robert
dc.contributor.authorAlexander, Klapp
dc.description.abstractThere is increasing effort to develop cropping systems utilizing soil amendments, flooding, and tarping to control nematodes. The decrease in nematode populations under such anaerobic conditions is attributed to the fermentative metabolites produced by soil bacterium. This project attempted to mimic the anaerobic conditions of flooded soil in fermentation chambers to produce beneficial metabolites that could subsequently be used to treat nematode infested soil. Anaerobic fermentation chambers were prepared using various combinations of crude glycerin from biodiesel production and urea substrate with soil and water. Supernatant from these chambers was tested for herbicidal and nematicidal properties in greenhouse pot testing, microplot testing, and polyethylene covered vegetable beds. Soil treated with supernatant from anaerobic chambers had decreased plant parasitic nematode populations and increased beneficial nematode and fungi populations. Positive growth response was noted in cucumber, tomato, and squash crops.en_US
dc.subjectEntomology and Plant Pathologyen_US
dc.titleThe use of Anaerobic Fermentation Acids and Aldehydes to Control Nematodes and Improve Soil Healthen_US

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