This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Measuring Trunk Stability and Range of Motion: Two Field Tests for Wheelchair Basketball Classification




Rehm, Jared

Type of Degree





Adapted sports are sports that enable people with disabilities to participate in sport through modification of traditional sport or new sports designed for people with disabilities. Classification systems are utilized within adapted sports to ensure equitable competition. The focus of this project is the classification system utilized in wheelchair basketball. The primary factor of wheelchair basketball classification is the “volume of action.” This volume of action is related to the ability of the athlete to utilize his/her trunk. Currently, wheelchair basketball systems do not utilize objective measures for classification of athletes. Therefore, the purpose of this project was: 1) to measure the range of motion associated with the volume of action, 2) to determine the influence of trunk stability on force production with the arms, 3) to discover if a relationship exists between these measures. The volume of action was measured as a percentage of height for 20 individuals: 10 with disability, 10 without disability. This was accomplished through a reaching task requiring each participant to reach in 5 directions at 3 heights with each hand. PWOD were found to have significantly higher reach scores. Trunk stability was measured by participants pushing against a wall with a force gauge with and without the aid of support, and in 3 directions. PWOD also demonstrated greater trunk stability according to the strength task. The sum of the reach scores and sum of the trunk stability scores were found to be inversely related, but were not significantly related. The field tests utilized in this project require further development and research to create a comprehensive system of classification for wheelchair basketball.