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Mindfulness Frequency Impacting Relationship Quality: Exploring Changes for Participants in a Mindfulness Based CRE Program

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dc.contributor.advisorKetring, Scott
dc.contributor.authorNewman, Miranda
dc.description.abstractThe current study utilizes a diverse sample of mindfulness-based relationship education (CRE) participants to address the links between care for self and care for partner behaviors, relationship satisfaction, and frequency of mindfulness practice. This study helps to fill a gap in the literature on frequency of mindful practice and the benefits associated with practice. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991), it is expected that higher frequency of mindfulness behaviors will be associated with more caring behaviors, which are associated with a variety of relationship outcomes. At baseline, higher frequency of mindfulness practice is correlated with higher levels of care for self, care for partner, and overall relationship satisfaction. Findings from multi-path analysis indicate that generally, higher frequencies of mindfulness practice at time two are associated with higher levels of caring behaviors at time two and higher levels of relationship satisfaction at time three. These outcomes for couples and individuals support the continued incorporation of mindfulness in CRE, and research should further examine the links between mindfulness and individual and relational outcomes.en_US
dc.subjectHuman Development and Family Studiesen_US
dc.titleMindfulness Frequency Impacting Relationship Quality: Exploring Changes for Participants in a Mindfulness Based CRE Programen_US
dc.typeMaster's Thesisen_US
dc.contributor.committeeAdler-Baeder, Francesca
dc.contributor.committeeMcGill, Julianne

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