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Piloting the future of agriculture education: The educators’ perspective of the Georgia Elementary Agriculture Pilot Program

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dc.contributor.advisorLindner, James
dc.contributor.authorChamoagne, Tracy
dc.description.abstractThis study had a purpose to review the grade level curriculum standards for the GEAPP and factors contributing to the program such as collaboration with community stakeholders and other existing Agriculture entities such as Middle School Agriculture Education and High School Agriculture Education Programs, the National FFA Organization chapters, County Farm Bureaus, and Extension/ 4-H. The research objectives included describing the grade levels being taught in the pilot program schools, describing the perceived importance of the current approved Georgia Department of Education Elementary Agriculture Pilot Program (GEAPP) curriculum standards, describing the educator’s level of certification, as it pertains, to the endorsement created by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and their desire to earn the Elementary Agriculture endorsement/certification, describing the educator’s pathway to becoming an Elementary Agriculture Teacher, describing the pilot programs involvement with existing school-based agriculture education programs offered in the school system, describing the educators use of current available elementary agriculture resources, and describing stakeholder collaboration within the community of the pilot program. Participants within this study were current GEAPP teachers for the 2020-2021 school year. This was a quantitative research study that utilized Qualtrics to deliver an internet based research survey. The conclusions of this study were third and fourth grade students are the top two grades taught in the EAPP. O significance was found based upon the data analysis for all grade levels and al standards. Most EAPP teachers are not certified or have the elementary agriculture endorsement. Teachers in the program entered teaching through traditional means. GEAPP schools are predominately found in counties with agriculture programs offered to all grade levels and with adult programs. Teachers are using the resources offered through the GEAPP Google Drive folder and AITC. The majority of GEAPP have a relationship with stakeholders. A qualitative analysis of the grade level curriculum standards is recommended for further research. Further research needs to be conducted in the field of agriculture education for elementary students.en_US
dc.subjectCurriculum and Teachingen_US
dc.titlePiloting the future of agriculture education: The educators’ perspective of the Georgia Elementary Agriculture Pilot Programen_US
dc.typePhD Dissertationen_US
dc.contributor.committeeClemons, Christopher
dc.contributor.committeeFoshee, Wheeler
dc.contributor.committeeMcKibben, Jason

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