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Virtual Technology in Radiologic Technology Classrooms: The Educational Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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dc.contributor.advisorSkinner, Leane
dc.contributor.authorWard, Taylor
dc.description.abstractDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, many educators were forced to convert their courses to a virtual format with very short notice. Radiologic technology educators have the responsibility to prepare the future generation of medical imaging professionals, which results in the need to prepare students to enter the workforce. An explanatory mixed methods cross-sectional survey design was conducted to evaluate virtual technology integration and intention for continued use (CITU) in the radiologic technology classroom. A total of 255 participants completed an online survey through Qualtrics. The survey measured the constructs of behavior, perceived behavioral control (PBC), perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude, and CITU. The study also evaluated pre-COVID and post-adjustment uses of virtual technology and perceived barriers. Lastly, the study also contained a pseudo-qualitative component to add meaning to the quantitative data. Results found that the overall regression model (combination of attitude, behavior, PEU, PU, & PBC on CITU) was statistically significant (F5, 230 = 59.167, p < .001) and explained about 56% of the variance in CITU (R2 = .563, Adj. R2 = .553). Attitude was the strongest predictor and mediated the effects of the other predictors on CITU. The pseudo-qualitative component allowed the challenges, rewards, and future intentions to be examined in-depth as reported by the current sample of radiologic technology educators. Keywords: Technology integration, radiologic technology, technology acceptance model, theory of planned behavior, education, impact, pandemic, COVID-19en_US
dc.subjectCurriculum and Teachingen_US
dc.titleVirtual Technology in Radiologic Technology Classrooms: The Educational Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemicen_US
dc.typePhD Dissertationen_US
dc.contributor.committeeStrunk, Kamden
dc.contributor.committeeWohleb, Elisha
dc.contributor.committeeSpringer, Chadwick

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