Reconvergent Fanout Analysis of Bounded Gate Delay Faults Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This thesis does not include proprietary or classi ed information. Hillary Grimes III Certi cate of Approval: Charles E. Stroud Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Vishwani D. Agrawal, Chair James J. Danaher Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Victor P. Nelson Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering George T. Flowers Interim Dean Graduate School Reconvergent Fanout Analysis of Bounded Gate Delay Faults Hillary Grimes III A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Ful llment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama August 9, 2008 Reconvergent Fanout Analysis of Bounded Gate Delay Faults Hillary Grimes III Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this thesis at its discretion, upon the request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights. Signature of Author Date of Graduation iii Vita Hillary H. Grimes III, son of Mr. Hillary H. Grimes Jr. and Mrs. Rene P. Grimes, was born August 21, 1981, in Anniston, Alabama. He graduated with honors from Daphne High School in 1999. He attended Faulkner State Community College in Bay Minnette, Alabama, for two years, and graduated summa cum laude with an Associate of Science degree in Pre- Engineering. He then entered Auburn University in January, 2002, and graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in May, 2004. iv Thesis Abstract Reconvergent Fanout Analysis of Bounded Gate Delay Faults Hillary Grimes III Master of Science, August 9, 2008 (B.S., Auburn University, 2004) (A.S., Faulkner State Community College, 2001) 86 Typed Pages Directed by Vishwani Agrawal To determine the quality that a set of gate delay tests provides for testing gate delay faults, gate delay fault simulation must determine the minimum size detectable for detected gate delay faults. The minimum size detectable is the minimum faulty gate delay that must be present for the test to detect the fault. Given two tests that detect the same fault, the test that detects the fault with a smaller size is considered a higher quality test for that fault. When bounded gate delays are used, gate delay fault simulation involves bounded delay simulation of the fault-free circuit and an evaluation of the faulty waveforms. Whenever signals in a combinational circuit diverge from a fanout point and reconverge later, the inputs to the reconvergent gate are correlated. In conventional bounded delay simulation and gate delay fault simulation, these correlations are ignored. In this work, we present a method for adding reconvergent fanout analysis to bounded delay simulation and gate delay fault simulation. In bounded delay simulation, considering information about how signals are correlated due to reconvergent fanout provides more accurate evaluation of simulation waveforms than previous approaches that ignore this information. In gate delay fault simulation, this correlation information provides more accurate evaluation of v the minimum size detectable for detected gate delay faults. Results for gate delay fault simulation show that ignoring these correlations produces pessimistic calculations for the minimum sizes detectable. vi Acknowledgments I would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance, support, and guidance from Dr. Vishwani D. Agrawal. I thank Dr. Victor P. Nelson and Dr. Charles E. Stroud for being on my committee. I thank Dr. Soumitra Bose for his valuable assistance and technical contribution. My sincere thanks to my parents for their encouragement, help, and support. vii Style manual or journal used LATEX: A Document Preparation System by Leslie Lamport (together with the style known as \aums"). Computer software used The document preparation package TEX (speci cally LATEX) together with the departmental style- le aums.sty. The images were generated using XFig. viii Table of Contents List of Figures xi List of Tables xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Contribution of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 Organization of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Background 3 2.1 Delay Fault Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.1 Transition Fault Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.2 Path Delay Fault Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.3 Gate Delay Fault Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.1.4 Segment Delay Fault Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Static Timing Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.1 Slack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3 Bounded Delay Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3.1 Simpli ed Signal Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Previous Work 11 3.1 Gate Delay Fault Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.1.1 Fault-Free Circuit Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.1.2 Fault Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1.3 Detection Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.2 Reconvergent Fanout Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.2.1 Bounded Delay Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.2.2 Delay Fault Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4 Reconvergent Fanout Analysis in Detection Threshold Evaluation 25 4.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.2 Detection Threshold Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.2.1 Ambiguity Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.2.2 Faulty Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.3 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.4 Results on ISCAS85 Benchmark Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ix 5 Reconvergent Fanout Analysis in Fault-Free Circuit Simulation 38 5.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 5.2 Fault-Free Circuit Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5.3 Results on ISCAS85 Benchmark Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6 Conclusion 46 6.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 6.2 Other Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6.3 An Important Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Bibliography 49 Appendices 54 A Gate Delay Fault Simulation Program - User Information 55 A.1 Hierarchical Bench Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 A.2 Simulator Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 A.3 Example Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 B Gate Delay Fault Simulation Program - Implementation 64 B.1 Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 B.2 Static Timing Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 B.3 Bounded Delay Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 B.4 Detection Threshold Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 B.5 Program Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 x List of Figures 2.1 Min-Max Simulation Waveforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.1 Detection Threshold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.2 Illustrating Correlation of Inputs to a Reconvergent Gate. . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.3 Min-Max Simulation Waveforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.4 Min-Max Simulation Waveforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.1 Incorrect Gate Delay Detection Threshold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.2 Incorrect Gate Delay Detection Threshold for XOR Circuit. . . . . . . . . . 27 4.3 Ambiguity Lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.1 Incorrect Detection Threshold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 A.1 Hierarchical Benchmark Description of c17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 A.2 Hierarchical Benchmark Description for a Half Adder. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 A.3 Simulator Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 A.4 Example Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 A.5 Hierarchical Bench Netlist for Simulation Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 A.6 Input Vector File for Simulation Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 A.7 Fault Coverage and Detection Gap Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 A.8 Hazard Free Outputs for Simulation Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 B.1 Circuit and Gate Data Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 B.2 Fault and Fault Size Data Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 B.3 Ambiguity List Data Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 xi B.4 Critical Delay Calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 B.5 Slack Calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 B.6 Bounded Delay Simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 B.7 Fault Simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 xii List of Tables 3.1 Incorrect Detection Threshold Calculations for XOR Circuit. . . . . . . . . 17 4.1 Incorrect Detection Threshold Calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.2 Incorrect Detection Threshold Calculations for XOR Circuit. . . . . . . . . 28 4.3 Corrected Detection Threshold Calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.4 Corrected Detection Threshold Calculations for XOR Circuit. . . . . . . . . 34 4.5 Detection Gap Results for 1,000 Random Vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.1 Incorrect Detection Threshold Calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5.2 Corrected Detection Threshold Calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.3 Largest Output EA and LS Values for 10,000 Random Vectors. . . . . . . . 43 5.4 Detection Gap Results for 1,000 Random Vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 B.1 Performance When Zero Delay Bu ers Are Not Inserted on Fanout Branches. 72 B.2 Performance When Zero Delay Bu ers Are Inserted on Fanout Branches. . 72 B.3 Performance With and Without Reconvergent Fanout Analysis. . . . . . . . 73 xiii Chapter 1 Introduction As technology advances, manufactured VLSI devices are becoming more and more com- plex. As complexity of devices increases, the testing of devices to ensure correct operation becomes more and more di cult. Testing must not only ensure correct logical operation, but must also ensure correct timing operation. Manufacturing process variations (variations in threshold voltage, channel length, etc.) and di erences in operating environment (such as power supply and temperature variations) result in delay values within a manufactured device that vary. This uncertainty in gate and wire delays requires the delays within a circuit to be modeled as imprecise delays rather than a simple nominal delay value. One model that allows imprecise gate delays is the bounded gate delay model, where delays are lumped at gates, and a gate?s delay is assumed to be somewhere between some minimum (lower bound) and maximum (upper bound) value. However, analysis techniques using the bounded gate delay model often produce results that are too pessimistic. As the uncertainty due to process variations increases, the need for more accurate analysis also increases. 1.1 Problem Statement The problem solved in this thesis is: A method to improve the accuracy for simulation of gate delay faults in the presence of reconvergent fanouts. 1 1.2 Contribution of Thesis We have analyzed the inaccuracy in bounded delay simulation and gate delay fault simulation when signal correlations due to reconvergent fanouts are ignored. A method for reconvergent fanout analysis during bounded delay simulation of the fault-free circuit is presented. The sizes of delay faults are an important parameter in determining the quality that a test set provides for gate delay faults, so another method is presented to accurately evaluate the minimum size detectable for detected gate delay faults in the presence of reconvergent fanouts. One paper describing this work was presented at the International Test Conference 2007 [13] and another was presented at the 17th IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop 2008 [27]. 1.3 Organization of Thesis The thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, we discuss a general background of delay fault modeling, static timing analysis, and min-max delay simulation. In Chapter 3, previous work in gate delay fault simulation and previous work in reconvergent fanout anal- ysis during both bounded delay simulation and delay fault simulation are described. A method for reconvergent fanout analysis during detection threshold evaluation is presented in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, a method for reconvergent fanout analysis in fault-free circuit simulation is presented to further improve the accuracy in computing the detection thresh- olds of detected gate delay faults. Conclusions and future work are discussed in Chapter 6. 2 Chapter 2 Background The objective of delay testing is to ensure that a manufactured design meets its timing speci cations. Defects that occur during fabrication of a VLSI device may increase circuit delays, causing an error if a transition is prevented from reaching an output within the clock period. Delay testing isolates those devices that will not operate within the designed timing constraints from those that operate as designed. In order to examine a circuit?s timing operation, a delay test must propagate signal transitions through the design, which requires the application of vector pairs. The rst vector of a delay test initializes the circuit and the second vector produces the required transitions [14, 37]. The delay of a signal transition in a combinational circuit has two main parts: switching delays and propagation delays. Switching delays are due to the input to output delay of gates. The switching delay of a gate is the time it takes for the gate?s output to change after a change on an input. Propagation delays are due to the delay along wires. The propagation delay between gates is the time it takes a signal transition to travel from the output of a gate to the input of a fanout gate [14, 24]. For the bounded gate delay model, delays are lumped at gates, and a gate?s delay is assumed to be somewhere between a minimum (lower bound) and maximum (upper bound) value. 3 2.1 Delay Fault Modeling Physical defects such as imperfections in materials or missing contact windows that occur during device fabrication result in a di erence between the chip?s implemented hard- ware and it?s intended design. A fault is a mathematical abstraction at the function level that represents physical defects and allows the development and application of analytical tools. A fault model should provide high con dence that faulty devices will be isolated from those that operate as indended by design [14, 37]. Some physical defects result in increased delays without causing an error in the device?s logical function. If the increased circuit delay exceeds the intended clock period, the circuit will fail to operate as designed. Such defects that e ect the performance of the device are modeled by a delay fault model. Three common fault models for delay faults are the transition fault model, the path delay fault model, and the gate delay fault model [14, 37]. 2.1.1 Transition Fault Model The transition fault model [18, 56, 63] is a qualitive delay fault model where circuit delays are often not even considered [37]. Each line in the circuit has two transition faults, a slow-to-rise fault and a slow-to-fall fault, and it is assumed that the delay fault only a ects a single gate in the circuit. A slow-to-rise (fall) transition fault makes the falling (rising) signal on that line slow [14, 37]. The transition fault model is used to model large delay faults where the increase in delay due to the fault is assumed to be large enough to prevent the transition from reaching the circuit?s outputs before the clock [14, 37]. To model small delay faults, two types of models are common, the path delay fault model and the gate delay fault model [13, 34, 52]. 4 2.1.2 Path Delay Fault Model The path delay fault [40, 54, 58] models small delay faults, and is usually considered to be closest to the ideal model for defects that increase circuit delays [37]. A path delay fault occurs when the cumulative propagation delay, rising or falling, of a combinational path exceeds a speci ed limit. A path is a connected chain of gates from primary input to primary output, between two clocked memory elements ( ip- ops), or from a primary input to a clocked memory element. The length of a path is the sum of delays due to gates and interconnects along the path. The major disadvantage of the path delay fault model is that the number of paths can be very large in a circuit, and the number of path delay faults can be exponential in the number of gates [53]. Therefore, testing all path delay faults in a circuit is impractical. Often, only a subset of paths with a delay greater than a speci ed threshold are considered [14, 37]. Research continues on the selection of a relevant set of path delay faults that should be tested. In spite of sevral available results [44, 64], there is no accepted way of selecting paths. Because of their large number, path delay fault simulation of sequential circuits is a complex problem [8, 10, 11, 17]. For combinational circuits or for scan-mode sequential circuits, e cient methods of simulation [26] and diagnosis [47] have been reported. Although several path delay test generation systems have been reported [23, 48], sig- ni cant di culties are encountered in this area. Tests generated with single-fault assump- tion can be invalidated in the presence of multiple faults. Such tests are known as non- robust [14, 25, 36]. Tests that cannot be invalidated by any arbitrary delays in the circuit are called robust [40]. In general, it is found that no robust tests exist for many path delay faults. Fortunately, it is possible to validate some, though not all, non-robust tests [19, 59]. 5 Such tests are known as validatable non-robust (VNR) tests. The problem of delay test invalidation can also be reduced by nding tests that do not generate timing hazards. Haz- ards are timing ambiguities in the transient behavior of a signal. The use of hazard-free tests can improve the quality of delay testing and diagnosis [38, 57]. In view of the problems of path delay testing, as outlined above, we often derive pessimistic inferences about the speed of the circuit [9, 50]. A contribution of the research reported in this thsis is in reducing such pessimism. 2.1.3 Gate Delay Fault Model The gate delay fault model assumes that a delay fault is lumped at a single gate [14, 37]. Unlike the transition fault model, the gate delay fault model is a quantitive fault model in which circuit delays are considered [37]. A gate delay fault is modeled as an increase in the input to output delay of a gate. The increase in delay due to a fault is called the size of the fault, which is an important parameter in determining the ability of a test to detect gate delay defects [14, 37]. The gate delay fault model has the advantages of the ability to model small delay defects and the number of gate delay faults in a circuit is linear in the number of gates [14, 37]. Because of the single gate delay fault assumption, however, the gate delay fault model has the disadvantage that tests derived for gate delay faults can fail to detect delay faults that are caused by the cumulative delay of multiple small delay defects [37]. 2.1.4 Segment Delay Fault Model A delay model that strikes a compromise between the path and gate delay models is the segment delay model [28]. In this model, faults on strings of gates within speci ed maximum 6 length (in number of gates) are considered. Thus, a unit length segment corresponds to the gate delay model and an in nite length segment corresponds to the path delay model. In practice, the segment length can be chosen from such considerations as spatial correlations among gates and analysis complexity. 2.2 Static Timing Analysis Static timing analysis is a vector-independent analysis of the timing behavior of com- binational paths through a circuit [3, 29, 60]. Static timing analysis is usually used in the design process before manufacturing to calculate the circuit?s worse-case timing behavior and to identify the circuit?s critical path [20, 62, 66]. The critical path is the longest delay combinational path in the circuit. The delay of the critical path determines the smallest clock period at which the circuit can function correctly [14, 34]. Static timing analysis is included in the standard design ow of VLSI circuits and is supported by commercial tools [6]. Its applications have been proposed for timing optimiza- tion of synchronous sequential circuits at the functional clocking [43] and physical design [22] levels. Though the analysis formally veri es the correctness of the timing behavior of the design, it does not eliminate the need for delay testing. This is because no fabrication process is perfect and errors and variations are introduced, requiring every manufactured device to be tested. A simple form of timing analysis may use xed (or nominal) delays for gates. Delay variations are anayzed by using either a statistical delay model [1, 5, 35, 42, 49, 62] or a bounded delay model [12, 13, 16, 39, 55, 61]. In the research reported in this thesis we use the bounded delay model. 7 2.2.1 Slack Static timing analysis is used to calculate the slacks of paths through the circuit. For a path P with delay d, the slack of P is the quantity Tc d, where Tc is the clock period. Slacks are de ned for a gate G as Tc DG, where DG is the delay of the longest delay path from input to output through G [32, 33, 34, 49, 51, 52]. For bounded gate delays, Iyengar et al. [34] distinguish between two di erent calculations for the slack at a gate, the slack for the design process and the slack for testing. For the calculation of slacks during the design process, maximum gate delays are used when calculating the delay of the longest delay path through gate G. The reason is that timing analysis during design has to ensure that all outputs are stable before the clock, even if the delay for every gate is at it?s maximum value. In testing, minimum gate delays are used to calculate the longest path delay through gate G because testing should guarantee detection of delay faults. A test to detect a delay fault has to ensure the fault will be detected without being masked by gate delays that are decreased due to delay variations. 2.3 Bounded Delay Simulation Delay simulation is a dynamic timing analysis that analyzes the timing behavior of a circuit for a set of inputs and signal transitions. During bounded delay simulation of a vector pair, two vectors, V1 and V2, are applied to the circuit?s inputs, and signal timing is analyzed for the pair. After Vector V1 is applied, the circuit is assumed to have stabalized before V2 is applied. Each gate G has two logic values, IV(G) and FV(G). IV(G) is the initial value, which is the output logic value for gate G after vector V1 is applied, and FV(G) is the nal value, which is the output logic value after vector V2 is applied [37, 32, 34, 51, 52]. 8 2.3.1 Simpli ed Signal Waveforms The timing of a signal at the output of gate G can be represented using simpli ed signal waveforms descibed in [15], where signal timing is represented using two quantities, EA(G) and LS(G). EA(G) is the earliest arrival time for the output of gate G after vector V2 is applied, and LS(G) is the latest stabalization time for the gate?s output after vector V2 is applied. The waveform at the output of a gate G is at IV(G) before time EA(G), and at FV(G) after time LS(G). Between times EA(G) and LS(G), gate G has an ambiguous (unknown) value (X). During this ambiguity region, the waveform at the output of G can have any number of pulses [13, 32, 34, 37, 51, 52]. Figure 2.1 illustrates bounded delay simulation waveforms. Minimum and maximum gate delays are shown beside each gate. The output of gate C is at logic 1 before time t = 1, and logic 0 after time t = 3. Due to process variations, the signal can change any time between times 1 and 3. Between times 1 and 3, the output of C is ambiguous (X). Similarly, the output of gate E changes from 0 to 1 sometime between times 2 and 5. The output of E has the unknown value X in the ambiguous region between times 2 and 5. 9 10 11 BAC DE FH Y01234 56 9 1112 (1,3) (1,3) C D E F H Y(1,2)(1,2) (3,4) (1,2) A B 78 10 Figure 2.1: Min-Max Simulation Waveforms. 10 Chapter 3 Previous Work The rst section in this chapter describes previous work on computing the sizes of detected gate delay faults during gate delay fault simulation. The second section describes previous work for reconvergent fanout analysis in both bounded delay simulation and delay fault simulation. 3.1 Gate Delay Fault Simulation Given a set of vectors, gate delay fault simulation is used to determine the quality the set of test vectors provides for detecting gate delay faults in the circuit [12, 34, 37, 52]. In order to detect a gate delay fault, the test must both place a transition at the fault site and propagate its e ect to an observation point. Therefore, testing a gate delay fault requires two vectors: the rst to set the initial value of the transition at the fault site, and the second to both make the transition to the nal value at the site and propagate the fault?s e ect to an observation point. For a rising (falling) transition, the rst vector places a logic 0 (logic 1) at the fault site, and the second vector is a stuck-at-0 (stuck-at-1) test for the same fault site [34, 52]. To determine the quality of a set of tests, gate delay fault simulation determines both how many faults are detected and their minimum size detectable. The minimum size detectable is the minimum faulty delay that must be present for the test to detect the fault [21, 34, 52]. Given two tests that detect the same fault, the test that detects the fault with a smaller size is considered a higher quality test for that fault. The minimum 11 5 9 2 5 1 3 3 510 11 Xslow?tofall Y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 1112 Detection ThresholdTs 7 8 10 (1,3) (1,3) C D E F H Y(1,2)(1,2) (3,4) (1,2) A B Figure 3.1: Detection Threshold. size gate delay fault that is guaranteed to be detected by a test is de ned as the detection threshold [34, 37]. A test is guaranteed to detect a gate delay fault if the size of the delay fault is greater than the fault?s detection threshold for that test. The size of a delay fault at a gate G is de ned in [34] as the amount of faulty delay added to the earliest arrival time of G (EA(G)). When a gate delay fault of size is present at G, the output of G transitions after time EA(G) + [34, 37]. Figure 3.1 illustrates the detection threshold of a slow-to-fall gate delay fault on input A in the example circuit of Figure 2.1. A slow-to-fall fault at A of size shifts the earliest arrival time of A by time units. A delay of EA(A) by time units delays the earliest 12 arrival times for gates C, E, F, H, and Y by time units. For the fault to be detected, the size of the fault should be large enough to shift the output at Y far enough such that the initial value of Y IV(Y) is sampled at the sample clock. If output Y was sampled at Ts = 12, a fault at A of size larger than 8 ( > 8) is required to guarantee that IV(Y) is sampled at time 12. Therefore, the detection threshold for the slow-to-fall fault at A in Figure 3.1 is 8. Iyengar et al. [34] describe a method to compute the detection thresholds of detected gate delay faults. In this method, for every gate delay fault test (vector pair V1 and V2), bounded delay simulation computes the simpli ed signal waveform values IV, FV, EA, and LS to summarize gate output waveforms for the fault-free circuit, and gate delay fault simulation computes information about circuit waveforms under the in uence of a fault. This information about faulty waveforms is compared to fault-free waveforms at circuit outputs to determine the detection threshold of detected gate delay faults. 3.1.1 Fault-Free Circuit Simulation The calculations for EA and LS to represent fault-free waveform timing are described in [15, 32, 33, 34]. For a vector pair, EA and LS for each primary input, PI, is initialized, and EA and LS for each gate is evaluated in one forward pass over the circuit. For a primary input that has a transition, IV(PI)6= FV(PI), EA and LS are both initialized to the time at which the stimulus is applied to the input. If a primary input does not have a transition, IV(PI) = FV(PI), it?s waveform is at a steady logic value, which is represented by setting EA and LS to: EA(PI) =1 LS(PI) = 1 13 EA and LS are evaluated for all other gates using EA and LS values at the gate?s inputs. For all inputs (i) to a gate G whose initial value (IV(i)) is a controlling input logic value for G, EA is calculated as: EA(G) = maxfEA(i)g+minDelay(G) If no input to G has an initial value that is a controlling input logic value for G, then for all inputs (i): EA(G) = minfEA(i)g+minDelay(G) For all inputs to G whose nal value (FV(i)) is a controlling input logic value for G, LS is calculated as: LS(G) = minfLS(i)g+maxDelay(G) If no input has a nal value that is a controlling input logic value for G, then for all inputs: LS(G) = maxfLS(i)g+maxDelay(G) If these calculations result in EA(G) >LS(G), the output of G is at a steady logic value. If this occurs, EA and LS are set to: EA(G) =1 LS(G) = 1 to represent a steady logic value on the output of gate G. 14 3.1.2 Fault Detection For each gate delay fault simulated, each signal in the faulty circuit has a fault prop- agating value, FPV, which is the signal?s value in the presence of a stuck-at fault at the fault site such that the fault site is stuck-at it?s initial value [32, 34]. Therefore, simulation of a gate delay fault at gate G at the fault site, FPV(G) is the initial value of G: FPV(G) = IV(G) At a gate G outside the cone of in uence of the faulty gate, the waveforms are una ected by the fault. Gate G lies outside the cone of in uence of the faulty gate if no directed path exists from the output of the faulty gate to an input to gate G. In this case, FPV is set to the gate?s nal value: FPV(G) = FV(G) At a gate G inside the cone of in uence, the FPV is evaluated using boolean logic on the FPVs of its inputs. Gate G lies inside the cone of in uence if a directed path from the output of the faulty gate to an input to gate G does exist. Propagating the FPVs propagates the fault e ects through the circuit, and can be used to determine whether or not a delay fault of any size can be detected by the test. If at an output, the FPV di ers from the output?s nal value, the fault is considered detected by that test, and the fault?s detection threshold determines the size required for detection [32, 34, 37]. To determine the detection threshold for a given delay fault f, a reference fault size, (G), and two reference times, RTa(G) and RTb(G), are evaluated for each gate G, which provide timing information about the faulty waveforms. Certain assertions are made about 15 the signal waveform at G. The logic value at a gate G for a given delay fault of size is at FPV(G) between times RTa(G) and RTb(G) + , provided > (G). If the size of the fault is less than the reference size, the fault has no e ect at the output of G, and the waveform does not di er from the fault-free waveform [32, 34, 37, 52]. For a gate G, at the fault site, FPV(G) is at IV(G) for the time between 1 and EA(G): (G) = 0 RTa(G) = 1 RTb(G) = EA(G) and for a gate G, outside the cone of in uence of the fault, FPV(G) is at FV(G) between the times LS(G) to 1: (G) = 0 RTa(G) = LS(G) RTb(G) =1 For a gate G, inside the cone of in uence of the fault site, if all inputs (i) have sensitizing fault propagating values FPV(i), RTa(G) and RTb(G) are calculated as follows: RTa(G) = maxfRTa(i)g+maxDelay(G) RTb(G) = minfRTb(i)g+minDelay(G) To calculate the reference size, (G), the value ! is calculated, which represents the minimum delay at some input to G that overcomes the inertia of G so as to observe the delay at the output of G: ! = maxf0; maxfRTa(i)g+maxDelay(G) minfRTb(i)gg 16 The reference size for gate G is then: (G) = maxfmaxf (i)g; !g For a gateG, inside the cone of in uence of the fault site, ifGhas inputs with controlling fault propagation values, an input i is chosen such that FPV(i) is a controlling input value for gate G. RTa(G) and RTb(G) are then calculated as follows: RTa(G) = RTa(i) +maxDelay(G) RTb(G) = RTb(i) +minDelay(G) (G) = maxfmaxf (i)g; RTa(i) +maxDelay(G) RTb(i)g The detection threshold for a delay fault f (DT(f)) at a circuit output z is then: DT(f) = maxf (z); Ts(z) RTb(z)g Table 3.1: Incorrect Detection Threshold Calculations for XOR Circuit. signal EA LS FPV (s) RTa RTb A 0 0 1 0 1 0 B 1 1 1 0 1 1 C 1 3 1 0 1 1 D 1 1 1 0 1 1 E 2 5 0 0 1 2 F 3 5 1 0 1 3 H 5 9 1 0 1 5 Y 4 11 0 0 1 4 17 where Ts is the sample time of the output. The minimum size fault detectable is then the minimum detection threshold for all outputs and all tests [12, 32, 34, 37, 52]. Table 3.1 show the calculations for EA, LS, fault propagating values, and the three reference quantity calculations when evaluating the detection threshold of a slow-to-fall fault on input A in the example circuit of Figure 3.1. If the output Y were sampled at time Ts = 12, then the detection threshold would be: DT(A) = Ts(Y) RTb(Y) DT(A) = 12 4 = 8 3.1.3 Detection Gap The detection gap described by Iyengar et al. [34] provides a way to relate the detection threshold of a detected gate delay fault to the slack at the fault site. The detection gap for a detected gate delay fault (gap(G)) is: gap(G) = DT(G) slack(G) where slack(G) is the slack for testing purposes de ned in [34], which is the sum of all minimum gate delays along the longest delay path through gate G. If a vector pair detects a fault at G such that gap(G) = 0, the smallest possible delay fault at G has been detected. If gap(G) > 0, there is a possibility that there exists a better test to detect a gate delay fault at G with a smaller detection threshold [27, 34]. The smaller the detection gaps are for a set of vectors, the better quality that set provides for detecting gate delay faults. Suppose a gate delay fault is detected at a gate by 18 Figure 3.2: Illustrating Correlation of Inputs to a Reconvergent Gate. activating a path p2, which is shorter than the longest path, p1, through that gate as shown in Figure 3.2. Path delays D and d in Figure 3.2 are the sums of all minimum gate delays along paths p1 and p2 that pass through the gate. For a clock period Tc, Tc D d, and the slack for the gate is Tc D, where D is the delay of the longest delay path, p1. If the fault is detected through the shorter path p2, then the detection gap is DT(p2) slack, which is larger than 0 by the amount D d. Ideally we would like to detect the smallest gate delay fault possible, so a better test would detect the delay fault through path p1. If detected through p1, the detection gap would be DT(p1) slack, which is 0 because DT(p1) = slack. 19 3.2 Reconvergent Fanout Analysis When signals produced by a common fanout point reconverge, the inputs to the re- convergent gate are correlated [7, 12, 13, 16, 27, 30, 39, 41, 61]. Consider the fanout at the output of gate C in Figure 3.3, which reconverges at gate F. Figure 3.4 illustrates the correlation of both inputs to gate F (signals C and D). Suppose signal C changes at time x, which is somewhere between times 1 and 3. Since gate C?s output is an input to gate E, the signal at E follows the signal at C in time, and cannot be smaller than the minimum delay of gate E, which is 1. Therefore, the output of E cannot change before time x+minDelay(E), or x+ 1. Conventional bounded delay simulation ignores correlations of signals at inputs to reconvergent gates, and is known to produce pessimistic results [12, 13, 16, 27, 30, 31, 39, 41, 61]. In Figure 3.3, the inputs to gate F are correlated, and the input from C (top input) transitions to a controlling input logic value for gate F before the input from E (bottom input) transitions away from a controlling input value for F. Therefore, there is always a controlling logic value on at least one input to gate F. Conventional min-max delay simulation produces an ambiguity region at the output of F between times 3 and 5, which can never occur in an actual circuit. Propagating its e ect to the output at gate Y would produce extra ambiguity between times 4 to 6. Removing, or suppressing, the erroneously produced static hazard results in the signal at output Y transitioning from a 0 to a 1 at some time between 6 and 11, instead of times 4 and 11 from conventional bounded delay simulation. 20 10 11 BAC DE FH Y0 1 2 3 4 56 9 1112 xslow?tofall Ambiguity eliminatedin the accurateanalysis (1,3) (1,3) C D E F H Y(1,2)(1,2) (3,4) (1,2) A B Figure 3.3: Min-Max Simulation Waveforms. 3.2.1 Bounded Delay Simulation Chakraborty et al. [16] present an algorithm for accurate timing analysis in the pres- ence of reconvergent fanouts. In this method, gates are evaluated using a thirteen valued waveform algebra. If a gate output is evaluated to be a constant value, it is guaranteed that for all possible gate input transition orderings, the output remains at a constant value. If the gate?s output is not evaluated to be a constant value, the gate is further analyzed to 21 0 54321 x+ E C x Figure 3.4: Min-Max Simulation Waveforms. determine whether or not a hazard occurring at the output is masked. This analysis tries to determine for every input p that is di erent from input q if the transition on p is ordered relative to the transition on q. If a transition on p is ordered relative to a transition on q, the time at which the transition occurs on q depends on the time at which the transition occurs on q. Any ordering information detected is used to determine if hazards occurring at the gate?s output should be masked [16]. Although this method results in an accurate timing analysis, its complexity would prevent it?s use in logic simulation [12, 13]. An event-driven symbolic min-max simulator is described by Linderman and Leeser [41] that eliminates common ambiguity due to reconvergent fanout. In the event graph, delays to a reconvergent gate from events back to the last common event (event from the common fanout point) are used to determine the common ambiguity to eliminate [41]. This method produces less pessimistic results in the presence of reconvergent fanouts, but it?s worse-case complexity is exponential in circuit size [16]. Time-symbolic simulation [31] and coded time-symbolic simulation [30] are two methods that also produce accurate results in the 22 presence of reconvergent fanouts, but their worse-case complexity is also exponential in circuit size [16]. Lalgudi et al. [39] present an event-driven min-max delay simulator on the MARS [2] parallel computer that removes the common ambiguity between events at the inputs to a reconvergent gate before the gate is evaluated. To determine the common ambiguity between events, the event data structure used has an \ambiguity descriptor list" that contains fanout stem IDs that are originators of ambiguity. For each fanout stem ID, modi ed ambiguity information is stored. The modi ed ambiguity information is needed when determining common ambiguity of two events at the inputs to a reconvergent gate because both events are modi ed di erently as they propagate along two di erent paths from the fanout stem to the reconvergent gate. Both events may have been modi ed such that any common ambiguity has been eliminated. The ambiguity descriptor lists of events can grow very large, so the simulator limits the list?s maximum size, which may result in pessimism [39]. 3.2.2 Delay Fault Simulation A path delay fault simulation algorithm using bounded gate delays that considers correlations between inputs to reconvergent gates is described by Bose and Agrawal [12]. In this approach, each gate has an "ambiguity list" that is propagated with events during event-driven simulation. Ambiguity list propagation is similar to fault list propagation of concurrent fault simulation. When a reconvergent gate is evaluated, the ambiguity lists of fanin gates provide information about how the reconvergent gate?s inputs are correlated due to a common fanout point. If this information is such that ambiguity due to a static hazard at the output of the reconvergent gate cannot occur, the hazard is suppressed [12, 13]. 23 Each element of the ambiguity list at gate G contains: Gate ID of a fanout point that causes an ambiguity region at G Minimum delay from the fanout to G Maximum delay from the fanout to G During simulation, if the current value of a gate G is a Boolean value (logic 0 or logic 1), the ambiguity list at G is empty. If the current value of G is ambiguous (X), then the ambiguity list at G may not be empty [13]. When an event arrives at gate G and the output of G is evaluated to be ambiguous (X) for the current simulation time, every fanout point (element) in the ambiguity lists of fanin gates to G is examined to evaluate the ambiguity list at G?s output. If a fanout point f is found at more than one input to gate G, then G is a reconvergent gate with common fanout f. When this occurs, if a fanout point has a minimum delay to an input transitioning from a controlling to a sensitizing logic value that is larger than the maximum delay to an input that is transitioning from a sensitizing to controlling value, the hazard at the output of the reconvergent gate is suppressed, the output is set to be stable, and the hazard list is set to null. If hazard suppression does not occur, then the fanouts at the gate?s input hazard lists are updated with the gate?s delay values and propagated to the output hazard list. Results presented for the ISCAS85 combinational benchmark circuits show error as high as 20% when measuring the critical path delay using bounded delay simulation [12, 13]. 24 Chapter 4 Reconvergent Fanout Analysis in Detection Threshold Evaluation This chapter presents a method to determine the detection threshold of detected faults during gate delay fault simulation that is more accurate than previous approaches. This method adds a reconvergent fanout analysis technique to the detection threshold evaluation method presented by Iyengar et al. [34]. The analysis technique presented in this chapter has appeared in recent papers [13, 27]. 4.1 Motivation Consider the circuit in Figure 4.1 which shows bounded delay simulation waveforms for a test to detect a slow-to-fall gate delay fault on input B. Input A is held constant while B undergoes a falling transition. Min-Max bounds for all gate delays are shown beneath each gate in the gure. The worse-case delay for the maximum delays shown is 7 time units, so in this example, the sample period is set to Ts = 8. If the output Y is sampled at time 8, the value sampled at Y will always be at FV(Y) for the fault-free circuit. Table 4.1 shows earliest arrival (EA) and latest stabilization (LS) times, fault prop- agation values (FPV), reference fault sizes ( (s)), and reference times (RTa and RTb) calculated using the detection threshold evaluation method presented by Iyengar et al. [34]. Using these reference quantity calculations, the slow-to-fall gate delay fault at gate B is detected with a detection threshold of Ts RTb(Y) = (8 4) = 4. 25 3 6 4 6 1 4 1 410 11 GateDelayFault (1,1) (0,0) (2,2) B A (4,6)D (1,4) E(1,4) X Y H F C 4 7 Ts=843 5 Figure 4.1: Incorrect Gate Delay Detection Threshold. Table 4.1: Incorrect Detection Threshold Calculations. signal EA LS FPV (s) RTa RTb A 1 1 1 0 1 1 B 0 0 1 0 1 0 C 4 6 0 0 1 4 D 1 4 1 0 1 1 E 1 4 1 0 1 1 F 3 6 0 0 1 3 H 3 4 0 0 1 3 Y 4 7 0 0 1 4 From Figure 4.1 we see that the earliest arrival time for the rising transition at the output of Y is 4. To guarantee detection, the size of the fault at B must be large enough such that it?s e ect will shift the waveform at Y by at least 4 time units. A shift in the waveform at Y of 4 time units or greater will guarantee that the output Y is at IV(Y) when the output is sampled at time 8, so a fault at gate B with size 4 or greater is detected. Notice, however, that the fanout at the output of gateD reconverges at gateH. Because the top input (from D) is guaranteed to transition to a controlling input logic value (0) for 26 10 11 2 5 4 11 95 xslow?tofall(1,3) (1,3) C D E(1,2) A B Y(1,2) 6 1 3 F H (1,2) (3,4) 3 5 Figure 4.2: Incorrect Gate Delay Detection Threshold for XOR Circuit. H before the bottom input (from F) transitions away from a controlling input value, there is always a controlling logic value on some input to gate H, and the output is stable at logic 0. The incorrect hazard at the output of gate H between times 3 and 4 results in the ambiguity at gate Y between times 4 and 5. A more accurate analysis would show that a slow-to-fall gate delay fault at gate B would only need to shift the output waveform at Y by 3 time units to guarantee detection, and the correct detection threshold should be evaluated as 3 instead of 4. This is because for the fault-free circuit, the ambiguous region between times 4 and 5 at the output of gate Y is guaranteed to be at IV(Y) in the accurate analysis. A similar error can be seen in the circuit of Figure 4.2. Table 4.2 shows the calculations for evaluating the detection threshold of a slow-to-fall gate delay fault at input gate A. Because both inputs to gate F are correlated in such a way that there is always a controlling logic value (0) at at least one input to F, the hazard produced between times 3 and 5 is incorrect. Using the Iyengar et al. [34] method, and a sample period of Ts = 12, the 27 Table 4.2: Incorrect Detection Threshold Calculations for XOR Circuit. signal EA LS FPV (s) RTa RTb A 0 0 1 0 1 0 B 1 1 1 0 1 1 C 1 3 1 0 1 1 D 1 1 0 0 1 1 E 2 5 0 0 1 2 F 3 5 1 0 1 3 H 5 9 1 0 1 5 Y 4 11 0 0 1 4 detection threshold is evaluated as Ts RTb(Y) = (12 4) = 8. A more careful analysis would show that fault sizes greater than 6 would be su cient to shift the output at Y to guarantee detection. Here, an accurate analysis should calculate the detection threshold of the slow-to-fall fault at A as 6 instead of 8. 4.2 Detection Threshold Evaluation This section describes how reconvergent fanout analysis is added to the method de- scribed in [34] for a more accurate detection threshold evaluation of detected gate delay faults. The method described here is similar to that in [34] in that gate delays are speci ed by their upper and lower bounds, and the stimulus to the circuit consists of a vector pair, V1 and V2. It is assumed the circuit has stabilized after the rst vector is applied, before applying the second vector. The time frame of reference, t = 0, is assumed to be the instant the second vector is applied to the primary inputs. For each gate G in the fault-free circuit, values to represent the simpli ed signal waveforms, IV(G), FV(G), EA(G), and LS(G), are evaluated as in [15, 32, 34, 37]. 28 For gate G, the fault propagating value, FPV(G) is identical to the logic value of G when V2 is applied to the circuit with the corresponding stuck-at fault at G. For a slow-to-rise (slow-to-fall) delay fault at a gate output, the corresponding stuck-at fault is the stuck-at-0 (stuck-at-1) fault at the same fault site. As described in [34], the fault propagating value for a gate G at the fault site is the initial value of G, FPV(G) = IV(G), and the fault propagating value for a gate G outside the cone of in uence of the fault site is the nal value of G, FPV(G) = FV(G). For a gate G inside the logic cone of the fault site, FPV(G) is evaluated using fault propagating values at G?s fanin gates and the usual rules of Boolean logic [34]. 4.2.1 Ambiguity Lists To provide information about the correlations between signals, each gate G has an ambiguity list similar to those described by Bose and Agrawal [12], where each element consists of the following: Gate IDs of fanout points (f) that lie in the forward cone of the fault site. d(G;f): Minimum delay to G from f. D(G;f): Maximum delay to G from f. Unlike the ambiguity lists evaluated during logic simulation in the algorithm presented in [12], these lists are evaluated for each gate inside the cone of in uence of the fault [13, 27]. 4.2.2 Faulty Waveforms For a given delay fault f of size , the reference fault size, (G), and the two reference times, RTa(G) and RTb(G), are evaluated for each gate G, such that the logic value at G 29 is guaranteed to be at FPV(G) between the time interval RTa(G) to RTb(G)+ , provided the size of delay fault f exceeds (G). For a gate at the fault site and for gates that lie outside the downcone of the fault site, the three reference quantities are evaluated as in [34]. For a gate G outside the cone of in uence of the fault, G is at it?s fault propagating value for the time between LS(G) and 1: (G) = 0 RTa(G) = LS(G) RTb(G) = +1 For a gate G at the fault site, G is at it?s fault propagating value for the time between 1 and EA(G): (G) = 0 RTa(G) = 1 RTb(G) = EA(G) If the fault site also happens to be a fanout stem, an ambiguity list is also created at the fault site with the gate ID of fanout point G and delays d(G;G) = 0 and D(G;G) = 0 [13, 27]. Reference quantities for gates inside the downcone of the fault site are evaluated along with ambiguity lists. The ambiguity lists at the gate?s inputs are used to determine the ambiguity list at the output. For a gate G inside the cone of in uence of the fault, if all inputs (i) have sensitizing fault propagating values, RTa(G) and RTb(G) are calculated identically as in [34]: RTa(G) = maxfRTa(i)g+maxDelay(G) RTb(G) = minfRTb(i)g+minDelay(G) 30 Calculating the reference size is also identical to that described in [34]: ! = maxf0; maxfRTa(i)g+maxDelay(G) minfRTb(i)gg (G) = maxfmaxf (i)g; !g The ambiguity list at the output of gate G is updated by adding an element for every fanout element found at the inputs (i) of G. The minimum and maximum delays of ambiguity list elements, d(G;f) and D(G;f), are updated using the minimum and maximum delays of G: d(G;f) = minfd(i;f)g+minDelay(G) D(G;f) = maxfD(i;f)g+maxDelay(G) For a gate G inside the cone of in uence of the fault site, if inputs to G have both sensitizing and controlling fault propagating values, the following quantities are evaluated for all fanout points (f) of the hazard lists at inputs to G: minDV (f) = maxfd(M;f)g maxSV (f) = maxfD(m;f)g where M is an input to G with a controlling FPV and m is an input to G with a sensitizing FPV. The quantity minDV (f) represents the largest minimum delay from the common fanout point f to an input to G with a FPV that is a controlling input logic value for G. The quantity maxSV (f) represents the largest maximum delay from f to an input to G with FPV that is a sensitizing input value for gate G [13, 27]. 31 If no common fanout point f results in minDV (f) maxSV (f), hazard suppression does not occur, and the reference quantities at the output of G are calculated using an input i with a dominating FPV: (G) = maxf (i); RTa(i) +maxDelay(G) RTb(i)g RTa(G) = RTa(i) +maxDelay(G) RTb(G) = RTb(i) +minDelay(G) Input i is chosen such that (i) is minimum among all such inputs of G. The ambiguity list at G is updated similar to before, adding an element to G?s ambiguity list for every fanout point f appearing at G?s inputs: d(G;f) = minfd(i;f)g+minDelay(G) D(G;f) = maxfD(i;f)g+maxDelay(G) If, however, a common fanout point at the inputs toGresults inminDV (f) maxSV (f), then hazard cancellation occurs. Here, fault e ects cannot be propagated through gate G. The ambiguity list at the output of G is set to the empty (null) list and the following reference values are used at the output: (G) = 0 RTa(G) = 1 RTb(G) =1 32 11 10(1,3) (1,3) C D E F H Y(1,2)(1,2) (3,4) A B (1,2) Xslow?tofall C, 0, 0 C, 1, 2 E, 0, 0 Figure 4.3: Ambiguity Lists. 4.3 Examples Figure 4.3 shows the ambiguity lists for the example of Figure 4.2 when gate F is about to be evaluated. Since inputs to F have both sensitizing and controlling fault propagating values, minDV and maxSV are calculated for all fanout points at the inputs to F. For the common fanout point C, the following quantities are evaluated: minDV(C) = 1 maxSV(C) = 0 Since minDV(C) maxSV(C), the hazard is suppressed, and the output of gate F is stable. The ambiguity list at F is set to null, and the reference quantities are set to: (G) = 0, RTa(G) = 1, and RTb(G) =1. Tables 4.3 and 4.4 show the results obtained when this algorithm is used for the exam- ples shown in both Figures 4.1 and 4.2. The second column shows fault propagating values, 33 Table 4.3: Corrected Detection Threshold Calculations. signal FPV (s) RTa RTb Hazard List A 1 0 1 1 null B 1 0 1 0 (B,0,0) C 0 0 1 4 (B,4,6) D 1 0 1 1 (B,1,4),(D,0,0) E 1 0 1 1 (B,1,4) F 0 0 1 3 (B,3,6),(D,2,2) H 0 0 1 1 null Y 0 0 1 5 (B,5,7) Table 4.4: Corrected Detection Threshold Calculations for XOR Circuit. signal FPV (s) RTa RTb Hazard List A 1 0 1 0 null B 1 0 1 1 null C 1 0 1 1 (C,0,0) D 1 0 1 1 null E 0 0 1 2 (C,1,2),(E,0,0) F 1 0 1 1 null H 1 0 1 5 (C,4,6),(E,3,4) Y 0 0 1 6 (C,5,8),(E,4,6) and columns three through ve show the three reference quantities for each signal. The last column shows the ambiguity lists at all gate outputs. For the example of Figure 4.1, the out- put sampling time was assumed to be t = 8. The correct detection threshold (8 RTb(Y)) is evaluated as 3, while the original algorithm in Table 4.1 evaluates the threshold to be 4. For Figure 4.2, assuming an output sampling period of Ts = 12, the erroneous detection threshold is calculated as 8 (12 RTb(Y)). This threshold is now correctly evaluated as 6. 34 Table 4.5: Detection Gap Results for 1,000 Random Vectors. Without Reconvergent With Reconvergent Fanout Analysis Fanout Analysis Average Faults Average Faults Detection Detected with Detection Detected with Gap Gap 3.5 Gap Gap 3.5 c432 72.4 8.80% 68.1 10.80% c499 31.1 11.44% 29.2 18.20% c880 21.3 40.18% 21.3 40.18% c1355 33.4 10.90% 31.8 17.21% c1908 48.1 15.94% 47.9 15.94% c2670 34.2 29.70% 33.9 29.70% c3540 43.9 20.45% 41.9 21.15% c5315 28.3 36.48% 28.2 36.64% c6288 395.2 0.45% 379.3 0.45% c7552 36.3 11.95% 36.1 11.98% 4.4 Results on ISCAS85 Benchmark Circuits Table 4.5 shows results obtained for ISCAS85 combinational benchmark circuits using the gate delay fault simulation method presented in this chapter. Each circuit was simulated for 1,000 random vectors, and for each vector, the fault-free waveforms were calculated using the method described by Iyengar et al. [34]. The minimum and maximum delays for each gate were set using a simple wireload delay model [46, 65], where delay bounds for each gate are set to (Nom n) Tol. Nom is a nominal delay value, n is the number of fanouts, and Tol is the tolerance to set minimum and maximum delays around the nominal value. The min-max delays for a gate are then set to: maxDelay = (Nom n) +Tol minDelay = (Nom n) Tol 35 For these results, a nominal delay of 3.5 time units and a tolerance of 14% was used, which would set the default min-max delays of a gate with a single fanout to approximately 3 and 4. A static timing analysis calculated the longest path delay as the sum of maximum gate delays along the longest delay path from input to output. The sample period Ts was then set to 1 time unit above the longest path delay. For the data presented in columns two and three of Table 4.5, signal correlations due to reconvergent fanouts were ignored. For each vector, and for each detected gate delay fault, faulty waveforms were evaluated using the method presented by Iyengar et al. [34] to evaluate the detection threshold. For the data in columns four and ve, ambiguity lists were evaluated during detection threshold evaluation as described in this chapter. In each case, for each detected fault, the smallest detection threshold over all simulated vector pairs was stored. The slack for each gate was calculated during the static timing analysis step as the di erence between Ts and the sum of all minimum gate delays along the longest delay path through that gate. Detection gaps were then calculated to relate the detection thresholds to the slacks. The smaller the detection gaps are for detected gate delay faults, the better quality the vector set provides for gate delay testing. Columns two and four show the average detection gap for all detected gate delay faults to illustrate the pessimism when signal correlations are ignored. When reconvergent fanout analysis is used, the average detection gap is smaller. Columns three and ve show the fault coverage of detected gate delay faults with a detection gap that is less than or equal to the nominal gate delay used, which is 3.5. This is to allow faults to be counted as detected if they are either detected through the longest path through the gate, or if they are detected through a path which is less than the longest path by only one gate delay. 36 When reconvergent fanout analysis is used, more gate delay faults are detected with smaller detection gaps. 37 Chapter 5 Reconvergent Fanout Analysis in Fault-Free Circuit Simulation This chapter presents a method that adds reconvergent fanout analysis to the bounded delay simulation used in simulating a fault-free circuit. The reconvergent fanout analysis technique, similar to that presented by Bose and Agrawal [12], is used to more accurately calculate the fault-free waveform timing values EA and LS when reconvergent fanouts are present. The technique presented in this chapter has appeared in a recent paper [27]. 5.1 Motivation Consider the circuit in Figure 5.1, which shows fault-free circuit simulation waveforms for a test to detect a slow-to-rise gate delay fault at gate J. Table 5.1 shows EA, LS, FPV, and the three reference quantity calculations for evaluating the detection threshold of the fault at J. For a sample period of Ts = 14, the detection threshold is evaluated as Ts RTb(Y) = (14 5) = 9. At reconvergent gate H, the top input (from D) is guaranteed to transition to a logic 0 at least 1 time unit before the bottom input (from F) transitions away from logic 0. Due to this correlation, there is always a logic 0 on at least one input to NAND gate H, so the hazard between times 3 and 5 at the output of H cannot occur. A correct analysis would set the fault-free timing values as: EA(H) =1 LS(H) = 1 38 1011 11 1 3 2 5 95 3 5(1,3) (1,3)E F(1,2) (1,2) Yx slow?torise A B C D H(1,2) (3,4) J I (1,2) Ts = 14 4 11 5 13 6 7 Figure 5.1: Incorrect Detection Threshold. which would result in the following timing values for output Y: EA(Y) = 7 LS(Y) = 13 Because gate J is the fault site, RTb(J) is set to EA(J), which is 4 time units in Table 5.1. If the incorrect hazard at H were suppressed, RTb(J) = EA(J) = 6 instead of 4. This change would propagate to output Y by changing RTb(Y) = 5 to the correct value of RTb(Y) = 7. By adding reconvergent fanout analysis to fault-free circuit simulation, the detection threshold for the fault at J would be correctly evaluated as Ts RTb(Y) = (14 7) = 7 instead of the pessimistic value of 9. Notice that for this example, propagating ambiguity lists in the downcone of the fault site during faulty circuit calculations, without considering reconvergent fanout analysis in the calculation of EA(H) andLS(H), results in a pessimistic detection threshold evaluation. To accurately evaluate detection thresholds of detected gate delay faults, signal correlations 39 Table 5.1: Incorrect Detection Threshold Calculation. signal EA LS FPV (s) RTa RTb A 1 1 1 0 1 1 B 0 0 0 0 0 1 C 1 1 1 0 1 1 D 1 3 0 0 3 1 E 1 1 1 0 1 1 F 2 5 1 0 5 1 H 3 5 1 0 5 1 I 5 9 0 0 9 1 J 4 11 0 0 1 4 Y 5 13 1 0 1 5 due to reconvergent fanouts should be considered during both fault-free circuit simulation and faulty waveform calculations. 5.2 Fault-Free Circuit Simulation To propagate correlation information during fault-free circuit simulation, we propagate ambiguity lists similar to those in [12, 13]. Each ambiguity list element at a gate G contains a gate ID of a fanout point f e ecting G, the minimum delay from f to G, and the maximum delay from f to G: Gate IDs of fanout points (f) that lie in the forward cone of the fault site. d(G;f): Minimum delay to G from f. D(G;f): Maximum delay to G from f. When EA(G) and LS(G) are evaluated, the ambiguity list at G is evaluated. Ambiguity lists at the inputs to G are used to determine the ambiguity list at the output [27]. 40 If inputs at a reconvergent gate are correlated due to a common fanout point, a am- biguity list element for that fanout point appears at all correlated inputs of G [12, 13, 27]. If fanout point f appears in the ambiguity list of more than one input to G, then f is reconverging at G. If correlated inputs to G are transitioning both to and away from a controlling input logic value for gate G, the following quantities are evaluated: minDV (f) = maxfd(M;f)g maxSV (f) = maxfD(m;f)g where M is an input to G that is transitioning away from a controlling logic value, and m is an input to G that is transitioning to a controlling input logic value. Here, minDV (f) represents the largest delay from a common fanout point f to an input (M) of gate G, where IV(M) is a controlling input logic value for G. The quantity maxSV (f) represents the largest delay from f to an input (m) of G where FV(m) is a controlling input value for gate G [27]. If minDV (f) maxSV (f), then the correlated inputs to G are such that the transition to a controlling input value for G on input m is guaranteed to occur before M transitions away from a controlling input value for G. In this case, there is always a controlling logic value at some input to G, so hazard suppression occurs in which the ambiguity list at the output of G is set to null, and the following fault-free timing values are used: EA(G) =1 LS(G) = 1 41 Table 5.2: Corrected Detection Threshold Calculation. signal EA LS FPV (s) RTa RTb A 1 1 1 0 1 1 B 0 0 0 0 0 1 C 1 1 1 0 1 1 D 1 3 0 0 3 1 E 1 1 1 0 1 1 F 2 5 1 0 5 1 H 1 1 1 0 1 1 I 5 9 0 0 9 1 J 7 11 0 0 1 7 Y 8 13 1 0 1 8 If no fanout point results in minDV (f) maxSV (f), hazard suppression does not occur, and EA(G) and LS(G) are evaluated as in [34]. In this case, an ambiguity list element is added to G?s ambiguity list for every fanout element found in the ambiguity lists at the inputs (i) to G, and the minimum and maximum delays of ambiguity list elements are updated using the minimum and maximum delays of G: d(G;f) = minfd(i;f)g+minDelay(G) D(G;f) = maxfD(i;f)g+maxDelay(G) Table 5.2 shows the fault-free and faulty waveform calculations for the example of Fig- ure 5.1, when ambiguity lists are propagated during both fault-free and faulty simulations. RTb(Y) is now calculated at 8, which results in a correct detection threshold evaluation of 6. 42 Table 5.3: Largest Output EA and LS Values for 10,000 Random Vectors. Without Reconvergent With Reconvergent Fanout Analysis Fanout Analysis Largest EA Largest LS Largest EA Largest LS c3540 195.7 339.2 222.7 335.2 c5315 150.5 339.2 171.6 323.2 c6288 292.0 933.7 424.4 825.9 c7552 165.5 339.2 198.7 339.2 5.3 Results on ISCAS85 Benchmark Circuits Results on ISCAS85 combinational benchmark circuits for randomly generated input vectors are shown in Table 5.3 and Table 5.4. A simple wireload delay model is used for minimum and maximum gate delays, where delay bounds for each gate are set to (Nom n) Tol. Nom is a nominal delay value, n is the number of fanouts, and Tol is the tolerance to set minimum and maximum delays around the nominal value. The min-max delays for a gate are then set to: maxDelay = (Nom n) +Tol minDelay = (Nom n) Tol For these results, a nominal delay of 3.5 time units and a tolerance of 14% was used, which would set the default min-max delays of a gate with a single fanout to approximately 3 and 4. A static timing analysis step calculated the longest path delay and the slacks for each gate. The sample period Ts was chosen to be 1 time unit more than the longest path delay. 43 Table 5.4: Detection Gap Results for 1,000 Random Vectors. Without Reconvergent With Reconvergent Fanout Analysis Fanout Analysis Average Faults Average Faults Detection Detected with Detection Detected with Gap Gap 3.5 Gap Gap 3.5 c432 72.4 8.80% 66.8 11.00% c499 31.1 11.44% 25.4 20.54% c880 21.3 40.18% 20.3 40.18% c1355 33.4 10.90% 27.8 19.42% c1908 48.1 15.94% 45.6 16.37% c2670 34.2 29.70% 31.6 31.31% c3540 43.9 20.45% 35.3 21.90% c5315 28.3 36.48% 25.2 37.73% c6288 395.2 0.45% 352.5 0.57% c7552 36.3 11.95% 30.3 13.05% Results on fault-free timing analysis (EA and LS) for a few larger combinational bench- mark circuits for a set of 10,000 random vectors are shown in Table 5.3. These results show the di erence seen at circuit outputs when reconvergent fanout analysis is used. The second and third columns show the largest EA and largest LS value at a circuit?s output for all vectors without using reconvergent fanout analysis. Columns four and ve show the same results when signal correlations are used, and hazards that cannot occur are suppressed. The last two columns show the di erence in these calculations between those with recon- vergent fanout analysis and those without reconvergent fanout analysis. The result of using information about correlated signals at reconvergent gates during simulation generally re- sults in larger EA values and smaller LS values at outputs, and is more apparent for circuits that contain a large number of reconvergent fanout such as in the array multiplier circuit c6288. 44 Table 5.4 shows the results when reconvergent fanout analysis is used during both fault- free timing analysis and detection threshold evaluation. Using reconvergent fanout analysis on all gates of the fault-free circuit in addition to gates inside the cone of in uence during fault simulation is the primary di erence between the method presented in this chapter and the method presented in Chapter 4. The detection gap is used to display the data in Table 5.4. The smaller the detection gaps are for detected gate delay faults, the better quality the vector set provides for gate delay testing. Columns two and three of Table 5.4 show the detection gap results without using reconvergent fanout analysis. Column two shows the average detection gap for all detected gate delay faults, and column three shows the fault coverage of detected gate delay faults with a detection gap that is less than or equal to the nominal gate delay used, which is 3.5. This is to allow faults to be counted as detected if they are either detected through the longest path through the gate, or if they are detected through a path which is less than the longest path by only one gate delay. Columns four and ve of Table 5.4 show detection gap results when reconvergent fanout analysis was used during both fault-free timing analysis and detection threshold calculation. Column four shows the average detection threshold for all detected faults and column ve shows the fault coverage of detected faults with a detection gap less than or equal to 3.5. The data shown in Table 5.4 illustrates the pessimism when signal correlations are ignored in gate delay fault simulation. When reconvergent fanout analysis is used, the average detection gap is smaller and more faults are detected with smaller detection gaps. 45 Chapter 6 Conclusion We have presented a method for reconvergent fanout analysis in gate delay fault simu- lation in Chapter 4. This method considers signal correlations due to reconvergent fanouts when evaluating the detection thresholds of detected gate delay faults. The use of signal correlations results in less pessimistic detection threshold calculations. In Chapter 5, we pre- sented a method for reconvergent fanout analysis in bounded delay simulation that considers signal correlations due to reconvergent fanouts when evaluating the fault-free waveform of a reconvergent gate. This method results in a more accurate fault-free circuit simulation when bounded gate delays are used to model imprecise circuit delays. Since the quantities propagated inside the cone of in uence of the fault site during detection threshold evaluation are initialized at the fault site and outside the downcone of the fault site using the waveforms from the fault-free circuit, reconvergent fanout analysis should be used during both fault-free circuit simulation and detection threshold evaluation for accurate gate delay fault simulation in the presence of reconvergent fanouts. 6.1 Future Work During simulation, the ambiguity lists that are propagated to provide information about signal correlations can grow quite large. The e ciency of the described reconvergent fanout analysis technique can be a ected signi cantly since these lists are evaluated at every gate in the circuit during bounded delay simulation of the fault-free circuit, and for all gates 46 inside the cone of in uence of every fault simulated. The e ciency of the list propagation algorithms described in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 can be improved. 6.2 Other Applications The bounded delay simulation algorithms developed in this research has found two other applications. The rst of these is in identifying hazard-free tests. Such tests consist of pairs of vectors, which when applied to combinational logic produce no hazards (transients with multiple transitions) at primary outputs. These are used for timing calibration of scan-based circuits [57]. For a vector-pair to be e ective, its hazard-free behavior should be preserved in spite of the manufacturing variations in delays. The use of min-max delay model and the ambiguity list simulation algorithms have allowed the identi cation of many more hazard-free tests than was possible with pessimistic zero-delay simulators [45]. The second application is in a tool that determines the dynamic power consumption of a digital CMOS circuit. Dynamic power of a CMOS logic circuit is directly related to the signal transitions. However, the actual number of transitions is strongly in uenced the the delay-dependent transient behavior of signals. A relevant problem is that of estimating the minimum, maximum and average values of dynamic power consumed when gate delays are a ected by process variations. The use of the bounded delay model and the ambi- guity delay simulation has allowed the development of new power analysis algorithms [4]. These algorithms require much less computation compared to the conventional Monte Carlo approach. 47 6.3 An Important Observation In this work, we found that adding reconvergent fanout analysis to gate delay fault simulation always reduced the detection threshold. This may be due to a possible fact that considering signal correlations from reconverging fanouts cannot cause ambiguity intervals to increase. The reconvergent fanout analysis technique described in this thesis removes ambiguity at the output of a gate when correlations between the gate?s inputs guarantee the output to be stable, so ambiguity should only decrease when reconvergent fanout analysis is used. Although we have not proven that the detection threshold cannot increase when signal correlations are considered, we were not able to construct a contradicting example in which the use of reconvergent fanout analysis would result in larger detection thresholds. We currently view this result as a conjecture and hope that it will draw the attention of future researchers. 48 Bibliography [1] A. Agarwal, D. Blaauw, and V. Zolotov, \Statistical Timing Analysis for Intra-Die Process Variations with Spatial Correlations," in Proc. International Conference on Computer Aided Design, Nov. 2003, pp. 900{907. [2] P. Agrawal, W. J. Dally, W. C. Fischer, H. V. Jagadish, A. S. Krishnakumar, and R. 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The simulator is then invoked with the following command: simulate cktName.bench [options] The circuit netlist is speci ed in the cktName.bench le in a hierarchical bench format, which is discussed in the next section. The simulator attens the netlist, stores the circuit in memory, and simulates the circuit for a set of input vectors. Simulation is setup by specifying the various simulator options discussed in Section A.2. Section A.3 describes an example simulation. A.1 Hierarchical Bench Format The circuit description is speci ed in a hierarchical bench format, where each hier- archical block, blockName, is separated into its own section with a beginning \BLOCK blockName" statement and an ending \END" statement. The description of each block is in the regular bench format used to describe the ISCAS85 combinational benchmark circuits, where the following Boolean gate types are supported: NAND, AND, OR, NOR, NOT, and BUFF. To simulate ISCAS85 benchmark circuits, the circuit?s bench netlist has to be modi ed by adding \BLOCK circuitName" to the beginning of the netlist and \END" to the end of the netlist. For example, circuit c17 would be modi ed by adding the rst and last bold face lines shown in Figure A.1. Since the simulator does not support XOR gates, circuits that contain XORs (such as c432 and c499) must have an XOR block added to their hierarchy. For example, in the half adder description in Figure A.2, the NAND con guration for an XOR gate (de- ned in the XOR block) would be inserted for the \Sum" output. For the statement \Sum=XOR(in1,in2)", Sum corresponds to the XOR block?s Y output, and in1 and in2 correspond to the XOR block?s A and B inputs. Min-max gate delays may also be speci ed for standard gates by adding these values to that line in the netlist after a colon. For example, the line \Cout = AND(in1,in2) : 2 3" would set the minimum delay to 2 and the maximum delay to 3 for the AND gate of the \Cout" output in the half adder circuit description of Figure A.2. 55 BLOCK c17 INPUT(1) INPUT(2) INPUT(3) INPUT(6) INPUT(7) OUTPUT(22) OUTPUT(23) 10 = NAND(1, 3) 11 = NAND(3, 6) 16 = NAND(2, 11) 19 = NAND(11, 7) 22 = NAND(10, 16) 23 = NAND(16, 19) END Figure A.1: Hierarchical Benchmark Description of c17. BLOCK XOR INPUT(A) INPUT(B) OUTPUT(Y) X1 = NAND(A,B) X2 = NAND(X1,A) X3 = NAND(X1,B) Y = NAND(X2,X3) END BLOCK HalfAdder INPUT(in1) INPUT(in2) OUTPUT(Sum) OUTPUT(Cout) Sum = XOR(in1,in2) Cout = AND(in1,in2) END Figure A.2: Hierarchical Benchmark Description for a Half Adder. 56 -vectorFile .tbl le -vecgen n -delayNominal n -delayTolerance n -withFanoutBu ers -withoutFanoutBu ers -withHazLists -withoutHazLists -saveHazFreeOutputs lename -saveFaults lename -reportTiming -reportTransFaultCoverage -reportAvgGap -reportFaultCoverage n Figure A.3: Simulator Options. A.2 Simulator Options An option list is shown in Figure A.3, which determines the type of simulation per- formed, the input vectors to simulate, how gate delays are set, and how to report simulation results. The \-vectorFile filename" option speci es the input vector le containing the set of input vectors to be simulated. The vector le contains a list of the circuit?s primary input and primary output names, followed by a list of vectors, where each vector is speci ed as a single line. The input and output values for each vector are speci ed in the same order as they were listed at the top of the vector le. If a vector le is not speci ed using this option, the vector le defaults to circuitName.tbl for a netlist speci ed in circuitName.bench. A set of n random vectors can be generated for the circuit if the \-vecgen n" option is speci ed. Logic simulation determines the circuit?s output response for each generated vector, and the simulator creates the vector le speci ed with the \-vectorFile filename" option. With this option speci ed, neither bounded delay simulation nor gate delay fault simulation are performed. Gate delays that are not speci ed in the netlist le are set using a simple wireload delay model, where delay bounds for each gate are set to (Nom n) Tol. Nom is a nominal delay value, n is the number of fanouts, and Tol is the tolerance to set minimum and maximum delays around the nominal value. The min-max delays are then set to: maxdel(G) = (Nom n) +Tol mindel(G) = (Nom n) Tol 57 The \-delayNominal n" and \-delayTolerance n" options set the Nom and Tol values. If these options are not speci ed, the wireload delay values default to Nom = 3:5 and Tol = 14%. The \-withHazLists" option tells the simulator to use reconvergent fanout analysis and propagate ambiguity lists during both fault-free circuit simulation and gate delay fault sim- ulation as described in Chapter 5. If the \-withoutHazLists" option is speci ed, ambiguity lists will not be used at all during simulation. Ambiguity lists are not used by default, so to use reconvergent fanout analysis during simulation, the \-withHazLists" option must be speci ed. If the \-saveHazFreeOutputs filename" option is speci ed, each input vector pair is stored in filename along with an indication of which outputs were found to be hazard free for simulation of that vector pair. An example vector pair written to this le for a circuit with 5 primary inputs and 2 primary outputs would be: 01101 10100 01 These lines indicate that for the vector pair V1 = 01101 and V2 = 10100, the circuit?s rst primary output listed in the input vector le is not hazard free (?0?), and the second primary output listed is hazard free (?1?). The \-saveFaults filename" option tells the simulator to save fault detection informa- tion to a le speci ed by filename. The total number of faults and the number of detected faults are listed rst, then detected and undetected gate delay faults are listed. Each fault in the list of detected faults speci es the gate name at the fault site, the fault type (slow- to-rise or slow-to-fall), and the best detection threshold and detection gap for detection of that fault for the simulated input vectors. The list of undetected faults gives the gate name and fault type (slow-to-rise or slow-to-fall) for all faults that are not detected by the vector set. If the \-reportTiming" option is speci ed, the simulator reports the sample period Ts, the largest EA seen at any primary output, and the largest LS seen at any primary output for the vector set. The \-reportTransFaultCoverage" option reports the fault coverage of gate delay faults for the vector set if fault sizes are ignored. The \-reportFaultCoverage n" option prints the fault coverage of gate delay faults that are detected with a detection gap n. If the \-reportAvgGap" option is speci ed, the simulator reports the average detection gap of gate delay faults that are detected by the vector set. A.3 Example Simulation This section describes an example simulation for the circuit shown in Figure A.4 using input vectors speci ed by the vector le shown in Figure A.6. The input vectors were generated randomly using the command: simulate example.bench -vecgen 10 58 (1,3) (1,3) (1,2) (1,2) (3,4) (1,2) IN1 IN2 X2 X1 XOR0.X3 XOR0.X2 XOR0.X1 OUT Figure A.4: Example Circuit. where the circuit netlist is described in the le \example.bench" in the hierarchical bench format. The following command performs gate delay fault simulation on the example circuit using 10 randomly generated vectors: simulate example.bench -withHazLists -withoutFanoutBu ers -reportTiming -reportTransFaultCoverage -reportAvgGap -reportFaultCoverage 1 -saveHazFreeOutputs example.hazFree -saveFaults example.faults The simulator rst read in the netlist and attened the hierarchy by inserting the XOR block for the OUT output in the example circuit. Gate names in the attened netlist are those shown in Figure A.4. Since gate delays are not speci ed in the netlist (Figure A.5) and the \-delayNominal" and \-delayTolerance" options were not speci ed in the command above, the delay bounds for a gate with n fanouts default to 3:5n 14%. The \-useHazLists" option is speci ed to perform reconvergent fanout analysis during both bounded gate delay simulation of the fault-free circuit and gate delay fault simulation of the vector set. The simulator does not insert zero delay fanout bu ers because of the \-withoutFanoutBu ers" option. Since the \-vectorFile" option is not speci ed, the input vector le defaults to \example.tbl". The options \-reportTiming", \-reportTransFaultCoverage", \-reportAvgGap" and \- reportFaultCoverage 1" produced the timing report, and the fault coverage and detection gap reports shown in Figure A.7. The timing information reported shows the largest EA value seen at the primary output for simulation of all ten vectors is 5, the largest LS value seen at the primary output for simulation of the ten vectors is 11, and the sample period used by the simulator was set to 12. The fault coverage and detection gap reports show 59 BLOCK XOR INPUT(A) INPUT(B) OUTPUT(Y) X1 = NAND(A, B) : 1 2 X2 = NAND(X1, A) : 1 2 X3 = NAND(X1, B) : 3 4 Y = NAND(X2, X3) : 1 2 END BLOCK EXAMPLE-CKT INPUT(IN1) INPUT(IN2) OUTPUT(OUT) X1 = BUFF(IN1) : 1 3 X2 = BUFF(IN2) : 1 3 OUT = XOR(X1, X2) END Figure A.5: Hierarchical Bench Netlist for Simulation Example. PI A PI B PO Y 101 000 011 011 101 000 110 000 011 011 Figure A.6: Input Vector File for Simulation Example. 60 Output Timing Information: largest EA: 5.0 largest LS: 11.0 sampleTime: 12.0 Number Transition Faults Detected = 14 Total Number Transition Faults = 16 Transition Fault Coverage: 87.50% Avg. detection Gap for all detected Fautls: 1.9 Number of faults detected with less than 1.0 detection gap: 0 Figure A.7: Fault Coverage and Detection Gap Reports. 10 00 0 00 01 0 01 10 1 10 00 0 00 11 0 11 00 1 00 01 0 Figure A.8: Hazard Free Outputs for Simulation Example. 61 87.5% transition fault coverage, no faults detected with a detection gap less than 1.0, and an average detection gap of 1.9. The \-saveHazFreeOutputs example.hazFree" option produced the output le shown in Figure A.8. The input vector pairs simulated are listed in the rst column. The second column indicates which outputs were hazard free for the simulation of that vector pair. A ?1? for an output in the second column indicates a hazard free output and a ?0? indicates that output was not hazard free for the vector pair. The \-saveFaults example.faults" option produced a le containing fault information, which is shown below. This le contains two lists of faults, one list for gate delay faults that are detected by the vector set, listed along with their detection threshold and detection gap. The second list shows which faults are undetected by the vector set. The slow-to-rise gate delay faults on gates XOR0:X1 and XOR0:X3 are not detected by the simulated input vectors. Fault Information File for Example Simulation: Number Faults Detected = 14 Total Number Faults = 16 Transition Fault Coverage: 87.50% ******* List of Detected Faults ******* GATE: IN1: slow-to-rise fault Detection Threshold: 9.0 Detection Gap: 3.0 GATE: IN1: slow-to-fall fault Detection Threshold: 9.0 Detection Gap: 3.0 GATE: IN2: slow-to-rise fault Detection Threshold: 7.0 Detection Gap: 1.0 GATE: IN2: slow-to-fall fault Detection Threshold: 8.0 Detection Gap: 2.0 GATE: X1: slow-to-rise fault Detection Threshold: 9.0 Detection Gap: 3.0 GATE: X1: slow-to-fall fault Detection Threshold: 9.0 Detection Gap: 3.0 GATE: X2: slow-to-rise fault Detection Threshold: 7.0 62 Detection Gap: 1.0 GATE: X2: slow-to-fall fault Detection Threshold: 8.0 Detection Gap: 2.0 GATE: XOR0.X1: slow-to-fall fault Detection Threshold: 8.0 Detection Gap: 2.0 GATE: XOR0.X2: slow-to-rise fault Detection Threshold: 9.0 Detection Gap: 1.0 GATE: XOR0.X2: slow-to-fall fault Detection Threshold: 9.0 Detection Gap: 1.0 GATE: XOR0.X3: slow-to-fall fault Detection Threshold: 7.0 Detection Gap: 1.0 GATE: OUT: slow-to-rise fault Detection Threshold: 7.0 Detection Gap: 1.0 GATE: OUT: slow-to-fall fault Detection Threshold: 9.0 Detection Gap: 3.0 ******* List of Undetected Faults ******* GATE: XOR0.X1: slow-to-rise fault not detected GATE: XOR0.X3: slow-to-rise fault not detected 63 Appendix B Gate Delay Fault Simulation Program - Implementation This appendix describes the implementation of the gate delay fault simulation program used for the results presented in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. The program is implemented in the C programming language to run in a UNIX/LINUX environment. Execution begins by reading the circuit netlist description in a hierarchical bench format, attening the hierarchy, and storing the circuit into memory using the various data structures. Simulation of the circuit involves the following three main steps: Static Timing Analysis Bounded Delay Simulation Detection Threshold Evaluation The static timing analysis step is performed to analyze circuit delays in a vector independent manner. For each input vector pair, the bounded delay simulation step is performed to determine information about signal waveforms at each gate in the fault-free circuit. The detection threshold evaluation step propagates fault e ects through the circuit for each gate delay fault that is activated by the vector pair, determines if the activated fault is detected. If the fault is detected, the detection threshold is evaluated. A slow-to-rise (slow-to-fall) gate delay fault is activated if the output of the gate at the fault site has a rising (falling) transition for that vector pair. Both slow-to-rise and slow-to-fall delay faults are considered at each fault site. Fault sites for gate delay faults in a combinational circuit are at all gate outputs and at all fanout branches [34]. The simulator can insert zero delay bu ers on all fanout branches in the circuit to model all fault sites as faults on gate outputs. B.1 Data Structures Two data structures are used to store the circuit in memory, the Circuit and Gate data structures shown in Figure B.1. Each gate is stored with a unique ID, a Type, a minimum (mindel) and maximum delay (maxdel), an initial value (IV), a nal value (FV), an earliest arrival time (EA), a latest stabilization time (LS), and two arrays, fanin and fanout. The gate?s Type is set to indicate one of the following Boolean gate types: NAND, AND, OR, NOR, NOT, and BUFF. The output waveform for the gate in the fault- free circuit is represented by it?s IV, FV, EA, and LS values. To store information about how gates are connected in the circuit, the fanin array for each gate contains a pointer to each fanin gate and the fanout array for each gate contains a pointer to each fanout gate. The Circuit data structure contains three arrays, PI, PO, and gateArray. The gateArray contains an element for each gate in the circuit. The gate?s ID value is it?s 64 Gate: ID Type mindel maxdel IV FV EA LS fanin fanout Circuit: PI PO gateArray Figure B.1: Circuit and Gate Data Structures. Fault: faultID faultType FPV RTa RTb Fault RTa Size: RTb Threshold Gap Figure B.2: Fault and Fault Size Data Structures. index in gateArray, which is a unique identi er for each gate in the circuit. The PI and PO arrays contain pointers to the primary input and primary output gates that are stored in gateArray. The gates in gateArray are stored in increasing level order. A level-order simulation simply loops through the circuit?s gateArray to visit all gates in increasing level order, so that when a gate is simulated, all of the gate?s fanins have already been processed. Two data structures are used to store fault information, the Fault and Fault Size data structures shown in Figure B.2. During fault simulation of each activated fault, the simulator maintains a list of Fault data structures for each gate in the circuit. Each element of a gate?s Fault list contains a faultID, faultType, FPV, RTa, RTb, and . The faultID is equal to the ID of the gate at the fault site, and the faultType indicates whether a slow-to-rise or a slow-to-fall delay fault is being simulated. FPV, RTa, RTb, and store information about the faulty waveform at the gate. FPV stores the fault propagating value and RTa, RTb, and provide timing information about faulty waveforms as described by Iyengar et al. [34] and discussed in Chapter 3. To store fault detection information globally for all simulated vectors, the simulator maintains two Fault Size data structures for each gate in the circuit, one for the slow- to-rise fault, and one for the slow-to-fall fault at each gate. The Fault Size element for a detected gate delay fault stores the best RTa, RTb, , detection threshold (Threshold), 65 Ambiguity fanoutID List: d(G;f) D(G;f) Figure B.3: Ambiguity List Data Structure. and detection gap (Gap) information for all vector pairs that have been simulated. If the fault is not detected by the simulated vectors, that fault?s Fault Size element is null. The simulator maintains a list of Ambiguity List data structures, shown in Figure B.3, for each gate G in the circuit, which provides information used for the reconvergent fanout analysis technique described in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. The fanoutID of an element in a gate?s Ambiguity List is the gate ID of a fanout point f e ecting gate G. The element?s d(G;f) and D(G;f) values store the minimum and maximum delays from fanout f to gate G. B.2 Static Timing Analysis The static timing analysis step is performed to calculate the critical delay of the circuit and the slack for every gate in the circuit. The critical delay of the circuit is the maximum delay possible from primary input to primary output for any possible input vector pair if all gate delays are within their speci ed min-max delay range. The critical delay (CritDelay) is calculated in one forward pass over the circuit?s gates in level order, as shown in Figure B.4. At each gate G, delay values are maintained (delay(G)), which are initialized to 0 for primary input gates. For all other gates (G), these delay values are evaluated by lines 5-9 as the maximum delay value previously calculated at fanin gates to G plus the maximum delay of gate G (maxdel(G)). After all gates have been evaluated, the critical delay for the circuit is the maximum delay value calculated at a primary output gate (lines 12-15). The sample period Ts is then set to one delay unit longer than the circuit?s critical delay: Ts = CritDelay + 1. The slack for each gate G is calculated as described by Iyengar et al. [34] and discussed in Chapter 3: slack(G) = Ts LMPD(G) where LMPD(G) is the longest minimum path delay through gate G, which is the sum of all minimum gate delays along the longest delay path through G. The algorithm to calculate slacks involves two passes over the circuit, and is shown in Figure B.5. The rst pass is in increasing level order (forward pass) and the second is in decreasing level order (backward pass). During the forward pass, delay values are maintained for each gate G (forwdDel(G)), which are initialized to 0 for primary input gates. For all other gates (G), these delay values are evaluated by lines 5-9 as the maximum delay value previously 66 1: for all gates (G) in increasing level order do 2: if G is a primary input then 3: delay(G) = 0 4: else 5: delay(G) = 1 6: for all fanin gates Gfanin to gate G do 7: delay(G) = maxfdelay(Gfanin);delay(G)g 8: end for 9: delay(G) = delay(G) +maxdel(G) 10: end if 11: end for 12: CritDelay = 1 13: for all primary output gates (G) do 14: CritDelay = maxfdelay(G);CritDelayg 15: end for Figure B.4: Critical Delay Calculation. 1: for all gates (G) in increasing level order do 2: if G is a primary input then 3: forwdDel(G) = 0 4: else 5: forwdDel(G) = 1 6: for all fanin gates Gfanin to gate G do 7: forwdDel(G) = maxfforwdDel(Gfanin);forwdDel(G)g 8: end for 9: forwdDel(G) = forwdDel(G) +mindel(G) 10: end if 11: end for 12: for all gates (G) in decreasing level order do 13: if G is a primary output then 14: backDel(G) = 0 15: else 16: backDel(G) = 1 17: for all fanout gates Gfanout to gate G do 18: backDel(G) = maxf[backDel(Gfanout) +mindel(Gfanout)];backDel(G)g 19: end for 20: end if 21: LMPD(G) = forwdDel(G) +backDel(G) 22: slack(G) = Ts LMPD(G) 23: end for Figure B.5: Slack Calculation. 67 calculated at fanin gates to G plus the minimum delay of gate G (mindel(G)). During the backward pass, the delay values maintained for each gate G (backDel(G)) are initialized to 0 at primary output gates, and evaluated by lines 16-19 as the maximum delay value previously calculated at fanout gates of G plus the minimum delay of the fanout gate. The longest minimum path delay through each gate G (LMPD(G)) is then evaluated for each gate during the backward pass at line 21, and the slack for G (slack(G)) is evaluated at line 22. B.3 Bounded Delay Simulation Bounded delay simulation is performed for each vector pair (V1 and V2) to determine the signal waveforms at each gate in the fault-free circuit. The initial logic values of primary inputs are initialized using vector V1, and nal logic values of primary inputs are initialized using vector V2. Initial (IV) and nal values (FV) for all other gates are evaluated in one forward level order pass over the circuit. A gate?s initial ( nal) value is evaluated using the initial ( nal) values of it?s fanin gates and the rules of Boolean logic. The earliest arrival (EA) and latest stabilization (LS) times are then initialized for primary inputs, and evaluated at all other gates in a second forward level order pass over the circuit as described by Iyengar et al. [34] and discussed in Chapter 3. Figure B.6 shows the algorithm for bounded delay simulation after initial and nal logic values have been evaluated at every gate. EA and LS for primary inputs are initialized in lines 1-10 as described in [34] and discussed in Chapter 3. If hazard suppression is enabled with the \-withHazLists" option, and the primary input is also a fanout stem, an ambiguity list element is inserted at that gate G with the G?s ID as the fanoutID and minimum and maximum delays of zero: d(G;G) = 0 and d(G;G) = 0. Lines 11-21 visit all gates in a forward pass. The function evalGateTiming(G) at line 15 evaluates EA and LS for gate G using the EA and LS values of fanin gates as described in [34] and discussed in Chapter 3. Lines 14-16 lter out hazards that are not large enough to overcome the gate?s inertia, where the inertia of a gate is the gate?s minimum delay. If hazard suppression is enabled, the function evalAmbiguityList(G) (line 18) evaluates the ambiguity list at gate G as described in Chapter 5. If gate G is a reconvergent gate, and inputs to G are such that hazard suppression occurs, evalAmbiguityList(G) sets the ambiguity list at the output of G to null and sets the output of G to a stable logic value: EA(G) =1 LS(G) = 1 If hazard suppression does not occur, evalAmbiguityList(G) adds an ambiguity list element to G?s ambiguity list for every fanout element found in the ambiguity lists of fanin gates (Gfanin) to G, and updates the minimum and maximum delays of ambiguity list 68 1: for all primary input gates G do 2: if IV(G)6= FV(G) then 3: EA(G) = 0 and LS(G) = 0 4: else 5: EA(G) =1 and LS(G) = 1 6: if G is a fanout stem and hazard suppression is enabled then 7: insertAmbiguityList(G) 8: end if 9: end if 10: end for 11: for all gates (G) in increasing level order do 12: if G is not a primary input then 13: evalGateTiming(G) 14: if [LS(G) EA(G)]