Browsing by Department "Foreign Language and Literature"
Now showing items 21-40 of 44
El distanciamiento dialectal de Emilio Carballido en Orinoco: recuento sociolingüístico de una travesía literaria en Venezuela
Emilio Carballido, destacado dramaturgo mexicano, rompió en 1979 su tradición literaria, fiel a la creación de personajes e historias con marcada expresión verbal mexicana: ese es el año en el que está fechada Orinoco, ...
El olvido está lleno de memoria: History in Post-Franco Spain
This thesis explores Jerónimo López Mozo’s play El olvido está lleno de memoria (2003) and its attempt to recuperate historical memory in post-Franco Spain. In continuing the trend of demystification of Franco and his ...
El sentido de la traducción en la obra de Valeria Luiselli
Fruto de su infancia y adolescencia la escritora mexicana Valeria Luiselli desarrolla en su obra una preocupación especial por la traducción. A estas alturas cuenta con una producción a tener en cuenta en donde la traducción ...
Elizabeth Acevedo: Traducción e identidad
El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar la traducción de la obra literaria de Elizabeth Ace-
vedo, poeta neoyorquina de origen dominicano nacida en 1988, así como el motivo de la enorme importancia de la realización de ...
Entre jurisdicciones: cuerpos, discursos y vidas femeninas en el Virreinato de Perú
Despite the large number of letters written by women who participated in the conquest and colonization of Spanish America, they remained relatively unanalyzed. However, these texts rescue the voices of Spanish and indigenous ...
Estructuras Quiásticas en Don Quijote: el potencial hermenéutico y retórico de la figura del quiasmo en la novela de Cervantes
Through the ages, many studies have explored the presence, function, and meaning of chiasmus in poetry, but not in prose, in which case they are still scarce and controversial, except those focused on sacred texts. For ...
Estudio diacrónico de quitar y toller en la época medieval
In view of the increase in diachronic studies, the focus of this research is to understand the development of the Spanish verbs, quitar and toller. The goal in this investigation is, on the one hand, to study what was the ...
Explicit and Implicit Instruction of Discourse Markers to Heritage Speakers of Spanish
The controversy of using Explicit and Implicit Instruction is widely discussed in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). SLA research generally addresses more salient linguistic elements, than less noticeable ones, ...
Fronteras de cal: Discursos identitarios en la literatura futbolística
The present thesis studies the construction of collective identity through soccer literature in Spain. This literature acts as a good example of discursive mechanisms that are used by the different imagined communities ...
L2 Auditory Processing of Three Spanish Dialects. Comprehensibility and its Relationship with Accentedness and Familiarity.
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the impact on comprehensibility judgments – the difficulty that listeners perceive they have in understanding an utterance – in the auditory processing of three dialects of Spanish ...
La nueva literatura piquetera: incursión en la semilla del cambio
El capítulo I se centra en Jorge Luis Borges. Se profundiza en las ideas del autor como padre del boom con respecto a la espiralidad y la eternidad observadas tanto en su poesía como en su prosa con la finalidad de exponer ...
Las nuevas feminidades y masculinidades en la literatura infantil española contemporánea
Children’s literature is often ignored by literary criticism. This generates a knowledge gap which should be overcome immediately. The study of children’s literature from theories such as, for example, gender studies or ...
Maldad e ingenio en la obra de picaresca El guitón Onofre (1604) del licenciado Gregorio González
Four centuries have passed since the Spanish picaresque novel, El guitón Onofre (1604), by Gregorio González, was written. However, it has only been four decades since it was published for the first time (1973). Even ...
Negative Water Imagery in the Rimas of Juan de Moncayo y Gurrea
Juan de Moncayo y Gurrea’s (1614-1657) collection of poems, Rimas (1652), is replete with imagery, water being one of the most prevalent images. In the appearance of water throughout the poems, Moncayo consistently uses ...
A New Evaluation of Hernán Cortés’s Textual Strategies in Light of Documents Written by and about Diego Velázquez
During the conquest of Mexico, Hernán Cortés used textual and political strategies in his Cartas de relación that helped him achieve a position of power within the Spanish Empire. These strategies have been investigated ...
Percepción y mito de la identidad nacional venezolana a través de las narrativas testimoniales, Florecer lejos de casa
Actualmente, Venezuela está viviendo una transición social drástica. Los elementos sociales, económicos y políticos que precisa un país para ser devastado vinieron a morar la nación, todos a la misma vez, dejando a su paso ...
Performatividad, agencia y trangresión del espacio en la autobiografía de Loreta Velázquez: The Woman in Battle
The Woman in Battle es la sorprendente autobiografía de Loreta Velázquez, una mujer nacida en la Cuba española decimonónica y educada en Nueva Orleans que decidió tomar parte en la Guerra de Secesión luchando con el Sur, ...
S(ex)pression: Sexuality and Gender Oppression in Dirty War Argentina
The period of conflict known as the Dirty War was a pointedly sexual oppression inflicted on the people of Argentina by their fledgling militant government. For these adolescent powers that lacked political legitimacy, ...
Sarmiento, Echeverría and Hernández’s Implementation of Historical Reciprocation in Argentina’s Battle of Oppression
A study of historical reciprocation in the literature of Sarmiento, Echeverría, and Hernández shows the political and social unrest in Argentina in the 19th century.
Teatro en rebeldía: generador de cultura
This thesis is the product of the observation of a new trend in theatre burgeoning in Latin America, such being the realization of a revolutionary, juvenile (created by students) artist collective which is being forged and ...