This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

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Now showing items 8835-8854 of 9284

U.S. Local Governments’ Human Resource and Facility Engagement with Their Immigrants 

Chen, Xiaofeng (2021-07-23)  ETD File Embargoed
Immigrants are an indispensable component of communities in the United States. Regarding the roles government of all levels play in immigration laws or/and services, the federal government plays a significant role in ...

UAV Collision Avoidance using A* Algorithm 

Liao, Tingsheng (2012-04-13)
Collision avoidance is the essential requirement for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to become fully autonomous. Several algorithms have been proposed to do the path planning in a simulated environment, but only few can ...

UAV Collision Avoidance Utilizing ADS-B and TCAS with Independent Ranging 

Henshall, Andrea (2018-07-20)
With the proliferation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), their integration into the National Airspace System (NAS) is becoming increasingly imperative. To accomplish such integration, UAVs must be able to ''sense and ...

UAV Obstacle Avoidance by Applying Deep Learning 

Zhu, Wenyu (2021-08-03)
In the last decades, many algorithms in the artificial intelligence field, including machine learning, deep learning, and so on, have been implemented for not only computer vision, but also in mobile vehicles. Thus, to ...

Ues of Vision Sensors and Lane Maps to Aid GPS-INS Navigation 

Allen, John, Jr. (2011-08-25)
This thesis proposes a method to increase observability of a GPS/INS system operating under limited satellite coverage. Measurements from vision sensors are used to supplement the GPS pseudorange and pseudorange-rate ...

An UHPLC-MS/MS Quantitative Method for Trace Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Environmental Media from Alabama Estuaries 

Liu, Lan (2018-04-27)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) comprise a large group of anthropogenic industrial compounds that are highly persistent due to their chemical structure. Because of the wide use of PFASs in textile manufacturing, ...

Ultra Low Power CMOS Design 

Kim, Kyungseok (2011-05-05)
The ubiquitous era of emerging portable devices demands long battery lifetime as a primary design goal. Subthreshold circuit design can reduce energy per cycle in an order of magnitude of nominal operating circuits by ...

Ultra-wideband Radio Aided Carrier Phase Ambiguity Resolution in Real-Time Kinematic GPS Relative Positioning 

Broshears, Eric (2013-07-10)
In this thesis, ultra-wideband radios (UWBs) are integrated into the real-time kinematic (RTK) algorithm using differential GPS techniques to achieve a highly precise relative positioning vector between GPS antennas. This ...

Ultrasonographic Examination of Cows Affected with Ovarian Follicular Dysplasia 

Nobre, Humberto de Castro e (2019-04-24)
A study commissioned by Florida Cattleman’s Association in 2007, 2016 and 2017 found ovarian follicular dysplasia (OFD) to be the major abnormal ovarian condition linked to subfertility and infertility in Florida’s beef ...

Ultrastructural, Immunohistochemical, and Biochemical Variation Amongst Symbiodinium Isolates 

Mazzillo Mays, Maria (2013-07-30)
Symbiodinium spp. reside intracellularly in a complex symbiosome (host and symbiont-derived) in a specific host-symbiont associations. Symbiodinium is a diverse genus with variation equivalent to that of other dinoflagellate ...

Un-Living History: Programming, Interpretation, and Management at Haunted Historic Sites 

Craig, Leah (2012-07-23)
Using employee interviews and a variety of other primary and secondary sources, this thesis examines ten historic sites throughout the southeast that are considered haunted in order to explore the advantages and disadvantages ...

[Un]Ethical Algorithms: The Social Justice Dilemma of Automated Writing Technologies 

Tang, Yingying (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
This dissertation examines the use of AI-based technologies in providing legal assistance to resource-constrained populations and its potential impact on social justice. Using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods ...

Uncovering different physiological mechanisms of peanut drought tolerance under mid-season drought in automated Rain-out Shelters 

ZHANG, QIONG (2021-11-18)
Peanut is an economic cash crop mainly planted in arid and semi-arid regions where the drought causes around 20% loss of peanut production every year. Research suggested that crops have various physiological mechanisms ...

Uncovering the Social Organization of Women PhD Students' Experiences in Biology: An Institutional Ethnography 

Steele, Ariel (2022-05-01)
Biological science programs enroll and graduate more women than other STEM disciplines; nearly 60% of undergraduate students are women, and women and men enter graduate programs at equal rates. This suggests that the field ...

Undergraduate Attitudes Towards Parental Discipline Strategies 

Lee, Ember (2006-12-15)
Parenting is an essential part of children’s development. Because everyone has had experience with parenting young adults likely have opinions, attitudes and beliefs regarding parenting behaviors – even before they become ...

Undergraduate Business Students: Multiple Intelligences and Academic Majors 

Reiners, Liesl (2023-08-04)
This study explored the potential relationship between multiple intelligences and academic majors declared by undergraduate business students in the largest college at a mid-size public university in the southeast. To ...

Underinsurance in Children with Special Health Care Needs 

Preskitt, Julie (2010-04-16)
Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) are a small part of the total population, but use more services and account for more costs than do their healthy peers. By the very nature of who they are and the health-related ...

Understanding 40Ar/39Ar Age Variations in Potassium Feldspars from Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Systems in the Miocene Yellowstone Hotspot 

Davis, Zachary (2024-07-24)
The inception of the Yellowstone hotspot resulted in the Columbia River Large Igneous Province (LIP), Mid-Miocene magmatism in western North America, and numerous epithermal Au-Ag deposits in the Oregon-Idaho-Nevada region. ...

Understanding African American Lesbian and Gay Identity Development Within a Historically Black College Environment 

Tyre, Yulanda (2009-05-06)
The purpose of this study was to conduct an examination of experiences associated with LG identity development among African American college students. Specifically, the study focused on LG identity development within the ...

Understanding and Estimating Travel Times of Overland Flows on Planes 

KC, Manoj (2014-04-23)
Estimating travel time of overland flow is one of the important studies in hydrology. A quasi-two-dimensional overland flow model (OFM) with the options of dynamic, diffusion, and kinematic wave approximation integrated ...