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Tras la pista de la censura franquista: traducción, edición y censura en Primavera negra de Henry Miller




Monzón Rodríguez, Sofía

Type of Degree

Master's Thesis


Foreign Language and Literature


Taking as a starting point previous research that explores literary translation in historical contexts governed by a censorship system in charge of maintaining a close literary polysystem, I analyze the translations and editions of Henry Miller's Black Spring (1938), which took place during Franco's Spain. Through the study of the novel's translations and editions in both Spanish and Catalan —and once the archival material regarding censorship and import files located at Archivo General de la Administración (AGA) has been scrutinized—, I define the importance of the Cultural Turn experienced when a source literary work turns into a translation in a determined target language and culture. This ultimate comparison concludes in a suggestive analysis of the novel's sexual content in contrast with the translations carried out in Spain from 1970 to 1978.