Browsing Auburn University Graduate School by Department "Foreign Languages and Literatures"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Dulce Maria Loynaz: fe religiosa y obra poetica.
Esta tesis consiste en un estudio de la temática religiosa en la obra de Dulce María Loynaz. Se analizan voces líricas opuestas que van desde la devoción hasta la irreverencia. Con el fin de resolver esta contradicción se ...
The Effects of Animation and Cueing in the Acquisition of Spanish Vocabulary
According to Paivio’s (1971, 2007) Dual Coding Theory (DCT), cognitive information is stored in two separate systems, the visual and the verbal system. Both are linked through cognitive connections that lead to better ...
El Pesa de la Adultez: Jose Asuncion Silva y Su Vision de Los Cuentos de Hadas
En la introducción, este tesis presenta la idea de que un elemento predominante pero, hasta el momento, poco examinado en la obra silviana es su uso del cuento de hadas. En la creación de Silva, el ambiente de su tiempo ...
Esnifando mentiras: La critica social en Historias del Kronen y Mensaka de José Ángel Mañas
Esta tesis pretende mostrar por qué se consideran las novelas Historias del Kronen y Mensaka una crítica social y la fidelidad del mensaje de Mañas en el paso de estas novelas al cine. Caben destacar estas dos novelas como ...
Identity Rifts in the Spanish Speaking World: A Literary Comparison of Martí, Darío, Unamuno and Machado
This thesis serves to explain how the transition that occurred in Spain and Spanish America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries affected the issue of identity. Because of Spain’s historically powerful ...
Marcos espaciales en "Fortunata y Jacinta" por Benito Perez Galdos
The purpose of the thesis is to explore the importance of spaces as seen through the perspective of the novel Fortunata y Jacinta, written by Benito Pérez Galdós. What I propose is a study that focuses on a comparison ...
María de Zayas: Egalitarian Poetic Justice in the Spanish Golden Age
María de Zayas should be studied not simply because she is a female author of the Spanish Golden Age of literature, but because her work stands on its own in quality. The history of Zayas criticism is described with ...