This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Auburn University Graduate School: Recent submissions

Now showing items 2201-2220 of 9285

Path Following and Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 

Brothers, Robert (2020-05-18)
This thesis presents a nonlinear model predictive controller (NMPC) for path following and obstacle avoidance in automated driving systems. Automated safety control systems have been increasingly effective at reducing ...

Black Teachers in Urban Schools: Why do they Stay? 

Wright, Debra (2020-05-18)
Academic achievement for students, specifically students of color, is negatively affected when teacher turnover in urban schools continue to rise (Ng & Peter, 2010; Ronfeldt, Lowb, & Wyckoff, 2013). Therefore, the goal of ...

Investigations of the Counter-Intuitively Short Lifetimes of the Visible Emission from Laser-Induced Plasma from RDX 

McMullan, Daniel (2020-05-18)
Abstract Through multiple studies on laser generated plasmas of materials, four phenomena have been curious and unexplainable regarding the non-energetic material polycarbonate (PC) and energetic material ...

Processing and Opto-Mechanical Characterization of Transparent Glass-Filled Epoxy Particulate Composites 

Branch, Austin (2020-05-18)
Optically transparent materials have a wide range of applications in areas such as face shields, ground vehicle and aircraft windows, and bullet-resistant enclosures. Glass, the standard material used for applications ...

Functional study of the Wnt signaling network that coordinates early anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axis specification and patterning in the sea urchin embryo 

Martínez Bartolomé, Marina (2020-05-18)
The establishment and patterning of the different embryonic body axes are crucial events in early development of any embryo. Anterior-posterior (AP) and dorsal-ventral (DV) axis specification and patterning are fundamental ...

Seminary Teaching Perspectives: A Comparison Study of Teaching Perspectives Between Seminary Faculty and Students at a Midwestern Seminary 

Lepper, Benjamin (2020-05-18)
The purpose of this study was to look at the teaching perspectives within a seminary setting. Seminary settings are drastically different than local church settings. They are primarily focused on the academic development ...

MACN: Map-Aided Cooperative Inertial Navigation 

Cofield, Robert (2020-05-18)
This thesis presents an inertial navigation system (INS) that leverages the global positioning system (GPS) and a sparse road network database to cooperatively localize ground vehicles within close proximity to one another. ...

Deep Learned Multi-Modal Traffic Agent Predictions for Truck Platooning Cut-Ins 

Douglass, Samuel Jr (2020-05-18)
Recent advances in Driver-Assisted Truck Platooning (DATP) have shown success in linking multiple trucks in leader-follower platoons using Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC). Such setups allow for closer spacing ...

Global Hybrid Simulation of Kinetic Alfven Waves Associated with Magnetotail Reconnection and Fast Flows 

Cheng, Lei (2020-05-18)
It is believed Alfven waves, and particularly kinetic Alfven waves (KAWs), play an important role in the coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. Although KAWs have been observed in the magnetotail and ...

Experimental Investigation of Bent and Flattened Heat Pipes for Thermal Management of Defense and Aerospace Electronics 

Gomes, Christopher (2020-05-15)
Heat pipes are passive heat transport devices composed of a sturdy outer shell, a porous wick material, and a hermetically sealed inner chamber filled with a working fluid. These devices transfer heat energy from a ...

Impacts of wild pigs (Sus scrofa) on nutrient cycling and water quality in riparian areas 

Bolds, Sara (2020-05-15)
Wild pigs (Sus scrofa) are a highly invasive species in the United States and millions of dollars are spent annually on removal efforts and damage reduction. Wild pigs may act as ecosystem engineers in areas where they are ...

Sliding Under the Radar: The Illegal Slave Trade in the United States 

Livingston, Michael (2020-05-15)  ETD File Embargoed
The Slave Importation Act of 1808 legally prohibited the transport enslaved persons from Africa but failed to prevent illegal smugglers from continuing to import slaves. Before 1808, the Atlantic Slave Trade had been a ...

The Effects of the Concrete-Representational-Abstract-Integration Sequence to Teach Students with Disabilities Binomial Multiplication and Quadratic Transformations into Factored Form 

Moore, Alexcia (2020-05-15)
Algebra is the foundational mathematics course that students take as they begin their high school career and is often difficult for the average learner. In order for students with disabilities and those with mathematics ...

Relationship between Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs and Adoption of Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices 

Nicholson-Eaton, C. Kimberly (2020-05-15)
Despite gains in student achievement in the South and nationwide, NCLB-defined achievement gaps for underrepresented populations persist. The need to address this gap is particularly important in Texas where 2015-2016 ...

Effect of Host Age and PKH26 Dye Concentration on Stem Cell Viability, Colonization Rate, and Offspring Performance for Production of Xenogenic Catfish 

Gurbatow, Jeremy (2020-05-15)
Xenogenesis has been identified as an innovative technology for hybrid catfish (♀ channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus × ♂ blue catfish, I. furcatus) embryo production. Currently, blue catfish donor stem cells are collected ...

A scalable and sustainable wastewater treatment technology using a methanotroph-microalga co-culture 

Roberts, Nathan (2020-05-15)
Rapidly growing human population generates large volumes of industrial, municipal, and agricultural wastewater. Traditional wastewater processes face major drawbacks with high energy consumption, inefficient nutrient ...

Design Guidelines for Aeroponic Plant Growth Systems with Varying Degrees of Complexity, Autonomy, and Performance Capability 

Murphy, Justin (2020-05-15)
A continuously increasing world population coupled with a rise in the average global standard of living has resulted in an expanded global economic output that is putting an unsustainable demand on many of the Earth’s ...

Equivalent Age-based Opportunistic Maintenance for Wind Farms 

Aldubaisi, Ali (2020-05-15)
The wind industry is facing new challenges due to the rapid growth of wind farms all around the world. Farm size, turbine size and a rising number of sophisticated components, the industry has to face the challenge to ...

A speleothem precipitation record from Alabama spanning the last 12 thousand years: links between Northern Hemisphere high-latitude cooling and Southeastern US hydroclimate 

Perritano, Stefan (2020-05-15)  ETD File Embargoed
I present a new stalagmite δ18O record, named War Eagle 1, collected from War Eagle Cave in Northern Alabama that spans the interval between 12,222 years to 320 years before present (BP), thus offering a paleoclimate ...

Developing and Assessing Long Distance Travel Accessibility Measures to Support Intercity Travel Analyses 

McGhee, Jacob (2020-05-15)
Long distance and intercity travel continues to grow in importance across the country in terms of its impacts on congestion, economies, and quality of life. Accessibility measures help us quantify access to or from a ...