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Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Author "Kalin, Latif"
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Long term Drivers of Hydrological change in the Southeastern United States
Singh, Arshdeep (2020-07-17)
Plant response to elevated CO2 concentration is known to increase leaf‐level water‐use efficiency through a reduction in stomatal opening. Recent studies have emphasized that increased plant water‐use efficiency can ...
Mapping Stream Channel Head Locations in the State of Alabama
Burak, Avcioglu (2015-11-18)
This study focuses on assessing the utility of the slope-area method for predicting channel head locations in forested areas in Alabama under different physiographic regions, improving this method by evaluating the other ...
Modeling Hydrologic and Water Quality Responses to Changing Climate and Land Use/Cover in the Wolf Bay Watershed, South Alabama
Wang, Ruoyu (2010-11-17)
Land use/cover (LULC) and climate change are two main factors directly affecting regional hydrology and water quality. In this study, the future potential impacts of LULC and climate change on the hydrologic regimes and ...
Modeling impact of Land Use/ Cover changes on Water Quality and Quantity of Fish River Watershed
Singh, Harsh Vardhan (2010-07-13)
Hydrologic and water quality models are widely used for assessing the impacts of land use/cover (LULC) changes on water quality and quantity. However, their credibility for predicting LULC change impacts has not been tested ...
Modeling Methane and Nitrous Oxide Exchanges between the Atmosphere and Terrestrial Ecosystems over North America in the Context of Multifactor Global Change
Xu, Xiaofeng (2010-11-19)
Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are two potent greenhouse gases which in sum contribute to more than one fourth of global warming caused by anthropogenic activities. In the meantime, CH4 and N2O play significant roles ...
Modeling Soil Moisture Dynamics in Wetlands
He, Junhao (2021-07-19)
Soil moisture distribution and fluxes are among the fundamental components of the hydrological cycle. One-dimensional Richard’s Equation (hereafter RE) is often used to represent the physics of water moisture distribution ...
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics along the Terrestrial-Ocean Continuum in Changing Environment: Integrating Geospatial Data with Process-based Model
Bian, Zihao (2022-06-01)
Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) are critical elements required by organisms for cellular processes and are the key limiting nutrients in most terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. However, massive nutrients have entered the ...
Predicting Saltwater Intrusion Effects on Tidal Freshwater Wetlands of the Lower Apalachicola River
Çelik, Seval (2017-05-04)
Tidal freshwater forested wetlands are found between terrestrial and aquatic zones and are common near the outlets of the coastal rivers (Mitsch and Gosselink 2007). These wetlands are valuable resources due to the ecological ...
Reducing Uncertainties in Coupled Carbon-water Cycle Predictions in the Southeastern United States Using Perturbed Parameter Experiments and Machine Learning Approaches
Kavoo, Thomas (2023-11-28) ETD File Embargoed
Carbon-water cycle interactions are considerably uncertain in the climate models. Parameter sensitivity studies are extensively utilized to reduce uncertainty in hydrological predictions. However, because of its high ...
Role of Climate, Land Use/Cover and Water Quality on West Nile Virus Incidence: A Modeling Approach
Noori, Navideh (2015-07-02)
West Nile virus (WNV), a vector-borne infectious disease, has been a major public health concern in North America since 1999. This virus is transmitted to susceptible mosquitoes when they feed on infected birds. Infected ...
The role of intra-watershed processes in improving the understanding of physical processes, hydrologic trends, and restoration measures across the Mobile Bay watershed-AL
Haas, Henrique (2024-04-30) ETD File Embargoed
The southeast United States (SE-US) stands out as a global hotspot of aquatic biodiversity, with the Alabama being a beacon within this rich ecosystem. The Mobile Bay-AL, an expansive estuarine system along the Gulf of ...
Spatial and Temporal Trends and the Role of Land Use/Cover on Water Quality and Hydrology in the Fish River Watershed
Morrison, Andrew (2010-12-17)
This study focuses on exploring linkages between land use/cover (LULC) and water quality/quantity at both spatial and temporal scales in the Fish River watershed. The Fish River, in coastal Alabama, is of critical importance ...
Towards improving agricultural and environmental sustainability in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin by understanding the agricultural and climate change impacts on the surface- and groundwater resources
Karki, Ritesh (2020-09-23)
Surface- and groundwater resources in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin play an important role in the economic and ecological vitality of the region. Agriculture, which contributes more than $2 ...
Understanding wetland hydrology and water quality through data/process based modelling
Ramesh, Rasika (2018-04-24)
Rapid coastal development has led to loss/alteration of wetlands, streams, riparian vegetated areas and headwater areas that buffer coastal waterways from pollution. Small wetlands, besides being easily altered, have also ...
Updating Soil Hydraulic Properties under Changing Land Use/Cover for Improved Hydrologic Predictions
Sufraci, Guleser (2015-12-04)
Land use/cover (LULC) change, especially forest to urban transition, can alter the soil hydraulic properties, including soil hydraulic conductivity, even though the soil texture and series may remain the same. Soil hydraulic ...
Use of Remotely Sensed Data to Quantify Plant Water Use from Irrigated Lands in Wolf Bay Watershed Area
Bhattarai, Nishan (2010-08-12)
Irrigation is one of the major water uses in the US and the world. An attempt is made to quantify water use from irrigated plants using remotely sensed data. Objectives of the study are to 1) assess the validity of a ...
Wetland Hydrologic Modeling through Physically-based and Data-driven Approaches
Rezaeianzadeh, Mehdi (2017-07-28)
Hydrology influences vegetation composition, species richness, primary productivity, accumulation of organic material, and nutrient availability and cycling in wetlands. Any alteration to wetland hydrology can change the ...
What do climate projections say about future droughts in Alabama and the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin?
Mishra, Nischal (2015-08-21)
Droughts, often considered the costliest natural disaster, are triggered by severe shortage of water, mainly in the form of precipitation. The Southeast US has been affected by frequent severe droughts in recent years and ...