This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Department "Forestry and Wildlife Science"

Now showing items 41-60 of 170

Economic Analysis of Habitat Conservation Banking in the United States 

Poudel, Jagdish (2017-07-28)
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is probably the most powerful environmental law ever enacted in the United States and is often portrayed as one of the most extreme forms of government intervention. Private landowners often ...

Effect of cellulose nanocrystals addition on electrospun silk fibroin composites for the valorization of sericulture production waste streams 

Sanchez-Diaz, Simon (2019-01-23)
The accelerated development in sciences experienced during the last decades, along with the significant expansion of our knowledge about material synthesis and processing have produced relevant breakthroughs in several key ...

The effect of Sirex spp. woodwasps and their fungal associates on Alabama forest health 

Wahl, Andrea (2017-04-20)
Forestry is an industry in the Southeastern United States that provides products and jobs to people throughout the region. These forests, while are mostly well managed for various outcomes, are susceptible to a variety of ...

Effectiveness of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Remote Sensing for Assessing the Impact of Catastrophic Windstorm Events on Timberland 

Badal, Dipika (2024-04-24)  ETD File Embargoed
The forests in the southeastern United States are of great importance for their economic, ecological, and cultural values. However, these forests are increasingly threatened by climate-induced windstorms, such as hurricanes ...

The Effects of 40% Throughfall Reduction on Soil Respiration in a Longleaf Pine Plantation 

Blackstock, Jake (2018-08-24)
Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forests can serve as disturbance-resistant, long-term carbon sinks, but net ecosystem productivity of longleaf pine forests has been shown to be sensitive to drought. Soil respiration (Rs) ...

Effects of Abiotic Factors on White-tailed Deer Activity in South Carolina 

Goethlich, Jamie (2020-01-06)
A myriad of internal and external factors continuously influence behavior of all animals. One group of environmental factors, abiotic factors (e.g., wind, temperature, and moon phase), are continuously present and constantly ...

The effects of anthropogenic disturbance on ecosystem structure and function in Coastal Plain streams in the southeastern United States 

Bickley, Samuel L. (2022-11-30)
Widespread development fueled by economic growth continues to stress aquatic resources. The world continues to both urbanize and deal with the effects of climate change. In the Southeastern United States, more frequent ...

Effects of Commercial Thinning on White-tailed Deer Forage Availability and Ecological Restoration Objectives in Loblolly Pine Stands 

Keene, Kent (2019-04-09)
Planted pine (Pinus spp.) stands represent 19% of the forested land in the southeastern U.S. Though often managed for timber production, many landowners have alternative objectives, such as improving habitat quality for ...

Effects of hunting frequency on wintering waterfowl abundance using UAVs 

Hansey, Brittany (2023-01-10)
Waterfowl managers must navigate trade-offs between providing sustainable waterfowl populations and hunting opportunities to establish effective waterfowl hunting regulations. Assessing these trade-offs requires information ...

Effects of Planting Density, Prescribed Fire, and Other Factors on Stand Structure and Wildlife Habitat in Longleaf Pine Stands in Alabama 

Wheeler, Evan (2019-05-01)
Though the distribution of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forests has decreased throughout the past century, increasing awareness of the economic and ecological benefits of longleaf silviculture has stimulated restoration ...

The Effects of Prescribed Fire on Wild Turkeys in the Talladega National Forest 

McInnis, Mariah (2021-12-02)
Previous research on the effects of prescribed fire on wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) has been primarily conducted on areas with burn units <300 ha in size. However, large-scale burning (i.e., >1,000 ha burn units) has ...

Effects of Thinning Intensity, Prescribed Fire, and Herbicide on Wildlife Habitat in Mid-rotation Loblolly Pine Stands 

Stewart, Dylan (2022-05-02)
Pine (Pinus spp.) plantations cover 16.8 MM ha across the southeastern United States. Many forest owners are interested in managing their forests for multiple objectives, including timber production and wildlife habitat ...

Effects of uncertainty on conservation decisions and ecological inference 

Dunham, Kylee (2019-07-23)
Uncertainty is pervasive in ecology and conservation. Ecological systems are dynamic, and therefore inference from observations and subsequent decision-making can be hampered due to observation and process error. Assessing ...

Essays on International Timber Products Trade 

Lin, Ying (2017-04-27)
During the last decade, the production and trade of timber products have gone through rapid change due to the implementation of several new policies and regulations. Specifically, one of the world’s largest exporters of ...

Essays on US Forest Products Markets 

Assogba, Noel Perceval (2021-07-20)  ETD File Embargoed
International trade of forest products plays a critical role in the economy of many countries around the world. Knowledge of market curves elasticities and the effect of currency exchange rates on goods trade are instrumental ...

Estimating Use, Density, and Productivity of Eastern Wild Turkey in Alabama 

Gonnerman, Matthew (2017-08-21)
An important component of effectively managing wildlife is understanding the size and structure of their populations. The optimal management action for a population will change depending on its current size and demographic ...

Evaluating Relationships between Road Noise and Breeding Birds in the Conterminous United States 

Sarabat, Halil (2021-12-09)  ETD File Embargoed
Human activities have increased the amount of anthropogenic noise and altered the distribution of birds across the landscape, raising concerns about the possible effects of noise pollution on birds. Anthropogenic noise ...

Evaluating Remote Sensing and Prescribed Fire Methods to Aid in the Restoration of Bottomland Hardwood Forests Invaded by Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense) 

Cash, James (2019-07-16)
Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense Lour.) is an invasive shrub with a wide distribution outside its native Southeast Asia range. It is particularly common and problematic in the southeastern U.S., where researchers have ...

Evaluating the functional response of isolated cypress domes to groundwater alteration in west-central Florida 

Bartholomew, Megan (2017-04-15)
The hydrology of a wetland is the single most important determinant of its function and slight alterations can lead to significant changes in plant communities and biogeochemistry within the wetland. Therefore, understanding ...

Evaluation of Processing Head Measurements in Merchandizing Southern Yellow Pine in the Southeast US 

Sitanggang, Marisa Margareth (2020-07-30)
Today’s timber market in the Southeast US demands a specific size log; thus, the harvested trees need to be processed at the landing. The utilization of a processing head in the logging industry is encouraged due to the ...