This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Author "Eden, Mario"

Now showing items 1-20 of 26

Big Data Analytics and Its Applications in Soft Sensor for Smart Manufacturing 

Shah, Devarshi (2019-04-29)
This dissertation presents research performed to develop industrial internet of things enabled testbed and statistics pattern analysis feature-based modelling approach for smart manufacturing. Advent of internet completely ...

Characterization of Poultry Litter for Storage and Process Design 

Bernhart, Matthew (2007-08-15)
Concern over the world’s dependence on nonrenewable fossil fuels as the primary source of energy is continually increasing. This has led researchers, industry officials and government agencies to begin to aggressively ...

Conversion of Carbon Dioxide and Biomass for Fuels and Chemicals Precursor through Gasification: Experimental and Modeling Approach 

Sadhwani, Narendra (2017-03-13)
Recycling carbon dioxide is of prime importance due to the harmful effects on the atmosphere. Using CO2 for gasification serves a dual purpose i.e. reducing pollution and generating syngas and is beneficial both environmentally ...

Data Driven Methods for Chemical Process and Product Synthesis and Design 

Davis, Sarah E (2018-11-20)
Data driven methods for chemical process and product synthesis have become integrated in all aspects of design. The responsibly of the academic community should be to provide users with guidance when managing the ...

Data-driven semiconducting nanomaterials design for energy applications 

Choi, Yeseul (2022-08-04)
Silicon nitrides and hydrogenated silicon nitrides attract widespread scientific interest across multiple application fields due to their superior combination of optical, mechanical, thermal and optoelectronic properties. ...

A Data-Mining Framework for Uncertainty Analysis in Pipeline Erosion Modeling 

Dai, Wei (2018-07-24)
The transport of solids in multiphase flows is common practice in energy industries due to the unavoidable extraction of solids from oil and gas bearing reservoirs either from onshore or offshore sites. The safe and efficient ...

Development of a Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship (QSAR) Model relating Solvent Structure to Ibuprofen Crystal Morphology using 2D and 3D Molecular Descriptors 

Haser, John (2013-07-10)
The objective of this thesis is to develop a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) that relates solvent structure to the morphology of ibuprofen crystals grown within that solvent. Morphology can be quantified ...

Effect of Carbon Supports on Supercritical Hexane Mediated, Fe-Catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis 

Roe, David (2017-12-01)
The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) process consists of surface-catalyzed reactions that collectively convert syngas into hydrocarbons, oxygenates, CO2, water, and heat. In this work, five Fe-based, carbon-supported ...

Equilibrium Modeling of Coal and Biomass Gasification 

Vaughan, Gregory (2015-07-29)
This thesis endeavors to add to the field of equilibrium modeling of coal and biomass gasification by utilizing widely available commercial process modeling software (Aspen Plus®) to evaluate the impacts of various system ...

A Framework For Optimal Polygeneration Product Allocation 

Sammons, Norman, Jr. (2009-12-15)
Polygeneration facilities, such as the integrated biorefinery, have the opportunity to provide a strong, self-dependent, sustainable alternative for the production of bulk and fine chemicals, e.g. polymers, fiber composites ...

Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques for Manufacturing and Beyond 

Lee, Jangwon (2021-07-19)
This dissertation presents research performed to develop a novel soft sensor, feature space process monitoring, and domain knowledge-based path analysis for manufacturing and healthcare industries. In recent years, as ...

Integrated Multiscale Chemical Product Design using Property Clustering and Decomposition Techniques in a Reverse Problem Formulation 

Solvason, Charles (2011-11-30)
In recent years, chemical engineers in the Process Systems Engineering (PSE) community have increasingly been using their skill set to solve problems in areas beyond the chemical manufacturing processes, focusing instead ...

Investigation of Mass Transfer Phenomena in Supercritical Antisolvent Precipitation Processes 

Chinnawar, Rajeshwar (2015-08-04)
This dissertation involves a detailed discussion of the production of organic and polymeric microparticles of controllable size and size distribution for several applications including certain pharmaceutical formulations. ...

A Methodology for Integrating Process Design Elements with Laboratory Experiments 

Seay, Jeffrey (2008-05-15)
This dissertation is the result of a joint project between industry and academia. The research was originally conceived as an industrial process development project based on the manufacture of industrial products from the ...

Modeling and Optimization of Novel Fuel Production Strategies 

Yuan, Wei (2011-10-18)
Environmental problems such as global warming and fossil fuel shortage are some of the biggest challenges that human beings are facing nowadays. Alternative fuels are the potential answer to many future energy needs and ...

Multivariate Characterization, Modeling, and Design of Chemical Products in Property Cluster Space 

Hada, Subin (2013-07-15)
The focus of this dissertation is on the development of in silico approaches for the logical and systematic solution of chemical product design problems. The application of multivariate characterization, modeling, and ...

Process design and simulation of producing liquid transportation fuels from biomass 

Li, Pengcheng (2017-04-16)
Although the global energy sector is driven by fossil fuels, renewable and more environmental friendly energy sources need to be explored due to the insecurity of crude oil availability in the future and the environmental ...

Process Design and Simulation of Propylene and Methanol Production through Direct and Indirect Biomass Gasification 

Lousada, Bernardo (2016-07-26)
As a result of increasing environmental concerns and the depletion of petroleum resources, the search for renewable alternatives is an important global topic. Methanol produced from biomass could be an important intermediate ...

Reaction synthesis, hybrid & intensified techniques assisted efficient process synthesis 

Xu, Shuang (2023-08-21)
Process synthesis is a crucial aspect of sustainable process design, aiming to identify efficient interconnections among various unit operations to convert raw materials into products. However, existing research predominantly ...

Solution Approaches to Large Scale Multistage Stochastic Programs with Endogenous and Exogenous Uncertainty 

Christian, Brianna (2017-12-01)
The focus of this dissertation is the investigation of approaches to address the computational challenges of solving multistage stochastic programs (MSSPs) with both endogenous and exogenous uncertainty. My work to date ...