This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Author "Hahn, Ellen"

Now showing items 1-20 of 21

Aspiring Leaders Academy: A Partnership between Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS), Auburn University, and University of Alabama Educational Leadership Programs 

Law, Mary Catherine (2024-11-18)
This study explores a partnership between two university educational leadership programs and a statewide principal association, specifically focusing on its alignment with a partnership model created by Reames and Kochan ...

A Case Study of an Innovative Pharmacy Curriculum and Leadership Behaviors 

Moseley, Lindsey (2023-07-24)
Change is constant in higher education, and innovation is central to change. Facilitating innovation requires the influence of leaders. Transformational leadership is a prominent leadership construct which has been shown ...

A Case Study of Military-Connected Principals' Trauma-Informed Decision-Making 

Dickinson, Suzanne (2023-10-24)  ETD File Embargoed
A substantial body of research spanning almost two decades has demonstrated that widespread trauma from adverse childhood experiences and toxic environments exists within the American population and is predictive of ...

A Case Study: Perceptions of Rural School Principals that Utilized the Transformation Turnaround Model for School Success and Sustainability 

LaBaza Tucker, Renee (2021-04-23)
Abstract This qualitative case study identified how rural school principals utilized the transformation turnaround model in conjunction with the eight turnaround principles to promote and sustain academic success within ...

Caught in the uncivil war: How equipped are school leaders to navigate custodial rights in the educational setting? 

Ennis, Olivia (2021-07-13)
The purpose of this quantitative, correlational study was to examine the relationship between knowledge of protocol and familiarity with the application of custodial situations in the educational setting. This study assessed ...

District Middle Space Leadership in K-12 School Systems: The Experiences of African American Women 

Williams Dowell, Tessie (2021-12-05)
This qualitative study examined African American women as novice, veteran, and former district middle space leaders in K-12 school systems. The current research on African American women in district middle space leadership ...

The Identification and Implementation of Key Characteristics of Exemplary Career and Technical Education Programs in Rural Areas 

Davis, Kimberly (2020-07-22)
The increased demand for a skilled workforce has placed new challenges on rural school districts. Students are provided the opportunity to obtain the skills required to fill the workforce needs through exemplary career and ...

Increasing enrollment of EL students in Georgia: A multiple case study of school leaders at high-EL schools 

Cantrell, Michelle (2022-05-05)  ETD File Embargoed
English learners (ELs) are increasing in US schools; however, their achievement and graduation rate continues to lag as compared to non-Hispanic white students. In Georgia, where the EL population has increased significantly ...

Internal Learning Partnerships: A Study of Collaboration in a High-Performing Rural School 

Felton, Hope (2022-07-26)
Over the past decades, schools’ academic success has been a major focus in the Department of Education beginning with the No Child Left Behind Act (2001) up to the current education reform, Every Student Succeeds Act (2015). ...

Middle Space Leader: Professional Quality of Life 

Deason, Kelsey (2023-04-03)
This quantitative study explored the professional quality of life of middle space leaders who are serving public school systems in the state of Alabama. This study determined if there was a relationship between mindfulness ...

Military Faculty Development at the Post-Graduate Level: Using the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model with Curriculum-Based Leadership 

Summerlin, Linda (2023-04-09)
The Department of Defense’s enduring mission is to provide combat-ready military forces needed to defend our nation, deter war, and protect the security of the United States (DoD, 2020). Effective military training and ...

A Mixed-Methods Study: Understanding Student Ties in a Distance Learning Educational Leadership Cohort 

Slear, Susan (2019-12-09)
With instructional delivery for education changing at an increasing rate from the traditional face-to-face classes to distance learning and hybrid formats, educators must stay current with best practices. Cohorts, which ...

Natural Disasters and Perceived Transformational Leadership Traits in Community Leaders 

McCambridge, Colleen (2024-12-09)
Hurricane Michael decimated the community of Bay County, Florida as a disaster of unexpected force. As its winds reached 161 miles per hour, leaders were forced to find ways of recovering during widespread and on-going ...

Principal Preparation Programs: Addressing Aspiring School Leader Well-Being 

Adair, Angela (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
The National Educational Leadership Preparation Program (NELP, 2018) standards require that effective school leaders not only promote the well-being of students but also promote the well-being of the adults in the building, ...

Professional Learning Communities: An Examination of 21st Century and Traditional Facility Designs 

Howard, Brandi (2022-04-08)
Today’s educational structures require teachers to move from isolation to collaboration to improve knowledge, skills, and instructional practices for effective teaching and learning. To do this, many schools across the ...

School Leadership: The Journey from Trauma Aware to Trauma-Informed 

Lawson, Jennifer (2022-11-21)
Until recently, discussions around trauma-informed approaches and practices have been limited primarily to the fields of mental health and social services; however, “attention to childhood trauma and the need for trauma-informed ...

A Study of Complex Leadership Theory in a Title One Middle School During the CoVID-19 Outbreak of 2020 

Parker, Elizabeth (2023-08-10)
The COVID-19 pandemic caused worldwide disruption, including the closure of public schools in the United States. This dissertation introduces a conceptual framework of complex leadership, based on complexity leadership ...

A Superintendent’s Trust-Building Practices with Principals: A Case Study 

Norden, Julie (2020-08-03)
Researchers have identified the benefits of trust within school organizations from various perspectives, but little is known about trust between a superintendent and campus principals. School districts are under great ...

Teacher Perceptions: A Study of One School System Sponsored National Board Cohort 

Price, Sonya (2024-11-15)
Research suggests that retaining teachers is becoming a challenge to school and system leadership in most states, including Alabama. Local school system sponsored national board cohorts are being developed as one means of ...

Wellbeing: An Outcome of Mentoring 

Wheeler, Rhonda (2024-07-25)  ETD File Embargoed
Research regarding stress and burnout suggests the pressures of life as a principal are becoming more intense each year. School principals are leaving their jobs. The purpose of this study was to explore mentoring as a way ...