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Auburn Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions

Now showing items 1341-1360 of 9285

The Effects of Genetic-based and Swarm Intelligence-based Feature Selection on Adversarial Author Identification 

Halladay, Steve (2022-04-25)
Within the realm of author identification, where researchers work to classify writing samples by author, researchers are using more and diverse feature sets to try to improve classification accuracy. From a computational ...

Family-Centered Practice Knowledge and Use Amongst Speech-Language Pathologists: A National Survey 

DeCarlo, Emma (2022-04-25)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree to which practicing speech-language pathologists (SLPs) engage in family-centered behaviors within the pediatric population. Additionally, this study aims to determine ...

Southern Progress and Southern Honor: Slavery and Jim Crow at Auburn University 

Munroe, Kyle (2022-04-22)
Slavery built Auburn University physically, ideologically, and monetarily. After emancipation, slavery’s impact on Auburn does not vanish, instead it transforms into the violence of the Jim Crow South. Auburn played a key ...

Investigating HCAR and FAN1 Variants as Inherited Risk Factors of Breast Cancer 

McGuire Sams, Cierla (2022-04-22)  ETD File Embargoed
Inherited genetic risk factors in known breast cancer (BC) susceptibility genes increase an individual’s overall lifetime risk of developing BC but explain only ~35% of hereditary BC cases. Therefore, additional BC ...

Posttraumatic Stress Symptom Profiles in Individuals Exposed to Criterion A Traumas versus Non-Criterion A Stressors 

Jeffirs, Stephanie (2022-04-22)  ETD File Embargoed
Variable methods for assessing trauma exposure and mixed findings on the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following traumatic and non-traumatic events have fueled debate regarding the necessity of the ...

Mercury Impact Ejecta’s Contribution to its Own Meteoroid Population 

Jackson, Pierce (2022-04-21)
Mercury’s position in the inner Solar System and lack of an atmosphere subjects it to the greatest mean velocity impacts of the inner Solar System. Ejecta launched at speeds less than 4.25 km/s are retained by the planet ...

Equity and inclusion underlie instructor assessment choices amid COVID-19 pandemic 

Lamb, Todd (2022-04-21)
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak mandated a rapid transition to online classes with little warning. Previous literature studying the effect of this sudden shift demonstrated enormous impacts on instructors and students. ...

Neurobehavioral Effects of Neonatal Methylmercury Exposure: Impacts on Perseveration and Learning 

Kendricks, Dalisa (2022-04-20)
Neural changes occurring during the neonatal period in rodents are akin to those seen in humans during the third trimester of pregnancy. The neonatal period is a developmental period during which the monoamine systems ...

Comprehensive Methodology for the Design Configuration and Operational Control of Shuttle-based Storage and Retrieval Systems 

Li, Donghuang (2022-04-20)
During recent years, Autonomous Vehicle Storage and Retrieval Systems (AVS/RS) have been widely applied in distribution centers and production sites to meet the increasing demand for rapid and flexible large-scale warehousing ...

Securing Lethal Means for Suicide: A Focus Group Study Exploring Perceptions and Barriers Among Practicing Veterinarians 

Waitz-Kudla, Sydney (2022-04-20)
Veterinarians are at higher risk for suicide than the general population, and it has been hypothesized that this may be attributable to veterinarians’ access to and knowledge of lethal drugs, specifically pentobarbital. ...

Examination of how the use of multimedia characteristics, political partisanship and perceived organizational reputation influence perceived message effectiveness and attitudes toward the message of health organizations’ COVID-19 tweets 

Warbington, Abbey (2022-04-20)
Based on the social presence theory, this study aimed to examine the potential impact of using multimedia characteristics within health communication tweets in terms of perceived message effectiveness and attitudes toward ...

Coral Reefs and Climate Change: Examining Two Institutional Approaches to Managing a Novel Marine Ecosystem 

Wally, Kasen (2022-04-20)
Much of Florida’s economy is tied to the third-largest barrier reef in the world, the Florida Reef Tract. However, because of anthropogenic threats, it is not the thriving ecosystem it once was, and its persistence ...

Biopsychosocial Mechanisms of Disease Progression in Black Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 

Martz, Connor (2022-04-20)  ETD File Embargoed
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune condition that involves multiple organ systems and fluctuating disease activity which can lead to potentially debilitating symptoms, various morbidities, and ...

Evaluating the effects of three Alabama River dams on fish movements and population connectivity using otolith microchemistry 

Rotar, Christopher (2022-04-20)
Dams impede fish movement and can isolate riverine populations into defined areas. The Alabama River is divided into four major sections by three lock-and-dam structures. I used otolith microchemistry to quantify movements ...

Understanding Eating Behavior: How to improve it 

Zhao, HaiYue (2022-04-20)  ETD File Embargoed
The relation between education and health has been well established in the literature, especially as it pertains to chronic diseases like obesity. But, due to data limitations, most extant research lacks a direct explanation ...

Survey of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Four Ophiostomatoid Fungi 

Menanyih, Sylvester Anane (2022-04-19)
Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is an important commercial timber species in the southeastern United States. It contributes to the growth of the economy by serving as raw material for the forest product industry in the ...

Burnout as a Mediator in the Workaholism-Turnover Intentions Relationship 

McGoey, Kendall (2022-04-19)
The present research explores the relationship between workaholism and voluntary turnover intentions with burnout as the explanatory mechanism. Existing literature has found a positive relationship between workaholism ...

Soybean growth response to inoculation with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria supplemented with orange peel amendment 

Pacheco da Silva, Maria Leticia (2022-04-19)
In order to meet the projected global food demand from population by 2050, current crop production will need to double. In this context, researchers are studying sustainable strategies to improve nutrient absorption by the ...

Surface and Interfacial Studies of Perovskite Oxides Grown by Hybrid Molecular Beam Epitaxy 

Thapa, Suresh (2022-04-19)
Perovskite oxides are well known for their intriguing properties such as ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism, and superconductivity that can be tuned by different crystalline degrees of freedom. SrTiO3 (STO) is a perovskite ...

Thermodynamic Model and Initial Experimental Investigation of Air Dehumidification through Electrically Charged Vapor Capturing Electrostatic Droplets 

Morcelli, Stefano (2022-04-18)  ETD File Embargoed
The removal of water vapor from the air to reduce relative humidity is a well known indoor environmental comfort requirement. Common dehumidification approaches require a substantial amount of energy and usually involve ...