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Auburn Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions

Now showing items 2221-2240 of 9285

Influence of Blade Gap Thickness and Recoater Velocity on Powder Layer Quality in Additive Manufacturing 

Fucito, Kristin (2020-05-15)
The mechanical properties of components produced by additive manufacturing processes are the result of the powder layer quality. In powder bed fusion, a more uniform powder layer is necessary for the laser to penetrate the ...

Examining the Effects of Message Framing on Medication Beliefs, Intentions to Take Medication, Medication Adherence, and Asthma Control among College Students 

Jeminiwa, Ruth (2020-05-15)
Background: Asthma remains a burden to society with approximately $80 billion per year spent on asthma-related medical expenses in the United States. Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), a mainstay medication for managing ...

Patterns of Testosterone in White-tailed Deer and their Relationship to Reproductive Success 

Gomes, Monet (2020-05-15)
Testosterone governs most facets of reproduction in vertebrates, and its effects on behavior and sexually selected traits have been documented in many species. We evaluated annual and lifetime patterns of circulating serum ...

The Archive of Speaking/ Silencing in the Latina Borderlands: A Comparative Anzaldúan Approach to Leticia Hernández-Linares’s Mucha Muchacha Too Much Girl and Vanessa Angélica Villarreal’s Beast Meridian 

Dino, Kamela (2020-05-15)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the significance of silence and speaking within the lens of the archive, precisely concentrating on the contributions of Borderlands La Frontera The New Mestiza by Gloria Anzaldúa ...

The Inflamed Gut: An Integrative Approach to Understanding the Impact of Inflammation on Bacteriophage-Host Dynamics. 

Higgins, Keah (2020-05-15)
The intestinal microbiome is a diverse and dynamic microbial ecosystem residing within the gastrointestinal tract. The mammalian intestine is home to both commensal and opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms. The immune ...

Physiology and Chemical Ecology of Solenopsis Fire Ants: Interactions with Biotic and Abiotic Factors in Their Environment 

Ajayi, Olufemi (2020-05-14)
Interactions between organisms and the environment affect the survival and distribution of species. Biotic and abiotic factors impact the adaptations of Solenopsis fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the southeastern ...

Evaluation of the effect of metabolism and transporters on drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics using PBPK modeling 

Darakjian, Lucy (2020-05-14)
In the latest years, multiple types of computational models have been used extensively in drug development, with a massive growth of uses of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling in fields associated with ...

Functional Genomics of Air Breathing in Catfish 

Ma, Xiaoli (2020-05-14)
Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), tra catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) all belong to order Siluriformes, but I. punctatus does not possess an air breathing organ (ABO) ...

Modeling of Warm Dense Plasmas for the Determination of Transport Properties and Equation of State 

Gill, Nathanael (2020-05-14)
We present the results of research studying the properties of dense plasmas using the average atom model. The average atom model is a physically reasonable statistical representation of an atom in a plasma, and various ...

Improving Flower Production and Reducing Pre-Harvest Fruit Drop of Gold Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) 

Kelley, Jacob (2020-05-14)
Abstract The Actinidia chinensis cultivars, ‘AU Golden Sunshine’ and ‘AU Gulf Coast Gold’ produce heavy crop loads of large, commercially acceptable kiwifruit in central Alabama. However, due to fluctuations in annual ...

Estudio diacrónico de quitar y toller en la época medieval 

Vidales de la Vega, Carlos (2020-05-14)  ETD File Embargoed
In view of the increase in diachronic studies, the focus of this research is to understand the development of the Spanish verbs, quitar and toller. The goal in this investigation is, on the one hand, to study what was the ...

A high-resolution paleoclimate record of precipitation variability from a stalagmite in northern Cuba spanning the late-Holocene 

Steltenpohl, Gregory (2020-05-14)  ETD File Embargoed
I present a new stalagmite δ18O record, named CL, collected from Garibaldi Cave in Matanzas, Cuba that spans between 322 and 3,747 years before present (BP). This study investigates hydroclimate drivers in Cuba and their ...

Stewardship of Synthetic Auxins in 2,4-D and Dicamba–resistant Crops and Mitigation of Off-target Movement 

Browne, Frances (2020-05-14)
A series of greenhouse, field, and laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate preemergence (PRE) and postemergence (POST) herbicides for Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri L.) control in addition to assess the ...

Detection of Salmonella Typhimurium on Environmental Surfaces Using Magnetoelastic/magnetostrictive (ME) Biosensors. 

Liu, Yuzhe (2020-05-14)
Food products can be contaminated by Salmonella anywhere along the food supply chain, so that serious foodborne illnesses, hospitalizations, and even death are caused. The conflict between the fast food-supply requirement ...

Using Symbolic Data Analysis to Detect Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Healthcare Insurance Claims Data 

Reynolds, Frederick (2020-05-14)
As the nation’s cost of healthcare continues to escalate, so does the exposure to instances of fraud, waste, and abuse. Multiple approaches to detecting these occurrences are in practice today and there are multiple ...

The Effects of Physical Therapy Clinical Experiences on Post-Professional Orthopaedic Knowledge 

Houser, Jeremy (2020-05-14)  ETD File Embargoed
While it is the case that physical therapists who complete an orthopaedic residency program are more likely to pass the orthopaedic specialist examination, it is unclear if these programs provide those students with more ...

Social Media Information Search Behavior in Consumption Decisions: Consumer Segmentation and Discriminant Factors 

Chang, Jae Youn (2020-05-14)  ETD File Embargoed
Upon recognition of the theoretical and empirical literature gap of research integrating the diverse roles of consumer information search on social media (Choi & Park, 2006), this study proposes the modified consumer ...

Reliability of Shear-Critical Reinforced Concrete Members 

Aguilar Vidal, Victor Hugo (2020-05-13)
Recent research on one-way shear strength and strut-and-tie design approach has led to updates in the ACI 318 Building code requirements for structural concrete. The changes in one-way shear design provisions in ACI 318-19 ...

Performatividad, agencia y trangresión del espacio en la autobiografía de Loreta Velázquez: The Woman in Battle 

Riesco-Cuadrado, Miguel Ángel (2020-05-13)
The Woman in Battle es la sorprendente autobiografía de Loreta Velázquez, una mujer nacida en la Cuba española decimonónica y educada en Nueva Orleans que decidió tomar parte en la Guerra de Secesión luchando con el Sur, ...

Natural and Anthropogenic Contaminants in Groundwater and Cancer Cases in Fruithurst, Alabama 

Cain, Connor (2020-05-13)  ETD File Embargoed
The communities of Fruithurst and Muscadine in northeast Alabama, have a combined population of 1,600 people. Between 2013 and 2017, four children and four adults were diagnosed with leukemia or lymphoma. The goal of this ...