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Auburn Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions

Now showing items 2281-2300 of 9285

Prevalence of parasites in Alabama poultry flocks with special emphasis on Eimeria maxima 

Carrisosa, Miranda (2020-04-29)
Coccidiosis is a disease caused by Eimeria spp. and it is the most prevalent and economically important disease in poultry. Due to its economic importance, the control of coccidiosis is critical. Other parasites can cause ...

Mechanical Characterization and Aging Induced Evolution of Cyclic Properties and Microstructure of Lead-Free Solder Materials 

Chowdhury, Md Mahmudur (2020-04-29)
Solder joints in electronic assemblies are often subjected to cyclic (positive/negative) mechanical strains and stresses. Such exposures can occur in variable temperature application environments or during accelerated life ...

Creating Black Girl Magic: The Weight of Motherhood for Middle Class Black Mothers and their Preschool-Aged Daughters 

Craig, Ania (2020-04-28)  ETD File Embargoed
Guided by an intersectional perspective, the current study was a qualitative inquiry into how the body image of six Black mothers impacted their mothering in regard to physical activity for their preschool-aged daughters. ...

From Tonic to Toxin: Medicinal Plants in the Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century 

Anderson, Caitlin (2020-04-27)  ETD File Embargoed
My dissertation, From Tonic to Toxin: Medicinal Plants in the Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century, explores the reclassification of herbs in nineteenth-century British literature and culture from potent allies to ...

Exploring and Measuring the Teaching and Development of Earth Systems Thinking Skills in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses 

Soltis, Nicholas (2020-04-24)
The understanding of the development of Earth systems thinking (EST) is a major challenge in the field of geoscience education. Major questions exist relating to systems thinking teaching practices, student conceptions ...

Online State and Parameter Estimation for Lithium-ion Batteries Based on a Reduced-order Electrochemical Life Model 

Bi, Yalan (2020-04-22)
Inaccurate estimation of the state-of-charge (SOC) and the state-of-health (SOH) may lead to safety issues. Currently, estimations of SOC and SOH that based on electric equivalent circuit models (ECMs) have been widely ...

Australian Labradoodle Dystrophinopathy: A Novel Canine Model for the Study of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Cardiomyopathy 

Shrader, Stephanie (2020-04-22)
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked recessive disorder that results in progressive damage to both skeletal and cardiac myocytes. As a result of improved ventilatory care, mortality in affected patients is ...

Transgene Insertion of Cathelicidin Gene in Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus using CRISPR/Cas9 Knock-in Technology and Cathelicidin Activity Against Catfish Pathogens 

Simora, Rhoda Mae (2020-04-22)
Protection of fish against infectious diseases is a major challenge in aquaculture, and economic losses due to these diseases limit profitability. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), a class of highly conserved peptides known ...

Conversion of Methane Using Two and Three Dimensional Metal Carbide Catalysts 

Thakur, Raj (2020-04-22)
After various decades of research aiming to discover desirable catalysts for the direct conversion of methane into valuable products, the modern chemical industry is calling forth finding alternative materials to on-purpose ...

Evaluating Efficacy of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Promoting Growth and Preventing Disease in both Fish and Plants 

Williams, Malachi (2020-04-22)
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), are bacteria residing within the rhizosphere of a plant, that elicit health benefits to the plant (Kloepper and Schroth, 1978; Kloepper et al., 2004). To understand the growth ...

Optimization of fast charging method based on a reduced order electrochemical model for lithium ion batteries 

Yin, Yilin (2020-04-22)
Long charging time is one of the technical barriers that should be overcvome for wide acceptance of electric vehicles (EVs) in the market. The charging time can be simply reduced using increased charging current that ...

An Examination of Diversity and Inclusion in Physical Therapy Admissions 

Woods, LaDarius (2020-04-22)
The purpose of this study was to examine Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) admissions practices. This study focused on admission committees’ selection priorities and processes and their influence on diversity and inclusion. ...

Making Teacher Thinking Transparent: An Examination of Teacher Think-Aloud Instruction 

Woods, Sarah (2020-04-22)
Students need both knowledge of metacognitive reading strategies and how to effectively use these strategies to encounter successful reading experiences. There is growing research on the success of strategies (i.e. visualize, ...

Improving Coastal Plain Hardwoods for White-tailed Deer and Wild Turkeys with Forest Stand Improvement and Prescribed Fire 

Turner, Mark (2020-04-22)
Hardwood forests in the Coastal Plain often are not actively managed, as many landowners and managers fear that forest management will damage mast-producing hardwood species. Accordingly, forage and cover for game species, ...

Three Essays on Economics of the Parliaments 

Zhang, Jie (2020-04-22)  ETD File Embargoed
I focus on the economics of the Turkish Parliament. In Chapter One, I estimate the impact of one additional Member of Parliament (MP) representing a province on that province’s economic growth: an extra MP increases the ...

War Fought and Felt: The Influence of Interpersonal Relationships on Confederate Soldier Motivations in the American Civil War 

Shiver, Joshua (2020-04-22)  ETD File Embargoed
When white Southern men initially marched off to war, they took with them masculine and martial ideals that undergirded their romantic notions of war and the importance of their service. Soon, the astonishing brutality and ...

Methods for Isolating Canine Mast Cell Progenitors, Melanocytes, and Keratinocytes 

Flaat, Taylor (2020-04-21)
One of the most difficult aspects of employing precision medicine in the treatment of cancer is determining the best targets to treat within the tumor. A trademark of cancers is that, while two patients may present similar ...

Fragment Response of Unreinforced Concrete Masonry Walls Subjected to Blast Loading Conditions 

Hatfield, John (2020-04-21)  ETD File Embargoed
There are very few methods for predicting the fragment velocity and fragment production of an unreinforced, ungrouted concrete masonry wall. Those that do exist often require large computational resources or fail to predict ...

The GI Coffeehouse Movement, 1968-1972: Class-Based Activism in the Vietnam War 

Miles, Ashley (2020-04-20)
This work examines the GI coffeehouse movement of the Vietnam era in the United States from the years 1968 to 1972 by analyzing the underground newspapers that the coffeehouses produced. From one perspective this work ...

Control Volume Analysis of Rectangular Ducts with Arbitrary Mean-Flow, Transverse Wall Impedances, and Temperature Discontinuity 

Morehead, Connor (2020-04-20)
Combustion instabilities (CIs) are a consistent and ubiquitous problem for industrial burners, rockets, and gas turbines. Reduced order acoustic models are often used to analyze combustion instabilities. Typically, reduced ...