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Auburn Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions

Now showing items 241-260 of 9285

Examining the Framing of Book Banning in Alabama: A Study of News Coverage through Content and Critical Discourse Analysis 

McCormick, Ainsley M. (2024-04-30)  ETD File Embargoed
The issue of book banning in education systems and public libraries has increased in recent years as a tool being weaponized by politicians, specifically targeting material about LGBTQ individuals and people of color. News ...

The effects of chronic exposure to risperidone during adolescence on behavioral rigidity and impulsive choice in adulthood 

Haste, David (2024-04-30)
Risperidone is a second-generation antipsychotic that is commonly prescribed in children in adolescence. Its mechanism of action targets both serotonin and dopamine, both of which mediate different types of behavior, such ...

Irrigation Effects on Corn (Zea mays) and Soybeans (Glycine max L.) Yield in Clay Soils in the Alabama Blackland Prairie Region 

Diaz Flores, Issa Fernanda (2024-04-30)
Precise estimates of irrigation yield effects are essential for farmers when making irrigation investment decisions. The project goal is to improve our knowledge of irrigation yield effects in the soils of the Alabama ...

On-wafer RF Characterization and Modeling of Noise, Linearity and Reliability of Advanced RF FinFETs 

Ding, Xuewei (2024-04-30)  ETD File Embargoed
This work investigates the RF characterization and modeling of noise, linearity, and reliability of advanced RF FinFETs. 5-nm technology devices are used in linearity and noise modeling, and 14-nm technology devices are ...

An Evaluation of Hemipteran Pests and Cotton in Alabama 

Douglas, Thomas (2024-04-30)
Hemipterans have been major pests in cotton since the end of the Boll Weevil Eradication Program and the advent of transgenic cotton. The objective of this study is to provide better insights into integrated resistance ...

Chemical characterization and biological assessment of Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açaí) for in vitro botanical-drug interactions with anticancer drugs 

Heck, Kabre (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, with an estimated 19.3 million new cases in 2020 and almost 10 million cancer deaths. Botanical dietary supplements (BDS) are consumed more by cancer patients than otherwise ...

Memory’s Redoubt: Ex-Confederates in New York City, 1865-1910 

Pettus, Ian (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
This dissertation focuses on elite ex-Confederates who relocated to New York City after the Civil War, arguing that they demonstrate the importance of post-war migrations to the spread of the Lost Cause. Industrialization ...

Salmonella Bacteriophage-Resistance Genomic Analysis, Computational Approaches of Environmental Data, and Chicken Embryo Lethality Assay 

Kitchens, Steven (2024-04-29)
This dissertation is a coalescence of three individual projects with Salmonella being the only area that the projects have in common. Bacteriophage (phage) treatment for the reduction of multiple drug-resistant Salmonella ...

Can nutrition strategies, such as fiber and ketone supplementation, ameliorate the negative effects of high salt consumption on vascular health and immune cell phenotypes? 

Linder, Braxton (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
Background: Consuming high dietary salt (HS) is prevalent in the western diet and does not appear to be decreasing. HS consumption is the leading modifiable risk factor for the development of hypertension and subsequent ...

Spawning and Early Ecology of Riverine Shoal Bass and Largemouth Bass 

Rogers, Jamie (2024-04-29)
Understanding fish movements and early life-history requirements is important for managing populations because they reflect changing resource needs across the life cycle. Riverine black basses (genus Micropterus) hold ...

Assessing Private Well Water Quality in Mobile and Baldwin Counties, Alabama 

Millner, Sidney (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
Approximately 43 million people in the United States rely on private well water. Lack of regulation is important due sources of contamination from geogenic and anthropogenic sources. One source of anthropogenic contamination ...

Unmuting the Mic on Telework: The Development and Validation of Telework OCB and CWB Scales 

Richardson, Jonah (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
This paper proposes the development and validation of two new scales for measuring telework organizational citizenship behaviors (T-OCBs) and telework counterproductive workplace behaviors (T-CWBs). These scales are being ...

Timely Remote Estimation and Applications to Situational Awareness 

Ornee, Tasmeen Zaman (2024-04-29)
In real-time monitoring and networked control systems, sensor observations from vehicles, robots, UAVs, or stock markets, are transmitted to a monitoring or controlling unit, which could be any kind of decision-making ...

Understanding and Modeling the Effects of Surface Texture on Fatigue Behavior of Additively Manufactured Parts 

Lee, Seungjong (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
Additive manufacturing, considered as a future manufacturing technique, provides an unique advantage of fabricating near-net-shape parts without any additional processes. While there are extensive efforts to improve ...


Cole, Astin (2024-04-29)
This dissertation investigates whether current government interventions positively and significantly affect birth weight for Black American Mothers (BAM) when controlling for political, social, and cultural factors. ...

Advancing Cancer Treatment: Nano-Based Therapy and Innovative Evaluation Platform 

Kang, Xuejia Jr (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
Cancer continues to be a predominant cause of mortality despite extensive research efforts. The intricate microenvironment surrounding cancer poses formidable challenges for effective treatment strategies. In response to ...

Principal Preparation Programs: Addressing Aspiring School Leader Well-Being 

Adair, Angela (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
The National Educational Leadership Preparation Program (NELP, 2018) standards require that effective school leaders not only promote the well-being of students but also promote the well-being of the adults in the building, ...

Predictive Modeling for University Technology Transfer Success for Automation and Robotics 

Alkhazaleh, Razan (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
Technology transfer, particularly within the context of Industry 4.0, is a complicated process full of challenges. Integrating and commercializing advanced technologies of Industry 4.0, such as automation and robotics, ...

Quantifying the legacy of coal combustion products in riverine sediments 

Henderson, Emma Dawn (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
Coal fired power plants (CFPPs) produce much of the world’s energy and generate large quantities of coal combustion products (CCPs), including organic material (OM), fly ash, bottom ash, spheroidal carbonaceous particles ...

Stochastic Fragment Velocity Analysis of Concrete Masonry Walls under Blast Loading with a Multi Degree of Freedom Model via the Monte Carlo Method 

Hatfield, John (2024-04-29)  ETD File Embargoed
The behavior of concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls under dynamic overpressure loading where dynamic fracture produces secondary fragments is quite complex. The response of a CMU wall is influenced by the material properties ...