This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

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Now showing items 3005-3024 of 9120

Essays on Exploring the Value of Business Analytics in Health Care 

Wang, Yichuan (2016-05-04)
Although researchers and practitioners across various disciplines, including computer science, healthcare informatics, and clinical medicine have advocated that business analytics have tremendous benefits for healthcare ...

Essays on Farmer Consumption Choices, Beginning Farmers Credit Constraints and Exit 

Griffin, Bretford (2016-12-19)
The dissertation is divided into three chapters, the first concerning the choice of food safety in Ghana, the second on Beginning farmer credit constraints, and the last on beginning farmer survival. Chapter 1 uses ...

Essays on Financial Institutions and Financial Stability 

Sun, Yanfei (2019-04-09)
This dissertation is composed of three essays related to financial institutions and financial stability. The first essay constructs a measure of integration among global banks and examines its impact on bank insolvencies ...

Essays on Financial Markets and Institutions 

Yoon, Yeosong (2023-06-16)  ETD File Embargoed
This dissertation consists of three essays that focus on financial markets and institutions. Chapter 1 examines whether branches of banks in communities affected by natural disasters raise deposit rates to attract additional ...

Essays on Food and Agricultural Policy 

Irimia-Vladu, Marina (2006-12-15)
The study provides insight into the policy provisions that provide a safety net for low income families and agricultural producers in the United States. Private food assistance along with Food Stamp Program and Federal ...

Essays on Forecasting in Finance 

Burson, Jonathan (2021-07-22)  ETD File Embargoed
This dissertation is composed of three essays related to forecasting in various financial markets. The first essay reviews over 60 studies published from 2008 to 2021 that investigate the causes of the mortgage crisis ...

Essays on Forestry Products Industry: Sawmill Productivity and Industrial Timberland Ownership 

Li, Yanshu (2006-05-15)
In this dissertation, two topics of forest products industry were investigated: inter-regional productivity comparison of sawmilling industries in the North America, and the relationship between industrial timberland ...

Essays on GCC Energy Economics and Saudi Arabia’s Economic Growth 

Al Mahish, Mohammed (2016-12-12)
The first chapter analyzes the impact of energy subsidies on a select sample of nitrogen fertilizer producers in the Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region that disclose their financial statements. The paper estimates ...

Essays on International Timber Products Trade 

Lin, Ying (2017-04-27)
During the last decade, the production and trade of timber products have gone through rapid change due to the implementation of several new policies and regulations. Specifically, one of the world’s largest exporters of ...

Essays on International Trade and Finance: An Empirical Assessment of Food Safety and Banking Crises 

Chen, Rui (2017-12-11)
This dissertation is composed of three chapters examining how food policy and bilateral tariff affect international trade, and how 2007-2008 global banking crises influence MFIs performance. Chapter 1 explores the impact ...

Essays on International, Development and Environmental Economics 

Alkilany, Yousef Aburodess Assaid (2022-07-28)  ETD File Embargoed
This dissertation consists of three empirical essays in three chapters, which sheds light on select research questions on foreign inflows on the income inequality in low-income countries, the agricultural productivity of ...

Essays on Macroeconomic and Financial Stability 

Shi, Wen (2016-05-05)
“Assessing and Forecasting Financial Vulnerability in the U.S.: A Factor Model Approach,” This paper presents a factor-based forecasting model for the financial market vulnerability in the U.S. We estimate latent common ...

Essays on Macroeconomics Forecasting and Economic Policy Uncertainty 

Boskabadi, Elahe (2023-08-03)  ETD File Embargoed
First paper analyzes the properties of forecast bias in the Survey of Professional Forecasters in relation to economic policy uncertainty. Employing the quarterly forecast bias of 14 key macroeconomic variables and 12 ...

Essays on Option Hedging and Application of the Black-Scholes Model 

Ni, Yinan (2020-05-04)
This dissertation is composed of three essays related to hedging and application of the Black-Scholes model. The first essay is motivated by the short-lived arbitrage model, which has been shown to significantly improve ...

Essays on Production Efficiency, Tariffs and Trade, and Oil Price and US Macroeconomic 

Zouhair, Fatima (2014-05-01)
The dissertation explores three different subjects. The first chapter investigates the source and trend of agricultural productivity growth in African countries with a translog production function. The second chapter ...


Zhang, Jingfang (2021-12-06)
This dissertation includes three essays conducting analyses of firm performance with the emphasis on estimating production technology, productivity, cost effectiveness and their relations with closely related aspects of ...

Essays on South Africa: Exchange Rates, Bilateral Trade and Inflation 

Kinyua, Peter (2012-04-20)
South Africa shows how natural resources can be harnessed to build a successful economy. This success gives rise to peculiar macroeconomic issues that warrant analysis. Chapter one of this dissertation investigates the ...

Essays on the Labor Market for Internships 

Wilbrandt, Eric (2017-07-25)
In chapter one we first describe the demand for interns. By processing the text of all available ads on a popular internship website, we are able to characterize the occupation that best matches the advertised internship. ...

Essays on the Profitability of Winter Farming Enterprises 

Anand, Manik (2010-12-08)
Cover crops can boost soil productivity as they increase soil organic carbon levels, improve water infiltration and reduce soil erosion. In addition to the agronomic and environmental benefits, they can also provide ...

Essays on US Forest Products Markets 

Assogba, Noel Perceval (2021-07-20)  ETD File Embargoed
International trade of forest products plays a critical role in the economy of many countries around the world. Knowledge of market curves elasticities and the effect of currency exchange rates on goods trade are instrumental ...