This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Browsing by Department "Psychology"

Now showing items 61-80 of 347

Counterproductive behavior's impact on external stakeholders' decisions: Does "I'm sorry" remedy deviance? 

Johnson, Brandon (2013-07-11)
Counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) are acts that hinder or are intended to hinder the objectives of organizations or their members. To date, several studies have examined the organizational and interpersonal consequences ...

A Cross-cultural comparison of emotional experience: Does culture matter? 

Bhaju, Jeshmin (2006-12-15)
This study explored if and how culture influences the experience of emotion in two distinct groups: Indians and North Americans. Past studies have suggested that differences among persons from different cultures in the ...

Dead Reckoning in a Desktop Virtual Environment 

Bodily, Kent (2008-05-15)
Dead reckoning, knowing where one is in relation to a particular location without reference to external landmarks, is a widely cited phenomenon that has been observed in a wide variety of animals. A common test for dead ...

Decision Making Consequences of the Paradoxical Flip 

Lester, Houston (2010-07-19)
The hard-easy manipulation (i.e., manipulation of item difficulty) has been used to demonstrate that participants are sometimes overconfident while believing they are worse than average. This finding is often referred to ...

Defining Bitterness in the Workplace 

Wynn, Jennifer (2006-08-15)
It is important to study bitterness among workers because the consequences of becoming bitter may be detrimental to both the organization and the individual worker. A questionnaire was developed to measure bitterness which ...

Defining Dissociation Based on the Factor Structures of Three Instruments 

Dillon, Jacqueline (2008-12-15)
Dissociation is a poorly defined construct in the literature. The 1st goal of this research was to better define and understand the concept of dissociation through factor analytic study of 3 common measures of dissociation, ...

Delayed Reward Discounting in Adolescents with Sexual Offense Convictions 

Morais, Hugo (2015-05-13)
Current explanatory models of sexual offending have been useful in elucidating the etiology of maladaptive sexual behaviors. Prominent models of sexual offending, however, are based largely on empirical findings regarding ...

The Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress, 2nd Edition (DAPS-II): Initial Psychometric Evaluation in a Trauma-Exposed Community Sample 

Petri, Jessica (2017-04-16)
The Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS; Briere, 2001) is a comprehensive, multiscale questionnaire that assesses all posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnostic criteria, as well as peritraumatic responses ...

Developing More Ways for Children to Share Their Perceptions of Parenting Behaviors 

Salamone, Christie (2010-08-16)
The primary purpose of this study was to modify an existing parent report measure on perceptions of parenting behaviors for use with children, as well as examine the relationships among child perceptions of parenting ...

Development and Validation of a Work-Life Conflict Scale: Identifying Energy and Emotion 

Hartman, Paige (2016-07-26)
This research outlines a series of studies that aim to develop and validate a new scale that expands upon the current measurement of work-family conflict. While work-family conflict, and more broadly work-life conflict, ...

The development and validation of the Auburn Psychology Term Test (APTT) 

Smith, Dale (2006-08-15)
The construction and investigation of the psychometric properties of the Auburn Psychology Term Test (APTT), a yes-no test designed to measure psychology knowledge, is described in this paper. The relationships between ...

Development of a Work-Life Balance Scale: Perceived Effectiveness and Satisfaction across Roles 

Lorys, Anna (2017-07-07)
The present study aims to summarize existing literature on work-life balance before providing a newly developed scale to measure this construct. Work-life balance has held many definitions since it was first proposed, but ...

Development of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ (PedsQL™) Food Allergy Module: An examination of child food sensitivity and health-related quality of life 

Resmini, Alana (2012-12-05)
Nearly 10% of U.S. children are affected by food allergy, with peanut allergy being the most common reason for food-induced anaphylaxis. Food allergy has been shown to affect emotional, social, and family functioning; ...

A Developmental Perspective on Juvenile Sexual Offenders: The Role of Childhood Abuse in the Development of Psychopathology and Sex Offending Behavior 

Farris, Kelly (2007-08-15)
The child development field has a relative lack of research considering the impact of child abuse and victimization from a developmental perspective, and even less research that examines the effects of multiple types of ...

Dieting, Alcohol Use, and Impulsivity in a Sample of Undergraduate Students 

Heidelberg, Natalie (2011-07-01)
Dieting behavior is correlated with frequency and quantity of alcohol use and alcohol related problems. Research has also shown that dieting behaviors are correlated with impulsivity, as measured by self-report questionnaires. ...

Differences in Flicker Paradigm Response Times: Change Blindness in Snake Phobics 

Mulfinger, Amanda (2005-08-15)
This study is a replication of Wheeler (2003), expanding upon his exploration of the connection between snake phobia and change blindness, a phenomenon in which individuals do not recognize changes in their immediate ...

Differences in Immediate and Subsequent Effects of Stimuli on Vocal Stereotypy Inform DRO and DRA Treatments 

Brogan, Kristen (2017-07-18)
We conducted a series of studies on the immediate and subsequent effects of stimuli on vocal stereotypy exhibited by four children with disabilities. Results of Study 1 showed that vocal and motor stereotypy of all four ...

Differential Effects of Challenge and Hindrance Stressors on Decision Making Performance 

Walsh, Julia S. (2010-01-08)
The current study proposed differential relationships of challenge and hindrance stressors on decision-making performance based on the 2-dimensional model of stressors, which was expected to be mediated by perceived control, ...

Differential Functioning by High and Low Impression Management Groups on a Big Five Applicant Screening Tool 

Cox, Brennan (2010-01-29)
The degree to which applicant personality test faking constitutes a real world threat is a topic of considerable debate among industrial and organizational psychologists. Researchers have investigated the faking problem ...

The Differential Outcome Effect with Typical Adult Humans 

Schmidtke, Kelly (2009-07-02)
A mechanism that affects nonhuman animal learning is expectation, as explored with experiments that produce the differential outcome effect (DOE). To obtain the DOE, animals are trained using a differential outcomes procedure ...