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Tableware Design according to the Physical Environment

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dc.contributor.advisorLau, Tinman
dc.contributor.authorXue, Haoran
dc.description.abstractFood and water are the most essential things in our daily life. We eat and drink several times a day, which means we use tableware several times through the day. People either eat at home or dine out with friends or families. The frequency times of using tableware improves the requirements and expectations for tableware. There are tons of different designs in the market of tableware, some of their appearances attracting us and some of the materials or designs appear qualified and delicate. But what is important is whether the tableware is easy and pleasant to use, whether the design of it helps enjoy, relax and understanding the food, food culture and the dining environment, and whether it delivers the chef’s or the owner’s statement successfully. To meet customers’ expectations and maximize their satisfaction, there are several factors that need to be considered thoroughly when designing tableware according to different dining environments. This thesis will develop a guideline of how to analyze and abstract visual clues from the physical environment, and how to apply these visual clues onto tableware design. A set of tableware will be designed using this guideline to prove its availability.en_US
dc.subjectIndustrial and Graphic Designen_US
dc.titleTableware Design according to the Physical Environmenten_US
dc.typeMaster's Thesisen_US
dc.contributor.committeeBritnell, Rich
dc.contributor.committeeArnold, Christopher

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