Browsing Auburn University Graduate School by Department "Mechanical Engineering"
Now showing items 1-20 of 453
Accelerated Lifetime Characterization and Development of Test Protocols for Class I/Class II Micro-Machined Sensors and Flexible Li-ion Power Sources
Modern day applications have led to extensive miniaturization of consumer electronics along with incorporation of state-of-the-art sensor devices and acceptance of flexible materials within an electronic assembly. With the ...
Acoustic Metamaterials: Air Permeable Super Sound Attenuators and Acoustic Metalenses
In recent decades, acoustic metamaterials have become more practical for diverse applications of sound manipulation, rather than academic curiosities and theoretical derivations. This kind of artificial material demonstrates ...
Adaptive Control of a Farm Tractor with Varying Yaw Properties Accounting for Actuator Dynamics and Nonlinearities
Two adaptive control algorithms for the automatic steering control of a farm tractor with varying hitch forces are developed. Tractors can be configured many different implements, and implements interact with the soil in ...
An Adaptive Control System for an Accelerating Rotor Supported by Active Magnetic Bearings under Unbalance Disturbances
This thesis describes an adaptive control system capable of rejecting unbalance disturbances
for an accelerating rotor supported by active magnetic bearings (AMBs). The control
of accelerating rotor during start-up and ...
Adaptive Disturbance Rejection and Stabilization for Rotor Systems with Internal Damping
Advanced rotor systems today consist of a lightweight rotor supported by radial active
magnetic bearings (AMB). These systems are widely used in flywheel applications and in
other fields where high rotational speeds are ...
Adaptive Steering Actuator Delay Compensation for a Vehicle Lateral Control System
This thesis presents an adaptive control algorithm for steering actuator delay compensation in a ground vehicle lateral control system. Unknown and time-varying actuator delay values are considered. Many active safety ...
Additive Manufacturing of Engineered Polymeric Flexible Structures
Polymer-based additive manufacturing (AM) processes allow the flexibility, rapid, and low-cost fabrication of complex geometries. In recent years, fused filament fabrication (FFF), also known as fused deposition modeling ...
Additive Manufacturing of Fatigue Resistant Austenitic Stainless Steels by Establishing the Process-Structure-Property Relationships
This work presents a multidisciplinary approach (relating microstructure features to mechanical properties) to utilize additive manufacturing as a tool to fabricate superior, fatigue resistant materials. The ultimate goal ...
Advanced Process-Property Characterization of Additively Printed Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE)
Printed Electronics (PE) is a constant evolving and growing technology that shows a tremendous potential for the future of electronics. Advancements in PE processes demonstrates its viability to fabricate electronic circuits ...
Advancements in Vacuum Process Molding and Casting
Vacuum assisted molding, or ‘V’ Process molding, possesses many benefits over other sand casting processes. However, the process lacks the high cooling rates and speed of solidification that other sand casting processes ...
Advances in Digital Gradient Sensing (DGS) Method for Experimental Mechanics
Shape and surface topography evaluation from measured slopes is of considerable engineering significance in optical metrology and experimental mechanics. These kinematic quantities are often used for metrology of optical ...
Aerial Vision-Based Relative Positioning and Ground Vehicle Speed Estimation for Cooperative UAV-UGV Automated Platoons
This thesis is not approved for public release.
Aging Induced Evolution of the Fatigue Behavior and Microstructure of Sn-Ag-Cu Lead Free Solders
Solder joints in electronic assemblies are often subjected to cyclic (positive/negative) mechanical strains and stresses. Such exposures can occur in variable temperature application environments or during accelerated ...
Alternate In-Situ Environmental Testing System by Matrix Design
Compared with the existing in-situ environmental testing system, this alternative one got significant improvement on measuring capacity, total cost, as well as number of connections that must be made between the hardware ...
Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Quasi-Periodic Coefficients
Parametrically excited linear systems with oscillatory coefficients have been generally modeled by Mathieu or Hill equations (periodic coefficients) because their stability and response can be determined by Floquét theory. ...
Analysis of Braided Composites Structures and Yarns for Compression Loading and Design for First Bending Mode
The open architecture composite structures team at Auburn University has developed prototypes of strong, ultra-lightweight braided lattice structures for primary application in the aerospace sector.
This research focuses ...
An Analysis of Elastic Rough Contact Models
The problem of elastic contact between one nominally flat rough surface and one rigid flat is studied. A variety of contact models have been applied to this problem since the pioneering work of Archard in 1956. Those contact ...
Analysis of Record and Playback Errors of GPS Signals Caused by the USRP
In this thesis, the errors created by the USRP (Universal Software Receiver Platform) during record and playback are analyzed. The USRP is used for jamming, spoo fing, and
GPS processing, and has recently become widely ...
An Analysis of Surface Roughness and its Influence on a Thrust Bearing
Thrust bearings are a widely used type of bearing in many rotary industrial applications. In this work, a thrust bearing surface under the mixed lubrication regime is analyzed. A new model which coupled the mechanical ...
An Analysis of the Multi-scale Structure of Rough Surfaces
Even with the various surface finishing techniques, all surfaces are rough with different structures and geometric characteristics over multiple scales. The roughness impacts significantly the friction, wear, and surface ...