This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Author "Johnson, Peter"

Now showing items 1-20 of 29

Avoiding k-Rainbow Graphs in Edge Colorings of Kn and other Families of Graphs 

Harris, Isabel (2024-04-26)
A simple graph, G, avoids a k-rainbow edge coloring if any color appears on at least k + 1 edges of G. For any positive integer k, the k-Anti-Ramsey Number, ARk(G,H), is the maximum number of colors in an edge coloring of ...

Bell Numbers of Graphs 

Duncan, Bryce (2012-05-04)
Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V (G). Let F be a family of graphs such that K1 ∈ F. Denote by B(G; F) the number of unordered partitions of V(G) such that each part induces a member of F. We call B(G; F) the Bell ...

Choice numbers, Ohba numbers and Hall numbers of some complete k-partite graphs 

Allagan, Julian Apelete (2009-07-15)
The choice numbers of some complete k−partite graphs are found, after we resolved a dispute regarding the choice number of K(4, 2, . . . , 2) when k is odd. Estimates of the choice numbers and the Ohba numbers of K(m, ...

Colorful Results on Euclidean Distance Graphs and Their Chromatic Numbers 

Noble, Matt (2012-05-03)
In this work we study Euclidean distance graphs whose vertex set is the n-dimensional rational space. In particular, we deal with the chromatic numbers (and some related parameters) of such graphs when n = 2 or n = 3. A ...

Decomposing Graphs With Two Associate Classes Into Paths Of Length 3 And The Intersection Problem Of Latin Rectangles 

Yeh, Bin (2018-07-24)
In this thesis, the decomposition problem of graphs with two associate classes into paths of length 3 is completely settled. The intersection problem for latin rectangles is completely solved as well. In addition, an ...

Disjoint G-Designs and the Intersection Problem for Some Seven Edge Graphs 

Hollis, Daniel (2017-04-21)
A $G$-Design of order $n$ is a decomposition of the edges of $K_n$ (the complete graph on $n$ vertices) into subgraphs of $K_n$ isomorphic to $G$, called blocks, in which each edge of $K_n$ appears in exactly one block. ...

Edge-Regular Graphs with Lambda=2 

Glorioso, Vincent (2019-07-23)
A graph G is edge-regular with parameters n, d, and λ if V(G)=n, the degree of every vertex of G is d, and for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v, N_G(u)∩N_G(v)=λ. We say such graphs are in ER(n,d,λ). In this dissertation ...

Embedding and Coloring Designs 

Baumann, Stacie (2023-05-04)
This dissertation focuses on two problems in design theory. Techniques from graph theory are frequently utilized and therefore the proofs may also be of interest to graph theorists. The first problem focuses on ...

Equitable Block-Colorings of Graph-Decompositions and Tiling Generalized Petersen Graphs 

Matson, Elizabeth (2018-04-23)
A $C_4$-decomposition of $K_v - F$, where $F$ is a $1$-factor of $K_v$ and $C_4$ is the cycle on $4$ vertices, is a partition $P$ of $E(K_v - F)$ into sets, each element of which induces a $C_4$ (called a block). A function ...

Euclidean Szlam Numbers 

Krizan, Christopher (2016-08-04)
Suppose X ⊆ R n , for some positive integer n, is closed under vector addition, ρ a translation invariant distance function on X, and D ⊆ (0, ∞). The distance graph G ρ (R n , D) is the graph with vertex set R n with u, ...

Existence of L_d(n) and ML_d(n,k) 

Schloss, Elizabeth (2023-04-28)
We are given an n x n array, ML(n,k), with integers n, d, k > 0 such that n=mk and each symbol in {0, ..., m-1} appears in each row and column of the ML(n,k) exactly k times. We aim to construct an ML_d(n,k) with the ...

Forbidding Monchromatic and Rainbow Cycles and Families of Cycles 

DeMars, Derrick (2023-05-01)
In this dissertation, we avoid certain cycles and families of cycles in complete graphs. Introduced by Axenovich and Choi \cite{2011NoteMonotonicity}, the mixed Ramsey spectrum, $\mrs{F}{H}$, is the set of numbers $k$ ...

The Fractional Chromatic Number and the Hall Ratio 

Barnett, Johnathan (2016-07-29)
All graphs in this paper are both finite and simple. α(G) is the vertex independence of a graph, G. The Hall ratio of G is defined as ρ(G) = max[n(H) /α(H) |n(H) = |V (H)|and H ⊆ G] where H ⊆ G means that H is a subgraph of ...

Fractional Domination, Fractional Packings, and Fractional Isomorphisms of Graphs 

Rubalcaba, Robert (2005-05-15)
The fractional analogues of domination and packing in a graph form an interesting pair of dual linear programs, in that the feasible vectors for both LPs have interpretations as functions from the vertices of the graph to ...

Hamilton Decompositions of Graphs with Primitive Complements 

Ozkan, Sibel (2007-05-15)
A graph G is a pair (V, E) where V is the set of vertices(or nodes) and E is the set of edges connecting the vertices. A graph is called k-regular, if all of its vertices are incident with k edges. A k-factor of a graph G ...

The Intersection Problem for Steiner Triple Systems 

Fain, Bradley (2016-04-22)
A Steiner triple system of order n is a pair (S,T) where T is an edge disjoint partition of the edge set of K_n (the complete undirected graph on n vertices with vertex set S) into triangles (or triples). It is by now ...

The Inverse Domination Number Problem, DI-Pathological Graphs, and Fractional Analogues 

Prier, David (2010-04-20)
The conjecture that $\alpha(G) \geq \gamma'(G)$ is unproven where $\alpha(G)$ is the vertex independence number and $\gamma'(G)$ is the inverse domination number of a simple graph G. We have found the conjecture to be true ...

On Frobenius numbers in three variables 

Trimm, Janet (2006-08-15)
Given a set of relatively prime positive integers $\{a_1,a_2,\ldots, a_n\}$, after some point all positive integers are representable as a linear combination of the set with nonnegative coefficients. Which integer is the ...

On the Independence Number of Some Hypergraph 

Yang, Zechun (2018-07-10)
For integers 1 =< m < n and a prime p (we require 2 =< m when p = 2), a subset I(p^n; p^m) ={0,...,p^n-1} is described which contains no pm-term cyclic arithmetic progression modulo p^n, and which is maximal among subsets ...

On The Number of Cylinders Touching a Sphere 

Yardimci, Osman (2019-06-14)
The kissing number problem is a packing problem in geometry where one has to fi nd the maximum number of congruent non-overlapping copies of a given body so that they can be arranged each touching a common copy. The ...