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Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Author "Zech, Wesley"
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Assessing Performance Characteristics of Sediment Basins Constructed in Franklin County, Alabama
Logan, Christopher (2012-11-12)
The objective of the research project was to monitor the performance of newly designed sediment basins that were constructed on the ALDOT 502 project in Franklin County. The project included four tasks: (1) assess performance ...
Comparative Analysis of Soil Erosion Using Large-, Intermediate-, and Small-Scale Test Plots of Bare Soil and Different Hydromulch Products under Large-Scale Rainfall Simulator
Ricks, Matthew Dale (2020-12-10)
A study was conducted to compare the test results of three different size erosion-control plots under rainfall simulation to determine if there is a direct relationship to the size of a tested erosion-control plot and the ...
CONSITEPLAN – A Multi-Objective Construction Site Utilization Planning Tool
Alagarsamy, Karthick (2012-04-09)
Construction Site Utilization Planning (CSUP) involves identifying, sizing, and positioning the temporary construction facilities required during different stages of the project within the available site boundaries and ...
Cost-Duration-Based Lump Sum Project Selection Framework Using Stochastic Methods for Design-Bid-Build Resurfacing Projects
Khalafalla, Mohamed (2019-04-04)
The appropriate selection of procurement tools and contracting strategies is a key factor in the successful completion of construction projects and has become an important and growing area of study for both researchers and ...
Design and Construction of a Rainfall Simulator for Large-Scale Testing of Erosion Control Practices and Products
Horne, Matthew (2017-04-14)
Soil erosion and the resulting sediment deposition constitutes one of the greatest pollutants in our nation’s waterways. Construction projects often generate large areas of exposed soil that remain disturbed throughout the ...
Development of a Biennial Review Procedure for Updating Liquidated Damage Rates Used in Construction Contracts
Bailey, Clark (2007-08-15)
This research effort sought to develop statistically justifiable means for developing a schedule of liquidated damage (LD) rates to be adopted by the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT). The procedure outlined ...
Development of a Means to Calculate Project-Specific Liquidated Damages on ALDOT Projects Exceeding $20 Million
Rogers, Timothy (2018-11-07)
This research effort sought to create a justifiable means for developing a project-specific liquidated damages (LD) calculation method for high value projects to be adopted by the Alabama Department of Transportation ...
Effects of Asphalt and Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation on Users and Businesses during Construction
Fisher, Mitchell II (2018-07-23)
Roadway maintenance and rehabilitation are critical tasks to sustain our transportation system. However, these activities often generate delays to road users, which can result in road user costs, work zone crash costs, and ...
Evaluating Maintenance Techniques for Long-Term Vegetation Establishment on Disturbed Slopes in Alabama
Messer, Richard Clay (2011-06-28)
Sustainability of common bermudagrass on formerly disturbed slopes in Alabama has proven to be a difficult task in some cases. Failures of once successful stands of bermudagrass can be seen throughout Alabama on road ...
Evaluating Sediment Removal Efficiency of Catch Basin Inserts (CBIS) as a Post-Construction Water Quality Tool For Ohio Roadways
Basham, Dakota (2018-07-18)
Urban areas produce large amounts of stormwater runoff due to the land being covered with impervious materials such as concrete and asphalt. Stormwater inlets, or catch basins, are a commonly used method for collecting ...
Evaluating Spinner-Disc Technology for the Distribution of Poultry Litter
Campbell, Clayton (2009-05-15)
Technological advancements, such as variable-rate technology (VRT), in agricultural application equipment have led to the belief that application accuracy of crop inputs have improved. However, minimal research has been ...
Evaluating the Effects of Queue Warning Systems on Freeway Work Zones Using Traffic Simulation Software
Ramirez, Veronica (2017-07-27)
Work zones are a key component of the rehabilitation efforts that travelers on the U.S. national highway system interact with increasingly every day. Roadway construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance poses a potential ...
Evaluating Water Quality Impacts of Alternative Management Practices through Development of a BMP Database
Butler, Gary (2007-08-15)
Agriculture and forestry are two important industries in the State of Alabama, and each is historically known to cause nonpoint source (NPS) pollution problems. Currently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) ...
Evaluation of Anionic Polyacrylamide as an Erosion Control Measure Using Intermediate-Scale Experimental Procedures
Shoemaker, Alexander (2009-05-06)
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working to establish stricter guidelines and limitations pertaining to stormwater and the various pollutants transported by runoff. This transport is primarily ...
Evaluation of Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices: Use of Silt Fence Tieback Systems and Anionic Polyacrylamide on Highway Construction Sites
McDonald, Justin (2007-08-15)
Every year the construction process exposes millions of acres of earth to the elements of wind, rain, and snow. This greatly increases the potential for erosion; therefore, the need for efficient erosion and sediment ...
Evaluation of Erosion Control Practices Under Large-Scale Rainfall Simulation Following ASTM D6459 Standard Test Methods
Faulkner, Brian (2020-05-12)
Land development and construction activities remove vegetative cover, exposing bare soil to the erosive forces of rainfall. Stormwater causes dislodgement of soil particles through splash, sheet, and rill erosion, resulting ...
Evaluation of Hydromulches as an Erosion Control Measure Using Intermediate-Scale Experiments
Wilson, Wesley (2010-05-20)
Discharge of sediment-laden stormwater from active construction sites, such as highway construction projects, is a growing concern in the construction industry (Zech et al. 2007, 2008). The United States Environmental ...
Evaluation of Soil Effects on Soil Erosion on Off-Road Vehicle Trails using WEPP
Melton, Jonathan (2008-05-15)
Erosion and sediment loss from the use of off-road vehicles (ORV) is an escalating problem on national forest lands. The increasing number of ORV riders coupled with decreasing riding areas has caused the United States ...
Full Scale Testing of Two Excavations in an Unsaturated Piedmont Residual Soil
Burrage, Richard Jr. (2016-01-06)
Residual soil behavior can be difficult to predict using current geotechnical formulas, because it exhibits properties that are not common to transported soils. These unique properties are mainly influenced by the fabric ...
A Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Approach for Estimating Runoff Characteristics for Erosion and Sediment Control Practices in the Southeastern United States
Wan, Run (2015-07-30)
Soil discharged from construction sites to nearby waterbodies have a negative impact on water quality and the aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) in ...