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Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Author "Fain, Glenn"
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Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Horticultural Production Practices
Marble, Stephen Christopher (2013-02-27)
Over the past three decades, one issue which has received significant attention from the scientific community is climate change and the possible impacts on the global environment. Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) ...
Effect of Hydroponic System Type on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa ‘Rex’) Irrigated with Aquaculture Effluent
Hensarling, Kyle (2021-11-22)
Aquaponics (AP) combines the use of traditional hydroponic (HP) practices with aquaculture effluent which is used to irrigate and provide necessary nutrients to the plants. Current methods of HP production include Nutrient ...
Effective Non-Traditional Weed Control in Container-Grown Nursery Crops
Richardson, Ben (2006-12-15)
A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate container nursery crop tolerance and oxalis control with postemergence applied diuron as influenced by timely overhead irrigation. Intent was to identify an interval ...
Effects of a Split-Root Hydroponic System on Salinity Tolerance of Tomatoes
Katende, Arnold (2024-07-22) ETD File Embargoed
Tomatoes are the most produced greenhouse crop globally and are loved due to their nutritional and health benefits. Meanwhile, the production of saltwater fish is on the rise, with consumers willing to pay premium prices ...
Effects of Growing Season, Application Timing, and Substrate Drench Applications of Paclobutrazol as Compared to Daminozide Standards on Growth and Flowering of Gerbera Daisy ‘Bright Red with Light Eye’
Chen, Yanyu (2017-07-22)
Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii Hook. f.) is a popular pot plant with showy flowers, commonly marketing in spring. However, plants grown under greenhouse conditions can stretch or grow too large for containers. Plant ...
Effects of Maintained Substrate Water Contents on Bedding Plant Production
Bowden, Anthony (2018-04-25)
Growers differ on the ideal substrate moisture content for early stages of bedding plant production. The studies presented in this thesis were conducted to evaluate the effects of substrate moisture content on growth of ...
Evaluation and Use of Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) as an Organic Substrate Component
Kiefer, Cody (2011-04-08)
With “green-mindedness” increasing in popularity, the use of organic substrates has become even more important in the retail horticultural market. Multiple experiments were conducted to evaluate commercially available ...
Evaluation of Horticulture Applications of Light Expanded Clay Aggregates
Pickens, Jeremy (2008-05-15)
People involved in the nursery industry continue to seek more sustainable options to implement into production regimes. This search has been provoked by environmental and economic reasons. Several areas of popular nursery ...
Evaluation of Processed Corncob and Paulownia tomentosa as Substrate Components in Horticulture Crop Production
Weldon, Tyler (2012-04-11)
The main components in soilless substrates for greenhouse and nursery production include pine bark, peatmoss, and perlite. There have been recent concerns with peatmoss because of availability, and the environmental impact ...
Evaluation of WholeTree as an Alternative Substrate Component in Production of Greenhouse Grown Annuals
Griffin, Whitney (2010-04-13)
The physical properties and growth of greenhouse annuals in chipped pine log (CPL) and WholeTree (WT) alternative substrate components were evaluated. Both wood-fiber alternatives have been reported as suitable for the ...
Factors Affecting Thermal Weed Control
Hoyle, Jared (2012-03-19)
Early thermal weed-control measures were known to be rudimentary and hazardous. Thermal weed control has progressed in sophistication, application, and efficiency and has resulted in many commercial systems available for ...
Fungal associations and improving micropropagation of native Rhododendron spp.
Brown, Brett (2017-07-27)
Rhododendron is the most abundant genus in the Ericaceae family, consisting of over 1000 species that are native to North America, Western Europe, and Northern Asia. With certain Rhododendron varieties being desirable due ...
Rooting Response of Deciduous Azaleas, Rhododendron Section Pentanthera, Stem Cuttings to Mist Regimes and Media Mixes
Thompson, Patrick (2018-11-15)
Rooting of stem cuttings of Escatawpa azalea, Rhododendron austrinum (Small) Rehder ‘Escatawpa’, was evaluated on four harvest dates in six media mixes under two mist regimes. Data was collected at 2 week intervals from 6 ...
Utilizing Aquaculture Effluent Efficiently in Cucumber Production through Substrate Choice and Fertigation Management
Ayipio, Emmanuel (2021-07-22)
De-coupled aquaponics offers several benefits over coupled aquaponics due to ability to manipulate each sub-unit independently. Fine-tuning plant production practices to make the best of the low-nutrient laden aquaculture ...