This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Department "Chemistry and Biochemistry"

Now showing items 1-20 of 229

2-Quinoxalinol Based Schiff Base Ligands in Copper(II)-Mediated C-H Activation 

Li, Yuancheng (2012-08-01)
As environment and energy issues become of increasing concern, so too does our awareness of the impacts of chemical industry. Numerous successful attempts toward “green” or “greener” chemistry have been made. Among these, ...

8-Alkyl Adenines and Their Nucleoside Derivatives 

Abouelghit, Maha (2011-07-28)
S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase has become an important target in the design of antiviral drugs. It is the only known enzyme in eukaryotes that is responsible for the catabolism of S-adenosylhomocysteine into adenosine ...

Accurate Calculation of Weak Intermolecular Interactions 

Waldrop, Jonathan (2019-07-17)
A variety of weak intermolecular interactions is investigated using both high-accuracy and approximate methods. A high accuracy potential energy curve for the interaction of two krypton atoms was produced as a prerequisite ...

Activation and Inhibitor Studies on Methyl-Coenzyme M Reductase and Purification of a New Hydroxylamine Oxidoreductase from Methylomicrobium Album ATCC 33003 

Yang, Na (2008-05-15)
Methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR) catalyzes the formation of methane from methyl-coenzyme M (CH3-S-CoM) and coenzyme B (HS-CoB) in methanogenic archaea. In order to manage the overproduction of methane in the environment, ...

Allylic Oxidation of Steroidal Compounds Using Vanadyl Acetylacetonate and Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide 

Grainger, Wendell (2015-07-29)
Allylic oxidation is an important reaction in steroid chemistry. Previously reported methods have various limits which do not apply when using vanadyl acetylacetonate and tert-butyl hydroperoxide. These limits include ...

Application of Novel Nanoscale Materials and Advanced Electrochemical Techniques in Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fabrication of Combinatorial Material Libraries by Bipolar Electrodeposition 

Ramakrishnan, Sridevi (2011-09-08)
The advancements in the electrochemical technologies combined with the introduction of novel materials makes our lives a lot better. This work has two major divisions: (1) development of better electrocatalysts for fuel ...

Applications of Bipolar Electrochemistry for Characterization of Electrocatalysts and the Development of Biosensors 

Wang, Buhua (2020-07-17)
Bipolar electrochemistry, which is an untraditional technique where redox reaction happens on the surface of a conducting object (BPE) that immersed in an electrolyte solution wirelessly connected with an external power ...

Applications of Polyoxometalates as Electron Mediators 

Gu, Chaokang (2009-10-15)
The large variety of size, structure and elemental composition of polyoxometalates leads to a wide range of different properties. The primary goal of this dissertation is to study the structure-property relationship of ...

An Approach to Bis(amino Acid)s Utilizing Dimethyl 2,4-bis(diazo)-3-oxoglutarate and Studies of Tris(2,6-dihydroxyphenyl)e, E = B, P. 

Guan, Lirui (2005-12-15)
When treated with a diazo transfer agent, dimethyl 3-oxoglutarate afforded a high yield of the bis(diazo) compound dimethyl 2,4-bis(diazo)-3-oxoglutarate, 33. The bis(diazo) compound, catalyzed by Rh2(OAc)4, reacted with ...

Automated microfluidic device development for metabolism, nutrient uptake, and hormone secretion analyses of primary endocrine tissues 

Li, Xiangpeng (2017-07-25)
Pancreatic islets secret the dominant endocrine hormone, insulin, which controls the metabolic function fo nearly all other organ systems. Additionally, adipose tissue (fat) is now understood to be a complex, multicellular ...

Automated Microfluidic Droplet Generation and Merging with Integrated Salt-water Electrodes for Analyte Quantification and Monitoring of Endocrine Tissue Secretion Dynamics 

Shi, Nan (2021-05-21)
Adipose tissue, playing an important role in the global epidemic obesity and diabetes, has attracted extensive attention in recent decades. However, quantitative measurement of dynamics of nutrient uptake and metabolic ...

Biocatalytically And Photoelectrochemically Driven Active Motion of Liposomes 

Jin, Hui (2023-02-17)
Self-propelled artificial micro/nanomotors are currently attracting increased interest as not only mimics of biological motors but also potential components of nanomachinery, robotics, and sensing devices. In regards to ...

Biophysical characterization of ligand binding and release of Anthereae polyphemus Pheromone Binding Protein 1 (ApolPBP1) and Exploring the nickel proteome 

Mazumder, Suman (2013-08-07)
In moths, pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) transport the hydrophobic pheromone molecules to the membrane-bound receptors across the aqueous sensillar lymph to trigger the neuronal response. We showed here that, recombinant ...

Bipolar Electrochemistry: A Powerful Technique for Chemical Analysis and Property Screening 

Ndzesse Sanghapi, Axline (2013-04-23)
The phenomenon of bipolar electrochemistry was first exploited about three decades ago in the industrial sector to minimize power dissipation and to carry out electrochemical reactions in poorly conducting media. However, ...

Bipolar Electrochemistry: Chemical Analysis Based on Electrochemiluminescence and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 

Fan, Sanjun (2015-07-24)
Bipolar electrochemistry has a variety of applications ranging from chemical analysis, material modification and synthesis, to generate motions, etc, and it is also a very simple, cheap, useful technology. The main goal ...

Bipolar Electrodeposition of Bimetallic Alloy (Au-Ag) Gradient: Formation, Characterization and Application 

Mazumder, Apu (2017-01-04)
Bipolar electrochemistry is an attention-grabbing conception for high throughput screening practices due to the capability to make gradients in a variety of materials and their properties, such as composition, particle ...

Carbocyclic C-Nucleosides Derived from Formycin 

He, Mingzhu (2008-12-15)
Analogs of naturally occurring nucleosides have served as structural models for the design of antitumor, antiviral, and antibacterial agents. Some modified nucleosides have become major therapeutic agents for the treatment ...

Catalase-Peroxidase: A Structure that Facilitates Electron Transfer, Protein-based Cofactor Formation, and Antibiotic Activation 

Barton, Callie (2022-12-09)
Catalase-peroxidase (KatG) is a heme-dependent enzyme that uses a single active for the degradation of H2O2 by two distinct mechanisms. One is a catalase mechanism where two equivalents of H2O2 are disproportionated with ...

Catalyst Design for Methane to Methanol Transformation via C-H Bond Activation using Transition Metal Oxide Dications 

Claveau, Emily E. (2023-07-27)
The push towards greener energy solutions has been a focus for society in the last several decades, due to the need for cleaner industrial processes. One elusive process that draws the focus of several groups is methane ...

Catalytic Mechanism of a Flavin-Dependent Alkanesulfonate Monoxygenase from Escherichia coli 

Zhan, Xuanzhi (2008-08-15)
The flavin-dependent alkanesulfonate monooxygenase (SsuD) catalyzes the oxidation of alkanesulfonate to aldehyde and sulfite in the presence of O2 and FMNH2 provided by an FMN reductase (SsuE). The goal of these studies ...