Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 8468-8487 of 9368
Tableware Design according to the Physical Environment
Food and water are the most essential things in our daily life. We eat and drink several times a day, which means we use tableware several times through the day. People either eat at home or dine out with friends or families. ...
Tabular Priority Control Design: An Automated Transcription Comparison Framework for Phonetics
Phonetics is the study and systematic classification of speech sounds. It is a discipline of linguistics that deals with the science of sound production, transmission, and reception by humans. Phonetic transcription is the ...
Tackling disease and denials: The image repair strategies of the National Football League’s response to CTE and concussions
This study discusses the National Football League’s (NFL) response campaign to concussions and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) primarily focusing on the response during the tenure of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. ...
Tag line tracking and Cardiac Motion Modeling from Tagged MRI
Magnetic resonance (MR) tagging magnetically labels specified regions of the myocardium, which appear in the MR images with a spatially encoded pattern of dark stripes called tag lines. The deformation of these tag lines ...
Taking the Stand: Theodore Bilbo's 1946 Senate Hearing and the Complexities of Mississippi's Post-War Civil Rights Struggle
In the spring of 1946 Theodore Bilbo, campaigning for his second term as United
States Senator, called on every “Red-blooded Anglo–Saxon male” in Mississippi to use
whatever means necessary to keep African Americans from ...
A Tale of Two Anemone Shrimps: Predation Pressure and Mimicry in a Marine Cleaning Mutualism
For mutualistic relationships between different organisms, coloration and behavior can be used to indicate the ability to provide a service. These visual signals allow other organisms to mimic them to gain their benefits ...
A Tale of Two Markets: the People and Culture of American Flea Markets
This thesis explores the people and culture of American flea markets from roughly the 1880s through the present day. American flea markets started in the late nineteenth century by newly arrived immigrants who utilized ...
A Tale of Two Occupations: A Comparative Examination of the Occupation Policies of the U.S. and the Soviet Union in Post-War Germany
At the end of World War II, Germany lay in ruins. The Wehrmacht had inflicted horrific levels of death and destruction on numerous European countries, only to have the war end with an utterly defeated, destroyed, and ...
Talking Games: An Empirical Study of Speech-based Cursor Control Mechanisms
This document describes a study of speech-based cursor control mechanisms along with a new proposed approach called NameTags. This research is intended to provide empirical user data to inform the design of future systems ...
Taming the Scientific Big Data with Flexible Organizations for Exascale Computing
The last five years of supercomputers has evolved at an unprecedented rate as High Performance Computing (HPC) continue to progress towards exascale computing in 2018. These systems enable scientists to simulate scientific ...
Tapered Grain Geometry and Statistical Learning for Solid Rocket Motor Simulation
This thesis investigates applying statistical learning techniques to a tapered grain solid rocket motor simulation. Tapered grain solid rocket motors (SRMs) have application in both defense and space industries. Tapered ...
Target Reliability Analysis for Structures
Structural performance depends on load and resistance parameters, in particular magnitude and frequency of load components and their combinations, strength of materials, modulus of elasticity, dimensions, rate of deterioration, ...
Target Site Resistance Mechanism of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase Inhibiting Herbicides in Eleusine indica
Goosegrass is considered as one of the five most troublesome weeds in the world. Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) with two isoforms, chloroplast targeted (PPO1) and mitochondrial targeted (PPO2), is a step in the biosynthesis ...
Targeted Gene Expression Profiling in Beef Cattle under Finishing Conditions in the South Eastern United States: Identification of regulatory factors involved in metabolic efficiency, energy partitioning, and intramuscular fat deposition
Three studies were conducted in order to examine the molecular events associated with metabolic efficiency in specific skeletal muscle and adipose tissue depots in finishing beef cattle. In the first study a total of 15 ...
Targeted Gene Insertion and the Effect of Random Insertion of the Masou Salmon Delta5-Desaturase Transgene on n-3 Fatty Acid Production and Culture Traits of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) is one of the most abundant catfish species in North America. The objectives of this study were to determine the effectiveness of the Masou salmon delta5-desaturase transgene driven ...
Targeting Neuroinflammation as a Therapeutic Approach in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder and the most common form of dementia that affects people in their middle age, in the case of familial cases, and the elderly causing significant losses to ...
Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Revision of the Family Chiasmodontidae (Perciformes: Acanthomorpha)
The family Chiasmodontidae, commonly known as swallowers, comprises four genera and 33 species distributed in the meso and bathypelagic regions of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Southern Oceans. The species of Chiasmodon ...
Taxonomic Profiling of the Lumen and Epimural Surface of the Duodenum, Rumen and Ileum Using a Cannulated Bovine Model
The gut microbiome provides important metabolic functions for the host animal. Bacterial dysbiosis as a result of bacterial, viral, and parasitic gastrointestinal infections can adversely affect the metabolism, productivity, ...
Taxonomy and phylogenetics of fish blood flukes using morphology, life history, and molecular markers
Fish blood flukes (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) are of rapidly progressing and emerging interest to ecology and evolutionary biologists because some lineages may have coevolved with the major lineages of non-tetrapod vertebrates ...
Taxonomy and Systematics of Early Lineage Fish Blood Flukes (Digenea: Aporocotylidae)
The monophyletic fish blood flukes (Platyhelminthes: Digenea: Aporocotylidae Odhner, 1912) comprise ~166 species assigned to 40 genera infecting freshwater, marine, and estuarine fishes. They are occasional pathogens of ...